The man is popular with women. What do women do better than men? Perform various actions

Have you ever been surprised by the fact that some men are much more popular with women? And this is not at all because they look better, dress smarter or have more money. They're just confident. You don't have to be born Don Juan to have a lot of fans around you. It is important to follow the seven simple rules that we present to your attention, and then the most unapproachable beauties in the world will turn their favorable attention to you.

1. Make eye contact before introducing yourself. Do you want to quickly understand whether your first step will be continued? (It’s easier to say, won’t they send you away in the first second?). Look the girl you like in the eyes - if she doesn’t turn away, or even better, smiles back at you - you can safely go and get acquainted. If she avoids your gaze, then it’s better to look for another object - this lady is clearly not in the mood for acquaintance. Look around and you will notice which women are “looking” for men, and which are focused exclusively on their companions. Learn to read body language and you will achieve a lot.

4. Give her a compliment. Even if you think that someone did it before you. Don’t be afraid to approach the woman you like at the very beginning and tell her a compliment, thinking that a couple of other losers have done the same experiment before you. Believe me, other guys think the same way as you and as a result, a pretty girl continues to be bored alone. Take courage and come over. Most likely, she will be grateful to you for an interesting conversation.

5. Don't use clichés. Otherwise, she will definitely decide that you are either like everyone else or a very insecure person. Just be yourself, women like sincere men.

6. You should not meet people in bars and nightclubs. In such places, a woman is accustomed to male attention and you are more likely to be rejected. Maybe she was just pestered by an annoying admirer? In addition, in nightclubs, ladies, as a rule, are ready for increased male attention and have learned to protect themselves from unwanted gentlemen. This fact may work against you. Therefore, it is better to meet people in other places, for example in a store.

7. An important point: understand when to leave. There is nothing worse than an obsessive man. Understanding “body language” is important not only during the first moments of acquaintance, but will also help you understand when it is best to leave your interlocutor alone. Does her gaze wander around? Does she look tired? Do you ask her questions, and she answers absentmindedly or is completely silent? So it's time to say goodbye. It’s better to interrupt the conversation at the most interesting point, and she will definitely want to meet you again.

Follow these simple rules and remember that even the most successful people fail sometimes. There is no need to get hung up on them, learn from mistakes and boldly move forward! You didn't manage to meet the girl you liked - don't despair! Maybe she’s just in a bad mood today or she’s already met the man of her dreams (or maybe she’s just having her period?). Move forward and you will see - soon your address book will swell with the number of new phone numbers! Happy hunting!

Natalya Sharygina specially for the Women's Club

What is the difference between a girl who is popular with men and those who are not? What is the success of female popularity?

In fact, everything is extremely simple, because the key to success with the opposite sex is called accessibility. It is accessibility, not beauty, makeup, manicure and everything else. Men like girls who speak with body language, they are friendly, open, sweet, they themselves can be the first to talk to a guy, without being at all embarrassed by their behavior. Girls who love entertainment, radiate positivity, goodwill and good mood attract the male sex, guys are drawn to such ladies. It’s no secret that men dream of girls with an ideal appearance, but they make acquaintances with simple, gentle and sweet girls.

How to become desirable and popular? How to gain popularity with men?

  1. A smile has a very clear effect on a man. What does a smile say? That a woman is happy, that she openly enjoys life and is ready to share her mood with others. Just don’t need a forced smile, there should be soul in it. A simple and open smile will conquer all the guys in the area.
  2. Don't be afraid to be the first to start a conversation; you can just say “Hello” and smile. This, as a rule, is quite enough to start a conversation with a man. The success of women's popularity among men is the ability to start a conversation. By the way, having learned to be friendly, you can safely move on to decisive action. After all, you have learned not to isolate yourself.
  3. Guys are crazy about cheerful women who radiate joy; they are sure that meeting such ladies will be quick, easy and very joyful. Women often make a big mistake when meeting a young man; they withdraw into themselves and worry. All you need to do is enjoy a party or friendly company, and not worry about your appearance and what other people think.
  4. Men, even though they are the stronger sex, are terrified that the girl will refuse. A guy will not approach you if he sees any difficulties in his way. Therefore, if you want to meet someone, you need to make it easy for the guy to do this. If the acquaintance takes place at a disco or nightclub, then you can find a quiet place where you can talk and socialize. Don't surround yourself with a crowd of girlfriends and friends. It’s best to start by establishing visual contact with the guy; he can just read this as a guide to action. As soon as your eyes meet, it means that contact has been established, and then if the guy himself wants to meet, he will approach you. By the way, be sure to have several business cards with you just in case. If a guy asks for a phone number, there will be no need to look for a pen, paper, no need to dictate, and he will not make a mistake in the numbers. Moreover, the business card will impress the guy and he is unlikely to lose it.

Ecology of life: But this is only the beginning. Because over time it can lead anyone to a nervous breakdown. But a man will never get bored with her, because it will seem to him that he has not just one woman, but a whole harem.

These women are the most popular among men. But this is just the beginning. Because over time it can lead anyone to a nervous breakdown.

Love with a hysterical woman

They really know how to skillfully seduce, luring a man into the net of their spell. She is incredibly attractive in that red lipstick and green streak in her bangs. Although, not necessarily a green strand. All you need is a head of red hair and some red clothes in your wardrobe. Her gait resembles the rocking of a boat on light waves, the turn of her head and her gaze have a deadly effect on the opposite sex. And if we also take into account her voice, coming from somewhere from the depths of her stomach, such a deep, calling voice, then w you have no chance of not noticing it

She easily enters into sexual relations, as if she were playing a role in a long-familiar and beloved movie about It. A man, seeing such a woman on the street, even the most modest man, cannot help but follow her, like a hypnotized animal, without taking his eyes off her, he will follow the sounds of her magic pipe anywhere, even to hell. She is a fairy.. A bright flower that spreads an aphrodisiac aura around itself."Ah, what a woman!" - men say about her. She gives men (many men) signals: “Try, conquer me, follow me, try your luck and maybe you will be able to taste the sweetness of my kiss.” Men say about such women: “She’s sexy!”

Unlike schizoid and narcissistic ladies who have problems with seduction, this one masterfully throws her net into the waves, where there is a lot of large and small prey, pulls the entire catch ashore, and then selects the best. She always has a dozen spare men hidden behind her screen, with whom she will maintain more or less contact and to whom, in the event of breaking up with her boyfriend, she will call and say in a languid voice: “I want you!”

She skillfully turns on the “dynamo” after seduction, when the man is already “on his shoulder,” he has given up, submitted to her charms, and here she will begin to skillfully manipulate him in her favor.

She loves beautiful courtship and gifts. In this technique of controlling a man, perhaps only a narcissistic lady can compete with her, but she will lose to her, since her imagination is not enough to powder a man’s brain as much as a hysterical woman can.

I won’t say anything about the schizoid here, she only cares about her safety, she is weak in manipulation like a child. Yes, and sex excites a schizoid woman insofar as she feels completely safe. The hysterical woman will take risks, bluff, dynamite, cry, giving exalted reactions to the actions of a man and driving him crazy.

She will organize a bunch of triangular, polygonal relationships, she will become both the screenwriter and director of the next “Santa Barbara,” but it is unrealistically difficult for a man to leave such a woman.

She will tie him with some kind of invisible ropes, confuse all his brains with some kind of magical threads, go to a witch or a psychic a couple of times - she really believes in them - and scare the man to death with some naive childish witchcraft like “I’ll put a spell on you.” "

If a man is married, then fights with his wife are guaranteed. She will unceremoniously call her wife and tell her that she is a loser and that her husband is now with her, with the best woman in the world.

She knows how to spin the whirlwind of events in her and her partner’s personal life so quickly that he won’t come to his senses that she’s already pregnant, which will certainly turn out to be a mistake.

And also, she will definitely end up in some kind of story, when you cannot help but feel sorry for her, you will save her and become her hero. In general, she needs to be saved and pitied more often - she loves it. And apologize as often as possible - she will also appreciate it. Whether you are guilty or not is not important. Apologize and the house will be quiet. In everyday life she is gentle, warm, caring...

She can be a good loving mother for a child, but sometimes she can’t resist and spanks her offspring. And if you fall under the hot hand, then they might even start fighting with you.

A man's scratched face and kissed bruises on a woman's neck - this is what a couple usually looks like where she is hysterical. But you will never get bored with her. It will always seem to you that you have not one woman, but a whole harem. If you get used to her strong emotions, hysterics, screaming and crying for several hours in a row (for various reasons, sometimes she doesn’t know why she cries for half a day), then you will receive a bonus in the form of constant, regular sex.

She will never deny her beloved man sex. And multi-orgasms are an attribute of this particular lady. Every time you have sex with her, you fly into space ten times, and land nine times, you will lose the ability to walk, but then she will restore you, heal you with her kisses and passionate hugs.. This is the same priestess of love that every man, except a schizoid man, dreams of Although the latter is what most often falls for the bait of a hysterical lady. But this is a separate topic.

But she has one drawback. She is anxious, jealous, and therefore prone to control and checking.

Scenes of jealousy are guaranteed here, and it doesn’t matter whether there was betrayal on your part. Scenes of jealousy are an integral part of the life of a hysterical woman. She, like the schizoid, is a very creative person. Therefore, he can do anything.

Be prepared for demonstrative suicide with an eye on you. She won't do this, but she will scare you. This is because she, like no other woman, is afraid of losing you. The schizoid one may not notice that you have left, but this one will run after you and do a bunch of stupid things for your sake.

Because for her you are the whole world, the meaning of life, and she simply won’t want to live without you. Be strong, men. This woman is not for the weak.

A sea of ​​fans casting admiring glances at your back - isn’t that great?? But to be popular with guys, you need to work on yourself.

Find out how to be popular with guys and bring your dreams to life to feel like a princess, whom princes, lords and barons try to please every day and night.

Be cheerful in soul and body

You need become energetic special if you are not. Radiate cheerfulness and complete satisfaction with life, so that your mood will be captured by the men nearby, asking questions “Does she have a boyfriend?”, “How can I meet her?” and the like. They will be drawn to just such a woman, and not to one who constantly complains about her life.

Communicate for health

The more sociable you are, the more men you can attract to your person.. They love it when women open to communication, not silent. But also They also don’t like overly talkative ladies.. To become the most popular among guys, stick to the golden mean.

To be popular with guys, be different

When you are constantly try on new images, almost completely transformed, men it will be interesting with you. And monotony, even glamorous and bright, quickly gets boring. You must have a mystery, otherwise you will not be able to become a popular girl.

Whatever a man tells you, listen to him with rapture

Even if your interlocutor is talking to you about something that is completely uninteresting to you, pretend that you are listening to him with great attention. And don’t be silent - nod your head from time to time, say phrases like “I’m listening, continue”, “And what did you do next?”, “Well, don’t delay, I’m listening.” This will let the man know that you are listening to him and are not hanging somewhere in the clouds. Not only ladies adore good listeners, keep this in mind.

Don't be bored in his presence

A man should see that you are interested in him. And if you are frankly bored, dilute the awkward silence or boring conversation with an interesting joke, and then smoothly move the conversation to a more interesting topic.

Don't overdo it by playing hard to get

Certainly, the Forbidden fruit is sweet. Therefore, a man will be interested in a woman who does not give up without a fight.. But if he still hasn’t managed to win you over, having tried all his masculine tricks, you can quickly get bored with him. So keep that in mind.

Remember you are a woman

Trying to become part of the company of men, you can turn into a kind of peasant - without realizing it, you will copy the behavior of this or that man, start dressing in a unisex style, and off you go. You are a woman - remember this to be successful among men who will count on a serious relationship with you. After all, it’s great when there is something, or rather someone, to choose from.

Some girls are successful with men and boys not at all because they look better than other young ladies and not because they are smartly dressed. They are simply confident in themselves and because of this they have a large number of fans. If you follow enough simple rules, then any most unapproachable man will pay attention to you and show interest. Find out how to do this?

How to learn to be successful with men and boys

Follow some behavioral strategies that attract men and really increase a girl's chances of being successful with men and guys.

Undoubtedly cute appearance It is possible to achieve success with men and boys, but beauty affects each man differently, since each person has his own specific taste. Some people find short brunettes attractive, some find girls with an athletic build and red hair attractive.

Any girl thinks about how to attract the attention of a representative of the stronger sex, what to say, how to look, whether she can be the first to take the initiative. First of all, understand that you are a unique person, not like everyone else and that you are the only one. There is no other like it in the world - always be confident in your abilities.

To be successful with men and boys, show everyone that you have a little mystery, a twist. All men love it when there is something unpredictable and mysterious, when not all the nuances lie on the surface. Show off your erudition. It’s great when there is live communication that doesn’t resemble an awkward monologue with long pauses. Leave something unsaid until the next date, and guys will look for an excuse to see you again.

The perception of representatives of the stronger sex is, to begin with, associated with vision, and for women with hearing. When meeting, immediately establish eye contact, look into his eyes, if he does not turn away and smiles, then the initial first step has been completed.

Almost always demonstrate your sincere interest in the young man; there is no need to feign indifference. To be successful with men and guys, at the first meeting, try to ask the man about what he is interested in, what he does, how old he is. Men love it when people are interested in them - so give them the opportunity to have fun.

Let the representative of the stronger sex feel that he is the best, convince him of this. Remember to be attentive and show interest in your interlocutor. Maintain a culture of speech. Be sure to get rid of bad habits. Guys don't take girls smoking and sipping at the bar seriously.

Take good care of yourself, keep yourself tidy, and try to change your clothes from time to time. appearance. To enjoy success with men and boys, it is not necessary to make drastic changes; it is enough to use a tinted hair tonic, an iron or a curling iron, as well as a variety of makeup.

It’s not enough just to be naturally beautiful, well-groomed and fashionably dressed. All guys have different tastes. Don't dress so luxuriously and impressively that young people are afraid to approach you. Not every man can, seeing a girl for the first time, immediately start talking to her, but this does not mean that the guy is a complete loser.

Always behave naturally and try to forget that he must undoubtedly like you, because unnaturalness makes a bad impression and constrains you. Try to be natural in order to be successful with men and boys. Behave the way you like and how you feel, don’t invent anything or imagine anything out of yourself. The guy will first of all pay attention to you exactly as you appeared at the first meeting.

How to behave in order to be successful with men and guys

There are many myths about correct behavior in the presence of the man you like; some recommend lowering your gaze and waiting until he pays attention to you first, while others believe that you should take everything into your own hands. But again, some men love modest girls, while others wait until the woman gives her phone number.

Never lie, ever the truth will come out. Don't hide your true face under an invented mask. To be successful with men and boys, be feminine, but quite independent and confident. Learn to understand in which case you need to give in to a guy, and in which case it is better to defend your opinion. Some people like strong-willed girls, while others like the opposite. Try to find your real image and understand what kind of girls you are.

Be approachable and positive. Don’t be afraid to be the first to say hello and talk about any topic. However, by constantly surrounding yourself with a crowd of girlfriends and friends, you alienate yourself from potential suitors.

Never show guys off. They don't like to lose, so don't make yourself an impregnable fortress. Maybe they will doubt that they will be interested in you. And thus you, who are so beautiful, who know how to enjoy success with men and guys, will be left alone with your egocentrism, not understanding what, in fact, you did wrong.

Try not to meet people in nightclubs and bars - in such places, men are addicted to inflated attention, and you have the opportunity to get rejected, which will hurt your pride quite painfully. We hope that our tips helped you answer the question: “how to be successful with men and guys.”

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