Linguistics full-time part-time education. Department of correspondence education. Faculty - Arts and Humanities - distance learning

Institute foreign languages conducts enrollment for correspondence courses in the field of “Linguistics” (profile “Translation and Translation Studies”) with the qualification “Bachelor”.

The program includes distance learning, two orientation sessions per year and in-person classes on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:50 p.m. Duration of training is 5 years.

Main foreign language: English.
Second foreign language: German, Spanish or French.

Full-time teachers of the Institute of Foreign Languages, as well as professors, associate professors and assistants from other universities in the city. Strength studying in the English department of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​is a combination of university traditions with the latest techniques and programs for teaching language and other linguistic disciplines.

Main foreign language: English

Teaching in the first and second years in English is carried out according to a comprehensive program with a subsequent transition to training in aspects: speaking practice, grammar, home reading and analytical reading.

Conversation practice is given increased attention and the largest amount of hours. Conversation classes conducted by a native speaker teacher. At final exams, students demonstrate the ability to conduct complex conversations without restrictions on topic or time.

Writing practice allows students to acquire and strengthen spelling skills, master the skills of writing various communicative types of text (including documents).

Phonetics is taught in a separate aspect in the first year, starting with an introductory phonetic course, which is an intensive course of exercises aimed at forced correction of pronunciation and is supplemented by a lecture course on theoretical phonetics.

Grammar is mastered according to a comprehensive program with the expansion and deepening of knowledge in the field of morphology and syntax and is supplemented by a lecture course on theoretical grammar.

Home reading is designed to instill the skill of working with text, with a dictionary, to introduce works of English and American literature and helps students more effectively absorb large amounts of new vocabulary.

Analytical reading teaches a competent approach to the text, the ability to do multi-level, multi-aspect analysis of the text.

Second foreign language: German, French or Spanish

Training starts from the second year . In senior years, the study of a second language includes training in translation and the basics of the theory of a second foreign language (in comparison with the main language).

Russian language

Russian language is taught in the first year. The Institute has developed a unique program, including practical classes in the stylistics of the Russian language, which allows not only to increase the level of proficiency in the literary norms of the Russian language, but also to prepare the necessary basis for further intensive training in translation.

Training of a specialist translator

The training of a specialist translator begins in the third year and is a complex of theoretical and practical disciplines. Particular attention is paid to disciplines directly related to the students’ future specialty – translation. Students listen to a course of lectures on the history, theory and ethics of translation; undergoes training in consecutive oral and written translation (including literary translation). In senior years, the number of translation classes reaches 8-10 hours per week. Interpretation training includes elements of simultaneous translation. Translation classes are conducted by the city's leading translators.

In the third year, students defend coursework, in the fifth year - thesis in linguistics or theory and practice of translation.

The training program includes Latin language, a course in the history of the Fatherland and the history of Great Britain and the USA, as well as other courses according to the requirements of the State standard and special courses at the choice of students, constantly updated and representing aspects of the scientific developments of IFL teachers.

The Institute of Foreign Languages ​​has concluded cooperation agreements with the Universities of Bedfordshire (UK). There is an exchange of students. It is possible to continue studying in the UK with subsequent receipt of a diploma from the University of Bedfordshire.

In the first part of the article - Moscow State Linguistic Universities - we gave a rating best universities, where you can get a linguist diploma and talked about the specifics of studying at these universities. In addition, in the previous article you can find a summary table for all state institutions and Moscow universities, which provide training in the specialty "Linguistics", indicating passing score, quantity budget places and the cost of paid education.

One of the main disadvantages of non-state linguistic universities in Moscow is the number of languages ​​offered for study. As a rule, linguists at such universities study English and one of the most common languages. Even if during the admissions campaign applicants are promised the opportunity to learn, for example, Dutch or Japanese, then after the start of training it often turns out that there is no group to study this language, and the university cannot hire a teacher for 2-3 students.

Another problem is teaching foreign languages ​​(the art of translation or teaching languages), and not linguistics. However, commercial linguistic institutes and universities in Moscow most likely will not “strain” you, therefore, subject to timely payment, a diploma is almost guaranteed, which cannot be said, for example, about Moscow State University or Moscow State Linguistic University. Of course, if the university’s license is not revoked, what about non-state educational institutions V Lately happens quite often.

If for some reason you definitely want to study at one of the non-state linguistic universities in Moscow, we advise you, first of all, to pay attention to the following educational institutions:

This university, founded in 1992, is interesting primarily because in 2014, 10 budget places were allocated for the direction of “Linguistics”. At the same time, the passing score for these places in 2013 in three subjects (history, Russian and foreign language) was relatively low - 210 points.

Students study three foreign languages ​​at once: English, Spanish and, to choose from, German or French. The curriculum includes subjects that allow you to get acquainted with translation and teaching activities. However, we note that MIM LINK is not located in Moscow at all, but at a considerable distance from the capital - in the city of Zhukovsky.

Russian New University

RosNOU was founded in 1991 by leading domestic scientists and today is one of the largest and most prestigious non-state universities in Moscow. The Faculty of Humanitarian Technologies of this university trains linguists with the first European language not only full-time, but also in evening and correspondence courses. In addition, at the Russian New University you can get a linguist diploma with the first Chinese language (full-time only), while the cost of training in the “Eastern” department is only 4,000 rubles higher than in the “European” department - 96,000 rubles per year.

In 2014, RosNOU is also preparing to open a Center for Iranian Studies and the Study of the Persian Language, where it will be possible to simultaneously study Farsi and English. However, it is best to check directly with the university whether the new program will be launched or not.

Eastern University, as this non-state linguistic university in Moscow, founded in 1994, was previously called, allows you to learn the most popular Eastern languages. Students in the undergraduate program are taught two foreign languages ​​- English and one of the Eastern languages ​​to choose from (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Turkish, Indonesian, Farsi or Hindi).

However, prices at the Institute of Oriental Studies are among the highest among all commercial universities in the capital: full-time education will cost 174,000 rubles per year, and part-time education will cost 150,000.

IGUMO, founded in 1992, can boast of a fairly good reputation in the field of linguistics. Here they train bachelors (teachers and translators), who must speak three foreign languages: English; German or French and Spanish or Norwegian.

International University in Moscow

This commercial university in Moscow was founded in 1991 as part of the decision of Mikhail Gorbachev and George Bush to create a joint Soviet-American university. The first mayor of Moscow, Gavriil Popov, became the permanent president of the educational institution.

Today, at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the MUM, you can obtain a linguist diploma in two profiles: “Translation and Translation Studies” and “Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages ​​and Cultures.” All students are required to study English, as well as two more languages ​​of their choice: one European (German, French, Spanish or Italian) and one Eastern (Japanese, Chinese, Hebrew or Arabic).

The undoubted advantages of this non-state university in Moscow include a wide choice of languages, good teaching staff, language classes in small groups, modern buildings and classrooms, convenient location of buildings and a large number of international contacts. MUM has, perhaps, only one drawback - the cost of teaching linguistics is a record for commercial universities, which, moreover, is fixed not in rubles, as in other universities, but in conventional units. Currently, a full-time year will cost approximately 193,000 rubles.

Moscow Humanitarian University

One of the oldest commercial universities in Moscow dates back to 1944. Linguists are trained here at the full-time department of the Faculty of International Relations and Tourism. Training costs from 134,000 rubles per year (if paid for the whole year in advance) to 144,000 rubles (if paid in 10 equal parts). A significant disadvantage of the university is that only two foreign languages ​​are studied there and, as a rule, only the most common European ones.

Although MIL, founded in 1996, is one of the largest linguistic institutes in Russia, last years his reputation was significantly damaged. Personnel changes in the dean's office of the Faculty of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, which trains linguists, led to a massive rotation of teachers, a flurry of negative reviews addressed to the university and rumors about the deprivation of accreditation of the educational institution.

However, if an applicant definitely wants to get an education at a specialized linguistic university in Moscow, and the passing grade does not allow him to dream of MSLU, then the Moscow Institute of Linguistics may be a way out. Linguistics is taught here not only on a full-time basis, but also on a part-time basis. Students study two foreign languages ​​out of six possible. However, the university guarantees 100% only for groups in English, German, Spanish and Chinese. And the curriculum is focused mainly on mastering the skills of translation and teaching foreign languages, and not on linguistic disciplines.

At the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of this non-state linguistic university in Moscow, opened in 1994, you can get a linguist diploma in two profiles: “Translation and Translation Studies” (87,000 rubles per year) and “Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages ​​and Cultures” (75,000 rubles in year). Training is conducted both full-time and part-time.

All students are required to study English, as well as one of the common European languages ​​to choose from: Spanish, German or French. However, at this linguistic university in Moscow, it often happens that a group for a particular language is not filled, and then the student is required to learn another language. After classes - as a free elective - there are also classes on Chinese language with the carrier.

As with MIL, in recent years MGLI has received a torrent of dissatisfied responses about poor language training, poor teaching staff and disrespectful treatment of students.

At the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of this non-state university in Moscow, founded in 1993, you can study linguistics both full-time and in a weekend group. Among the undoubted advantages of the educational institution are good teaching staff, modern technical facilities, a free swimming pool and Gym, as well as very affordable tuition fees. Thus, a year of full-time study in the specialty “Linguistics” will cost only 64,000 rubles.

A disadvantage, however, which is very common among commercial universities, is the meager choice of languages ​​for teaching. Over the years of study, students will have to learn three European languages: English and German are mandatory, and a third language is optional - Italian or Spanish. There is also the opportunity to study Bulgarian, Polish or Macedonian.

Non-state universities in Moscow providing training in the specialty “Linguistics”

University Faculty Form of study Cost of training on a contract basis (RUB per year)
International Institute LINK management Linguistics full-time 120 000
Russian New University Humanitarian technologies full-time 92,000 or 96,000 (depending on language)
- // - - // - part-time 59 000
- // - - // - correspondence 53 000
Institute of Oriental Countries Linguistics full-time 174 000
- // - - // - part-time 150 000
Institute of Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies Foreign languages full-time 110 000
- // - - // - part-time 80 000
International University in Moscow Foreign languages full-time 4,000 USD (at the euro exchange rate on the day of payment, approximately 193,000)
- // - - // - part-time 2,500 USD (at the euro exchange rate on the day of payment, approximately 121,000)
Moscow Humanitarian University International relations and tourism full-time 134 000 - 144 000
Moscow Institute of Linguistics Linguistics and Intercultural Communication full-time 101 200
- // - - // - correspondence 65 000
International Humanitarian and Linguistic Institute Foreign languages full-time 75,000 or 87,000 (depending on profile)
- // - - // - part-time 60,000 or 65,000 (depending on profile)
International Slavic Institute Foreign languages full-time 64 000
- // - - // - part-time 50 000
Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy" Linguistics full-time 180 000
International Independent Ecological and Political Science University (MNEPU Academy) Institute of Social Communications and Foreign Languages full-time 85 000
- // - - // - part-time 62 000
Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino" - full-time 130 000
- // - - // - correspondence 60 000
Moscow Institute of Public Administration and Law Management full-time 85 000
- // - - // - part-time 85 000
- // - - // - weekend group 70 000
- // - - // - correspondence 55 000
University of the Russian Academy of Education Foreign languages full-time 78 000
- // - - // - part-time 52 000
Institute of World Economy and Informatization Law and Humanities full-time 76 000
- // - - // - part-time 66 000
Moscow Psychological and Social University Linguistics and innovative social technologies full-time 73 868
- // - - // - part-time 53 846
Moscow University of Public Administration - full-time 69 000
- // - - // - part-time 55 000
Humanitarian Institute Linguistic full-time 66 000
- // - - // - part-time 52 000
Humanitarian and Social Institute Humanitarian and pedagogical full-time 60 300
- // - - // - part-time 52 000
- // - - // - correspondence 52 000
Capital Institute of Translators full-time 89 880
- // - - // - part-time 63 360
- // - - // - weekend group 52 440
Institute of Languages ​​and Cultures named after. Lev Tolstoy Foreign languages full-time 100 000
- // - - // - correspondence 78 000
- // - - // - remote 70 000
Moscow Institute of Economic Transformations - full-time 65 000
- // - - // - part-time 52 000
- // - - // - correspondence 35 000
Moscow Institute of State and Municipal Administration - full-time 49 000
- // - - // - part-time 39 000
- // - - // - weekend group 39 000
- // - - // - correspondence 32 000
- // - - // - remote 23 000
Moscow Humanitarian and Technical Academy Linguistics full-time 83 000
- // - - // - part-time 51 800
- // - - // - weekend group 64 800
Central Russian University. Moscow humanitarian Institute Humanitarian part-time 36 000
Moscow Social Pedagogical Institute Foreign languages part-time 80 000
- // - - // - correspondence 70 000
Institute of International Law and Economics named after. A.S. Griboedova Linguistics correspondence 50 000
Institute of Professional Innovation - correspondence (distance) 20 000

Please note that in 2014, the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science prohibited two non-state universities in Moscow, which previously trained bachelors in the field of linguistics, from enrolling students. These educational institutions became Modern humanitarian academy and Institute of Foreign Languages. In addition, the Moscow Academy of Education of Natalia Nesterova in 2013 was unable to obtain new accreditation and lost the right to issue state diplomas, and the UNIK Institute, which specializes in distance learning, had its license revoked, so this commercial university in Moscow was disbanded and now conducts education as a distance learning department the following institutes:

  • Moscow Economic Institute;
  • Institute of World Economy and Informatization;
  • Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis.

Veronica Gebrial

Candidate of Sociological Sciences

The profession of a linguist is considered widespread. Although his activities are not related to the production of a specific product, the importance of this specialty should not be underestimated. Linguistics is a science with a long history, its roots going back to Ancient Greece and China, Arab countries and India. People with a thirst for knowledge, perseverance and an inquisitive mind can truly study it deeply.

Linguistic base

Back in the days Soviet Union a serious linguistic “backbone” was formed, concentrated mainly in the capitals of its largest republics. Now these are linguistic universities of the CIS, closely interacting with each other and regularly taking part in the international scientific conference “Language, Society, Word”.

So, the list of these friendly universities is presented:

1. In Russia:

  • Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages;
  • Nizhny Novgorod Linguistic University named after. ON THE. Dobrolyubova;
  • Pyatigorsk Linguistic State University;
  • Irkutsk State Linguistic University.

2. In Ukraine - KNLU.

3. In Belarus - MinSlu.

4. In Uzbekistan - UGML and SIYA (Samarkand).

5. In Armenia - Yerevan University. Bryusova.

Let's take a closer look at the largest linguistic universities.


Created in 1930, it received its current name in 1990.

MSLU specializes in the study of thirty-six foreign languages, 75% of the teaching staff are holders of academic degrees. Every year the university publishes large quantities scientific monographs and textbooks for secondary and high school RF. The university maintains partnerships with many leading universities in 35 countries, thanks to which students have a wide choice of internships, as well as the opportunity to receive a second diploma from a “partner” university of MSLU.

Moscow State Linguistic University provides multi-level education: primary higher (lyceum), higher (university) and postgraduate. The university graduates bachelors (4 years) and masters (2 years) in accordance with the provisions of the Bologna Convention.

No other linguistic universities can boast as many specialized specialties as MSLU. Here, 13 large faculties offer a choice of training in 70 areas of training.

Admission conditions

MSLU conducts admission to study:

1) For the Bachelor and Specialist programs:

  • on the basis of secondary school education - based on the results of the Unified State Exam;
  • on the basis of secondary vocational education - based on the results of entrance exams.

2) For the Master's program - based on the results of entrance exams, which the university sets and conducts independently.

Nizhny Novgorod Linguistic State University named after. ON THE. Dobrolyubova

The history of this university dates back to 1917 after the opening of provincial courses in foreign languages ​​and literature in Nizhny Novgorod. And today this institution is one of the largest in the country in this area: more than three thousand students, three dozen educational programs, a teaching staff of 250 people, two thirds of whom have a candidate or doctorate degree. The university provides the opportunity to study nine languages, maintains international partnerships with major universities in Europe, Asia and America, and is famous for its large research projects.

The Linguistic University (Nizhny Novgorod) provides admission to three forms of study (full-time, evening and correspondence).

The “Linguistics” direction includes the following profiles:

  • Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures.
  • Translation.
  • Theory and practice of intercultural communication.

Admission to these specialties is based on the results of entrance exams. For bachelor's and specialist's degrees, these are exams in foreign, Russian languages ​​and literature; for master's degree - the first foreign language.

Ukrainian alma mater of linguists

Kyiv Linguistic University was created in 1948. Today, at seven faculties, the university prepares full-time graduates in the following areas:

  • secondary education - includes 6 languages;
  • philology (language and literature) - 8 languages;
  • philology (translation) - 15;
  • psychology;
  • marketing;
  • management;
  • right;
  • tourism.

The correspondence course involves studying only English in the specified specialties.

Competitive selection to KNLU is carried out based on the results of entrance exams:

1) To obtain a Bachelor's degree (based on complete secondary education) - in the form of an external independent assessment, entrance exams or interviews in individual cases.

2) For admission to a master's program (based on the degree of higher education obtained) - in the form of an exam in a foreign language and specialized entrance tests.

Minsk Linguistic University

The formation of the MinSLU dates back to 1948, when the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​was expanded into a pedagogical institute, and the university received its current name already in 1993.

During its operation, the university has graduated more than 25 thousand teachers and two and a half thousand translators from foreign languages. MSLU collaborates with leading domestic scientists, as well as with colleagues from Russia, Canada, Belgium, Germany and Spain.

Minsk Linguistic University is represented by 8 faculties, one of which (faculty Spanish) - is unique, it remains in a single copy in the vastness of the former Union.

Admission to the university is carried out based on the results of centralized testing.

Sixteen foreign languages ​​are taught at MSLU. Any full-time student is required to study two of them. Once every 5 years, enrollment is carried out for the Asian group of languages. If desired, students can learn additional languages, for which the Department of the 3rd Foreign Language operates on a paid basis.


Linguistic universities are widely represented in the CIS. Variety of faculties with big amount foreign languages, as well as developed forms of international cooperation provide a wide choice for future linguists. When choosing a university in this category, the decisive factor will probably be geographic proximity to the applicant’s place of residence, since educational programs Each of the universities described is equally worthy and diverse.

In 2003 she graduated with honors from Belgorod State University majoring in Philology (qualification: teacher of English and German languages). In 2007, she defended her dissertation “Semantic-syntactic features of verbalizers of the “Attention” frame (based on verbs and verb-nominal phrases)” for the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences in specialty 10.02.04 – Germanic languages. In 2014 she defended doctoral dissertation specialty 10.02.04 – German languages ​​on the topic: “Mechanisms of verbalization of mental structures by lexemes with the meaning “mental processes” in English discourse”). In 2016 she received the academic title of associate professor in the specialty German languages.
Since 2003, he has been teaching in the field of higher education, constantly improving his professional level. Reading disciplines: “Theoretical grammar”; "General morphology"; "Linguocognitive modeling"; "Linguoculturology"; "General Theory of Discourse"; practical classes: “Oral speech”, “Analytical reading”, “ Practical Grammar modern English language".
Completed advanced training and internship: “Conducting scientific linguistic and pedagogical research on the use of innovative technologies in the field of language education of higher technical school" (2011, Russia, Tomsk, Tomsk Polytechnic University); “Intertextuality of texts of various functional styles in the comparative and translation aspect” (2012, Russia, Tomsk, Tomsk Polytechnic University); “Methods of teaching the Russian language” (2013, Russia, Belgorod, Belgorod State National research university); “E-learning technologies. Features of the development of electronic courses and their support" (2013, Russia, Belgorod, Belgorod State National Research University); “Academic Writing Training Program” (2014, UK, Oxford, Oxford English School); “Innovative approaches to teaching Russian as a non-native language in a multi-ethnic educational environment and the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education” (2014, Russia, Moscow, RUDN University ( Russian University Friendship between nations); internship in the laboratory of corpus linguistics UMR 7320: Bases, Corpus, Language (2014; France, Nice, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis); internship in the laboratory of corpus linguistics UMR 7320: Bases, Corpus, Language (2015; France, Nice, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis); “Development of critical thinking of Russian students and teaching academic writing” (2016, Russia, Belgorod, Belgorod State National Research University); “Current issues of training highly qualified personnel” (2016; Russia, Belgorod, Belgorod State National Research University); Professional retraining: “Translator in the field of professional communication” (2018; Russia, Belgorod, Belgorod State National Research University); “EduCOOP: how business in education works in Germany” (2018; Germany, Leipzig); professional retraining“State and municipal management” (2019; Russia, Mytishchi, Russian Cooperation University).
Author and co-author of 9 monographs (in Russian), 7 teaching aids(in Russian and English), 4 EUMKD and about 180 publications in peer-reviewed journals, including 19 articles indexed by the Scopus and Web of Science databases, out of over 200 works published in journals, books and collections of scientific papers. Participated in 36 international Russian and 30 foreign scientific conferences. 1 graduate student defended. Provides scientific supervision to 6 graduate students and applicants, student winners of competitions and Olympiads; having publications in journals indexed by the Scopus and Web of Science databases; registered databases and computer programs.
She was a leading executor (researcher) in 6 grants for Federal Targeted Program activities, a two-time winner (manager) of grants from the President of the Russian Federation to support young Russian scientists.
Since 2009 – member of the editorial board of the scientific journal “Association of English Language Teachers”, since 2017 – member of the editorial board of the international journal TESOL Russia (; since 2018 – Member of the editorial board of the international journal International Journal of Language and Linguistics ( journalid=501).
Membership in scientific communities: since 2015 - academic member of the Athens Institute of Education and Research (Greece) (ATINER (Athens Institute for Education and Research) since 2016 - academic member of the Association of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (USA) (ASEEES (Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies); since 2010 – employee of the scientific and educational center “Cognitive and Discursive Analysis of Language and Speech”; since 2017 – head of the Research Laboratory of Language Monitoring. Experience in organizing scientific events at various levels: 2014 – member of the organizational Committee of the International Scientific Conference (Belgorod, Russia); 2017 – Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Scientific Conference (Belgorod, Russia); 2018 – Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Committee of the International Scientific Conference “Chayanov Readings” (Moscow, Russia).

e-mail: [email protected]

Distance learning to become a linguist is suitable for you if you want to combine work and study. By enrolling in our faculty, you will be able to study remotely to become a linguist and receive a state diploma.

Faculty of linguistics at the department distance learning at Synergy is one of the strongest faculties in Russia, where online language teaching is provided* through the professional sphere.

Students and graduates of our faculty can find work abroad, as well as in a foreign company in their city, St. Petersburg or Moscow.

First of all, we teach you to love language

The opportunity to perceive the world and the realities of another country through the prism of a foreign language is a most interesting adventure. Speaking a foreign language, a person not only penetrates the culture, but acquires the ability to perceive the world and people through the prism of another linguistic reality, he changes himself and other people who accept him, and discovers the world anew.

Language is not a goal, but a means to achieve it. We teach our students to be clear about their goals and strive for them, and from our side we can guarantee a program that will allow you to achieve them through learning a foreign language. Training at the faculty is structured so that you have maximum contact with in real language, which native speakers use in life, and not in books about grammar.

Each language is the key to another special, beautiful, complex and at the same time simple point of view on the world. Through the program that our university offers you, you will be able to see the world from a different perspective.

Teachers are experienced practitioners

Classes at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​are taught by certified graduates of foreign universities.

Course teacher " Practical course English: Listening & Speaking, Reading & Writing, Conversational"

Candidate of Sciences in Philology, teacher of English and French, philologist, translator, teacher of the course “Practical English Grammar”

Teacher of the course “Practical English language course”

Candidate of Philology,
associate professor, course teacher
“Theory and practice of intercultural communication”

Doctor of Philology, Teacher of the course “Practical English language course: Listening & Speaking”

Business coach, psychologist, humanistic psychotherapist, course teacher
"Psychology of Communication" and "Goal Setting"
in learning a foreign language"

Teacher of the course “Practical English course: Grammar”

During the training process, we prepare our students to pass the international English exam IELTS

From the 3rd year you choose the direction that interests you most

All directions were created jointly with professionals from this field:

International certified teachers You can study even when you're busy most time at work Webinars with feedback

For whom? Our Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​is for you if you:

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