Beautiful breasts with prominent nipples. What are the different shapes of female breasts and nipples? Care and preservation of breast shape

The very existence of breasts raised many questions among men. In 1300, the physician Henri de Mondeville wrote to the king about three reasons placement of the breast in this exact place:

  1. This is how you can see her best.
  2. Breasts warm the heart.
  3. Breast weight helps women maintain abdominal strength.

By 1840, knowledge about breasts was still very limited. Thus, the doctor Asti Cooper said that breasts help women of the lower class to withstand very strong blows in fights (drunken beatings).

Let's figure out what is now known about breasts and nipples and how to properly treat them.

Breast structure

The breast consists of adipose tissue, lobules, milk duct, and Cooper's ligaments. The lobules produce milk, the milk duct delivers it to the nipple, and Cooper's ligaments support the breast and give it shape.

Many women have different breast sizes, and this is normal. Paired organs are not perfectly symmetrical.

Facts about breasts and nipples

1. Nipples may not always be the center of pleasure.

Dr. Debbie Herbenick, author of The Coregasm Workout, says the nipples may not be the most sensitive spot, even on the chest. For example, some people's upper and sides of the chest may be more sensitive, or even the most sensitive on the body.

Dr. Lowe has made a separate video on how to properly touch your breasts. Take a look to understand the scale of missed opportunities.

2. Orgasm from nipple stimulation is possible

Researchers Sex on the brain: What turns women on, mapped out. from Rutgers University used MRI to show that nipple stimulation activates the same nervous system as genital and clitoral stimulation. True, nothing compares to the effect of exposure. Nervous system the same, but the force of influence is different.

So, theoretically, an orgasm from nipple stimulation is possible, but it is still rare.

3. Evolution has neglected male nipples

Women need nipples to remove milk and feed their offspring. But the purpose of male nipples for a long time was the object scientific interest. The fact is that nipples are formed in the womb before the genitals, since men and women are created using the same genetic code.

At 6–7 weeks of pregnancy, a gene on the Y chromosome induces changes that lead to the development of the testes, the organs that produce and store sperm. After about 9 weeks of pregnancy, the testes begin to produce testosterone, changing the genetic activity of cells in the genitals and brain. But by this time the nipples are already formed. Therefore, they remain a rudimentary formation.

Scientists believe that nipples in men have not disappeared over time because it is not important for evolution.

4. Nipples come in different sizes, shapes and colors

Many women worry about the way their nipples look, but you shouldn't. Dark, upside down, big, small, brown, light - this is all the norm. Here is the whole variety of nipples in nature.

Areolas, the colored areas of skin around the nipples, are just as diverse. They can be darker or lighter, very small or large. And areola hair is normal. Throughout life, the amount of hair on them changes. And during pregnancy, nipples and areolas may become larger and darker.

The small bumps on the areola are called areolar glands, or Montgomery glands. They are named after the scientist William Montgomery, who first described them in 1837. They are also sometimes called “gummy bears.” The fact that they exist is normal, but their purpose is unknown.

Elisa Port, chief of breast surgery at Sinai Medical Center, says the areolar glands can secrete small amounts of fluid, but they have no special function. Another school of thought is that because of the texture of the glands, babies may use them to find their way to the nipple. But this is just a guess.

5. Three nipples are not that uncommon

Harry Styles and Mark Wahlberg live with three nipples. Statistics confirm that this anomaly, also called a supernatural nipple, is more common in men. Rates range from 0.22% to 5.6%.

In theory, extra nipples may appear along the milk lines, which start in the armpits on each side and end in the groin.

Usually this is still one extra nipple. But there is a man Seven nipples in a male: World’s second case report. with seven nipples and a man with a nipple on his foot Case report: ectopic nipple on the sole of the foot, an unexplained anomaly..

6. During menstruation, breasts become dense and nipples become hypersensitive.

Dr. Sherry Ros says this is due to an increase in the hormones estrogen and progesterone 1-2 weeks before.

If you are someone who suffers from PMS, your breasts will become firmer, heavier, and more sensitive during your period. The nipples may even be painful when touched by clothing. It's best to avoid caffeine and tobacco during your period, as they can increase these side effects.

7. Implants will not interfere with breastfeeding

Implants are inserted behind the breast or behind a muscle, so breast-feeding they won't have any effect.

But the pleasant sensations from touching will decrease - both in the nipples and in the chest. Even complete loss of sensitivity is possible. Research Nipple-Areola Complex Sensitivity after Primary Breast Augmentation: A Comparison of Periareolar and Inframammary Incision Approaches. They also showed a connection between the size of the implant and sensations: the larger it is, the lower the sensitivity.

Breast reduction can affect feeding, and it is almost impossible to predict - much depends on the operation. If the nipple is displaced during this procedure, the milk ducts will be cut out and breastfeeding will be impossible. However, more and more operations are being done so as not to damage the nerves under the nipple and ensure blood supply.

It is better to warn doctors in advance if you plan to breastfeed in the future. Ask if the operation can be done in a way that preserves the milk ducts.

8. Breastfeeding is harder than it seems

There is a myth about the naturalness and ease of breastfeeding. But in reality everything turns out differently. If you're having problems, don't be afraid to ask your doctors for help or see a lactation specialist.

In addition, breastfeeding has consequences in the form of cracked and bleeding nipples. It's not harmful to your health, but it can be incredibly painful, so you won't want to breastfeed anymore.

During this period, your nipples need to be looked after and moisturized. Consult your doctor and find out which ointment is best for you to use. If the ointment does not help, contact a specialist again. You may have a yeast infection. It is easy to cure, you just need to notice it in time.

Inverted nipples can also interfere with breastfeeding - it will be difficult for the baby to latch on to them. In this case, silicone nipple shields will help. They apply pressure to the areolas and nipples and break the small adhesions that hold the nipple in place.

9. Breast cancer doesn't care about gender

Yes, the ratio is different: every eighth woman and every thousandth man can get breast cancer, but this is not a reason to forget about the problem.

If you feel that your breasts have changed or you feel some kind of lump, be sure to consult a doctor. Watch your nipples. If they peel, become crusty, harden, secrete fluid, or have scratches, go to the hospital. These recommendations are important for both women and men.

Here you can see how to check your breasts:

And also - touch your breasts more often. Research has proven UC Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. that it is not only pleasant, but will also help in the fight against breast cancer.

The body is a physical shell in which you will have to live your whole life. Despite the fact that it is spiritual beauty that has special value, a person constantly tries to change something in his appearance, achieving a standard. But it also happens that you have to experience the metamorphoses of your own body not on your own initiative, but because of natural deficiencies that prevent you from living a full, healthy life.

To one of such characteristic and deeply personal problems concerns the need to decide how to enlarge nipples.

Consequences and causes of small nipples

Nipples that are flattened, reduced in size, or naturally small in size are a symptom of shortened milk ducts. A female or male nipple of this type practically does not rise above the areola, does not harden when pressed, but simply retracts under the skin.

In certain cases sensitivity the small nipple has minimal importance, and it itself does not respond in any way to touch or changes in ambient temperature.

Similar physiological feature, which can be found in almost 10% of the female population of the planet, is difficult to classify as an anomaly, since it in no way interferes with breastfeeding. Of course, if the nipple is very small, and the newborn is simply not able to grasp it with his lips, it is worth thinking about the need to correct this part of the body.

In other cases, the problem of how to increase the size and sensitivity of the nipples is exclusively psychological character, and can be solved through aesthetic, but not through therapeutic medicine.

In addition to the fact that small nipples cause certain difficulties when breastfeeding, there are several other minor inconveniences that you need to get used to. For example, some men have problems with erection and sexual desire if their partners have a similar feature of the breast structure.

The woman begins to have complexes and strives with all her might to please her chosen one. Numerous methods help her with this on how to correct the size and shape of an inverted nipple.

Methods and techniques

Future and established mothers who plan to feed their child with breast milk equally want to make their body ideal and ready for natural feeding. Since demand always generates supply, techniques began to appear one after another, thanks to which an artificially enlarged female inverted or small nipple no longer becomes an unattainable dream.

This area of ​​medicine is constantly being improved and developed, offering the end user more effective and safe methods, which we propose to consider in more detail.

Correction by surgical method under local or general anesthesia requires high professionalism of doctors and a long recovery period, which is difficult to endure alone.

During the procedure, all or some of the milk ducts are cut, allowing the nipple to be “released”. Although such an operation gives the desired result, it completely eliminates the possibility of breastfeeding.

Enlarged or reduced nipples in men and women often lend themselves to a multifunctional and pleasant massage. After several procedures with a medical specialist, you will be able to apply the technique yourself at home, devoting as much time to your studies as you want.

Massage of inverted or small nipples in boys or girls should be done even at puberty, when the breasts respond positively to various manipulations. Even if it does not significantly correct enlarged nipples in girls or boys, the entire breast will become fuller, receptive to caresses and toned in shape.

The corrector cap gives an affirmative answer to the question of whether it is possible to enlarge the nipples without surgery. Due to its novelty, it is not yet possible to evaluate this method on its merits.

At the moment, it is only possible to understand the principle of operation of such a device and its structure. At first glance, the cap resembles an ordinary sewing thimble with a hole cut in the middle. The thimble must be placed on the nipple, and using a syringe, excess air must be pumped out and a vacuum effect must be created.

Such a corrector should be worn for 8 hours a day, and for at least 3-4 months in a row. Despite its apparent harmlessness, you should stop using the cap if it causes pain and discomfort.

Tattooing, which visually corrects such a natural defect, can be considered a purely cosmetic method. Permanent coloring of the peripapillary area is quite similar to correction of the eyebrows, lips or eyelash line, during which colored pigments are used.

This technology does not have any contraindications, although it may cause a lot of unnecessary guesswork and questions for a new sexual partner. But if the tattoo is done with high quality, no one will notice the “fake”.

The main thing is to choose the right shade of pigment and the width of the area where it is applied. You need to prepare for the fact that this is a very painful procedure, which can be compared to ear piercing or piercing.

What causes nipple enlargement

It also happens that the problem is completely the opposite: the nipples become unnaturally large, swell and react painfully to any touch.

One of the most important decorations of the fair sex is the breasts. Girls believe that it is this prominent part of the body that directly influences the desire of men. Various fashion houses and glossy magazines have long imposed certain stereotypes of the ideal female breast. Every day there are articles and advertisements about how to enlarge breasts or change their shape, with the obligatory mention that after the operation a woman’s life will change for the better.

But why follow the lead of marketing campaigns? Every woman is beautiful and unique in her own way, just like her breasts. A well-groomed and confident woman will be able to present a bust of any shape and size with the most the best side and will not leave men indifferent. And our article will help you determine what shapes, parameters and types of female breasts exist, how to choose the right underwear and care for your bust.

What determines breast shape?

Starting from adolescence, breasts go through a lot of changes and only after puberty they acquire their final size and shape.

However, even after this period, these parameters may change for a number of reasons:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • chronic and other breast diseases;
  • playing sports;
  • performing mammoplasty;
  • menopause

But still, the main factors determining the shape of the breast and its size remain hereditary indicators that contribute to the development of the mammary glands in adolescence. Sex hormones also play a very important role. If there is an interruption in their functioning, the growth of the mammary glands may stop or, on the contrary, increase significantly. The subcutaneous layer of fat and the condition of the ligaments, the strength of connective tissues and muscle fitness also determine the shape of the mammary glands.

Main settings

There are several basic parameters used to characterize the mammary glands:

  1. Depending on their location on the chest, breasts can be low or high. But do not confuse sagging breasts with a low rise.
  2. The elasticity and density of the mammary glands also characterizes the shape of the breasts in women. Ideally, the bust should be firm and soft. But during pregnancy and lactation, it may become less elastic or even sluggish. This problem can only be corrected surgically.
  3. Based on the width of the base of the mammary gland, female bust shapes are classified as narrow, medium or wide.
  4. In terms of volume, the chest can be retracted, convex or flat.

Not all girls can boast of perfect breasts.

In many cases, breasts differ from the classic version in their parameters and characteristics:

  1. Conical. Small breast size is most often conical in shape. This shape of a woman’s bust is distinguished by the fact that its base is normal, but higher towards the nipples it becomes cone-shaped.
  2. Asymmetrical. This shape is different in that one breast is larger than the other. Usually such a difference is not significant, the difference is only one size. But if the excess is 2 or more sizes, then the question arises of changing it with the help of a surgeon.
  3. Incomplete. A special shape with a very narrow base. Such mammary glands look elongated and incomplete.
  4. Ball-shaped. Another name for this form is “Omega”. The base of the bust is the same size as the entire mammary gland. This difference is not congenital and can only be present in girls with full breasts.
  5. Low projection shape. The bust of this shape is quite small in size, and the circumference is standard. Thus, there is a discrepancy between the two parameters.

Breast Distance

There are other features that distinguish a woman's bust - the direction of the nipples and the distance between the left and right breasts.

Distinctive features depending on distance:

  • the breasts fit very tightly to each other, the distance is not visible at all;
  • between the right and left mammary glands the distance is 2-3 centimeters;
  • the left and right mammary glands from above are close to each other, and to the bottom - the interval between them diverges, forming a triangle;
  • wide-set bust, a distance of more than 5 centimeters is considered;
  • A mixed situation rarely occurs when the mammary glands are located far from each other and diverge downward in opposite directions.

Nipple directions

Distinctive features of the direction and types of nipples in women:

  • The perfect form is considered when the nipples look clearly straight and have a small areola around them. Some girls even resort to the services of a surgeon to achieve such results;
  • a common feature is when the nipples point in exactly opposite directions;
  • at an older age (after 40 years), the breasts may sag and then the nipples become pointing downwards.

Basic forms

American experts studying mental characteristics personalities, analyzed the physical forms of the girls and made interesting conclusions. It turns out that their breasts can tell a lot about the character of beautiful women. Different shapes female breasts speak of the different temperaments of their owners.

Let's look at what types of women's breasts there are and how it affects a woman's character.


This form is quite rare and is considered the most beautiful breast shape. The most popular of all types of female breasts, which is done in plastic surgery. Lucky women with such a perfect shape are often spoiled by the attention of men, have inflated ambitions and are careerists. Men who are capable of cheating are immediately blacklisted, since these ladies will not tolerate such an attitude towards themselves and will never suffer because of sad love.


Most often, tomboy girls have this type of bust. They are active, friendly, most often involved in active sports and are fond of “male” hobbies. Such girls are always the life of the party and good friends. They don’t need men’s attention, and they often have a lot of mutual love emerges from close friendship. They will be devoted and faithful to their chosen one, and will become a good friend for the child.

Wide set

Girls with this shape are quite sincere and open. They do not take part in women's gossip and intrigue. They can be described as honest, decent and frank. Always ready to help those in need, often to their own detriment. But sometimes they are too straightforward, but not in order to specifically offend anyone, but simply because that is their nature.


Owners of this form have heightened emotional sensitivity to to the outside world. Girls are predisposed to “inflate mountains out of molehills”, make small problems big, and get nervous and worried about this. Such sentimental people often look for a “prince on a white horse” in men, idealizing their partner and taking any troubles to heart. They really value the romantic impulses of their other half, they idolize a man who protects them and shows care. In the future they become loving mothers.


Women with such breasts never fall into despair. From the outside, they seem to have endless energy and optimism, but the truth is that they do not openly show their worries. The same thing happens in society: there are many acquaintances with whom she can have fun, but there may be only a couple of real friends in whom she can completely trust.


Girls are very emotional, with changeable moods that change for no apparent reason. However, these people are creative people with unconventional ideas and original approaches to solving problems. They know how to come up with several ways out at once in current situations.


Other varieties

In different eras of time, there was a standard of female breasts. At some times, a large and magnificent bust was revered, at others, small breasts were especially valued. But one thing remains unchanged - breasts are always the center of male attention and are the adornment of any woman.

Therefore, not only the main types of breasts have been identified, but even original names have been invented:

  1. "Dulki." Exquisite charms of a narrow shape that become wider in the dark nipple area.
  2. "Buds." Breasts are no more than size 2 with a slightly elongated narrow shape and pointed nipples.
  3. "Snowy Hills" Neat, small breasts with light, slightly pointed nipples.
  4. "Water surface" Quite a weighty and soft bust (size 4, 5 or more) with thin skin and veins visible through it.
  5. "Alma mater". The bust is of significant size with low projection and very firm nipples.
  6. "Circe". Perfectly firm breasts, size slightly larger than average, but no more than a size 3, with a brown halo and nipples pointing forward.
  7. "Ripe pears." The mammary glands are large, slightly soft and saggy, with a large nipple and a brown halo.
  8. "Globes". Significant size (4.5 and more) and rounded bust, with a clear prominent nipple, which is whiter at the edge and darker towards the center.
  9. "Kashtanki" Slightly flattened, soft breasts size 3-4 with large and light colored nipples.
  10. "Renaissance". Soft large bust with full top and slightly translucent skin.
  11. "Peach". The name speaks for itself. A lovely variety of female breasts - elastic, large, with delicate light-colored nipples.
  12. "Lady fingers". It is large in size and its shape is similar to the famous grape.
  13. "The eyes of a Turkish woman." Elongated and narrow breasts, with medium-sized nipples looking in different directions.
  14. "African savannah". It has the average size and a clear halo around the nipple, as well as dark skin.
  15. "Sappho." Soft and even slightly flabby breasts, elongated towards the bottom and no more than size 2.
  16. "Chloe." Miniature and regular-shaped breasts with a small and light nipple.

There are many more names for this lovely part. female body. Comparing the bust in shape and size with vegetables and fruits, the following names were born: oranges, cranberries, lemons, melons, watermelons, grapefruits, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, turnips. The most unusual and funny names: handbags, bee stings, hooks, oars, spaniel ears, pointers, saucers, bottles, teapots.

Types of nipples

Women's breasts are unique organ, created by nature to produce milk and feed it to babies. The nipple is precisely responsible for where the accumulated milk will come out. The nipple is surrounded by an areola, which ranges in color from light pink to dark brown. Nipple shapes are: small, medium, large.

There are five types of female nipples based on the degree of protuberance:

  1. Normal nipple. The nipple protrudes significantly from the areola even without stimulation. If you use the latter, then it increases and becomes hard.
  2. Protruding nipple. Appearance the nipple appears slightly swollen due to the fact that the areola around it is slightly raised. When stimulation is applied, the size of the nipple increases.
  3. Inverted nipple. Almost all the time the nipple is inside the areola, but when aroused it can become noticeable.
  4. Flat nipple. It practically does not protrude from the areola and sometimes may not respond to stimulation.
  5. One-sided nipple. Another name is different nipples, when one nipple is convex and the other is not.

How to choose the right underwear

When the question arises about choosing a bra, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • the bra should always be the right size;
  • a bra with thick foam cups is more suitable for those with modest shapes;
  • it is better to buy a bra in the shape of the letter “T” for girls and women with a large bust size and a fallen shape;
  • a bra with a horizontal seam visually makes the bust more rounded.

Choosing underwear depending on breast shape

Different shapes of female breasts also mean wearing different underwear:

  1. "Circe" or classical form. Girls with such an ideal breast shape are suitable for any bra model. When choosing underwear, you can only focus on personal preferences.
  2. "Globe". It is recommended to wear a bra with a jumper, which will be completely adjacent to the breast bone or will have no breast bone at all. In order to raise the bust, it is better to choose a bodice with underwires that reach the middle of the chest; the seams in the cups of the bodice should be stitched. Good choice will become the Plange bra.
  3. "Renaissance". Only requires special attention right choice size.
  4. "Chestnut". Wireless bras with contoured cups, or bodices with a cup sewn from three parts, as well as bodices with a central seam in the lower half are suitable.
  5. "Water surface". The cups of the bodice should be full-sized and have inserts on the sides in order to freely place the breasts in them and direct them forward.
  6. "Alma mater". Models with underwires that smoothly fit the chest and inserts made of thick fabric, to compensate for volume. Minimizing bras are ideal.
  7. "Buds." Bras with contoured cups and extra pads are great for this breast type. Push-up bodices and bandeau bras will be the best choice.
  8. "Sappho." A push-up bodice with bottom and side inserts is best suited to give volume to the bust.
  9. "Chloe." To add volume, bodices with underwires and soft contoured cups are suitable.

Formula for ideal female breasts

Scientists from Italy have discovered the formula for the ideal female bust. To do this, you need to imagine triangle ABC, as shown in the picture. Segment AC - we will consider the base of the triangle, the corners - on the nipples and in the cavity of the collarbone.

The length AC must be divided by 2, then the resulting number is divided by the length of the segment AB and we find out the number of breast parameters. The correct and most beautiful breast shape corresponds to a number from 0.4 to 0.6.

Ideal breast parameter distance:

  • between the nipples there should be from 20 cm to 21 cm;
  • from the navel to the nipple - from 24 cm to 25 cm;
  • the diameter of the base of the chest is from 12 to 13 cm.

Care and preservation of breast shape

Whatever the shape and parameters of the bust, timely care and properly selected underwear can keep it in great shape.

Proper care is as follows:

  1. Cleansing the breast skin with water and soft gel products, gentle peeling;
  2. Wearing the right and comfortable bra;
  3. Performing exercises to strengthen the chest muscle tissue;
  4. The use of creams that improve skin condition;
  5. Carrying out massage;
  6. Protecting breast skin from ultraviolet rays with special means;
  7. Posture and weight control.

Follow these simple rules to maintain and maintain beautiful and firm shape.


You will learn how to tighten your chest muscles to give it a more beautiful shape in our video.

Hello, today we will talk about the integral “decoration” of the female breast - the nipple and areola (NAC). Which form is close to ideal, and which requires correction? Women are quite often dissatisfied with the bust in general and this part of it in particular. So, the types of female nipples, their color and configuration are normal. If this topic interests you, read our article.

NAO zone: main parameters

The nipple-areolar complex is a sensitive, important, functional part of the breast. The SAC is one of the most easily accessible erogenous zones of the female body. And one of the most sensitive. In addition to receiving pleasure, every mother feeds her child with the help of a nipple.

This complex is different:

  • shape;
  • color;
  • areola size;
  • thick.

The complex is represented by a pigmented circle (areola), in the center of which there are protruding natural relatively dense formations (nipples). Its color is determined by the amount of pigment (melanin):

All these are variants of the norm. often depends on the size of the bust as a whole. But it is not absolute indicator. Sometimes girls with neat breasts have a large nipple-areolar complex.

Main types of areolar zone

In addition to the actual shape of the nipple in women, different areas of the SAC are distinguished:

If you suddenly start growing hair around your areolar area, contact your gynecologist. Perhaps your hormones have gone wild.

Main types of nipples

Gynecologists distinguish 5 main types of nipples:

TypeAppearance of the nipple
ConvexSlightly protruding above the surface of the areola
FlatAlmost merging with the areola (not convenient for breastfeeding)
Plump (conical), merging with the areola
or Glass cutters
Large, cylindrical, visually hard nipples. The SAC area looks like a single whole, like a mound above the gland
Inversely convex (concave, retracted)Pulled inward and require correction, therefore making breastfeeding (breastfeeding) unlikely
AsymmetricalOne nipple has one shape (for example, convex), the other can be flat or concave

Additionally, large soft papillae are sometimes distinguished, like chewing gum (Chewy nipples). By thickness:

  • thick (massive with a wide diameter equal to the diameter of a woman’s little finger or a pencil eraser, Gumdrop type);
  • relatively thin with a small base.

By length they are distinguished:

  • short;
  • long (with a large vertical projection).

The difference is clearly visible in the photo. All this is considered a variant of the norm. Only a nipple with reverse convexity (inverted) requires intervention. Because feeding is impossible with such an anatomy.

A doctor’s consultation is needed if the shape of a woman’s nipple suddenly changes and becomes retracted (this may be a sign of cancer) or if hairs around the areola actively begin to emerge. With active hair growth in the SAH area, there is a risk of disruption hormonal levels. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

However, women can adjust the shape and color of the SAC as desired by contacting. Many people do just that, “ordering” a heart-shaped areola or reducing the length of the nipple.

In a normal state, up to 25 milk ducts open on the surface of the nipple, connected to each other by strands of connective tissue that are attached to the deeper part of the mammary gland. When the threads of connective tissue are too short, the nipple is pulled into the breast.

This feature of breast development is relatively rare (approximately 10% of women), causing both a feeling of aesthetic and psychological discomfort and functional problems during breastfeeding (it is difficult for the child to grasp and hold the breast with his mouth while sucking).

In addition, inverted nipples can cause the development of maceration (swelling) of the areola and the accumulation of fat and foreign particles in the nipple cavity, causing inflammatory processes.

In some cases, an inverted nipple may be a symptom of a more serious breast problem, such as a tumor (including breast cancer).

Thus, an examination by a doctor for this problem must be completed, even if this feature breast development and does not cause much concern.

Causes of inverted nipples

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Pathologies of development of the genital organs (underdevelopment and hypofunction)
  • Insufficient development of the milky streams
  • Wearing a tight bra for a long time

  • Certain breast conditions (such as tumors)

The problem is diagnosed quite easily by visual inspection.

Types of inverted nipples

Modern plastic surgery There are two types of inverted nipples:

  • Hiding - easily pulled out during breastfeeding or physical stimulation.
  • Tightly inverted (retracted) – never protruding beyond the level of the areola. They are the ones that entail unpleasant functional consequences.

In some cases (about 50%), inverted nipples can take on a protruding position during breastfeeding. In other cases, correction of inverted nipples may be required.

Treatment of inverted nipples can be done surgically or without surgery.

Non-surgical treatment

In this case, to pull out the nipples, a special vacuum nozzle in the form of a cup is used, which is fixed on the chest with a bandage after the air is pumped out from inside the nozzle.

The vacuum attachment is worn throughout the day, periodically removed for routine examination of the breast for irritation and cracks.

Vacuum attachments for inverted nipples

The course of treatment lasts several weeks, during which the threads of connective tissue lengthen, allowing the nipple to stretch forward and protrude above the areola.

This method is most effective for hidden nipples, or for tightly inverted nipples in the preoperative period.


A radical way using plastic surgery.

Before the operation, in consultation with a doctor, you need to decide whether breastfeeding is planned in the future or not. This is a very important point that determines the choice of surgical technique and its results.

Actually Plastic surgery for the correction of inverted nipples is a relatively small surgical intervention which can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia.

Inverted nipples: before and after surgical treatment

When if breastfeeding is not planned in the future, the connective tissue holding the nipple is cut, which leads to the release of the nipple. At the same time, the milk ducts are dissected, which makes breastfeeding impossible after surgery.

When if breastfeeding is planned in the future, a more painstaking microsurgical correction of the nipple is performed through a small incision (about 1 cm) at the base of the areola using a microscope. In this case, only the connective tissues that pull the nipple inward are cut, and the integrity of the milk ducts is preserved.

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