Who will win in France in psychics. Macron won the French presidential election. French presidential elections: bookmakers' forecasts

DUSHANBE, December 15 – Sputnik. The famous medieval astrologer and predictor Nostradamus left behind many predictions, some of which relate to the upcoming new year 2017.

The list of possible accomplishments was prepared by Sputnik Estonia.

Forecast for 2017

So, in 2017, according to the vision of Nostradamus, major military actions will continue between representatives of two religions - Christianity and Islam. However, scientists doubt whether this will be a new clash or a continuation and worsening of an existing conflict in the Middle East.

Besides, next year will be marked by an armed conflict between Iran and Turkey, where victory will be on the side of the Iranians.

Speaking about Europe, Nostradamus mentioned the change of leaders in France and Germany. This prediction seems quite convincing, given that both states have scheduled elections for 2017. French presidential elections are scheduled for April-May next year, and parliamentary elections will take place in Germany in August or September.

Distant future

Nostradamus also prepared a number of predictions for the coming centuries. Thus, in his opinion, in 2018 China will become a new world power, and developing countries will improve their positions in the international arena and will move from exploited to exploiters. This is also quite possible to believe, given the pace at which China is developing - today the Chinese economy ranks second in the world after the United States in terms of nominal GDP and first place in terms of GDP at purchasing power parity.

In 2028, humanity will discover a new source of energy. It will probably be a controlled thermonuclear reaction. In addition, Nostradamus foreshadows the launch of a manned spacecraft to the second planet from the Sun - Venus.

Those who live until 2046, according to the predictor, will be able to see with their own eyes how doctors grow any human organs. This method will be actively used in treatment.

In 2066, in the next armed conflict, the United States will use the new kind weapons - climate. There will be a sharp cooling in the region.

In another hundred years, the inhabitants of the Earth will create a colony on Mars and begin to use “energy from nothing,” which may indicate a vacuum or black holes.

Michel de Nostredame was born in 1503 in France. At a rather advanced age by those standards, he published his first predictions in a book called “The Prophecies of Michel Nostradamus.” Subsequently, the book, a collection of quatrains, became the most famous of Nostradamus’s works.

The scientist encrypted and wrote down his prophecies in a mixture of four languages ​​- Latin, Old French, Italian and Greek. The quatrains practically do not indicate any dates, so their order does not correspond to chronology.

Centrist Emmanuel Macron, candidate of the Forward movement, won the first round of the French presidential election.

During the election race, Republican candidate François Fillon and leader of the Defiant France movement Jean-Luc Mélenchon were also favorites. They scored around 20 percent and failed to qualify for the next round.

Now the losing candidates are calling for a vote for Emmanuel Macron in the second round, and French President Francois Hollande has already called him with congratulations.

Korrespondent.net I decided to figure out how the first round went and what to expect from the second.

How did the first round go?

A total of 11 candidates competed for the presidency. The four main contenders represented a variety of political forces in the country - from the ultra-left to the far right.

The turnout for the French presidential election was one of the highest in history, with more than 70 percent voting before 5 p.m.

The results of the first round correspond almost exactly to the latest polls: Macron received 23-24 percent support, Le Pen - about 23 percent.

The ruling Socialist Party's candidate, Benoit Hamon, received six percent of the vote, the Socialists' worst showing in 30 years.

Marine Le Pen called her exit into the second round a historic result and "the first step of the French towards the Elysee Palace" as the outsider National Front party won the most votes with her.

The data shows that Le Pen was supported mainly by the regions. In Paris, only five percent of voters voted for her. Macron received 34.83 percent of the vote in the capital.

The revelation was the marginal Marxist candidate Mélenchon, who finished fourth. Now he is tipped for serious success in the parliamentary elections this summer.

On April 23, unprecedented security measures were taken in France. 50 thousand police officers and gendarmes were involved in ensuring order, and they were assisted by another seven thousand military personnel, who were urgently transferred from units to cities.

The elections, with the exception of a few incidents, passed peacefully. During the day, some areas were evacuated due to suspicious vehicles, but the fears were not confirmed.

Shortly after the publication of the first results, which showed Le Pen's victory, a protest began on the Place de la Bastille, but a few hours later the police dispersed the activists.

In addition, upon learning of their loss, Fillon and Hamon called for preference for the Forward candidate in the second round.

French President François Hollande also supported Macron, congratulating him on his victory by phone, as well as head of government Bernard Cazeneuve, who called for voting for the centrist.

However, Mélenchon, a representative of the far left, spoke out against the winning candidates.

Macron is supported by the majority of European politicians, who call for everything to be done to ensure that “a nationalist does not become president.”

The European currency also reacted positively to the centrist’s victory, reaching a new high against the dollar in almost six months.

Prospects for Macron and Le Pen

Last week, analyst Charles Gave, who predicted Donald Trump's victory, made a forecast for the presidential elections in France.

Gave makes his predictions based on economic indicators and market reactions. According to him, Le Pen's popularity can be explained by the "slow reaction" to the activities of the World Economic Forum.

Marine Le Pen celebrates second round / Getty

“We observed the same trends in the situation with Brexit and Trump, but the markets did not want to believe,” the analyst said in an interview with Bloomberg.

The expert correctly predicted Macron's victory in the first round. However, he claims that Le Pen will win in the second, since only Fillon could resist her.

According to forecasts of other analysts and opinion polls, Macron will easily defeat Le Pen in the second round.

The results of the first round were reminiscent of 2002, when the moderate conservative Jacques Chirac and the head of the National Front, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marin’s father, advanced to the second round. Then Chirac won confidently, gaining almost 82 percent of the vote.

The New York Times writes that the first round showed a categorical rejection of the traditional parties that left France "in a precarious position at a critical moment when French elections could decide the future of the EU."

The Times is confident that the first round was "good news for pro-European centrists" and "bad news for Moscow."

Emmanuel Macron at headquarters after the results were announced / Getty

Politico believes that if "young banker" Macron wins, his election could be interpreted as a reversal of the populist trend that swept the West in 2016.

The Financial Times expects Macron's "coronation", but believes that he will have to negotiate hard to implement his program.

Der Spiegel writes that Macron can then count on a majority in the second round - up to 65 percent. “This would be a majority of almost two-thirds - for common sense,” the publication notes.

Centrist versus nationalist

What Candidates Offer

Marine Le Pen called a populist - appealing to the needs of the masses as opposed to the needs of the elites.

Its program includes the expulsion of illegal migrants and limiting the flow of legal ones, preserving retirement age at 60 years old and a 35-hour work week. The leader of the National Front opposes the policy of multiculturalism.

As for foreign policy, Le Pen opposes the European Union and plans to hold a referendum on France's exit from the EU if she wins. She also wants the franc back.

She sympathizes with Vladimir Putin and recognizes Crimea as Russian. On the eve of the elections, she visited the Kremlin, where she met with the Russian president.

Marine Le Pen at a rally / Getty

“Crimea was Russian, it has always been and is Russian. People there feel Russian, and the majority of them decided that they want to become part of Russia,” Le Pen said.

She considers sanctions against Russia “pointless” because, in her opinion, they cannot solve a single problem.

"All they do is create economic problems for the EU...maybe we should back off, maybe it would be better for the world if we backed off. Only the presidents of the United States and Russia can end the Cold War. Nobody else,” said the leader of the National Front.

She also believes that during the Crimean referendum there was no legitimate government in Ukraine.

“I think that Crimea would not have returned to Russia if Ukraine and the EU had not put so much pressure, demanding to recognize a government that was committed illegally. The EU made a big mistake. Moreover, this government also included very undesirable figures. There there are outright Nazis,” Le Pen believes.

Emmanuel Macron- A 39-year-old political newcomer, he briefly served as France's economy minister. Little is known about him, other than that he is an ardent Europhile and moves easily among the business elite.

Macron says he wants to pursue a completely new policy, while ignoring the traditional opposition between left and right.

His political program combines calls for liberal economic reforms with relatively left-wing promises on social policy.

Emmanuel Macron with migrants in Berlin / Getty

He wants to make it easier for companies to hire and fire workers, lower business taxes and extend the 35-hour work week in France.

Macron also wants to offer unemployment benefits to more people, including private entrepreneurs. In addition, he places an emphasis on education and the need to transition to renewable energy sources. Plans to allocate 50 billion euros for vocational training for small businesses.

He also hopes to get the Franco-German engine going again.

"We need Transatlantic cooperation. But [for France] it means a truly independent policy and recognition as a superpower," says Macron.

New Year's Eve is the time to make various forecasts about the future. The authors of such predictions are guided by objective knowledge, their own ideas about what is good and what is bad, and sometimes they resort to the help of transcendental forces, drawing knowledge from the other world. Polish funds mass media in this sense, they are no exception, and on the eve of taking office in 2017, they decided to familiarize the public with their findings.

So, according to the magazine Newsweek Poland, this year we should not expect great disasters, although there are no good scenarios in sight either. So, in March, the “populist” Freedom Party of Geert Wilders will win the elections in the Netherlands. Early elections will also be held in Italy, where Beppe Grillo will win - less ready to lead the country than even the Kukiz‘15 party in Poland. But this will only be a warm-up. At the beginning of May, Mrs. Le Pen will become President of France. And from now on, the days of the EU can be said to be numbered. Even the fact that German Chancellor Angela Merkel will most likely lead Germany again following the Bundestag elections in August-September will not help - it’s all too late for the EU, which will please Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose influence in the West will still be grow. The victory of Marine Le Pen is decisive in this series of disasters. It will completely change the European balance point.

Those interviewed by the radio station also point to the danger of the head of the National Front of France coming to power. RMF24 experts. The head of the Center for Oriental Studies, Dr. Adam Eberhardt, believes that the victory of Mrs. Le Pen in the presidential election will not just be a complete change in the “rules of the game,” it will have “an absolute impact on the European Union,” not only because the new French president will agree to an agreement with Russia, and, above all, because she wants to “break” the European project. The announcement after the inauguration of a referendum on France's exit from the EU and the victory of opponents of France's presence in the EU is a scenario that cannot be ruled out. The consequences of such a development of events will be incomparably more significant than Brexit or the victory of Donald Trump in the US elections, Eberhardt states. However, his colleague, head of the Polish Institute of International Affairs Slawomir Dembski, is not so pessimistic. He expects Le Pen to win, not in 2017, but five years later. However, populist sentiments will already influence French policy, including relations between Paris and Warsaw. We must not forget, Dembski says, that for a significant part of the European elites, especially in France, the expansion of the European Union to include the states of Central Europe is considered a “political mistake.”

“Of course, the most important two events that concern us in a geopolitical sense are the progressive collapse of the EU and the change of power in the USA,” writes the portal Observator polityczny. For the publication, the milestone of the political crisis in the European Union is the outcome of Brexit. This creates a completely new perspective for understanding national interests and the way Europe thinks about the Union. It is worth remembering that Poland also suffered defeat, having announced a strategic partnership with Great Britain. This is more than just a shot in the foot, it is proof of errors in Warsaw’s understanding of world realities. Another event of global significance is the change of power in the United States. If new president Trump will not share Kennedy's fate, he will become hope for the world, hope for a change in the orientation of the United States. Globalization has its problems, which have so far been swept under the rug by calling people who protested exploitation "blind fanatics" or "communists." Arrival of a new team The White house gives a chance for change. A positive scenario here is the end of the policy of containment in relations with Russia, which creates completely new opportunities - for the United States, Europe and the whole world, because the future of the planet depends on the agreement with the Russian Federation.

Pro-government publications did not dare to judge the future, limiting themselves to summing up the results of the past year. Gazeta Polska Codziennie published the opinion of the Vice-President of the European Parliament Ryszard Czarnecki. He called 2016 “special from the point of view of international politics,” which brought a sensational victory for Trump, and even now, despite the efforts of the media and elites, “a kind of uprising of the masses” is observed almost everywhere. In Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan crushed the coup, but Ankara did not fall into chaos. And this would be a terrible scenario, if we take into account Turkey’s role in NATO, the fact of the presence of US Air Force bases and Islamic refugees on its territory. “Unfortunately, Russia’s role in the Middle East has also grown - Moscow’s intervention in Syria has led to the fact that both Israel and Egypt must take more into account with the Kremlin. The fact that pro-Russian politicians were elected presidents in Bulgaria and Moldova also works in Russia’s favor,” states Charnetsky. - But, fortunately, NATO after for long years sleep showed that he is alive and wants to play an important role in the field of global security: the summit in Warsaw was a great success for Poland and the Baltic countries. And Poland in 2016 led an independent foreign policy, as one of the largest EU states."

However, not only political scientists and politicians have their own forecasts. The stars also give hints to Polish fortune tellers and witches, although they are mainly limited by the state of affairs in the country. Your vision with the tabloid Super Express astrologer Kazimierz Olszewski shared on New Year's Eve. He predicts good news for the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party. The unique planetary alignment ensures that PiS President Jaroslaw Kaczynski will continue to be the most important politician in Poland. The circle of his followers will expand, and those who have been following Mr. President for many years will do so with even greater zeal. Kaczynski will not retire, as before, he will conduct the country's President Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Beata Szydlo, refusing to move to the fore. No one will disturb his peace, not even former Prime Minister Donald Tusk, now the head of the European Council, who will not return from Brussels to Poland as a prince on a white horse. However, Grzegorz Szhetyna, Tusk’s successor as president of the Civic Platform (PO) party, must be careful - horoscopes say that he is facing resignation.

However, Tarot cards argue with the stars, who are not so optimistic about the prospects of the ruling party. The famous Polish sorceress Anna Kempisty presented to the tabloid fact the schedule she made for 2017. Jaroslaw Kaczynski should beware this year - a “minefield” awaits him in politics, as the Poles will not take well to the head of the ruling party. Everything is bad for President Duda. His plans will fail, promises will not be fulfilled, and his career will be jeopardized. “A certain man” will turn away from Duda, and from that moment disaster will begin. Although the scandal involving the president will not come to the surface until June 2018. Dangerous days await Mrs. Szydlo - she will fulfill someone else’s request, after which she will retain her position with great difficulty. But Defense Minister Antoni Macherevich will not be able to stay in the cabinet; he will be transferred to the position of head of some state company, after which he will be fired from there.

But the most intriguing Tarot card layout was given for the fate of Donald Tusk. The President of the European Council will be very satisfied with his position, and in the eyes of the Poles his political career will be considered a success, but over the next 20 months you will have to pay for it - most likely, in 2018, due to stress, you will get an ulcer, problems with the prostate will appear. And most importantly. The Polish sorceress says that the woman with whom he got along well in politics will turn away from him, and a man will take her place. What would that mean? Is the other world really hinting that Chancellor Merkel, who “evacuated” Tusk from Warsaw to Brussels several years ago, will lose her seat? In any case, we have a whole 12 months ahead of us, during which we will find out who sees the future better - political scientists or psychics. politics, will seek his fortune abroad.

— 59% versus 41%. And there is no reason not to trust sociology yet.

Local survey companies public opinion, quite accurately predicted the results of the first round of elections - Macron won, receiving about 23% of the vote, while just over 21% of the French voted for Le Pen.

It is believed that Macron won the decisive and final debate before the second round of elections, which took place on May 4. As follows from the results of a survey by the BFM TV channel, Macron’s speech seemed more convincing to 63% of viewers, Le Pen was supported by 34% of respondents.

Nevertheless, there remains a small possibility that Marine Le Pen could still become president on May 7. This requires that it is not possible to bring to the polling stations left-wing voters who, for the most part, are more likely to support him than Le Pen. According to a poll conducted yesterday by Odoxa, about a quarter of French people are left-leaning and will abstain from voting in the second round of the presidential election due to a lack of sympathy for both candidates.

The results of this survey can be explained by the fact that this is the first presidential election in the history of France, when the two largest political parties - the Socialists and the Gaullists, who regularly replace each other in power - lost the opportunity to fight in the second round for the post of head of state.

In other words, in 2017, French voters are making a choice not within the framework of the traditional confrontation between “republicans” and socialists, but rather between the progressive agenda and anti-globalism - political forces that have never governed the country.

In this sense, the elections in France look even brighter than the presidential race in the United States, where both the winner and, even with historical anti-ratings, were nevertheless nominated by the main parties.

Chances remain

In April 2017, the American scientific journal Journal of Democracy published an article by researcher William Galston, who tried to justify the success of right-wing politicians in Europe and the United States as a natural result of “political convergence (the rapprochement of different political systems. - "Gazeta.Ru")", which is several recent years Western democracies are experiencing.

Against the backdrop of the economic recession that has continued since 2008, as well as the inability of left-wing politicians to stop the wave of illegal immigration, extreme right-wing forces have declared themselves no longer as marginal elements, but as systemic and equal participants in the political process.

It is logical that they began to be opposed by the left, which was polar in its promises and political programs.

According to an Odoxa survey, it is mainly the electorate of left-wing politicians who were defeated in the first round who intend to ignore the elections. If the poll results correctly predict the turnout on May 7, then we can say that intrigue remains in the elections in France, and the result is not uncontested.

Physicist Serge Galam, known for his mathematically correct prediction of the outcome of the referendum in Great Britain and the presidential elections in the United States, believed that

But only on the condition that 90% of those who were ready to vote for Marine Le Pen come to the polls, while Macron’s voters will make up only 65% ​​of those who previously expressed their intention to support the leader of the “Forward!” movement.

Despite Galam's calculations, the president believes that the result of the presidential election is a foregone conclusion.

“The result is 100% predictable. Le Pen conducted the last duel very unsuccessfully, she was very aggressive, the French did not like it - and much more than expected, because they previously thought that the result would be, relatively speaking, 42% to 58%. And now, according to the latest data, the balance looks like 62% versus 38%. If the gap were smaller, then we could still talk about something,” says the expert.

According to A, director of the Franco-Russian think tank Observo and an expert, Le Pen's aggressiveness at the debate was reminiscent of her father's style.

“It seems that 40% is its ceiling. While much depends on turnout, the trends in recent days are not in its favor. Many have become convinced that the person is “not fit” for the president, that he is not competent enough. In Russia, the right and the ultra-right are often confused and it is not always understood why the National Front is not perceived as a normal party.

“All this has ideological roots: during World War II, some of Le Pen Sr.’s comrades sympathized with Pétain and advocated keeping Algeria within France, that is, for the apartheid regime, not to mention making statements in the spirit of anti-Semitism,”

Parliamentary prospects

The head of the Center for French Studies at the Institute of Europe, Yuri, is also skeptical about the scenario in which Le Pen wins.

“Today, most opinion polls predict Macron's victory - with a 20 percent margin. A shift is unlikely. In addition, according to the results of their fight, they again give Macron a 65 percent advantage.

However, I would not rule out some uncertainty,” says the expert, citing Galam’s mathematical calculations.

Rubinsky also believes that Le Pen is now trying to gain political capital to increase her chances in the next presidential elections - the aggressive and uncompromising nature of Le Pen's campaign ahead of the final stage of voting would be more suitable for the first round.

“She does this on purpose, because she proceeds from the fact that she has nothing to lose and now she needs to position herself as the main opposition critic of the future president. Ultimately, this is necessary so that later, when difficulties begin, and they will certainly begin, taking into account the “half-hearted” and unrealizable proposals that Macron comes up with, to gain wider electoral support in 2022,” argues Rubinsky.

Parliamentary elections are expected in France in mid-July. However, Arnaud Dubien believes that the National Front’s chances of gaining serious representation here are quite small.

“If Le Pen gets more than 40% in the presidential elections, then this will be a small victory that can be consolidated in the parliamentary elections, although not to the largest extent.

It is unlikely that the National Front will receive more than 10 deputies (there are 577 deputies in the lower house of the French parliament - Gazeta.Ru), although the party will be able to create a parliamentary group, which has not happened for 30 years.

In any case, their position will be weaker than in the presidential elections. I don’t rule out that the National Front has reached its peak,” says the expert.

The fact that the United States will sooner or later experience severe upheavals is stated in many predictions. And, it seems, everything should happen under the 44th president. Since George Washington, the United States has been led by 43 people. And so supposedly Mr. Obama is the 44th President of the United States. But will it be the last?

The fact is that Howard Cleveland, the same one who unveiled the Statue of Liberty in New York, was both the twenty-second and twenty-fourth president of the United States. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/... Therefore, if you count by heads, there are 43 presidents in the United States today. From here, Donald Trump (virtually!) became 44th!

What exactly does the prophecy say about this?

From the predictions of Ragno Nero.

The first person who may have mentioned the 44th President of the United States was a medieval soothsayer who called himself Ragno Nero (Black Spider). In his “Eternal Book,” found in 1972 in one of the Bologna monasteries, there seem to be the following lines:

The power on the shores of two oceans will be the strongest on Earth. It will be ruled by rulers for four years, the 44th of which will be the last.

It’s difficult to say how reliable this prediction is, and here’s why:

Many researchers consider even the manuscript itself to be a fake. We only know that it was written no later than the 17th century, and Ragno Nero lived in the 14th or 15th century. It is possible that the monks corrected the manuscript after the death of the Black Spider.

Few people have seen the manuscript itself. And even more so, no one bothered to scan the “Eternal Book” in the original. The only source is the book Le profezie del Ragno Nero or Ranyo Nero's Predictions, written by Baschera Renzo in 1981. Maybe he came up with it all.

The book was last reprinted in 1984. But what is available now does not include all the prophecies, and the 44th president is not mentioned there. But there is this: in 1776 (the year the USA was founded) there will be Un tappeto di Stelle - “Carpet of Stars”, and in 2016 (the year next elections) Le stelle verranno cambiate - “The stars will be changed.”

Predictions by Vasily Nemchin

Another prophecy on the same topic is attributed to an astrologer who (according to various sources) lived in the 14th, 15th, or even 17th centuries. He also wrote big book predictions, where, it seems, there is something about the USA. Nemchin, however, did not talk about the 44th president as the last, he only said that:

"Big problems will come from overseas when a black man is in power."

Even the very fact of the existence of Vasily Nemchin raises doubts. Who knows anything about him? Pavel Globa, who discovered a book of his predictions in the monastery archives in Polotsk in 1989? So he could have lied. There are no other sources that Nemchin is a historical figure.

The book itself has disappeared somewhere. As a result, we read all of Nemchin’s prophecies in the retelling of the same Globa (he, it seems, managed to make some extracts), but can we take his word for it? Even if such a book existed, there is no way to verify the authenticity of the “translation”.

Finally, this particular phrase is not even in the version that Pavel Globa offers us. Most likely, this is an ordinary fake. Many generally write that “the 44th President of the United States will drag the country into an adventure, and the state will collapse,” and refer to Vasily Nemchin.

Edgar Cayce - predictions about the USA

The famous “sleeping prophet” really predicted severe cataclysms for America (and not only for it). But he did not mention that they would happen under the 44th president, although such words are often attributed to him. Here are the real predictions of Edgar Cayce - fragments from the book Edgar Cayce - The Sleeping Prophet (N.Y., 1967):

Approximate translation: “Many areas of the East Coast will be destroyed, as will the West Coast and the central United States."

Approximate translation:“In the coming years, new lands will appear in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. And the current one coastline will pass along the ocean floor. The coastal areas east of New York City and New York City itself will largely disappear. This will happen in another generation, while the southern regions of Carolina and Georgia will disappear much earlier.”

These fragments are taken from page 42. The book is on the Internet, so it’s easy to check. In general, it will be necessary to translate Edgar Cayce's predictions and post it on NeFacto. After all, much of what the “sleeping prophet” predicted in the thirties and forties of the last century is already beginning to come true.

What Vanga said about the 44th President of the United States

There is another prophecy, possibly made by a Bulgarian seer in 1979. This prediction is too well known to be cast into doubt right away. Thousands of users on different resources repeat her words:

“A black man will come to the White House. And this president will be the last for the country. Because then America will freeze or fall into the abyss of a major economic crisis. Perhaps it will even break up into northern and southern states.”

But it has not yet been possible to find documentary sources confirming the authenticity of the prophecy. The authors of the videos refer to “unique footage from private archives, the existence of which no one knew, but they found it.” And the authors of the texts mention publications of researchers who are also nowhere to be found.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Prophecy about the USA, Russia and other countries.

Grigory Rasputin, who predicted the revolution in Russia, death royal family, civil war and many other future events, in his book “Pious Reflections,” published in St. Petersburg in 1912, he gives very accurate prophecies that surprisingly coincide with the predictions of Nostradamus. About the collapse of the USSR (“Blizzard”) and the USA (“Grayug”), the “elder” wrote allegorically:

“Two bloodthirsty princes will take over the Earth: Blizzard will come from the east and enslave man with poverty, Grayug will come from the west and enslave man with wealth. The princes will dispute earth and heaven with each other ( cold war– Approx. S.V .). And the great battlefield will be in the land of the four demons. Both princes will be victorious and both princes will be defeated. But Grayug will enter Blizzard’s house and sow his ancient words there, which will grow and destroy the earth. This is how the Vyuga empire will end (the collapse of the USSR).

But the day will come when the Grayug Empire will also collapse, for both laws were wrong and both brought death. Even their ashes cannot be used to fertilize the land on which a new plant of the third world will grow.”

Grigory Rasputin repeatedly mentioned in his prophecies about future fate Russia and St. Petersburg: “Darkness will fall on St. Petersburg. When his name is changed, then the empire will end (the collapse Russian Empire, the revolution of 1917 and the renaming of the city in 1924 to Leningrad - Approx. S.V.). And when its name is changed again (from 1991 - St. Petersburg), the wrath of God will break out over Europe. Petersburg will return when the sun stops crying, and Kazan Mother of God there will be no more. Petersburg will be the capital new Russia, and from her womb a treasure will be extracted, which will spread throughout all the lands of the Most Holy Mother of God.”

Rasputin has an allegorical prediction about the future fate of Israel, Greece, possibly France and Russia: “Four sisters are dressed in silk, but after three generations they will be dressed in rags. The daughter of Peter (Apostle Peter the first Roman bishop was born in Galilee - Northern Palestine, Israel - Note by S.V.) stones will be torn out, and sheep will graze on the stones and every stone will be split, burned and scattered, and only the glory will remain dust. The daughter of Luke (Luke is the author of the 3rd Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. According to Eusebius of Caesarea, was born in Antioch, i.e. Greek) her eyes will be gouged out and her nails will be torn out, and she will follow the same path as the daughter of Peter.

Henry's daughter (perhaps the elder meant one of the kings who ruled mainly in France, England and Germany under this name) will have all the blood drained from her veins, and all her beauty will turn into a ball of fire. The roots will be different, but new crowns will grow from the roots. But their shine will be different. And the sisters will no longer dress in silk, but in rags. But they will still be princesses. But when the daughter of Catherine (Catherine the Great - Russian Empress) pays tribute to the great seed of time, raise your head to the North Star, for from this star will come life, and with it time and happiness."

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