Unprotected act what to do to avoid. Contraception after sex: is it too late? Medications to prevent STDs

Most modern men and women are active sex life, not always caring about contraception. Very often, the entry of sperm into a woman’s body is undesirable. The cause of unplanned conception may be a poor-quality or torn condom, unprotected sexual intercourse, or a missed course of treatment. birth control pills, casual sexual contact, rape and so on. What to do if there is a risk of conception? How to avoid pregnancy?

First of all, you need to calm down - modern medicine offers a fairly wide range of medications that will help cope with the problem without risking a woman’s health. In addition, it must be remembered that the lifespan of a sperm is from 3 to 7 days, and the female egg is active for 24 hours, and only during ovulation. Therefore, the presence of sperm in a woman’s body does not mean that pregnancy will definitely occur. However, as is known, prevention better treatment– therefore, it is wiser to play it safe and seek help from a specialist.

But not everyone goes to the doctor, or rather, only a few. Most women, after an unsuccessful act of intercourse, prefer to deal with the problem on their own, after consulting with a friend or browsing a couple of sites on the Internet. In this case, you need to act quickly, since the effectiveness of most contraceptive drugs directly depends on the time that has passed since coitus and usually does not exceed 72 hours. This method of preventing pregnancy is called postcoital contraception. After three days have passed from the moment of sexual intercourse, they are already talking about medical abortion. Preventing pregnancy at a later stage will be much more difficult.

Postcoital contraception can be hormonal, non-hormonal and intrauterine.

Hormonal contraception

The most popular method of post-coital contraception in the first days after intercourse is the use of hormonal agents. This method involves the use of two types of hormones:

  1. based on antigestagenic drugs;
  2. based on gestagenic drugs.

Antigestagenic drugs include Ginepristone or Agesta. Its action is based on the suppression of the hormone progesterone, as a result of which the maturation of the egg slows down and makes it difficult for it to attach to the uterine mucosa. The use of the drug has proven its effectiveness and safety for women's health. From side effects Nausea, lower abdominal pain, and delayed menstruation may be noted. The drug is not intended for systematic use as a contraceptive.

From gestagenic drugs to modern stage medicine has the following:

  • Escapelle;
  • Postinor.

Escapelle contains the substance levonorgestrel, which affects ovulation and the endometrium, preventing the fertilized egg from fixing in the uterine cavity. If the egg has already been implanted, the use of Escapel is undesirable. When used correctly, the effectiveness of the drug reaches 84 percent.

Postinor is a long-known hormonal drug. Contains the active ingredient in large quantities: levonorgestrel. Is effective drug, however with a long list of side effects. Has a strong impact on hormonal background women, as a result of which negative consequences of taking the drug are possible, ranging from a delay in menstruation and ending with the development of infertility. Not recommended for use by women with irregular ovulation and adolescents under 18 years of age.

It is hormonal drugs that can prevent unwanted pregnancy in the first days.

Non-hormonal contraception

The most famous of the non-hormonal drugs is Mifepristone. The product is essentially a drug for medical abortion and can prevent pregnancy for 9 weeks after unprotected intercourse. This drug should be used exclusively in medical institutions under the supervision of a physician. According to data for 2013, 15 patients in the United States died from taking this drug - most of them took Mifepristone on their own, having a number of contraindications. Taking a small dose of the drug within 72 hours after coitus is a method of post-coital contraception.

The advantages of Mifepristone include its high efficiency and the possibility of use for a long time after sexual intercourse.

To the question “What to do after sexual intercourse to prevent unwanted pregnancy?” if the period exceeds 72 hours, the specialist will answer that Mifepristone should be prescribed.

Intrauterine contraceptives

As noted above, intrauterine contraception is also considered a means of postcoital contraception. This method was known back in ancient times and was widely used by women of ancient China or India. However, the first representative of official medicine to propose using silkworm intestines as an intrauterine device was the German gynecologist Richter. Later, this method was abandoned for a while, due to its low effectiveness and after the appearance of a large number of side effects. However, with the development of hormonal drugs, interest in this type of contraception arose again.

Intrauterine devices are inert and medicated. There are inert spirals various forms and made from various materials. They do not contain additional drugs and Lately rarely used. Much more widespread intrauterine devices with active ingredients that combine hormonal and mechanical protection. The active substance may be copper (for example, the spiral contraceptive Multiload, with a validity period of 5 years), or levonorgestrel ( intrauterine system"Mirena", also designed for 5 years of use).

Mechanism of action

The main contraceptive component is an active substance that reduces the activity of sperm or leads to their death. If the egg is nevertheless fertilized, the presence of the spiral will prevent its implantation into the uterine cavity.

Before inserting an intrauterine contraceptive, you must undergo a gynecological examination and undergo bacteriological tests. It is also necessary to exclude the presence inflammatory diseases pelvic organs. For 1–2 weeks after the introduction of a contraceptive, it is recommended to avoid excessive physical activity, hot baths and sexual intercourse, especially unprotected. For emergency contraception, the IUD is prescribed no later than 5 days after sexual intercourse.

Important: the popular douching method is absolutely ineffective and undesirable, since sperm reach the cervical area within 1 minute. In addition, douching “dries out” the vagina, killing the microflora existing there.

Drugs to terminate an unwanted pregnancy are not intended for regular use. A large amount of the active substance in their composition causes a serious blow to the female body. As a result, this can lead to the so-called anovulatory cycle, that is, without a mature egg. In addition, disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries can affect the functioning of the entire body (increased blood pressure, appearance excess weight, blood sugar, etc.).

It must be remembered that methods and drugs for emergency abortion do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. If a sexually transmitted disease is suspected, sexual intercourse must be carried out using a condom.

Intimate relationships in which barrier contraception is not used can sooner or later lead to an unplanned pregnancy. What should you do when you have sex without a condom? There are several effective methods, the use of which allows you to avoid undesirable consequences.

What is the probability of getting pregnant after unprotected intercourse?

Many women who regularly have intimate intimacy with their partner are interested in the question of how not to become pregnant as a result of sexual intercourse. The likelihood of conceiving without using contraceptives depends on many factors.

For some women, pregnancy occurs with a minimal combination of circumstances conducive to fertilization. Others are unable to conceive even under the most optimal conditions.

Conceiving a child after unprotected intercourse is possible on almost any day of the menstrual cycle. The highest probability of egg fertilization is observed during the fertile period (from 8 to 20 days). The desire of a married couple to have children also plays a big role in this issue.

Official statistics on conceptions that occurred as a result unprotected act, does not exist in medicine. The likelihood of becoming pregnant due to intimacy depends on the age and health of the partners, as well as the phase of the menstrual cycle. It is believed that pregnancy as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse occurs in 25% of women, and one sexual contact is enough for this.

Calendar method

Many couples who prefer intimacy without a condom use the calendar method to calculate the days on which they can make love without protection. The principle of calculation is to determine the period of ovulation, during which the most suitable conditions for fertilization of the egg are created in the female body. For most women, it lasts no more than 48 hours. During this period, the probability of conception reaches its maximum, since before ovulation the egg is protected by the ovarian follicle, and when it leaves the fallopian tube it dies.

  1. The calendar method is used when a girl’s menstrual cycle remains stable for at least six months. To determine the first day of possible conception, you need to subtract 18 from the duration of the shortest cycle. The last “dangerous” day is determined by subtracting 11 from the duration of the longest menstruation. Thus, with values ​​of 26 and 31, fertilization of the egg with a high degree of probability can occur from 8 to 20 days of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Measuring basal temperature over a long period makes it possible to obtain more accurate results. Since during ovulation the basal temperature in the rectum rises by an average of 0.4-0.5 degrees, measurements make it possible to accurately identify the day when unprotected sexual intercourse can lead to fertilization of the egg.
  3. An ovulation test is one of the diagnostic methods with which a woman can accurately determine the most favorable day for conception at home. To do this, you will need to carry out tests every day until 2 stripes appear on one of them, which will mean the onset of ovulation.
  4. The intuition method is the most uninformative, since it is based only on the woman’s individual feelings. Symptoms of ovulation include pain in the groin area, clear vaginal discharge and increased libido.


The likelihood of becoming pregnant without a condom decreases when the viability of sperm produced in the male genital organs decreases. The enzymes required for sperm maturation in the epididymis are sensitive to high temperatures.

Active sperm production occurs at a temperature of 34 degrees, so the testicles are not located in abdominal cavity, but in the scrotum, which cools as a result of the formation and evaporation of sweat. A short-term increase in body temperature to 39 degrees has a depressing effect on the process of spermatogenesis. Restoration of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sperm occurs within 2.5-3 months.

The physiological feature of sperm production can be used to protect against unwanted pregnancy. To prevent a girl from becoming pregnant as a result of unprotected contact, her partner needs to visit a hot bath or sauna and spend about two hours in the steam room. Wearing tight underwear also causes the scrotum to heat up due to friction.

Interrupted act

This method of contraception is very popular all over the world, about 75% of couples use it. A man’s physiology is designed in such a way that ejaculation occurs in parallel with orgasm. Sexual intercourse ends with ejaculation, during which seminal fluid is expelled from the urethra. At this moment, the man experiences the highest pleasure distributed throughout the body.

You can determine the approach of orgasm by increasing contractions of the muscles of the penis. To prevent sperm from entering his partner's vagina, the man must remove his penis from it immediately before ejaculation.

Interrupted sexual intercourse is actually not as effective as most partners assume. The probability of conceiving a child using this method of protection is 30%. This is explained by the fact that a man does not secrete a large number of seminal fluid into which sperm can enter.

They can easily penetrate the vagina, where their viability will remain for several hours. If sperm enters the fallopian tubes, they will not lose their ability to fertilize for seven days. To prevent sperm from entering the woman’s genitals during the second sexual intercourse, the man needs to take a shower after the first time.

Interrupted intercourse has several side effects that must be taken into account when choosing a contraceptive method. If intimate intimacy does not lead to conception, there remains a risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections from a partner, which are easily transmitted in the absence of a condom.

Constant use of this method can lead to the development of uterine fibroids. This disease is often diagnosed in women aged 20 to 45 years. Men who regularly practice interrupted intercourse may experience prostate problems.

Despite the disadvantages of this method, it has a certain number of advantages:

  1. it is available to absolutely everyone, so it often helps to avoid pregnancy after spontaneous intimacy;
  2. due to the fact that the method does not require material costs, it is often practiced by young people;
  3. is an alternative to hormonal contraception which can lead to significant weight gain;
  4. Unlike a condom, it does not reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis.

Vaginal douching

To protect against unwanted conception, you can use folk remedies, one of which is douching. The chance of getting pregnant decreases if you wash your vagina. big amount clean water, removing sperm from it. The douching method does not require costs, but its effectiveness is quite low. Moreover, its too frequent use can harm a woman’s body.

If instead of water you use a solution of acetic acid or lemon juice when douching, the method will be more effective. This can be explained by the fact that in an acidic environment the viability of sperm is sharply reduced.

Using lemon juice it is necessary to wet your fingers in a container with an acidic solution and insert them into the vagina as deeply as possible. The procedure must be repeated several times, and then leave the liquid inside for 3-4 hours. When lemon juice has a detrimental effect on sperm, the vagina should be rinsed with warm water.

Since douching must be done immediately after sex, you may not have lemon juice on hand. It can be replaced with your own urine, which is inserted into the vagina using a syringe or fingers.

When using the douching method, it must be remembered that the effect of acidic solutions on the vaginal mucosa can lead to irritation or dysbacteriosis. Restoring vaginal microflora is a very difficult process, since there is a danger of re-infection.

Safe posture

One way to prevent unwanted pregnancy is to choose the optimal sex position in which sperm cannot enter the fallopian tubes. To minimize the possibility of conception, the woman should be in an upright position at the moment when her partner ejaculates. Before lying down, she needs to wait for the sperm to flow out of the vagina.

Despite the fact that the essence of this method is based on the laws of physics, in this way it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of conception. Each of the sperm that enters the vagina has a chance to penetrate the fallopian tube and fertilize the egg.

What medications can be taken after unprotected intercourse to avoid pregnancy?

If a woman does not plan to have children, she should know which pill to take if unprotected sexual contact occurs. This must be done within a few days after intercourse, otherwise it will not be possible to prevent conception. Oral contraceptives should not be used continuously as they can cause serious harm to health.

  • Postinor has antiestrogenic and gestagenic properties, which provide a contraceptive effect. Active substance The drug levonorgestrel in recommended doses suppresses ovulation and prevents the fertilization of the egg if sexual contact occurs during the fertile phase. After taking the pills, changes occur in the endometrium that prevent the implantation of the fertilized egg into the inner layer of the uterus. The effectiveness of Postinor is 95% when taken within 24 hours of unprotected contact. It should be noted that this drug has a large number of contraindications and can cause side effects. Before taking, you should carefully study the instructions for the drug.

  • Escapelle is an analogue of Postinor in terms of the active substance. An increased dose of levonorgestrel allows for effective protection from pregnancy with a single dose. Under the influence of synthetic progestogen in a woman’s body, a shift in hormonal balance occurs, which in turn reduces the possibility of conception. Under the influence of the drug, cervical mucus thickens greatly, preventing sperm from moving into the fallopian tubes. In addition, the formation of the endometrium in the uterus is disrupted and the process of the release of the egg from the follicle slows down. Despite the high effectiveness of Escapel, it should be taken only in isolated cases. Abuse of the drug can cause irreparable harm to the reproductive system.
  • Zhenale is used for emergency contraception within three days after unprotected sexual intercourse. The active substance mifepristone has a multifaceted effect on the female body. The mechanism of action of the drug depends on what phase of the menstrual cycle the tablet is taken. During the follicular phase, Genale inhibits the development of the follicle, which leads to the death of the egg inside it. During ovulation, the active substance promotes changes chemical composition the fertilized egg, as a result of which it loses its ability to attach to the endometrium of the uterus. If fertilization of the egg occurs during coitus, it will be released from the body along with blood during the next menstruation.
  • Gynepreston is a newer gentle analogue of Postinor. The active substance of the drug, mifepristone, is of non-hormonal origin, so the effect of progestron is blocked at the receptor level. The contraceptive effect of this drug manifests itself in any phase of the menstrual cycle. The drug should be taken no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse.

Spontaneous sex often causes various kinds of problems, ranging from unwanted pregnancy to the development of sexually transmitted diseases. Of course, sexual intercourse is an integral part of human life, but unprotected sex is fraught with many dangers, which will be discussed in this article.

Unprotected sex: what is it?

As a rule, most people associate unprotected sex with a casual relationship with a little-known partner. However, spontaneous copulation can also occur in a married couple who have lived together for more than one year.

In any case, this does not cancel negative consequences, which can affect the health of both partners. During an unprotected act, no barrier agents are used that can prevent pregnancy and infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

Contraceptives include:

  • male and female condoms;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • vaginal latex diaphragm or IUD.

In addition, girls who have not previously experienced physical intimacy are at risk. Moreover, along with the delights of the first sexual experience they can get many unexpected and very unpleasant surprises in the form of sexually transmitted infections.

What could be the consequences?

During unprotected sexual intercourse, a person can be exposed not only to sexually transmitted infections (sexually transmitted infections), but also to other types of diseases. Both gynecologists refer to STDs as sexually transmitted diseases. If, after spontaneous copulation, you find a rash on the skin or some discomfort in the genitals, be sure to consult a doctor.

Infections that can theoretically be “caught” during an unprotected act include:

  1. hepatitis B and C;
  2. papillomavirus;
  3. syphilis;
  4. trichomoniasis (gonorrhea, hussar runny nose);
  5. cognatius molluscum;
  6. ureaplasmosis.

The list of all infectious surprises does not end here, since modern medicine has at least 20 sexual diseases that can be caught in the absence of any means of protection.

In addition, women should understand that sexually transmitted infections in men often do not manifest themselves, remaining in a latent state. However, a woman “awarded” with the disease quickly realizes that something wrong has happened to her body.

What may be the symptoms of an STD?

After spontaneous sexual intercourse, you should contact a specialist if the following symptoms appear:

If you notice these symptoms, be sure to consult a specialist.

  1. When changing a permanent sexual partner;
  2. Having unprotected sexual intercourse with a stranger;
  3. If any suspicious symptoms are detected that appeared during a change of sexual partner.

We were late with preventive measures, what should we do?

What should and can be done if unprotected sexual intercourse has already taken place?

If you are unable to use traditional means of protection before sexual intercourse, you can use the following tips:

To avoid the unpleasant consequences of unprotected contact, these measures should be enough.

And, of course, try to avoid spontaneous relationships, this will certainly save you from an unwanted pregnancy and a whole bunch of ailments.

Probability of pregnancy on different days of the cycle

What are the risks of unprotected sexual intercourse in the middle of the cycle? To understand this issue, consider the work female body. In the first few days of menstruation, follicles are formed on the ovaries in which eggs mature. Over the next 7 days, all follicles begin to “fade out”, except for one – the most viable one.

In the middle of the cycle, around days 14-16, the follicular sac bursts, resulting in the release of a formed egg. Then it begins to move along the fallopian tube, all the way to the uterus.

Now we can talk about the likelihood of conception at various stages of the cycle:

However, all girls should understand that sperm in a woman’s body can remain active for another 7 or even 9 days.

Therefore, the risk of becoming pregnant still remains during this time. In addition, although rare, there are cases of conception even before menstruation, as evidenced by professional gynecologists.

Emergency contraception

How can you avoid pregnancy during unprotected intercourse? Fortunately, traditional as well as ethnoscience have many ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy even after unprotected sex. However, most of the methods are effective, although they cannot guarantee 100% results.

Here are some of them:

  • Douching.
  • The essence of this method is to wash out active sperm from the genital tract. True, this method is not among the most effective, since douching can wash not only male reproductive cells, but also all beneficial microflora from the female body; Antigestagenic drugs.
  • They are classified as post-cointal drugs and are used approximately 72 hours after sexual intercourse. This hormonal drug is practically harmless because it has no side effects; Progestin agents. Such medications

, like Escapelle, Mifepristone and Postinor are effective means of emergency contraception. However, each of them can be used only after preliminary consultation with a gynecologist.

It should be noted that all hormonal drugs have some pros and cons that must be taken into account. They are the most effective methods of preventing and terminating pregnancy. early stages

, but do not protect the body from possible infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

What can you do during unprotected intercourse to avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections? In such a situation, only an integrated approach is needed.

Better yet, avoid random connections and unverified partners!

Doctors and television advertisements talk about how harmful unprotected sexual intercourse is. The presence of diseases, including fatal ones, does not stop thrill-seekers, simply irresponsible people, from performing “sexual exploits” without proper protection.

What could this lead to? How to protect yourself if accidental contact occurs without a condom? This is what our article is about.


Not everyone knows what to do, many do not pay attention to it, consider it the norm, and hope for chance. There are extreme cases when the condom breaks or there is no means of protection.

Often, in a state of alcoholic intoxication, a person does not control the situation; when he comes to his senses, he is very sorry. So what to do, what measures to take? What could this situation lead to?

  1. Unwanted pregnancy.
  2. Secondly, there are 20 types of sexually transmitted diseases.
  3. These are AIDS, various hepatitis, papilloma virus, ureaplasmosis.

You should know that incubation period venereal diseases for about 30 days. AIDS can be detected after 2-3 months. If you do not take emergency preventative measures, you will have to live in anticipation of “surprises” for a very long time.

Men are more likely to be carriers of the virus for a long period of time and infect potential partners. In women, the manifestation occurs much earlier.

What gives a 100% guarantee against infection?

If sexual intercourse is performed using a condom and its integrity is not compromised, then you cannot get sexually transmitted infections. But if a partner is sick with scabies, herpes, or lice, then it will not protect against this.
Most often they are visible to the naked eye.

Genitals, groin with wounds and scratches. If sex was protected, then an infection may remain on top (for women) or inside (for men).

After removing the condom, you should thoroughly wash your hands and genitals with soap. It is advisable to treat them and the entire groin area with an antimicrobial agent (chlorhexidine or miramistin).

You should know that with other types of sex (oral or anal) you can also become infected with infectious diseases.

If you have an active sex life with a regular partner, then using a condom will protect against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

Promiscuous relationships should force you to take additional manipulations in order to protect yourself from various diseases.

Emergency measures in the first hours after unprotected sex

If you had unprotected sexual contact with a partner you are not sure about, you need to do the necessary manipulations immediately after sex:

  • You need to wash off the remaining sperm with urine (go to the toilet).
  • Carry out thorough hygiene procedures for the genitals.
  • Treat the genitals with an antiseptic (miromistin, chlorhexidine) within an hour after sex.
  • Men should inject 2-3 ml of solution into the urethra and hold for 3-4 minutes.
  • It is better for a woman to douche. After the procedure, do not go to the toilet for as long as possible.

Then take prophylaxis with medications to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases, be sure to do so within the first three days.

Hepatitis and AIDS cannot be prevented with medication. In case of sexual contact with a sick partner, there is a possibility of contracting these diseases. Therefore, after 6 weeks you need to donate blood for antibodies to HIV infection and hepatitis.

Drug prevention of the disease

To avoid unwanted complications after unprotected sex, you should go to a venereologist as soon as possible to prescribe preventive treatment. This is especially true if it turns out that your partner is infected with some kind of sexually transmitted infection.

This must be done within the first two days. Later, it is already too late to take preventive treatment; in addition, it will be harmful to health, as it will blur the picture of infection and may become chronic.

The incubation period for most STDs is about a month. During this time they do not manifest themselves. We'll have to wait to do the research.

Medicines to prevent STDs and pregnancy

Prevention medications should be used in emergency situations. If you use them often, you can harm your immune system.

Most infections will adapt to antibiotics and will be difficult or impossible to treat. If there is a real threat of infection, then a prophylactic injection is given.

  • When there is a possibility of syphilis - a single injection of benzathine benzylpenicillin (Benzathini benzylpenicillinum) intramuscularly 2.4 million units.
  • If you suspect gonorrhea, drink cefixime (400 mg) once.
  • Chlamydia infection can be prevented with 1000 mg of azithromycinase once.
  • Trichomonas can be treated with tinidazole (2 g) at a time.
  • If you have any doubts about infections, a combination drug that is active against most pathogens is Safocid. The package contains four tablets that must be taken at a time.

These drugs are antibiotics, have a strong effect on the intestinal microflora, and have many contraindications. They must be used carefully.

As an addition to treatment - antiviral and immunity boosting drugs (interferon). They will help you deal with viral infections(herpes, hepatitis).

Suppositories and sprays are used, which are effective in the first hours after sexual intercourse.

  1. Viferon is an interferon-based rectal suppository that helps protect the body from infection with herpes and hepatitis.
  2. Genferon - rectal with taurine. They have more strong effect on the body.
  3. Vagiferon – vaginal – active against various fungi and viruses.
  4. Epigen intimate is a spray that is effective in the first minutes.

If more than two hours have passed since sex, you should take antiviral tablets (Amiksin, Lavomax) as an addition to antibiotic treatment.

To prevent unwanted pregnancy, a loading dose of hormonal drugs - Postinor, Ovidon, Femoden. Do it as soon as possible, no later than 72 hours.

Drink strictly according to the instructions; do not change the dose. Remember that they have many contraindications. Hormone imbalance can lead to infertility.

Unprotected sex is harmful to the health of both men and women. Promiscuous relationships lead to various sexually transmitted diseases. Read new articles on our website.

Girls who have already begun to be sexually active have to worry about protecting themselves from unwanted pregnancy. All available measures are used - hormonal contraceptives, the use of barrier protection, all kinds of vaginal suppositories that bind sperm, uterine rings, patches. Some couples protect themselves using the well-known interrupted coitus. However, everything does not always go smoothly - a forgotten pill, a broken condom, an act interrupted at the wrong time, make their own adjustments. What to do then? How to avoid getting pregnant after intercourse without using contraception?

Unprotected sex and pregnancy

What is generally considered to be unprotected sexual intercourse? When both partners did not use any means to prevent pregnancy during sexual contact, sexual intercourse is usually called unprotected. But it also happens that contraceptives were used, but incorrectly, for example:

1. The condom broke.

2. The girl forgot to take another hormonal pill.

3. The man failed to interrupt sexual intercourse in time.

4. Sperm gets on the partner’s external genitalia (there is a risk of sperm penetrating the vagina).

In such cases, a woman’s natural reaction will be excitement or panic, because the risk of pregnancy is high. What to do if your partner's sperm gets into the vagina?

How to avoid conception after unprotected sex?

There are several ways to prevent conception, even if a man's sperm enters the vagina during sexual intercourse. These include folk remedies, emergency contraception, and installation of an IUD.

Folk remedies after unprotected sex

Although gynecologists oppose these methods of contraception, calling them not very effective, they have saved many people more than once. We are talking about douching after an unprotected act. The idea is to try to wash the semen out of the vagina. Of course, there is no 100% protection, but this method has a right to exist. To increase the effectiveness of douching, prepare an acidic solution, since sperm will die in such an environment. However, there is a risk of microflora disruption; as a result of douching with an acidic solution, thrush may develop.

For a liter of water, add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or 1 tablespoon of vinegar (9%). Stir and use a douche to rinse the vagina as best as possible. This should be done immediately after sexual contact that was not protected.

Emergency contraception - when it can help?

If unprotected sexual intercourse occurs, then the most effective means against unwanted pregnancy is the so-called emergency contraception. What it is? These are hormonal pills that prevent conception during the first 2-3 days after sex. Consider the list of drugs:

1. Postinor.
2. Mercilon.
3. Ovidon.
4. Logest.
5. Femoden.
6. Microgynon et al.

Taking these medications causes a severe imbalance of hormones, which makes fertilization and implantation of the egg impossible. The main rule is that you need to take the pill immediately or as soon as possible (no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse). After taking the first dose, a woman needs to take a second dose 12 hours later. It is important to read the instructions carefully and do everything exactly as written. The dosage cannot be adjusted.

Note. Medicines intended for emergency contraception have many side effects. One of them is nausea and vomiting. If vomiting begins after taking the pill, you need to take another dose of the drug. Carefully study the contraindications for taking pills.

Intrauterine device

The intrauterine device is another way to prevent pregnancy. It is only allowed for women who have given birth. If you have not been able to use emergency contraception within 3 days, you can still get an IUD. The main condition for this is that no more than 5 days must pass after sex that was not protected.

When should you not panic??

If you usually take hormonal oral contraceptives, but once you missed one tablet, then the protection remains for 12 hours after taking the last dose of hormones. If sexual intercourse occurred just at this time, there is no reason to worry - you are protected. However, take the missed tablet immediately, and after another 12 hours, take the next one.

Women who have a regular cycle can use an individual basal temperature chart. True, this requires measuring it daily, but it allows you to determine safe days on which you can have sex without any fear. As a rule, the safest periods are 4-5 days after menstruation and 3-4 days before it begins. At this time, conception cannot occur.

Today, preventing pregnancy is much easier than before. Girls have access to a variety of drugs and methods. If you are not planning to have children yet, then do not neglect your own protection, otherwise you will have to bear responsibility for your carelessness.

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