My impressions after reading LJ evo_lutio (aka Marina Komissarova). My impressions of LJ evo_lutio (aka Marina Komissarova) LJ evolution negative reviews

One day, one of my friends somewhere mentioned the name of Marina Komissarova, an outrageous blogger who positions herself as an online psychologist. I became curious why she was so widely read, and I went to her blog to inquire. I opened the first post I came across and at some point I wanted to insert my two cents of thoughts, but that was not the case. Impersonal letters informed me that I was prohibited from commenting, by decision of the owner of the magazine. Hm strange. I saw this for the first time. I went to look at the evo_lution profile, and in it I already read the introductory post with the established rules and requirements. That is, you can comment in her diary-magazine only if she herself adds me to her list of friends.

I don’t like this way of putting the question in principle, so I immediately abandoned the idea of ​​adapting to such authoritarian rules and making friends, I just continued reading Marina Komissarova’s blog, or Evolution, so that I could have my own personal idea and opinion.

1. Sharp mind. And, in my opinion, very unfeminine thinking. While all of her terminology was new to me, I read more and more to understand where the cherry is buried and what it tastes like. Tenacious logic fascinates and pulls you along. I want to read more and more. But I’m only talking about those posts where she lays out her thoughts on some chosen topic. I don't mean parsing other people's letters.

2. A sobering look it’s like looking at things from scratch. She says what we cannot say to ourselves or are afraid. Most often, we really don’t see things that are obvious to an outsider. We are too involved in some kind of relationship and come up with our own motives for the actions of other people. Of course, most often they are in our favor, we can’t do wrong! And here Evolution is trying its best to show us what idiots we are with crowns, who consider other people to be gnomes in caps. Personally, such sobering up is useful for me. Especially during a period when there are no difficult relationships with anyone. There are no martyrdom questions on this topic and the perception of such “evolutionary” sobering is quite balanced. Well, that is, I didn’t want to dig Evolution out of the ground and throw something nasty at its head in revenge, there’s no anger, there’s no particular indignation either. I'm just observing.

3. Energy force, which Marina hates to talk about, can clearly be traced from her pressure, every second control over the situation. She does not tolerate human weakness. In any case, in the virtual world created by her, very closed and very highly filtered. I had a question as I continued to do some selective reading. And for whom did she create this online consulting world? Who does it bring joy and satisfaction to? Who wants to stay there for a long time?

I also noticed that all consulting, in fact, comes down to several points.

1) Do not approach others with your tongs if you see that the borders are not too open for you or are completely closed. Don't drain your territory. 2) If you see that a person is clinging to you, do not think that you are some kind of king or queen, because in fact (!) they want to use you for something that you do not see. 3) Do not think out his thoughts for another and do not explain his actions as if he were you. There is no need to be a bloodhound in someone else's head. 4) If you are a navigator, then be the right navigator, don’t force others to do what you want. Don't push others with your initiatives. Don't pinch him and end up turning yourself into a beggar. 5) There is no need to waste energy in active actions outside your field, outside your borders, since this can be a pure loss if your activity was needed only by you alone.

Points could have been added, but that was not my goal. I just mentioned the most important ones that remain very vivid in my memory. I support the above recommendations with all my hands and feet. I did not have and do not have any questions for them.

I only had one question when I started reading other people’s stories, provided by the participants in this virtual massacre themselves. Boys and girls (usually girls) put their heads on the chopping block, and Marina Komissarova, nicknamed evo_lutio, happily throws sharply sharpened knives on top of them, capable of shredding even a mammoth. My head asked: “What’s wrong with this? What's wrong here? I read and found complete agreement with many of the theses and principles, but the feeling grew more and more that there was “something unclean” here. I smelled some kind of catch. And I realized what the catch was.

evo_lutio with each of his posts brings into a cage created by himself, colossal contradictions. The most important thing is that she preaches one thing and demonstrates another. More precisely, there are some things that do not contribute to the learning of lambs due to not following their own theory. And he nervously slaps people over the heads because practically no one studies with dignity and does not pass exams with straight A’s. Everyone is stupid, with a few exceptions.

For example, evo_lutio shouts indignantly at every convenient and inconvenient occasion that you need to be able to be navigators without bugs. And she wrote hundred thousand times about how it is. In words, in theory it is simple and clear. Why doesn't anyone study? Yes because I myself evo_lutio is not a model of a bug-free navigator.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the best way to teach something is to show HOW to do it. When my grandmother taught me how to cook borscht, she put me at the stove and showed me how she did it, how and at what point she cut the cabbage so that it would remain crispy later.

Psychologist evo_lutio knows that she is a navigator. Her navigation is manifested in the fact that she steers every minute only where she wants. I don’t know if she considers herself an impeccable navigator, but I see that there are weaknesses in this navigation. And not just one.

1) Yes, she knows very well that she whips everyone she doesn’t like even in the smallest detail. The scaffold is a public place, there’s no hiding it. And it’s also impossible to hide the fact that she doesn’t think it’s her bug. For one important reason - people set themselves up and want to be whipped. And if so, it means she didn’t violate anyone’s boundaries. “I’m innocent, he came himself.” It feels like she's proud of her cynicism. In this first point, I consider the bug to be that it actually invades people’s boundaries, their personal and even intimate space. And the fact that they allow her to do this by opening their gates voluntarily does not relieve Marina from responsibility for the immorality and unenvironmental friendliness of her actions. Publicly humiliating someone who expected advice and healthy criticism from you is not strength at all. This is weakness. Irritability, arrogance, cynicism are weaknesses. But I saw even contempt in the posts, not just cynicism. When we come to visit someone, we behave like guests if we are cultured people. Evolution enters the boundaries of its readers not as a guest, not as a teacher, not as a psychologist, but as one who trains his vanity on the “easy material” - those who himself approached, who himself opened the door, who himself asked for advice.

I agree that the vast majority of criticisms of evo_lution are essentially correct. That is, she, like the Nutcracker, clicks everyone easily and quickly. But what I consider unacceptable for a psychologist is the emotional and sensory background with which information is transmitted. Her criticism is merciless, saturated with mockery and poisonous speech. This is precisely aggression directed towards the field of other people. Despite the fact that many, after Marina’s “advice,” receive a huge charge of indignation and protest and spread them to different places on the Internet, criticizing Marina, new ones come and expose themselves to her again and again. The queue is not decreasing. Everyone who writes to her is eager to be published with their stories, which they consider extremely important and worthy of public consideration. Paradox. But I can call what readers do a paradox. What Marina, who knows all these “paradoxes” in advance, does, I can no longer call a paradox. She methodically waits for new victims and attacks them to the fullest. Or not entirely, it obviously depends on her own condition. And then I ask: what kind of thrill does she get from this? Why is she reeling from the sight of the heads she has knocked down? What joy does she get in this narrow cage? After all, she knows everything in advance, predictability is obvious. And not only because boys and girls are predictable, but because she herself builds her bricks the way only she wants. And she considers it possible to walk over people’s heads if she doesn’t like those heads. Doesn’t she feel like God at the same time? Who is not responsible for anything. It turns out something like this: I didn’t do anything wrong, I just stabbed the one who brought me the knife.

2) There is one, most significant feature that I highlight as the main one. evo_lution imbues her posts with an energy that conveys the lack of happiness in her life. Only an unhappy person can spit in the face, whip, grin, etc. so poisonously and harshly. If only some posts were so bilious, I would not have made such a conclusion. But ALL her posts are like this. In her essentially correct theses there is no love, no happiness, no warmth. A happy and satisfied person speaks differently, addresses people differently. He criticizes and closes his boundaries in a different way.

And one moment. Marina can't stand weaklings who come to her to beg. But then it turns out that she deliberately continues to support such a platform, where she obviously goes to get what makes her sick. What do you call this? Doesn't she also become a beggar in this case? Only very veiled. However, she can simply make money from this. And this may be the main reason.

Everything written above leads me to one conclusion. Marina Komissarova, aka evo_lutio, is just a blogger, of which there are many. She doesn't leave me feeling like her criticism is constructive. There is no kindness in her criticism. When there is no kindness, you cannot tell a person any truth, even if it is the truest and most faithful. To learn how to build a relationship with a man, you need to seek advice from the woman who has built a happy and strong relationship with a man. To learn to build a relationship with a woman, you need to go to the man who is happy and has a satisfied woman next to him. To learn to be successful, you need to learn from the successful. It's a simple principle, right?

“Women consider DMS to be a normal man, they tend to see DMS in everyone who is not DMO...”

This is a quote from a respected Evolution psychologist, whose tests are so massively popular on LiveJournal.

I confess, I don’t read them. I don't have much sense for them. And strength.
And I couldn’t get through this text about the BOTTOM, ugh, about the DMO: too many deep thoughts, I’m afraid to swim beyond the buoys and drown.

A! The text is called, if anyone is interested, “Classification of Married Couples.”
But I am sure that the best classification is from Leo Tolstoy: he divided all families into happy and unhappy. And this is such a piercing truth that you can’t even add anything.

Probably, people, by and large, are divided only into happy and unhappy. Of course, daily, every minute happiness is impossible. And yet I know people who are very happy. Their main feature is kindness.
There is no happiness without kindness.

I wonder if the psychologist Evolution herself is happy in her own life? She knows so much about how to get out of a deep “minus” into a full-fledged “plus”.
Although the plus looks very much like a cross, right? Such a life cross of different hardships.
Or maybe it’s just two unfortunate lonely minuses who began to live together, and suddenly they turned out to be a plus: children, grandchildren and many other things so simple, but very beautiful?

Everyone, in short, has their own life cross; Evolution has its readers.

There were only a dozen or two of them, she carefully chose them from many, but it turned out that there were fish for lack of fish and cancer. However, living among crayfish - ugh, what disgusting!

And it immediately becomes clear that the air kiss on the author’s ava means “come on, goodbye!” Such a farewell kiss.

Eh, where do we get so many people who manically look everywhere for their personal tyrant and despot? They even look for it on LiveJournal! And successfully, I must say, they find it :)

Tyrant - translated from Greek as “sole ruler”
Despot - Greek δεσπότης - master, lord, lord, sovereign.

APD: Well done Evolution. We all have local excesses, but not everyone is ready to change. But Evolution, having read from me that it is not very kind to readers, changed its strategy and tactics. And now she’s very kind. She probably loved her admirers before, those who revere her, she just didn’t know how to tell them about it :)

I decided to get acquainted with the theory of Evolution for the same reason that I had read Castaneda with his “Teachings of Don Juan”, Aushra Augustinavichiute and her fundamental socionic work “The Dual Nature of Man” and a number of other (pseudo)psychological and (schizo)teric works. I find it interesting to read about how different authors try to classify and understand the nature of the human soul. To do this, they use very original means at hand: from studying “information metabolism” to consuming peyote and other hallucinogenic succulents.

The theoretical basis of psychoalchemy consists of 3 main superideas:

  1. Every person has a so-called a circle of resources, which is described by a system of 12 houses, in which each house corresponds to a separate sphere of human life;

  2. resources are what gives a person the energy to live. The production of human energy is not limited to the exchange of chemical substances, it is closely related to emotional and information exchange;

  3. and finally, the statement that using the methods of psychoalchemy, each person can change (balance) their energy system.

Attention, question!

Can you confirm or refute at least one of these postulates? For example, I don't see any objective evidence that there are exactly 12 houses in the resource circle (if it exists at all). Emotional and information exchange also seem to me to be somewhat more complex processes than Ms. Evolution describes them. And finally, the statement that there is a certain universal technique (psychoalchemy) that can help balance any energy system of any person seems to me very, very controversial in this contest.

In order for you to understand me better, I need to make several important reservations.

1. I am not against expressing super ideas as such. Mathematics, for example, also has its own superideas - they are called axioms. I am against it when a person propagates his super ideas among a wide range of readers, claiming that his approach is unified.

2. I am not against the use of various archetypes in psychology and psychotherapy (for example, the Greek Goddesses archetypes so popular among stylists) and other mythical creatures. I am for the use of these archetypes to be at least somehow justified. For example, we tested 100 representatives of archetypes A and B. And we found out that... And even better, 10 psychoalchemy experts independently determined the archetypes of the same person. The results of the study showed that there are as many experts as there are archetypes.


The Evolution blog is riddled from top to bottom with theses that can neither be confirmed nor refuted (about resources, for example). The author honestly states that her blog is not about psychology, it is about psycho-alchemy, whoever doesn’t like it, let him get lost. I don’t like the approach of Evolution as a whole, I don’t like the fact that in its reasoning it always starts from its superideas. Including in matters of image (with one single exception, which will be discussed below).

In his texts, the author shamelessly reduces philosophy, psychology, the notorious neuro-linguistic programming (namely the NLP term “tuning”) and his personal, in my opinion, rather misanthropic beliefs regarding the structure of the human soul. The result is a pseudoscientific potpourri that an ignorant reader, seeing mentions of the names of Aristotle, Freud and other famous personalities, may take at face value.

And finally, I stopped reading the Evolution blog when I caught myself thinking that I personally would not want to become part of her theory, because there is something vile and unnatural in such a thorough and cynical dissection of the human personality that she is engaged in. This is why I oppose the propaganda of her blog, even though there are some interesting ideas there.

Despite the criticism of psychoalchemy, Evolution still has interesting ideas and blog posts. For example, I think this post about fashion, style and a girl from the village is quite sensible. If you want, you can continue the list of evolutionary posts that are interesting to you personally in the comments.

That's all for me about the psychoalchemist of all LJ. And I hope that I never have to return to this topic again.

Psychologist Marina Komissarova is known for her informative articles on LiveJournal blogs and is very popular on the Russian segment of the Internet. Her articles are devoted to the relationship between a man and a woman, self-esteem, psychological complexes and simply problems of human communication. Also, the main topic of her blog is women’s mistakes in relationships and personal crises. Psychologist Marina Komissarova periodically responds to letters from clients who contact her on issues related to their psychological problems and

Psychologist Marina Komissarova and her family

Since Marina has become quite popular in the Internet environment, as a result, blog readers are interested in her personality. Let us remind you that the themes of building love and relationships are the main thing that Marina Komissarova (psychologist) touches on in her articles. Her biography is quite rich. She was born in 1971 and lives in Moscow. Marina graduated from screenwriting in 1993. In 1999, she graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and received a second higher education. She began practicing in 1997, while simultaneously doing research work.

Marina is married, has two children, and enjoys fishing with her husband. The main hobby and activity in her life is her passion for psychology. She constantly publishes psychological articles that enjoy constant success.

Finding a photo of psychologist Marina Komissarova on the Internet is not an easy task, but not hopeless. Our readers can get to know her firsthand.

Our beliefs

Psychologist Marina Komissarova, like every experienced specialist, believes that it is our beliefs and attitudes that determine the events that occur in an individual’s life. Beliefs are thoughts that we have perceived as truth, truth for ourselves. And here there is one important point, scientifically proven: if something is repeated to a person many times, he begins to perceive it as truth for himself. This becomes the individual’s belief, which programs his actions and states, and therefore his entire life. That is, if you repeat many, many times that you are stupid, you will believe it. And if I repeat to you as many times that you are capable, you will also believe me. And your faith will be reflected in your successes.

Famous psychological experiment

In the USA in the 80s of the last century, the following experiment was carried out: students were divided into two groups, allegedly as a result of testing. In fact, they were simply divided arbitrarily. Some were told that they were capable and would study in a group for the gifted. The second were told that they had weak intelligence and would be trained in a program for the underachievers. The training program was the same for everyone. As a result, many years later, the successes of graduates from two groups were assessed. Those who considered themselves gifted actually achieved success in their careers and studies. Those who were instilled with beliefs about their inability showed the same low performance in their subsequent activities. All this had nothing to do with real abilities.

People always act in accordance with their beliefs. And conviction is thoughts that were repeated to us many times and were accepted by us on faith. Therefore it is necessary to reprogram them. Negative thoughts will come from time to time because it is a habit. Marina Komissarova, a psychologist with many years of experience, believes that only competent correction of self-esteem helps to form a mature personality.

Low self-esteem as an attitude of close people

As children, we begin to understand our role and place in life based on how people close to us define them. It all starts long before the moment of conception. Each of us has a father and a mother. Before we are born, they each already have their own opinion about whether they want to have children from each other, what gender, and whether they want them at all. Their relationships are filled with love and respect or hostility and a spirit of competition. All this influences the formation of an awareness of your value, because the thoughts of your parents are transformed into attitudes towards you.

If a child is long-awaited and desired, then from the moment of conception he experiences his special value. He feels loved and, having absorbed this state in childhood, in adulthood he feels completely worthy of approval. A completely different emotional perception is formed in a child who was conceived as a result of violence or “accidentally”. Such children have a high chance of growing up with an inexplicable guilt complex. Inexplicable, because they themselves cannot really explain what they did wrong, but they carry this feeling with a heavy burden throughout their lives. Until they direct their conscious efforts towards liberation from the guilt complex.

Consequences of complexes

People struggle with this complex in different ways. Some feel it, and it is clear from these people that they seem to feel like uninvited guests in this world, making excuses for their every action. Such people prefer to be seen and heard as little as possible by others; their behavior shows that they are trying not to stand out from the crowd.

But there is another strategy of behavior. Some people unconsciously push this feeling of inferiority out of their consciousness and suppress it. That is, the feeling itself is there, but the person simply puts a block on feeling anything, and outwardly this results in the behavior of a narcissist and egocentric. Looking at such people, it is often said that they do not love anyone but themselves, but the truth is that such people cannot feel at all, and simply focus on satisfying their physical needs. In fact, it is the lack of unconditional love in childhood that is to blame for both manifestations.

Narcissism and its causes

And, by the way, the well-known Greek story about the proud, handsome Narcissus perfectly illustrates this strategy of behavior. Let us remind you that according to the generally accepted interpretation of the myth, Narcissus was unusually beautiful and could not reciprocate any person who fell in love with him. But let's ask ourselves a question: why was Narcissus exactly like that - cold and unable to love other people? Here it is worth returning to the scene of his conception. Narcissus was the son of the river god Cephisus and the nymph Liriope. God Kephisus took possession of the nymph by force, i.e., in fact, Narcissus was born as a result of violence. Could his mother's dislike for his father affect him? Certainly. And then it is not surprising that Narcissus could not love other people, he simply did not learn this in childhood, did not absorb this lesson with his mother’s milk in the literal sense.

People with the so-called strong nature suffer from the same thing as people with only choose different ways to overcome internal conflict.

Parental influence and programming

It also happens that parents want a boy, but a girl is born. In this case, the little creature feels that in some way it has not lived up to its parents’ hopes, but by what exactly, it cannot understand. From this feeling follows the child’s understanding that for some reason he is not good enough. If parents do not feel love for each other, and most importantly, respect, they begin to eradicate in the child what they do not like in their partner. Constantly convincing him that there is something in him that requires correction or destruction. Parents do this without realizing that each of us has innate traits that cannot be eliminated. And the only consequence of this behavior is that, together with the phrase “you are the same as your father,” the child acquires an internal conflict.

Blog "Evolution"

One of the most widely read authors on the Internet on psychology has long been psychologist Marina Komissarova. Reviews from readers are full of gratitude for the fact that her articles help them understand themselves and understand the essence of their problems, explain how to become a self-confident person and overcome insecurities and complexes. It all starts with awareness and understanding of your ineffective behavior patterns. Difficulties in partnerships, conflicts in communication - these are the problems that the Evolution blog touches on.

Marina Komissarova (psychologist) gives specific advice and psychotechniques for getting rid of complexes and fears. People who visit her page on LJ write that her articles help to understand the issues of building relationships between the sexes, finding the right path in life, and after all, a person begins to fight with himself, not knowing that this fight is obviously a losing one. And each time he inevitably loses in this war, he begins to experience chronic shame. Shame to be yourself.

Marina Komissarova (a psychologist who has repeatedly encountered similar problems in her practice) believes that several of these factors are usually intertwined.


If it so happens that we were not given enough love in childhood for various reasons, do not despair. Our parents gave us only what they could and as much as they could. And if there was little love in our lives, this does not mean that the situation is irreparable. We ourselves can give ourselves as much of this feeling as we need. Moreover, having learned to love ourselves, we learn to love the whole world and, over time, make up for the lack of love not only our own. We give it to our loved ones in such a volume that they also accept themselves and begin to experience a feeling of love for us.

One day, one of my friends somewhere mentioned the name of Marina Komissarova, an outrageous blogger who positions herself as an online psychologist. I became curious why she was so widely read, and I went to her blog to inquire. I opened the first post I came across and at some point I wanted to insert my two cents of thoughts, but that was not the case. Impersonal letters informed me that I was prohibited from commenting, by decision of the owner of the magazine. Hm strange. I saw this for the first time. I went to look at the evo_lution profile, and in it I already read the introductory post with the established rules and requirements. That is, you can comment in her diary-magazine only if she herself adds me to her list of friends.

I don’t like this way of putting the question in principle, so I immediately abandoned the idea of ​​adapting to such authoritarian rules and making friends, I just continued reading Marina Komissarova’s blog, or Evolution, so that I could have my own personal idea and opinion.

1. Sharp mind. And, in my opinion, very unfeminine thinking. While all of her terminology was new to me, I read more and more to understand where the cherry is buried and what it tastes like. Tenacious logic fascinates and pulls you along. I want to read more and more. But I’m only talking about those posts where she lays out her thoughts on some chosen topic. I don't mean parsing other people's letters.

2. A sobering look it’s like looking at things from scratch. She says what we cannot say to ourselves or are afraid. Most often, we really don’t see things that are obvious to an outsider. We are too involved in some kind of relationship and come up with our own motives for the actions of other people. Of course, most often they are in our favor, we can’t do wrong! And here Evolution is trying its best to show us what idiots we are with crowns, who consider other people to be gnomes in caps. Personally, such sobering up is useful for me. Especially during a period when there are no difficult relationships with anyone. There are no martyrdom questions on this topic and the perception of such “evolutionary” sobering is quite balanced. Well, that is, I didn’t want to dig Evolution out of the ground and throw something nasty at its head in revenge, there’s no anger, there’s no particular indignation either. I'm just observing.

3. Energy force, which Marina hates to talk about, can clearly be traced from her pressure, every second control over the situation. She does not tolerate human weakness. In any case, in the virtual world created by her, very closed and very highly filtered. I had a question as I continued to do some selective reading. And for whom did she create this online consulting world? Who does it bring joy and satisfaction to? Who wants to stay there for a long time?

I also noticed that all consulting, in fact, comes down to several points.

1) Do not approach others with your tongs if you see that the borders are not too open for you or are completely closed. Don't drain your territory. 2) If you see that a person is clinging to you, do not think that you are some kind of king or queen, because in fact (!) they want to use you in something that you do not see. 3) Do not think out his thoughts for another and do not explain his actions as if he were you. There is no need to be a bloodhound in someone else's head. 4) If you are a navigator, then be the right navigator, don’t force others to do what you want. Don't push others with your initiatives. Don't pinch him and end up turning yourself into a beggar. 5) There is no need to waste energy in active actions outside your field, outside your borders, since this can be a pure loss if your activity was needed only by you alone.

Points could have been added, but that was not my goal. I just mentioned the most important ones that remain very vivid in my memory. I support the above recommendations with all my hands and feet. I did not have and do not have any questions for them.

I only had one question when I started reading other people’s stories, provided by the participants in this virtual massacre themselves. Boys and girls (usually girls) put their heads on the chopping block, and Marina Komissarova, nicknamed evo_lutio, happily throws sharply sharpened knives on top of them, capable of shredding even a mammoth. My head asked: “What’s wrong with this? What's wrong here? I read and found complete agreement with many of the theses and principles, but the feeling grew more and more that there was “something unclean” here. I smelled some kind of catch. And I realized what the catch was.

Evo_lutio with each of his posts brings into a cage created by himself, colossal contradictions. The most important thing is that she preaches one thing and demonstrates another. More precisely, there are some things that do not contribute to the learning of lambs due to not following their own theory. And he nervously slaps people over the heads because practically no one studies with dignity and does not pass exams with straight A’s. Everyone is stupid, with a few exceptions.

For example, evo_lutio shouts indignantly at every convenient and inconvenient occasion that you need to be able to be navigators without bugs. And she wrote hundred thousand times about how it is. In words, in theory it is simple and clear. Why doesn't anyone study? Yes because I myself evo_lutio is not a model of a bug-free navigator.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the best way to teach something is to show HOW to do it. When my grandmother taught me how to cook borscht, she put me at the stove and showed me how she did it, how and at what point she cut the cabbage so that it would remain crispy later.

Psychologist evo_lutio knows that she is a navigator. Her navigation is manifested in the fact that she steers every minute only where she wants. I don’t know if she considers herself an impeccable navigator, but I see that there are weaknesses in this navigation. And not just one.

1) Yes, she knows very well that she whips everyone she doesn’t like even in the smallest detail. The scaffold is a public place, there’s no hiding it. And it’s also impossible to hide the fact that she doesn’t think it’s her bug. For one important reason - people set themselves up and want to be whipped. And if so, it means she didn’t violate anyone’s boundaries. “I’m innocent, he came himself.” It feels like she's proud of her cynicism. In this first point, I consider the bug to be that it actually invades people’s boundaries, their personal and even intimate space. And the fact that they allow her to do this by opening their gates voluntarily does not relieve Marina from responsibility for the immorality and unenvironmental friendliness of her actions. Publicly humiliating someone who expected advice and healthy criticism from you is not strength at all. This is weakness. Irritability, arrogance, cynicism are weaknesses. But I saw even contempt in the posts, not just cynicism. When we come to visit someone, we behave like guests if we are cultured people. Evolution enters the boundaries of its readers not as a guest, not as a teacher, not as a psychologist, but as one who trains his vanity on the “easy material” - those who himself approached, who himself opened the door, who himself asked for advice.

I agree that the vast majority of criticisms of evo_lution are essentially correct. That is, she, like the Nutcracker, clicks everyone easily and quickly. But what I consider unacceptable for a psychologist is the emotional and sensory background with which information is transmitted. Her criticism is merciless, saturated with mockery and poisonous speech. This is precisely aggression directed towards the field of other people. Despite the fact that many, after Marina’s “advice,” receive a huge charge of indignation and protest and spread them to different places on the Internet, criticizing Marina, new ones come and expose themselves to her again and again. The queue is not decreasing. Everyone who writes to her is eager to be published with their stories, which they consider extremely important and worthy of public consideration. Paradox. But I can call what readers do a paradox. What Marina, who knows all these “paradoxes” in advance, does, I can no longer call a paradox. She methodically waits for new victims and attacks them to the fullest. Or not entirely, it obviously depends on her own condition. And then I ask: what kind of thrill does she get from this? Why is she reeling from the sight of the heads she has knocked down? What joy does she get in this narrow cage? After all, she knows everything in advance, predictability is obvious. And not only because boys and girls are predictable, but because she herself builds her bricks the way only she wants. And she considers it possible to walk over people’s heads if she doesn’t like those heads. Doesn’t she feel like God at the same time? Who is not responsible for anything. It turns out something like this: I didn’t do anything wrong, I just stabbed the one who brought me the knife.

2) There is one, most significant feature that I highlight as the main one. evo_lution imbues her posts with an energy that conveys the lack of happiness in her life. Only an unhappy person can throw out, whip, grin, etc. so poisonously and harshly. If only some posts were so bilious, I would not have made such a conclusion. But ALL her posts are like this. In her essentially correct theses there is no love, no happiness, no warmth. A happy and satisfied person speaks differently, addresses people differently. He criticizes and closes his boundaries in a different way.

And one moment. Marina can't stand weaklings who come to her to beg. But then it turns out that she deliberately continues to support such a platform on which she obviously goes to get what makes her sick. What do you call this? Doesn't she also become a beggar in this case? Only very veiled. However, she can simply make money from this. And this may be the main reason.

Everything written above leads me to one conclusion. Marina Komissarova, aka evo_lutio, is just a blogger, of which there are many. She doesn't leave me feeling like her criticism is constructive. There is no kindness in her criticism. When there is no kindness, you cannot tell a person any truth, even if it is the truest and most faithful. To learn how to build a relationship with a man, you need to seek advice from the woman who has built a happy and strong relationship with a man. To learn to build a relationship with a woman, you need to go to the man who is happy and has a satisfied woman next to him. To learn to be successful, you need to learn from the successful. It's a simple principle, right?

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