Do you get better from homemade kvass? I drink bread kvass and lose weight. Useful properties of the drink

On hot summer days you really want something healthy, tasty and cold. Many people who buy sugary carbonated drinks forget that such hobbies can lead to serious health problems. Why poison your body if you can drink fresh, cold kvass? This drink is much healthier, and it quenches thirst much more effectively. The main thing is to purchase proven, high-quality kvass, or even better, to make it yourself.

Kvass calorie content and benefits

But modern people For those watching their figure, a completely logical question may arise: is it possible to gain weight from kvass, since this drink usually contains yeast, bread and sugar?

In fact, you can get better from anything if you use it in unlimited quantities. As for kvass, on average there are 27-35 calories per 100 ml of drink. Therefore, a large 500 ml mug of kvass, of course, will add some calories to your diet, but if this kvass is real, prepared according to Slavic recipes, then the benefits from it will be much greater.

It is known that the beneficial properties of kvass improve metabolism, regulate activity gastrointestinal tract, inhibit the proliferation of pathogenic harmful microbes, and have a beneficial effect on the entire cardiovascular system. This drink owes its beneficial qualities to the fermentation process, as a result of which beneficial microorganisms multiply in it, normalizing digestion and treating dysbacteriosis.

These microorganisms produce special vitamins that strengthen human immunity. This drink is very useful to drink for those who suffer from gastritis (low acidity), heart patients, people with a weak nervous system, hypertensive patients and people who want to cheer themselves up. The acids contained in kvass are capable of decomposing and then removing diseased, dead cells.

In addition, kvass heals ulcers, strengthens tooth enamel and even has a beneficial effect on weight loss. This Slavic drink is considered a preventive and dietary remedy that increases performance and reduces fatigue.

Impact on the figure and contraindications

When answering the question whether it is possible to gain weight from kvass, it is worth initially dividing this drink into “homemade” and “store-bought”. Only the manufacturer is responsible for ready-made store-bought or barrel kvass. Therefore, it is better not to experiment with such drinks, because no one knows what exactly and in what quantity is included in them. There are many recipes for making homemade kvass, a drink that has a general beneficial effect on the entire body.

Despite the obvious positive characteristics of homemade kvass, this drink also has its contraindications. For example, you should not drink kvass:

  • people with high stomach acidity,
  • suffering from bowel cancer,
  • suffering from liver cirrhosis.
  • This drink, especially carbonated one, should not be given to children under three years of age, pregnant or nursing mothers.
  • Those who suffer from gallbladder and kidney diseases should treat it very carefully.

In addition, kvass causes fermentation in the intestines, so people with enteritis and colitis should also be wary of this drink. In all other cases, drink to your health!

We understand all the nuances

Before answering the main question, you need to understand what kvass is and what ingredients it is made from. A natural drink can only be obtained through fermentation. First, the wort (rye flour and malt) is boiled, then the starter is added. This can be dry or pressed yeast, special bacteria and sugar.

After combining all the ingredients, the fermentation process begins. Yeast is needed to produce alcohol. Don't worry, the percentage of alcohol in the drink will not be high (as in non-alcoholic beer). Although motorists are advised not to drink kvass before getting behind the wheel. Children under 7 years old should also avoid the drink.

To make the taste of kvass more intense, drink lovers add mint sprigs, a crust rye bread, raisin. But here, as they say, it’s not for everyone. In the classic recipe, these components are superfluous. The calorie content of the drink is due to the presence of sugar in its composition. Therefore, the less it is, the better. But the taste will be more sour. In the summer heat, this is just what you need. The finished drink should be kept in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. Otherwise, fermentation processes will continue and calorie content will increase. Plus the percentage of alcohol will be added.

As for a store-bought product, there are many questions about its quality. It contains preservatives, dyes, stabilizers. These ingredients will not bring any benefit. And the calorie content increases significantly. You can also find a carbonated drink called “Kvass” on store shelves. This is a marketing ploy by the manufacturers. It has nothing in common with a natural drink. Barrel kvass also raises questions. Only the manufacturer can speak about its quality. But remember that the drink is often exposed to the sun, the fermentation processes do not stop, so the taste can be quite strange.

Types of kvass: which is the lowest in calories?

You should know that there are several types of kvass. We'll talk about the most popular ones below.
Bread kvass- it is traditional. This is where the history of the drink began. Doctors are positive about its use. It has the following properties:

  • Strengthens male potency;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Invigorates;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Strengthens tooth enamel.

Natural bread kvass contains no more than 27 kcal. You can drink it even while on a diet. We are not talking about a three-liter portion, but you can afford a glass. Beet kvass. This drink is very popular among hypertensive patients. Buryak contains large amounts of rubidium and cesium. These components reduce blood pressure, increase blood flow, and dilate blood vessels. In addition, the drink contains many vitamins and microelements.

It is worth remembering that alcohol is 1-1.5%. This is quite a high figure. Therefore, if you have cirrhosis, oncology, or pregnancy, you should not drink beet kvass. And its calorie content is high - 67 kcal per 100 g. At the same time, the drink speeds up the metabolic process, food is digested and absorbed faster. People suffering from arthritis or rheumatism need to be careful when taking kvass. The content of oxalic acid in the drink can provoke a relapse and exacerbation.

Oatmeal kvass. Natural and useful product. The drink retains all the properties of oats. It is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Effective for people suffering from diabetes. In addition, it has a positive effect on nervous system. Doctors often recommend taking it for neuritis and prolonged depression. The product has its drawbacks. The ethyl alcohol content is 1.3-1.6%. It is contraindicated for children. Also prohibited for ulcers, exacerbations of gastritis, colitis. Girls who want to lose weight are not recommended to drink this drink. Its calorie content is 300 Kcal.

Birch kvass. Not very popular, but useful like no other type of drink. It is prepared on the basis of birch sap, sugar and raisins. Yeast is used extremely rarely. They spoil the pleasant, delicate taste. The drink helps restore energy, removes waste and toxins, and has a diuretic effect. The calorie content is not high - 25 Kcal. Absolutely everyone can drink birch kvass. The only limitation is individual intolerance to the drink.

Kvass Bolotova. A Russian scientist proposed moving away from standard ingredients for preparing the drink. As an alternative, he suggested horse chestnut, Jerusalem artichoke, celandine and other plants. Thus, kvass turned from an ordinary drink into a medicinal infusion. There are many positive aspects: metabolism improves, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves. Thanks to the drink, you can get rid of quite serious ailments, for example, polyps on the stomach. But you should take this type of kvass only after consulting a doctor, especially if it was infused with celandine.

Why you should drink kvass: experts’ arguments?

Many doctors advise drinking kvass, arguing as follows:

  • The drink quickly quenches thirst, thanks to the presence of organic acids, retains moisture in the body;
  • Kvass can replace energy drinks. It invigorates, tones;
  • The drink contains a rich complex of acids, vitamins and microelements;
  • You don't get better from kvass. Of course, if you don't drink it in large quantities. A woman who is on a diet will only need to drink one glass of drink a day;
  • Thanks to the fermentation process, beneficial bacteria appear, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Any girl carefully monitors her figure. Therefore, whether kvass makes you fat is a popular question. In fact, expert opinions differ. The article described the main types of drink, discussed their calorie content, benefits and harms. Remember, the chances of getting better from homemade kvass are minimal. But it’s better to refuse a store-bought product.

Summer is the time when it is difficult to give up refreshing drinks; on the contrary, you want to consume them often and in large quantities. Besides mineral water and sweet lemonades, kvass is especially popular; the harm and benefits of this drink still cause erroneous associations for many to this day.

To dispel all the myths and find out the real truth about the legendary drink, we suggest you read detailed article, in which the main secrets of ancient drinking are in full view.

What is kvass: types of drink

Let’s not delve too deeply into the history of this miraculous intoxicating medicine, since its historical roots go deep into antiquity. Let's just say that the first official mention of the summer drink dates back to the reign of Prince Vladimir. For the first time, the great-power prince ordered the distribution of kvass to ordinary people during the baptism of Rus'.

Since then, drinking began to very quickly win the love of all classes of the population. The invigorating drink with hops became so popular that a new profession even appeared in Rus' - kvassnik. This was the name of a person who personally prepared all kinds of kvass, and at that time (in fact, as now) there were a lot of them.

Our ancestors believed in the unique beneficial properties of this product, and therefore often used it for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. True, kvass used to be a rather strong drink, not only in terms of its healing power, but also in terms of alcohol content.

As for the types of intoxicating drink, it is quite difficult to name them all, because they are prepared from a wide variety of ingredients.

However, we can briefly familiarize ourselves with the most popular varieties right now:

  1. . Perhaps the most popular type of this drink. It is usually prepared from rye flour, yeast, malt (barley or rye), lactic acid bacteria, leavened bread, water and sugar.
  2. Honey, its basis, as the name suggests, is honey.
  3. Fruit. It is usually made in 2 ways: either by first preparing bread kvass as a base, and then flavoring it with jam or fresh fruit juice; or directly prepared from fruit juice/fruit juice, without adding flour or bread.
    In turn, fruit is divided into several more subspecies:
  • cherry;
  • pear;
  • citric;
  • cranberry, etc.
  1. – made from fresh birch sap.
  2. Tea - created on the basis of kombucha.
  3. – prepared with the addition of beets.

In addition, kvass comes with many other ingredients. However, despite all its diversity, the benefits and harms of the ancient intoxicating drink can be reduced to several points.

Chemical composition of homemade kvass

It is impossible to determine the usefulness of a drink without knowing the richness of its chemical composition. Of course, we are talking about natural kvass, prepared at home using the correct technology. Traditionally, kvass is produced by unfinished lactic and alcoholic fermentation of wort. It is also very important that the percentage of alcohol in it does not exceed 1.2%.

In a purchased drink, this percentage is often an order of magnitude higher, which makes it possible to equate it with non-alcoholic beer, and this is a completely different product, moreover, harmful to the human body. Natural kvass should not be confused with kvass drinks - these are a kind of surrogates, substitutes for a real healing product, they never have and cannot contain useful substances.

Homemade kvass has many beneficial properties, which is explained by the high content of all kinds of useful elements in it. Most of all the drink contains:

  • vitamins of group B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, E, PP;
  • proteins;
  • microelements (iron, selenium, zinc, fluorine, manganese, iodine, copper, etc.);
  • macroelements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.)

Is kvass good for the body? Of course, yes, if it is prepared at home. In addition to the fact that it perfectly quenches thirst, refreshes and gives vigor, homemade kvass is also capable of significantly healing the body.

This is confirmed by the functions that the drink unquestioningly performs in the human body:

  1. fills the body with vitamins, and accordingly strengthens the immune system;
  2. stimulates stomach acidity;
  3. restores water-salt balance;
  4. strengthens tooth enamel;
  5. normalizes metabolism;
  6. strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  7. has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, performing the same function in it as yogurt and kefir;
  8. improves appetite;
  9. is an excellent means of preventing dysbiosis and intestinal disorders;
  10. successfully copes with pustular skin diseases;
  11. prevents the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms;
  12. It is recommended to take kvass for vitamin deficiency, scurvy, and exhaustion of the body.

Of course, the possibilities of natural kvass are endless; it is simply impossible to describe them all. Benefit for everyone a separate type of an intoxicating drink depends on the components that are included in it. It is in the composition of the ingredients that all the benefits and all the harm of this healing product lie.

Is kvass harmful to health?

Is it healthy to drink kvass? We have already found out. If it is natural, then its beneficial properties are very limitless and will be a real help for health in the heat. However, to say that there is no harm from consuming such a drink would be wrong.

Despite containing natural ingredients, this summer refreshing drink can be harmful to your health. But this is possible if you have certain contraindications to its use.

These contraindications most often are:

  • liver and biliary tract diseases;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • celiac disease;
  • stones in gallbladder and kidneys;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • ulcer, gastritis (cannot be consumed even in remission);
  • oncology;
  • colitis, enteritis and other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • allergies to grains, alcohol, yeast;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • Kvass is strictly prohibited for children under 3-5 years of age.

How beneficial or harmful kvass is for you also depends on the amount consumed. If you drink the drink a lot and every day, then even for healthy person it will be harmful. Do not forget also that kvass contains alcohol, so it is not recommended to drive after drinking it.

Harm of kvass for men

The stronger half of humanity, perhaps more often than women, drinks a refreshing drink. Therefore, men cannot help but be interested in the question: how does the drink affect male strength?

In the case of natural kvass, it is extremely positive. The drink has a beneficial effect on genital area men and significantly increases potency. This is evidenced by the fact that in the old days kvass was given to a man on his wedding day in order to enhance his masculine abilities, and thereby influence the conception of healthy, full-fledged descendants.

Is it possible to get better from kvass?

But what primarily interests women who are fond of kvass is the question: do they get better from kvass? Many ladies, succumbing to general panic, mistakenly believe that you can literally gain weight from a drink just by drinking a few glasses.

It is worth noting that natural kvass is considered dietary, it contains few calories (approximately 27-35 kcal per 100 g of product, depending on the type) and therefore it is often used in the fight against obesity.

Whether women who drink the drink in unlimited quantities get fat or not is probably not difficult to guess. But if you consume it in moderate portions, it will be extremely beneficial. Kvass saturates the body well, and (as stated above) improves metabolism, so it definitely does not pose a global threat to the figure.

Perhaps everything you need to know about kvass (harm and benefit, indications and contraindications for use, chemical composition and even Short story) - you already know. Now, before drinking a new refreshing portion, you can answer for yourself: is drinking kvass harmful or is it still beneficial?

Take the time to home cooking quality ancient drink. Stop wasting money on purchases harmful product, and then it's all his medicinal properties, which our ancestors made plenty of use of, will be able to help you in the fight against illnesses.

In the summer heat, the question is especially popular: “Does kvass make you fat?” Many people prefer to drink the drink chilled. It quenches thirst well and leaves a pleasant aftertaste. In addition, it is sold in any grocery store. But whether there is any benefit in a drink that is produced in production is a separate question. Many experts believe that it is better to prepare kvass yourself. To do this you will need boiled water, a special starter, sugar and raisins.

Does kvass make you fat? This question is asked by women who watch their figure. It's quite logical. One of the main components of sourdough is yeast, which reacts with sugar. The drink becomes sharp, even a little alcoholic. Nutritionists claim that 100 ml contains about 30 calories. You shouldn’t drink kvass in liters, but why not allow yourself to drink a glass. Moreover, the drink is very healthy.

Is it possible to gain extra pounds?

Excess weight is a sore subject for many girls. There is probably not a single lady who has not been on a diet at least once. In the summer, when trips to the sea and going to the beach in an open swimsuit are planned, many pay close attention to what they eat and drink.
Do not forget that kvass is summer drinks. Thanks to its unusual taste, it perfectly quenches thirst. But it’s worth thinking about its calorie content. For drinks sold in bottles or barrels, find out energy value pretty hard. And their benefits are questionable.

But a natural drink prepared at home is a real storehouse of vitamins. Bread kvass contains no more than 27-30 kcal per 100 ml. Yes, this is not so little, but no one is talking about drinking the drink in three-liter bottles.

What is the opinion of nutritionists? In limited quantities, kvass, on the contrary, promotes weight loss. The fact is that the drink is prepared through the fermentation process. Microorganisms appear that not only have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, eliminate dysbacteriosis, but also remove toxins and waste from the body.

It’s not for nothing that in ancient times kvass was called a healing drink. It was required in the rations of a soldier going to war. The drink perfectly boosted the immune system and provided the body with vitamins and microelements.

Well-known facts: kvass helped cure scurvy. Even hospitals organized the production of this drink. Over time, his fame faded. The reason is quite banal - brewing came to Russia in its place.

Modern nutritionists include kvass as the main drink during diets. You need to drink 250 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening.

Beet kvass will bring the greatest benefit. To prepare it you will need 2-3 beets, which are peeled and cut into circles. After this, everything is added to the bottle with the starter and filled with boiled water. There is no need to put sugar. After 3 days, add a couple of tablespoons of honey to the drink and leave for another day. After this, enjoy the drink.

This type of kvass perfectly “cleanses” the stomach. If the effect is not immediately noticeable, do not worry, you should wait a little. Don't forget to throw away the cake. There are special diets in which beet pulp from kvass is one of the main components for salads and soups.

IN Lately It has become fashionable to lose weight by drinking Bolotov’s kvass. Unusual ingredients: celandine, whey, honey or sugar, water. This drink is called “ruff”; it cleanses the body with lightning speed. Believe me, all impurities and toxins will come out.
As you can see, it is impossible to say that kvass makes you fat. This is simply a healthy drink, the consumption of which in moderation has a very beneficial effect on the body.

Useful properties of the drink

Kvass is considered one of the healthiest drinks. It stands on a par with kefir and yogurt. Its main component is wort. The fermentation process occurs, microorganisms actively multiply.

The drink contains 10 amino acids, a lot of vitamins and microelements that can cope with dysbiosis. Its main properties:

  • Improves heart function;
  • Removes toxins and waste;
  • Helps cope with gastritis;
  • Reduces high blood pressure;
  • Speeds up metabolism;
  • Strengthens tooth enamel;
  • Eliminates bleeding gums;
  • Helps cope with fatigue.
Agree, few drinks can boast such a list.

Let's dispel the myths

There are several myths that need to be dispelled:

  • People with alcohol addiction should not drink kvass. This is wrong. On the contrary, it tones, accelerates the blood, quenches thirst well, relieves headaches;
  • Contains GMO products. Not a single element used to make the drink has been genetically engineered. All natural;
  • You should not drink if you have kidney disease. There is some truth to this. But if you have stones that for a long time can’t go out, kvass will help with this;
  • The drink contains bacteria. Yes, they really are contained there, but only beneficial microorganisms that can improve the intestinal microflora;
  • Not suitable for athletes. Taking kvass strengthens muscles, relieves fatigue and pain after training;
  • Children should not drink. The drink is allowed for children over 3 years of age. Remember, it contains ascorbic acid, which promotes the growth of a young body.
As you can see, there really are a lot of myths. Recently, the drink has become less popular. Modern youth prefers to drink Coca-Cola and Fanta. This is a big mistake. Drinks containing GMOs cannot compare with natural fresh kvass.


Doctors say that there are contraindications to drinking the drink. They are as follows:

  • Increased acidity. Kvass will increase it even more. And it's not about the amount of sugar you put in, but about natural
  • fermentation processes;
  • Stomach oncology;
  • Children under 3 years old. Bloating and increased gas formation may appear;
  • Nursing mothers. Through milk, the drink will reach the child, whose stomach is not yet ready for this type of food.
In the summer, when the thermometer is off the charts, you want to enjoy natural drinks. Soda and juices don't always help. They leave a pleasant aftertaste, but you want to drink even more. There is an exit. Kvass has long been considered a drink that is a good tonic. Thanks to its composition, it is a real vitamin treasure. But the question is, do kvass make you fat? Nutritionists claim that these are myths. The drink is high in calories, but at the same time it removes toxins; on the contrary, it promotes weight loss. Of course, if you drink several liters a day, the kilograms may add, but remember that everything should be in moderation.

Answers questions from our readers Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of MMA named after. THEM. Sechenov Semyon Rapoport.

The gut is a sensitive organ

Victor, St. Petersburg: “My stomach is constantly grumbling.” And at the most inopportune time! Recently I even had to leave business negotiations because of this. What could be causing my attack?

Semyon Rapoport: – Perhaps this is an SOS signal that your intestines send and which only a specialist can deal with. If he doesn’t find any serious health problems with you, perhaps it’s all about your emotional state. The intestines can “respond” to strong excitement, stress, etc. with hypermotility, which is manifested by the same grumbling that so interferes with your life.

In general, the intestines are an organ that is very sensitive to our mood. A striking example of this is the so-called “bear disease,” which often occurs in response to fear and anxiety. Or “psychological constipation,” which accompanies many people when traveling and arises in response to an unfamiliar environment.

Kvass is not about you

Olga, Kostroma: – I really like kvass. And in the heat this is generally a salvation. But my friend’s gastroenterologist forbade her to drink this drink. So, is it contraindicated for someone?

S.R.: – This truly wonderful drink is contraindicated for those with guts with a “tarnished” reputation, and of course, for patients with peptic ulcer stomach, esophagitis, exacerbation of gastritis (especially type B). In them, the use of kvass, which is a fermentation product, can cause heartburn, pain, and inflammation of the esophageal mucosa. It is better for such people to drink clean bottled water, teas and juices (preferably home-made): apple, carrot, orange, but not in the acute stage of the disease.

Cabbage colitis is disgusting

Marianna, Tver: – Now there is an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits in the markets. But I have colitis. They say that with this disease, plant foods are prohibited. This is true?

S.R.: – Colitis is a collective concept that unites very different diseases of the colon. And in the acute stage, she really does not tolerate fruits and vegetables very well. This primarily applies to vegetables with coarse fiber: onions, garlic, peas, beans, white cabbage, radishes, radishes. For diseases of the colon, these are not very desirable vegetables in the diet. The same applies to some fruits: grapes, plums, peaches, apricots (in large quantities). In general, those who suffer from colitis should approach the consumption of vegetables and fruits very selectively and in moderation. Better yet, get examined by a gastroenterologist. I would not advise you to test your sensitivity to plant foods using the “poke” method.

How to eat the heat

Vitaly, Rostov: Tell me, how to eat in such heat as it is this summer?

S.R.: – In hot weather, our body does not need to maintain the amount of energy that we need in order to adequately respond to the cold. On the contrary, now we need to “slow down.” Therefore, it is better to eat lightly and preferably low-calorie foods (vegetables, fruits, dairy products). And, of course, it is advisable to drink more - about 2 liters per day.

No amateur performances!

Elena, Moscow: I recently returned from Egypt, having suffered from an intestinal infection there. I still feel bad. How to recover?

S.R.: - First, go to the doctor. Amateur action in such cases is dangerous. You may not be completely cured of the infection and may develop a serious chronic disease or dysbiosis (disturbance of the normal intestinal flora). Don’t be afraid to spend time going to the doctor: with proper treatment, foodborne illnesses go away in one to two weeks. Unless, of course, things have gone too far.

By the way

People with high acidity tolerate foodborne illnesses more easily. For microbes, acid is too aggressive an environment. The causative agents of gastrointestinal scourges are generally very finicky creatures. Each of them has its own favorite habitat. The dysentery bacillus is usually “residing” in the large intestine (or rather, in its distal section - the sigmoid and rectum), intestinal co-infection - in the small intestine. But Salmonella is omnivorous and can colonize the entire gastrointestinal tract.


In addition to the microbes themselves, their metabolic products (toxins) also bring a lot of trouble to our body. Getting into the blood, they only intensify the inflammatory process. It is impossible to assess which pathogen is lodged in your body by eye. Fever, vomiting, and diarrhea are accompanied by almost any intestinal infection. The only exception is dysentery (in which frequent loose stools, as a rule, contain an admixture of mucus and blood). In all other cases, it is impossible to do without a special bacteriological analysis of feces.

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