Lesson notes for a walk for a dhow. Summary of the walk at the preschool educational institution “Journey to the kingdom of nature. Progress of a walk in kindergarten

Summary of a walk in the middle group in the first half of the day.

Walking equipment: buckets, spatulas, ball, spider mask, tambourine.

1. Observation of seasonal changes.

Goal: - To form the concept of the change of seasons;

Progress of observation.

During the walk, I invite the children to listen to poems.

“The picture is clear – spring has come”

What's happened? What's the matter?

The sky suddenly turned blue

And the evil colds rushed away...

There are drops and puddles in the yard...

Who is to blame for this?

Well, of course, the month of March!

I ask, what time of year is the poem written about? What month? I explain to the children that March is the first month of spring. Look guys, there is still snow, the wind is shaking the bare branches of the trees. Everything feels like winter and I can’t believe that winter is already behind me. And spring is still approaching. Guys, look and tell me.

What signs of spring have you seen?

What month is it?

What happens to snow in spring?


2. Experience: "Find a thawed patch"

Target: consolidate the properties of snow, observation, development of cognitive processes.

I invite the children to find thawed patches in the area.I ask the children, near which trees did the thawed patches appear? Why? Why are there no thawed patches near the birch? I bring the children to the conclusion: Thawed patches appeared where the sun shines because... It's warmer there than in the shade. Let's check this out guys. Now I will put some snow on the asphalt where the sun is shining and on the asphalt where there is shade and at the end of the walk we will see what happens to the snow. And let's see if snow really melts faster in the sun than in the shade.

After observation, I invite a subgroup of children to collect snow in buckets for watering indoor flowers.

2. Labor activity.

Preparation of melt water for watering indoor plants.

Goal: Formation of environmental culture.

4. Outdoor games.

"Find yourself a mate"

Target : consolidate the rules of the game.

Progress of the game

I tell the children: “Now we will play the game “Find Yourself a Mate.”

I ask the children how to play the game correctly? What words should you say to someone who is left without a partner? “Vanya, Vanya, don’t yawn, quickly choose a pair!”

The tambourine sounds, the children run around the playground, after the words: “Find yourself a partner,” the children line up in pairs. At the request of the children, the game is repeated 2 - 3 times.

"The Spider and the Flies"

Target: consolidate children’s ability to act on a signal, developing self-control.

Progress of the game:

I suggest the children play the game “Spider and Flies”. Using a counting rhyme, we select the leading “spider” - the rest of the children are “Flies”.

After the words “The sun is shining,” the children fly around the playground, basking in the sun; after the words “spider,” the children freeze in place and do not move. At this time, the “spider” walks around, looks for “flies” that have moved, and takes them to his house.

At the request of the children, the game is repeated 2 - 3 times.

5. Individual work.

Development of movements.

With Valera O., Olesya A., Margo V., Emilie B., strengthen the ability to long jump through the game “Jump over the ditch”

Summary of a walk in the middle group.


  1. To develop the ability to reason, draw conclusions about certain patterns and relationships in nature.
  2. Practice forming relative adjectives.
  3. Develop children's speech and creative abilities.
  4. Teach to see the beauty of the world around us and treat it with care.

Equipment: Tambourine, album sheet, felt-tip pens, cut-out pictures.

Preliminary work: Memorizing poems, conversations, reading children's encyclopedias.

Walking progress: Going outside, the children stand in a circle.

Guys, I’ll tell you some riddles now, and when you guess them, you’ll find out what we’ll talk about today. 1. Smooth, not a field, blue, not a sea. (Sky) 2. White sheep are walking across the sky, gathering in flocks, covering the sun (Clouds) You guessed the riddles correctly, we’ll talk about the sky. What can you see in the sky? (Children's answers). That's right, I want to talk to you about a natural phenomenon - clouds. Let's watch them.

Are clouds always the same? (Answers) - How do clouds in sunny weather differ from clouds before rain? - Are the clouds standing still or moving? Yes, clouds not only float across the sky, but also change shape.

Cloud watching

And now each of you will choose any cloud, observe it, and give it a name.

A game: "Magic transformations of clouds" Children imagine themselves as clouds. When the teacher plays the tambourine, they depict the movement of floating clouds across the sky. After two hits of the tambourine, they freeze in poses. The teacher guesses what or who they depicted.

Educator: So what are clouds? (children's answers) That's right, clouds are accumulations of water vapor or white ice crystals. Let's think about how clouds form? There is a lot of water on earth (in rivers, lakes, seas, oceans). The sun, heating the water, turns it into invisible steam, which rises into the sky.

We draw a diagram of water evaporation.

Playing a pattern

Children depict drops of water. The water is liquid - the children hold hands tightly. They move like a stream. The water evaporates - the children let go of their hands and run in all directions.

Physical education lesson “Rain”

The rain is bouncing along the path,

Like a mischievous boy, (Jumping)

Claps his hands loudly

And from happiness I am not myself. (claps)

Summer rain is always fun.

He is like a good friend to everyone. (Turns, hands on belt)

So the poplar has become green,

It's like brand new. (Hands up, tilts left - right)

Like toys in a store

The houses are clean. (Turns with arm out to the side)

The firmament became blue-blue.

The “bunnies” sparkle in the puddles. (Hands up, flashlights)

And now our cloud meets frost. What happened to the droplets? (Children's answers) That's right, they are cold, they are pressed closely together, they want to warm up. Snow is already falling to the ground. Children are divided into two groups. Each group is given the task “Who can quickly collect a cloud in the shape of an animal (cut-out pictures) and name it. (Sliced ​​pictures are given in the form of blurred contours)

A game“We come up with as many attributes as possible for the word clouds” (Beautiful, light, airy, fluffy…..)

Individual work- draw clouds with sticks on the ground (with chalk on the asphalt)

Outdoor game "Planes"

Goal: to train children in running slowly, the ability to keep their back and head straight while running, maintain distance between each other, and develop spatial orientation. D Children are placed around the teacher in one corner of the playground and squat down. These are planes at the airfield. At the teacher’s signal, the planes take off one after another and fly (slowly) in any direction, trying not to touch each other with their wings (arms extended to the sides). At the signal, the planes come in to land and take their place at the airfield. At the end of the game, the best ones who flew without accidents are celebrated. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Summary of developmental walks in the senior group

“Winter is full of snow…”


Educational: to give children an idea of ​​snow as one of the states of water, to expand and deepen the knowledge and ideas of pupils about the world around them; introduce the water cycle in nature, form elements of scientific knowledge of the world.

Developmental: promote the development of observation, cultivate curiosity.

Progress of the walk

Labor activity

At the site, the teacher offers the children to clear the snow from the paths.


Children stand in a circle and one after another are asked to do physical exercises.


"White, patterned,

Little star,

Fly into my hand

Sit a minute.

The star spun

There's a little bit in the air.

Sat down and melted

On my palm."

(Snowflake )

Watching the snow

Target. Expand children's knowledge about the water cycle in nature.

A lot of snowflakes mean snow. Snow is everywhere. Draw children's attention to the snow cover. Walk around the area and see how beautifully the snow has covered familiar places. Ask what is on the fence, veranda roof? ( Snow)

What kind of snow? (white, cold, sparkling, fluffy, wet, etc.)

Ask the children where the snow comes from. Explain that rain comes from rain clouds in summer. Now it’s winter outside, there are no rain clouds, the weather is cold, frosty. In clouds, steam and small droplets of water freeze and turn into snowflakes; they fall to the ground, forming snowdrifts.

On a windless day, snowflakes fall slowly, you can see their shape; when the wind blows, the snowflakes fly like solid dust, touching each other and other objects. Their rays break off and lose their beautiful shape. In severe frost under a clear sky, needle-shaped crystals fall out.

Problematic question: snow is white, can we say that it is clean?

Invite the children to build a snowman. Will it work out or not? Why?

Experiments with snow

1. Offer to catch a snowflake on a mitten and examine it. Pay attention to the beauty of snowflakes, to the fact that they are not similar to each other. Tell me what kind of snowflake? (light, fluffy, carved, beautiful). Invite the children to remember what a snowflake looks like so that they can draw it from memory in the group.

2. Catch a snowflake in your palm. What happened? (the palm is warm and the snowflake melts and turns into a drop of water).

Conclusion: snow is water in a solid state.

Folk signs

2. Snow sticks to trees - to warmth.

3. The snow underfoot creaks a lot, and voices can be heard far away - it’s getting colder.

4. Sparrows hide in shelters, under the roof - in the cold or blizzard.

Didactic game“Name the extra word and explain your choice”

Rain, dew, ice, fog.

Ice, fog, snow, frost.

Game "Athletes". Children stand in a circle. The teacher with the ball stands in the center of the circle. He starts a sentence and throws the ball to one of the children. The child catches the ball, finishes the sentence and returns the ball to the teacher. For example: “An athlete who skis is (a skier). An athlete who skis is (a skier).

Vocabulary material: figure skater - figure skater, luger - luger, biathlete - biathlete.

Outdoor game “Red Nose Frost”

Two houses are designated on opposite sides of the site, and the players are located in one of them. In the middle of the site stands Frost Red Nose.

Jack Frost:

I am Frost Red Nose.

Which one of you will decide

Set off on a path?


We are not afraid of threats.

And we are not afraid of frost.

After that, they run across the site to another house,

The frost catches up with them and tries to freeze them. The frozen ones remain in place and stand there until the end of the dash. Frost counts how many players were frozen.

When the game is repeated, a new Frost is selected, and he already kills the players at the end, the results are summed up

Which Frost (old or new player) froze more.

Exercise to restore breathing."Blow on a snowflake"

We stretch our palm in one direction or the other, catch snowflakes in our palm and blow them away.


Summary of the target walk

“Winter on the kindergarten site”

in the middle group

Program content:develop in children interest and love for their native nature, introduce them to the first signs of winter, consolidate the ability to observe natural phenomena and establish the simplest connections between them.

Equipment and materials: food for bird feeders, attributes for outdoor play: hats for Frost.

Progress of the walk

Educator. Guys, why is the site completely different today? What is the weather today? How is it different from autumn?(Children's answers.) Listen to the riddle:

In the morning I looked at the light:

The yard is dressed for winter.

I opened the doors wide open,

I look into the garden and can’t believe my eyes.

Hey! Look, miracles -

The skies have fallen!

There was a cloud above us

It turned out to be underfoot.

A. Gunali

– What time of year is the riddle about? That's right, guys, about winter. Listen to a poem about winter.

White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

And in the morning snow

The field turned white

Like a veil

Everything dressed him.

Dark forest, like a hat,

Covered up weird

And fell asleep under her

Strong, unstoppable...

I. Surikov

– It’s a beautiful poem, isn’t it? Let's take a close look at the first white snowflakes, how they spin and slowly fall to the ground. Let's compete to see whose mitten the most snowflakes will fall on!

If you catch a snowflake in your palm, what happens?(Children make sure that snowflakes melt quickly).This happens because snow is made of water. In autumn, instead of snow, it rains, and in winter, due to frost, the raindrops freeze and turn into snowflakes.

Now try with your palm how does snow feel to the touch? That's right, cold.

But for the earth and plants, snow is a real warm blanket. The more snow in winter, the warmer the grasses and shrubs. Snow protects them from severe frosts and snowballs. Let's see how plants sleep under a white fluffy blanket.(The teacher carefully shovels the snow down to the soil and shows the children green blades of grass.)And when spring comes, the snow will melt and the grass will turn green and grow again.

Let's go ahead and see what happened to our trees. Do they have leaves on them?(Children's answers.) That's right, guys, the trees are bare, there is not a single leaf. Tell me, is there a tree that does not change its appearance in autumn and winter?

in winter and in summer one color.

- What is this? That's right, Christmas tree. The street Christmas tree is green all winter, it is not afraid of frost, instead of leaves it has beautiful green needles. Very soon the green Christmas tree will come to us for the holiday. Can you guess which one? That's right, in winter all people celebrate the New Year.

Go to the mountain ash and see what happened to it. There are a lot of beautiful, red berries on the rowan tree. In winter, frost makes these berries very tasty. Birds peck them with pleasure. And here is our feeder. Let's put food in it, the birds will fly and thank us for it. Remember why birds need to be fed in winter.(Children's answers).

Now let's play the Russian folk game "Two Frosts".(The game is first learned in a group).

Game "Two Frosts"

The teacher and the children choose two Frosts.

Frosts: We are two young brothers,

Two Frosts are daring.

I am Frost the Red Nose.

I am Frost - blue nose,

Which one of you will decide

Set off on a path?

Children (together with the teacher):

Frosts don't matter to us!

We are not afraid of the cold!

You, Frosts, don’t yawn,

Catch up with us quickly!

The frosts catch up with the children and take them to the Ice House ( to the veranda ). The game repeats itself.

At the end of the walk, the teacher and the children conclude that winter has come, it has become even colder in winter than in autumn. The leaves fell from the trees and snow fell.

Summary of a walk with children of senior group No. 8

MBDOU No. 154 Nevinnomyssk

Conducted by teacher Ostapenko Lyudmila Tastanbaevna

Priority area according to Federal State Educational Standards. Cognitive development.

Integrated areas. Speech development, Physical development, Artistic and aesthetic development , Social and communicative development.

Target. Organize practical activities for children in nature.

Cognitive development

Deepen and concretize children’s knowledge about trees and shrubs on the territory


Learn to compare common and different features;

Form ideas about the surrounding world, the ability to behave correctly in nature,

desire to study and protect nature;

To cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards nature, the ability to admire beauty

birch, pine, lilac and viburnum bushes;

Introduce children to the sign, develop children’s speech, play, communication;

Physical development.

Ensure physical activity of children;

Preserve and strengthen children's health.

Artistic – aesthetic development.

Continue teaching children to make flowers from waste material (egg cells).

Remote materials: a basin of water, cones for experiment, watering cans for watering flowers in flower beds,

aids for the game “decorate a flowerbed” (flowers from waste material, brushes, gouache, tubes

for cocktails), balls, jump ropes, portable toys for independent games.

Examination of trees and shrubs (birch, pine, lilac bush, viburnum).

Making riddles.

Experiment with cones (sign - the cones close before the rain). Place the pine cones into the basin

Labor in nature (improving flower beds, watering flowers, loosening the soil, removing weeds,

At the end of the walk, the boys are given an order to make a slide in the sandbox).

Hand massage with pine cones.

Creative activity. "Let's decorate the flowerbed."

Outdoor games: “Starling”, “Mousetrap”, round dance game “Carousel”,

“Sharpshooter”, “Jugglers” (starling cap, bell, mouse caps).

Games with portable toys. Independent activity of children.

Progress of the walk.

    Experience with cones. Introduce children to the sign. The cones close before the rain.

Together with the children, place the cones in a bowl of water and see the result after 25 minutes.

P/game "Mousetrap". (repeat 2-3 times).

2. Looking at trees.

Riddles: What kind of girl is this:

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round. (pine, spruce).

Green, not a meadow,

White, not snow,

Curly, but without hair (Birch).

Question: - What do birch and pine have in common? (Children's answers).

How are they different from each other? (Children's answers).

What kind of seeds does birch (pine) have?

Birch, what kind of tree (deciduous).

What is a forest of deciduous trees called? (deciduous forest).

Pine, what tree? (coniferous).

What is a forest of coniferous trees called? (coniferous forest).

Examining a bush of lilac, viburnum.

1 - the child asks a riddle: The branches are white and purple,

Scent all day!

Name it in one word;

This is how (LILAC) blooms.

2 – the child asks a riddle: Who doesn’t know the berries;

Helps against colds

They hang on the bushes

And like poppies they burn:

Only it's not raspberries,

What kind of berry (viburnum).

Question: - How do lilacs and viburnum differ from birch and pine?

What do trees and shrubs have in common?

P/game "Starlings".

The driver is chosen using a counting rhyme. The driver with a bell runs in a circle.

The children say: “The birdhouse sang in the sky,

The bell rang

Frolic in silence.

Hid the song in the grass

The one who finds the song

It will be fun all year long."

Children close their eyes. “Skvorushka” places a bell between two children.

They run races in different directions. Who will be the first to take the bell?

Become a Starling. The game is repeated 2 – 3 times.

3. Work on the site. Invite the children to loosen the soil in the flower beds, pull out the weeds, and water the flowers.

(At the end of the walk, collect the toys and make a slide in the sandbox).

Round dance game “Carousel” Repeat 2-3 times.

See what happened to the cones. (they closed, take the cones out of the water, make

hand massage with pine cones).

4. Creative activity on the theme “Let’s decorate the flowerbed.”

Children paint flower blanks with gouache, insert tubes into the hole,

and decorate the flowerbed with flowers. (use ready-made flowers made by children in advance).

You can make flowers during a walk in subgroups.

P/game “Sharp Shooter” (we divide the children into two teams, whose team will re-roll more

cones into the basket, it won).

M/P game “Jugglers” (take one cone at a time and try to throw it from one hand to another. Now we will find out who is the most dexterous.

5. Games with portable toys.

6. Ind. Slave. Bring out pencils and logical thinking tasks.

A walk is also part of the educational and educational process, the importance of which should not be underestimated. While walking outdoors, it makes sense to devote time to observing natural phenomena and seasonal changes in the world around us.

Each season provides truly inexhaustible opportunities for this. A walk provides wide scope for organizing outdoor games, many of which are hardly feasible indoors. And learning traffic rules on the street is often much more interesting. The successful experience of your colleagues on all these topics is summarized and systematized in this thematic section. Here for you is a real encyclopedia of the best walks.

With MAAM you can turn your walk into a mini-trip!

Includes sections:
  • Ecological trail in kindergarten: projects, activities, excursions
  • Walking to a traffic light: traffic rules, transport, traffic
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 8289.
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