The magic of numbers. Five of Wands Tarot Meaning 5 of Wands Card in Relationships

The Five of Wands in the tarot indicates that there is a lot of action in your life. There are many different people around you who are involved in your situation. The card may indicate a very competitive time. It also has the meaning of group sports.

Description of the card image

The situation on the map is lively and movement is felt. Five young people in multi-colored clothes each hold a staff in their hands, resulting in five staffs. Young people are preparing either for a competition or for a fight. The actions and movements of young people do not cause aggression; their behavior is friendly, and their faces express the frivolity of their ideas, a slight pretense in their intentions. But this is only at first glance and the first impression of the card. Young people sat on a green lawn, the sky was clear blue. There is calm and playfulness in the air.

The card can also speak of uncertainty. The young people have not decided what is happening between them: just an idea for a competition or is this a real skirmish.

The map is perceived in a very versatile way. There are too many participants involved, each pursuing their own interests and trying to turn the situation in their own direction. It is difficult to achieve coordination of actions and come to a common opinion, much less a goal.

Interpretation of direct provision

Keys: imitation of something, tension of struggle, competition to achieve results and profit. Competition, getting what you want through struggle. Rivals. Desire to be a leader. Take a leading position. Improve wealth. Conflicts. It is worth defending your interests. Express your opinion so that it is noticed and paid attention.

Your victory is deserved, but it was not easy for you; you had to pay a high price for what you wanted. The Five of Wands is competition, natural struggle, competitions that must be passed to implement plans.

But you should be careful and not get bogged down in the competitive struggle, which even goes as far as gambling, the struggle for leadership, in which the means and methods for winning are not important, but only the result. Also, you should not compete just for the sake of a leading position, imaginary success and position, strengthening influence or being richer than someone else. Such actions can lead to obsessions and the loss of something truly important.

The 5 of Wands says that you should not count on easy achievement of your plans, your life is in full swing. To achieve what you want, you need to work hard, analyze the current situation, and be willing to make sacrifices.

You have been challenged, and whether it is worth answering is up to you.

Interpretation of the inverted position

Keys: gravity of the situation, proceedings, disagreement, deceit, contradiction. Unfair fight, game without rules. Quarrels, conflict. Intrigue. Benefit from the problems and difficulties of others. Disclosure of other people's secrets.

The Five of Wands means a cruel and dishonest struggle, the implementation of plans through fraud.

Fierce competition with intrigue, double play, false actions, and involvement of third parties in the conflict. All types of struggle will complicate your life, and you will not emerge victorious from all conflicts and difficult situations. Achieving a positive result is complicated by the current circumstances. Not in all situations you will have the strength and prudence to turn things around in your favor.

Important: look around, perhaps someone is acting against you or things are happening without your knowledge and participation. Analyze your behavior and communication with others, look at your social circle.

Review your plans and goals to see if the price for achieving what you want is too high. Remember that it is very easy to lose your position and reputation, but returning everything to its place or to its previous position can be quite difficult, and sometimes almost impossible.

Five of Wands in health

Mild malaise, stabbing pain, bruise, hematoma, injury, stomach problems.

Straight position. Possible slight malaise, cold, runny nose. It is necessary to take a course of vitamins, dress according to the weather and not look at how others dress.

Strengthen your immune system and prevent viral diseases. You need to think about health in advance and prepare for illnesses.

Inverted position. Your immunity is weakened, your body is susceptible to diseases. Take care of your throat. Frivolous attitude towards health. Carelessness, negligence, neglect of diseases that can develop into chronic ones or be aggravated by complications. Inconsistency in the functioning of the body.

Five of Wands in Relationships

Straight position. State of confrontation: quarrels and conflicts. Not the most favorable prognosis for relationships. Love still seems to exist, but it is already beginning to fade away. May be irritated by your partner's behavior or habits. New aspects of character are revealed. A look at a person from a different, unfavorable side.

You can say that too many people are interested in your relationship, some out of envy, some out of simple curiosity, some out of selfish motives. And everyone strives to give their advice and bring confusion and chaos. Don’t let people you don’t like into your home or relationships. Be more attentive to advice and what other people say.

Inverted position. Infidelity, betrayal, lies, deception, love triangle. Interference from third parties. Perhaps someone does not want your happiness and is going against you.

Five of Wands at work


  • athlete,
  • critic,
  • Fighter for justice,
  • organizer,
  • speaker,
  • commentator.

Straight position. You are faced with a problem that needs to be resolved. For a favorable outcome, you will have to put in a lot of effort. This includes the struggle for a leading position, rivalry and competition, drawing up a strategy for action, attracting attention to one’s person, and ways to voice one’s opinion.

The situation is tense, but not depressingly serious. You may also have new ideas for strengthening your position or for achieving new heights and moving up the career ladder.

Advice: don’t be afraid of your strengths, check what you are capable of and you can calmly enter into competition. It is necessary to be firm and defend your position. You can stand up for yourself.

Inverted position. Be careful - the Five of Wands warns, look around, analyze the situation and your position. Perhaps one of your colleagues is playing a game against you.

Don’t rush into making decisions, it’s better to stop and take a breath, gain strength and act according to the established plan.

Avoid ill-considered actions, conflicts, and do not miss your chances and opportunities.

Taking on several tasks or projects at once means not succeeding in any of them. In this case, you will miss out on benefits and may end up in debt.

Lack of control in financial matters, excessive spending or unjustified investments will lead to losses.

Advice: do not brag about your achievements, soberly assess the situation. Pay attention to your surroundings. In order to gain financial benefit, you need to turn the situation around and become a leader, set a plan of action and the rhythm with which those around you will move. You should step out of the shadow of your colleagues and stop simply participating or contemplating what is happening. It is necessary to act, but to act thoughtfully.

Five of Wands about the current situation

Straight position. The current situation makes it difficult for you to move on. An unresolved issue will torment you for a long time. You will have to work hard and find the answer, otherwise you can lead the situation into a loop.

You have a chance to test your strength. Apply your knowledge in practice, verify your position, and confirm your leadership and advantage over others.

Now you may not be happy with the current situation, but you need to analyze and experience it, extract positive experience and move forward.

Advice: take a fresh look at your life; perhaps it’s time to reassess values, change your views regarding some positions.

Inverted position. You have hidden conflicts, both with yourself, which prevents you from achieving inner harmony, and with the people around you, which interferes with fruitful work and constructive communication. You should not pull the truth out of others when there is a secret on your part.

Card tip: You need to think about what kind of game you are playing, as well as with whom and what you are playing.

A word of caution: don’t get carried away with games; excitement is good in moderation. Rely only on yourself and your strengths.

Psychology of Personality.

The 5 of Wands indicates a person who tries to constantly live in tension and emotional swings, otherwise life loses interest and meaning for him. A sociable person, constantly looking for new acquaintances to realize his interests, but these acquaintances and connections are not durable, only for the period while something can be obtained from them or while they are useful. As for emotions, a person is content with little: superficial perception and experience, which leads to a constant thirst for new emotions. A person does not know how to sympathize and is not able to console or support in difficult times. And even if he tries, he does it in a forced and unnatural way.

Keys for understanding the ideas of the Five of Wands:

  • Lack of coordination, disagreements, disputes.
  • Conflicts in society.
  • Setting rules for competition. Drawing up a fight plan.
  • Establishing connections to conclude a contract.
  • Assigning each participant their own specific role. Distribution of tasks.
  • Turmoil, noise, hubbub, twitching of the interlocutor. Misunderstandings. Misunderstanding based on unwillingness to listen to the interlocutor.

Questions to consider after the Five of Wands card is drawn:

  1. What game are you playing?
  2. What game do partners, colleagues, in a word, those around you play?
  3. What position do you take in the situation?
  4. What is your goal?
  5. What positions do opponents take?
  6. What are the competitors' goals?

Five of Wands combined with the Major Arcana

With a jester. Ignoring others.

With a magician. Manipulation of others.

With the High Priestess. Intrigue. Difficulties with documents.

With the Empress. A search for compromise is necessary.

With the Emperor. The struggle for the leading and highest position.

With the hierophant. Eliminate indecision.

With lovers. Unequal relationships. The desire to be taller and more significant than your partner.

With a chariot. Conflicts, quarrels, cycle of quarrels.

With strength. Don't abuse your position.

With a hermit. Internal disharmony.

With the wheel of fortune. Challenge your destiny.

With justice. Search for peculiar “holes” in laws.

C hanged. Incoherence of actions, disorder of actions.

With death. Changing worldview.

With moderation. A look at life from a position of neutrality.

With the devil. Your destiny is playing with you.

With a tower of lightning. Losing.

With a star. Infidelity.

With the moon. Concealment of the real situation.

With the sun. Winning, achieving a goal, defeating competitors.

With the court. The birth of truth after much debate.

With peace. Confirmation and strengthening of your position. Winning.

Combinations of the Five of Wands with the Suit of Wands

With an ace. You should not miss the favorable opportunities and chances provided by fate.

With a deuce. You missed opportunities. You have been relegated to the background.

With a three. The difficulties are left behind, your position has strengthened.

With four. Consistency.

With six. Subjugation of others. Take a leadership position.

With seven. Prolonged difficulties, unwillingness to reconsider one’s views.

With eight. Rapid development of events. Brawl.

With nine. Tense position. Caution is required.

With ten. Loss of strength, concession of positions.

With a page. A balanced assessment of the situation and a sober assessment of the situation is necessary.

With a knight. To incite a conflict, a quarrel.

With the queen. It is necessary to sort it out and put things in order. A new level in relationships.

With the king. Development of a plan, constructive solution.

The meaning of the Five of Wands in combination with the suit of cups

With an ace. Rivalry on the love front.

With a deuce. Clarifying relationships.

With a three. Conflict in the team.

With four. Avoiding responsibility, looking for opportunities to escape conflict.

With an A. Competition, you have vulnerabilities.

With six. Problems from the past. Something is not allowed.

With seven. Unsuccessful competition.

With eight. Refusal of competition and struggle.

With nine. Victory is in your hands, satisfaction.

With ten. Family conflicts.

With a page. The need to attract attention.

With a knight. Smoothing out the situation, conciliatory actions.

With the queen. Communication with a woman, misunderstanding, inconsistency.

With the king. Misunderstanding with a man.

Interpretation of the Five of Wands in combination with the suit of swords

With an ace. Competition for leadership.

With a deuce. Duel, competition.

With a three. Bickering.

With four. Fleeing, avoiding something.

With an A. Harassment, insults.

With six. Avoiding pursuers.

With seven. Demonstration of diplomatic skills.

With eight. Complexity.

With nine. Depression due to quarrels and disagreements.

With ten. Breakdown of relationships.

With a page. Misunderstanding in the context of a child and a parent.

With a knight. Battle.

With the queen. Discord with a woman who miscalculated her moves.

With the king. A clash with someone higher in position.

Five of Cups combined with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. Competition for financial gain.

With a deuce. Debts, unwillingness to repay the debt, claims against the debtor.

With a three. Professional competition, struggle for a place in the organization.

With four. The desire to put everything in order.

With an A. Desire for life.

With six. Competition for funding.

With seven. It is necessary to assess your strengths and capabilities before entering into competition.

With eight. Team competition.

With nine. Desire to make a profit. Justification of your position.

With ten. Dispute about inheritance.

With a page. Competition for project financing.

With a knight. Leadership, advantage.

With the queen. Quarrel and disagreement with a business woman.

With the king. Choosing a person responsible in the financial sector.

Competition. Rivalry. Argument. Test of strength. Fight for your place. Exam. The need for self-affirmation. Dependence on men. Communication with people of the same sex. External conflict of interest. Healthy competition. Showdown. Freeing yourself from unnecessary connections

Don't be afraid to compete with others, even in a new area.

Ambition should not turn into shamelessness, and skill into boasting.

Card of the day
Today you must be in shape because you will have to prove your skills. This is a normal exam situation, a test that should not be avoided. And it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about competition with competitors, a confrontation between two opinions, or a psychological competition (conflict) with a loved one: you must immediately take the bull by the horns and prove that you are still on top. If you fight honestly and, moreover, with full dedication, then victory is guaranteed to you. However, even if you get second place, you will still be pleased that you took part in this fight.

Reversed card
Internal conflict. Lack of faith in your competitiveness. Dishonest tactics. Uncertainty of social status. Injustice. Legal battles. Major quarrels. Stress. Unhealthy competition. Suppressed rage.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners."

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In the Five of Wands card we see five people fighting with each other, but there is no intense conflict between them.
They hit each other lightly, as if it were a theatrical battle scene.
It's a reminder that life is a game and that we need a little bit of fighting to feel alive.

Sometimes this card speaks more about internal contradiction, rather than about conflicts in the external world.
You see that all the people in the picture are facing in different directions, which means different opinions or conflicting interests and the need to put all this in order.

Questions to ask yourself when you pull out the Five of Wands
  • Are you involved in a dispute?
  • Is there anything you're not sure about?
  • What needs to be organized?
  • Do you like healthy competition?
  • Why can't you reach a compromise?
Key Ideas
Compete - this will bring pleasure to all participants in the competition.

Share the joy of competition.
There are no victories or defeats in life, there is only life itself.

Direct card: There are a lot of serious and important conversations going on.
You have a lot to think about.

Reversed card: There are a lot of disagreements between friends at the moment.
A compromise must be found before too much falls apart and anyone gets really hurt.

Direct card: An excellent time to join a discussion club or to convey your ideas to influential people.

Reversed card: Petty conflicts and tensions among your fellow students keep you from concentrating.
Find a way not to participate in this, otherwise your studies will suffer.

Direct card: Differences in opinion are good for the health of a relationship.

In the long term, it will strengthen relationships and increase their viability.
Reversed card: If you are in a close relationship with someone, then you argue too much, and in the process of arguing, you hurt each other.

Find a basis for agreement - you think about something the same way!

Direct card: Listening to different opinions and perspectives from family members will help you decide what is important to you.

Reversed card: Family conflicts will bring anyone to the ground.
Take a time out, relax somewhere with friends.

Direct card: Do you channel your aggression into wrestling?

If not, buy a punching bag.
Reversed card: When the talk show starts, turn off the TV.
Find another way to fill your time.

Direct card: You are lucky - you have a healthy, athletic physique.

Reversed card: If you want to look and dress a certain way, but your parents or teachers are against it, learn to find compromises.
Fight battles that are worth it, and don’t waste your nerves.

Relationships with parents and academic success are more important than a nose ring or pink hair.

Direct card: It's not easy making ends meet right now, but you enjoy the struggle.
Reversed card: Sometimes you need to forget about personal gain for the benefit of the common cause.
Fortune telling in half a minute
Jocelyn argued and quarreled with her parents all the time.
The Five of Wands indicated that tension in the family was exhausting both Jo herself and her parents.
She must find another way to make her point.

In addition, she will have to realize that her parents also have a definite opinion - no less definite than her own.
When she begins to see and understand her parents' point of view as well as her own, then she can work with her parents to reach a compromise.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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The fact that rivals do not harm each other indicates a healthy spirit of competition.
Wand fighting suggests close conflict.
The Five of Wands signifies a period of uncertainty.

Things don't go according to plan and it feels like an endless uphill climb.
It is necessary to overcome certain obstacles to achieve the goal that is within sight.
This will require courage and patience.

Many decks feature this card as five men engaged in some sort of battle, waving wands.
There is a conflict of interest here, and each combatant is forced to compete with the others in order to test his skills and test his competence in comparison with his rivals.

This card symbolizes the difficulties we face when we try to preach our ideas in the material world.
The inspired foresight characteristic of the suit of Wands runs up against the stone wall of reality.

Our ability to cope with a difficult situation is tested when we are forced to compete with others, relying only on our wits.
We may have to mobilize all our strength to cope with our problems or competitors.

We have a strong desire to resolve the situation through open combat and stand firm in our position.
And although this card indicates that we will not be able to avoid certain troubles, it also suggests that we have enough energy to successfully deal with them.

This energy will help us overcome the confrontation predicted by this card with dignity.

The Five of Wands in your reading indicates that you are facing a period of time during which you will experience a lot of excitement.

You may be involved in fighting or hold conflicting opinions, leading to many arguments and disappointments.
This card foretells tests of your perseverance and determination.

Delays and misunderstandings will hinder your progress and you will feel like everything is going wrong.
The problems you face may require a lot of time, and you may even have to make compromises.

It is important, however, not to lose sight of your intended goals and not allow yourself to lose your head.
And although the difficulties that await you will not be particularly serious or long-term, you will still need to make some effort to find a way to overcome them.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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Meaning in fortune telling
Unsatisfied desires.
Fierce rivalry.
Reversed meaning

A warning against indecision.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Five of Wands is a symbol of greed, competition for financial gain, and ordeal.

Inner meaning
Following a period of crazy spending and less prudent financial management, you spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to win, earn, or acquire more money and material possessions.

It's not just about trying to grow your business; it is the greedy pursuit of financial gain.
For some time you will experience difficult trials, even hardships due to this struggle.
If you started this struggle yourself, you may be able to ease the situation by showing patience and tolerance.

If other people have pulled you into the fight, you will need to fight to keep what you have.
According to some interpretations, the Five of Wands is called the card of gold, profit and wealth.

You can get rich if you strive for it and if the other signs are favorable.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: greed, pursuit of financial gain and material values.

The desire to “live like people”; struggle for wealth and luck.
An ordeal.
Immature decisions, unattainable goals.
Reversed or negative: unfair and unfair competition.
Intrigues, disputes, even problems with the law and litigation await you.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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The Five of Wands destroys the harmony of the Four.
She talks about strife, competition, struggle, rivalry, ambition and pride.
On the other hand, the Waite-Smith deck's card art is also great for team sports, brainstorming, and problem solving, where everyone involved shows healthy aggression and fights for success.

I call this map a "committee" where you can test your ideas through conflict and disagreement with others.
However, sometimes the struggle is between five different parts of the querent's psyche.
What starts out as a playful tournament or playful battle can end up becoming a violent battle and destructive criticism.

If you are afraid that your ideas will not be recognized and your desires will not be satisfied, the result can be outright anger.
On the other hand, the card speaks of the presence of several points of view on the current situation and the need to express them freely and in a playful manner.

Various cheerful activities, a struggle for position through cunning and manipulation, or a fiery surge of libido are possible.
It is possible that you are struggling for success or for the opportunity to be heard.

On the card of the Waite-Smith deck, five men seem to be trying to build a pentagram out of sticks - a symbol of strength and protection.
This involves considering different points of view.
Moving forward is quite possible, but it will require hard work and many obstacles to overcome.

Traditional meanings: gold, wealth.
Abundance, luxury, brilliance.
Profit, benefit.
A prudent marriage.
Great moral responsibility.
Pride, arrogance or anger can spoil success.

Five of Wands Reversed
The Five of Wands reversed can mean overcoming all obstacles or ending a period of conflict and stress.
This, however, may require judicial or professional intervention.

You can refuse the game imposed on you or correct a slippery situation by not participating in it.
But it is also possible that you will not be able to remain uninvolved.
As in the story of President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, people can actively denigrate and persecute you, even to the point of organizing a lawsuit.

Someone may sabotage the negotiations in order to leave the situation in an unstable and suspended state.
You may be deliberately trying to narrow your options instead of opening up to discussion.

You are afraid to speak publicly or do not want to contribute to confrontation and conflict.
However, when the card is inverted, the confusion may be internal in nature - there will be psychological conflicts and difficulties with decision-making.

Your priorities are not entirely clear right now.
Hostility can escalate into serious arguments and disputes, or it can turn inward and result in extreme fatigue as a reaction.
If on the upright card of the Waite-Smith deck, attention is drawn primarily to the sticks directed at each other, then on the inverted card, the uniform positions of the legs, as if in a dance, are striking.

So at the other end of this card's spectrum, you may suddenly find yourself working with others as a team to help reach agreement and end hostilities.
This will give you a chance to relax and begin a period of calm and release.

A game or other sporting event may be canceled or postponed.
In terms of health, this may be the activity of antibodies, which are currently fighting the infection.
When projecting onto others, you will think that they are the source of contradictions and behave destructively, while you remain completely calm and impartial.

You may also suspect them of deception and fraud.
On a shamanic and magical level, this card can mean psychic and astral self-defense.
Or you can show trickster qualities and, for example, treacherously stir up quarrels between people.

Perhaps you are doing this in order to divert their attention from your real goals, and slowly slip away in the heat of battle.
Traditional Reversed Meanings: trials.
Court, tribunal.

Disputes, disputes.
Deception, fraud.
Persecution, persecution.
Irritation, quarrels.
Delays and unpleasant circumstances, but overall a favorable result.

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
It becomes clear that in this operation we will have to deal with a great and powerful enemy who takes advantage of our weaknesses.
(First Book of the Arabs)
Description of the card and its internal meaning
The Five of Wands symbolizes the struggle for financial gain and competition.

Therefore, the illustration on it is the image of people fighting.
Moreover, there are no clearly expressed warring parties, here it’s every man for himself.
The Five of Staves describes a period of life when dissatisfaction awakens in every person, a desire for something more, a desire to destroy what binds - such a desire often leads to the most unpredictable consequences.

Perhaps you are not yet ready for extreme measures, for change, for the emergence of a new one from the ashes of the old life, your time has not yet come.
In the worldly life of the Questioner, problems of a material nature await.
If he himself started the financial struggle, then it will probably end happily, especially if the Questioner is armed with patience and determination.

If others started the financial struggle and dragged him into it, then the latter will have a very hard time, he will need to fight to preserve what he has.
The Five of Staves warns of another unpleasant event: the situation in which the Questioner finds himself is practically out of his control.

It should be borne in mind that forces more powerful than the Questioner are involved.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - D, number - 5, Ruled by the planet - Mercury, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 21 hexagram ("Clenched Teeth"), Weather conditions - thunderstorm, Corresponding color - orange, According to Kabbalah - corresponds to the Sephira of Geburah.
Card meaning
Straight position
In this case, the card warns of trials, difficult times, the emergence of a situation that may get out of the control of the Questioner, about too much wastefulness and the pursuit of money, about greed, immature decisions, about goals that will never be achieved.

A calm life literally explodes before our eyes.

Inverted position
In an inverted position, this Arcanum predicts difficult trials, speaks of dangerous competition, and warns of litigation, deception and disputes.

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Five of Wands - merciless rivalry, discord, enmity.
Conflicts with others due to differences of opinion.
You will have to stand up for yourself.
Often means internal struggle and upcoming changes.

You will have to experience many bitter moments and disappointments before you manage to create something new in place of the destroyed old one.
And the more serious the changes, the more patience and endurance you will need.

Inverted - the kingdom of peace and harmony.
Everything will change for the better, but for this you will have to give up some old habits.
The card indicates excellent physical fitness and sports activities.

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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V. Five - a group of young men waving sticks, as if in a wrestling match.

Straight position: imitation, such as an exhibition fight, strong competition or struggle, after which wealth and good fortune come.

This card is interpreted as a sign of gold, profit, abundance.

Reverse position: litigation, disputes, deception, refutation.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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Astrological meaning: Mars in the 5th house as a symbol of sports competitions, games.
FIVE WANDS The Five of Wands is a challenge thrown at us, an invitation to measure our strength, to compete, a test: do we have enough strength?

This is in no way connected with hostility or a life-and-death battle.
We are offered to try our hand - perhaps in some kind of competition, dispute, or perhaps in some new business for us.

We have the forces for this, and we simply have a chance to use them, so there is no reason to fear serious defeat or damage, unless under a number of unfavorable circumstances.

The chances that this card offers should not be missed, because they give us the opportunity to be convinced of our abilities and to realize them.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Struggle First decade of Leo from July 23 to August 2.
Astrological equivalents: Saturn in air signs.
If Aries includes sources of energy, then Leo carries them outside.
The first decade of Leo shows individual self-disclosure.

A person, realizing his originality, learns to manage himself, saving effort and developing a strategy of behavior so as not to be led by circumstances.
He takes fate into his own hands - and this decade, according to European tradition, is ruled by Saturn.

But the life goals and inner truth of one person may not coincide with the intentions and outlook on life of other people: excessive individualism and the pursuit of only one’s own goals limit the possibilities of implementation and lead to obstacles and conflicts.

The Five breaks through the stability of the Four.
This is a struggle: external, internal, impulse, desire.
The clash shows the main factors fighting within you for dominance, both external and internal.
There is no compromise and there cannot be; Only struggle will decide the outcome of the matter.

"Best the enemy of the good".
Fight, competition (rivalry), fundamental conflict, struggle of different aspirations.
Trap - avoiding the fight, giving up your position before the fight begins.
Straight position: In the upright position, the card means: in terms of gaining everyday experience - living lessons, situations through which you get this experience.

The Five of Scepters will require you to have willpower and certainty of thought.
The map can also serve as an indicator that you are paying too much attention to a particular area of ​​your activity.
Socially, through this card there can be liberation from everything unnecessary, excessive, superfluous.

The Five of Staves symbolizes leaving the usual social context and an attempt to find oneself in a different context.
The card can mean breaking ties, leaving home, breaking up a family.
At the same time, the Five of Scepters can open up new horizons or, at least, provide new opportunities in one or another particular field of activity.

Struggle is an unsatisfied desire, a fight against illusions, sometimes exhausting work, conflicts, and overcoming obstacles.
Inverted position: In an inverted position, the card can mean injustice, a cold and hard mind, an inability and unwillingness to benefit from life lessons; maximalism, dividing everything into black and white, regardless of the logic of events; viewing events outside their context.

In terms of social activity, this may also sound like fraud, contradiction, opposition, confusing relationships, ambiguous social status, involvement in certain processes against your desire, excessive caution.

The Five of Scepters can also indicate hidden enmity, which can sometimes be disguised under the guise of increased courtesy.
Sometimes it also indicates that in the near future you risk becoming a victim of intrigue.

Saturn attracts attention to career matters and gives them importance.
Therefore, it is possible that the action of the Five will mainly take place at your work.
As a symbol of the destruction of the comfort of the quaternary scheme, Five can mean the beginning of an unstable, asocial period, loss of work, certain social guarantees, etc.

This card may signal certain difficulties associated with your home.
The Five of Wands is one of the cards that represents additional factors that you should pay attention to when it comes to a possible divorce.

Another interpretation of the card is as a rebellion of a loner.

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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Five young people with batons in their hands are having a fun brawl.
This is not a fight, they are simply overwhelmed with energy, and they find a way out. The spirit of competition and play reigns here.
This card speaks of unexpressed desire, the absence of a specific goal.

The efforts of the people involved in solving your issue are directed in different directions, just like the efforts of the people depicted on the map.
So far, what you are doing is not leading to any result.
You should formulate your goal more specifically - and enlist the support of other people.

Thus, in practical life its meaning is “there is a lot of noise, but little sense.”
If you want to start some business, then the Five of Wands promises only troubles and someone’s promises, but not results.
If, on the contrary, you are afraid of something - for example, that you will be sued - then you don’t have to fear anything, because empty troubles will fall to the lot of your ill-wishers.

Inverted: There will still be a lot of hassle and noise, and the result for the questioner is likely to be unfavorable (bruises and bumps).

If you received the 5 Wands Tarot card, the meaning promises troubles, participation in a fight or competition, as well as difficulties that you have to cope with. The meaning of this card in relationships describes a rather difficult period.

In the article:

5 of Wands of Tarot - meaning in a broad sense

The 5 of Wands Tarot is a card of pretend fight. It depicts five people playfully fighting each other. Perhaps they are trying to interfere with each other with their wands. The image is competitive in nature and conveys an atmosphere of fun and play. There is no specific goal for this game.

Regarding the meaning of the Five of Wands of the Tarot, the efforts of the people involved in the matter about which the fortuneteller is asking are directed in different directions, as are the efforts of the people depicted on the card. They lack clear action planning. If you direct the efforts of these people to something specific, the plan will be useful.

If only the fortuneteller is involved in resolving the issue, the card says that his efforts do not lead to the results that are necessary. Your goal should be clear and understandable to you. Support from other people doesn't hurt either.

The meaning of the 5 Wands of the Tarot can easily be summed up in the phrase “there is a lot of noise, but little sense.” There is a flurry of activity, troubles, promises, but the results are insignificant. If the alignment is made against enemies who threaten the fortuneteller, they will have empty troubles, and the threats are unlikely to be carried out.

The meaning of the Five of Wands Tarot is also about uncertainty. In addition, there is a possibility of being involved in some kind of struggle. Perhaps this means a trial, a quarrel with neighbors over domestic issues, and similar situations. The fortuneteller can expect many obstacles, but perseverance and willingness to stand up for his interests will help him. In this case, the card can mean sports or martial arts, as well as sports competitions.

Here the struggle has nothing to do with a battle for life and death. It's more like a call to compete. There is no need to fear defeat; you have everything you need to win. On the other hand, the card does not promise fabulous luck; everything will depend only on your actions. Don't miss the chance to show your abilities and achieve results that interest you. Avoid passivity, now it can only do harm.

If the question concerns a trip, most likely it will be postponed due to some problems. Channel your energy into exercise or throw a loud party. You have an abundance of energy, and taking active steps now will benefit you.

5 Tarot Staffs upside down symbolizes peace and harmony in all areas of life. New opportunities can be perceived as a challenge from fate, but overall the situation will be stable. This card can also foretell the end of a conflict, reconciliation, or a favorable resolution of an issue.

Interpretation of the 5 Tarot Wands for self-development

The meaning of the Tarot card 5 of Wands speaks of the stress to which the fortuneteller is now greatly exposed. He should restore clarity of thinking and turn to internal reserves to cope with stress. You should pay attention to new opportunities, even if they are more like a challenge, and look for the positive aspects in the difficulties that arise. Every problem you have is a source of new opportunities or valuable experience.

The 5 of Wands also signifies a riddle or some problem that needs to be solved. You will have to rack your brains, but the solution to the riddle found will bring you closer to your goal on the path of knowledge. There is no need to be afraid of the steadily approaching situation; it will not bring any problems.

An example of a similar situation is a heated argument between representatives of different generations. In this case, we are not talking about a conflict, but about an attempt to find out the truth. The discussion promises to be constructive. All participants are given the opportunity to gain new ideas and get rid of the norms imposed by society and other people.

Five of Wands Tarot - meaning in the reading for work

The Five of Wands means that you need to solve some problem. The decision will require tension, but stress, overexertion and other negative consequences do not threaten the fortuneteller.

The task in question will most likely be unusual. Most likely, you have never encountered this before, but you have everything you need to cope with the matter. However, the unusualness of the task can also be expressed in its volume; you may have never attempted such a scale of work before.

The task will require dexterity and intelligence, but you cannot take it too seriously. Treat this as a competition, a chance to try your hand. It is likely that it will be a quiz or competition.

5 of Tarot Wands - meaning in relationships

The meaning in relationships of the 5 of Wands of the Tarot often means a family who likes to argue or compete in something. Despite such heated competitions, these people love each other, their relationship is not threatened by real scandals or betrayal. However, this relationship is like a struggle.

Without these disputes, the couple's relationship will quickly wither and turn into a boring swamp. Arguments and competitions keep them on their toes. Partners find some inspiration in them and in this way fuel interest in each other. A good example would be the mythological union of Hera and Zeus.

It is likely that the meaning in relationships of the Five of Wands Tarot relates only to a specific period for the couple in question. The struggle may also turn out to be joint against someone else or circumstances. In addition, this card may mean that you will have to win the favor of a loved one or fight a rival.

What kind of people does the Five of Wands Tarot represent?

It is known that Tarot cards can mean not only situations or emotions of the fortuneteller, but also specific people from his environment. Knowing this part of the meaning, you can always find out who caused your difficulties or who you can ask for help.

Five of Wands in a straight position means lovers of competition and debate. This could be a judge at a sports competition, a sports team, or a person who is seriously interested in sports, especially martial arts. This card also indicates an enemy or rival who is acting openly.

Inverted The Five of Wands represents a secret enemy or rival who prefers to fight your competitor indirectly. Anger is one of the character traits inherent in this person.

5 of Wands in Tarot combinations

Combinations of the 5 Tarot Wands with other cards can make the forecast more detailed and accurate, and sometimes nearby cards completely change the meaning of the main one. So, for example, the combination of the 5 of Wands with speaks of leaving the fight. Perhaps this meaning can also be taken as advice not to get involved with the troubles that have arisen, but to try to avoid them, which almost always turns out to be easier.

The combination of the Five of Wands promises quarrels within the family. If the Queen of Cups is near this card, the quarrel will be with her. The situation is the same with the King. Knowing the meanings of these cards, you can understand who exactly you will have to quarrel with.

If the Five of Wands falls near , the meaning of this combination can be described in one word - duel. The cards imply a fair competition or struggle between opponents who do not hide their intentions. The combination with the Three of Swords promises a verbal altercation, but it will be quite stormy and can have serious consequences.

If you received the 5 Wands Tarot card, the meaning promises troubles, participation in a fight or competition, as well as difficulties that you have to cope with. The meaning of this card in relationships describes a rather difficult period.

In the article:

5 of Wands of Tarot - meaning in a broad sense

The 5 of Wands Tarot is a card of pretend fight. It depicts five people playfully fighting each other. Perhaps they are trying to interfere with each other with their wands. The image is competitive in nature and conveys an atmosphere of fun and play. There is no specific goal for this game.

Regarding the meaning of the Five of Wands of the Tarot, the efforts of the people involved in the matter about which the fortuneteller is asking are directed in different directions, as are the efforts of the people depicted on the card. They lack clear action planning. If you direct the efforts of these people to something specific, the plan will be useful.

If only the fortuneteller is involved in resolving the issue, the card says that his efforts do not lead to the results that are necessary. Your goal should be clear and understandable to you. Support from other people doesn't hurt either.

The meaning of the 5 Wands of the Tarot can easily be summed up in the phrase “there is a lot of noise, but little sense.” There is a flurry of activity, troubles, promises, but the results are insignificant. If the alignment is made against enemies who threaten the fortuneteller, they will have empty troubles, and the threats are unlikely to be carried out.

The meaning of the Five of Wands Tarot is also about uncertainty. In addition, there is a possibility of being involved in some kind of struggle. Perhaps this means a trial, a quarrel with neighbors over domestic issues, and similar situations. The fortuneteller can expect many obstacles, but perseverance and willingness to stand up for his interests will help him. In this case, the card can mean sports or martial arts, as well as sports competitions.

Here the struggle has nothing to do with a battle for life and death. It's more like a call to compete. There is no need to fear defeat; you have everything you need to win. On the other hand, the card does not promise fabulous luck; everything will depend only on your actions. Don't miss the chance to show your abilities and achieve results that interest you. Avoid passivity, now it can only do harm.

If the question concerns a trip, most likely it will be postponed due to some problems. Channel your energy into exercise or throw a loud party. You have an abundance of energy, and taking active steps now will benefit you.

5 Tarot Staffs upside down symbolizes peace and harmony in all areas of life. New opportunities can be perceived as a challenge from fate, but overall the situation will be stable. This card can also foretell the end of a conflict, reconciliation, or a favorable resolution of an issue.

Interpretation of the 5 Tarot Wands for self-development

The meaning of the Tarot card 5 of Wands speaks of the stress to which the fortuneteller is now greatly exposed. He should restore clarity of thinking and turn to internal reserves to cope with stress. You should pay attention to new opportunities, even if they are more like a challenge, and look for the positive aspects in the difficulties that arise. Every problem you have is a source of new opportunities or valuable experience.

The 5 of Wands also signifies a riddle or some problem that needs to be solved. You will have to rack your brains, but the solution to the riddle found will bring you closer to your goal on the path of knowledge. There is no need to be afraid of the steadily approaching situation; it will not bring any problems.

An example of a similar situation is a heated argument between representatives of different generations. In this case, we are not talking about a conflict, but about an attempt to find out the truth. The discussion promises to be constructive. All participants are given the opportunity to gain new ideas and get rid of the norms imposed by society and other people.

Five of Wands Tarot - meaning in the reading for work

The Five of Wands means that you need to solve some problem. The decision will require tension, but stress, overexertion and other negative consequences do not threaten the fortuneteller.

The task in question will most likely be unusual. Most likely, you have never encountered this before, but you have everything you need to cope with the matter. However, the unusualness of the task can also be expressed in its volume; you may have never attempted such a scale of work before.

The task will require dexterity and intelligence, but you cannot take it too seriously. Treat this as a competition, a chance to try your hand. It is likely that it will be a quiz or competition.

5 of Tarot Wands - meaning in relationships

The meaning in relationships of the 5 of Wands of the Tarot often means a family who likes to argue or compete in something. Despite such heated competitions, these people love each other, their relationship is not threatened by real scandals or betrayal. However, this relationship is like a struggle.

Without these disputes, the couple's relationship will quickly wither and turn into a boring swamp. Arguments and competitions keep them on their toes. Partners find some inspiration in them and in this way fuel interest in each other. A good example would be the mythological union of Hera and Zeus.

It is likely that the meaning in relationships of the Five of Wands Tarot relates only to a specific period for the couple in question. The struggle may also turn out to be joint against someone else or circumstances. In addition, this card may mean that you will have to win the favor of a loved one or fight a rival.

What kind of people does the Five of Wands Tarot represent?

It is known that Tarot cards can mean not only situations or emotions of the fortuneteller, but also specific people from his environment. Knowing this part of the meaning, you can always find out who caused your difficulties or who you can ask for help.

Five of Wands in a straight position means lovers of competition and debate. This could be a judge at a sports competition, a sports team, or a person who is seriously interested in sports, especially martial arts. This card also indicates an enemy or rival who is acting openly.

Inverted The Five of Wands represents a secret enemy or rival who prefers to fight your competitor indirectly. Anger is one of the character traits inherent in this person.

5 of Wands in Tarot combinations

Combinations of the 5 Tarot Wands with other cards can make the forecast more detailed and accurate, and sometimes nearby cards completely change the meaning of the main one. So, for example, the combination of the 5 of Wands with speaks of leaving the fight. Perhaps this meaning can also be taken as advice not to get involved with the troubles that have arisen, but to try to avoid them, which almost always turns out to be easier.

The combination of the Five of Wands promises quarrels within the family. If the Queen of Cups is near this card, the quarrel will be with her. The situation is the same with the King. Knowing the meanings of these cards, you can understand who exactly you will have to quarrel with.

If the Five of Wands falls near , the meaning of this combination can be described in one word - duel. The cards imply a fair competition or struggle between opponents who do not hide their intentions. The combination with the Three of Swords promises a verbal altercation, but it will be quite stormy and can have serious consequences.


Five of Wands in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - unsportsmanlike behavior; ignore other people's opinions.
With the “Magician” card - manipulation in a team.
With the “High Priestess” card - a battle of psychics.
With the “Empress” card - find a mutually acceptable solution.
With the "Emperor" card - a politician.
With the “Hierophant” card - overcome doubts.
With the “Lovers” card - rivalry in relationships.
With the Chariot card - drown in disputes.
With the “Strength” card - do not go beyond what is permitted.
With the Hermit card there is a conflict with oneself.
With the "Wheel of Fortune" card - a challenge of fate.
With the “Justice” card - take advantage of the imperfections of the judicial system.
With the Hanged Man card - a feverish search for a way out of the situation.
With the “Death” card - a change of heart.
With the “Moderation” card - moderate views.
With the “Devil” card, fate played a cruel joke.
With the Tower card - lose to a competitor.
With the “Star” card, the natal chart is incorrect.
With the Moon card - deceive your opponent.
With the “Sun” card - win the tender; get around your opponents.
With the “Court” card, truth is born in a dispute.
With the “World” card - win the battle.

With the Ace of Wands card - seize the initiative; don't miss your chance; snatch luck.
With the “Two of Wands” card - loss of opportunities; failure that pushes you into the background.
With the Three of Wands card - self-affirmation; overcoming difficulties; undergo hardening.
With the Four of Wands card - achieving agreement; finding a compromise.
With the Six of Wands card - gain the upper hand; subdue; advance.
With the Seven of Wands card there is a protracted conflict; prolonged difficulties; constant attacks and nagging; stubbornly defending one's beliefs.
With the Eight of Wands card, the conflict is moving towards a resolution; fast reaction; turmoil.
With the Nine of Wands card - the need to remain alert; intense anticipation and analysis of possibilities; gaining experience.
With the Ten of Wands card - bullying that has exhausted you; loss; lose to competitors; removal from office.
With the “Page of Wands” card there is an emerging compromise; careful weighing of the situation.
With the “Knight of Wands” card - add fuel to the fire; inciting passions; inciting conflict.
With the “Queen of Wands” card - putting things in order; transition to a more mature level of relationship.
With the “King of Wands” card there is a constructive conflict; overcoming disagreements; strategy development; accepting responsibility.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Five of Wands (Staffs) in an upright position with the Major Arcana

Magician pr and per - “Going to great lengths” to achieve the desired goals
Priestess - Success in extrasensory perception, occultism
Empress - Profit
Emperor - Promises a great career in politics
Priest - Reverie
Lovers - Qualitatively new choice
Chariot - Successful solution of the task assigned to you
Justice - Attempt to evade punishment
Hermit pr and per - Controversial attitude towards abundance
Wheel of Fortune - You have the strength to take on the challenge of fate
Strength - Profit
Hanged Man - Losses, unexpected
Death - Atheism/change of belief
Moderation - New position, possible move to a new place
Devil - Devil's Challenge
Tower - Losing money
Star - Doubt about paternity
Moon - Illegal gains
Sun - High position
Court - Karmic addiction
World - Test of strength
Jester - Doping, withdrawal from competitions

Five of Wands (Staffs) reversed with the Major Arcana

Justice - Punishment
5 of Wands (trans) + Tower + 2 of Pentacles - Bad luck, collapse of existing affairs

Five of Wands (Staffs) inverted with the Minor Arcana

4 of Wands - Winning a case, luck
9 of Pentacles (trans) - Theft cannot be avoided

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