Marina Devyatova marital status children. Marina Devyatova: “We will wait for the baby to be born. The countryside is for the soul

Marina Devyatova is a beautiful girl and a gifted person with a magical voice. She managed to convey to listeners all the beauty of modern folk art. We will try to reveal the biography of this artist, her personal life and creative plans in the article.

Marina Devyatova is a native Muscovite, date of birth: December 1983. The girl's parents were creative people: – creative person, singer; mother is a choreography teacher. Unfortunately, this union did not last long, and the parents separated when Marina was still very young. But they did everything possible so that their daughter did not feel a lack of love or attention. In addition, even after separation, the parents treated each other with mutual warmth and respect.

Marina was simply surrounded by a creative atmosphere, so the girl listened to a huge amount of music of various genres.

For her, her parents were a great pride, because her father received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, and her mother was a very sought-after specialist in the field of dance.

She was not the only child in the family, she had elder sister- Kate. Despite the fact that sometimes children may not be as talented as their parents and may not have any creative abilities, the girl was spared this sign. Her musical abilities began to appear very early. Of course, like all little children, she sang along to every song from the cartoon, but what was surprising was that she always found the necessary rhythm and practically hit every note. Therefore, her father immediately set about developing her creativity.

School years

The first step was attending a music school to take a piano class. At first, the girl did not like being there at all, because it is very difficult for such an active child to be in a calm state for several hours. But her parents simply did not pay attention to her indignation. The singer is still grateful to them for such a manifestation of rigor.

She didn't really like learning scales, but she just loved singing. She did it everywhere: studying school material playing in the yard before bed. She often sat all her relatives down and gave them real concerts with thunderous applause and compliments.

Due to the fact that she loved performing in front of people and at the same time received real pleasure, the girl endured daily moral stress.

But, unfortunately, not all members of her family supported her hobbies. My paternal grandfather categorically did not want her to have a future as an artist. He would really like to see his granddaughter in the role of a lawyer or lawyer. But the girl very often went on tour with her father. And only thanks to his performances did she understand what she wanted to do in the future.

Student years

After graduating from school, she entered Russian Academy music named after Gnessins to a folk singing class. Studying was extremely easy for her; this was confirmed by her winning a prize at one of the vocal competitions. It was during that period of his creative path Marina wants to bring to life her thoughts about combining modern musical style and folk.

Almost before graduating from the academy, Marina has the opportunity to meet the organizers of the creative team “Indrik-zver”. This group offers the listener an unusual treatment of ethnic music. Their performances involve many styles: rock, classical, live music.

But in those days, ethno-pop was not very popular among listeners. Therefore, the dream of big concerts and multimillion-dollar audiences seemed unfathomable. But she did not give up and continued to develop her talent while studying at the academy.


An incredible success for our star was her own decision to participate in the youth song project “People’s Artist” Season 3. She easily passed the casting and the first stages of the competition, and later reached the finals.

Some told her that her style was not very popular among youth listeners. But it was difficult to convince the ambitious artist. As part of a television project, the young and promising singer managed to form a duet with Nikolai Baskov, Petru Dranga and other famous singers. Marina really wanted to sing a song with Lyudmila Zykina, but, unfortunately, this did not happen.

She believes that participating in the project allowed her to learn stagecraft. Although during the filming of the project she saw the overall picture completely differently. As it turns out, there are many pitfalls in the world of show business.

Thanks to the project, she became much stronger not only morally, but also in terms of further professional training. In addition, she met many useful people, who helped her in concluding a contract with a famous production center. After this, her life changes completely, and filming, concerts, and tours begin.

One of her debut songs is considered “I am fire, you are water.” This hit was recorded as part of the project by the famous music producer Kim Breitburg and to this day is considered a hit among other famous songs from her collection.

The public first saw the singer’s full concert in 2008. It was dedicated to the traditional views of the Russian people and national unity.

At the beginning of 2009, the singer performed a Russian song in front of the British royal couple, led by Elizabeth II. Russian Orthodox Church and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation organized the singer’s performance at a social reception in the capital of Great Britain.

At the end of the year, the talented artist and singer presented the audience with a new performance, “I’ll Go, I’ll Go.” In addition, the performance was not complete without the new album “I Didn’t Think, I Didn’t Guess.”

At the end of 2011, another Devyatova album was released, which is called “I’m Happy.” The singer subsequently explained the meaning of this name: “Happiness is exactly what surrounds me now. This is my energy, my state of mind, this is what I want to convey to the listener through my creativity.”

According to Marina, Russian folk art is the connecting thread that allows us to unite. “Everyone has their own age limits, social status, views, but it is on these traditions that our future is built. Only a Russian person will be able to glorify our state, our principles and melodic Russian music.”

Marina performs on stage with the wonderful dance group “Yar-Dance”. In addition, she participated more than once in a song festival in Germany. Devyatova did not limit herself to performing only in her own country. She visited Italy, Estonia, Bulgaria, America and China with her concert program.

Devyatova today

Having come a long way, the singer nevertheless found an acceptable field of activity for herself, in which all her creative aspirations and plans are realized. She performs her musical compositions, processed in modern style, and thus she becomes a unique performer of folk songs.

That’s why it was so quickly remembered by TV viewers and became popular among many listeners.

By the way, Devyatova’s creativity began to quickly spread to other foreign countries. To date, she has been on tour in Europe, America and Asia, thus extolling Russian music.

Marina Devyatova truly won over the audience when she sang the same song “Katyusha” many times in a row at the opening of the Winter Olympics. Then the audience simply did not want to let her go and vigorously supported her every performance. Devyatova often speaks before representatives of various states who visit the Russian Federation.

Moreover, it will not be difficult for her to gather a full hall of spectators and surprise them with new musical directions of folk art. The President of Russia has repeatedly expressed his approval of the creative unit - Marina Devyatova.

Recently, Marina Devyatova performed the song “Golden Bee” at the humorous concert “It’s Allowed to Laugh” on the Russia 1 channel. All the TV viewers were very pleased, the children were especially happy with this performance.

Personal life: family, children of Marina Devyatova, personal photos

The biography of Marina Devyatova very rarely mentions her personal life, photos or children. The singer tries to hide this information from the public as much as possible. But this is not surprising, because she was brought up on the example of high moral principles and traditions.

From the personal life of Marina Devyatova, all that is known is that for a long time She did not have romantic relationships. The reason for this was too much workload and the desire to develop as a soloist. Then she began a relationship with a stage colleague. After some time, the couple broke up, since in one of the interviews her boyfriend, Nikolai Demidov, stated that their relationship was just a simple PR.

Marina Devyatova and Nikolai Demidov

After some time, Marina met Alexey Pigurenko. Both of them were not free, but fate still brought them together. He is far from music and is involved in the advertising business. The couple dated for a very long time, almost 5 years. During this time, Alexey proposed to her several times, but she did not agree immediately.

The decision to get married came with the news of the singer’s pregnancy. They decided to sign in a modest manner, without attracting unnecessary conversations to the solemn event.

On February 16, 2017, the happy parents met their daughter for the first time (photos of the family can be seen in the article).

Marina Devyatova supports a special religious teaching - Krishnaism. She became interested in this faith while studying at a music college; her classmate told her about this religion.

Thanks to these religious worldviews, the girl gave up smoking, drinking alcohol and eating meat.

In addition, she often maintains her inner strength, health and harmony through yoga.

Marina Devyatova - biography on Wikipedia (height, weight, how old), personal life ( last news) and Instagram photos, family ( Family status- married or not) - parents (nationality), husband and children.

Marina Devyatova - biography

The girl is now a popular Russian vocalist, performing folk songs and pop hits, “processed” into folk music. She was a finalist in the TV project “People’s Artist-3”.

Now the folk star is a deeply religious person (Hare Krishna), so you are unlikely to see naked Marina Devyatova and her photo in a swimsuit in Maxim or Playboy magazines. She does not smoke, does not drink alcohol or meat, and practices yoga to maintain harmony.

The folk star was born in the Russian capital in the family of a people's artist Russian Federation Vladimir Devyatov, a popular performer of Russian folk art and a professional choreographer working with world famous show ballets.

With the light hand of her father, the girl is already in early years the formation of a professional musical taste began, since dad did not concentrate only on folk art, and often included discs of world-famous stars, such as John Lennon, Elvis Presley and other rock idols. After such remarkable influence, it is no wonder that at the age of three Marinka had a great sense of the rhythm of the compositions.

At the age of five, the child experienced a strong tragedy - her beloved father, Volodya, left the family, leaving the upbringing of her daughter entirely to her mother. Despite such an obvious “betrayal” of her vocal mentor, young Marinka did not stop improving in vocal art. She entered the well-known music industry. school named after D. Shostakovich, where she learned to master not only her voice, but also choral conducting. After graduating from school, the young talent became a student at a music college, and after receiving her diploma she continued to improve herself by becoming a listener of the famous Gnesinka, where she moved from multifaceted training to a narrow specialization, which would later become Marina’s path to all-Russian fame - solo folk singing.

Even during her studies, A. Vorobiev drew attention to the talented student and made her an offer to join his musical group “Indrik-Beast”. The group specialized in performing ancient folk compositions in modern arrangements. Often the arrangement had a hard rock slant, which Marina, who grew up listening to rock music, really liked. Marina, having joined the team, insisted on using spiritual folk instruments, which further diversified the style of “Indrik the Beast”.

Despite the wide popularity in narrow circles and the favor of critics, they have repeatedly emphasized that music of this type is not a format, so there is no point in talking about great popularity. To this, the future folk star always replied that she would prove the promise of a folk song and that modern processing does not spoil it in any way, but simply helps it gain popularity. The singer had the opportunity to prove that she was right after the selection for the 3rd season of “People’s Artist” was announced. Throughout the entire project, there was never a time when the audience did not clap for the girl while standing, and the greatest success was brought by the duet singing of the composition “It Could Be Love,” where the girl was accompanied by Alexey Goman. As was written above, the folk star became a finalist on the TV show, and after it ended, she began recording tracks that were heard on air in the program.

Marina Devyatova - personal life

The folk singer's first serious relationship had a rather tragic ending. The young singer fell in love with a doctor with whom she was separated for more than ten years. But that was not the tragedy - his beloved (a doctor by profession) could not cope with the illness that befell him and soon died, unable to overcome oncology.

Young vocalist Nikolai Demidov helped the girl recover from sadness, but their relationship did not last long, since the young man only needed her fame from the singer for his own promotion.

Only a few years later Devyatova met a man who made the girl happy. True, after an unsuccessful romance, she hid the name of her lover for a long time, hinting only that she no longer wanted to get burned, so she chose a man very far from show business as her husband.

At the end of 2017, information appeared that Marina Devyatova was pregnant (gave birth), and although no one fully believed, her husband Alexey posted a photo with a newborn girl on Instagram.

Failed husband of Marina Devyatova, was so afraid of responsibility, and so desperately fighting for his never-developing singing career, that he was giving out interviews left and right about the couple’s life together. He claims that he did not intend to marry Marina, that he is not ripe for a serious relationship and is still at the stage of establishing himself as an individual. Therefore, it would be stupid, in his opinion, to burden himself with a family, and even more so with children. But he admits that he saw the artist as a springboard and was extremely disappointed when, instead of crazy career growth, she invited him to go to the registry office.

Devyatova answers this harshly: “What, Kolya is now in the process of becoming a man? And this at 25 years old?.. Seriously, I thought that Nikolai would still turn out to be a man in absolutely everything and would not advertise our relationship in the press. I hoped that Kolya would have enough brains to leave everything between us, because this is a private matter between two people. It seems to me that he did this because he was unable to realize himself as a singer. Only he doesn’t understand one thing: no work and no show business will ever replace normal, human relationships for him... I sincerely want to wish Nikolai creative success and hope his lonely prince concept brings him good luck!”

According to friends of the couple, this is the only way this relationship could end. After all, Demidov is not a serious person and, in fact, still a child. And Marina behaved with him like a caring mother. Therefore, not getting what he wanted, the guy simply gave up, accusing the singer of being too active and domineering.

The girl, in turn, considered Nikolai to be a romantic person, capable of action. She did not believe that he could betray her and calculated them life together for years to come.

Leo Tolstoy in his novel “War and Peace” assured that “everything happy families similar to each other." Folk singer Marina Devyatova refutes this truth - her path to happiness was unconventional and difficult.

“Let’s have a real wedding feast”

Marina met the co-owner of one of the advertising agencies, Alexey Pigurenko, in a common company eight years ago. True, at that time they were both not free. Three years later, Marina, while on tour in Sochi, stayed there for just one day to see old friends, and in that company she saw Lesha.

“Lesha volunteered to go to the store, and I decided to keep him company. But we didn’t return soon. Because Lesha unexpectedly suggested we go for a swim in the sea, and we ended up in a very picturesque place. There we walked along the shore, admired nature, listened to the rustling of the waves. Our relationship began from that meeting,” said the singer.

At the most difficult moment, Lesha appeared nearby. supported, surrounded with care and attention

Almost immediately, bypassing the dating stage, Marina and Alexey decided to live together. But after three years, the general life tired both of them, and besides, it was impossible to have a child. And they.

“We wanted something new, our feelings began to cool down. It was probably the one they talk about so often. And we couldn't cope with him. Alexey made a strong-willed decision to leave,” Marina recalls.

They lived without each other for a year and a half. Then, as popular wisdom says, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped - Marina’s stepfather, who raised her from the age of five, suddenly died.

“At the most difficult moment, on the day of the funeral, Lesha appeared nearby. He supported me, surrounded me with care and attention. We had met sometimes before, after breaking up, because we managed to maintain warm feelings. friendly relations, and then the tragedy brought us even closer,” admitted Marina. They ended up together again, never to be separated again!

A gift of fate

Soon after Marina started dating Alexey again, she realized that she was pregnant.

“I remember how Lesha and I went for a walk to one of our favorite places in Moscow, with which many pleasant memories were associated - . There I told Lesha that he would soon become a father,” says Marina. - After the walk, everyone went about their business, and a few hours later Lesha called me and offered to change the water filter in the kitchen: “You should now take more serious care of your health - there are now three of us!” It was he who came up with this everyday reason for a meeting. And the very next day, meeting at home, we began to talk seriously about the child, the wedding and future relationships.”

Alexey and Marina decided not to have a lavish wedding, since the singer’s family is still in mourning, but they still agreed to get married before the birth of the child. “Happiness loves silence! - Marina assures. “We’ll wait until the baby is born, and then we’ll have a real wedding feast.”

What about others...

Among actors and musicians, it is not uncommon for people to come together and separate several times.

✓ For example, singer and TV presenter Katya Gordon broke up with her second husband, lawyer Alexander Zhorin, a couple of months after the wedding - he allegedly beat his wife. Several years passed, the wounds healed, and they united to... soon separate again.

✓ British singer and model Samantha Fox was married twice, with a seven-year interval, to the same man - Australian Peter Foster, whom she called “the love of her life.” After her second divorce, Samantha Fox realized that she liked girls more and declared her love for her manager Mira.

✓ Melanie Griffith is one of those who does not believe that you cannot step into the same water twice, because the actress remarried the same man! This fatal character in Griffith's life was Don Johnson, whom she met at age 18. At that time, Johnson was starring in the series with his mother Melanie, but the actor developed a close relationship with his colleague’s daughter. The groom was 8 years older than the bride, but this did not bother the lovers. The marriage lasted six months. Griffith's second marriage was more durable: from 1980 to 1987, the actress was married to actor Steven Bauer, with whom she gave birth to a son, Alexander. After divorcing him, I realized that I still love him ex-spouse, first. And she returned to him.

Marina Vladimirovna Devyatova. Born on December 13, 1983 in Moscow. Russian singer, performer of folk songs.

On November 13, 2009, at the Moscow State Variety Theater, Devyatova performed the premiere of her new program “I’ll go, I’ll go out.” On the same day, the presentation of her debut album “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess” took place.

In November 2011, Devyatova’s album entitled “I’m Happy” was released. In 2013, Devyatova’s third solo album, “In the Moonlight,” was released.

On November 9, 2014, Devyatova’s concert “Symphony of My Soul” was held at the Moscow State Variety Theater. In the same year, Devyatova celebrated her 15th anniversary creative activity. On September 10, 2015, a joint concert of Marina Devyatova and singer Varvara took place in the theater hall of the Moscow International House of Music.

In 2015, Devyatova was nominated for the Russian National Music Award (in the category “best folk performer”), losing only to.

Marina Devyatova claims that “Russian song and Russian folklore are what unites us all. We may be of different ages, different social strata, but this is our layer on which the entire Russian nation stands. As long as the Russian people and Russia live, the Russian song will live.”

Marina Devyatova's height: 160 centimeters.

Personal life of Marina Devyatova:

She was in a serious relationship with a doctor who was much older than her. But their romance had a sad end: Devyatova’s beloved died of cancer.

On October 28, 2016, Devyatova married Alexey Pigurenko. They met in 2008, but then both were not free. Their relationship began in 2011: they immediately began living together, but after some time they separated. A year and a half later - after the death of Devyatova’s stepfather, who was a very close person to her - Pigurenko supported her. At that moment, they both realized that they wanted to be together again.

After Devyatova became pregnant in 2016, the couple decided to get married.

Marina Devyatova does not smoke, does not drink alcohol, is a vegetarian, and practices yoga and meditation.

The artist is a Hare Krishna. She met the Hare Krishnas while studying at the A. Schnittke College of Music, through her fellow student named Ananda, and that under the influence of Hare Krishnas she gave up bad habits. Devyatova herself admitted in one of her interviews that she became interested in Krishnaism in order to know herself and get rid of spiritual emptiness. According to her, her acquaintance with Krishnaism helped her find inner peace, find herself as a woman and unleash her creative potential.

In 2005, she became a vegetarian. According to her, this happened after a visit to the slaughterhouse.

Discography of Marina Devyatova:

2006 - “People’s Artist-3”
2009 - “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess”
2011 - “I’m happy”
2013 - “In the Moonlight”

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