The largest butterfly is the Atlas peacock eye. The Atlas Peacock-eye is the largest nocturnal butterfly. Adult life and breeding

This giant butterfly amazes with its beauty and size. It's called Peacock-eye Atlas(Attacus atlas). Its wingspan reaches 26 cm, and its wing area reaches 400 square meters. cm. According to the last parameter, Atlas is considered the largest butterfly on the planet. It is found in the subtropics Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Thailand, southern China, Malay Archipelago. The largest specimen was documented on the island Java- this female had a wingspan of 262 mm.

Atlas is painted in shades of brown, bright red, yellow and pink. On each wing it has large transparent triangular “windows”. The front wings have a bizarrely curved edge, reminiscent in shape and color of a snake's head, which repels many insectivorous animals. For this unusual feature in Hong Kong the butterfly was nicknamed "The moth is the head of the snake."

In addition to its size, the giant beauty has another unique feature - a completely atrophied mouth. During its short (1-2 weeks) life, it does not feed on anything, but processes fat reserves accumulated while still being a caterpillar.

Atlas caterpillars are also huge - up to 10 cm in length. Their appearance is quite unusual: light green in color, with large bluish processes throughout the body, which are covered with a white waxy coating reminiscent of powder.

Atlases belong to the twilight species. They are active in the late evening and early morning hours, for which they received another sonorous nickname - “Prince of Darkness”.

The entire short life of these beautiful creatures is devoted exclusively to reproduction. On the very first evening after emerging from the pupa, the male goes in search of a female. The female, emerging from the pupa, sits motionless, waiting for the male, and is able to wait for him in this way for several days. She attracts males with powerful pheromones, the smell of which the male can smell with the help of his large feathery antennae at a distance of several kilometers! Mating lasts several hours. The next evening after mating, the female begins laying eggs. Oviposition continues for several nights, and immediately after its completion the female dies.

Atlases are not only beautiful, but also “useful” butterflies. In India, they are bred on special farms to produce fagar silk, which is different from silk silkworm wooliness, strength and extraordinary durability. And in Taiwan, wallets are made from the huge strong cocoons of this butterfly.

To admire Peacock-Eyed Atlas you don't have to go to Asia. She is being bred into Moscow Zoo.

Photographer Sandesh Kadur, while traveling in the Himalayas, photographed the largest moth in the world. The wingspan of this moth is 25 centimeters. When the photographer first saw him, he was a little scared. The open wings of the butterfly with a pattern on them created the impression of a large, angry snake's face. It’s not for nothing that Atlas is called “the butterfly with the head of a snake” in China.

According to experts, this is a kind of protection from enemies, and the butterfly itself is completely harmless and non-toxic. She doesn't even have a mouth. For all my short life, which lasts only two weeks from the moment the pupa turns into a butterfly, this beautiful creature has only one goal - to lay as many eggs as possible. Atlases do not drink or eat. They live off nutrients, which were obtained at the caterpillar stage.

The atlas peacock eye (lat. Attacus atlas), also known as the Prince of Darkness, is one of the largest butterflies in the world. It has many subspecies, and the largest of them is called the Emperor.


The habitat of the Prince of Darkness is located in subtropical and tropical forests growing in southern China, Thailand, Indonesia and the island of Java. He prefers to lead night look life, which is why it got its name.


The entire life of butterflies is intended exclusively for procreation. The female Atlas peacock eye is much larger than the males. Having been born, she begins to spread pheromones, staying for several days in anticipation of a male.

From the first minutes of his life, the male is also searching for a partner. In this it is helped by long antennae, which capture the aroma it emits. The gentleman can detect her whereabouts within a radius of several kilometers. The fertilization process itself can last for several hours.

A day after mating, the female begins laying eggs. This continues for several nights in a row. Having fulfilled its parental duty, the butterfly immediately dies. Oral apparatus she is undeveloped. All the time she lives off the reserves that her caterpillar managed to make.

The fertilized female lays eggs on the lower part of plant leaves, which serve as food for her larvae. Incubation period lasts from one week to two.

Thick greenish caterpillars with long shoots are born. blue color and lightly powdered with a waxy coating. They grow up to 11 cm in length.

In India, this species of butterfly is domesticated. Caterpillars are used to separate silk threads. These threads are different from those produced by silkworms.

The silk thread of the peacock eye caterpillar has Brown color, very durable and woolly.

Fabric woven from such a thread is called fagar silk and has increased strength. Enterprising Taiwanese have adapted to using empty cocoons of peacock eyes as wallets.


The peacock eye atlas has unusual shape wings resembling a snake's head. Obviously, nature took care of its protection from natural enemies. The colors of the butterfly are also very beautiful. Her outfit contains bright red, yellow, chocolate and pinkish shades.

There is one transparent window on all wings. The wingspan of the butterfly reaches 26 cm, and their area is 400 square meters. cm.

If you look at butterflies in middle lane Russia, they rarely grow larger than Walnut. And everyone has long been accustomed to this type of winged decoration of fields and meadows.

However, there are species of butterflies that are larger in size than even the rather large birds familiar to Russians. Such fluttering creatures live only in the tropics. It is impossible to say for sure what the largest butterfly in the world is now. Several species compete for the prestigious title. And all because butterfly wings can be assessed in different ways - by area or by maximum span. By the way, the largest butterflies in the world also claim to be the most beautiful butterflies on the planet.

Tizania agrippina

One of the largest butterflies in the world is Tizania agrippina. It is also called scoop agrippina. The wingspan of this person can be 30.8 centimeters. This particular specimen was caught and measured in 1934 in Africa. And this is by far the largest representative of the Tizania agrippina species. However, this species is inferior in wingspan to the Atlas Peacock-Eye, which is also competing for the title of “the largest butterfly in the world.”

The largest butterfly in the world lives mainly in Mexico, South and Central America. They emigrated there from more southern regions. And the individual feeds on the leaves of cassia - this is a shrub that grows to a meter in height. Tizania agrippina is difficult to see during the day; it is exclusively nocturnal. Moreover, if such a record-breaking butterfly comes into a person’s field of vision, then it is better to admire it from afar. And not because it is poisonous or can cause any harm, the armyworm is on the verge of extinction.

Externally, Tizania is very similar to a huge beautiful moth. Both pairs of butterfly wings are wavy at the edges. The upper parts of the wings and body may be white with multiple wavy brown, gray and brown stripes. Different individuals of this species may have different colors. In some, the brown pattern is more pronounced than in others and dominates the overall white background. Bottom part The body of the butterfly is usually dark brown with whitish spots, but can also be matte or have a metallic sheen.

Koscinoscere hercules

Another contender for the title of “The largest butterfly in the world” is Koscinoscere hercules. Also quite a large individual. Its size can reach up to 28 centimeters; these dimensions are achieved mainly by females, while males are not so impressive. You can distinguish a male from a female not only by its wingspan, but also by its appearance. The difference is simple: on males you can see very long “spurs”.

Incredibly large and beautiful Koscinoscere hercules butterflies can be found in Australia and New Guinea. Like previous record holders, these winged creatures are nocturnal, so it is better to go out after sunset to see the spectacles in search of unprecedented butterflies. By the way, not only the Koscinoscere themselves are impressive with their dimensions, but also their caterpillars. They have impressive sizes, growing up to 16-17 centimeters in length.

Peacock-eye Atlas

Another participant in the ranking of the largest butterflies in the world. And again with a rather original name. Peacock-eye Atlas can reach a size of 26 centimeters. The largest individual that was found and measured lived on the Indonesian island of Java. The size of the butterfly was 26.2 centimeters. Well, in general, this species flies throughout China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Pakistan, Malaysia, the Philippines and New Guinea.

It is worth noting that female Atlas Peacock-eyes are much larger than males. Individuals feed on leaves of bushes and trees. And like previous record holders, they lead a nocturnal lifestyle. They are especially active at dusk, early morning and late in the evening, for which they received the nickname “Prince of Darkness.” And the best way to observe the largest butterflies in the world is not in person, but in photographs. However, residents of Russia can see the beauty without leaving the country - Atlas Peacock-Eyed is bred in the Moscow Zoo.

By the way, the Atlas Peacock-Eyes species itself is quite interesting. During mating periods, a male can detect a female at a distance of up to several kilometers. And the mating itself lasts several hours without interruption. Immediately after emerging from the pupa, both the male and female are ready to reproduce. Peacock-eyes are unusually patient; females can wait for their male for several hours, while sitting motionless in one place, while the male will look for her at this time. And it is precisely this process, that is, reproduction, that is the meaning of life for the largest butterfly in the world. By the way, the life of a female is quite short. She dies immediately after laying offspring.

By the way, in Taiwan, Peacock Eyes without knowing it benefit people. People use caterpillar cocoons as wallets.

The largest butterfly in the world amazes with its beauty. The winged individual can be colored in bright red, yellow, pink and brown shades. And on each wing of the butterfly there are large triangular transparent “windows”. The front wings have a rather bizarre curved edge, which in shape and color resembles a snake's head. This is what the Peacock Eye scares away insectivorous animals. By the way, in Hong Kong, for this unusual feature, Atlas was nicknamed “The Moth - the head of a snake.”

In addition to its size, the Peacock-Eyes has one more feature - its mouth is completely atrophied. Throughout its short life (only 1-2 weeks), the butterfly does not feed on anything, but processes all the fat reserves that it accumulated as a caterpillar.

By the way, the caterpillars of the giant butterfly are also huge - they grow up to 10 centimeters in length. AND appearance theirs is original - they are light green in color with large blue processes throughout the body, which are covered with a waxy white coating (similar to powder).

Peacock-eye Atlas is not only a beautiful, but also a useful butterfly. In India, it is bred on special farms where fagar silk is obtained. It differs from the silkworm product in its wooliness, strength and durability.
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Attacus atlas(Linnaeus, 1758).
The specific name is associated with the name of the Greek mythological hero Atlas - a titan holding the vault of heaven on his shoulders.

Russian name

Peacock eye satin.

English name

Systematic position

Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropoda)
Class Insects (Insecta)
Order - Lepidoptera, or Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family – Peacock-eyes, or Saturnias (Saturniidae)
Rod – Attacus ( Attacus)

Conservation status of the species

The species is common.

Species and man

Atlas peacock eye caterpillars feed alone on trees and shrubs, so this species is not classified as a pest. Due to its size and bright color, the atlas peacock eye is one of the favorite objects of collectors. This species is easily bred in captivity, so it is often found in butterfly houses and butterfly exhibits in zoos, as well as in living collections of hobbyists.


One of the largest butterflies in the world, its wingspan can reach 25 - 28 cm. The wings of this nocturnal butterfly are painted in different shades of brown, bright red, yellow and pink flowers and have one transparent triangular “window”. The female is slightly larger, her antennae are shorter and narrower than those of the male. The last instar caterpillars are greenish in color, with massive light blue processes throughout the body, covered with a white waxy coating, reaching a length of 10 cm. The pupa is in a dense grayish-brown cocoon.


It lives in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia from Northeast India to New Guinea.

Photo by M. Berezin.

Peacock eye caterpillars atlas. Photo by M. Berezin.


Twilight view. Butterflies fly late in the evening and in the early morning hours.

Social behavior

Caterpillars feed alone. The male is able to find a female located several kilometers away from him.


The entire life of adult butterflies is devoted exclusively to reproduction. On the very first evening after emerging from the pupa, the male goes in search of a female. The female, emerging from the pupa, sits motionless, waiting for the male and is able to wait for him in this way for several days. Mating lasts several hours. A male is capable of fertilizing two to three females. The next evening after mating, the female begins laying eggs on the food plant. Oviposition continues for several nights, and immediately after its completion the female dies. Caterpillars in nature feed on the leaves of a variety of woody tropical plants. Under artificial conditions, they readily eat leaves of lilac, privet, poplar, willow, oak, etc.



Parental behavior

The female lays eggs in small groups on a food plant and flies away.


Adults live for about 10 days. Depending on the temperature, the caterpillar develops in 25–35 days, the egg in 8–10 days.

Life history of a species in a zoo

The species was first brought to the Moscow Zoo in 1998. It has been bred regularly in the summer months since 2004, but the culture is updated every year due to the purchase of pupae. The Moscow Zoo buys atlas pupae from specialized butterfly farms.

The Atlas Peacock Eye is common in Butterfly Houses and zoos that have butterfly exhibits.

Atlas peacock-eyes and their caterpillars, along with some other tropical butterflies, are displayed in a hexagonal glass enclosure 6 m high and 50 m³ in volume.

The enclosure maintains a temperature of +26-28ºС and a relative air humidity of 70 - 80%. Inside the enclosure there is an artificial stream and a waterfall; the enclosure is planted with living plants. The exhibition area is 100 m². Since atlas peacock-eyes are nocturnal butterflies, during the daytime they sit motionless on plant branches, the walls of the enclosure, and sometimes on glass. Visitors usually cannot observe the flight of these butterflies, for which they need a large space. Atlas mating and egg laying occur in small cages in a special room outside the exhibition. There, caterpillars of this species develop in glass cages, feeding throughout the day on cut branches of lilac, willow and poplar. The imago of the atlas peacock eye does not feed and does not even have a proboscis.

The Atlas peacock eye, like other species of the Saturnia family, does not mate with closely related individuals, so the culture of this species must be updated every two generations. To breed, butterflies need a spacious cage, heat and high air humidity. All these conditions are observed at the Moscow Zoo. Atlas caterpillars need daily large quantities branches of food plants, which are prepared by zoo staff. For this reason, breeding atlas is difficult in the winter months, but zoo staff are currently preparing experiments on feeding this and other species on artificial nutrient media.

Atlas butterflies and caterpillars are now periodically displayed in the Birds and Butterflies pavilion on the New Zoo grounds. A special exhibition is being prepared for Saturnias and other nocturnal butterflies in the Greenhouse building on the Old Zoo grounds.

Research work with this species at the Moscow Zoo

Tkacheva E.Yu., Berezin M.V., Tkachev O.A., Zagorinsky A.A. Experiments on creating a culture of the peacock eye atlas Attacus atlas in the Moscow Zoo / in the book: Invertebrate animals in zoo collections. Materials of the Second International Seminar, Moscow, Moscow Zoo, November 15-20, 2004. M.: Moscow Zoo, 2005, p. 183-187.

Butterflies are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful inhabitants of our planet. But the fluttering beauties of our country cannot be compared with the giant butterflies that live in southern countries. We offer you to see what the largest representatives of the Lepidoptera order look like and where they live.

Tizania Agrippina

Tizania Agrippina

This moth called Thysania agrippina, or Agrippina scoop, lives in the tropical rainforests of South and Central America. The largest representative of this species known to science was caught in Brazil, and its wingspan reached 29.8 centimeters.

Tizania Agrippina

Queen Alexandra's Birdwing

Queen Alexandra's Birdwing, male

A butterfly called Queen Alexandra's birdwing, or Queen Alexandra's ornithopter (lat. Ornithoptera alexandrae) is the largest day butterfly in the world. These butterflies live only on the island of New Guinea and, unfortunately, are so rare that they are even listed in the International Red Book as an endangered species. The wingspan of this butterfly reaches 27 centimeters, and males and females differ significantly in the color and shape of their wings.

Queen Alexandra's Birdwing: male above, female below

Peacock-eye hercules

Peacock-eye Hercules, male

The Hercules peacock-eye, or Coscinocera hercules (lat. Coscinocera hercules), is also a nocturnal butterfly and lives in Australia and Papua New Guinea. The wingspan of this beauty reaches 26-27 centimeters, and the caterpillars grow up to 10 centimeters in length. In this species, females and males also have different colors and the shape of the wings.

Peacock eye atlas

Peacock eye atlas

Another giant butterfly from the peacock-eye family is the atlas peacock-eye (lat. Attacus atlas). They live in tropical and subtropical forests of Southeast Asia, and their wingspan reaches 24 centimeters. It is noteworthy that adult butterflies do not feed and live off the nutrients accumulated by the caterpillar. Females and males differ somewhat from each other in the color and shape of their wings.

Sailboat antimah

Sailboat antimah

This bright leopard-colored butterfly is native to equatorial and tropical regions of Africa and is the continent's largest butterfly. The sailboat antimachus (lat. Papilio antimachus) has a wingspan of up to 23-25 ​​centimeters and is active during the daytime.

Ornithoptera goliath

Ornithoptera goliath: male above, female below

Ornithoptera goliath, or bird-winged goliath (lat. Ornithoptera goliath), measures up to 20-22 centimeters and lives on the islands of Southeast Asia. Due to their island distribution, several subspecies are distinguished among them, which differ in nuances of color.

Troides Hippolytus

Troides hippolytus: male above, female below

Females of the species Troides hypolitus (lat. Troides hypolitus) are larger than males, and their wingspan reaches 20 centimeters. These butterflies live in the forests of Sulawesi and the Maluku Islands.

Trogonoptera trojan

Trogonoptera trojana, male

Another beauty that ranks 8th on our list of giants is Trogonoptera trojana. A very rare butterfly that lives only on the island of Palawan (Philippines). The wingspan of this species reaches 17-19 centimeters. Males are smaller in size, but their color is brighter.

Ornithoptera cresus

Ornithoptera Croesus, male

A very bright daytime butterfly with a contrasting orange-black color lives in Indonesia and the islands of the Moluccas archipelago. Ornithoptera croesus (lat. Ornithoptera croesus) has a wingspan of 16-19 centimeters, while females are larger than males.

Madagascar comet

Madagascar comet

A very original, brightly colored nocturnal butterfly that lives exclusively in the humid forests of Madagascar. The Madagascar comet (lat. Argema mittrei) is so named for the unusual shape of its lower wings. The wingspan of this beauty, whose image appears on the Madagascar 5,000 Malagasy franc banknote, reaches 14-18 centimeters.

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