No one kidney menu table 7. Diet for kidney disease - salt-free and protein-free for the whole week. Basic rules of dietary nutrition for kidney diseases

04/19/2019 Article

In medical-prophylactic and sanatorium-resort institutions, they use the traditional numbered system of diets by M. I. Pevzner for nutrition for certain diseases. The “7 table” diet is indicated for kidney diseases, such as acute and chronic nephritis (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis).

Diet No. 7, complete in energy value, is limited in the consumption of free liquid, salt (sodium chloride) and all substances that irritate the kidneys, stimulate the cardiovascular and central nervous system, meat, dairy and mushroom broths, products rich in essential oils and oxalic acid.

Depending on the severity and specifics of the condition, there are variations of this diet.

Diet "Table No. 7"

Diet No. 7 is prescribed for diseases:

  • chronic nephritis (glomerulonephritis) without exacerbation and kidney failure;
  • acute nephritis (glomerulonephritis) during the recovery period (from the 3-4th week of treatment);
  • nephropathy of pregnancy;
  • other diseases for which a low-salt diet is indicated.

Purpose: moderate sparing of night function, reduction of hypertension and edema, improvement of the excretion of nitrogenous and other metabolic products from the body.

general characteristics: the protein content is somewhat limited, fats and carbohydrates are within physiological norms. Food is prepared without salt. Salt is given to the patient in the amount specified by the doctor (3-6 g). The amount of free liquid is reduced to an average of 1 liter. Exclude extractive substances from meat, fish, mushrooms, sources of oxalic acid and essential oils. Culinary processing without mechanical and with moderate chemical sparing. Meat and fish (100-150 g per day) are boiled. The food temperature is normal.

Chemical composition and calorie content of dietary table No. 7: carbohydrates - 400-450 g (80-90 g sugar); proteins - 80 g (50-60% animal), fats - 90-100 g (25% vegetable), calories - 2700-2900 kcal; free liquid - 0.9-1.1 l.

Diet: 4-5 times a day.

Do's and Don'ts

Products and dishes What is possible What not to do
Soups Vegetarian with vegetables, cereals, potatoes; fruit, limited - dairy. Refueling butter, sour cream, dill, parsley, citric acid, vinegar; onions after boiling and sautéing. Meat, fish and mushroom broths, from legumes.
Bread and flour products Salt-free bread, pancakes, pancakes with yeast and without salt. Regular bread, flour products with added salt.
Meat and poultry Lean beef, veal, meat and trimmed pork, lamb, rabbit, smoked, turkey, boiled or baked, lightly fried after boiling. Piece or chopped. Boiled tongue. Fatty varieties, fried and stews without boiling. Sausages, sausages, smoked meats, canned food.
Fish Low-fat, boiled, followed by light frying or baking, sliced ​​and chopped, stuffed, aspic after boiling. Fatty types, salted, smoked fish, caviar, canned food.
Dairy Milk, cream, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese and cottage cheese dishes with carrots, apples, rice; sour cream. Cheeses.
Eggs Yolks added to dishes. Whole eggs - up to 2 per day (soft-boiled, scrambled eggs) - when reducing meat, fish or cottage cheese. -
Cereals Various cereals (in particular, sago, rice, corn, pearl barley) and pasta in any preparation. Legumes.
Vegetables Potatoes and vegetables are widely used in any culinary processing. Legumes, onions, garlic, radishes, radishes, sorrel, spinach, salted, pickled and pickled vegetables, mushrooms.
Snacks Vinaigrettes without pickles, salads from fresh vegetables and fruits. -
Fruit Sweet dishes and sweets. Various fruits and berries, raw, boiled, compotes, jelly, jelly, honey, jam, candy, popsicles. Chocolate.
Sauces and spices Tomato, milk, sour cream, fruit and vegetable sweet and sour sauces, onion sauce made from boiled and fried onions. Vanillin, cinnamon. citric acid, vinegar. Meat, fish and mushroom sauces, pepper, mustard, horseradish.
Beverages Tea, weak coffee, fruit and vegetable juices. Rose hip decoction. Strong coffee, cocoa, mineral water, rich in sodium.
Fats Unsalted butter, ghee and refined vegetable oils; limited - lard. -

  • First breakfast: soft-boiled egg, crumbly buckwheat porridge, tea;
  • Second breakfast: baked apples;
  • Lunch: vegetarian borscht with sour cream (1/2 serving), boiled meat with fried potatoes, dried fruit compote;
  • Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction;
  • Dinner: baked carrot-apple meatballs, noodle soup with cottage cheese, tea.

Diet “Table No. 7a”

Diet No. 7a is prescribed in the following cases:

  • acute nephritis (glomerulonephritis) in severe form after fasting days and moderate severity from the first days of illness;
  • chronic nephritis (glomerulonephritis) with severe renal failure.


general characteristics: predominantly plant-based diet with a sharp restriction of proteins, with the exception of sodium chloride. The amount of fats and carbohydrates is moderately reduced. Avoid products rich in extractives, essential oils, and oxalic acid. Culinary processing without mechanical sparing: boiling, baking, light frying. Food is prepared without salt, bread is salt-free. The amount of liquid should correspond to or no more than 300-400 ml exceed the amount of urine of the patient over the previous day.

Chemical composition and calorie content of dietary table No. 7A: carbohydrates - 350 g (80 g sugar); proteins - 20 g (50-60% animal, and in case of chronic kidney failure - 70-75%), fats - 80 g (15% vegetable), 8.8-9.2 MJ (2100-2200 kcal); sodium chloride, free liquid - 1.5-2 liters or more.

Diet: 5-6 times a day.

Do's and Don'ts

Table "Do's and Don'ts"
Products and dishes What is possible What not to do
Bread and flour products Protein-free salt-free bread on corn starch - 100 g, in its absence 50 g of wheat salt-free bread or other flour products baked with yeast without salt. Regular bread, flour products with added salt.
Soups Taking into account the permitted liquid - from sago, vegetables, potatoes, fruits. Season with boiled sautéed onions, sour cream, and herbs. Meat, fish, mushroom broths, dairy, cereals (except sago) and legumes.
Meat, poultry, fish Up to 50-60 g gross lean beef, veal, meat and trimmed pork, rabbit, chicken, turkey, fish. After boiling, you can bake or lightly fry, in pieces or chopped. All meat and fish products (sausages, canned food, etc.)
Dairy 60 g (or more due to meat and fish) milk, cream, sour cream. Cottage cheese - with the exception of meat and fish. Cheese
Eggs In dishes - 1/4-1/2 eggs per day or 2-3 per week (soft-boiled, omelet) -
Cereals Sago, limited - rice, protein-free pasta. With water and milk in the form of porridges, puddings, casseroles, pilaf, cutlets. Other cereals and pasta, legumes.
Vegetables Potatoes and fresh vegetables (200-250 g and 400-450 g gross, respectively) in the form of various dishes. Boiled and fried onions are added to dishes. Dill, parsley. Salted, pickled and pickled vegetables, legumes, spinach, sorrel, cauliflower, mushrooms, radish, garlic.
Snacks Vegetable salads and vinaigrettes with vegetable oil. -
Fruits, sweet dishes and sweets Various fruits and berries. Raw, dried, baked. Kissels, compotes and jellies. Sugar, honey, jam, not chocolates. Chocolate, milk jelly, ice cream.
Sauces and spices To “disguise” salt-free diets: sweet and sour sauces, tomato, sour cream, vegetable and fruit sauces, vanillin, cinnamon, citric acid. Boiled, fried onions. Meat, fish, mushroom sauce; mustard, pepper, horseradish.
Beverages Weak tea with lemon, fruit and berry juices, tomato tea, rose hip decoction. Cocoa, natural coffee, mineral waters rich in sodium.
Fats Unsalted butter, ghee, vegetable oils. Other fats.

Example of daily dishes from the weekly menu

  • First breakfast: carrot-apple cutlets baked in vegetable oil, sago milk porridge, tea.
  • Second breakfast: fresh fruit.
  • Lunch: vegetarian vegetable soup (1/2 serving), boiled meat with tomato sauce, boiled potatoes, jelly.
  • Dinner: sago pilaf with fruit, vegetable salad with vegetable oil, tea.
  • At night: fruit juice. If necessary, reduce the amount of free liquid (tea, jelly).

Diet “Table No. 7b”

Diet No. 7b is used for:

  • acute nephritis after diet No. 7A or immediately after mild form;
  • chronic nephritis with moderate renal failure.

Appointments: maximum sparing of kidney function, improved excretion of metabolic products from the body, reduction of hypertension and edema.

general characteristics: a diet with a significant reduction in protein and a sharp restriction of sodium chloride. Fats, carbohydrates and calories are within the physiological norm. Avoid products rich in extractives, essential oils, and oxalic acid. Culinary processing without mechanical sparing: boiling, baking, light frying. Food is prepared without salt, bread is salt-free. Food is prepared without salt. Compared to diet No. 7A, the amount of protein has been doubled, mainly due to the inclusion of 125 g (gross) of meat or fish, 1 egg, up to 125 g of milk and sour cream. Meat and fish can be replaced with cottage cheese, taking into account the protein content in these products. In diet No. 7B, the amount of protein-free, salt-free cornstarch bread, sago (or rice), as well as potatoes and vegetables (300 g and 650 g gross, respectively), sugar and vegetable oil is increased to 150 g to ensure the proper content of fats and carbohydrates.

Chemical composition and calorie content of dietary table No. 7B: proteins - 40-50 g (50-60% animal, and in case of chronic kidney failure - 70-75%), fats - 85-90 g (20-25% vegetable), carbohydrates - 450 g (100 g sugar), calories - 2600-2800 kcal, Free liquid under the control of the amount of urine and other clinical indicators (see diet No. 7A), on average 1-1.2 liters.

Diet: 5-6 times a day.

Example of daily dishes from the weekly menu

  • First breakfast: vegetable salad with vegetable oil, rice pudding with apples, tea.
  • Second breakfast: grated raw carrots with sugar. Lunch: soup from mixed vegetables, boiled chicken in milk sauce, boiled potatoes, dried fruit compote.
  • Afternoon snack: decoction of wheat bran with sugar.
  • Dinner: one soft-boiled egg, apple fritters, tea.
  • At night: fruit juice.

Diet therapy promotes rapid recovery of the body. By adhering to nutrition, the patient normalizes the functioning of the body in a short time.

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To maintain stable kidney function, to reduce the load on them, and to ensure gentle operation of these important paired organs, the use of diet No. 7 is recommended. A distinctive feature of diet number 7 is the reduction of protein foods, salt, and extractives, which can aggravate diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. At the same time, carbohydrates and fats are present in normal quantities.

Watch the video, which details the cases and diseases when diet number 7 is prescribed:

Video from the channel

Table 7 for pyelonephritis and kidney disease

Diet number 7 is prescribed for a diagnosis of acute or chronic nephritis (in remission), for kidney failure, pyelonephritis, hypertension, metabolic disorders, a tendency to edema, as well as during those situations when a salt-free, gentle diet is necessary. Thanks to such a diet, the risk of edema is reduced, as a result of the inability to completely remove waste products from the body.

The table shows the main diseases for which diet number 7 and its derivatives are indicated:

Subtype of diet number 7


Diet (table) No. 7

Acute nephritis or glomerulonephritis after 3-4 weeks of treatment;

Chronic nephritis in remission;

Nephropathy of pregnancy;

Hypertension with a tendency to edema;

Obesity and metabolic disorders

Diet (table) No. 7 A

Acute forms of nephritis or glomerulonephritis in moderate or severe form;

Chronic glomerulonephritis with renal failure

Diet (table) No. 7 B

Mild forms of acute glomerulonephritis, as well as after diet number 7A;

Exacerbations of chronic glomerulonephritis

Diet (table) No. 7 B

Chronic kidney disease;

Nephrotic syndrome

Diet (table) No. 7 G

In the thermal stage of failure or complete loss of kidney function (when prescribing hemodialysis or kidney transplantation)

Expert opinion

  1. Diet table 7 (7a) and 7b are the most common for any kidney disease. For example, for acute forms of glomerulonephritis in moderate or severe form, diet number 7a is recommended, which is considered the most strict, since it contains only 20 g of protein per day, and only 15 g of which is of animal origin. It is recommended to eat food in 5-6 meals while lying in bed.
  2. Diet 7b already contains 40g of protein. Salt in these subtypes of the diet is contained only in the composition of the products. Diet 7a is prescribed for a short period of up to 20 days, after which the patient is transferred to diet No. 7b. Then, as you recover, diet No. 7 is prescribed. In mild stages of the disease, diet 7b or 7 is immediately prescribed.
  3. Chronic glomerulonephritis in the acute stage begins to be treated with diet No. 7B until a marked improvement in the condition. Then they move on to diet No. 7.
  4. In case of renal failure, it is recommended to start with diet No. 7a.

Diet 7th table table, list of foods that you can eat

The table below shows foods for diet table 7, indicating what you can and cannot eat:

Excluded foods for diet table number 7

Vegetarian with vegetables, cereals, dairy (rarely). Drain is used as a filling. butter, sour cream, lemon juice, vinegar, herbs. Onions only boiled or sautéed.

Decoctions or broths from meat, fish, mushrooms, legumes

Bread and cotton products

Bread, pancakes, pancakes without salt. Unsalted cookies, bread (you can cook it yourself or buy it in the diet department)

Regular store-bought bread (all types of bread dough are added with salt), pasta (due to the salt content in them)

Meat and poultry

Lean beef, veal, skinless chicken, rabbit, turkey, lamb, pork. The meat can be lightly fried after cooking or baked. Bottom part(low-fat) boiled tongue

Fatty varieties, sausages, smoked, canned meat products, fried foods without prior boiling


Cottage cheese, milk, cream, fermented milk products, curd cheeses, cottage cheese dishes with fruit, casseroles, puddings, sour cream

All cheeses, as they are salted during production

All vegetables can be eaten without restrictions, both raw and cooked in any way (except frying)

Onions, garlic without processing, radishes, radishes, sorrel, spinach, pickles, marinades, fermentations, mushrooms, legumes

Low-fat varieties are boiled, and, if desired, lightly baked or lightly fried after boiling. Jellied, stuffed fish dishes

Fatty varieties, smoked, caviar, salted, dried with salt, canned

Whole eggs no more than two per day, subject to the reduction of other protein foods (meat, fish, cottage cheese, milk) yolks, which can be added to dishes

Fried and salted dishes with eggs

Rice, buckwheat, corn, pearl barley, barley, wheat, millet, etc., pasta made without salt

Legumes and pasta with salt added to the dough

Fruits, berries, sweets

Any fruits, berries, both fresh and boiled or canned. Melons and watermelons. Compotes, fruit drinks, jellies, jelly. Honey, sugar, jam, jam, ice cream, candy.

Chocolate and chocolate candies, cocoa cakes, rich creams

Vegetable and fruit salads from vegetables, fruits, berries, vinaigrettes without pickles

Salted, pickled, canned vegetable dishes, spicy, fatty, smoked, caviar

Spices and sauces

Vanillin, cinnamon, vinegar, lime. acid, mild spices (cumin, coriander, sweet pepper, etc.); tomato, sour cream, milk sauces, sour gravy, vegetable and fruit sauces. Boil the onion first.

Hot pepper, horseradish, mustard, meat, mushroom, fish sauces

Unsalted butter, cow's butter melted butter, refined plants. oils, pork fat - in small quantities

Salty or refractory fats, e.g. duck, goose, cooking, margarine, spreads

Tea, decoctions of herbs, rose hips, weak coffee, unsalted vegetable and fruit juices

Strong coffee or tea, cocoa, hot chocolate, mineral waters containing sodium, alcoholic drinks

  • The amount of daily salt intake is strictly limited. Depending on the indications, the doctor gives the patient individual recommendations for salt consumption, usually 3-5g per day. Since salt is initially contained in many products, it is not recommended to add additional salt to dishes;

  • the amount of free fluid also decreases. This point also needs to be discussed with your doctor, since some patients are recommended to drink no more than 800 ml of water per day, while others, on the contrary, are recommended to flush their kidneys and drink more;
  • The diet for all patients should be frequent and divided - 5-6 times a day;
  • the presence of extractives, essential oils and oxalic acid is excluded.

Ten Diet Goals Number 7

  1. Diet table number 7 is prescribed to ensure the most gentle regime for kidney function. During the diet, the kidneys have the opportunity to restore their structure, eliminate damage caused by the disease and accumulate enough strength for subsequent work.
  2. Diet number 7 allows you to remove toxins from the organs that destroy kidney tissue, and cleanse the tubules of decay products and toxins. Thanks to the diet, the performance of not only the kidneys increases, but also those organs whose work depends on the proper functioning of the excretory systems.
  3. The patient's general condition improves, his performance is restored.
  4. Edema, which is a common accompaniment of renal failure, is reduced, and diuresis (urine excretion) is increased.
  5. The ability of the kidneys to clear fluids and form and excrete urine is restored.
  6. The load on the cardiovascular system is reduced, which, in conditions of excess fluid in the body, is forced to work at an increased rhythm.
  7. Blood pressure decreases and accompanying symptoms of illness disappear.
  8. The renal blood supply improves, and, as a result, the nutrition of the kidney cells is improved.
  9. Nitrogenous substances and other toxic elements are removed from the body.
  10. Water-salt and acid-base balance are restored.

Watch the program with Elena Malysheva, which talks about which foods are harmful to the kidneys:

Table of composition of diet number 7 for a day

Name of substance

Quantity in grams


50% plant origin

30% plant origin


mostly fruits and vegetables

Vitamin A

Vitamin B1

A nicotinic acid

Vitamin C

ascorbic acid


Daily calorie content should not exceed 2500 kcal. The amount of table salt is no more than 5g.

A diet without salt makes many people despondent, because unsalted foods seem tasteless and food literally “doesn’t fit into your mouth.” But a person can get used to anything, especially if he knows some tricks.

Some dishes actually taste even better when prepared without salt. It's all about habit and your attitude. Try replacing salt with some seasonings that are acceptable on diet No. 7. You can season your dishes lemon juice, coriander, cinnamon, herbs, vinegar, etc.

  • buckwheat without salt tastes very pleasant if seasoned with oil without salt;
  • You can eat rice without salt; you can eat it in the form of milk porridge or fruit pilaf;
  • cabbage without salt is also tasty if supplemented with grated carrots or cranberries;
  • any porridge without salt can be prepared with the addition of berries or dried fruits.

It is worth remembering that every day without salt helps your kidneys recover, improves overall well-being, helps remove excess fluid and facilitates the functioning of many other organs and systems.

Tip: if you absolutely cannot do without salt, try adding chopped seaweed, which has a salty taste, to your dishes.

Diet menu table 7 for every day with recipes for the week


First day

Breakfast: buckwheat milk porridge, tea with lemon;

Lunch: soft-boiled egg, salt-free bread with butter

Dinner: rice soup with chicken; tomato salad, steam cutlets veal, dried fruit compote.

Afternoon snack: tomato juice

Dinner: Curd pudding with fruit sauce, tea with lemon

Recipe: Curd pudding

Boil 50g milk, add 1 tbsp. spoon of semolina and cook, stirring for 5 minutes. Add 20g plums to the chilled porridge. butter, 400g grated cottage cheese, vanilla sugar, 4 egg yolks and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Mix well and pour the mixture into a greased form. Can be steamed or baked in the oven. When serving, top with fruit syrup or jam.


Second day

Breakfast: rice milk porridge, coffee with milk, dry unsalted cookies

Lunch: pancakes with fruit sauce

Dinner: Vegetarian borscht, mashed potatoes, boiled fish, berry compote

Afternoon snack: kefir and cookies

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with fruit, tea with lemon


The third day

Breakfast: omelette of two yolks and one white, bread, coffee with milk

Lunch: salt-free pancakes and bifidokefir

Dinner: vegetable soup, boiled chicken, braised cabbage and fresh cucumber salad

Afternoon snack: baked apple

Dinner: fruit pilaf, milk tea

Recipe: Fruit pilaf

Wash long grain rice, add boiling water and cook until half cooked. For a glass of rice, take 3 glasses of water. Rinse 20 g of raisins, prunes, dried apricots, fresh diced apples. Add the fruits to the rice and cook until tender. Add a piece of butter.


Fourth day

Breakfast: cottage cheese mixed with chopped apple and sour cream, tea with milk

Lunch: fresh or frozen berries

Dinner: vegetable and beef puree soup, buckwheat, tomato salad, juice

Afternoon snack: yogurt and cookies

Dinner: vegetable stew with addition minced chicken, Tea with lemon

Recipe: Vegetarian borscht

Boil vegetables in one and a half liters of water: 1 grated carrot, 1 diced potato, two handfuls of shredded cabbage, 1 onion. Grate the beets separately and boil in a small amount of water for 5 minutes. At the end add st. spoon of 6% vinegar. Five minutes before the end of cooking vegetables, add 2-3 grated raw tomatoes without skin, a teaspoon of sugar, beets, dill. Season the borscht with sour cream.


Fifth day

Breakfast: millet porridge with fruit, tea with milk

Lunch: soft-boiled egg and buttered toast

Dinner: vegetarian borscht, steamed veal meatballs, cabbage and herb salad

Afternoon snack: grated carrots

Dinner: vinaigrette with seaweed, tea with lemon

Recipe: Vinaigrette with seaweed

Boil and chop carrots, beets, potatoes. Slice 2 fresh cucumber and add a little olive oil, a little 3% vinegar and 100g chopped seaweed. You can add herbs and lemon juice.


Sixth day

Breakfast: oatmeal with milk, cookies, tea with jam

Lunch: egg white omelette

Dinner: rice soup with beef meatballs, rice with onion and tomato sauce, cucumber salad, compote

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole, kefir

Dinner: stewed fish, boiled potatoes, sour cream sauce, tea with milk.


Seventh day

Breakfast: boiled rice with dried fruits, tea with lemon

Lunch: apple juice with cookies

Dinner: borscht with chicken, buckwheat porridge with tomato salad, berry jelly

Afternoon snack: drinking yogurt with cookies

Dinner: Vegetable vinaigrette without pickles, seasoned with lemon juice, tea with lemon.

The kidneys suffer the most from poor nutrition. Each intake of a harmful fatty dish only aggravates the situation.

To solve the problem of kidney disease, it is necessary not only to give up “forbidden fruit” recipes, but also to adhere to the menu of a special therapeutic diet, Table number 7, for some time. It has nothing to do with the low-carbohydrate diet, and menu table number 9, as many mistakenly believe.

Diet Table number 7

Diet goal Table number 7 in case of kidney disease and, strictly speaking, its very essence is to bring the functioning of the internal organ, in this case the kidney, to a stable operating mode.

Kidney diseases lead to feelings of heaviness and severe pain in the abdominal area.

In order for the kidneys, so to speak, to regain their usual normal functioning, it is necessary to rid them of toxins and wastes. Diet Table number 7 for kidney disease implies this point.

Toxins and wastes are contained in the following prohibited recipes and products:

  • high-calorie flour products;
  • mushrooms;
  • fatty soups and broths;
  • canned foods;
  • radish;
  • garlic;
  • mushrooms;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • chocolate;
  • spices;
  • strong hot drinks and alcohol.

Basic principles of nutrition

Therapeutic diet Table number 7 for kidney disease recommends include recipes from the following list of products in your menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner:

  • fruit juices, compotes and jelly;
  • dairy products;
  • low-fat vegetable soups;
  • steam omelette;
  • soups and porridges from cereals;
  • potato;
  • vegetables, berries and fruits;
  • jam and honey;
  • fruit and vegetable salads.

Kidney diseases, of course, are treated with medication. But eating food from the usual forbidden recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner in combination with pills will not lead to a tangible result and will only worsen the situation.

Therefore, if you have kidney disease, you should definitely follow the menu, which includes diet recipes Table number 7 until you feel complete recovery.

After recovery, it is not recommended to completely return to the usual recipes, since there is a high risk of recurrent kidney disease with the worst consequences.

Menu for the week

If you have kidney disease, it is very important to create a menu with food recipes for the whole day. But eating on a schedule is a bit of an endurance test, so arm yourself with patience.

Diet Table number 7 - menu for the week:


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese, toast and tea with raspberry jam;
  • Lunch: low-fat soup of vegetables and herbs and a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes combined with tomato and cucumber salad, washed down with apple compote.


  • steam omelette with herbs and orange juice;
  • buckwheat soup with lean meat cutlets and weak black tea;
  • fruit salad and green tea without sugar.


  • chocolate and a glass of milk;
  • mashed potatoes combined with low-fat fish cutlets wash down with berry jelly;
  • vegetable salad, cottage cheese and lemon tea.


  • cottage cheese with sour cream and a cup of green tea without sugar;
  • stew of vegetables and herbs, a glass of tomato juice;
  • mashed potatoes with vegetable salad and a glass of low-fat kefir.


  • toast with honey and a cup of weak coffee with cream;
  • buckwheat porridge, vegetable stew and a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • kiwi and banana salad, wash down with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.


  • wash down fruit yogurt with berry jelly;
  • mashed potatoes with low-fat meat cutlets and a glass of orange juice;
  • cup apple juice and toast with raspberry jam.


  • sour cream and curd mixture and toast with unsweetened tea;
  • wash down fruit salad with a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • vegetable salad with sour cream and dill, tomato juice.

How to eat if you have kidney disease?

If you have kidney disease, for breakfast, lunch and dinner it is recommended to prepare dishes according to recipes from the products of the standard diet menu Table number 7.

Sample menu for the day therapeutic diet Table number 1 looks like this:

  • Breakfast: toast with honey or jam and a glass of orange juice;
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes and a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • Dinner: vegetable stew with herbs and sour cream, washed down with tomato juice.

In order to slightly diversify the diet for kidney disease and treat yourself to something new delicious recipe, we present to you an excellent option for “brightening up” the diet Table number 7:

Apples Kiev style

Apples Kiev style


  • apples - 5 pcs;
  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • 5 tbsp jam.


  1. Peel and core apples;
  2. Boil a little, after adding a little lemon juice;
  3. fill the empty space of the core with jam;
  4. Cook the apples in the oven for 25 minutes.

When dieting Table number 7 in the diet for every day appropriate fatty foods in moderation and fermented milk products. Menu for the day, which includes these recommendations, as follows:

  • Breakfast: processed cheese tea with lemon;
  • Lunch: vegetable stew, combined with low-fat chicken cutlets, washed down with a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • Dinner: a mixture of finely chopped banana, kiwi and pineapple, washed down with orange juice.

We provide recipe hearty dish, relevant for diet Table number 7 for pregnant women:

Potato casserole with vegetables


  • 10 large potato tubers;
  • 200 g cabbage;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • 10 tomatoes;
  • a glass of sour cream.


  1. Peel the potatoes and chop coarsely;
  2. chop cabbage and carrots;
  3. cut tomatoes and onions into slices;
  4. place potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes and cabbage in layers in a baking dish, after greasing each layer with sour cream;
  5. bake for 30 minutes.

With this inflammatory disease kidneys, as pyelonephritis, it is necessary to follow a therapeutic diet Table number 7, excluding spicy and fatty foods, as they “irritate” the intestinal walls and “contaminate” the internal organs with toxins and waste.

With this disease, you should adhere to the standard special diet menu Table number 7, daily diet which looks like this:

  • Breakfast: mashed potatoes with vegetable salad and a glass of fruit juice;
  • Lunch: milk porridge with jam and weak tea without sugar;
  • Dinner: fruit salad and low-fat yogurt.

Recipe dishes containing a list of diet menu products Table number 7 for pyelonephritis:

Millet balls

Millet balls


  • 300 g millet;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of cardamom;
  • breaded crackers.


  1. wash the millet and cook in boiled water for 20 minutes;
  2. pour the finished millet with milk and add sugar;
  3. cook this mixture for 40 minutes;
  4. mix with egg and add cardamom;
  5. roll the mass into the shape of meatballs;
  6. “roll” in breading flour and fry.

Nutrition for gastritis

Therapeutic diet Table number 7 for a disease such as gastritis is prescribed in its usual form: exclude fatty foods, add fruits and vegetables.

Menu for the day as follows:

  • Breakfast: a glass of orange juice and toast with cottage cheese;
  • Lunch: vegetable stew with low-fat fish cutlets, washed down with a glass of apple juice;
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes with vegetable salad, low-fat yogurt and lemon tea.

Gastritis limits food ration in many favorite products, but diet Table number 7 “replaces” them with excellent recipes. We provide you with an example of one of them:

Pilaf with raisins and prunes

Pilaf with raisins and prunes


  • 200 g raisins;
  • 400 g prunes;
  • a glass of rice.


  1. wash the raisins;
  2. wash the prunes, remove the pits and chop coarsely;
  3. wash the rice;
  4. cook rice in boiled water for 20 minutes;
  5. add raisins and prunes to the finished rice;
  6. mix the ingredients.

Features of nutrition in glomerulonephritis

With such severe kidney disease as glomerulonephritis, the following must be observed: menu diet Table number 7 for the day:

  • Breakfast: fish bits and orange juice;
  • Lunch: mashed potatoes and vegetable salad, washed down with unsweetened tea with lemon;
  • Dinner: salad of bananas, kiwi and low-fat yogurt, washed down with a glass of orange juice.

A similar menu for kidney disease, therapeutic diet Table number 7 is not limited and presents you delicious healthy recipe:

Baked pasta with egg

Baked pasta with egg


  • 200 g pasta;
  • 3 eggs;
  • a glass of milk.


  1. cook the pasta and strain through a sieve;
  2. place pasta on a baking sheet;
  3. mix egg with milk;
  4. pour this mixture over the pasta;
  5. cook in the oven for 40 minutes.

Diet Table number 7 according to the Pevsner method

For kidney diseases, diet menu Table number 7 “allows” baked products exclusively from yeast dough. Vegetable and fruit salads, in combination with low-fat yogurt, will serve as a healing agent for the intestinal walls, which will undoubtedly affect the improvement of kidney function.

Diet Table number 7 for this disease appointed at any stage of this disease and its results are always highly effective, without any side effects.

Dietary restriction number 7 for kidney disease is appropriate for people of all ages. You just need to exclude fatty, high-calorie foods from your diet.

Dietary food table No. 7 is indicated for patients with acute nephritis during the recovery period (starting from the 3rd-4th week of treatment), as well as for chronic nephritis and renal failure in remission.

Such nutrition is necessary to introduce a gentle regime for the kidneys, reduce swelling and hypertension ( blood pressure), stimulation of the process of removing nitrogenous and other metabolic products from the body.

Diet 7 table: general characteristics

The patient must receive the physiological norm of carbohydrates and fats. The amount of proteins is somewhat limited. The intake of salt into the body is also limited. You can only consume 3-6 g of it, sometimes more. The number must be indicated by the attending physician.

At the same time, the amount of fluid consumed is reduced - it is reduced to 1 liter per day.

Foods containing extractive substances from fish, meat, mushrooms, as well as those containing oxalic acid (as well as its oxalate salts) and essential oils are excluded from the diet. Meat and fish are shown at 100-150 g per day in boiled form. The food should not be hot.

According to the diet regimen of table No. 7, you should eat 4-5 times a day.

  • Dishes with vegetables, cereals, potatoes, and fruits are shown. Consumption of dairy products is limited. The food is seasoned with sour cream and butter. You can add dill and parsley to it, as well citric acid or a little vinegar. Only boiled and sautéed onions are used.
  • Many broths are excluded from the diet.
  • From flour products, you can eat salt-free bread, as well as pancakes and pancakes prepared with yeast, without adding salt. Exclude from the diet flour products and regular bread, to which sodium chloride is added.
  • Among meat products shown are lean veal and beef, pork and lamb (meat and trimmings), as well as boiled or baked rabbit, turkey, and chicken. After boiling, the meat can be lightly fried. You can also eat boiled tongue.
  • Fatty meats, stewed and fried meat dishes prepared without boiling, as well as sausages, smoked meats, sausages, and canned food are excluded from the diet.
  • The fish is also shown to be low-fat, boiled, it can then be lightly fried or baked, in pieces or chopped, as well as stuffed, jellied after boiling.
  • Fatty fish, as well as salted and finished fish, caviar, and canned fish are excluded.
  • When following the 7th table diet, you can eat almost everything from dairy products, except hard cheeses, namely: milk, fermented milk products, sour cream, cream, cottage cheese and dishes made from it, especially with apples, carrots, and rice.
  • Eggs can be consumed no more than two per day, preferably soft-boiled, when low or to reduce other protein foods in the diet. You can also add to different dishes yolks.
  • Any cereal can be used, as well as pasta, regardless of the method of preparation.
  • You need to exclude legumes from your diet.
  • Vegetables, like cereals, can be used either boiled or fresh. The exceptions are garlic and onions, spinach, sorrel, radishes and radishes, as well as pickled, salted and pickled vegetables. It is also not recommended to eat mushrooms.
  • It is also recommended to introduce fresh berries and fruits into the diet, as well as in compotes, jams, compotes, and jelly.
  • For sweets, you can eat jams, candies, honey, and fruit ice cream. Chocolate is excluded from the diet.
  • For sauces, you can use sour cream, milk, tomato, vegetable and fruit, sour and sweet sauces, as well as onion sauce made from boiled and lightly fried onions. The following sauces are excluded: fish, meat and mushroom.
  • The only spices you can use are vanillin, cinnamon, citric acid and vinegar. Pepper, horseradish, and mustard are excluded from the diet.
  • Drinks include tea and weak coffee, as well as various juices, both vegetable and fruit, and a decoction of rose hips. Avoid the consumption of cocoa, strong coffee, and sodium-rich mineral waters.
  • Fats include unsalted and ghee butter, as well as refined vegetable oils and lard in small quantities.

Diet table number 7: sample menu for the day.

First breakfast: crumbly buckwheat porridge, soft-boiled egg and weak black tea.

The main enemies of the kidneys are salt and fats. A large amount of proteins is not processed by the internal organs and, as a result, the points are not able to filter them. Salt creates additional stress and promotes the accumulation of fluid in the tissues - edema. Diet for kidney disease No. 7 is aimed at cleansing the body of toxins and reducing the load on the organs.


The kidneys remove water and many water-soluble substances from the body. They control the production of hormones, the breakdown of amino acids with the release of glucose into the blood. With kidney disease, the amount of blood in the body and its oxygen saturation are reduced. Malfunction of the kidneys leads to oxygen starvation– drowsiness, and impotence – rapid fatigue. When kidney failure occurs, the heart also suffers.

Diet No. 7 for kidney disease is designed to reduce the load on the organ

Nutritionist M.I. Pevzner developed 15 options therapeutic nutrition for each type of organ disease. Kidney diet No. 7 salt-free. It aims to reduce the load on the organ and activate its work through the influence of balanced food. Preference is given to easily digestible vegetable fats and proteins, daily norm main substances are:

  • 400 g carbohydrates;
  • liquid 800 – 1000 ml;
  • fat up to 80 g;
  • proteins 70g.

Salt is excluded completely or the maximum limit is up to 5 grams per day, taking into account the sodium contained in the products. Energy value Such nutrition is 2400 - 2600 kcal for an adult.

Therapeutic nutrition for kidney disease leads to gradual changes in the organ.

  1. Provides a highly effective, sparing mode of kidney function. They have the opportunity to restore their basic functions, tissue regeneration occurs, and the normal structure and structure of the kidneys are restored.
  2. The tubules and gradually the remaining tissues of the body are cleansed of toxins.
  3. Restores the functioning of the kidneys and other internal organs, including the liver, thyroid gland, heart.
  4. The patient's performance and general condition improves.
  5. The function of the kidneys is restored to completely cleanse the lymph and remove harmful substances with urine, including toxins and nitrogenous compounds.
  6. The volume of urine excreted increases and swelling, especially in the morning, decreases.
  7. Blood pressure is normalized by improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which is not overloaded with excess fluid.
  8. The water-salt balance is restored.
  9. The acid-base balance returns to normal.
  10. The nutrition of the cells in the kidneys themselves is improved and regeneration and complete restoration of all functions occur.

The diet is salt-free

Diet is not a panacea. It should be considered and applied as a complement to drug treatment to enhance its effect and accelerate kidney recovery.

A diet is prescribed when the kidneys hurt when diagnosing diseases such as:

  • diffuse glomerulonephritis in acute form;
  • chronic nephritis;
  • renal failure.

In addition to salt, the diet includes a decrease in proteins and contrasting nutrition, for example, pumpkin, potato, and vegetable days. This will help eliminate exacerbation in neighboring organs and the appearance.

A salt-free diet is used for weight loss and as a disease prevention, for recovery from beer and alcohol intoxication of the body. What can you eat if you have kidney disease?

  • vegetables in any form;
  • peeled fruits:
  • fresh berries;
  • natural juices without preservatives;
  • lean fish;
  • boiled lean meat;
  • bread and baked goods baked without salt;
  • weak tea;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetable soups;
  • jelly, compote;
  • porridge;
  • soft-boiled eggs;
  • potato;
  • vegetable and butter.

The diet for kidney pain is varied and nutritious. In a pinch, seaweed will replace salt; dried and crushed, it is freely sold in pharmacies. Vegetables should be included in your diet daily. Salads, stews, omelettes. It is advisable to peel the fruit.

Juices must be made independently, since store-bought ones contain preservatives, dyes and other additives that negatively affect the kidneys.

You should choose low-fat varieties

Fish and meat must be boiled and stewed. Choose low-fat varieties. It is advisable to remove the skin from the chicken. Consume pork tenderloin. Fresh lard, without salt, should be limited to a piece of up to 20 grams. Boiled fish can be fried a little; it is better to bake it in the oven.

Hard yolks should be avoided; 2 soft-boiled eggs per day is enough. The first time after an exacerbation of the disease, it is better to exclude them from the menu altogether, or limit yourself to 1 piece.

Fresh milk contains lactose. With age, the human body begins to tolerate it poorly. In this case, preference is given to kefir and yogurt. Consumption of dairy products and soups should be limited to 200 - 250 grams.

Preference should be given to kefir and yogurt

Potatoes can be eaten in any form, including fried, but preference should be given to baked and boiled.

Nutrition for kidney disease, do's and don'ts, how to make food tastier. Doctors recommend diversifying dishes and adding flavor to them by adding herbs, salad, lemon juice, seaweed. Cranberries, currants, and raspberries are poured into the porridge. Along with butter, you can add onions, spinach, dill, parsley to dishes, after chopping them. Food must be freshly prepared. The amount of salt allowed by your doctor must be added to the finished dish before consumption.

Have a good variety of drinks herbal teas with chamomile, mint, thyme, birch buds and leaves, licorice root. Berry jelly and fruit compotes contain vitamins necessary for the body.

Include herbal teas in your diet

The daily portion of products should be divided into 4 - 5 doses. IN severe conditions Doctors recommend eating while lying down.

Plays an important role balanced diet in case of kidney disease, what is possible and what is not. Scroll harmful products largely coincides with those prohibited for diseases of the liver, stomach and other organs:

  • alcohol, especially beer;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • juices and water with dyes and preservatives;
  • coffee;
  • herring;
  • smoked meats;
  • regular bread with salt;
  • canned food;
  • home preparations for the winter;
  • marinades;
  • legumes;
  • sorrel;
  • garlic;
  • radish;
  • radish;
  • mushrooms;
  • meat, fish, mushroom broths;
  • feta cheese;
  • chocolate;
  • spices;
  • animal fats;
  • sausage;
  • canned fish;
  • homemade sour cream.

What you can and cannot eat if you have kidney disease, how to cook. It is allowed to fry or lightly smoke boiled fish, poultry, and meat. Onions and garlic can be consumed after heat treatment. Homemade sour cream fat. It is added in small quantities to first courses. Brynza and cheese are salted during the manufacturing process. They are replaced with cottage cheese dishes, casseroles, and cheesecakes.

Garlic, radish, radish contain a large number of amino acids and essential oils. Sorrel is so named due to its high concentration of oxalic acid.

Coffee and alcohol should be excluded from the diet

Natural coffee activates the kidneys and contains diuretics. In instant there are 2 - 3 times more of them, plus flavors, preservatives and anti-caking agents. Alcoholic drinks harm human health, regardless of the condition of the kidneys.

Takes into account diet number 7 and kidney disease, an accurately established diagnosis. After all, the organ has various deviations from normal functioning and changes in tissues. Depending on the patient’s condition, nutrition for kidney disease, what is possible and what is not, is determined by the doctor individually for each patient. Subtypes of diets were created as a hint for doctors. They differ in the rigidity of salt standards, the ratio of proteins and fats of plant and animal origin.

The choice of diet depends on the stage of the disease

The table shows changes in subtypes of diets depending on the patient’s condition.

As the course of treatment progresses and the patient’s condition changes, they are transferred sequentially from diet 7A to 7B and in a state of remission, 7B is used as prophylaxis or transferred to the less strict No. 7. Depending on concomitant diseases and in case of intolerance to certain foods, the doctor adjusts the patient’s diet.

Table No. 7G is prescribed for seriously ill patients with complete failure of the kidney or at the last stage of its decomposition, in case of oncology.

Diet 7 for kidney disease weekly menu

Table 7 diet menu for the week, kidney disease, may have different options.

Eating 1 option Option 2
1 working day
breakfast buckwheat porridge, omelette, tea buckwheat milk porridge, tea with lemon
intermediate snack rosehip decoction egg, salt-free bread and butter
dinner vegetable borscht, potatoes, fish rice soup with chicken, tomato salad, steamed cutlets, compote
intermediate snack apples baked in the oven tomato juice
dinner vinaigrette, rice porridge, compote pudding, tea
2 working day
breakfast cottage cheese casserole, sour cream, tea rice milk porridge, coffee with milk, dry biscuits
intermediate snack jelly pancakes
dinner millet soup, steamed chicken fillet borscht, mashed potatoes, boiled fish, berry compote
intermediate snack yogurt kefir, cookies
dinner vegetable salad, pasta, steamed meatballs cottage cheese casserole with fruit, tea with lemon
3 working day
breakfast milk rice soup, tea omelette, bread, coffee with milk
intermediate snack cottage cheese and fruits pancakes, bifidokefir
dinner cabbage, veal stewed with vegetables vegetable soup, boiled chicken, stewed cabbage, cucumber salad
intermediate snack Ryazhenka baked apple
dinner casserole potatoes with vegetables, steamed chicken cutlets fruit pilaf, tea
4 working day
breakfast egg, boiled beet salad cottage cheese with sour cream and apples, tea
intermediate snack fruit salad berries
dinner cauliflower soup, meatballs with vegetables creamy beef soup, buckwheat porridge, tomato salad, juice
intermediate snack jelly yogurt, cookies
dinner cabbage rolls, salad, cottage cheese stewed vegetables with chicken, tea with lemon
5 working day
breakfast cheesecakes with jam, milk millet porridge with fruit, tea with milk
intermediate snack rosehip decoction egg, toast
dinner borscht, steamed fish with vegetables borscht, meatballs, cabbage salad
intermediate snack ice cream grated carrots
dinner boiled potatoes, cutlets, vegetables vinaigrette with seaweed, tea
1 day off
breakfast pancakes with jam or sour cream, tea oatmeal with milk, tea, cookies with jam
intermediate snack juice egg white omelette
dinner buckwheat soup, boiled tongue, stewed vegetables rice soup with meatballs, porridge with gravy, tomatoes
intermediate snack fruits casserole, kefir
dinner barley porridge, meatballs, vegetable salad stewed fish, potatoes with sour cream, tea
2nd day off
breakfast milk soup with pasta rice with fruit, tea
intermediate snack yogurt juice, cookies
dinner wheat soup with vegetables, jellied meat, salad borscht with chicken, buckwheat porridge, tomato salad, jelly
intermediate snack fruit salad yogurt, cookies
dinner stew, vinaigrette vinaigrette, tea

Using the samples given in the table, everyone can create their own menu for any day. You just need to stick to the caloric content and give preference to vegetable proteins, fats and foods containing easily digestible fiber.

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