A small bird with a red head. Bird with a red head: name. Description of forest birds. Bird species of the middle zone

The birds of the Moscow region are impressively diverse. This area is home to a large number of birds of different species and sizes. Despite the fact that the proximity of the metropolis has an impact on their habitat, forests, fields and swamps are rightfully considered their home. The birds of Moscow and the Moscow region always evoke special interest and admiration among citizens. Birds inhabiting forests and parks make the territories of the Moscow region more attractive.

The birds of the Moscow region are impressively diverse

Bird species of the middle zone

The beautiful and majestic stork is a specimen of snow-white plumage with a long beak. A perched stork has black edging along the edges of its wings, creating the illusion of a black back. In cold seasons, the bird flies to warm African countries. Likes to live and set up its large nests near residential buildings.

The most common birds of prey in the Moscow region are buzzards. These are quite large individuals, about 50 cm in size, with a wing span of up to 1 m. Dark birds often have large spots on the sides of the chest or a dark transverse stripe. Birds of prey with the name buzzard also have a second name - the common buzzard. Predators are common not only in Russia, but throughout Europe and Asia, living in wooded areas. There are both black and gray feather colors. Color varies from fawn to dark brown. There are light spots on the inside of the feather. The bottom of the wings smoothly turns into a lighter shade.

The raven has shiny black plumage with a metallic sheen.

The raven has shiny black plumage with a metallic sheen. It would be a grave mistake to call the majestic and large black crow an ordinary crow. This species differs from the ubiquitous human companion due to its larger body size with a long beak. The maximum age an animal can live to is 75 years.

The bullfinch is a famous and very common bird living in the Moscow region

The bullfinch, a well-known and very common bird living in the Moscow region, has red plumage. It is quite small in size and is rightfully considered an indigenous inhabitant of the wild; it rarely catches the eye in the warm season. The bird with a red breast is endowed with a body of about 18 cm, a weight of 35 grams and black feathers near the eyes. Flying from place to place in search of food, smart little birds visit not only city parks and forest belts, but also villages. The bullfinch loves to eat fruits and berries left on trees from the autumn period. In size it is no larger than an ordinary starling. The bullfinch pleases with its appearance in winter; the bright breasts of the birds are clearly visible in the snow. This explains the name.

The blackbird has slightly nondescript external characteristics and attracts very little attention from others

The blackbird has slightly unattractive external characteristics and attracts very little attention from others. The bird's head is a dull grayish tint with a long orange beak. The individual has a dull brown-brown back, red sides and a white belly. However, this species is surprisingly melodious and euphonious. It is because of the peculiar sounds it makes that the bird is called that way.

Also belonging to the order of thrushes is a very small but beautiful bird called the bluethroat.

Also belonging to the order of thrushes is a very small but beautiful bird called the bluethroat. The blue color on the chest of an individual is usually surrounded by white, but sometimes may be completely absent. Birds with a blue breast have eggs that are blue or olive in color. The bluethroat is slightly smaller in size than the house sparrow, has a brown back and a gray rump.

Birds of Russia in the forests of the Moscow region (video)

Gallery: birds of the Moscow region (25 photos)

Pheasant family

The wood grouse is the largest forest bird of the grouse family, living in these surroundings. Likes to settle near swamps. Prefers a sedentary lifestyle, but can sometimes fly from one place to another. Endowed with beautiful plumage and bright colors. Moreover, males wear more colorful feathers than females. Their back is black and gray with light speckles, their chest is green with a vague metallic tint. In spring, birds' eyebrows swell and temporarily turn red. In winter, wood grouse live in flocks and preferably in coniferous or mixed forests, dominated by coniferous trees.

The capercaillie is the largest forest bird of the grouse family

The gray partridge is often found throughout Russia. Many people, especially hunters, know what a bird from the pheasant family looks like. The length of its body is about 30 cm, its weight is from 300 to 450 grams, its wingspan is up to 48 cm. An individual with an ocher face, a small head and a well-developed back and chest.

Tit family

Blue tits are another bird of central Russia. The head of the individuals is white, there is a black stripe on the chest and around the “cheeks”. The head is decorated with a “blue” cap, the plumage on the tail is of a similar color, the back is green, and the belly and chest are yellow. Birds are not afraid to spend the winter in the middle zone; they love to settle in deciduous gardens. These are sedentary and at the same time nomadic birds. They prefer to build their nests in tree hollows. Birds with greenish-blue plumage lay eggs that have small red-brown spots; the laying period falls in April-May.

Blue tits are another bird of central Russia

The tit is a yellow bird that lives next to humans. She loves to carefully examine trees and bushes in search of food. With the first warm rays of the sun, awakening all living things from the cold winter, the beautiful singing of tits begins to be heard. This small bird with a yellow breast starts its spring trills associated with the mating season. Tit songs can only be heard at this time. The yellow-breasted bird from the tit family is a permanent inhabitant of the Moscow area.

The tit is a yellow bird that lives next to humans

Great tits are the largest individuals of the tit family. The plumage of the head and throat is black, and the wings have a bluish tint. The chest of the tit is filled with yellow except for the longitudinal black stripe. The “cheeks” and a small spot on the back of the head are snow-white. These are wintering birds that feed mostly on worms and insects. Large individuals are able to eat as much food per day as they weigh themselves. The yellow bird begins to delight others with its singing at the end of February. In winter, it visits household plots in search of food. Likes to eat spiders, click beetles, leaf beetles, and sometimes eats plant seeds.

Starling family

The gray starling with a long beak is distinguished by plumage of a color consistent with its name. The head and abdomen are white, and the base of the beak is yellow. Young representatives of the species are often found with an orange breast. The starling is a migratory individual that prefers to settle in mixed forests and lives in flocks. The gray bird prefers various larvae and insects on its menu.

The pink starling is another representative of the birds of the Moscow region. Juveniles of this species have lighter plumage than mature ones. The adult has a crest on its head. The pink-breasted migratory bird organizes its nests in rock voids, cliffs and woodpiles. Eggs are laid in late spring or early summer; the clutch consists of 4-6 white eggs. The bird actively exterminates locusts and other pests. The crested bird eats up to 200 large insects per day.

The most common species of bird that catches your eye is the house sparrow. The male has a gray head, black chest and throat, white stripes on the shoulders, and a brown stripe running from the beak to the eyes. Females and younger individuals have brownish plumage, gradually becoming lighter towards the lower part of the body. On the back there is a feather with dark and light splashes.

The most common species of bird that catches your eye is the house sparrow

Birds of Moscow and Moscow region (video)

Small birds

Among the birds of central Russia that live in the vast expanses of the Moscow region, a bird with a red head called the red-headed wren is often found. These are very active birds that like to move with sharp and fast movements, twitching their wings and tail. They have a shrill and thin voice, the songs consist of merging whistles, and towards the end of the trills the voice becomes louder and more distinct.

The hoopoe also has an original crest located on its head

The hoopoe also has an original crest located on its head. It is a bird with black wings, which are diluted with a white stripe, beige plumage and a light belly. The individual loves open spaces, but is also found in the vicinity of Moscow. It makes its nests in hollows, stones and rock crevices. The hoopoe is a bird with a long, thin beak, making it easy for it to get food in hard-to-reach places.

For ornithology lovers, a bird identification guide has been developed, which contains all the occurring species of avifauna of the Moscow region.

The spotted woodpecker, common in the Moscow region, is rightfully considered the nurse of all forests. This is a small individual with a long beak, preferring to lead an arboreal lifestyle. It feeds on insects, which it obtains from under the bark thanks to its beak. The individual has a strong and large skull. It settles in the hollows of trees, but not healthy ones, but those with some kind of disease or completely dead ones.

For lovers of ornithology, a bird identification guide has been developed, which contains all the occurring species of avifauna of the Moscow region. This manual exists in different variations: as a regular book and as an electronic atlas-distributor. The samples will be interesting and fascinating for biology teachers, biology students, environmental services and others interested in birds and Moscow nature. These sources contain various avifauna of the Moscow region with their full descriptions and photographs.

Attention, TODAY only!

Waxwings are migratory nomadic birds with a crest on their heads. They appear in the Moscow region at the beginning of winter and early spring. These painted birds with a crest on their heads are difficult to confuse with other birds. Under certain circumstances, waxwings can become drunk.

Description of waxwings

The waxwing is popularly considered a “beautiful bird” that cannot sing, but only chirps and whistles, emitting characteristic trills - “sviririri...”. Flocks of waxwings, elegant crested birds, always attract the attention of people in cities and countryside. These short-legged birds are slightly smaller than a starling. The tops of their heads are decorated with large pink tufts. The body (about 15 - 18 cm long) is covered with pinkish-gray plumage. It is brownish-gray with red plumage, and from a distance it looks pinkish-gray. Stripes of yellow and white coloring are clearly visible on the black wings. The tail, throat and stripe near the eyes are black. The tail is edged with a yellow stripe, the wings are decorated with a narrow white stripe. Up close you can see the red tips of the flight feathers.

The summer habitat and nesting area of ​​waxwings is the entire taiga zone of Russia, including the forest-tundra. These are coniferous forests, mixed forests and clearings in the northern part of the country. Most often, waxwings are found in places where spruce, birch and pine trees grow. A special subspecies nests in the Altai Mountains. By June, waxwings return to their nesting sites. They build their nests at different heights of trees. The nest is made from the building material that is always nearby. These are dry twigs, grass stems, moss and lichen. The entire structure (more than 20 cm in diameter and about 10 cm in height) is lined inside with soft feathers and down. The clutch contains from three to seven ash-blue or gray-violet eggs with gray spots and black specks. Clutches with three to five eggs are more common. After two weeks, the chicks appear. Migratory birds manage to hatch their chicks before they begin to fly to warmer places closer to the south with the onset of cold weather.

Waxwings manage to fly to the Caucasus, Crimea and Central Asia. Along the way (twice a year) in autumn and early spring, large flocks arrive in the middle zone. They appear in the Moscow region usually in the first half of winter, sometimes around Christmas. Ornithologists have more opportunities to study these birds during migrations. In the sparsely populated and inaccessible northern territory, waxwings lead a secretive, sedentary lifestyle.

Waxwings on a tree

Waxwing nutrition

In their homeland, waxwings feed on berries, small fruits, buds, young shoots and insects. Birds have become adept at grabbing mosquitoes, dragonflies, butterflies and midges on the fly and finding larvae. In autumn, waxwings have to fly away from these places not so much from the cold as from hunger. They are driven by the need to find places where there is a lot of food. Waxwings usually become "vegetarians" during their travels. If there are a lot of berries, then the birds stop for a while and eat their fill. They like the berries of rowan, juniper, viburnum, rose hips, barberry and other trees and shrubs.

Waxwings have an excellent appetite. Voracious waxwings eat a lot and quickly. They swallow the berries whole. In such quantities that their stomachs do not have time to digest food. It's funny, but you can tell about the arrival of these birds by their droppings. Orange-red spots of half-digested berries with remnants of peel and seeds stain steps, blind areas and areas in front of houses. Seeds “from waxwings” germinate in the most random places. These birds sometimes visit and willingly peck seeds and dried berries.

After several weeks of gluttony, the flocks fly away, wandering from one place to another. The flight distance depends on the amount of food in new places. At the end of winter - at the beginning of spring, waxwings reappear in the Moscow region, feeding on the remaining berries and swollen buds of aspens and poplars.

Waxwings on wires

Drunk waxwings

Waxwings do sometimes get drunk. The strange behavior of intoxicated birds has long been known. Not only in our country, but also in other countries, for example, in the Scandinavian ones. Similar situations arose in America, but there the birds feasted on other fruits. Drunken waxwings are found not only in autumn, but also in spring. Sometimes intoxication is caused by tree sap. For example, maple juice. In the spring, streams of it flow along the trunk and branches in case of any damage to the bark. Waxwings often get drunk in warm and humid autumn, when by the time they arrive there are a lot of berries left on the bushes and trees, especially rowan. In such climatic conditions, the juice in the berries begins to ferment. Voracious waxwings swallow everything, even fermented berries, attacking them in whole flocks.

American ornithologists studied the behavior of “drunk” waxwings and changes in their bodies. It turned out that birds have their own “risk group”. These are gluttonous waxwings. When a large number of berries are eaten, fermentation begins in the bird's esophagus. The liver does not have time to cope with the load. Alcohol changes the behavior of birds. A flock of drunken waxwings is not a funny sight. Birds cease to navigate in space. They are unable to fly in a straight line, crash into obstacles, fall, get injured and even die. And since windows, walls of houses and people themselves often turn out to be obstacles, the population begins to panic. Information appears about aggressive, drunken waxwings that strive to attack people and terrorize cities.

Waxwings on the antenna

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Sometimes, while walking through the forest with a gun or just walking down the street, you can meet a strange little bird that looks very similar to a sparrow. Many people wonder who this is, and the question of what kind of bird that looks like a sparrow can very often be found on various forums, social network groups and question and answer services. We decided to figure out who it could be and answer this question.


The sparrow is a small bird with brownish-gray plumage, for all its inconspicuousness, the bird is very interesting in habits and behavior, including useful for humanity, and as history has shown, they can greatly influence the eco-balance in nature. The destruction of their population has already led to an environmental disaster.

There are two species living on the territory of the Russian Federation, the house sparrow, also known as the city sparrow, and the village sparrow, also known as the field sparrow. As the name suggests, some live in cities, others outside the city.

We will not describe sparrows from a scientific point of view; there are specialized scientific publications for this, so we will simply present the main characteristics of the species and interesting facts about this bird:

In view of the large family of the passerine order, in our forests there are very often birds that have an external resemblance to sparrows, so we decided to compile a list of the most common twins of the common sparrow.

gray blackbird

He is also a fieldfare, he is also a mistletoe. It is similar in color to a sparrow, but is larger in size.

Often found in gardens and orchards, or in places where berries and various fruit and berry crops accumulate, it feeds on the same berries.

With all this, the bird is quite edible, and according to the famous hunter Aksakov S.T. one of the few birds that, like snipe, can be cooked without gutting (The quote is not literal).

In the USSR it was considered a conditionally hunting resource, and incidental hunting was allowed for it during any other legal hunt.

Video of fieldfare thrush (Video from channel Yotube.com/

It would seem that everyone knows the nightingale, and everyone is familiar with its sonorous singing, but strangely enough, many do not know what it looks like. The nightingale has a very strong external resemblance to sparrows, but their habitats are different.

Nightingales are more moisture-loving birds and live mainly in floodplain forests, nesting in deciduous bushes and trees near water bodies. The nightingale is very similar in color to the sparrow, but is slightly larger and has a longer body shape.


The lark is slightly larger than the sparrow, lives mainly in fields, and can often be heard by its ringing song.

It has a more attractive coloration, although not the same nondescript color as the hero of the article; sometimes you come across crested larks.

It is an object of prey for hunters, and there are some connoisseurs of quite complex spring hunting for larks. The bird is insectivorous and migratory; it does not winter in the Russian Federation.

The following types of larks are found on the territory of the Russian Federation: common lark, crested lark, hoopoed, forest, steppe, with minor differences.

Belongs to the finch family and looks and is the size of a sparrow, except with brighter and more attractive colors.

It lives mainly in forests; in the cold season it gathers in flocks, sometimes together with sparrows and other finch species.

In the cold season, due to the small amount of food in forests, they can appear in populated areas, joining a flock of sparrows.

They are not of interest to hunters; they are sometimes kept in captivity.

Video and singing of a lark (Yotube.com/


In Russia, reed and reed buntings, also known as reed buntings, are mainly common.

It has a very strong resemblance to sparrows, the main differences being a slightly different body shape and color, and a pronounced black color of the head.

The habitat, as the name suggests, is reeds and reeds. Therefore, they can be found mainly only near bodies of water.

Video and singing oatmeal (Yotube.com/

These are the most common and widespread birds in Russia, having an external resemblance to sparrows in appearance and color.

If you know more, write in the comments, we will definitely add it.

While surfing the Internet, I came across a photo of an interesting bird. She simply shocked me with her colorful plumage, which aroused admiration and charged me with positivity. And in this article I will talk about the brightest birds on Earth.

After some searching, I found out its name - it was Gould’s finch, and after that I decided to find a dozen more positive birds and make a rating of the best ones. Moreover, such feathered beauties as owls, falcons or eagles will not be included in the rating due to their excessive predatory nature, which does not respond. Let's start with this first representative of birds, which so sank into my soul.

Gould's finch - bright and beautiful

This species of bird was named after the wife of the English animal artist John Gould, who discovered this colorful bird during his trip to Australia in the mid-19th century. These birds belong to the family of weaver finches and are called “Google birds” by some for their variegated colors (the Google search engine is known for its variegated colors).

This species of bird has such a variety of types of plumage and has two or three types of head coloring that it is simply impossible for ornithologists to distinguish subspecies of these birds. Moreover, in this they are “helped” by the birds themselves, who mate freely, not paying attention to the variations in the colors of their partners.

Beautiful bird with a crest - blue jay

This bird stands out among all birds with its long blue tail and the same bright blue crest. The habitat of this colorful bird of the corvid family is North America. They live in pairs or small family flocks, but during migration they form large groups.

Birds are distinguished by their ability to make unusual sounds and imitate the voices of various birds, including numerous predators from whose attacks they suffer. This allows them to warn their relatives about danger, as well as scare away other predators that have invaded their habitat.

Blue jays do not migrate and, as a result, are required to store supplies for the winter. And usually a jay prepares about 3-5 thousand acorns. Moreover, an interesting fact is that at one time these birds can bring 5 acorns - 2-3 pieces in the crop, one more in the mouth and one in the beak.

Duck beauties Carolinka and Mandarin

These two birds of the duck family, despite their bright plumage and some similarity in beauty, live in completely different places. The distribution range of the Mandarin duck is East Asia and can sometimes be found in the Russian Far East. The natural distribution area of ​​Karolinka is North America.

The difference between birds is also manifested in the habitat of these birds. So, if the mandarin duck loves the forested areas of mountain rivers, then the caralina ducks are more attracted to shady forest reservoirs. Now both of these species of birds are listed in the Red Book and hunting them is prohibited. In autumn they can often be found far from their natural habitats, since for their bright features in many European parks they are bred for decorative purposes.

The most colorful pigeon breed is the Crowned Pigeon.

There are almost eight hundred breeds of pigeons in the world, one stealing the other. Moreover, the cost of some of them reaches tens of thousands of dollars. I will talk about one of the genera of the pigeon family - the Crowned Pigeon. This genus includes three types of these beautiful birds - fan-crested, chestnut-crested and blue-crested, which, despite some external differences, have a single similarity - a bright and colorful headdress of a fan-shaped crest.

The habitat of these birds is New Guinea. Most often they live in swampy sago palm forests and live in pairs or small groups. Particularly interesting for us is the method of attracting females - the males literally beat the drum, since this is how we hear the sounds pouring from the beaks of pigeons.

Considered the most beautiful in this family fan-crowned pigeon. This individual has a chestnut-blue color on the lower part of the body, slate-blue tones on the upper part and a beautiful crest on the head, consisting of fluffy feathers, at the ends of which there are small triangular peaks.

Next in line blue-crested pigeon got its name because of its color, which, unlike the fan-shaped one, is almost entirely blue. Only on the wings can you see splashes of dark chestnut color. In these pigeons, the crest on the head does not have clear peaks and ends in a chaotic manner.

And the last representative of the genus - chestnut-breasted crowned pigeon. As the name of the bird suggests, it has a chestnut-brown color on its chest. Otherwise, it is similar to the blue-crested pigeon.

The reddest bird is the Northern Cardinal.

This beautiful, medium-sized songbird of the passerine family was discovered in the mid-19th century in both parts of America. And now the representation of northern cardinals includes 19 varieties. Their distinctive feature is a sparkling dark red color throughout the body, a black mask over the eyes and a bright coral-colored beak.

Most often, this bird can be found in the southern parts of Canada, the eastern states of the United States and Mexico. This bird, unlike most of its relatives, does not shy away from people. And very often near houses you can hear their variety of songs. It is their bright singing style that sets them apart from all other representatives of birds.

The Northern Cardinal uses a single whistle to scare away other males from its territory. The other is used to attract females. And with the help of the third, they look for their mate in the dark.

Interesting fact. This bird is the official symbol of seven American states.

Hoopoe - a colorful swear word with an interesting beak

How often have we heard the phrase “What a hoopoe you are!”, which served as a sarcastic perception of you in the eyes of others. However, this can actually be a valuable compliment, since this bird is actually one of the most bizarre representatives of the birds.

Outwardly, the hoopoe looks awkward - it has a small body with a funny crest on its head and a huge elongated beak. At the same time, he not only flies quickly, but also runs perfectly on the ground. In addition to their gorgeous red crest, hoopoes have large black and white striped wings. At the same time, the entire body of the hoopoe is covered with red feathers.

The population of these birds in autumn is extensive. They can be seen in Portugal and Finland, China and India, on the African continent and in Siberia. Hoopoes will always prefer to settle in an open area among small trees rather than choose a large noisy forest. It is especially worth noting this interesting feature. If the hoopoe is overtaken by danger on the ground, then it takes an unusual pose - it presses against the ground, spreading its wings wide and sticking its beak up.

Rainbow toucan bird with a "happy beak"

This colorful bird is found in the Central Americas and is the largest specimen of the toucan family. She has black iridescent plumage with bright yellow coloring on her chest and cheeks. However, such a “bright face” distinguishes this bird from other representatives of birds, and its unusually large and beautiful beak has a green-red tint. This toucan's beak is so huge that it occupies a third of the bird's entire body.

Another interesting feature of rainbow toucans is that they do not like to fly and often move by jumping through tree branches.
These birds usually live in small flocks of 5 - 10 individuals in tree hollows. Moreover, an interesting fact is that because of their large beak, in order to save space in small hollows, toucans sleep, hiding their beak under the wing of their neighbor.

Due to its unusual color and beak shape, as well as its good intelligence, this bird is easily tamed and can easily be found in captivity as pets.

Mythical Bird of Paradise

Birds of paradise, heroes of various myths and fairy tales, are actually the closest relatives of the familiar crows and sparrows. These beautiful and positive birds live on the islands in New Guinea and number as many as 45 species.

Due to such a huge number of species of birds of paradise, it is simply impossible to create any kind of holistic image of them. Some individuals have bright plumage, most often in red, blue and yellow colors. Others have brightly colored plumage on their heads that makes them stand out from other bird species. And still others have a bright fluffy tail. To fully describe their unusual characteristics, it is worth citing several different representatives of these positive birds. And then everything will become clear to everyone.

  • Ribbon bird of paradise with the longest tail, which is three times the length of the bird's body itself

  • shows its unusual plumage only during mating games and upside down

  • Six-feathered bird of paradise has six feathers on its head, comparable to the length of the bird’s entire body with tassels at the ends

  • Wilson's Royal Bird of Paradise has an unusual tail with feathers curved inward

Golden pheasant - a symbol of dignitaries in Ancient China

This most colorful member of the pheasant family is native to the highlands of subtropical China. And the most favorite place for their settlement is bamboo thickets near the foot of the mountains. In the wild, they are most often accustomed to living alone or in small groups.

Now this bird is one of the most popular in pheasant farming. And they gained such popularity due to their beautiful wide crest, long mantle collar and bright tail, which consists of 18 tail feathers. Such bright coloring and beautiful plumage allowed the golden pheasant to rightfully bear the title of one of the most beautiful birds.

Interesting fact. Despite the fact that these birds can fly, when danger arises, they prefer to flee and only in extreme cases fly up onto branches.

Long-legged and romantic Pink Flamingos

The list of bright, positive birds would be incomplete without one of the most “fiery” birds - Pink Flamingos. These birds of the “morning dawn” have soft pink plumage and, due to their charm, give everyone harmony and inspiration.

Flamingos live in large colonies along the shores of lakes and reservoirs, and in some cases the number of birds in a colony reaches hundreds of thousands. Flamingos can be found in Africa and Central and East Asia, South America and the Caucasus. In Europe, they can most often be found in Spain, Italy and... in zoos. This particular bird can be found in almost any zoo in the Old World.

Interesting fact. Flamingos, like most long-legged birds, can often be seen standing on one leg. This uncomfortable and difficult position, in the opinion of many of us, actually requires absolutely no effort on the part of the flamingo, and it is used by them to minimize heat loss.

After such an interesting article about the most colorful birds in the world, it’s worth reading about ten at least that radiate positivity and make us happy.

What is the name of this bird? and got the best answer

Answer from Lina Ya[guru]
Field Thrush
Order Passeriformes
The field thrush is much larger than the starling, it has a straight, slightly curved and pointed beak, and long legs. Adult birds have a dark brown back, gray head and rump, and a long black tail, which they often twitch. The abdomen and wings are white below, the chest and sides are buff with black streaks. Young birds have a brownish head, neck and rump, and a mottled back.
When a person approaches, fieldfare thrushes call out “chak-chak-chak” and crackle “ra-ra-ra.” They sing, chirping and crackling, on the fly. A diurnal and crepuscular bird, the thrush spends a lot of time on the ground in dense bushes and canopies.
This bird is found from the western borders to Aldan and Vitim. Breeds in light forests and parks. In close proximity to people, the thrush makes a nest at a height of up to 10 m. It builds them in the fork of trunks, between the trunk and side branches, weaving them from stems, blades of grass, moss, twigs, holding them together with silt. The female lays 4–7 greenish eggs with specks, one of which is different in color from the rest, and incubates them for 12 days. During the summer it makes 2 clutches. The male attacks the newcomer, throwing excrement.
With an abundance of food, blackbirds spend the winter in cities. In summer they feed on insects, centipedes, worms, and mollusks.

Answer from ? ? ? Star Clear Am I? ? ?[guru]
100 poods of fieldfare!

Answer from Annachka[expert]
looks like a thrush.

Answer from Marina Mirutenko[guru]
Since it’s large, it’s definitely a Field Thrush.

Answer from Toffee[master]
great photo :)

Answer from Vagapova Regina Airatovna[expert]
Why they call him by this name is not difficult to guess; but why they call it a sand king is hard to guess. In the strict sense, sandstone should not be called a sandpiper, because it does not have long legs, a neck or a long sandpiper nose. In its appearance, especially its nose, it is completely similar to the pigolitsa, or winter chicken, which will be discussed in the section on field, or steppe, game. But the sandpiper lives nowhere else than on the sandy shores of lakes, ponds, and preferably along the banks of large and medium-sized rivers; near them, on the bare sand, he brings out his children and stays with the young until departure; So, it’s hard to classify it as a game of the field. The sandstone body is larger than a sparrow; not tall on his feet; he is cheeky, his head, disproportionate to his body, is large and especially seems so because of the feathers sticking out straight, representing something like a crest; His belly is whitish, his chest and head are dark brown, and his neck is white, as if he were tied with a white tie, which is why many hunters call him a tie. In general he is more piebald than motley; It has a yellow ring around its eyes, which is why it is also called yellow-eyed. Sandpipers arrive quite late in the spring. I myself did not feed their nests, but hunters assured me that sandpipers lay their eggs on bare sand, digging out a small hole for this purpose. Just like plovers, sandpipers fly low and never hover over the hunter from children, but circle around something or fly from place to place; most often they run around, trying to divert a dog or person to the side. They have their own special squeak, quiet and seemingly mournful.
It happened that you heard it somewhere near you, peered for a long time and could barely make out a sandpiper standing on a sandy hillock and constantly bowing, that is, lowering and raising its head. Its meat is tender and tasty, but never fatty. It disappears quite early, at the beginning of August.
A hunter rarely deigns to shoot sandlings, especially because they never gather in flocks, and shooting at one is not worth wasting charge.
There is another genus of sandpipers, twice as large and with large black eyes, without yellow rims around them; but I saw so few of them that I can’t say anything more.

Answer from Mara[newbie]
In my opinion this is a goldfinch

Answer from Natalia Fugol[newbie]

Answer from Boris Kuzakov[active]
young sparrow

Answer from Yanya Tanyn[guru]
It looks like its beak is curved at the end, maybe. shrike

Answer from Alex[guru]
Pteradactel or something...O___o...=)) ???

Answer from User deleted[active]
Waxwing. Some kind of worbler))

Answer from IFRA[guru]
Japanese falcon-Samsan

Answer from $$$$$ [guru]
Very similar to a thrush

Answer from Natalya Pervaya[guru]
Looks like it's a jay. They are four times larger than a sparrow.

Answer from Catherine[active]
I think it's a blackbird. I'm not entirely sure, but it's very similar

Answer from Yergey[guru]
and you will find out... - will it be easier???

Answer from Misha Arsenyev[guru]
The field thrush is almost the size of a pigeon, it has a straight or slightly curved and pointed beak, and long legs. Adult birds have a dark brown back, gray head and rump, and a long black tail, which they often twitch. The abdomen and wings are white below, the chest and sides are buff with black streaks. Young birds have a brownish head, neck and rump, and a mottled back.
When a person approaches, field thrushes make a sharp and unpleasant noise. They sing, chirping and chattering, usually in flight. A diurnal and crepuscular bird, the thrush spends a lot of time on the ground, in dense bushes and crowns. It moves along the ground by jumping, like all blackbirds.
This bird is found from the western borders of Russia to Lake Baikal and Lena, as well as on Sakhalin. Breeds in light forests and parks. In close proximity to people, the thrush makes a nest at a height of up to 10 m. It builds them in the fork of trunks, between the trunk and side branches, weaving them from stems, blades of grass, moss, twigs, holding them together with silt. The female lays 4–7 greenish speckled eggs and incubates them for 12 days. During the summer it makes 2 clutches.
When there is an abundance of rowan trees, as well as in warm winters, blackbirds often spend the winter in cities. In summer they feed on insects, centipedes, worms, and mollusks.

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