The child peed himself in a dream. Dream Interpretation Baby peed In a dream, your newborn son pees on you

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by an animal, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children.

For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple.

Seeing a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, the man will become pregnant and give birth to a child.

Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere.

For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

To see a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman in a dream - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger.

In the future, an unprecedented number of people will be infected with AIDS, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction.

But when it seems that nothing can change the plight, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in a real threat.

Due to the fact that the environment is very polluted, many children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

Seeing a healthy smiling child in a dream is a happy sign.

A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world.

People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.

Seeing a child running on the ground in a dream means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

Seeing a crying child means endangering your future.

Looking for your child in a dream means trying to find lost hope.

Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment.

Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Nostradamus

what does it mean if a child urinates in a dream

According to Miller, urine means well-being. Remember, if in a dream a child urinated on you, then such a dream foreshadows good news, perhaps unexpected. If you dreamed of your child relieving himself, then such a dream means that your child needs support and care. In reality, spend more time on it.

interpretation of sleep baby urine

Children's urine seen in a dream symbolizes material wealth. And such a dream also suggests that the dreamer is now in a vulnerable position, needs the support of loved ones, and also does not accept criticism. If in a dream you look at urine, then in real life expect the illness of a person dear and close to you.

baby urine in sleep

According to the Muslim dream book, urine portends good things. A familiar child marks a joyful event, a favorable outcome of the work begun. If you dreamed of an unfamiliar child, the dream signifies troublesome little things and an anxious state of health. It is also worth noting that if a poor person dreams of a child, then such a dream will bring relief from needs and worries into his life. If a wealthy person saw such a dream, expect a catch; someone is laying claim to your wealth.

child's urine according to the dream book

Freud argued that a child in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's genitals. And if in a dream you dreamed that a child was urinating, this is a sign of your sexuality. Such a dream indicates hidden sexuality as a result of deprivation of someone's love. However, if there is excess fluid, the dream indicates your internal anxiety and reluctance to change anything in your sex life.

interpretation of sleep baby urine

A peeing child is interpreted as an upcoming celebration, perhaps a wedding feast. If in a dream a child urinates in a potty, then such a dream indicates that you should put your house in order - get rid of old things, do some general cleaning. A dream in which someone urinated on you foreshadows illness. Conduct a health analysis, take a course of vitamins to improve immunity.

interpretation of sleep baby urine

If in a dream you saw a child’s urine, then such a dream promises troublesome tasks that require effort. Did your child wet you? In this case, expect an invitation to a wedding celebration from good friends.

child's urine according to the dream book

Baby urine is a subconscious sign that you are deprived of love and attention. Do not rush to blame others for this. Most likely, it's about you. It is likely that in real life you have recently offended your loved ones. Analyze your actions and be sure to ask for forgiveness.

According to the dream book, there is a dream about a boy Beautiful- this means you can count on a good “jackpot” and a profitable business. Ginger the boy is a clear sign that he will be lucky in the romantic field.

Sick According to the dream book, the child’s interpretation says that for the success of your event you will have to take care of even seemingly insignificant little things. Seeing a boy in a dream dead- something for which you made grandiose plans is not destined to work out.

Crying dreaming of a boy - a business in which you have invested some effort or money and suddenly it will no longer seem so profitable and expedient to you.

According to the dream book pissing a boy means that something will appear in your life that will ease your suffering and make your existence less difficult.

I dreamed of a child boy on hands– in the dream book this means finding good luck, becoming the owner of a desired thing, or finally waiting for the cherished event that you dreamed about. A baby boy in your arms dreams of the beginning of an important event, which will give you very tempting prospects, but will also require some investment. Holding a little boy in your arms - we waited, even if it was not a grandiose occasion, but it was desired with all our hearts.

Two boys dreamed about two lucrative offers, two successful events, two good events. It can be interpreted similarly if you dreamed of three male children, four, and so on. Seeing a lot of boys in a dream means you’re just lucky! Happy accidents and planned pleasures pour in as if from a cornucopia.

Pregnancy dreaming of a boy (pregnant, being pregnant) means big and well-deserved profit.

What did the boy do in his dream?

Speaks- favorable news that will become very significant for you.

Died- your plans will collapse overnight, and nothing can be done about it.

“Seeing little boys in my dreams throwing stones at me.” To be accused of some offense, to be persecuted, to be bullied. But not out of human malice, but out of naivety and out of a herd feeling “for the company.”

Pee yourself- wait for relief. Your work and efforts are not in vain, it will soon become easier. crap one's pants- the planned business will be profitable. Financial well-being.

I dreamed of a child boy hugs in a dream - a pleasant feeling of security, when everything that happens to you is for the better.

Child was born boy (birth) - according to the dream book, the interpretation is as follows - a new excellent idea or prospect will appear, gained through hard work and sweat. A friend gave birth - the credit will not be yours, perhaps a friend’s, or maybe even a rival’s. Mom gave birth - take advice from your mother, the parent will not give bad advice, every word will be worth its weight in gold. In a dream, to see a boy giving birth means taking steps, albeit not easy ones, in the name of future benefits.

What did you do in your dream

Adoption boy (adopt) - pick up someone else’s abandoned project, “bring to fruition” what someone started.

According to the dream book give birth to a boy in a dream - there will be difficult times in the future, when you will have to work hard for what you want. For a pregnant woman, giving birth to a boy is a dream that promises a successful birth. According to the interpretation of dreams, giving birth to twin boys means your attention and strength will be required in two important areas, although the task will be difficult, you will be able to fulfill your destiny with honor, after which a considerable reward awaits you. Giving birth to twin boys means working for interdependent benefits. To give birth to a boy and a girl - you did not expect such a pleasant surprise for your efforts.

“What does the dream book mean: I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy. I didn’t see the child, but I dreamed about the pregnancy and birth of a boy (in the dream I knew it was not a girl) in every detail.” Now you are in a very difficult period, when you have to work for an illusory dream of a reward or promotion, but whether you get what you want or not is not yet known.

In a dream feed for a boy means taking steps up the career ladder and making successful deals. Breastfeeding a boy (breast milk) - not a single expense will be in vain, every investment will be repaid with interest. Feeding a baby boy (infant) according to the dream book means investing in a very promising event, often we are talking about a career and business.

Find little boy - they will unexpectedly stumble upon a profitable solution to their problem.

baby boy babysit in a dream - in reality to receive a reward for selflessness and philanthropy. Bathe– confident steps towards the intended and desired goal. You are doing everything right now.

Seeing games with a boy ( play) – time to have fun, take risks and flirt.

Kiss with a boy in a dream - for a girl it means that the need for closer relationships with the opposite sex awakens in her. Kissing a boy's child means enjoying a lucky time in life. Now you are in a very favorable period.

Save for a boy - to show nobility, to help your neighbor, to do a good deed that will be honored in the future. Beat a boy - to take an undignified step, to cruelly offend the weak. Be careful in the near future, do not allow injustice.

Dream interpretation baby peed himself

Sometimes people dream about the process of urination. Doing this yourself may cause problems with the genitourinary system. In the case when you dream about how the child described himself, why such a dream?

Expert opinions

It is believed that when you see a child relieve a minor need in a dream, you are terribly tired. Dream books advise taking a well-deserved rest.

Do you wake up in the morning and don’t ask the question, “why did the child describe me?” Rejoice, you will be invited to a social event, or at least to a wedding with friends. But it’s better to look into the dream book to find out the essence.

Dream Interpreters

We see dreams several times a night, and we remember only certain of them, those dreams that are important for prediction. Systematization of data has given humanity the opportunity to create interpreters of dreams and approximately give answers to such painful questions.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If you saw a puddle on the floor

Dreaming of children's urine means material wealth in real life.

If you dreamed that a little boy described you - you are being exposed to bad influence from some person. And the fact that the boy is just a child does not reduce the negativity of the dream.

Seeing a puddle on the floor means illness and illness. To avoid grief, don’t touch it; if you wipe it away, you won’t end up in trouble.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Children's urine promises a troublesome task. Why is a child peeing on me - an invitation to a wedding celebration from good friends.

Esoteric dream book

Why see a child peeing? Seeing your loved one - be wary, the dream book believes that in reality your child may begin to have mental problems, you should take a closer look at him and take him to a child psychologist.

A child peeing red urine means there is a risk of infection.

Modern dream book

The Manneken Pis visits in dreams those people who will soon have a feast, a feast.

What does a dream lead to?

If you bathed a child who peed

In general, seeing a clean, tidy child in a dream is a favorable dream, as any dream book will say. But to see a dirty child in a dream means worries. The dream book does not specify exactly what nature your mental tossing will be. You may be worried about a disease discovered in you or a loved one.

Another interpretation that the dream book provides is that you may witness an unpleasant scene, a quarrel, a scandal. Thus, you will find yourself drawn into an unpleasant story, which will add to your mental anguish.

Washing a child in a dream means getting rid of remorse and going through a kind of cleansing ritual. The dream book does not specify why exactly this is a dream; perhaps obstacles will be sent down on your path in life, after passing which you will pay for your past sins in a unique way. Maybe there will be a person along the way who will guide you on the right path, one can only guess.

Child's actions

If you dream that a little boy peed on you and urine got on your clothes, expect an invitation to visit. If the boy is very small, and you change his diaper, you will be gifted with attention from the opposite sex.

A dream in which a boy is smeared with feces - you can rejoice, and not wonder why I had such a dream. The dream book promises that you will simply be swimming in money. The very minimum that can be expected from such a dream is a significant advancement up the career ladder.

  • Why dream of a boy who pees in front of your eyes means that part of your problems will fall on the shoulders of another person. Soon it will become easier, what has been weighing on your soul will let go.
  • I dreamed of two boys - you will receive two lucrative offers, you will have a long time to choose. The more boys, the more offers and more luck.
  • If you dreamed that a boy peed himself, your efforts will be rewarded as you deserve. Just try a little more and you will understand what it was for.

The process itself

From the point of view of interpretation, it will be interesting where exactly the child relieved himself, what the surrounding atmosphere was like, what you were doing at that moment, your emotions and experiences. Of course, in order to get a reliable interpretation of a dream, to find out why you are dreaming about this dream, it would be best to turn to knowledgeable, knowledgeable people.

If you don’t have such an opportunity at the moment, you just have to guess by comparing the available information.

In general, a boy peeing is not a negative dream. You dream about something like this on the eve of good events, a feast, help from friends, or promotion at work. The main thing is to wait a little and, of course, make every effort, because according to the old saying, “no water flows under a lying stone.”

Relying on a dream in anticipation of a miracle is always the wrong decision. Perhaps you really dream about baby urine because you are too tired and can’t stop. In this case, the dream gives you a signal that it is time to stop before it is too late. Slow down, and maybe someone will have time to come to your aid; don’t be afraid to shift part of your mental burden onto other people.


Such dreams occur more than once, but develop into a real nightmare - change your life dramatically. And it’s worth doing this soon.

Otherwise, study dream books and take action, let a boy peeing in a dream bring good luck.

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