Capricorn lunar horoscope for February. Health and leisure

As the horoscope says, February 2017 will be a very productive period of life for people born under the constellation Capricorn. Once again, you will stop thinking about anything other than your financial affairs and work. Once again, your personal front will be left to its own devices, and people who truly love you will very rarely see you. Your personal life, which you put on the altar of your February victories, will give you a number of worries, but you will completely ignore them. In a word, in February 2017 the world will again see Capricorns in the form of tough, purposeful, strong-willed and incredibly business-like people who are not ready to slow down their pace of life even for the sake of those who really need them.

Is it worth clarifying that love relationship Capricorns in February 2017 can hardly be called bright, happy and harmonious! If you have entered into a long-term relationship or marriage quite a long time ago, you will definitely not envy your partner. He will see you only occasionally, and then only from behind, because even after returning home, you will be working hard on your painstaking project. Fortunately, a short trip, which will take place in the third decade of the month, will return harmony and peace to your couple. You will go into it just the two of you, and this time spent together will compensate for the indifference you showed to your soulmate. Capricorns who have not yet married will offend both friends and parents with their aloof attitude. The only person you will periodically bestow with your warmth will be your new partner (more precisely, a person who will happily agree to start a small affair with you). You will “relieve stress” during short meetings with your frivolous passion, and she will meekly accept your consumerist attitude towards her.

Work, financial affairs and everything related to career will replace home, family, friends, and anything else for Capricorns in February 2017! Capricorns, who are in the status of employees, at the end of this winter will especially zealously fight for the brilliant future of their careers. You will take on an extremely complex project, pore over it for days on end, and in the end, this brilliantly completed project will open the door to your long-awaited career growth. Capricorn businessmen will spend no less time and effort on developing their new brilliant idea. Moreover, only you will initially sincerely believe in its resounding success (everyone else will cast such a brilliant outcome under great doubt). Having put in a lot of effort and shed tons of sweat, you will be able to prove to everyone around you that you were completely right (more precisely, your rapidly increasing income will prove this).

Need I clarify that the grueling pace of this February will not have the best effect on the well-being of Capricorns? If you have had any illness in the past, beware that it will relapse at the end of February, which will be especially unpleasant against the backdrop of your general fatigue. Only an experienced doctor will give you advice on how to get rid of all these problems, but there are some things you can do on your own (for example, allow yourself to rest at least in the evenings and on your legal weekends).

The time will come for you to realize your dreams and success in your chosen activity. However, practical Capricorns are unlikely to use all their material resources and financial capabilities to achieve their goal, which is why they may miss out on a lot.

Most Capricorns will be busy planning their affairs and opportunities. Many of them will resist the circumstances and save on little things, which can lead to you missing something important and subsequently biting your elbows.

Try to show character and use all material resources to achieve your goal, otherwise you will miss out on a lot.

Capricorn Woman: Financial Horoscope for February 2020

February will not be associated with difficulties and worries for representatives of this sign. However, in the middle of the month you will face a large expense, which may even lead to you having to go into emergency reserves and debts.

Some will have the chance to make a career in another city or even country, which will require additional financial investments, but you should take advantage of the opportunities and chances for success provided, otherwise you will more than once regret not taking advantage of such opportunities. However, you will be happy that you can do something that interests you.

The current period will be favorable for large expenses and acquisitions, but you should not take out loans this month, as you may overestimate your own strengths and get into an unpleasant situation. Try to rely on your financial strength and capabilities, but do not refuse material support from relatives and friends. At the end of the month, you will be able to afford a large purchase for your business image. For example, a leather bag and a beautiful stylish thing that you have long dreamed of.

However, you should avoid sales, as at a low price you risk buying something you don't need at all. Avoid debts and small expenses, especially during promotions and discounts.

Capricorn Man: Financial horoscope for February 2020

For you, the time will come for careful financial planning and large expenses associated with professional development or a trip to another city. Some Capricorns will think about purchasing a car or continuing education courses. This month it is better to shop for gadgets, equipment, stylish and status items for your style and image.

You should borrow only if the specified amount is not enough for the desired purchase, but beware of mortgages or loans, otherwise you risk losing a lot. You should not take your relatives to the store, as you risk losing a lot in your life or buying something that is not what you planned. You shouldn’t buy a lot of things, even if they are not too expensive, with significant discounts, otherwise you will regret your purchases.

In addition, Capricorns do not need to save on purchasing stylish things for their image - the difference in price can lead to you regretting your purchase, and the item will be of poor quality. If you are planning to buy leather trousers, buy leather ones and not a substitute. When buying a smartphone, take exactly the model that you planned at the very beginning, even if they offer you something cheaper. Otherwise, you risk regretting the purchase, and the money saved will be spent on repairs if you don’t have to add something else to it.

  • Favorable days for Capricorn women in February 2017: February 5, 10, 16, 19, 23, 27.
  • Difficult days for Capricorn women in February 2017: February 1, 9, 26.

Love. You will be stunned by a new acquaintance. His manner of communication will seem so extraordinary that you will forget about others.

  • From 1 to 10 February. You can, without meaning to, make a lasting impression on someone. If you want to consolidate the result, you should meet in a warm environment in the second half of the week.
  • From 11 to 20 February. You will receive a nice compliment from a person you really like. And life will immediately sparkle with all its colors.
  • From 21 to 28 February. The increased demands of your loved ones may outrage you, but you are still ready to indulge their weaknesses.

Health. You will feel a surge of strength and energy from the very beginning of the week. It is better if you start this period with physical exercise. The static load is especially good.

  • From 1 to 10 February. You need to cultivate only the brightest, purest and positive thoughts in yourself. Tune in to harmony and beauty.
  • From 11 to 20 February. The period is suitable for preventing the appearance of appearance defects such as stretch marks. Do a massage with special products. Homemade ones, such as burdock oil, are also suitable.
  • From 21 to 28 February. Pay attention to water procedures, they are especially useful now. Take warm baths with herbs - mantle, yarrow, chamomile and shepherd's purse are suitable.

Finance. Problems in communicating with colleagues will affect your financial situation. They are clearly deceived about you.

  • From 1 to 10 February. Your career plans may be in jeopardy during this period. To implement them you will need enough funds - and it is very, very difficult for you to get them now.
  • From 11 to 20 February. At work, you will find yourself the center of not the most friendly attention. Female colleagues may discuss your appearance and the reactions you evoke in men.
  • From 21 to 28 February. Perhaps soon everyone will talk about you as the greatest politician and diplomat, but you have achieved such success only thanks to a fortunate coincidence of circumstances.

Horoscope for February 2017 Capricorn man

  • Favorable days for Capricorn men in February 2017: February 6, 11, 15, 24, 28.
  • Difficult days for Capricorn men in February 2017: February 8, 15, 27.

Love. This week you can find your happiness on the road. Therefore, look around more carefully, maybe they have already noticed you, but they do not dare to meet you.

  • From 1 to 10 February. Your mood is romantic, your soul is singing, and your beloved, as luck would have it, intends to quarrel and recall old grievances.
  • From 11 to 20 February. If you're not ready for the confession you've been given, it still feels good—at least it should.
  • From 21 to 28 February. Something changes in your relationship with your spouse. Maybe thanks to these suspicions you will understand how dear she is to you.

Health. These days you should not eat anything fried or spicy; stomach diseases may suddenly worsen.

  • From 1 to 10 February. Don't go far from home without any extra reason. It is better to postpone planned trips for now, even very tempting ones.
  • From 11 to 20 February. Avoid aerobic exercise now, it can harm your cardiovascular system. If you still intend to train, start gradually and monitor how you feel.
  • From 21 to 28 February. A good week to pick up a health-improving sport. But do this under the supervision of a specialist.

Finance. You want quick and significant benefits, contrary to reason. Therefore, you can easily be misled. The job offers you receive will most likely have no future. Check the information more carefully.

  • From 1 to 10 February. Everything contributes to the growth of your authority and well-being. Therefore, you need to use old friendships and make new ones. You will be assigned work that will significantly increase your income. Just don’t fall into euphoria from success.
  • From 11 to 20 February. Perhaps too much financial responsibility will now fall on your shoulders. It will be difficult for you to navigate and make a decision. Consult your friends.
  • From 21 to 28 February. You have a good heart, and your colleagues know it. That’s why they come to you asking to borrow money.

Horoscope for February 2017 Capricorn child

Daughter. Girls born under the sign of Capricorn will experience doubts and self-doubt. Your daughter will feel that if she becomes more open, they will start laughing at her. The situation will change in February. When Venus and Mars are in the sign of Pisces, it will be much easier for her to communicate with both boys and girls, and she will forget that she was previously embarrassed and embarrassed.

Son. Capricorn boys will be more influenced than ever by those around them. In February, your son may make new friends who will captivate him with their ideas. Little Capricorn is already prone to mysteries and secrets, and now he will hide his plans, acquaintances and interests even more from you. Don't let things take their course, talk to your son.

Read the horoscope for February 2017 for other zodiac signs:

For Capricorn, one of the most serious signs of the zodiac, February will be a turning point in 2017. The whole year depends on how he behaves, who he meets, and what he wants for his future. In any case, the mistrustful but sincere Capricorn will use February 2017 to maximum benefit.

You should take decision-making more seriously, since every decision will entail significant changes in your future life. Every step you take can influence and direct you along a completely unexpected route. In order not to get confused about what you want, it is advisable to occasionally go out into nature alone. Calm down. Forget about all your problems. And then the solution itself will come to you.

You need to be more careful and selective in dating. Everyone who is now even slightly involved in your life wants to become closer to you in order to rise with you, and perhaps even at your expense. Most likely, this will turn out to be unnecessary, but it’s worth being safe in any case.

You will receive offers that you cannot refuse, and rightly so. Don’t put off changes, don’t skimp on a quality life, don’t forget your friends and parents.

The main rule of this month is caution and complete calm. By observing it, you will remember this month for a long time as the beginning of something great.

Health and leisure

There are no special health problems for Capricorn this month. And you will completely forget about doctors. Just think about chronic diseases and decide whether it’s time to conduct a more detailed diagnosis in order to begin treatment in March.

The main wish is to give up bad habits, be it a cigarette or for a long time spending time at the computer. This month you will have enough willpower to do absolutely anything. Include alcohol here, change your habits, but try to remain yourself. Alcohol in February can somewhat ruin your reputation, and most likely the reason for this will be thinking out loud. Avoid dining with people you don't know.

Be in nature more, breathe fresh air, travel outside your city. This will help you step away from everything for a while and tune in to the right mood.

Children to whom you will pay more attention, with whom you will spend weekends, vacations, winter holidays, will become your friends, and this is important now. With the help of their emotionality and openness, you will acquire many necessary skills.

Work and career

This month is ideal for career endeavors. Do you want to try yourself in a different position, learn something new? You can't deny yourself anything. If you are really fired up, you see opportunities for yourself, for your development, growth in a new direction, you can no longer be stopped, and this is very important. Go to the end, do not hesitate to voice your wishes personally.

You always achieve your goal, go to the very end. And now you need to take all your will into your fist and achieve what you want. Most likely, you are a little lazy, and you reassure yourself with a fairly stable current situation, but if you openly admit all the disadvantages, you will come to different conclusions.

Do not trust new employees, even if you consider them reliable, avoid the mistakes you made earlier and remember all your mistakes, thanks to this you will be able to understand and accept the right path for yourself.

You can safely start a business in an area in which you know everything and can rely only on yourself; this does not mean that you will not have allies, but there must be escape routes in case of force majeure.

If you are a manager or owner of a company, take a closer look at your employees, listen to their desires, think about the fact that everyone has values ​​based on which they make decisions. Some slow down their work somewhat because they cannot make the necessary decision, on which the work of the entire group as a whole depends.

Finance and deposits

Financially, everything is quite stable. Minimal difficulties are possible, but you will have absolutely no time for this, you will not even notice these difficulties. The decisive Capricorn horoscope for February 2017 sees it as an excellent springboard for new ideas in the field of savings and increasing the amount of funds.

Do not rush to invest in a new business without thoroughly checking, and with the involvement of specialists, any proposal, no matter how promising it may seem at first glance.

Love and relationships

And here Capricorn will have more choice than ever before; your person will receive as much attention as never before. long time, this applies to both those who have a couple and those who are still single. Just don’t immediately agree and go to great lengths, no matter how much you want it, and no matter how tempting the situation may be.

Sexy and love horoscope for February 2017 Capricorn can be considered his reference book this month, since the extravaganza that is developing around you can hurt not only the pride that your new lovers feed, but also your pocket. For a long time you will not be able to return to the emotional peace that you had before meeting new people.

Yes, there will be a lot of new attractive people around you, but maybe you should look at your inner circle? Among them there is definitely a reliable person who can support you like no other. If you get involved in a relationship with a new, unfamiliar person, you will quickly become disappointed and generally lose the desire to make new acquaintances.

For those who have a couple, the stars advise them to stay put. This person will help you in all your endeavors. If you fail to achieve your goal, which is unlikely, he will not leave you, but will give you strength for new deeds. You won't find so much warmth and support anywhere.

It’s the same with friends, you need to adhere to the principle “ old friend better than the new two.” After all, these are people who have already come to terms with your character, they know what you need at the moment, they appreciate everything about you, including your shortcomings. Try to spend more time with these people, and perhaps among them there will be not just a friend, but also your other half.

Man – Capricorn

You are a conqueror. Everything you want is in your hands. This month you can show yourself in all your glory. The main thing is not to be proud, and not to lose close friends; no one can replace them for you. The financial and love horoscope for February 2017 is considered by Capricorn - the man to be the main points that are worth taking a closer look at and taking into account, but we must not forget about a career that can now be taken to a new level.

Special success awaits you in your work. With special efforts, you will finally achieve what you have been trying to achieve for several years. You can easily cope with any task, with any new topic, you learn quickly and see all the risks.

You should also experiment with your appearance, make an appointment with a hairdresser, and change your clothing style. All changes will be more successful than ever.

Spend a little more time with your parents, they should know about your every achievement. Visit them on weekends and help them fix broken things. Their smile and gratitude will become even greater motivation to move forward.

Capricorn Woman

All roads are open to Capricorn women this month. You can achieve incredible success at work without putting in any effort. special effort. Everything will be easy and relaxed for you. This is why management will notice you at the very beginning of the month, but you will not know about it right away. The main thing is to work hard and don’t get distracted by nonsense.

The second half of the month will also be filled with work. The main thing to remember is that you can’t get caught up in it, you have a personal life and you have to remember that. Capricorn - a woman should use February 2017, first of all, for personal purposes, only by turning the direction of the situation in her direction, only by finding benefits not only financially, but also spiritually, will you be fully realized. Here we are not talking about self-interest, but about the importance of actions for yourself personally; do not try to please everyone.

By showing care to your loved ones, you can cheer up not only them, but also yourself. You will understand how important these people are to you. Visit them often and remember that they will always be there.

This month is great for changing your appearance. From buying a new blouse to getting a new haircut and dyeing your hair. Don't be afraid, dare to change.
Your confidence will bring you many new acquaintances, but do not delude yourself, not all of them will be with you for a long time. So think before you let someone into your heart. Take care of your peace and integrity.

For Capricorns, February 2017 will turn into a period of intense “war” with themselves and with the outside world. You are not used to being content only with what you have at the moment, and at the end of winter 2017 this moral dissatisfaction will reach its climax. Literally everything will begin to irritate you: your insufficiently high salary, the lack of mutual understanding with loved ones, and the extra pounds that have firmly settled on your body. And a little later, when your irritation reaches its extreme boiling point, you decide to take and eliminate everything that causes you dissatisfaction. This is a commendable impulse, but in February you will apparently completely forget that such large-scale reforms take time (and not just 28 days, but much more). The conclusion is this - the struggle that you will begin with all the imperfections own life until it ends in victory.

But, alas, the outcome of this battle, which you yourself will unleash, will not be known to you! Oh, how blind is that fighter who, forgetting about everything, goes to the barricades with his chest and sincerely believes that he is about to win, which means all his efforts are not in vain. By the way, your February efforts really cannot be called in vain! Judge for yourself - if you want to qualitatively change your personal life, you will carry out a lot of bold experiments, and they will significantly diversify your reality. The problem is different. Your regular partner will not be ready for these experiments! Over and over again he will show you the worst aspects of his conservative nature, and at this moment you will think... You will have a thought - am I acting in the right direction? Is it worth reviving this novel at all? What will these experiments lead to, which my partner categorically rejects? It is possible that you will decide to suspend the plan for your February reforms, considering them useless and unable to save that love affair that has long exhausted itself. That's how it happens! Your romance will be interrupted at the very moment when you decide to remove the cobwebs from it (as it turns out, this very “web” helped you not notice many of the imperfections of your love affair).

If you are single, this is the moment you will decide to eliminate first in February 2017. Of course, it is stupid to assume that the love that people have been waiting for for several decades will suddenly appear in your life. You will make a mistake again (trying to artificially build love, after which you will experience bitter disappointment). Soon you and your new soulmate will get tired of pretending to be passionate, and your couple will cease to exist for a short time.

Now about another important aspect that you will try to change in February and in which you will also make a mistake due to your excessive haste. We are talking about the area of ​​your finances. Wanting to increase capital as quickly as possible, you invest your savings in some absurd enterprise. It will burn out, you will find yourself on the verge of bankruptcy, but this will not teach you thoroughness! Already at the end of February you will again take risks, this time trying to conquer a business located on the Internet. Important tip! If you really want to succeed in your endeavors, be sure to improve your professionalism in your chosen field of activity and, of course, do not refuse the support of people who are competent in matters of Internet entrepreneurship.

And, of course, in pursuit of the dream of a financial Eldorado, you should under no circumstances leave your “habitual” place of work! Business is business, but a stable, albeit not too high, income will not be superfluous to you. If staying in your current vacancy really disgusts you, well... This means that you are all the more interested in effectively developing your personal business project so that it provides you with a constant profit (that is, it allows you to pick up and quit your hated job).

Attention, the Capricorn horoscope for the month of February 2017 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming Red Rooster 2017, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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