Gentle good morning wishes for a guy. Good morning darling. Short SMS wishes for good morning

I’m a little sad in my soul and sad in my eyes, because I miss you very much. Without you, the sun doesn’t shine, and things don’t get done, and the heart doesn’t sing. I look forward to our meeting, and every time I mentally bring the moment of strong hugs, joy and happiness closer.

My baby, I think about you every second! I remember all your moles and unreal smile, the smell of your hair and your favorite perfume. I miss you, my dear little man.

Without you, I feel very sad and sad; when you are not around, life seems uninteresting and grey, boring and hopeless. I want to meet you as soon as possible and hug you tightly, breathe in the air of happiness and not let you go anywhere.

I miss you, period. I miss you terribly, without you there is emptiness inside me, and there is grayness around me. But, I console my heart with the fact that minutes and hours will pass, we will meet again and I will embrace you in my arms and will not let you go anywhere else!

I miss you terribly, I can’t live without you. I miss your kind smile, your bright look, your sincere hugs, your gentle touch. Without you, everything is like a fog, I’m really looking forward to our soon meeting and the happy continuation of our story.

I miss you so much. Without you, the sun doesn’t shine, and it’s dull outside, and there’s not enough warmth in the house, because you are my light, my joy, my inspiration. Let the minutes pass quickly so that we meet quickly, otherwise sadness and melancholy will completely overcome me. I hug you tightly and send you my tender kiss.

I miss you very much. Not a single thought comes to mind, not a single thing moves forward, not a single joke lifts my mood. When you are not around, the world seems empty and cold. I look forward to our meeting and count every second so that I can hug you quickly and no longer torment my soul with melancholy and sadness.

I miss you! Like a bee behind the sun, like a pillow behind a bed, like the wind behind a field. Let's make sure that all separations in the world are cancelled? I want to see and touch and hear you. I want to enjoy your presence and communication. I miss you. I can't wait to see you!

When you are not around, time seems to stop, all sounds in the world, all animals, all people, freeze. And only my heart beats lonely and calls you. When you are somewhere far away, the sky is not so starry, and the sun is not so bright, the wind is cold, and the heat is scorching. I miss you very much.

There is sadness and despondency in my heart, I miss you very much. Far from you, I am not happy with walks, kind faces of passers-by, delicious food and even my favorite films. Next to you, the world is completely different - for me it is beautiful when your smile shines. I miss you and really look forward to our meeting.

Pleasant words in SMS will touch your soulmate to the quick, and you will read it in his eyes when you meet. Below are the best author's SMS on the topic “I miss you,” written in prose.

Pleasant words to your beloved man. “I miss you” in my own words

  • It is impossible to express in words all the tenderness that I feel for you. I want to quickly be near you and touch you.
  • Separation from you seems like real agony. It's like all my joy has been stolen from me. I miss you Like Crazy.
  • How I want to look into your eyes again and see love there. I hope we will be together again soon.
  • I miss your passionate lips, tender morning kisses and our quiet evenings alone.
  • To say “I miss you” is to say nothing. I want to howl from spiritual anguish. But I hold back. I'm afraid that the neighbors will call a priest. Or psychiatrists.
  • I love you dearly. I miss you incredibly.
  • I don’t want to miss you, but there’s no other way. The heart refuses to listen to the brain!
  • No matter how much I scold him, no matter how much I persuade him, my heart still asks for you.
  • I’m counting down the minutes until we meet, I love you and miss you very much.
  • You're addictive. Without your voice and your touch, I begin to feel withdrawal symptoms. SOS! Save me!
  • You are my only cure for the autumn blues. When you are near, the sun shines brighter.
  • You are very far from me, but distance is not a hindrance to the heart. It, as before, knocks only for you and misses you unimaginably.

Even if the prose is not as sonorous as, but pleasant SMS for a beloved man, written in your own words, is no worse than a rhymed letter from Eugene Onegin to Tatyana Larina.

  • There is no man in the world more attractive to me than the one who reads this SMS.
  • I miss you. I want to give many gifts: one hundred kisses on the nose, one hundred kisses on the forehead, 100 kisses on the cheeks and one a passionate kiss On the lips.
  • You are the only one to whom I want to give all my tenderness, affection and love.
  • You are my most desired, most beloved, the only one in the world so unique. Love and miss.
  • I can't help it! My hands are reaching out to write to the man I miss very much. I'm waiting for you and love you.
  • In order not to miss you, I imagine our future meeting. But this still doesn’t help much. Come back soon.
  • Every minute my love for you becomes stronger. I’m afraid that when we meet after a long separation, I will strangle you in my tender embrace.
  • If we don’t see each other soon, I’m afraid I’ll burst from the overwhelming longing for you. Rescue us urgently!
  • Not a single SMS can convey to you all my tenderness and love. I need to give them to you personally when we meet.
  • I now want to throw myself into the arms of the kindest, gentlest, most affectionate and handsome man in the world. It's a pity that Brad Pitt is not free again. Kidding. I'm talking about you. Waiting for our meeting.

As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to compose pleasant words for your beloved man in prose. Perhaps, if you don’t send him an SMS now with the text “I miss you”, and in your own words, then he will never know that you are like that

Among worries, tasks and business plans, a man sometimes forgets about the most important thing - to pay attention to the woman he loves. In this case, the beloved needs to take the initiative with her gentle but tenacious hands. How to hint to your lover to expect a passionate evening in his company? Send your loved one a message that will make all office matters seem unimportant.

The text of the message may vary. From declarations of love and tender boredom for his caresses to cheerful flirting with a hint of humor. They will help to unobtrusively remind you of yourself and lift your loved one’s mood.

The best lines to convey feelings in your own words are short, but quite vivid. For example:

  • Every day without you is like torture. I miss you, I dream about you!
  • I still feel the sweet taste of kisses on my lips. All thoughts are only about you. I miss you so much.
  • I gave you half of my heart. Now I can’t live without you, I miss you.
  • Let this message convey how much I miss you! It is unbearable to be apart.
  • I miss my native voice. Maybe you'll call?
  • When will you return to our island of fire and passion? You are so missed here.
  • I look everywhere for my sweet, beloved smile, but in vain. Where are you, sun?
  • I really want to feel a slight stubble on my cheek.
  • Loving you makes my blood boil. Come quickly, my darling.
  • I love it until I get butterflies in my stomach. Thanks to you, I am the happiest woman on planet Earth.
  • My meaning of life, thank you for existing.
  • It’s so easy, cozy, reliable with you. Now I know what love is.
  • I think about you obscenely often. Come. I am waiting.
  • My heart is in your sweet captivity. I'm already tired of waiting.
  • I don't believe in coincidences. You are my gift from fate.
  • I enjoy life when my loved one is nearby. Give me some moments of happiness.
  • You are my personal drug. Save me from the burning pain of withdrawal.
  • I swallow your scent on the pillow with greedy lips. I miss you like air!

Romantic message

Is there a quality relationship without romance? Sometimes you really want your feelings to flow like a fountain, to inspire you to make sometimes reckless but beautiful gestures. A little fabulousness definitely won’t hurt a relationship, right?

Then we present to your attention interesting options using literary clichés and heroes of romance novels.

  • Darling, your Juliet misses tight hugs.
  • Where are you, my Master? Margarita really wants to add passion to our romance.
  • Not a single psychic can dispel the longing for you. Only a kiss of love will help here. Save me, my prince.
  • With every moment without you, I turn into the Ice Queen. Warm my heart with passion.

They can be easily paraphrased, conveyed briefly in your own words, but everything is absolutely beautiful and unusual.

Message in verse

Sensitive poems will also help to melt the heart of your chosen one and make you want to give up everything you do for the sake of you, your beloved.

I'm angry like a troll from a children's story
without attention or affection.
Only you can do it now
Make me a princess, honey.

I'm going crazy without your lips.
Only you are very dear to me.
When will I be able to again
feel love?

I'm losing my mind about passion.
Where are you, my love? I miss.

I strive for you through passion and ardor
and I really wish
to spend next to you
you all these nights.

I dream about meeting all day long,
I'm pining for you. I miss you very much!

Cool SMS for your lover

Men adore women with a great sense of humor. Take advantage of this and write funny SMS to your lover for a change.

1. I can’t sleep without your hugs. It's probably time to get a job as a night watchman.

2. You come to see me so rarely.
There are always urgent matters.
This is the last time I'm inviting you.
I take off my silk robe.

3. If you don’t come today, I’ll turn into an evil witch and bewitch someone else, just know that!

4. Now I’m not alone. He is nearby, so gentle and beautiful. He rubs his unshaven cheek against his shoulder. And the name is beautiful, bookish - Vasily. Oh yes, I forgot to say that this is my cat.

But the rays of your warmth reach me even here, you warm my heart and soul, you are wonderful. I know that I don’t deserve such a good guy and I want to thank you for having me. I want to be with you forever, no matter how long fate separates us. I can't and don't want to lose you. You have become too beloved and important a man for me. I cannot live without your smile, your phrases and habits. All this has become so familiar to me that I cannot imagine my life without it. The thought of not being around is too scary. *** Sunny, I’m so upset that we’re apart. Always know that my tenderness and care will be with you, that I will warm you through the kilometers, I will be with you, even if the whole world opposes it. You are like life itself to me, you are more than just love. I will adore you even after death, because you are the most valuable thing to me.

SMS to my beloved I miss you in prose

You are so strong that when you hug me, you have to restrain yourself so as not to inadvertently hurt me. I admire you, you are so wonderful. Every day I say thank you to fate for bringing me together with such a gentle person.
My madly loving and affectionate man, I will always be in love with you. *** Darling, I miss you very, very much. I want you to have everything. Everything you want.


So that your wishes and dreams come true in the blink of an eye, so that you are cheerful and do not know what despondency is. So that you always have those with you whom you trust and who trust you.

The most important thing in life is love. So let the love in your heart never fade away, but only strengthen. The wind of failure will only fan it, and the rains of sadness will only give strength.

Wishes to your beloved “I miss you” in prose

My longing for you covers me completely. Neither work, nor books, nor music, nor films can save you. It's all so artificial without you. Everything is not as it should be.

I wish you would have held me closer to you, this melancholy would have gone away sooner. Please be there all the time so that I don’t experience such emotions.


Without you everything becomes so gray that I'm scared. It's scary because it will never end. It's scary to let you go.

It's scary to wake up one day without you. Don't let this happen, you are incredibly dear to me. You are the person I value so much. Even if you don't think about me, I know you love me because your actions speak for themselves. Let me make our life one for two. I want to take care of you and our children, love you all my life and even more. *** Beloved, outside the window it's raining, and the weather describes my condition very well.

Beautiful SMS I miss you to my beloved guy, man in prose

Know that I will help you in any matter. I will support you even when everyone turns away. I am very sad, without you I cry a lot, because even a second without you seems to me like an eternity in hell.


You warm me, you are like a warm summer sun. There is nothing brighter, gentler, more beloved and stronger in my life than you. There is not a single man who is like you.

All the men on Earth cannot compare with you, my sweetie. You are the best. Your faithfulness makes me cry with happiness because I can’t believe that such a man is really mine.

You can’t even imagine how grateful I am to fate for giving me you. Your parents raised a truly worthy person, thank them for that.

They should be proud of you. I want your life to be without bad moments and tricky twists of fate.

I miss my beloved guy in prose - in my own words

I understand that missing you is like admitting to your heart and soul that you have been in love with them for a long time. Therefore, I admit this to you without hesitation. If you are always with me, we can do anything, we will conquer any heights. *** Kitten, this separation is like hell, and it lasts forever. I want to hear your voice, feel your care. Your love is of great value to me, and if you are with me, I can do a lot. I remember our every kiss and every second with you, your look and laugh, you laugh very contagiously. I miss your touches, after which the goosebumps on my skin never stop running. If I could, I would rush to you from any corner of the Earth just to be close, because I need you. Without you I fade, I can’t do anything, thoughts about you fill me all over and bring either joy or sadness.

Words I miss a guy in prose

I feel very sad without you, it rains in my soul, and my heart aches and yearns for you. It is very difficult for me not to follow his lead and remain inactive, looking at the rain outside the window. If only you knew how important you are to me. Let it time will pass rather, and let it be the most terrible test of our love. We can do everything, my dear, because we sincerely love each other. You are my other half, which I will never give to anyone. You have taken the main place in my heart, and I am not going to change anything. No matter how many years pass, I will still love you so much, because I cannot do otherwise. May my love serve as your guardian, support, and support in all your endeavors. I will always come to your aid, because we are one. We can literally do anything, we can swim across any ocean. You will always be with me, because we both need it. *** My man, your absence cuts me without a knife.

Short and funny SMS “I miss you” to your lover in your own words

Never give up, because you are very strong and everything you have has appeared and will multiply thanks to your efforts. Just be with me, and I will try to guide you on the right path and support you in any way I can. It would be too difficult for me to lose you, and I cannot lose my treasure. I want you to have everything you want, you will never regret choosing me. I will become your princess because you deserve the best. *** Dear, I’m really waiting for you. I thought that a temporary separation would be a strengthening remedy, but I did not know how much I would miss you.

How are you there? Don't be sad, eat well and don't get sick, otherwise I will be very upset. You don't want to upset me, do you? My cat, I wish we could meet soon.

How tired I am of sleeping with a pillow, imagining you next to me, yours tender kisses, clean eyes and hands that are very cozy.

SMS to a lover in prose

Only withdrawal in the soul! But repeat in power! In your power, sun! I will lock fear into a dark basement, I will drown modesty in the sea. I will come to you to the ends of the earth to admit that I love you! You were just great yesterday! I want you now! I'll want it tomorrow too. If you don't come, I'll scream! I want to breathe in one breath! Beloved - you, and not the other, who is waiting for me from a long walk so late in the evening home... My beloved, my delight! You make my heart sing. And in life there is only one reward - to look your family in the eyes! No joy can compare with the joy of meeting you, and no bitterness can compare with the bitterness of separation. A month for the night, the sun for the day, a rose for the heart, and you for me! I wanted to send you something erotic, sweet, affectionate, tender, beautiful, sensual... But, unfortunately, I don’t fit into a tiny phone and I can’t fit into a text message.

SMS I miss my lover

  • Pages:

I'm counting down the minutes until we meet! I'm counting down the minutes until we meet! I miss you terribly, my love* I’m wasting time as much as I can:) My beloved sunshine, without you my world is completely gloomy and dark My beloved sunshine, without you my world is completely gloomy and dark. You shine more often and brighter, so that time apart flies by like a moment! I miss..

I miss you madly and look forward to meeting you! Only next to you time flies unnoticed, but without my beloved kitten a minute seems like an eternity! I miss you madly and look forward to meeting you! I miss you very much... I miss you very much... Write to me more often so that my heart doesn’t miss you so much.

White lambs are running across the blue sea, frolicking... You slowly approach the house, Half-sad, half-laughing... A smile, turning pale pink, Flies from your lips like a moth... You become numb, seafarer, And your gaze is close and far... You see an island, a distant island, And sails, and shuttles, And you are silent easily and simply, And now - a wing from under your hand! I love looking into your eyes so much. Their gaze is so tender, so dangerous. Sometimes he is joyful, sometimes he is embarrassed, sometimes he is suddenly stern, but so beautiful... I love my life because you are in it, and I love you because you are in my life! I love it when we are together and don’t sleep until late at night….

Remember: I wait, I hope, I believe and I miss you very, very much. I need your hands, lips, eyes. I need your affection and your tenderness. I want to be with you night and day.

I want to find a place in your heart! My sunshine, you are the most dear person to me. I love you very much and want to spend my whole life next to you.

Beautiful words to a lover in prose I miss you

I may not be suitable for the role of a princess, but I will try my best for you. I miss you very much, if we could meet, I would say a lot of tender words just by kissing you. My kisses will say everything for me. You will feel my love and understand how strong it is. How it can warm and even burn. There is nothing stronger than my love for you. You are a very good, simply amazing guy. I adore you, I obey you. For me, my man is an authority, because I haven’t seen such strong, purposeful and strong-willed people for a long time. I want to always feel your kisses on my lips, I want to be near you all the time so that no woman steals you from me. I will not endure a huge separation from you, my heart will not withstand such a test. *** For some sins, God decided to punish me like this. He made sure that you were not with me for some time. This is a very cruel torture that I cannot bear.

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