Finger gymnastics mushrooms and berries. Finger gymnastics on lexical topics. Didactic game “What did the bunny eat?”

Natalia Semenova
A selection of finger games on the theme “Vegetables and Fruits” for the second junior group

When preparing the lesson program in preschool institutions education should be taken into account age characteristics students. For children aged three to four years, the main activity is play. While playing, children learn environment, assimilate social roles, absorb elements national culture. In order to achieve the harmonious development of their students, experienced teachers resort to finger gymnastics, which can also be used through play exercises.

Finger Gymnastics is a set of exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands. Value finger gymnastics is that by developing children’s hands, we stimulate the development of students’ speech.

Finger Gymnastics is a multi-purpose set of exercises with which you can simultaneously develop hand motor skills, speech, as well as imagination and memory.

Lesson objectives finger gymnastics in kindergarten these are:

Development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements fingers;

Improving the articulation of sounds and the formation of speech rhythms;

Development of higher psychological functions: thinking;



Formation of perseverance and attentiveness of students.

During classes finger In gymnastics with children aged three to four years, the teacher needs to decide the following: tasks:

Develop small movements fingers, as well as synchronicity of actions fingers of both hands;

Combine manual and speech actions; develop higher psychological functions of children through repetition and memorizing rhymes used in this kind of games, as well as using visualization of the game text;

To develop children’s interest in games of this kind;

Use folklore material in your work, which will contribute to the education and development of the individual within the framework of given cultural traditions.

Goals and objectives of the exercises finger gymnastics can be adjusted depending on the physical and mental development children.

How to effectively conduct finger gymnastics

1. When working with children, their interest in performing certain actions is important.

2. Feature finger The thing about gymnastics is that it’s always a game, and children love to play, so there shouldn’t be any problems doing the exercises.

3. Finger Gymnastics can be done both individually and with group of children.

4. The timing of gymnastics may vary depending on the type of game (on average games last from three to five minutes).

5. If the game takes a short amount of time and is well known to children, then you can complete its task during walks and in breaks between classes.

6. Before starting the exercises, it is necessary to prepare children’s pens: warm them up. To do this, you can gently rub your hands together or stroke them.

7. After our hands are ready, we need to start the gymnastics itself.

8. There are plenty of exercises finger gymnastics based on manipulation of small objects (pencils, threads, cubes, balls, etc.)

When conducting finger Gymnastics uses the following methods:

Show action;

Actions with the hands of a child;

Independent actions of the child.

Finger Gymnastics begins with the teacher introducing the children to the rules of the game, the text of the exercise and handouts, if any. Next, the teacher himself begins to complete the task, reciting the text of the game (poem, counting rhyme, etc., and the children begin repeat.

With kids second junior group You can learn poems and songs in advance, look at illustrations, discuss and retell texts necessary for classes.

Tips for conducting finger gymnastics:

1. The teacher should slowly and clearly pronounce the words of the poem (counting books or others, focusing on difficult to pronounce sounds (over time the pace can be increased).

2. Make sure your movements are correct. (After you repeat) and staging children's fingers.

3. When performing exercises, everyone should be involved fingers of both hands.

4. Every exercise repeat 2-3 times.

5. Use accompaniment, illustrations, video sequences (this will contribute to the overall development of the child).

6. Choose games, in which all hand movements are used (compression, extension, work of each finger) .

7. Use a variety of exercise types.

8. When conducting finger In gymnastics, it is recommended to use visual material. This will contribute to the development of children's imagination and imaginative thinking.

9. For clarity, they can be used: drawings, toys, colored paper, interactive whiteboard, etc.


At the little girl Zinochka's

Vegetables in a basket:

Children make hand gestures "basket".

Here's a pot-bellied zucchini

Placed it on the side

Pepper and carrot

She laid it down deftly,

Tomato and cucumber.

Bend fingers, starting from the big one.

Our Zina is great!

Show thumb.


We chop and chop cabbage,

We salt and salt the cabbage,

We are three or three cabbage,

We press and press cabbage.

Movements with straight palms up and down, alternately stroking the pads fingers, rub your fist against your fist. Clench and unclench your fists.

Grandma and grandpa pull and pull

Pull fingers by the nail phalanges

A large turnip from the ground:

If only our granddaughter would come,

The dog Bug would help.

Where is the cat, mouse, baby?

Same name fingers touch each other.

At least she held on tight,

A turnip is pulled out.

Big finger shaking apples.

The hands are clenched into a fist, we extend the big one finger.

The second one collects them.

Extend your index finger.

The third one carries them home.

Extending the middle finger

The fourth one spills out.

Unbend the nameless one.

The smallest one is a naughty one.

Extending the little finger

Everything, everything, eats everything.

We will cook compote,

Left hand"bucket", the right one imitates stirring.

You need a lot of fruits:

Let's chop apples

Bend over fingers starting with thumb.

We will chop the pear,

Let's squeeze it out lemon juice,

Let's put the drain on the sand.

We cook, we cook compote.

Again "cook" And "stir".

Let's treat honest people.

Spread your arms to the sides.

The hands are clenched into a fist.

Big the plum finger is shaking.

Extend the thumb.

The second one collects them.

Extend your index finger.

The third one carries them home.

Extend the middle finger.

The fourth one spills out.

Unbend the nameless one.

The smallest - "naughty"

Everything, everything is eaten.

Extend the little finger.

Fruit basket

Like our Zina

Fruits in a basket:

Children make hand gestures "basket".

Apples and pears

So that the guys eat

Peaches and plums –

How beautiful!

Look at the ranet!

Bend fingers, starting with the little finger.

Tastier than ours no fruit!

Stroking the belly.

Fruit palm

This finger - orange,

He is, of course, not alone.

This finger - plum,

Delicious, beautiful.

This finger - apricot,

Grew high on a branch.

This finger - pear,

Asks: “Come on, eat it!”

This finger - pineapple,

Alternately unbend fist fingers, starting from the big one.

Fruit for you and for us.

They point with their palms around and towards themselves.

The berries are gooseberries,

Cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries,

Raspberries, strawberries, rose hips,

Currants and strawberries.

Index finger count with one hand, bending, fingers on the other hand.

I finally remembered the berries.

What does it mean?

They raise their shoulders and are surprised.

I'm done!

The thumb is pulled forward.

“The apples are ripe in the garden”

Preliminary work.

Lessons on the topic “Fruits”:

Conversation about fruits; viewing dummies; fruit tasting.

Readingpoems “Fruits” by G. Davydova:

Adults and children know:

There are many fruits in the world!

Apples and oranges

Apricots, tangerines.

And bananas and pomegranates -

Rich in vitamins.

Fruits are a joy for children

They grow them in our gardens for us.

We will serve them to the table,

We'll eat the fruits fresh.

Articulation gymnastics

Delicious apple jam. Open your mouth, smile. Using the wide tip of your tongue, lick your upper lip, moving your tongue from top to bottom. Perform 5-10 movements, then remove your tongue and close your mouth.

Exercises for the neck muscles. Breathing development

Inhale through your nose - turn your head to the left. We saw a very large apple. Exhale through the mouth while pronouncing the sound ooo. Turn your head to the right. What a huge pear! Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

Exercises for masticatory-articulatory muscles

Game exercise “Chewing a hard pear.”

Exercises for lips and cheeks

Let's hide the plum behind our cheek. Inflate alternately the right and left cheek.

Round grape. Pull your lips forward with a narrow tube.

Apple cheeks.Your cheeks are as round as apples, puff out both cheeks.

Banana.Smile, raising the corners of your lips upward. Lips closed.

Exercises for the tongue.

The tongue crawls through the gap in the fence into the garden. " The wide tongue squeezes forcefully between the teeth.

The leaf-tongue covered the side of the apple. Lift your tongue up and close your upper lip. Lower and close your lower lip.

Cup.Make a “cup” out of your tongue. “I’ll pour a cup of orange juice into Mashina, apple juice into Kolya’s, and plum juice into Dimina’s. What juice should I pour you, Sasha?”

Harvesting. We pick an apple from a high branch; the starting position is to stand straight. Raise your hands - inhale. Put the apples in the basket. Lower your arms, tilt your body forward and down – exhale.

Masha and Dasha in the garden . The girls came to the garden, saw many, many fruits and were surprised: “Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!” Suddenly, out of nowhere, a dog ran out and barked: “Aw-aw-aw-aw!” (On one exhale, first quietly, then loudly.)

Fruit Conversations . Pronouncing syllable combinations on behalf of different fruits. The Apple is angry with the Caterpillar: “Fu-fa-fu!” The cherries ask the Starlings not to peck them: “Pta-pta-pto, pta-pta-pta.” Apples fall on the grass: “Bam-bom-boom!”

Psycho-gymnastics. Plastic studies

Depict the actions of a gardener: how he digs holes, plants fruit trees, whitewashes tree trunks, prunes, sprays trees, etc.

Harvest. Imitation of actions: how you set up a ladder, pick apples, put them in boxes, load boxes into a car, take them to the store.

Figurative transformations

Imagine yourself as a fruit tree with ripe, plump apples: “I am the ripest, sweetest, biggest!”

Imagine yourself as a strawberry in a sunny meadow: “I am the most delicious, I am the sweetest berry!”

Finger massage

I'll pick a raspberry 1-10 lines – for every two lines

Add to Nastya's basket.alternately rub the fingers of one hand

I'll find a strawberry fingers the other.

To Polina's sisterThen we change hands and repeat everything from the beginning..

Currants in a jar

I'll collect it for Yanochka.

Gooseberries in a glass

I'm carrying it for Vanya,

And little Misha

I'll pick some ripe cherries!

Finger gymnastics FRUITS

Like our Zina (Make your palms into a “basket.”)

Fruits in the basket:

Apples and pears (Bend your fingers, starting with the little finger.)

So that the guys eat

Peaches and plums -

How beautiful!


I pick berries from the branches(The left arm is bent at the elbow and raised to face level.

And I collect it in a basket.The hand is lowered (fingers are “branches”). Right hand (fingers

A basket full of berries!collected in a pinch) “remove the berries.”

I'll try a little.

I'll eat a little more -

The path to home will be easier.

I'll eat some more raspberries.

How many berries are in the basket?

One two three four five…Count the berries by pressing with your index finger

I'll be collecting again!left palm


Our autumn garden is beautiful.(They walk in a circle.)

It contains plums and grapes.

On the branches like toys(Raise their hands up.)

And apples and pears.

And by night the chill blows(Waving their hands.)

And the yellow leaf rustles at my feet.(They walk, shuffling their feet.)

Tongue Twisters


Pear doesn't like caterpillars

The caterpillars are destroying the pear.

V. Lunin


Gena, give Galya a treat -

Gena, give Galya a pear.

Method "Guess by taste"

Material:pieces of various fruits on plates; whole fruits in a vase.

The teacher invites one of the children to the table and asks them to close their eyes. The rest of the children are shown a whole fruit, a piece of which he places in the mouth of the called child.

Method "Games with laces"

Target:development of fine motor skills of the hands.

1.Fruit decoration. Cut out colored silhouettes of fruits from cardboard or cloth. At a short distance from the edge, use a hole punch to make small holes at equal distances from each other. By threading the lace through the holes, show the children how to trim the figures with a beautiful pattern.

2.Fruit beads.

  • From colored pieces of cloth, cut out different fruits with a hole in the middle and string them on a cord. When children master the “mechanics” of stringing, ask them to arrange the fruits in a certain sequence: apple, pear, plum.
  • String plastic fruit beads onto a string.

Dry aquarium method

A “dry aquarium” - a set of colored lids collected in a plastic basin - can be offered to a child at any time: when he is in a bad mood, or when he is too excited, or he simply has nothing to do.

Goals:- relieve tension, fatigue, relax the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle;

Develop perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, fine motor skills.

Small fruit toys are placed in the “dry aquarium”. Children are asked to find and get a specific fruit or collect all the fruits.

Method “Guess it!”

Goals: -children learn to purposefully highlight external features objects (color, shape, size), and then their purpose and practical application.

Material: object pictures depicting fruits familiar to children: apple, pear, lemon, etc.; cyclic algorithm:

The teacher has a box with pictures of fruits familiar to the children. He calls one of the children and appoints him as his assistant. The assistant takes any picture, shows it only to the teacher and talks about it together with him, using a cyclic algorithm. For example, “this fruit is yellow, oval, small, sour, it is cut and put in tea” (lemon); “this fruit is red, round, small, sweet, jam and compote are made from it” (apple), etc.

“Guess and Show” method

Material:replicas of fruits in a vase.

The teacher makes a riddle and invites one of the children to find this or that fruit - the answer - on the table.


This fruit is oblong

Rich in vitamins.

It is boiled, it is dried,

It's called... (Pear)

Just like a fist,

Round barrel.

You touch it with your finger - it’s smooth,

And if you take a bite, it’s sweet. (Apple)

Balls hang on the branches,

Turned blue from the heat. (Plums)

Round, rosy

I'll get it from the tree

I'll put it on the plate:

“Eat, mommy!” - I’ll tell you. (Apple)


Long, smooth.

And if you clean it -

Sweet, sweet.

It was given to us by the hot south,

And his name is... (Banana)

Even though it is sour,

We'll put it in tea... (Lemon)

He has orange skin

What looks like the sun.

And under the skin there are lobules,

Let's count how much?

We'll give everyone a piece,

We'll eat everything one slice at a time. (Orange)

Among the emerald leaves

Many wonderful grapes are ripening.

They are made from berries

They have a wonderful aroma

And we call them... (Grape)

Method “Fruit Tale”

Target:development of speech and imagination.

Place several fruits on the table - let the children look at them and touch them. Write a fairy tale, for example this:

“Once upon a time there was a beautiful bright Apple in the world. It so happened that it was left alone on the plate. He became bored and rolled towards Alyosha. It rolled up and said: “Hello, Alyosha, let’s play!” Alyosha replied: “Come on! Let’s just call for other fruits.” The apple was delighted: “Call, Alyosha, Orange to visit us!” Alyosha called on the phone and said: “Hello, Orange! Come visit us!” Orange came, and they all began to play together. They had a lot of fun!”

Let the children suggest which other fruits they can call.

Miracle Tree Method

Material:image of a large tree on a magnetic board, different fruit magnets.

The teacher tells the children that they have a magical “miracle tree” on which different fruits grow. Invites children to take turns going to the board, choosing the fruit they like, naming it and attaching it to the tree.

Method "Plasticineography"

Plasticineography –an unconventional technique of working with plasticine, the principle of which is to create a molded picture depicting semi-volume objects on a horizontal surface.

Target:learn to convey an image through sculpting various items; develop children's aesthetic perception of nature; development of fine motor skills of the fingers

  • Give children more independence, diversify activities to maintain interest in visual arts.
  • Do not criticize the inept actions of children, so as not to undermine the child’s faith in his own strength.
  • The lesson should be organized in the form of a game.
  • It is wise to alternate between a variety of active activities and rest to prevent childhood fatigue.
  • Warm up hard plasticine before class in a container with hot water from the tap (but do not pour boiling water).
  • For work, use thick cardboard, not thin sheets.
  • Cover the base with a pre-drawn outline with tape so that the picture does not lose its attractiveness over time.
  • There must be a cloth hand napkin on the child’s desk so that he can use it at any time, and after completing the work, initially wipe his hands with the napkin, and then wash them with soap and water.

A lesson on speech development for children of the second junior group of kindergarten using innovative techniques “Apples have ripened in the garden.”

Target: speech development of younger preschoolers.


Enrichment of vocabulary (introduce children to new words: “outfit”, “preserve”);

Development of the articulatory apparatus, stimulation of the speech centers of the head, development of fine motor skills of the hands;

Cultivating interest and love for the artistic word.

Equipment: apple slices on a plate with skewers for tasting; painted apples suspended on strings; magnetic board with the image of a silhouette of an apple tree and apples on magnets of different sizes; bucket silhouettes: large, medium and small for picking apples; red plasticine, boards, silhouettes of cardboard cans (size ½ A4) for each child; wet wipes; a dish with clean apples for treating children.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational part.

Conversation about autumn. The teacher reminds the children that autumn has come. The grass in the meadow has turned yellow; the leaves turned bright colors: red, orange; the berries on the rowan tree turned red; there are a lot of mushrooms and nuts in the forest; animals and birds make provisions for the winter; Vegetables are harvested from fields and gardens. And in the gardens and on fruit trees The fruits are ripe. Children are invited to find out the name of the fruit by guessing the riddle:

Round, rosy,

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

And little children.

Children recognize the apple. The teacher praises them for their ingenuity.

II. Main part.

1.Looking at an apple, tasting. The teacher shows the children an apple and offers to try a piece from the plate.

2.Reading the poem "Apple Tree"

The apple tree grew, grew,

She's grown up.

The apple tree blossomed, blossomed,

It has bloomed.

The apple tree shook itself off

Your outfit -

And the apples ripened for the boys.

N. Zabila

3.Articulation gymnastics.

Apple cheeks. Your cheeks are as round as apples. Puff out both cheeks.

The tongue-leaf covered the side of the apple . Lift your tongue up and close your upper lip. Lower and close your lower lip.

Apples fall from tree to grass : “Bam-bom-boom!” Draw a big apple (loud), medium (quieter), small (quiet).

4. Game "Pick an Apple".

At a level just above the child’s head, drawn apples are suspended on threads. Children are invited to pick apples. The game is accompanied by the text:

That’s how the apple is, it’s full of sweet juice.

Reach out your hand and pick an apple.

The wind began to shake the twig,

And it's hard to get an apple.

Jump up and extend your hand

And quickly pick an apple!

5. Game "Harvest".

On a magnetic board there is a model of an apple tree on which apples of different sizes hang. On the table are silhouettes of buckets of different sizes. The teacher draws the children's attention to how many apples are ripe, and they are all different: small, a little larger, large. Invites children to collect small apples in a small bucket, medium ones in a medium one, and large ones in a large one.

6. Plasticineography “Canning apples”

The teacher praises the children for reaping a large harvest and asks how to preserve it. Do children know what can be made from apples? (Make compote, jam.) Children are invited to preserve apples that can be stored all winter. Children approach the tables on which the blank jars lie. They mold apples and attach them to jars.

The children's actions are accompanied by a poem:

Our apples are ripe,

There will be a supply for the winter.

We need to lock them up in jars.

We will help our mother -

Place the apples in jars.

We are not afraid of troubles:

There will be compote for the winter.

The apples lie beautifully.

Mom will tell us: “Thank you!”

S. Ilyina

After work, children wipe their hands with wet wipes. The teacher displays the work so that all children can see it.

The teacher praises the children: they have canned a lot of apples, enough for the whole winter.

III. Final part

The teacher takes out a dish with clean apples. Tells the children that they still have some fresh apples left and offers them a treat, but first recommends washing their hands with soap.

Adults and children know:

Eating these fruits is good for you!

We will serve them to the table,

We'll eat the fruits fresh.

Children wash their hands and help themselves to apples.

Follow-up work.

In the next classes I plan to:

Learnpoem with children “Watermelon” by Z. Alexandrova

This is the kind of watermelon we have -

Tastes wonderful!

Even the nose and cheeks -

Everything is in watermelon juice.

Where did such a watermelon ripen?

How sweet is the jam?

Is it really near Moscow?

On a collective farm bed?

You guessed it! Our watermelon

He grew up in the Moscow region.

Juicy, it tastes sweet -

Eat healthy!

Facial exercises

Express pleasure from the pleasant smell of strawberry jam, the aroma of peach, apple.

Sweet apple.Convey an emotional state: you are eating a sweet apple, sweet grapes, sour lemon, juicy watermelon.

Express your state in situations: you see a worm in an apple, a worm is gnawing on an apple.

An apple fell on your head.

Finger gymnastics


This finger is an orange(Alternately extend the fingers from the fist,

He is, of course, not alone.starting from the big one.)

This finger is a plum

Delicious, beautiful.

This finger is an apricot,

Grew high on a branch.

This finger is a pear

He asks: “Come on, eat it!”

This finger is a pineapple

Fruit for you and for us.(Point with palms at others and at yourself.)



Good autumn has come,(They walk in a circle.)

She brought us gifts:(Spread their arms to the sides.)

Fragrant apples,(Hands are placed on the belt, they do

Fluffy peachesturns to the sides.)

Golden pears(Spread their arms to the sides.)

Autumn has arrived. (Clap their hands.)



Pear, little girl,

The pear tree was shaking.

From pear to pear hail,

Pear is happy for pears...

S. Pogorelovsky

Pure talk

Ush-ush-ush - there are a lot of pears in the garden.

Willows-willows-willows - plum trees grew here.

Uzy-uzy-uzy – delicious watermelons.

He-he-he – there is lemon in the tea.

The "Who's Telling" method

Target:strengthening the child’s ability to distinguish fruits by appearance, development of speech, auditory attention.

Material: fruit on a tray (apple, pear, etc.)

Several people take part. Everyone takes one item from the tray and calls it: “I have an apple!” I have a pear!” The adult places one of the children next to him and his back to the others. (The fruits are again on the tray.) One of the children comes to the table, takes a fruit from the tray and says: “I took it and am holding an apple in my hand.” Then he puts it on the tray and returns to its place. “Guess who was holding an apple in his hand and told you about it?” - asks the adult. If a child recognizes a friend by voice, everyone claps their hands, and the recognized one takes the place of the driver. If the child makes a mistake, he drives again.

Method “Let's help the hedgehog”

Goals:develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Material: a hedgehog painted on plywood with Velcro glued on its needles; silhouettes of apples (with Velcro).

Tell the children that the hedgehog was so carried away while picking apples that he did not notice that evening had come. And when he realized that it was already late, he hurried home. He ran very fast and lost all the apples. Invite the children to help the hedgehog pick up all the apples and secure them properly on his back.

Method “What did the artist draw wrong?”

Target:development of speech, attention

Children are offered a picture in which a hare with a basket is in a garden: vegetables grow on the trees, fruits grow in the beds.

“The bunny came to the garden to pick vegetables for borscht and fruits for compote. I came... and was very surprised. What did he see? Look at the picture and help the bunny find the right vegetables and fruits. Do they grow in the right places? What did the artist get wrong? Where should vegetables actually grow, and where should fruits grow? Tell me what the bunny must do to cook borscht and compote.”


1. 20 lexical topics: finger games, exercises for coordinating words with movement, riddles, nursery rhymes for children 2-3 years old / Author-comp. A.V. Nikitina. SPb.: KARO, 2009.

2. 29 lexical topics. Finger games, exercises for coordinating words with movement, riddles for children (4-5 years old) / Author-comp. A.V. Nikitina. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2008.

3. 500 tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings for children / Comp. I.A. Maznin. 2nd edition. – M.: TC Sfera, 2010.

4. Boguslavskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O. Educational games for children of primary preschool age: Book. for a kindergarten teacher. – M.: Education, 1991.

5. Volodina V.S. Album on speech development. – M.: JSC “ROSMAN-PRESS”, 2009.

6. Davydova G.N. Plasticineography for kids. – M.: “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”, 2010.

7. Davydova G.N. Children's design. Plasticineography. – M.: Publishing house “Scriptorium 2003”, 2011.

8. Dmitrieva V.G. 250 five-minute educational games for children from one to three years old / V.G. Dmitrieva. – M.: AST; SPb.: Owl. 2007.

9. Ermakova S.O. Finger games for children from one to three years old / Svetlana Olegovna Ermakova. – M.: RIPOL classic, 2009.

10. Games with young children: methodological recommendations / Comp. M.A. Aralova - 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2011.

11. Lopukhina I.S. Poems and exercises for child development. – St. Petersburg: Delta, 2000.

12. Maksakov A.I. Development of correct child speech in the family. A manual for parents and educators. 2nd ed. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2008.

13. Novikovskaya O.A. 100 exercises for speech development / Olga Novikovskaya. – M.: AST; St. Petersburg: Sova; Vladimir: VKT, 2009.

14. Pozhilenko E.A. Articulation gymnastics: Guidelines on the development of motor skills, breathing and voice in preschool children. – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2009.

15. Educational games for children from one to three years old / author - E.A. Bondarenko. – M.: LLC “AST Publishing House”; Donetsk: “Stalker”, 2003.

Fruits: materials for games, conversations and activities with preschool children. Finger gymnastics. Entertaining speech exercises and games for children. Physical education minutes. Cartoons.

Fruits: materials for games, conversations and activities with preschool children

In this article you will find:

  1. Conversation about fruits.
  2. 10 speech games on the topic "Fruits".
  3. Finger gymnastics.
  4. Three ideas for physical education minutes.

Additional material for the article - riddles about fruits can be found in the article

Kindergarten 100 years ago. “Conversations with young children” by L.K. Schleger.

Conversation about fruits L.K. Schleger. 1913

Preparing for the conversation.

There are different fruits in front of the children. They name them, determine their shape, colors. Determined by touch and taste with eyes closed.

Catalogs of fruits should be at hand; drawings in paints (that is, color pictures); artificial fruit


What do fruits grow on? What is the name of the tree on which apples grow? Can plums grow on an apple tree? What does a ripe apple look like? What does it taste like? (Sweet, juicy). Who colored the apple so much? What protects the apple pulp? (Skin). When is the apple ripe? The beauty of an apple tree hung with ruddy apples. Has anyone ever seen an apple tree with apples? What are the apples sitting on?

Who can tell me how it grows apple? Is it always so big and ruddy? What color is an unripe apple? What does it taste like? Before the apple appears, the apple tree blooms. When does it bloom? In the spring. Has anyone seen an apple tree in bloom? We'll look at it in the spring, but for now let's look at the picture.

Let's see, what's inside an apple, cut one lengthwise, the other across. What are the seeds in and how many are there? Why do apple trees need seeds? Why do you need pulp? She guards the seeds. What color are ripe seeds? What about the unripe ones?

Which seeds at the cherry? At the plum?

Who eats ripe fruits? Do some people eat and love them? Do people eat seeds? They spit them out. What do birds eat? Seeds fall on the ground, and what grows from them?

What do you sometimes find in apples, pears, plums? Worm. How did the worm get into the apple tree? Does the worm remain in the apple? He gnaws it and comes out (find an apple with a worm in it). A worm is made into a pupa, and a pupa is made into a butterfly.

What do we make from fruits? What do we make jam from? Has anyone ever seen dried fruit? Show and try. What else is made from fruits? Kvass, liqueur.

Is it growing here? grape? What do they make from it? What other fruits do you know that grow in warm countries? Oranges, tangerines, lemons. Are the skins of oranges and lemons as thin as those of an apple?

What fruits does an oak tree or a Christmas tree have? Who collects and eats them? Is this fruit?

Children's work on the topic "Fruits".

  • Modeling fruits, drawing them.
  • Cutting and pasting (applique).
  • Cutting out pictures of fruits from catalogs and magazines.
  • Illustration “Apple picking”.
  • Fruit stand (making a model for children's games together with the children)

Question for educators to consider:

Exactly 100 years have passed since the publication of this conversation for young children by the talented teacher Louise Karlovna Schleger! Have we and our children changed? What is different about the conversation about fruits by L.K. Schleger from modern conversations about fruits in kindergarten? What requirements for a conversation with children were taken into account when compiling this conversation? What would you change about it?

You will learn more about conversations with children and about our history of methods for developing children’s speech from the article based on materials from the book by E.A. Flerina “The Living Word in a Preschool Institution.”

Practical materials for classes, conversations and games with children on the topic “Fruits”

Speech games with preschool children on the topic “Fruits”

Game 1. Ladder in the garden. Choose a word.

Together with your child, come up with as many words as you can about what kinds of fruits there are. For example, today we will play with the word “apple” - “What kind of apple can there be?”, and next time with the word “pear” - “What kind of pear can there be?” You can choose words on the road, on a walk, on the bus or in the car. But the best thing is to play!

How to generate interest in a word matching game?

Speech exercises are difficult for children, so it is best to carry them out in a playful way and so that the child can clearly see the result of his efforts. I came up with my own technique for this - “visual game assessment of the result of speech.” This is how I do it.

I usually draw a large tree on an easel with a felt-tip pen (you can also draw a tree on a piece of paper or on a board). On the tree I draw fruits, but they must be drawn very high from the ground. There is a ladder next to the tree. The staircase is drawn as two vertical parallel lines. But - this is important - there are no steps drawn on it!

How we play: we select words and climb up the stairs to get fruit. One word = one step.

As soon as we have chosen one word, I draw one step. We found another word - I draw another step. How many words were chosen - so many steps appeared on the ladder! With each word, more steps are added, and we climb higher and higher (you can rearrange the children’s figures according to the image of the ladder). The task is to get to the top of the tree, and for this you need to choose a lot of words!

There should definitely be a pleasant surprise waiting for children at the top of the tree! When children take an apple (or plum) from the crown of a tree, on the back of the picture they should find something - a plan indicating the place where a surprise is hidden, a riddle, a small gift, a beautiful piece of paper, words of congratulations from the Gardener, a drawn medal, magic words etc.

Hint for adults

Words for the game: fragrant, large, tasty, tasteless, sour, sweet, rosy, tender, fragrant, juicy, bulk, red, yellow, golden, striped, ripe unripe, ripe, round, oval, elongated, soft, hard, rotten, wormy, dried , large, small, boiled, summer, early, early ripening, southern.

Helpful advice:

  • It is better if you say in this game words that are rarely found in everyday communication (“fragrant apple”, “fragrant apple”, “ripe apple”), and the children will pick up more simple words(“sweet apple”, “round apple”, “ruddy apple”). If children find it difficult, then you can suggest words to the kids with a gesture, suggest the first syllable, remind them of a familiar line from a poem in which this word appears
  • This game is difficult for children at first. But later interest and attention to words develops, to expressive speech. Children begin to be very attentive to the words and literary texts that are read to them, listen to the speech of adults and notice vivid figurative epithets in it. Therefore, the game is very useful for developing attention to language, for enriching and activating children’s vocabulary, and for preparing for school.
  • I really love reading Y. Akim’s poem to children, which contains many expressive epithets. Listen to it as a child and find beautiful, special, expressive words in it.

“The apple is ripe, red, sweet, the apple is crisp, with a smooth skin. I’ll split the apple in half, I’ll share the apple with my friend.” (Ya. Akim).

Here are more poems about apples, in which there are many beautiful figurative words for speech play.

Fragrant, rosy, Some are sweet, some are spicy, Some are sour, some are tart, Some are soft, some are strong. There are fresh, dried, and even soaked.

The most important sweet fruit grows in our garden. It is amber and fragrant, sweet and sour, golden. Large, round and crispy, the King's son is real! There is one with a ruddy side and a cheerful worm. Our apple tree amazingly gave us a lot of apples: very sweet, aromatic, and so pleasant to the taste.

Game 2. I know.

The first player begins: I know a lot of fruits: an apple. The second player continues: I know a lot of fruits: apple and pear. The third builds the chain further: “I know a lot of fruits: apple, pear and plum.” The task is to continue the chain and not confuse anything. An adult can make a deliberate mistake in a game, for example, naming a vegetable instead of a fruit. Will children notice this mistake?

The game develops attention and memory.

Tips for playing the game:

For children, the chain should not be too big! If there are a lot of children playing, then it is better to compose not one long chain of words, which is difficult to remember, but several chains.

When making a chain, you can string large wooden parts onto a cord. This way we can clearly see how many words we have remembered and selected.

Game 3. Let's collect fruits in a basket.

Each player names one fruit. If he named correctly, then he puts the cube in the basket. One word is one cube. The task is to fill the basket with words - cubes, remembering and naming as many fruits as possible. You can play against the clock - you need to fill the basket in 2 minutes. This is a fairly long period of time, sufficient to complete the task.

What children can name: apple, pear, quince, cherry plum, shadberry, apricot, peach, plum, lemon, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, pomegranate, pineapple, persimmon, banana, mango, avocado, kiwi and other fruits.

You can “put” in the basket not only the names of fruits, but also phrases. For example: “fragrant apple” - put a cube. Now we need to come up with the next phrase - “golden pear”. Next is a new phrase – “blue plum”. And so we fill the basket.

Game 4. Classification. Fruits and vegetables.

Children are given pictures of mixed fruits and vegetables. You need to put fruits in one basket and vegetables in another.

Be sure to ask your child: “Why do you think this is a fruit?”

To summarize children’s ideas about fruits and clarify the general concept of “fruit” with children 4 years of age and older, you can conduct exercise with pictures for development logical thinking"What are fruits?"

Step 1. Place 3-4 pictures of fruits in front of your child. For example, apple, pineapple, banana, plum. You can also use real fruits or dummies. Ask what is the difference these items? Let them baby will compare will tell each other that they differ: a) color - “the plum is purple, and the apple is scarlet”, b) the size “the plum is small, and the pineapple is large”, c) the nature of the surface (smooth, rough), d) shape ( round, oval, long - short).

Step 2. After that, ask the main question: “ How are these pictures similar? What do these items have in common?" It's a difficult question. If necessary, help your child with guiding questions.

  • What do people do with them? Are eating. So, they are similar in that they are what? Right! Edible.
  • Where do they grow? Yes, they all grow not on the ground, but on trees, in the garden.
  • Can they grow on their own in a field or forest? No. Who planted them? Human! Can they grow without care or watering? So how are they similar?

Step 3. After discussion, do it with your child. conclusion that all these pictures depict plants - fruits. And again discuss the main characteristics of fruits. Fruits are plants, they are always edible, they grow in the garden, they are planted and grown by people, people take care of them. People make jam, compotes, jellies, marmalade and other delicious treats from fruits.

Step 4. Ask them to select fruits from pictures of different foods. Why is this a fruit, you ask? Maybe it's a vegetable? Emphasize the difference - fruits grow on trees in the garden. And vegetables grow on the ground in the garden.

Game 5. What is made from fruits? Cheerful cooks.

At the beginning of the game, we remember all the dishes that are made from fruits. Remember the most favorite dishes of your children and your family.

Hint for adults: juice, compote, jelly, fruit drink, jam, jelly, marmalade, candied fruits, raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits, Turkish delight are made from fruits. Do you remember anything else? I will be glad to see your additions in the comments after the article.

And then we start playing with the children - “cooking” favorite dish. For example, let's make marmalade. We depict how we stir the mass in a saucepan, how we spread it with a spoon on a baking sheet, and then cut it into slices with a knife and treat the toys. And at this time we talk about marmalade, learning to form adjectives from nouns.

Let's make marmalade from different fruits, and we will succeed (we start the phrase, and the children suggest the answer). Apple marmalade - what should we call it? Apple.

  • Plum marmalade – what kind? Plum. (A common mistake is “creamy”! Please note to the child that creamy is made from cream. And made from plums is plum)
  • And from pears? Attention! There are common mistakes here, the correct option is pear.
  • And what kind of peaches? Peach!
  • From apricots - ? Apricot.
  • From orange - ? Orange.
  • From tangerine - ? Tangerine.

And then we begin play in a cafe. Each time we don’t just say a word, but depict a whole scene - we treat visitors, taste it, lick our lips, make suggestions, ask questions. And at this time we say: “Oh, how fragrant our apple marmalade turned out. Would you like to try the pear one? Maybe you’ll like plum better?” If a child makes a typical mistake, for example, says “apple” instead of “apple,” then it is best to treat the guests – the toys – with apple marmalade, saying this word many times in the game in different phrases: “Would you like to treat yourself to apple marmalade? It is very tasty!". Or: “Our apple marmalade is very aromatic and not cloying, you will like it!”

One of the variants of such a game– persuade the character to try apple marmalade, praising it in every possible way. And each time repeating its name and reinforcing the correct version of the word in speech. Naturally, at first the toy refuses, and then agrees. And she really, really likes apple marmalade. And your baby, while playing, masters a new word for him, and will no longer make mistakes in it! And before you know it, you will learn to speak grammatically correctly!

Further You will only need to remind him of the correct option in everyday communication: “Remember, we played with fruits. What is the correct name for apple marmalade? Correct your mistake. What a clever girl! Yes, apple!” Never repeat your child's mistakes. It is very important for a child to hear grammatically correct speech from adults!

Game 6. Call me affectionately.

  • Apple - ? Bullseye.
  • Plum - ? — Slivka
  • Apricot - ? - Apricot.
  • Pear - ? - Grushka.
  • Orange - ? - Orange.
  • Mandarin - ? - Tangerine.
  • Lemon - ? Lemon.

Game 7. Wizards.

Give your child a magic wand and let him turn into a wizard. An ordinary pencil wrapped in foil can act as a stick. For beauty, you can attach a brush, bell or other attribute of magic to the pencil.

The task of our little wizards is to grow a lot of fruit. An evil wizard bewitched the garden, and only one apple grew in it. But our little wizard waves his magic wand, and a lot of things happen? Apples!

  • There was one plum, a wave of the stick, and it turned out to be a lot? Drain.
  • Instead of one orange, many grew? Oranges.
  • There was one pineapple, but now there are a lot of other things? Pineapples.
  • There was one pear. Has it become too much? Grush.
  • There was one banana hanging on a branch, but now there are a lot? Bananas.

This grammar game introduces your child to the genitive case. plural nouns. You will be able to see and correct common grammatical errors. For example, children may say that there are a lot of “apples” instead of the correct version of “apples.” Children often say that there are a lot of “pears” or “pears” instead of the correct version of “pears”. If the kids make mistakes, then play the following game with them to consolidate their speech skills.

Game 8. What happened.

Place 6 pictures in front of your child. Each picture depicts fruits: bananas, apples, pears, plums, pineapples (you can take another list of pictures). Let the baby close his eyes, and at this time you remove one of the pictures. What's missing? Grush.

In this game, the child also learns to correctly use words in the genitive case.

Visual material (pictures)+ for this game and other games in the article has already been posted in the section of the website “Library of games, pictures and materials for activities with children” -

Game 9. Fourth wheel.

  • Lemon, tangerine, orange, cucumber.
  • Pineapple, boletus, apple, pear.
  • Pear, plum, fruit, kiwi.
  • Plum, pear, compote, apple.

Be sure to ask children why they chose this particular word as extra. Children have their own logic, and it also has the right to life! In addition, the ability to explain and prove one’s point of view, to build arguments is very important in life and begins to develop in a child precisely in preschool age! Take advantage of these baby development opportunities!

Game 10. Guess who?

This entertaining and fun game makes it very easy to learn how to use genitive plural nouns correctly. It happens so naturally! Children love to play, they play the game many times, and each time they develop and consolidate their speech skills without any teaching, boring exercises or long explanations - naturally and playfully!

To play you will need pictures, each of which depicts several fruits. You need two identical sets.

One of the children is the leader. He is given one set of pictures. All participants in the game take a picture from another set.

The presenter's task is to guess who has what. The dialogue goes like this:

— Do you have lemons? I do not have no lemons! Do you have oranges? No, I do not have oranges! Do you have apples? No, I do not have apples! Do you have pears? No. I have no pears! Do you have tangerines? Yes, I have tangerines.

It is discussed in advance how many questions the presenter can ask one player. Usually this is 4-5 questions. If he was able to guess, then the children change roles in the game. The presenter becomes the player, and the child whose picture was guessed goes on to guess further.

If the presenter has not guessed right after 4 questions, then he continues to guess.

You can play this game together with your baby. Then the adult asks questions, and the child answers. Then switch roles.

Finger gymnastics on the theme “Fruits”.

1. Orange.

We bend our fingers one by one.

We shared an orange. There are many of us, but he is alone! This slice is for hedgehogs, This slice is for urchins, This slice is for ducklings, This slice is for kittens. This slice is for the beaver, And for the wolf it is the peel!

2. Compote.

We depict actions in accordance with the text:

We will cook compote, We need a lot of fruits: We will chop apples, We will chop pears. Squeeze out the lemon juice, drain, and add sand. We cook, we cook compote. Let's treat honest people.

3. FRukta.

We bend our fingers one by one.

This finger is an orange, He is, of course, not alone. This finger is a plum, delicious, beautiful. This finger is an apricot, growing high on a branch. This finger is a pear, Asks: “Come on, eat it!” This finger is a pineapple, a fruit for you and for us.

Fun physical education minutes:

1. Harvest.

Show actions: carry a ladder, set up a ladder, pick pears, put them in boxes, load them into the car.

2. How a gardener grew an apple tree.

Show actions: the gardener digs a hole, plants an apple tree, whitewashes the trunk of the apple tree, waters, fertilizes, prunes, and collects fruits.

3. Apple.

That's an apple! It's full of sweet juice! (stand up, arms to the sides, stretch) Stretch your hands, pick an apple! (hands up, stretch up) The wind began to shake the twig, it’s hard to pick an apple! (arms up, bend to the sides) I’ll jump up, stretch out my hand and quickly pick an apple! (jumping up, clapping overhead)

Cartoon "Orange" based on the fairy tale by Stepan Pisakhov.

Find tall tales with your children in this cartoon :). What could have happened in reality, and what is here like in a fairy tale?

See you again on the “Native Path”! I wish you success and joyful communication with children!

Useful materials for classes with children on speech development (pictures, tasks, games, presentations) can be found in the following sections:


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Finger games

on the lexical topic “Mushrooms. Berries"

Program content. Development of fine motor skills, the ability to perform exercises with the right, left and two hands. Develop the ability to listen to the teacher.

Progress of the game

Game-situation “Journey into the forest.”

Teacher. - In autumn the harvest ripens. Both people and animals make provisions for the winter. Today we will go to the forest and find out what crops have grown in the forest.

We rode a horse and reached the forest.

Gop, gop, gop, gop - stop!

We've arrived in the forest!

We'll go through the forest and pick berries.

And our fingers will help us pick the berries.

Get your fingers ready girls and boys.

Finger game “For berries”

One two three four five,

(The fingers of both hands “hello”, starting with the thumbs.)

We'll go for a walk in the forest.

(Both hands go with their fingers over the knees.)

For blueberries

For raspberries

For lingonberries,

Behind the viburnum.

We'll find strawberries

And we'll take it to my brother.

(Bend your fingers, starting with the big ones.)

Breathing exercise “What the forest smells like”

We picked the berries.

(make a cup from two palms)

We inhale through our nose and exhale through our mouth.

Teacher. - Oh, guys, there’s something else that smells in the forest. Close your eyes and smell. Inhale with your nose, exhale with your mouth.

(put a mushroom)

Children. (open eyes) Mushrooms.

Finger game "Mushrooms"

There is a fat man in the clearing.

(The right hand is clenched into a fist and raised in front of you.)

Porcini- boletus.

(The palm of the left hand covers the fist of the right.)

And under him, trembling a little,

(The left hand remains, the right hand is removed.)

The snail raised its horns.

(Indicative and middle fingers the right hand is raised, the thumb holds the rest, you can slightly rotate the hand.)

Teacher. - Guys, let's help the animals make supplies for the winter.

Game “For mushrooms” (using pictures)

All the animals are at the edge

They are looking for milk mushrooms and trumpet mushrooms.

(Children walk in a round dance.)

The squirrels were jumping

The saffron milk caps were plucked.

(They jump into a squat and pick imaginary mushrooms.)

The fox ran

I collected chanterelles.

(They run in a circle, collecting imaginary mushrooms.)

The bunnies were jumping

They were looking for honey mushrooms.

(They jump while standing, picking imaginary mushrooms.)

The bear passed by

crushed the fly agaric.

(Walk around, then stomp with their right foot.)

Teacher . Thank you guys for helping the animals.

Us in kindergarten it's time.

Shall we go? Get on your horse!

(Children gallop to the music)

We rode the horse and got to school.

Gop, gop, gop, gop - stop!

We've arrived at our class!


Finger games on the lexical topic “Mushrooms. Wild berries" with children develop fine motor skills, the ability to perform exercises with the right, left and two hands. The summary includes: the game situation “Journey to the Forest”, two finger games “For berries”, “Mushrooms”, a breathing exercise “What the forest smells like”, an imitation game “For mushrooms” using pictures.


Finger games for junior schoolchildren

First, we learn nursery rhymes with finger and hand movements, and then any familiaror sing this nursery rhyme with a simple melody, for example:

We see a house on the mountain (We use our hands to depict the mountain and the roof of the house)

Lots of greenery all around (Draw a circle with your hands)

Here are the trees, here are the bushes (We show the height of the trees and bushes)

Here are fragrant flowers (We show an open flower with both hands)

The fence surrounds everything (Draw a circle and show a “lattice” of fingers)

There is a clean yard behind the fence (we wipe the table with our palm, back and forth)

We open the gates (We make closed gates from our palms, and then open them)

We quickly run up to the house (We depict with the index and middle fingers how fingers are running)

We knock on the door: knock, knock, knock (knock on the left palm with the right fist)

Someone is coming to knock on us (We bring our right palm to our right ear and listen)

We came to visit a friend and brought gifts (Stretching both hands forward).

Musical finger game "Snail".

Snail, snail, (rotate with fists)

Show your horns (put out two fingers)

I'll give you a snail (stretch your hands forward)

Piece of pie (palms cupped)

Donuts, cheesecakes (join fingers in a circle)

Butter flatbreads (imitation of making pies)

Snail, snail (fist spin)

Stick your horns out. (extend middle and index fingers)

Musical finger gymnastics “Flower”

Our scarlet flowers open their petals (Handles are clenched into fists and connected at the wrist, and each finger opens in turn)

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway (we gently wave our fingers)

Our scarlet flowers close their petals (each finger closes into fists one by one)

Night comes, the flowers fall asleep (their fists drop down).

Card index of finger gymnastics on the topic “Food”

Finger gymnastics “Berries”

I remove the berries from the branch, (Fingers are relaxed, hanging down. Use the fingers of the other hand to stroke
each finger from the base to the very tip, as if removing
him an imaginary berry.)
And I collect it in a basket. (Cup both palms in front of you.)
There will be a full basket, (cover one palm, folded with a boat, with another also folded
I'll try a little. (One folded palm imitates a basket, the other hand
I’ll eat a little more, take out imaginary berries and put them in my mouth.)
The path to home will be easy! (Imitating legs, middle and index fingers on both hands
“run away” as far as possible.)
Finger gymnastics “Mushrooms”
Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.
Red, red fly agaric - (We connect our fingertips - we draw a mushroom hat.)
White speckled pattern. (One hand - “mushroom cap”, with the index finger of the other hand
show “speckles”.)
You're beautiful, but don't tear! (They shook their finger.)
And we don’t put it in the basket! (Straight palm away from you - moving away gesture.)

Finger gymnastics “Vegetables”
Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.
I am green cabbage, (Hands form a circle in front of you.)
Without me the pot is empty. (We bowed our heads - “we look into the pan.”)
Take the leaves off me, (We spread our arms to the sides.)
And only I will remain!
Finger gymnastics “Fruits”
Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.
Yellow-yellow is our lemon, (Fingers of the same name are connected with pads - we show the lemon.)
It splashes with sour juice. (We spread our fingers sharply to the sides.)
Let's put it in tea (We connect the thumb, index and middle fingers of one hand and
“dip lemon into tea.”)
Along with yellow skin. (Fingers in the same position, make rotational movements -
“stir the tea.”)
Finger gymnastics “Vegetables and fruits”
Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.
There are a lot of beds in the garden, (They clench and unclench their fingers.)
There are turnips and lettuce here, (Bend your fingers one by one.)
There are beets and peas here,
Are potatoes bad?
Our green garden (Clap their hands.)
It will feed us for a whole year.

Finger gymnastics “Dishes”
Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.
From the plates, as one, (Palms together in front of you “plate.”)
We eat soup with spoons. ( Rotational movements hand with an imaginary spoon.)
We eat cutlets with a fork, (index and middle fingers are straightened, thumb
holds the ring and little fingers - “hold the fork.”)
The knife cuts our omelettes. (“Cut” with a straight palm back and forth.)
Finger gymnastics “Food”
Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Sweet cheesecakes,

We will bake everything in the oven.

Finger gymnastics “Lariska has two radishes”
“Lariska has two radishes”
At Lariska's -
Two radishes.
Alyosha's -
Two potatoes.
Seryozhka, the tomboy, has
Two green cucumbers.
And Vovka’s -
Two carrots.
Yes, even at Petka’s
Two tailed radishes.

(They extend their fingers one by one
from the fist, starting with the big one,
on one and then on the other hand.

Finger gymnastics “For the berries”
One two three four five,
We're going for a walk in the forest.
For blueberries
For raspberries
For lingonberries,
Behind the viburnum.
We'll find strawberries
And we'll take it to my brother.
Finger Gymnastics “Cabbage”
The fingers of both hands shake hands,
starting from the big one.
Both hands go across the table.
Bend your fingers, starting with
We chop and chop cabbage,
We salt the cabbage, we salt it,
We three - three cabbage,
We press and press cabbage. (Imitation of movements.)
Finger gymnastics “Went to the market”
We went to the market
There are a lot of pears and persimmons there,
There are lemons, oranges,
Melons, plums, tangerines,
But we bought a watermelon -
This is the most delicious cargo!
Connecting fingers with pads, starting with the little fingers, one pair of fingers for each line of poetry;
In this case, the palms do not touch.
-little fingers
-fingers clench into a fist, and the thumb moves upward
Finger games on the topic: “Fruits”
We will cook compote
You need a lot of fruit. Here: The left palm is held with a “bucket”, the index finger of the right hand is “interfering”
Let's chop apples
We will chop the pear.
Squeeze the lemon juice
Let's put some plums and sugar. Bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb.
We cook, we cook compote.
Let's treat the honest people. They're "cooking" and "stirring" again.
Finger games on the topic: “Food”
The mouse found a grain
And she took it to the mill.
I ground flour there,
I baked pies for everyone:
Mouse - with cabbage,
Mouse - with potatoes,
Mouse - with carrots,
Mouse - with cloudberries.
For the big fat guy -
As many as four pies:
With cabbage, potatoes, carrots, cloudberries.
Finger games on the topic: “Mushrooms”
One two three four five! They “walk” their fingers on the table.
We're going to look for mushrooms.
This finger went into the forest, They bend one finger at a time,
This finger found the mushroom, starting with the little finger.
I began to clean this finger,
This finger began to fry,
This finger ate everything
That's why I got fat.
Finger games on the topic: “Berries”
One two three four five,
We're going for a walk in the forest.
For blueberries
For raspberries
For lingonberries,
Behind the viburnum.
We'll find strawberries
And we'll take it to my brother.
Fingers of both hands (say hello, starting with the thumb, both hands walk along the table. Bend the fingers, starting with the thumb.
Finger games on the topic: “Berry”
Hello, big clearing!
Hello, grass - ants!
Hello, forest berry!
You are ripe and delicious.
We are carrying a basket -
We will collect all of you. The fingers of the right hand greet the fingers of the left, tapping each other with their tips.
Finger gymnastics “Porridge machine”
Masha cooked porridge, Use the index finger of your right hand to “stir” in the palm of your left hand.
Masha fed everyone porridge.
Masha put porridge Bend your fingers on each name of the dish.
Cat - in a cup,
For the bug - in the bowl,
And for the cat - in a big spoon,
In a bowl for hens, chicks
And in the trough for the piglets,
Took up all the dishes Unclench your fingers.
I gave away everything down to the crumbs! Blow imaginary crumbs off your palm.
Finger gymnastics “Dairy products”
Cows on the farm give milk. Show horns.
They take him to a factory far away. Simulation of steering wheel rotation.
And they make cottage cheese, sour cream and yogurt, Bend your fingers while listing products.
And they make fermented baked milk, butter, kefir,
And yogurt, and feta cheese, and cream,
And tasty, healthy cheese, full of holes.
Finger gymnastics “Food”
Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.
Knead the flour into the dough, (Clench and unclench your fingers.)
And we made it out of the dough (Clap with palms, “mould.”)
Pies and buns, (Alternately extend the fingers, starting with the little finger.)
Sweet cheesecakes,
Buns and rolls - (Both palms are turned up.)
We will bake everything in the oven.
Delicious! (They stroke their bellies.)

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2024 Cats and dogs. Small animals. Health. Medicine.