Funeral of Matveeva's short story. Union of valid ones. Discography of Novella Matveeva

Novella Nikolaevna Matveeva is a wonderful Soviet and Russian poetess. She was one of the first to set poems to music and perform them with a guitar, laying the foundation for a whole generation of bard poets. We will talk about the life and work of this amazing woman in this article.

Novella Matveeva: biography. Family

Novella Nikolaevna was born on October 7, 1934 in the city of Pushkin (at that time it was called Tsarskoye Selo), located in the Leningrad region. Her father, Nikolai Nikolaevich Matveev-Bodry, was a geographer by training and had a professorship in this field, worked as a local historian of the Far East, and was a member of the All-Union Geographical Society. He was a romantic by nature, hence the names of his children - Roald and Novella. The mother of the future poetess Nadezhda Timofeevna taught literature at school, was fond of writing poetry and even published her creations in various newspapers and magazines under the pseudonym Matveeva-Orleneva.

As you can see, Novella Matveeva was not the first writer in the family. The biography of the poetess also indicates that not only her mother was involved in literature. Her grandfather Nikolai Petrovich Matveev-Amursky, who lived in Japan for many years, was a writer, and he is the author of “The History of the City of Vladivostok.” And to top it off, Novella Nikolaevna’s cousin and her husband were also writers.

After graduating from school, the poetess worked from 1950 to 1957 in an orphanage in the Shchelkovsky district (Moscow region). After this, she entered higher literary courses in absentia, held at the Literary Institute named after. Gorky, which she graduated in 1962.

And in 1961, the poetess was accepted into the ranks of the USSR Writers' Union.

The beginning of a creative journey

For the first time, under the influence of her mother, Novella Matveeva took up writing poetry. The biography of our heroine generally indicates that her mother played a big role in her life. Nadezhda Trofimovna was a very extraordinary person, interested in culture and possessed great artistry. The woman had a special passion for poetry and loved to read poetry, in which she was a real master. It was her mother who first introduced Novella to Pushkin, whose works she often recited. The Matveevs always had music in their house, despite the lack of a radio and tape recorder. In addition to poetry, Nadezhda Trofimovna adored music and often sang romances, gypsy, Italian and Russian songs.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that Novella composed her first poems while still a child, during the war years. This happened in the Moninsky hospital, where the girl was admitted due to vitamin deficiency, which caused complications in her eyes. During these same years, her father worked as a political instructor in that hospital. It was he who first saw his daughter’s creation. Also in her childhood, Novella tried to compose music and set poems by various poets to it, including Fet, Lermontov, Shakespeare, Agnivtsev, Gladkov, etc.

First publication

Novella Matveeva first published her poems in 1957. Songs are the poetess’s greatest passion, so it is not surprising that a work of this particular genre appeared in the newspaper. What’s unusual is that it was a parody of the song “Five Minutes” from the movie “Carnival Night.” After this, the writer began to be published constantly. Her poems appeared on the pages of newspapers and magazines, including “Yenisei”, “Soviet Chukotka”, etc. Later, larger literary publications also paid attention to the poetess.

It was quite difficult for Matveeva to publish her first collections of poetry, and poets David Kugultinov and Igor Grudev came to her aid.

Novella Matveeva made many acquaintances among writers. The biography of the poetess indicates that she was repeatedly helped on her creative path by such famous personalities as S. Marshak, M. Atabekyan, K. Chukovsky, V. Chivilikhin, N. Starshinov, Yu. Voronov, etc. Chukovsky especially admired Matveeva’s poems . The writer, hearing her “Sunny Bunny,” even jumped with delight.


Matveeva’s creative destiny turned out very well - she was noticed very quickly and immediately fell in love. In the early 60s of the 20th century, a simple girl from the provinces with a beautiful voice and an old guitar was able to conquer the capital, and then conquered the country. Her songs quickly became popular and began to be heard from tape recorders throughout the country. Matveeva’s works were included in the first bard collection of the Soviet Union - it was a record called “Songs” and released in 1966. Later it was published more than once, but it remained a rare publication.

The work of Novella Matveeva has always been distinguished by incredible energy and love of life, which, undoubtedly, is a reflection of the personal qualities of the poetess. In 1972, Matveeva began writing music for poems by Ivan Kiuru. The most famous works of this period: “Song of the Mule Driver”, “Drainpipes”, “Dolphin Country”, “Organ Grinder”.

Features of poetry

Most often, Novella Matveeva turned to lyrical and romantic themes in her works. The poetess's poems reflect the sublime humanistic impulses of the human soul. Her lyrical hero is a dreamer and visionary, surrounded by a colorful and wonderful natural world. We can say that the writer fully inherited the romantic passions of her father. Her poetry is very light and cheerful. There is no cruelty, dirt, or base feelings in it.

Novella Matveeva conveys confidence in life and incredible optimism in her works. Songs, however, are not the only thing the poetess wrote. She also composed a lot for children, and also did translations, wrote epigrams, parodies, and articles on literature and art. She has published more than thirty books, including poetry, prose and translations. And as a singer-songwriter, Matveeva has recorded a considerable number of records, the last one was released in 2000 - it was the collection “Best Songs”, released by “Moscow Windows”.

Last years and death

Novella Matveeva very easily found her way to the listener’s heart. The poetess's poems and songs are still popular and familiar to many.

Among the writer’s creative works there is also a children’s play “Aigle’s Prediction”, which was first staged on the stage of the Moscow Central Children's Theater. The work, among other things, included 33 original songs by the poetess.

Matveeva Novella Nikolaevna during her long life faced adversity, misunderstanding of critics and creative failures, but this did not manage to break her will. Until her last days, she continued to work and perform. In recent years she has lived in Moscow. She died on September 4, 2016.


Numerous books by the poetess can still be found on bookstore shelves today. The most popular are collections of poems. Among which are the following: “Ship”, “Sunny Bunny”, “Cassette of Dreams”, “Caravan”, “Jasmine”. In addition, several prose works, as well as books for children, have also been published.

Novella Matveeva wrote quite a lot of works during her life. How many years has she been involved in poetry? This question can be answered very easily - throughout your life, from childhood to your last breath. The poetess literally lived by her creativity.

On September 4, in the Moscow region, at her dacha near Khimki, the poetess, bard, playwright and literary critic Novella Matveeva passed away. She was 81 years old.

This was announced by the deputy editor-in-chief of Literaturnaya Gazeta Leonid Kolpakov.

“They called me and told me the sad news: that Novella Matveeva had died. It’s a great pity - it’s a big loss,” he said.

According to Polyakov, nothing is known yet about the time and place of the funeral.

He also said that Matveeva was a “unique phenomenon” because she never depended on the political structure of the country, being in her own “literary world.”

“For the last 15 years, after interest in poetry fell, and she did not play political games, she was a regular author at Literaturka, published with large collections of poems. She had her own literary world, her own ideas about art, about life, his intelligent, highly cultural verse, which today, against the backdrop of a falling cultural level, looked like a reincarnation of the Silver Age,” said the newspaper’s editor-in-chief.

Novella Nikolaevna Matveeva born on October 7, 1934 in Detskoe Selo (Leningrad Region).

Novella Matveeva's father, Nikolai Nikolaevich Matveev-Bodry, is a geographer by profession, a local historian of the Far East, a full member of the All-Union Geographical Society, and a romantic by worldview (hence the children's names - Novella and Roald).

Mother - Malkova Nadezhda Timofeevna, literature teacher, poetess, published under the pseudonym Matveeva-Orleneva. Grandfather Nikolai Petrovich Matveev-Amursky was also a writer and author of the first “History of the City of Vladivostok”; he lived in Japan for many years. Cousin Ivan Venediktovich Elagin (real name Matveev) is a poet of the Russian diaspora.

From 1950 to 1957, Matveeva worked in an orphanage in the Shchelkovo district of the Moscow region. In 1962 she graduated from the Higher Literary Courses at the A. M. Gorky Literary Institute (in absentia).

She wrote poetry from childhood and published it since 1958. The first collection was published in 1961; the second (“Ship”) - in 1963.

In 1961, Matveeva was accepted into the USSR Writers' Union.

In the 1970s, she published the books “Swallow School”, “River”, etc., in the 1980s - “The Law of Songs”, “Surf Country”, etc.

Since the late 1950s, Novella Nikolaevna began to compose songs based on her own poems and perform them to her own accompaniment on a seven-string guitar.

Since 1972, Novella Matveeva has also been composing songs based on the poems of her husband, poet Ivan Kiuru (1934-1992).

Some of the most famous songs written based on her poems are “I sculpt from plasticine” (it was heard in the 1977 film “Almost a Funny Story” performed by Tatyana and Sergei Nikitin), as well as a song about a paper boat from the film “Once More About love" (1968) performed by .

I sculpt from plasticine - a song based on poems by Novella Matveeva

In 1984, at the Central Children's Theater in Moscow, Matveeva's play “Egle's Prediction” was staged - a fantasy based on the works of Alexander Green, containing 33 songs by Novella Nikolaevna.

In 1996, a book of memoirs, “The Ball Left in the Sky,” was published.

In 1998, Novella Matveeva became a laureate of the Pushkin Prize in poetry.

In 2002, Matveeva became a laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art. Lived in Moscow. Lately she has been working on translations of Shakespeare's sonnets.

An album of 14 songs by Novella Matveeva performed by the group “Today in the World” was released in 2009.

In the first half of the 2010s, the poetess wrote a number of poems (“Freedom lovers” (2011), “Crimea. (Someone’s “opinions”)”, “Contra”, “Rampant” (all - 2014) and some others), which caused a controversial reaction among admirers of her talent.

Bibliography of Novella Matveeva:

"Lyric" (1961)
"Boat" (1963)
"The Soul of Things" (1966)
"Sunny Bunny" (1966)
"Swallow School" (1973)
"The River" (1978)
"The Law of Songs" (1983)
"Surfland" (1983)
"Rabbit Village" (1984)
"Selected" (1986)
"Praise to Work" (1987)
"The Unbreakable Circle" (1991)
"Melody for Guitar" (1998)
"Dream Tape" (1998)
"Sonnets" (1999)
"Caravan" (2000)
"Girl and Plasticine"

Discography of Novella Matveeva:

“Poems and Songs” (Melody, 1966)
"Songs" (Melody, 1967)
“The Road is My Home” (Melody, 1982)
“Music of Light” (co-authored with I. Kiuru, Melodiya, 1984)
“Ballads” (co-authored with I. Kiuru, Melodiya, 1985)
“My Little Crow” (co-authored with I. Kiuru, Melodiya, 1986)
“Red-haired girl” (co-authored with I. Kiuru, Melodiya, 1986)
"What a Big Wind" (ASP, 1997) CD
"The Tavern Girl" (ASP, 1997) CD
“Novella Matveeva” (Moroz Records, 1999) CD
“Best Songs” (Moscow Windows, 2000) CD

The life of the Russian State Prize laureate, poetess Novella Matveeva, was unusual and full of surprises. An “illiterate” girl, a poet who wrote many extraordinary, almost childishly naive, but at the same time unusually imaginative and wise poems, was accidentally found in the outback of Moscow. This was followed by a wonderful fairy tale of her rise to fame, but having become an adult, Novella Nikolaevna, somewhere in the depths of her soul, remained the same simple-minded girl. She sang her songs, accompanying herself on the guitar in front of many audiences, and by the age of 82, she wrote a lot of poems that still surprise critics. The cause of Novella Matveeva’s death was illness.

She was born in 1934, in the Detskoe village of the Leningrad region. The girl owed the unusual name “Novella” to her father, a geographer and local historian of the Far East, a descendant of a family with literary traditions, a romantic who loved everything unusual. Novella's brother received the name Roald from him. Their mother was a literature teacher who wrote poetry. Why a girl from such a family received only a primary school education, and how she ended up as a housekeeper in a military family at the age of about 20, history is silent. Probably, the war and the difficult years of restoration of the national economy are to blame for this. Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent Anatoly Gladilin, on behalf of the Secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee Lev Karpinsky, found the young poetess in the cold, uncomfortable barracks where she lived and brought her to the editorial office.

A new life began for Novella. A whole notebook of her poems was edited and published in Komsomolskaya Pravda, creating a suitable biography for the girl. Now she was listed as a former employee of an orphanage in Shchelokovo. Without hesitation, the novella was accepted as a student at the Higher Courses at the Gorky Literary University. A good head and memory from her childhood helped the girl to quickly catch up. In 1961, Matveeva became a member of the USSR Writers' Union. At the same time, the first collection of her amazing poems was published. She began performing in front of the public with poems and songs and the success was stunning. In 1963, her first collection “The Ship” appeared in print, then, after a long break, in 1996 - the collection “The Soul of Things” and several others, as well as the poem “Pieter Bruegel the Elder”. Then her poems were published at intervals of 2-3 collections per decade.

Novella Nikolaevna's lyrics are metaphorical and full of vivid association images that reflect the vision of a turbulent and moving world. She is more cheerful than gloomy and even colors not very pleasant images with humor. There is a lot of childish perception in this poetry, which is why Matveeva’s poems are sometimes deceptively simple. In fact, her works tell about the complex world of a poet who senses its multicolored content behind the external form of existence. The most famous poems for the Russian public were the poems “You were afraid of my love in vain”, “Once upon a time there lived a boat, cheerful and slender”, “I sculpt from plasticine”, “Moldavian Gypsy”, “Organ Grinder” and many others.

Speaking to the audience, Novella Nikolaevna sometimes sang songs based on poems by her husband Ivan Kiuru, Shakespeare translated to her, and Russian poets Lermontov and Fet. In addition to poetry, she wrote the play “Aigle's Prediction” based on the works of Alexander Greene and several stories. In 1998, Matveeva was awarded the Pushkin Prize in poetry, and in 2002 she received the State Prize for the collection “Jasmine”. In 2009, an album of her fifteen songs was released. In 2015, Matveeva’s poems were shortlisted for the Patriarchal Literary Prize named after Cyril and Meophodia. However, the poetess herself began to rarely appear in public and preferred to live in a country dacha.

In the last years of her life, her health deteriorated very noticeably. In addition, the poetess began to have causeless worries, and her fears of traveling and communicating with people increased. She preferred solitude and peace. The exact reason why Novella Matveeva died was not officially reported, but the version of the disease seems, in this case, both truthful and clear. In September 2016, she died in a country house near Khimki and was buried at the Troekurovskoye cemetery in Moscow.


The poetess and bard had long led a secluded life

Poet, bard, playwright and literary critic Novella MATVEEVA passed away last Sunday, September 4, at her dacha in Skhodnya near Moscow (now the Khimki district). She died at the age of 82.

Novella was born into a family Nikolai Matveev-Cheerfully, geographer and local historian of the Far East, and Nadezhda Malkova, poetess and literature teacher.

The girl began writing poetry as a child, during the Great Patriotic War.

Since the late 50s, Matveeva began performing with her songs, accompanying herself on a seven-string guitar. In 1964, Novella wrote perhaps her most famous song, “The Girl from the Tavern” (“The Ballad of the Nail”).

Also from her pen came the following compositions: “Song of the Mule Driver” (“Oh, how long, long have we been driving...”), “Wind” (“What a big wind...”), “Drainpipes” (“Rain , evening rain..." and many others.

Despite her seemingly open profession, Novella avoided publicity. Her husband, poet and translator Ivan Kiuru, took over communication with publishing houses.

I am a wild person, I don’t know how to behave. It's very easy for me to look funny. That’s why I try to be somehow separate,” Novella Nikolaevna shrugged.

She lived with her husband, who came from a family of repressed Soviet Finns, for 29 years, until his death in 1992. Three years later he died Mikhail Nodel- a journalist who actually became the poetess’s secretary and literary agent.

However, in rare comments, Matveeva said that she always closely follows the news and what is happening in the world. Although even her neighbors in the dacha and Moscow apartment knew very little about her - she led such a secluded and inconspicuous lifestyle.

In 2009, the soloists of the group “Today in the World” Pavel Seryakov And Ilya Sosnitsky(they previously performed in the Leap Year team) decided to record an album of songs based on Matveeva’s poems.

Novella Nikolaevna really liked all the compositions, and she even wrote a preface for the disc.

For the first time - after many years of not very successful searches for a voice (or voices) that could skillfully (and together - naturally) sing and arrange my songs - I was truly happy about the opening of the small ensemble “Today in the World”! - the poetess emphasized. - It’s not that all the previous performers sang badly! But... how can I put this? - they seemed to produce songs that weren’t exactly my kind!... It turns out that the performers (if they are talented) just need to be young and cheerful (like I once was!) or, as they say, young at heart (what can I say about myself - alas! - I can’t!) And the world and what is “in the world today” can be taken seriously, but also lightly, without strain. Just like that; bright, natural and relaxed, but at the same time very skillful, I see and hear all the singing and playing members of the group “Today in the World”! Giving my songs new depth, multicolor and - so long-awaited - childishness (!), they create a legitimate atmosphere of Adventure and hope inside almost each of these sung stories! But this is how I intended these songs! (Even if everything didn’t always work out as planned). And today I recognize them as if for the first time...

Novella Matveeva, bard and poet, died quietly, at her dacha in Khimki, she left easily, as if she had stepped onto a ship...

“I stepped onto the ship, and the boat turned out to be from yesterday’s newspaper.”

And a lot of things ended.

Once upon a time she wrote a very simple song, tender and brilliant.

You were afraid of my love in vain,

That's not how I love terribly.

It was enough for me to see you

To meet your smile...

And then there were the girls. Thousands of girls who fell in love unrequitedly and selflessly, thousands of girls who sang along to this song.

And if you left for someone else

The cloak hung on a nail.

Left after the cloak.

Later there will be posthumous collections, there will be monuments, bronze. In the meantime, the light, gentle voice from the speakers has not changed a bit, it sings the same as yesterday, only the author is no longer there.

You were afraid of my love in vain -

That's not how I love terribly.

To meet your smile.

And catch again in the warm wind

What will I get from this...

Togo. You. Don't understand.

What did she get from her songs, this ironic woman, amazingly beautiful in her youth and not losing her charm in old age?

Fame, of course, her songs were released on records in huge numbers, famous contemporaries dedicated hundreds of articles to her. Only she didn’t particularly need fame - she preferred to be a recluse and didn’t like publicity. She performed less and less, then stopped.

But she had love just like that, on its own. She lived with her husband, Ivan Kiuru, for 29 years. He died in 1992, and Novella Matveeva almost stopped appearing in public.

She also had a country, a homeland, the Soviet Union. Unlike other poets of the generation of the sixties, she loved her homeland as it was. “Even then I was a little separate from everyone,” she would say later.

Her life generally consisted of love.

Novella Matveeva. Poetry.


Along the cage, with cabinets pushed in,

Where are the books in the dust of centuries,

Disheveled, abandoned by everyone,

He runs upside down.

A weirdo with tarnished feathers!

It’s weird, and there’s sadness under my eyelids.

Language of a Destroyed Tribe

He knows it almost by heart.

The language behind which scientists

Descending into the depths of centuries,

Where cities sleep, carried away

Ash of hot sands...

A tongue like vine lashes

Winds along the slabs of the tombs

And with incomprehensible tails

Wiggles from the broken tables.

A beautiful language - but it was forgotten,

I forgot myself, falling asleep forever.

Huge - but it all fit in,

Like a seed, in a small beak.

The parrot is used to squandering

I carry a priceless burden in sadness,

talk to yourself

In a dead language

To tumble rapidly in the ring,

Not seeing anyone's attention,

And look condescendingly from above,

When they call you a fool.

Ballad of a Nail

You were afraid of my love in vain -

That's not how I love terribly.

It was enough for me to see you

To meet your smile.

And if you left for someone else

Or was he just somewhere unknown?

It was enough for me that your

The cloak hung on a nail.

When, our fleeting guest,

You rushed off, looking for a new destiny.

It was enough for me that the nail

Left after the cloak.

The passage of days, the rustle of years,

Fog, wind and rain...

And the event in the house is worse than this:

A nail was pulled out of the wall!

Fog, and wind, and the sound of rain,

The passage of days, the rustle of years...

It was enough for me that from the nail

There was a small trace left.

When did the nail mark disappear?

Under the old painter's brush,

I was content with the fact that

The nail was visible yesterday.

You were afraid of my love in vain -

That's not how I love terribly.

It was enough for me to see you.

To meet your smile.

And catch again in the warm wind

Now the violins are crying, now the timpani are brass,

What will I get from this...

Togo. You. Don't understand.

The Mule Driver's Song

Oh, what a long, long time we've been going!

How difficult is the road in the mountains!

The ridges of the misty sierra are barely visible in the distance.

Oh, how quiet, quiet the world is!

Only sometimes from under a mule,

Having made some noise, the gray stone falls into the abyss.

Silence. Just a song

The driver sings about love,

Only the driver sings a love song,

Yes, sometimes a mule shakes itself,

And the bells on it,

And the bells on it will ring louder.

Well, hurry, hurry, my mule!

I see you're completely asleep:

Well, let's hurry - we'll find our dear one at home!..

You'll drink from the stream

And I'll tear the bag off my shoulder

And I’ll pat you and kiss you on the face.

Oh, what a long, long time we've been going!

How difficult is the road in the mountains!

The ridges of the foggy sierra are barely visible in the distance...

Oh, how quiet, quiet the world is!

Only sometimes from under a mule,

Having made some noise, he will fall into the abyss

The stone is gray.

When the seasoned are sad,

Those who know how to live

I somehow don’t know what to offer them.

A pood key from Revel?

A big block from the Alps?

Thunderstorm in the steppes?

A slave in chains?

Or my own scalp?

What to do!

I can't believe it

What could help them?

Ray of sunshine

Scarlet flower

Please note that the following extremist and terrorist organizations are prohibited in the Russian Federation: Jehovah's Witnesses, National Bolshevik Party, Right Sector, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), Islamic State (IS, ISIS, Daesh) , “Jabhat Fatah al-Sham”, “Jabhat al-Nusra”, “Al-Qaeda”, “UNA-UNSO”, “Taliban”, “Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people”, “Misanthropic Division”, “Brotherhood” of Korchinsky, “Trident named after. Stepan Bandera", "Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists" (OUN).

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