Feeling uncomfortable in a relationship. Is it necessary to fight for them if it is not clear whether there is love? Anorgasmia. Frigidity. I don't feel pleasure. Sex is not that important. Sexual female problems Girl does not feel pleasure

The frigidity of a woman is a rarity, despite the fact that the representatives of the weaker sex during sexual intercourse may experience discomfort more often than their partners. Most often, frigidity develops against the background of hormonal disorders. The same goes for injuries. psychological nature. “I don’t feel anything during sex” - if this is a reality for you, then it’s time to understand this problem and try to cope with it .


  • stress;
  • irritability;
  • depressive state;
  • one of the partners feels guilty;
  • rape or perverted sex, the consequences of trauma.


  • systemic diseases - diabetes mellitus or neurological ailments, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys and liver;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • menopause;
  • alcoholism, drugs;
  • use of antidepressants.

Many conditions affect the degree of manifestation of factors:

  • age;
  • sexual experience and education;
  • character of a person, his temperament;
  • "map" of erogenous zones;
  • the day on which menstruation began.

What leads to the lack of a full orgasm

  1. Fast transition from caresses to active actions. It is very important for a woman to reach orgasm - this requires full sexual arousal. Therefore, the prelude should take at least 10 minutes of time.
  2. The sensitivity of the vagina is reduced - this may well be the reason why it is impossible to achieve pleasure during sexual intercourse.
  3. Very often, girls are more sensitive to the clitoris than the vagina. Therefore, the partner should not only act on the vagina, but also stimulate the clitoral zone.
  4. The man's lack of skills. The ability of a partner will help bring the girl to the peak of pleasure. So it's time to read specialized literature to learn the art of love.

Why does a woman not have an orgasm? The cause may be the pathology of the female organs, poor blood flow, psychological stress.

Learn more about the causes and methods of solving problems

Passion has passed, satiety has come with what is happening in the bedroom. As a result, intimacy with a partner ceases to excite. The same applies to a partner - he understands that now he is not an ideal lover.

One of the reasons why it can dramatically lose its libido is hormonal failure in the body. As a result of lower levels of certain hormones, women's desire to have sex decreases. Hormonal background can be leveled by applying certain therapy under the supervision of a physician.

You may be approaching menopause. In this case, the gynecologist will suggest choosing a drug suitable for hormone replacement therapy. This way you can relieve your symptoms and enjoy sex again.

A diseased thyroid gland, such as hypothyroidism, can be the cause. If you suspect a pathology of the thyroid gland, the doctor will refer you to an endocrinologist for examination.

Different approaches to sex - too possible reason. So, for a partner, sex is a means to relieve tension. But you are the opposite. Sex begins in the head, and this immediately affects desire. If a woman has recently experienced something that makes her live in a state of stress, for example, temporary problems at work, resentment towards her partner, then the desire to love may disappear if the lady is not in harmony with herself. After all, she does not separate emotions from sex. In this case, you just need to wait - you should not force yourself. After the stressful situation is resolved, everything will fall into place.

Depression, neurosis - causes of a psychological nature. In the case of serious emotional problems, the desire to have sex often disappears.

Sexual incompatibility is one of the problems of lack of sensitivity during sex.

Partners often blame each other when problems arise in a relationship, especially sexual ones. As for sexual dissatisfaction, it oppresses partners, especially if there are several years behind them. life together. And here suddenly there were problems with sexual contact. The reason may be some kind of incipient disease or a difference in temperament. The same applies to anatomical disproportion, complexes.

Many women fake an orgasm - in this way they try not to offend their beloved. Men can do the same.

Quite often, due to the fact that the girl's vagina is short, pain occurs during sex. In this case, of course, she cannot get pleasant sensations from sexual contact, sensitivity is lost. The reason is anatomical incompatibility. In order to cope with this, it is necessary to talk with a partner - he should not enter the penis very deeply. You can also put a special ring on it to limit the length of the organ.

The reason for the lack of sensitivity in girls

  1. Incomplete physiological maturity.
  2. Pain during intercourse, as a result, there is no excitement, orgasm.
  3. Inexperienced sexual partner.
  4. There is no skill and knowledge of your body.
  5. Fear and shame, complexes.
  6. Physically or emotionally traumatic first sexual experience.

What to do

To begin with, it is worth talking with a gynecologist - an examination by a specialist will help to exclude diseases that could cause a lack of sensitivity. After that, you will not be afraid that you have any problems. physical nature. Start studying your body - you need to find those zones, the stimulation of which will be a pleasure.

In order to become aroused, women often need more time than men - you need to prolong the foreplay with a partner.

If pregnancy is not planned, then you need to choose the most convenient contraceptive to feel more relaxed and confident during sex.

If there is still no result, then you need to contact individual consultation to a sexologist.

Sexual life is a very important aspect of human life. Thus, we are liberated, freed from fears and life problems. Sex is a pleasure, a consolation, a calm, it takes us beyond reality. But this is possible provided that the woman experiences a real orgasm during sex. Otherwise intimate life can turn into a real routine, become one-sided, unpleasant.

Lack of sensitivity during sex is possible in both women and men. It is very important not to be silent, but to talk with a partner, to explain how you feel. Together you can always find a way out of the situation. Consultation with a specialist will help you make the right decision and achieve the desired results in treatment.

IN modern world the topic of the female orgasm is discussed regularly. Numerous discussions about this are taking place not only on the Internet, but also on central television. Despite the popularization of this issue, it remains incomprehensible to most men who still cannot understand why a woman does not cum during sex.

How to find the reason

Establishing the exact reason why a woman does not finish is not as easy as it might seem. The thing is that such female sexual dysfunction can be caused by completely different factors, such as a moral barrier, hormonal failure. The doctor-sexopathologist will help to determine the problem most accurately, and then eliminate it, who should be contacted immediately if there are problems of a similar plan. Perhaps our article will help you, from which you will learn about the main ones that do not cum during sex.


Anorgasmia is a condition familiar to many girls. During intercourse, a woman is able to experience some satisfaction, pleasure. However, she cannot enjoy the highest degree - an orgasm. Many researchers, to this topic, equate anorgasmia with frigidity. The symptoms are really very similar, but a frigid woman is not even able to get excited by the touch of a sexual partner, while with anorgasmia they enjoy, but not as strong as we would like. Let's look at what types of anorgasmia exist, and also find out why a woman does not always finish.

Types of anorgasmia

There are two types of anorgasmia: primary and secondary. Women suffering from the first type of disease never experienced orgasm. Those who have a secondary lack of orgasm have previously cum during intercourse, but emotional trauma, such as a bad sexual experience or rape, has drastically affected sexual life, depriving the opportunity to experience the highest level of pleasure.

Anorgasmia is divided into:

  • Relative. A woman can have an orgasm, but only in a certain position and with a specific partner.
  • Absolute. A woman is not able to enjoy either intimacy with a man or masturbation.
  • Partial. A woman cannot cum while having sex with a man, but she is able to bring herself to orgasm by masturbating and stimulating her erogenous zones.

Causes of anorgasmia

Most of those ladies who stop getting satisfaction from sex do not even try to find the answer to the question: “Why does a woman not finish during intercourse?” They prefer to come to terms with what is happening, which often leads to rather sad consequences.

As everyone knows very well, it can turn into a real monster, which will constantly “growl” at all family members, remain dissatisfied in any life situation. Until this happens, you need to contact a sexopathologist who will determine the cause of anorgasmia, and also determine the most effective treatment in a particular case.

There are many reasons that contribute to the emergence and development of anorgasmia, but they can be divided into two groups: psychological and physiological.

Psychological reasons

Often men ask the question: “Why do some women finish and others don’t?” Without realizing that it is in them that the root of the problem lies. Some sexual partners can provoke the development of dysgamy in women. Dysgamy is a situation where there is absolutely no harmony between people who have sexual intercourse. As a rule, this is due to the incompatibility of the temperaments of sexual partners.

Premature ejaculation can provoke the appearance of dysgamy. Some women take a long time to experience an orgasm. Even if a man quickly reaches orgasm, sexual intercourse can be extended, for example, with the help of foreplay.

Psychological problems that flow into anorgasmia can be rooted far back in childhood. As statistics show, women who have problems with sexual life and do not understand why a woman does not finish during sex were very often brought up in strict families. They are in constant tension, afraid to do something wrong, they cannot fully trust their partner. All this leads to the fact that a woman cannot enjoy intimacy.

Often, girls who practice such a method of contraception as interrupted sexual intercourse suffer from anorgasmia. This is not surprising, because they have to constantly monitor the process and only think about how not to miss the most crucial moment so as not to get pregnant. The constant fear of being in a position makes it impossible to enjoy intimacy.

Physiological causes

Anorgasmia can not only appear as a result of any stress, but also be the result of various diseases: diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis. At risk are girls who have gynecological pathologies. Very often, anorgasmia develops during childbirth or in the postpartum recovery period, after surgery in the pelvic area, due to infections and lag in sexual development, and also due to hormonal failure.

Sometimes girls stop experiencing pleasure after taking potent drugs. It is no secret to anyone that drugs affect not only the source of pain. Thus, getting rid of one disease, we can quietly acquire a new one. Often, the question: “Why can’t a woman finish?” is asked by ladies who long time taking antihistamines, pills high blood pressure or antidepressants.

Negative on female body harmful habits: smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs. If your partner abuses alcohol, then you should not even be surprised why a woman does not cum from a penis, as well as from stimulation of erogenous zones during masturbation.

Menopause can also seriously affect a woman's sex life, depriving her of the ability to experience an orgasm. During complex processes associated with the restructuring of the body during the last independent menstruation, estrogen in the blood decreases significantly, which affects the level of sensitivity not only of the clitoris or nipples, but also of the vagina.

Treatment of anorgasmia

Before turning to professionals for help, it is necessary to realize the seriousness of the problem. Often, most girls who are looking for an answer to the question: “Why don’t some women finish?” Do not consider such a pathology to be a disease. However, a frivolous attitude to one's own body can play a cruel joke.

It should be remembered that today there are effective methods the fight against anorgasmia, and the sooner you turn to a doctor, the faster you can return to a normal sexual life. We recommend not postponing the solution of this issue until later, since marriages in most cases break up due to a lack of harmony in intimate relationships.

A sex therapist will help get rid of anorgasmia, who will be able to tell you as clearly as possible about how the body works, how it works. reproductive system women. After talking with a professional in your field, you will realize how to better understand your sexual partner, what to do in order to give each other maximum pleasure. And you can also get rid of a lot of unnecessary complexes that have created certain barriers for you for a long time.

Going to an appointment with a sex therapist, be prepared to answer the most unexpected and frank questions. For example, the doctor might ask about:

  • how long there was no orgasm;
  • does she feel being in bed with her beloved man;
  • At what age did she start having sex?
  • whether the woman is satisfied with the current relationship and her sexual partner;
  • whether her parents talked to her about sex when she was in her teens.

A patient who turned to the doctor with the question: “Why doesn’t a woman finish?” It is necessary to be extremely honest during the conversation. Only by collecting all the necessary information, the sex therapist will be able to prescribe the correct and effective drug treatment.


Men, not understanding why a woman does not finish vaginally, are often in a hurry to accuse their sexual partner of frigidity. Unfortunately, a similar diagnosis exists in medical reference books, it means a decrease in sexual desire. A woman may be indifferent to sexual intercourse or even feel disgust for it. However, as practice shows, the percentage of women with a similar pathology is extremely low. The most common type of anorgasmia.

There are several types of frigidity: symptomatic, primary frigidity (constitutional), retardation and psychogenic.

constitutional frigidity

The primary type is faced by women who have a poorly developed sensual component of sexual desire. Girls who have delays in the development of sexual sensuality also very often suffer from symptoms of retardation frigidity.

Symptomatic frigidity

If you had everything in order in terms of intimacy with men, but after some time you stopped experiencing pleasure and are looking for an answer to the question: “Why doesn’t a woman finish?”, We recommend that you contact a gynecologist. After all, frigidity can be a consequence gynecological diseases. Often during the course of the disease, some organs from the reproductive system become inflamed, which leads to a decrease in sensitivity.

Symptoms indicating the appearance of this type of frigidity may appear due to bad habits if a woman uses alcohol or drugs.

Psychogenic frigidity

According to statistics, the largest number of women who do not get satisfaction from sex suffer from psychogenic frigidity. There are a lot of reasons contributing to the appearance of the first symptoms and the development of the disease itself. For example, one of the factors may be the fear of getting pregnant from a partner in whom the woman does not see the father of her children. Most girls who have experienced sexual violence stop enjoying intimacy.

Psychogenic frigidity may develop after an abortion or an unsuccessful sexual experience with one of the partners, especially if he showed excessive rudeness during intercourse. According to official statistics, more than 60% of women experience chronic sexual dissatisfaction.

The presence of a latent homosexual attraction cannot be ruled out. Perhaps a woman who does not get satisfaction in bed does not want a man at all. Complexes that are deeply embedded inside can become a barrier to success. It is important to get rid of them, to get away from them if it interferes with enjoying the relationship.

How to get rid of frigidity?

If all symptoms indicate the development of psychogenic or symptomatic frigidity, we recommend that you seek help from a doctor who will prescribe the necessary medications. Rest will not be superfluous. Take a vacation and spend it in the company of your beloved man. If vitamins and maximum relaxation did not give results, then make an appointment with a psychotherapist-sexologist.

Most importantly, do not hide the problem that has appeared, as many women do. Remember that harmony during intercourse is the key to a strong and happy relationship.

Some women rarely enjoy sex. This is a fairly common, complex phenomenon, which is based on both physical and psychological problems, or both combined. So, in order to avoid isolation of a woman, more attention should be paid to this problem.

Doctors note five main causes of sexual dysfunction in women:

1. A low level of libido, or, as experts say, a hypoactive disorder of sexual desire.

2. Painful sex, which can be a consequence of both atrophy (associated with menopause) of the vulva and vagina due to lack of hormones, and genital pain syndrome.

3. Sexual arousal disorder: a problem equivalent to erectile dysfunction in men, it can be associated with both the genitals and the work of the brain (the latter option is more common among women).

4. Antipathy towards sex, which is often the result of sexual abuse.

5. Inability to achieve orgasm: 10-20% of women never experience orgasm, and many achieve it with difficulty. But this is not an insurmountable problem.

It should be noted that if a woman does not have a low libido, and she is sympathetic to intimate relationships, but not looking for sex with her partner, this does not mean that she has a problem. A decrease in sexual "drive" with age is normal, and a lot depends on whether a woman considers this phenomenon problem.

Exist various methods treatment of sexual dysfunction, depending on the causes. They can be in the form of oral medications, hormone therapy, or simply arousal gels and devices:

Testosterone is effective tool for the treatment of low libido, but the help of an endocrinologist is needed to determine the exact dose. Too much testosterone can lead to acne, hair loss, facial hair growth, aggressiveness, and a change in voice.

Zestra: Designed for the genitals, this lubricant can aid a woman's ability to experience orgasm.

EROS: application this device may also increase the likelihood of reaching orgasm.

INTONE™ and Intensity™: These anti-leakage devices are also quality orgasm stimulants that can be used without a doctor's prescription.

Vaginal estrogen: This drug in the form of a lubricant, tablet or vaginal ring is the best solution for problems associated with sexual arousal and with atrophy of the vulva and vagina associated with menopause.

1% DHEA suppositories can be a substitute for vaginal estrogen.

Osphena is an effective oral, non-estrogenic drug for the relief of pain caused due to atrophy of the vulva and vagina.

Nevertheless, the best choice to improve quality sexual life doctor's consultation remains.

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Hello, I’m 16 with my girlfriend, my sex life began recently, I deprived her of her virginity as expected, after a few days we had sex again, but when I proceeded directly to the act, she felt at first a slight pain, and then she didn’t feel anything at all, tell me what is the problem? What can be done in such a case?

Eugene, St. Petersburg

ANSWERED: 05/16/2015

Eugene! Probably you should not rush here, let it take some time for your girlfriend to understand what sex is, and then it will be possible to talk about something. By the way, in order to understand her feelings and thoughts on this matter, it is better to turn to her herself. Good luck! ***** http://nlp-ti.ru/stati/ **

clarifying question

ANSWERED: 05/16/2015

No problem Eugene! If a woman is just starting sexual activity, in rare cases, she immediately, at the same time, experiences pleasure from sexual intercourse. Time will pass, experience will accumulate, and with your tenderness, delicacy, understanding and responsiveness, your partner will surely be able to get satisfaction from intimacy! In case of serious problems with this, contact a specialist: a sexologist. Good luck and love to you! http://vitamed-tver.ru/secsolog/

clarifying question

ANSWERED: 05/17/2015 Pokrovskaya Yulia Alexandrovna Moscow 0.0 Neurologist, head department. Psychotherapist

Pay more attention to foreplay so that the partner is well aroused before the act. Remember, the vagina is not the only erogenous zone, pleasure can be delivered in other ways. Just understand that your girlfriend has entered a new time in life, both her psyche and her body must adapt to her. This takes time. And, of course, ask her what she thinks about it, maybe it doesn’t bother her that much, or she understands that time is needed. With care and attention to each other, you will succeed!))

clarifying question

ANSWERED: 05/17/2015 Kantuev Oleg Ivanovich Omsk 0.0 Psychiatrist, psychotherapist, narcologist.

This is the anatomy of Eugene, and there is no cause for concern. It will take quite a bit of time, and everything will be fine with you, both of you!

clarifying question

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