Crisis in the Kremlin, collapse of the empire. Crisis in the Kremlin. Experience of mass political work

Crisis in the Kremlin. The profession is honorable and respected.

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Hurray, comrades! Thanks to the united actions of citizens from the Russian studio Kremlingames we can confidently praise the domestic gaming industry! Project "Crisis in the Kremlin" will allow you to gain extensive and varied experience in political work. It was released in March on the capitalist digital service Steam, so forward to great achievements!

But seriously, Crisis in the Kremlin really turned out to be a very original game, where you can really spend many hours. Luckily there is something to do here.

An unforgettable page of history

“The crisis in the Kremlin” will allow the ordinary citizen to feel the full weight of the burden and responsibility of the leader of the people. The game will offer you several options for the development of events at the very beginning. In the start menu, in the settings tab, you can select the difficulty level. Do you want to build a utopian future, are you ready to hold back the fierce onslaught of the West and the opposition, or do you like the state of affairs and finances in the pre-war state? All in your hands!

Or maybe you like the figure of a certain politician? Maybe you always wanted to understand what it was like for Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev as head of state or what would have happened if he had taken the post Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU Grigory Vasilyevich Romanov? Then Crisis in the Kremlin is exactly the game you've been dreaming of. Your desire to control the fate of the great USSR will be completely satisfied, and you will enjoy full power in the most powerful superpower on the planet.

Are you unhappy with the party's policies? The authors of “Crisis in the Kremlin” foresaw this too. Without any problems, you can create a general secretary in your own image and likeness, instill in him the desired line of behavior and endow him with your strength of character.

However, don't expect everything to be easy. All the power will be under your leadership Soviet army, all the insight and secrecy of the KGB, all the political, scientific and production capabilities, and it’s easy to make a mistake and make the wrong decision. The West is just waiting for you to show weakness.

Oil prices are falling, the Union republics are threatening to secede, the Americans are announcing new missile developments, and an endless bloody war is raging in Afghanistan. Together with your country, you will experience its moments of glory and numerous crises.

Everything depends on your decisions in Crisis in the Kremlin. You can make every victory public, or you can hide scientific breakthroughs from the public. Take, for example, the landmark landing of the first man on Mars. Is it worth announcing this to the press in order to crush American space ambitions into dust? Or hold back the information to focus on exploring the Red Planet without NATO oversight?

Your momentary political decisions will come back to haunt you months and even years into your reign. Introduce democratic elections, and in a few years, in the midst of a crisis, it may cost you your job. This is what Crisis in the Kremlin is all about.

Experience of mass political work

But accepting important government decisions- that's not so bad. Apparently, the creators sincerely believe that the main thing in their game is variety and attention to detail. You not only have to leaf through documents from a folder with important reports, but also manage the treasury, manage ministries, appoint people to ministerial positions, determine the political course of the country and even select the frequency on the radio.

You are free to invest the entire state budget in the political race, as well as eliminate and bribe competitors, but be prepared to face an educational and production crisis. Chasing scientific achievements, you will inevitably abandon domestic politics and will not notice how the opposition begins to storm the Kremlin. A wise leader always thinks several steps ahead, remember this.

The game does not limit you in anything! Lead the country with your political course or experiment by observing the reaction of the state and the world community to threats to the United States with nuclear war. Fight terrorism in Pakistan or fund subversion in America. Destroy the Soviet Union a dozen times, and then do it again. In the end, bring the Trotskyists to power and bring about a nuclear apocalypse. And if someone protests, provide “military support” and deal with those who disagree.

By the way, there are a great many methods of dealing with the opposition. You can roll out the rebels on tracks or intimidate them with a regular army, or you can send the KGB to storm the opposition headquarters or try, citing your political authority, to settle the matter peacefully.

In the fight for lasting peace

Surprisingly, you don't need a big budget to create an addictive political strategy. Yes, “Crisis in the Kremlin” can be intimidating with its graphics, but that’s not the point. More importantly, Kremlingames, with all the variety of crazy game situations, really turned out to be an exciting strategy.

Thus, “Crisis in the Kremlin” proves that a rotary telephone, a globe and a calculator are enough to govern the state. And this is not a joke - it all really works, and it works great. You will be quite surprised when you discover that behind the wall of humor there is some good gameplay hiding.

This game is simple and clear examples explains how difficult it is to govern a country and how easy it is to destroy a huge state with your own hands, due to your own stupidity or short-sightedness. The “Crisis in the Kremlin” at first relaxes with unlimited power, and then, at every opportunity, it reminds of the mistakes made with the next crisis or a suddenly flared-up war.

“Crisis in the Kremlin” is one of the most interesting Russian projects of recent times. And even a comparison with a relatively good The Wild Eight it holds up with dignity, because we’ve already seen enough of isometric “survival” games, as well as “survival” games in general, but boasting to the United States of the first ever Moon base or creating a Soviet segment of the Internet is not possible in every game.

Crisis in the Kremlin is something of a mixture of simulation and strategy, where you will need to go back in time and try to rewrite the history of the Soviet Union by making changes to some key points

According to the plot you will control Soviet Union, sitting directly in the Kremlin. Your task is to experiment on the topic “What would happen if...”. In other words, you will be rewriting history by making certain changes to it. You will have to decide who will rule the USSR, how the state's economy will develop, what form of government will be chosen, and what needs to change in order for people to live better than they live now.

In Crisis in the Kremlin you will have an incredible number of different tools at your disposal. But your most important tool is making decisions at key moments. For example, some event may happen in the world, to which the governments of all countries of the world react - you will need to decide what position you will take in this event. For example, you can support Western countries and condemn this or that event in another country, or refrain from reacting, or take any action at all.

Likewise, you will have to make important decisions within the country. For example, instead of banning alcohol, you can raise prices for it, which in turn will affect further development events. He can put someone else in Gorbachev’s place and trust him political plans, or you can even follow the advisers’ lead. There are many options.

But don’t forget about the main issues: you will have to engage in politics and diplomacy, fight corruption, increase gold and foreign exchange reserves, develop, communicate with politicians of other countries and do much more. What will you do? Will you destroy the USSR, or, on the contrary, create an empire with a dictatorial form of government? You decide!
Here you can download Crisis in the Kremlin torrent latest version free on your computer.

Add-ons (DLC):
- The Accident
- Homeland of the Revolution System requirements
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 (64 bits)
Processor: SSE2 instruction set support
Video card: DX9 (shader model 3.0)
Disk space: 1.52 GB

Released: 2017
Genre: strategy, simulation, indie
Developer: Kremlingames
Type: Repack
Version: v31.01.20 - full version(Last) + 2 DLC
Interface language: Russian, English
Tablet: Sewn in (PLAZA)

All Russian citizens have an ambiguous attitude towards the USSR. Some have nostalgia and warm feelings, others vaguely remember “643” with a ballpoint pen on the palm of their hand, a 3-hour queue on the street at -30 C and empty shelves when they still managed to break into the store. But be that as it may, the historical period is extremely important. Therefore, it is not surprising that a fairly serious game was dedicated to him. Moreover, at a very interesting junction of genres: geopolitical strategy and... text quest.

Before talking about the gameplay itself, we can’t help but dwell on the visual aspect. Just look at this awesome picture! No, we do not criticize, but admire, and sincerely, without sarcasm. You could, of course, try too hard and produce something similar to Europa Universalis or Crusader Kings II - but why? After all, a Soviet entertainment program for a computer should look like crap - like any consumer product in the USSR. This is not a nuclear missile or a tank: there is no need to impress strangers, but your own people will be killed anyway.

Let's go into the game and create a new general secretary. We set several parameters, mainly related to the conservatism of the government and how totalitarian the system should be. Depending on the chosen combination, “Crisis in the Kremlin” itself tells you who you get: Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, or maybe even Leiba Davidovich Bronstein (better known as Trotsky).

Your task is not only to prevent the collapse of the USSR, but also not to hit the dome with an ice ax yourself. However, first things first. You find yourself in a terry cabinet. On the table there is a folder with documents, a “curulator” and a red rotary telephone. There is a world map on the wall. All of the above are your main instruments of power. This is, so to speak, the power, the scepter and the cap of the monomach of the CPSU.

Finding yourself at a massive oak table (probably Czech - in the USSR they completely forgot how to make furniture), remember: the credit of trust given to you Communist Party, is not infinite. If you do not live up to the hopes of high-ranking Comrades (it would be better to call them gentlemen, but all the gentlemen were allegedly put against the wall in 1917), you will quickly be removed at one of the next congresses of the CPSU.

But there are also military and intelligence services. If you get carried away by this rotten Western liberalism and become an excessive pacifist, the generals and KGB officers will quickly remind you where your place is. Even the rotten intelligentsia, which in the same 1917 was not crushed by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, is capable of its “ soft power“give you a newfangled impeachment. In general, there are enough headaches even in terms of simply staying in power.

At the same time, we must still try to revive the neglected economy. Remember the calculator and the phone? Balancing the budget, calls to the Ministry of Finance, major economic decisions that directly affect the country - it’s all on you. There is no talk of prosperity here (very realistically in relation to the USSR) - as long as famine does not come to pass. Because then everyone will go crazy: from party members and the KGB to the liberal intelligentsia and the common people.

We’ve only figured out our own country a little, but there’s still this stupid map of the world hanging on the wall, it’s an eyesore. It’s annoying that only one sixth of the land (well, China with its Great Helmsman) is red, and the remaining 5/6 dare to wear stars, stripes, maple leaves, tricolors and all sorts of other rubbish.

We must fight for the global establishment of the correct ideology. Where to send a diplomatic mission, and where to send the Red Army. Conflicts are resolved automatically and depend on the number of troops: a strategic multi-move game, like in Europa Universalis, cannot be played here. Well, that’s right, otherwise too complex conflicts would distract from the main and most interesting part of the game.

The folder with cases in the center of the table is the text quest that we mentioned at the very beginning. Almost every day, interesting events occur in the life of the Secretary General, which you can personally influence by choosing one of the three or four proposed options for action. There is a whole sea of ​​these events in Crisis in the Kremlin. Moreover, all of them are either realistic or completely copied from real ones.

For example, a serious incident at a nuclear power plant. What to do? Honestly admit the existence of a disaster and spend colossal amounts of money to eliminate the consequences? Or should we hush up this story and drive out the Chernobyl pioneers on May Day wearing only shorts (with a fucking cloud of micro-X-rays in the background) - they say, nothing happened? The choice is yours. Either a terrible blow to the economy or reputation.

Or, say, the notorious Afghan issue. If you keep the contingent in the country too long, then the Soviet citizens will get tired, and relations with America will deteriorate completely. At the same time, it is also impossible to withdraw troops too early: even before any ISIS (*banned in the Russian Federation), the Caliphate will be formed in the 80s and will begin to organize terrorist attacks around the world.

There are also “funny” moments. For example, Gorbachev’s anti-alcohol campaign - it can be carried out in your own way. Instead of complete ban We are raising prices for alcoholic drinks. Popular discontent, as it was in real life, is getting stronger - but at least money is flowing into the state treasury. Or, for example, the cult of computers. Yes, indeed: there was one in the USSR, but then the workers and peasants strangled him. You can, in defiance of the proletariat, spend impressive amounts of money on this, but then you won’t have to buy computers from the damned IBM.

The Cuban question, “Kuzka’s mother”, corn, de-Stalinization, leaderism, the thaw - everything that you remember (or know) about the USSR is present here. Well, at a certain moment a certain brilliant frame appears on the internal stage. Young, promising, from the provinces - everything the Party likes. And his name is Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin. We think many people still remember (or know) about Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Well, you need to prevent this!

Overall, the game is quite specific, but history buffs will find it interesting. You can be the last leader (or new hope) of the USSR on Steam for only 229 rubles. Don't push, comrades: electronic copies are not sausage. There's enough for everyone!

Description: The fourth part of the game basics guide looks at ways to achieve victory.

Part 4 - how to win?

In the previous three parts of the guide, we looked at foreign and domestic policies, as well as economics. Now it's time to look at ways to win the game.

4. How to win?

There are several ways to win the game “Crisis in the Kremlin”:

  • Survive to the end of the game(1995), preserving the Soviet Union.
  • Achieve the collapse of NATO and defeat the United States in the geopolitical confrontation.
  • Destroy the capitalist world with an atomic strike(so-called “nuclear victory”).
  • Reach communism(complete transition to OGAS).
  • Carry out a successful restructuring(successfully liberalize all three policies and introduce a high level of Freedoms).
  • Create the Zemshara Soviet Republic(unite the whole world under the Red Banner and reach communism).

Let's look at these six options in more detail.

I. Peaceful victory.

To achieve this victory, all you need to do is preserve the USSR (including, as an option, a reduced form is allowed) until the beginning of 1996.

The most important condition is that the state-forming republic - the RSFSR - as well as Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and 2-3 more republics must remain in the Union. Or, returning Crimea and Transnistria to the USSR, preserve them + the 5 above-mentioned republics.

To achieve this victory, it is necessary to suppress separatism, prevent foreign agents from working against the USSR, strengthening the KGB, improve the well-being of the people, the strength of the economy and the power of the SA. It is also very desirable not to abandon the socialist camp, but also to strengthen it and strengthen the CMEA (now, the number of countries in it directly affects foreign trade, which is correct).

At the same time, it is also necessary to prevent overflow Cold War in the heat of the moment - to restrain the USA and China, preventing them from carrying out subversive actions against the USSR and the countries of the socialist camp.

Peaceful victory is the easiest way to win and is very suitable for those new to the game.

II. Victory over NATO and the USA in the Cold War.

I’ll warn you right away - this is a very difficult and costly path, but if successful, it is completely justified, because it will make it possible to turn the USSR into a world hegemon and remove the United States from the list of superpowers.

Before you start it, make sure that your budget income exceeds 50-70 points, because... the costs will be large.

Part 1 - US withdrawal from NATO.

So, at the beginning of the game, the geopolitical competitor of the USSR - the USA - and NATO, led by them, are successfully opposing the Eastern Bloc, led by the Soviet Union. The President of the United States is an ardent opponent of communism, Ronald Reagan, who even under Andropov called the USSR an “evil empire.” The American army, in its strength, is not inferior to the SA, and NATO forces are superior to the forces of the Internal Affairs Directorate. In addition, on the other hand, the United States is actively trying to win China over to its side.

The United States will negatively perceive any encroachment on its plan for world domination and attempts by the USSR to tip the balance of power in its favor. Any similar actions in events and on the map will lead to a decline in relations, especially if they relate to the sphere of American influence - free trade with France, support for the left in South Africa, financing of terrorism in the USA, protests against SDI. And protecting Panama from an American invasion or destroying terrorists in Pakistan is guaranteed to lower relations below 0. Also, the United States will negatively perceive the tightening of the regime in the USSR, the fight against the opposition and aggressive actions on the Diplomatic map. The United States will perceive positively the liberalization of the regime and attempts to come to an agreement with them in events.

It would seem almost impossible to defeat them. However, it is possible.

Click on the map of the USSR hanging in the office (to the left of the window) and scroll through the statistics to the military unit (where information about the SA is located in the center). At the top right there will be three US indicators - Army, Economy and People's Satisfaction.

To defeat the USA, it is necessary that all of them fall to 0, or even lower.

How to achieve this:

  • We invest in the financing of terrorism in the USA(selected on the world map). For this it is necessary that the majority in the Armed Forces be Trotskyists/Stalinists. Receiving money, weapons and advisers from the KGB, all kinds of left- and right-wing radical organizations will begin to organize terrorist attacks and raise the crime rate, thereby undermining Contentment and the Economy. However, they will not cause any damage to the Army, but in response, the Americans will begin to tighten the screws, strengthening its power. But this option is necessary - without it, victory cannot be achieved.
  • We appoint Pyotr Ivashutin as head of the GRU- an ardent opponent of the West. He will strengthen the work military intelligence against the USA, and US indicators will begin to fall (including the Army). However, this is costly, so check your debits and credits.
  • We are expanding the Department of Internal Affairs and CMEA as much as possible. Each country that joins either of the two pro-Soviet organizations deals a blow to American performance. True, before the fall of the United States, only China can be accepted into the Warsaw Warsaw (but this will also be a strong blow for the enemy), but in the CMEA there are quite a considerable number of countries, each of which will deal a constant blow to the United States and improve your trade performance.

    Let me remind you which countries, before the fall of the United States, could be included in the CMEA:

  • Maximum expansion of the Soviet sphere of influence in the “third world”, organizing revolutions and sponsoring pro-Soviet regimes. This also hits the United States, although it is weaker than the country’s entry into the CMEA.
  • We are minimizing the American sphere of influence in the Third World., sponsoring pro-Soviet regimes and organizing revolutions. The fact is that as soon as the United States starts having problems, it will use the resources of its satellites to raise its own indicators. We don't need this.
  • Achieve entry into the Warsaw and CMEA of China- this will be a very strong blow to the United States. The success of the Soviet space program, as well as the signing and compliance by the USSR of the chemical ban treaty, will greatly help in this. weapons. The problem is that China is not in the mood to be friends, and is also very sensitive to Soviet interference in the affairs of Southeast Asia. We will have to look for compromise solutions - for example, postponing the start of the war for Kashmir until China joins the Eastern Bloc. At the same time, if the USSR-China alliance is restored, the provocations of the Chinese in the Far East will stop.
  • Convince France to leave NATO- for this it is necessary to sponsor the Gaullists and ensure their rise to power.
  • Carry out the Soviet Lunar and Mars programs, as well as a joint Soviet-Chinese expedition to the Moon (selected by event with friendship with China). This also hits the US hard.

After all this, if everything is done correctly, all US indicators should fall to 0, and there will be a comprehensive crisis that will lead to extraordinary presidential elections. There will be two candidates - Donald Trump and Ron Paul. Of course, the KGB forces can intervene in their progress and support one of them.

Donald Trump will put forward the slogan “Make America Great Again!”, and, if he wins (by the way, if he wins, their system will change to “Authoritarianism”), he will try to implement it. All indicators will increase to 3 points, and the United States will try to restore its former greatness. Needless to say, we don’t need this. As soon as you bring the indicators down to 0 again, the United States will go into isolation, leave NATO, and stop interfering in the affairs of the world. Then a wide range of influence on NATO will open up (more on this below).

Ron Paul, in turn, will immediately set the goal of the United States leaving NATO and stopping its interference in world affairs. You can agree on this with him by changing the foreign policy doctrine at the Foreign Ministry to “Coexistence” or softer.

Part 2 - the liquidation of NATO.

With the withdrawal of the United States, the opportunity will open up to tear apart this bloc, hostile to us, and change the regimes there to pro-Soviet ones. The North Atlantic Alliance is being liquidated step by step.

First, it is necessary to withdraw all European countries from there. For this purpose, we finance local communist parties. As soon as the strength of the communist parties increases, re-elections will begin there, in which they will come to power. After this, it will be possible to withdraw these countries from NATO and include them in the CMEA and Warsaw Wars.

As soon as Western Europe enters the Soviet sphere of influence, it will be Britain's turn. There the Labor party will go on the offensive, which, upon coming to power, will withdraw Britain from NATO and thereby put an end to the North Atlantic Alliance - a coup will occur in Turkey, and Canada will leave itself.

Part 3 - the fall of the USA.

Now you have a respite - from a month to three years. Then the United States, with the support of England and France, will try to take revenge for the defeat and create the ADKB. About his defeat - in a separate guide.

After that, you just need to play until the end of the game.

III. Nuclear victory.

If Trotskyists/liberals predominate in your Armed Forces, then when the Americans increase DEFCON again, the option of launching a nuclear strike on the United States will be available.

If successful, you will be credited with a “nuclear victory” - the entire population of the USSR will be relocated to underground bunkers, communicating with each other via telephone, and NATO and the USA will be completely destroyed. Everything higher will be turned into a nuclear desert, and will no longer be suitable for habitation.

To succeed, you need to upgrade all army technologies, be sure to the Atom branch, maintain good relations with the leadership of the SA and KGB, have a large number of missiles (can be seen on the statistics panel) and almost full (almost all squares) combat effectiveness.

IV. Victory by communism.

This path opens if you have fully upgraded the automation branch and created OGAS. After which it is necessary to begin reducing the bureaucratic apparatus, replacing it with elements of OGAS (in the event). Automation will be introduced for approximately two years. When your advisor suggests making changes to the work of OGAS, refuse.

Now get ready for the test. Groups of the Soviet elite angry at the transition to OGAS will make three attempts to overthrow you! I advise you in advance to enlist the support of the army and the KGB, investing more in providing soldiers and security officers, as well as choosing the highest positions in strengthening the power of the Secretary General and the army.

If you have democratized relations within the Department of Internal Affairs (switched to doctrines below “Total Control”) and included China in it, then you can turn to her for help.

The first attempt will be made by the partocrats - by convening an extraordinary Plenum of the Central Committee, they will accuse you of revisionism and demand your resignation. If you have secured the support of the KGB, then it will disperse this rabble and carry out mass arrests of the dissatisfied. You can also set the people (if the Loyalty of the republics is above 100) or the army against the bureaucrats.

Then military units led by rebel generals will come for your souls - surrounding Red Square, they, threatening to use weapons, will demand your resignation. Their plans include creating a “new Soviet man"and limiting the functions of OGAS. You can stop them if you are supported by at least some parts of the SA or KGB - by introducing them into Moscow, disarming the rebels and arresting hostile generals. Or, if the conditions are met - ask for help from the Department of Internal Affairs - it will send its units to disarm rebels.

And finally, the KGB will try to overthrow you - dissatisfied security officers want to liquidate OGAS, create a new Communist Party, and return to Andropov’s measures. You can deal with them if the army is on your side - by breaking into the building on Lubyanka, the military will arrest the traitors. Another option is to incite the people against the KGB (if the Loyalty of the republics is above 100) or provoke a split in it, turning some of the security officers against their own bosses (this requires low KGB Strength, but high its Loyalty). This event greatly weakens the KGB, so do not forget to finance its restoration from the putsch.

After this, everyone who is dissatisfied with OGAS will be forced to admit that they were wrong, and a transition to communism will occur - all economic indicators will significantly improve, the loyalty of the population will increase, and corruption and postscripts will disappear as such.

V. Victory by successful Perestroika.

By successful Perestroika, I mean the complete transformation of the country according to the Western model - that is, to get this ending it is necessary to completely liberalize all three policies (external, internal and economic), as well as introduce a high level of Freedoms.

If you intend to start perestroika, don’t even try to follow Gorby’s recipes - you will get the same thing as the real USSR.

Before starting reforms, create an Abalkin commission and make him Second Secretary - at the initial stage you will have to rely on the reformers.

First we need to liberalize foreign policy . Gradually introduce New political thinking and democratize relationships in the police department. Don’t even think about withdrawing military bases from there and leaving Afghanistan! The latter must be pacified at any cost - either suppress the Mujahideen by force, or reconcile the country through negotiations with the moderate opposition. Based on events, choose compromise options.

After the Afghan issue is resolved, begin to introduce liberals into the Armed Forces and put on the second event the replacement of the Second Secretary of their ideologist Yakovlev. Sign a Treaty of Friendship with the United States and establish Cooperation with the CIA.

By this point, Eastern Europe will begin to boil over. Introduce the European Treaty System and manually liberalize all countries - then not pro-American, but pro-Soviet liberals will come to power there, who will agree to preserve the Comecon (but not the Warsaw Warsaw - they will have to say goodbye to the military bloc).

Now the reform can begin domestic policy . First, force the introduction of laws in a referendum and set a 4-hour working day in the Ministry of Finance - people will like it. Now carefully liberalize the doctrines and keep an eye on the Freedoms - they should rise to 6-7 cubes. But under no circumstances let the Liberalization of Minds rise, suppress it with contributions to the State. propaganda.

And only after all this should we liberalize economy. Then the introduction of the market will take place with the least amount of bloodshed, and you will get the end of a successful Perestroika.

VI. Zemsharna Soviet Republic.

The ending of the Earth Soviet Republic finally completes storyline games - you can’t play after it. For it, it is necessary to establish pro-Soviet regimes in all countries of the world, introduce OGAS and make sure that in all republics of the USSR there are no politicians with the “Nationalist” trait in power.

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