Google Play services that can be disabled. Is it possible to remove Google Play services on Android? Google Play Services Fast Draining Problem: How to Detect It

Turn off GPS

Menu item "Location"

Unfortunately, if you turn off GPS, your device will still track your location in order to provide you with the tips or information you need. To avoid being tracked by Google at all, you need to go to settings and select the “Location” menu item from the list and disable it.

To do this, you need to go to the Settings-Applications menu item and select Google Maps there. After clicking on the application, click on the “Erase data” and “Clear cache” buttons.

What to do if Google Play Services is using up battery power unnecessarily

Personally, for me, the data and cache size is about 200 MB.

Uninstall updates


Google Play, also known as Play Market or Play Store, is all one and the same program, which is one of the main ones in the Android operating system, because it opens the door to the world of applications and games for our smartphone and tablet. But sometimes it happens that when we launch the Google Play market, instead of the usual applications, we see a page with the words “Check your connection and try again” and a button or the market gives some errors. Unfortunately, the Google Play application, like absolutely any other program, is not immune to all sorts of errors and failures in its operation. This happens quite often, and if suddenly you have a similar message or the application does not load at all, then this article is for you.

In this article we will try to answer the question: “What to do if the Google Play market does not work or does not start on your smartphone or tablet?”, as well as describe all sorts of problems when working with the Play Store and ways to solve them.

Method No. 1

Check the Internet on your device

It would seem that the answer is tritely simple, but for Google work Play a working Internet connection is required. Therefore, first of all, check on your smartphone or tablet whether it works Wi-Fi network or Mobile Internet(packet data transfer), maybe you just forgot to turn them on. If everything works, go to any of the browsers that you have installed - Chrome, Firefox, Opera and open some page to make sure that the Internet is working. If the Internet is not working, then reboot your router or router.

Method No. 2

Reboot your Android device

Usually, as when working with a computer, rebooting will help solve many problems that may arise while working operating system Android, including Google Play.

Method No. 3

Check the firewall or antivirus software installed on the device

Typically, antivirus applications do not restrict the operation of the Play Market, unless you yourself accidentally blocked the application’s access to the Internet in the firewall settings. Check the settings of your antivirus software and firewall applications.

Method No. 4

Clear cache and delete data in Google Play app

This method solves the problem in most cases.

Step 1 Go to Settings app on your smartphone or tablet

Step 2 Find and open the Application Manager or Applications menu item and go to the All tab

Step 3 Find and open the Google Play Store program by clicking on its name with your finger

Step 4 In the window that opens, click on the buttons and

Method No. 5

Uninstall all Google Play app updates

If the operations performed in method No. 4 did not help, you can also remove updates for the Google Play Store application. To do this, in the "About the application" window you need to click the button. All updates to the application will be removed and it will return to its original state as when it was first launched. Restart Android and try to access the Play Store again.

Method number 6

Clear the cache in the Google Play Services app

If you still have Google Play not working, then try clearing the cache in the Google Play Services application. You can also find it among all installed programs. In the "About" window, click the button

Method No. 7

Clear data in Google Services Framework app

The Google Services Framework application is responsible for the correct operation of all Google services. If neither clearing the cache nor deleting data and all Google Play updates helped you, try also clearing data in the Google Services Framework.

What are Google Play Services and why do they drain your battery?

To do this, find the application in the Application Manager or Applications menu and open it. In the "About the application" window, click on the button and restart your smartphone or tablet.

Method No. 8

Enable disabled Google apps and Download Manager (Downloads)

Often Google Play stops working if you accidentally turned off key Google applications and Download Manager, which play a direct role in the performance of the service. To check this, go to Settings → Applications → Disabled, if there is no such tab, then All (disabled applications will be at the very bottom) and see if the Download Manager and Google services are disabled, such as Google Accounts, the Google+ social network, Google Services Framework and others, if any, be sure to enable them.

Method number 9

Delete your Google account and restore it again

Sometimes a broken Play Market app store can be restored simply by deleting your Google account and then adding it again.

Step 1 Go to the Settings application and find the Accounts item there.

Step 2 Open your Google account and select

Step 3 Then restart your Android device and add your Google account again.

Method No. 10

If you receive a "No Connection" error, check the time and date

If you have the wrong time set on your smartphone or tablet, you are likely to receive a “No connection” error. Therefore, please check that the time is correct and enter your time zone. It's best to sync these settings via your operator's mobile network or Wi-Fi. To do this, in the Settings application, select Date and time and check the “Network date and time” and “Network time zone” checkboxes.

Method No. 11

Reset Android settings (Hard Reset)

This method is the most radical if none of the methods listed have helped you. You can read how to Hard Reset a smartphone or tablet in the article How to reset Android to factory settings. But before you do this and delete all data, applications and contacts from your Android device, we recommend that you make a backup copy of the information you need, which can be restored later.

We hope that at least one of the methods will help you solve the problem with the Google Play market. But it may also happen that none of the listed methods will help you, then seek help from specialists.

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The battery life of our mobile devices doesn’t suit us anyway, and when some application destroys precious percentages of charge, we start to get nervous and try to figure out the culprit. One of these battery hogs can be Google applications, one of which we will talk about now.

It happens that when you check the applications that are using up your battery, the top one on the list is the Google Maps program. There is no doubt that Goole Maps is quite demanding software. The application uses a significant part of your smartphone's processing power: downloading new map fragments, information about objects, calculating your location, and much more.

In this article we will tell you about some tricks that will help you save precious percentages of your charge.

Turn off GPS

It is GPS that works the most actively and drains your battery. But this is only if you allow it yourself. Of course, you can monitor the applications that use it and disable them, but it can be done easier.

Most devices running the Android operating system have a special switch in the settings that can turn off GPS. This will prevent any program from receiving GPS data.

Menu item "Location"

Unfortunately, if you turn off GPS, your device will still track your location in order to provide you with the tips or information you need.

Google services are draining your battery (how to fix, step by step instructions)

To avoid being tracked by Google at all, you need to go to settings and select the “Location” menu item from the list and disable it.

Erase data and clear cache

The app cache is great, storing data locally so you don't have to re-download it every time you open the Google Maps app. But a cache is a thing that, in addition to the fact that it can grow to enormous sizes, can also “grow old.” That is why you need to clean it from time to time.

To do this, you need to go to the Settings-Applications menu item and select Google Maps there. After clicking on the application, click on the “Erase data” and “Clear cache” buttons. Personally, for me, the data and cache size is about 200 MB.

Uninstall updates

It often happens that the next application update only worsens its performance; in particular, after installing the update, your battery may run out very quickly. If you are already in a hopeless situation and clearing data and cache did not help you, try uninstalling the latest update of the desired application.


The Google Maps app is what Google provides to us as their proprietary app. That is why you need to learn to “live” with them or it’s time to start looking for a suitable alternative.


Typically, the need to remove or disable Google Play Services arises due to the significant energy consumption of this application. Calendar, Maps, Hangouts, Drive, Location Services and other plugins may not be used, but they still take up a lot of space and eat up battery power.

To reduce the impact of Google Play Services on your phone, just disable them in the Android settings.

  1. Go to the All tab.


Removal instructions


  1. Yandex Store.

    Google services eat up battery

    There are 90,000 applications here. Before connecting to the store, developers check them for viruses.

  • Contact synchronization
  • Other.

  • Version
  • Size
  • Installation date.

Then, we will see a list of installed applications. I would like to immediately draw attention to such an important point. If you are not completely sure of the need to remove any program, then it is better to “freeze” it rather than completely uninstall it.

In this case, the currently unnecessary application for the operating system will be completely hidden. At least if something goes wrong, you can restore the application.


  1. Download the archive with the script;

How to remove google play services on android

Removing or disabling Google Play Services

It is not possible to completely remove Google Play Services without root rights, but if you really want to, you can configure your phone so that Google services are minimally present in it. Let's see how to disable Google services in the settings, and what to do to completely remove them.


Go to settings, find the section with accounts. You need a Google account, which is what everything on Android is connected to. You can remove it, and then the calendar data and other built-in programs and services will no longer be synchronized. But let's go the other way and try to simply stop Google Services and the Google Services Framework.

Open your account sync settings. Here you need to uncheck all the boxes so that each plugin stops functioning. If you are concerned about Android's high power consumption, do the following:

  1. Go to the "Language and input" section in the settings.
  2. Open the Voice Search submenu.
  3. Go to the "OK Google Recognition" section.
  4. Move the toggle switches to the inactive position.

This will allow you to disable the voice search feature on Android, which constantly accesses the microphone and drains the battery. The phone will work even longer if you erase the cache of built-in applications - Play Market, Google Services.

  1. Open the Applications section in Settings.
  2. Go to the All tab.
  3. Open the Services page, click “Clear cache”.
  4. Stop the program by clicking the appropriate button.

In the same way, you can delete the cache and leave the rest of the plugins running. You can easily return them to working condition if necessary, but for now they will not interfere and consume charge.


To completely remove Services, you need root rights. You can get them different ways, some custom firmwares have them by default. With root access, you can even uninstall built-in programs from the system, removing them directly from the directories in which they are installed. Let's see how to remove built-in Google Play Services on Android, and what applications can be removed in general:

  1. Launch Root Explorer or another manager that is suitable for working with the Android file system.
  2. Open the /system/app directory. Inside you will see built-in programs.
  3. A similar list of applications with some additions will be in the /system/priv-app directory.

If you delete these files, as well as frameworks in the /system/framework directory and libraries in /system/lib, then there will be no built-in software left on Android, and the question “Google services, can they be deleted?” will finally receive a positive response. How to recover deleted programs? There is only 1 way - you need to download Google Services.

By the way, the composition of the programs differs depending on the version of Android. To avoid accidentally deleting something wrong, find the appropriate version of Google Apps and look at its composition before cleaning the file system.

What to do if you don't have root rights? Is it possible to remove services without them? No, it is only possible to stop built-in programs, but only access to the file system will help remove them. Therefore, the user has to choose: make Android rooted or continue to put up with built-in applications, without being able to remove Services.

How to permanently remove Google services from an Android gadget

Many users want to know how to remove some Google services from their Android device. This question arises because these programs are not always needed. At the same time, they take up free space.

Removal instructions

It should be understood that the elimination of programs such as Google Play can lead to the fact that the phone turns into a banal “brick”.

If Android is not rooted, then you will need to access it first. After which you can use the My Phone Explorer program. It is located on the official portal, and you should download it from there.

It is easy to work with such software, as it fully supports the Russian language. When you open it for the first time, you will be prompted to sync. If necessary, you can not only remove unnecessary programs from Google, but also work with the file system.

Another powerful Android application is Titanium Backup. How to work with it:

  1. after startup, allow the system to use some of your rights;
  2. then installed applications will appear on the screen; if necessary, you can remove them forever;
  3. Perhaps you don’t want to delete them completely, then you can simply “freeze” such an application for a while.

If you want, you can completely get rid of your Google account. Most users simply do not know what it is for. Removal is possible thanks to the settings. Just remember to copy all the data to your hard drive before doing this.


  • go directly from the applications to the “Import/Export” section;
  • go to “Settings”, then to “Accounts”;
  • then click on the ellipsis icon and activate “Delete account”.

Using a third party market

If you decide to completely remove Google Play, you will need to install applications from other markets. There are three worthy alternatives:

  1. 1Mobile Market - 500,000 units of various software. Basically all applications are free.
  2. Amazon Appstore. It contains 80,000 applications, each of them is checked manually. Here you can get access to one paid program every day.

Google Play services - is it possible to remove them - save the battery and speed up your smartphone

The owner of the Android operating system is the IT giant Google. This explains the fact that the majority Google services, including the Play Market, are built into mobile devices running on the Android platform and integrated into the main menu of the operating system.

True, in fairness it is worth noting that not all Android device users are happy with this. After all, it is quite possible that someone uses other proven and familiar sources to meet their needs, while others simply do not need the Google Play application store.

What Google Play services are responsible for

Speaking about software from Google, it is necessary to highlight the Google Play Services application, which is pre-installed software on almost all Android devices. What is it for, and is it possible to get rid of such a “gift” imposed by the digital giant? To answer this question unambiguously, let’s take a look at everything in order.

The main task of GP services is to ensure stable operation of the following key functions:

  • Authentication in Google services
  • Contact synchronization
  • Access the latest privacy and power saving settings
  • Google and GP App Updates
  • Accelerated application search (including offline mode)
  • Other.

Removing Google Play Services may result in application malfunctions and even complete termination of their operation.

However, there is another side to the coin. You suddenly began to notice that the battery charge of your device began to drop ungodly, not allowing the device to stay in working condition even for a day. In this case, it’s worth checking which software has become so actively “eating” the energy of your Android. The fact is that more and more complaints are being received from users specifically about Google Play Services. The situation sometimes develops in such a way that they manage to use up to fifty percent of the charge. Why does this happen?

The fact is that Google Play services are activated automatically (and, accordingly, all applications from Google), and then continue to constantly “hang” in random access memory devices, receiving and transmitting data to the corporation’s servers.

Based on the above, each user must decide for himself how much he needs this or that program and its normal functioning, and only after that draw conclusions whether Google Play services can be removed or not.

Battery drain due to Google Play Services: how to avoid it

If you decide that you don’t need this software, then the continuation of the article is just for you.

Google Play Services - can it be removed?

Yes, you can, but you just need to understand that uninstalling any program must be approached responsibly, with an understanding of what you are doing in order to avoid “bricking” the gadget.

In general, we have written a lot on this topic, so if you are not quite ready for the procedure, then it is worth looking at what the background mode is for in Google Play or how to delete applications on Android altogether. In addition, it will certainly be useful to know how to remove applications from startup.

If, after our 1500th Chinese warnings, you definitely decide to delete Google Play services, then we follow the special instructions.

If your device is not yet rooted, then first you need to get ROOT access. Next, you can use the MyPhoneExplorer program, which you need to download from the developer’s website and install on your PC and the MyPhoneExplorer client on Android.

The application allows the user to simply connect his smartphone (or tablet) to the computer via USB or Wi-Fi and organize comfortable work with contacts, sort out SMS correspondence and deal with things in the calendar.

I'm glad that MyPhone supports the Russian language, so working with this software will be quite easy. Once you start working, you will be asked to synchronize everything, and after that your communicator will be under complete control.

In addition to all sorts of useful things, we will be able to work with the file system and even call any of the installed programs. When working with applications you will immediately see:

  • Version
  • Size
  • Installation date.

In addition, as for Google Play services, like other applications, you can save it to your computer as an apk file, completely remove it from your device, or install new programs.

Another powerful tool for working with Titanium Backup applications. Having installed and launched the program, we will see a system request for “Superuser” rights, allow it.

So, after launching and granting root rights, go to the “Backups” tab:

Then, we find the program to be “frozen” (in our case, “Google Play Services”). By the way, for convenience, you can use filters, for example “Only system applications”:

Click on the name of the program and press the “Freeze” button:

If you come to the conclusion that you need to return this or that application to work, then we go through all the steps described, and the last step is to click on “Defrost”.

If we decide to completely remove the program, we again go the same way, but after “tapping” on the name, click on “Delete”.

At the end of the material, to help our readers, video material:

Complete removal of Google Play services from your smartphone

A radical method of removing all services and programs that are related to Google. If you don’t need software pre-installed by the manufacturer, then this method is the right choice.

Previously, I already wrote about how to disable Google/Xiaomi services in MIUI firmware, but if the method described in that article has a more “narrow” focus, then the method described in this article will help to completely remove Google Play services from your smartphone, regardless of its version (2.3+, 7.0 is in question, it seems that it will require improvement).

Before performing the actions described in the article, we MUST make a backup - /system, if space allows, then /data

The script removes the standard Google/CM keyboard, contacts/calendar synchronization services, google drive applications, google maps, voice search and others.

On MIUI and flame firmware, bootloops are possible, because... they are tightly tied to the services being removed.

The script only works on system partitions, which means that if you have installed updates, you must first remove them in the menu “Settings - Applications - Application * - Uninstall update”.

To successfully complete this action you will need:

  1. General understanding of what Root is;
  2. Ability to install custom TWRP on your phone;
  3. Ability to make backups via TWRP;
  4. Remember that you do everything at your own risk.


  1. Download the archive with the script;
  2. Copy it to the device’s flash card;
  3. Install the script via TWRP.
  4. After its completion, you need to clear “wipe dalvik/ART-cache”.

If you want to leave some application, you need to edit the file (notepad or notepad++) by deleting the lines with the required software in it.

An alternative source of programs is F-Droid, which publishes only open source software.

In future articles I will definitely touch on the topic of alternative ways to synchronize contacts.

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How to remove google play services on android

Removing or disabling Google Play Services

It is not possible to completely remove Google Play Services without root rights, but if you really want to, you can configure your phone so that Google services are minimally present in it. Let's see how to disable Google services in the settings, and what to do to completely remove them.


Typically, the need to remove or disable Google Play Services arises due to the significant energy consumption of this application. Calendar, Maps, Hangouts, Drive, Location Services and other plugins may not be used, but they still take up a lot of space and eat up battery power. To reduce the impact of Google Play Services on your phone, just disable them in the Android settings.

Go to settings, find the section with accounts. You need a Google account, which is what everything on Android is connected to. You can remove it, and then the calendar data and other built-in programs and services will no longer be synchronized. But let's go the other way and try to simply stop Google Services and the Google Services Framework.

Open your account sync settings. Here you need to uncheck all the boxes so that each plugin stops functioning. If you are concerned about Android's high power consumption, do the following:

  1. Go to the "Language and input" section in the settings.
  2. Open the Voice Search submenu.
  3. Go to the "OK Google Recognition" section.
  4. Move the toggle switches to the inactive position.

This will allow you to disable the voice search feature on Android, which constantly accesses the microphone and drains the battery. The phone will work even longer if you erase the cache of built-in applications - Play Market, Google Services.

  1. Open the Applications section in Settings.
  2. Go to the All tab.
  3. Open the Services page, click “Clear cache”.
  4. Stop the program by clicking the appropriate button.

In the same way, you can delete the cache and leave the rest of the plugins running.

What are Google services for?

You can easily return them to working condition if necessary, but for now they will not interfere and consume charge.


To completely remove Services, you need root rights. You can get them in different ways; some custom firmwares have them by default. With root access, you can even uninstall built-in programs from the system, removing them directly from the directories in which they are installed. Let's see how to remove built-in Google Play Services on Android, and what applications can be removed in general:

  1. Launch Root Explorer or another manager that is suitable for working with the Android file system.
  2. Open the /system/app directory. Inside you will see built-in programs.
  3. A similar list of applications with some additions will be in the /system/priv-app directory.

If you delete these files, as well as frameworks in the /system/framework directory and libraries in /system/lib, then there will be no built-in software left on Android, and the question “Google services, can they be deleted?” will finally receive a positive response. How to recover deleted programs? There is only 1 way - you need to download Google Services.

By the way, the composition of the programs differs depending on the version of Android. To avoid accidentally deleting something wrong, find the appropriate version of Google Apps and look at its composition before cleaning the file system.

What to do if you don't have root rights? Is it possible to remove services without them? No, it is only possible to stop built-in programs, but only access to the file system will help remove them. Therefore, the user has to choose: make Android rooted or continue to put up with built-in applications, without being able to remove Services.

How to permanently remove Google services from an Android gadget

Many users want to know how to remove some Google services from their Android device. This question arises because these programs are not always needed. At the same time, they take up free space.

Removal instructions

It should be understood that the elimination of programs such as Google Play can lead to the fact that the phone turns into a banal “brick”.

If Android is not rooted, then you will need to access it first. After which you can use the My Phone Explorer program. It is located on the official portal, and you should download it from there.

It is easy to work with such software, as it fully supports the Russian language. When you open it for the first time, you will be prompted to sync. If necessary, you can not only remove unnecessary programs from Google, but also work with the file system.

Another powerful Android application is Titanium Backup. How to work with it:

  1. after startup, allow the system to use some of your rights;
  2. then installed applications will appear on the screen; if necessary, you can remove them forever;
  3. Perhaps you don’t want to delete them completely, then you can simply “freeze” such an application for a while.

If you want, you can completely get rid of your Google account. Most users simply do not know what it is for. Removal is possible thanks to the settings. Just remember to copy all the data to your hard drive before doing this.


  • go directly from the applications to the “Import/Export” section;
  • go to “Settings”, then to “Accounts”;
  • then click on the ellipsis icon and activate “Delete account”.

Using a third party market

If you decide to completely remove Google Play, you will need to install applications from other markets. There are three worthy alternatives:

  1. 1Mobile Market - 500,000 units of various software. Basically all applications are free.
  2. Yandex Store. There are 90,000 applications here. Before connecting to the store, developers check them for viruses.
  3. Amazon Appstore. It contains 80,000 applications, each of them is checked manually. Here you can get access to one paid program every day.

Google Play services - is it possible to remove them - save the battery and speed up your smartphone

The owner of the Android operating system is the IT giant Google. This explains the fact that most Google services, including the Play Market, are built into mobile devices running on the Android platform and are integrated into the main menu of the operating system.

True, in fairness it is worth noting that not all Android device users are happy with this. After all, it is quite possible that someone uses other proven and familiar sources to meet their needs, while others simply do not need the Google Play application store.

What Google Play services are responsible for

Speaking about software from Google, it is necessary to highlight the Google Play Services application, which is pre-installed software on almost all Android devices. What is it for, and is it possible to get rid of such a “gift” imposed by the digital giant? To answer this question unambiguously, let’s take a look at everything in order.

The main task of GP services is to ensure stable operation of the following key functions:

  • Authentication in Google services
  • Contact synchronization
  • Access the latest privacy and power saving settings
  • Google and GP App Updates
  • Accelerated application search (including offline mode)
  • Other.

Removing Google Play Services may result in application malfunctions and even complete termination of their operation.

However, there is another side to the coin. You suddenly began to notice that the battery charge of your device began to drop ungodly, not allowing the device to stay in working condition even for a day. In this case, it’s worth checking which software has become so actively “eating” the energy of your Android. The fact is that more and more complaints are being received from users specifically about Google Play Services. The situation sometimes develops in such a way that they manage to use up to fifty percent of the charge. Why does this happen?

The fact is that Google Play services are activated automatically (and, accordingly, all applications from Google), and then continue to constantly “hang” in the device’s RAM, receiving and transmitting data to the corporation’s servers.

Based on the above, each user must decide for himself how much he needs this or that program and its normal functioning, and only after that draw conclusions whether Google Play services can be removed or not. If you decide that you don’t need this software, then the continuation of the article is just for you.

Google Play Services - can it be removed?

Yes, you can, but you just need to understand that uninstalling any program must be approached responsibly, with an understanding of what you are doing in order to avoid “bricking” the gadget.

In general, we have written a lot on this topic, so if you are not quite ready for the procedure, then it is worth looking at what the background mode is for in Google Play or how to delete applications on Android altogether. In addition, it will certainly be useful to know how to remove applications from startup.

If, after our 1500th Chinese warnings, you definitely decide to delete Google Play services, then we follow the special instructions.

If your device is not yet rooted, then first you need to get ROOT access. Next, you can use the MyPhoneExplorer program, which you need to download from the developer’s website and install on your PC and the MyPhoneExplorer client on Android.

The application allows the user to simply connect his smartphone (or tablet) to the computer via USB or Wi-Fi and organize comfortable work with contacts, sort out SMS correspondence and deal with things in the calendar.

I'm glad that MyPhone supports the Russian language, so working with this software will be quite easy. Once you start working, you will be asked to synchronize everything, and after that your communicator will be under complete control.

In addition to all sorts of useful things, we will be able to work with the file system and even call any of the installed programs. When working with applications you will immediately see:

  • Version
  • Size
  • Installation date.

In addition, as for Google Play services, like other applications, you can save it to your computer as an apk file, completely remove it from your device, or install new programs.

Another powerful tool for working with Titanium Backup applications. Having installed and launched the program, we will see a system request for “Superuser” rights, allow it.

Then, we will see a list of installed applications. I would like to immediately draw attention to such an important point. If you are not completely sure of the need to remove any program, then it is better to “freeze” it rather than completely uninstall it. In this case, the currently unnecessary application for the operating system will be completely hidden. At least if something goes wrong, you can restore the application.

So, after launching and granting root rights, go to the “Backups” tab:

Then, we find the program to be “frozen” (in our case, “Google Play Services”). By the way, for convenience, you can use filters, for example “Only system applications”:

Click on the name of the program and press the “Freeze” button:

If you come to the conclusion that you need to return this or that application to work, then we go through all the steps described, and the last step is to click on “Defrost”.

If we decide to completely remove the program, we again go the same way, but after “tapping” on the name, click on “Delete”.

At the end of the material, to help our readers, video material:

Complete removal of Google Play services from your smartphone

A radical method of removing all services and programs that are related to Google. If you don’t need software pre-installed by the manufacturer, then this method is the right choice.

Previously, I already wrote about how to disable Google/Xiaomi services in MIUI firmware, but if the method described in that article has a more “narrow” focus, then the method described in this article will help to completely remove Google Play services from your smartphone, regardless of its version (2.3+, 7.0 is in question, it seems that it will require improvement).

Before performing the actions described in the article, we MUST make a backup - /system, if space allows, then /data

The script removes the standard Google/CM keyboard, contacts/calendar synchronization services, google drive applications, google maps, voice search and others.

On MIUI and flame firmware, bootloops are possible, because... they are tightly tied to the services being removed.

The script only works on system partitions, which means that if you have installed updates, you must first remove them in the menu “Settings - Applications - Application * - Uninstall update”.

To successfully complete this action you will need:

  1. General understanding of what Root is;
  2. Ability to install custom TWRP on your phone;
  3. Ability to make backups via TWRP;
  4. Remember that you do everything at your own risk.


  1. Download the archive with the script;
  2. Copy it to the device’s flash card;
  3. Install the script via TWRP.
  4. After its completion, you need to clear “wipe dalvik/ART-cache”.

If you want to leave some application, you need to edit the file (notepad or notepad++) by deleting the lines with the required software in it.

An alternative source of programs is F-Droid, which publishes only open source software.

In future articles I will definitely touch on the topic of alternative ways to synchronize contacts.

If you've ever looked at your Android device's battery settings screen, you've probably seen "Google Play Services." But what are they, and why do they use so much battery?

What are Google Play Services?

Google Play Services is a little more confusing than most apps, as it includes all of Google's services in one package. In earlier versions of Android (7.x Nougat or lower), you can see exactly what Google services include by tapping on it. Here's what it shows on an Android 7.1.1 device:

  • Google Accounts: There's little information on what exactly this service does, but it appears to handle syncing Google account data, including email and other related things.
  • Google Services Framework: The Google Services platform supports various communications with Google, including cloud messaging.
  • Google Backup: this service allows Android apps to back up their data to Google servers. When you reset your Android device or set up a new one, your app data may be restored.
  • Google Play Services: this is the level of services that can be used Android applications. This includes location services, which is the most significant battery drain. The Google Play Services package can be updated on the fly without updating the operating system.

In a way, Google Play Services is how Google brings new features to Android without updating the entire operating system, but it means one package can do a lot of things and can drain your battery like the rest of the OS.

Check what's going on with your battery

Android shows which apps and system services are using most battery energy - simply open the Settings menu and tap Battery to view this information. The information here is usually self-explanatory, but depending on what version of Android your phone is running, things may look a little different.

For example, in the older Android versions, such as Marshmallow (Android 6.x) and Nougat (Android 7.x), you'll likely find "Display" at the top of the screen - this is the amount of battery power used by your device's display and its backlight. You can reduce screen power consumption by dimming the display brightness.

In Oreo (Android 8.x), however, the battery menu is very different.

This list shows individual apps so you can see exactly which apps are using your battery. For obvious reasons, the apps you actively use the most are likely to appear at the top.

How to make Google Play services use less battery

Previously, individual entries were combined into Google Play Services in the Battery screen, so it's now harder to know which of these services is draining your battery.

But there's really only one setting you can tweak when it comes to making Play Service use less battery: Location. When apps want to use your location, they ask Google Play Services and it wakes up your GPS hardware, calculating your exact location. GPS uses quite a bit of battery power, and all of that GPS usage will be locked to Google Play Services, not the app that requested your GPS location.

To reduce battery consumption associated with location services, go to Settings > Location (Settings > Security & Location) Android devices 8.x) and change the mode to “By network coordinates”. This will prevent Google Play Services from turning on your device's GPS hardware when apps request your location, which of course impacts accuracy. You can also turn off location tracking features completely here if you're desperate to save battery. If you need accurate location tracking in the future, return to this screen and turn on High Accuracy mode.

Many apps use Google Play Services to update your location. The Google Search app often queries Google Play Services to get your location so it can display information about the weather and other locations.

If Google services are still draining your battery after setting your location, then there could be another culprit -
synchronization. Try going to Settings > Accounts, clicking the menu button, and unchecking “Automatically sync data.” In Android Oreo, this option is under Settings > Users & Accounts, and Auto-sync data is a toggle at the bottom of the screen. It's worth noting that Android will stop automatically syncing data in the background by disabling this option. For example, you won't receive notifications of new emails in your Gmail account. You will need to open the Gmail app and manually sync to update your data. If this stops the battery draining, it means you have a sync problem.

About a month ago, I was faced with the fact that the memory on my phone was sorely lacking. If anyone doesn’t know, I’ve been using a ZTE Chinese phone for more than two years now for 60 euros (yes, I’m still a rogue!), and I’m completely happy with it compared to the Samsung I had before.
Yes, he has a crappy camera, but I need it insofar as it takes pictures so as not to write it down with my hands. Everything else is quite good, I have a navigator, and dictionaries, and a bunch of books, and all sorts of vibers, and programs for teaching (both human languages ​​and programming languages), it wakes me up, helps me count, measure and much more. much more. This is not even to mention web serving and some logic games. Yes, there was always not a lot of memory space there, but considering how much I needed to put there, this is not surprising. Well, all these tricks of the fourth Android for dividing memory into phone memory, internal memory and others like it. Therefore, when the situation became quite acute, about a year and a half ago I demolished Google services and did not suffer much about this - I don’t even know why programs need them, even those that require them work quietly without services when you click “Back” ". Well, I turned everything off out of harm’s way automatic updates in Google Play, I installed only what I considered necessary, since all these updates only lead to the design becoming unrecognizable, they take up more and more space, and the stability of work decreases proportionally.
This whole idyll continued until recently, when I noticed that I again did not have enough memory on my phone, and Google Services magically consumed almost 100 MB of memory, although I definitely did not install them. Ok, I thought, I pressed the wrong button somewhere, it doesn’t happen to anyone. With a calm heart, I removed this heresy, freeing up space and continuing my carefree existence. But no matter how it is! Having gone to another city, I unexpectedly discovered that during the trip I had consumed 20-30 megabytes of Internet. What the hell is this? If anyone doesn’t know, in Germany there is fundamentally no unlimited access, even if it is called such. They give, depending on the greed of the provider and the chosen tariff, 100-200-300 MB, perhaps 5 GB, but hardly more. Next - GPRS at a snail's pace. But that’s not all, the quality of communication here leaves much to be desired. For example, in our town, which is located 10 km from a very large city, not a single operator of the three (!) existing in Germany (all the rest are all kinds of subsidiaries and resellers that use the networks of these three giants) provides stable coverage in every point. And this is in an almost flat landscape! At work, one card works very poorly for me (a dual-SIM phone, another plus), a colleague in his apartment has terrible reception from another operator, who worked well for me, which is why I recommended him. And this is not only a problem in our city; almost everyone swears. Operators love to receive money, but they don’t like to expand the network for the purpose of normal, stable reception.
So, I surfed the phone and discovered that Google Services is like that phoenix - again in service and again eating up its allotted 100 MB, as a result of which there is no space, Gmail does not accept mail, nothing can be installed on the phone, work is in full swing :)
I demolished the services, went to Google Play, made sure that automatic updates were disabled, and put the phone in my pocket. I get it out after 5 minutes - someone has gone online again and is downloading something. Naturally, Google Services again. Again the consumption of the Internet, again the consumption of memory. I turned off the Internet, drove home, got into the WiFi coverage area - this infection appeared again. I racked my brains looking for a solution, but I never found one. Rooting the phone on my Chinese phone is contraindicated, since it is only possible by rolling someone else's rooted image via USB, which can lead to data loss in general.
As a result, I demolished Services, demolished Google Play, and freed up more space on my phone than I had ever seen before! 250 MB - Google Play has also become a factory for preparing clients for the transition to the flagships of the mobile industry.
But then the acute question arose about where to install applications from. I looked for third-party application stores, made a choice in favor of Yandex, installed everything in a bundle, but it’s also not ideal, it pumped up data in the amount of 50 MB, and if you deleted it, it started updating everything that you could reach by default. Well, for the most part everything there is in Russian, but I also need German applications.
In the end, I found the next store - APKPure, it has almost everything I need. Weighs - 6 MB! 6, Karl, not 250, but 6! It doesn’t update anything itself, only upon request! And in terms of convenience, it’s almost the same as this bloated Google Play.
I don’t understand where the world is heading, I’m again happy with my phone, which two years ago was a budget model, and now it’s generally old, but it works as it should. But what Google is doing is incomprehensible. It’s good that I wasn’t roaming somewhere in France, it would have been cool to pay for the forced downloading of useless junk at a rate of 23 cents per MB. Of course, in general it is clear why this is being done - to put the user completely under control and force him to change his phone to a cooler one. But the methods are amazing. And no one thinks about optimizing all this crap, which is written almost on programming machines that pull gigabyte libraries, but to such an extent!
Well, here's a screenshot as proof.

The owner of the Android operating system is the IT giant Google. This explains the fact that most Google services, including the Play Market, are built into mobile devices running on the Android platform and are integrated into the main menu of the operating system.

True, in fairness it is worth noting that not all Android device users are happy with this. After all, it is quite possible that someone uses other proven and familiar sources to meet their needs, while others simply do not need the Google Play application store.

Speaking about software from Google, it is necessary to highlight the Google Play Services application, which is pre-installed software on almost all Android devices. What is it for, and is it possible to get rid of such a “gift” imposed by the digital giant? To answer this question unambiguously, let’s take a look at everything in order.

The main task of GP services is to ensure stable operation of the following key functions:

  • Authentication in Google services
  • Contact synchronization
  • Access the latest privacy and power saving settings
  • Google and GP App Updates
  • Accelerated application search (including offline mode)
  • Other.

Removing Google Play Services may result in application malfunctions and even complete termination of their operation.

However, there is another side to the coin. You suddenly began to notice that the battery charge of your device began to drop ungodly, not allowing the device to stay in working condition even for a day. In this case, it’s worth checking which software has become so actively “eating” the energy of your Android. The fact is that more and more complaints are being received from users specifically about Google Play Services. The situation sometimes develops in such a way that they manage to use up to fifty percent of the charge. Why does this happen?

The fact is that Google Play services are activated automatically (and, accordingly, all applications from Google), and then continue to constantly “hang” in the device’s RAM, receiving and transmitting data to the corporation’s servers.

Based on the above, each user must decide for himself how much he needs this or that program and its normal functioning, and only after that draw conclusions whether Google Play services can be removed or not. If you decide that you don’t need this software, then the continuation of the article is just for you.

Google Play Services - can it be removed?

Yes, you can, but you just need to understand that uninstalling any program must be approached responsibly, with an understanding of what you are doing to the gadget.

In general, we have written a lot on this topic, so if you are not quite ready for the procedure, then it is worth looking through, or how in general. In addition, it will certainly be useful to know.

If, after our 1500th Chinese warnings, you definitely decide to delete Google Play services, then we follow the special instructions.

If your device is not yet rooted, then first you need. Next, you can use the MyPhoneExplorer program, which you need to download from the developer’s website and install on your PC and.

The application allows the user to simply connect his smartphone (or tablet) to the computer via USB or Wi-Fi and organize comfortable work with contacts, sort out SMS correspondence and deal with things in the calendar.

I'm glad that MyPhone supports the Russian language, so working with this software will be quite easy. Once you start working, you will be asked to synchronize everything, and after that your communicator will be under complete control.

In addition to all sorts of useful things, we will be able to work with the file system and even call any of the installed programs. When working with applications you will immediately see:

  • Version
  • Size
  • Installation date.

In addition, as for Google Play services, like other applications, you can save it to your computer as an apk file, completely remove it from your device, or install new programs.

Another powerful tool for working with applications. Having installed and launched the program, we will see a system request for “Superuser” rights, allow it.

Then, we will see a list of installed applications. I would like to immediately draw attention to such an important point. If you are not completely sure of the need to remove any program, then it is better to “freeze” it rather than completely uninstall it. In this case, the currently unnecessary application for the operating system will be completely hidden. At least if something goes wrong, you can restore the application.

So, after launching and granting root rights, go to the “Backups” tab:

Then, we find the program to be “frozen” (in our case, “Google Play Services”). By the way, for convenience, you can use filters, for example “Only system applications”:

Click on the name of the program and press the “Freeze” button:

If you come to the conclusion that you need to return this or that application to work, then go through all the steps described, and the last step is to click on “Defrost”.

If we decide to completely remove the program, we again go the same way, but after “tapping” on the name, click on “Delete”.

At the end of the material, to help our readers, video material:

Reasons why mobile device Discharges quickly, maybe a lot. Let's start with the most obvious ones - your smartphone or tablet has a small battery capacity. The reason may also be third-party applications that run in the background and “eat up” the charge. One of the most common problems is Google services, which drain the battery on your device very quickly. We will tell you how to fix this error and

How to find out what is draining your smartphone?

  • Go to the settings of your smartphone or tablet.

  • Open the "Battery" section and go to "Statistics", as indicated in the picture. The first place here should be “Screen”. If “Android Platform” or “Google Services” comes first, then you are faced with a problem that we will solve.

The simplest way that helps millions of users around the world, regardless of your device type and operating system. Just reboot your device. After cleaning the RAM, the discharge level may return to normal, and Google services will stop eating your battery like crazy.

Another factor that can cause a discharge is a large number Google accounts, added on your mobile device. Each account will consume device resources for checking mail, checking location, and assistant work Google Now etc. Try leaving one account Google and see if the battery drain rate changes.

Third-party programs can turn to Google for information, thereby dooming your device to quickly discharge. Try uninstalling all apps and see if your battery consumption changes. If the problem is solved, try installing the software gradually, trying to find the “bad guy” that caused the high battery consumption.

We all want to protect ourselves from spies, thieves and scammers. For this reason, some users install many security programs, utilities, antiviruses and firewalls. These programs monitor the security of your smartphone or tablet online. Such vigilance is the reason for consumption large quantity resources. Try getting rid of all security applications or keeping them to a minimum.

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