Sixteen decorations of the female body, or how the body becomes a temple. Standards of female beauty in different countries Sweden - Nordic image

I found an interesting and concise article about the art of beauty in Ancient Egypt. I decided to share. I copy it as is.

There are eyes that are nice to look at,
There are eyes that seduce
There are eyes that you must obey.

The beauty of the eyes, as well as the magic of the gaze and the ability to command the eyes, have been sung by poets, writers and historians of all eras. Eye makeup is not only a weapon of women of our time, it is a secret power that rulers used with success and virtuosity back in the days of the great pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

Maybe this is why the eyes of Egyptian women have always been considered and to this day remain the most beautiful eyes in the world, eyes about which one poet said: “they radiated the darkness and velvet of the night and the brilliance of the sun’s dawn.”

The secrets of the “pharaonic” eyes have not yet been solved by modern makeup artists and cosmetologists, and remain one of the most beautiful mysteries of the past.

In Ancient Egypt, the symbol of the eye is present in many legends. They worshiped him, with his help they tried to protect themselves from evil, they deified him. For example, in the legend about the destruction of rebellious humanity by the god Ra, the eye was personified into a deity named Sekhmet, who punished people for their sins.

We can find images of eyes on sarcophagi, which not only served as a talisman, but also symbolized that the deceased, even after death, would see everything that was happening in the world of the living. Eyes in Ancient Egypt were depicted in various magical drawings and on sacred boats. Pharaohs loved to decorate themselves with chains and eye-shaped pendants.

During the time of the pharaohs, eyes personified not only beauty and health, but also strength and the inevitability of punishment for sins.

Study chemical composition ancient Egyptian decorative cosmetics revealed the presence of artificially produced chemical substances. This means that the Egyptians already achieved incredible success in the “cosmetic industry” four thousand years ago. They could also change the composition of cosmetics depending on the need to obtain a particular consistency of the drug, different types cosmetics and their compositions.

Surprisingly, eye makeup in Ancient Egypt did not cause any harm to health, unlike modern cosmetics that cause allergic reactions, contribute to skin aging, and sometimes have a negative impact on women’s vision.

The eyes of ancient Egyptian beauties sparkled with health, and beauties of our days are often, unfortunately, forced medications correct red “tired” eyes, which have fully felt the negative effect of the components included in modern shadows, mascaras and eyeliners.

By the way, it was the women of Ancient Egypt who introduced the fashion for makeup and various means beauty that has survived to this day. For example, we owe to our ancient Egyptian predecessors such a simple and familiar at first glance thing as a lady's mirror. The pharaohs were the first to use mirrors made of pure bronze and framed in ivory. Such mirrors were made in the shape of a solar disk, which was supposed to increase the beauty and health of their owners.

Over time, mirrors began to be made of gold and silver and given the shape of the goddesses of beauty and love, Isis and Hathor, so that a woman who admired herself in such a mirror would receive eternal beauty and protection from envy.

In Ancient Egypt, antimony was first used to make up eyebrows, eyelashes and eyelids. The first antimony was obtained from blue ash brought from the mines of Sinai.

Surprisingly, the ancient principles of producing cosmetics for eyebrows and eyelashes have been preserved to this day and are used in the modern cosmetics industry.

In addition, the ancient Egyptians first discovered the secret of achieving facial harmony through different ways applying makeup. These laws of correcting appearance and achieving beauty are alive and relevant today.

The Egyptians believed that a harmonious appearance brings good luck and prosperity. To attract Hathor's attention to their children, they often gave them names derived from the ancient Egyptian word "nefer" - beauty. For example, the name of the beautiful Nefertiti, who went down in history as the wife of the reformer Pharaoh Akhenaten, means “the beautiful one has come.” Her image has become the standard of female perfection. Thanks to the many surviving frescoes and papyri, the basic recipes for beauty in ancient Egypt have come down to us.


As you know, in Ancient Egypt, the most favorite way to make one look prettier was to line the eyes with green (from malachite) and black with a lead sheen (from galena) mascara. Crushed minerals were mixed with water, gum, and sometimes with aromatic substances. All this was stored in elegant onyx or glass vessels along with an eyeliner stick; this can be considered the prototype of modern liquid mascara for the eyes. It is important to note that lining the eyelids had aesthetic, medical and ritual significance. As modern scientists have determined, this measure, in the country’s arid and dusty climate, saved Egyptians from eye infections and protected the skin around the eyes from premature fading. In magical rituals, decoration with green ink acquired particular importance - this color symbolized fertility, rebirth, immortality and life itself. Powdered malachite and galena later became popular as eye shadow. The ancient Egyptians can be considered the inventors of blush and lipstick. The permanent raw material for them was red ocher (iron oxide), mixed with fat.


The most important indicator of social status in Ancient Egypt was hairstyles. Wigs were especially popular among the local population. Commoners wore heavy items made of wool, and representatives of the nobility wore complex designs made of natural hair, cut into 3 levels. As a rule, the strands were decorated and secured with beads made of gold, semi-precious stones (carnelian, agate) and long hairpins. The wigs were carefully groomed using an ivory and wood comb.

The ancient Egyptians masterfully mastered the art of creating complex hairstyles with many small braids (it is believed that this fashion came to Egypt from Asia Minor). Egyptian fashionistas used perms, which is especially clearly seen in the example of the so-called female Hathoric wig like the goddess Hathor (2 large strands of hair with curled ends descending to the chest), and dyed their hair in Blue colour(color of the gods). Cones were often used filled with aromatic pomade made from fragrant animal fat, which melted in the sun and flowed fragrantly down the hair. Shaved heads were the privilege of the priestly caste. Children (regardless of gender) were also cut bald, leaving a “baby curl” on the top of the head.


The best evidence that the ancient Egyptians paid a lot of attention to their appearance is a large number of varieties of jars, vessels for storing cosmetics, paints, perfumes and all kinds of ointments, toilet spatulas and spoons, combs, hairpins and hairpins, razor blades and mirrors, often decorated with symbols of the goddess of beauty Hathor. To store these ladies' tools, special caskets were made - an indispensable part of the interior of a noble Egyptian woman.


According to historians, the ancient Egyptians were distinguished by exceptional cleanliness. Thus, all classes, both wealthy and poor, used a specialized liquid for washing hands “necheret” - fossil soda and natron dissolved in water. On its basis, a specialized sanitizing paste for washing the body was also created. The flavored mouthwash “bed” is also mentioned. Numerous sources indicate that as early as 4,000 years ago, the Egyptians took showers and practiced massage. They also performed depilation procedures and were skilled in shaving, which was carried out by barbers traveling through the villages.


It should be noted that it was the ancient Egyptians who were ahead of many nations in the production of perfumes and incense, making them an object of stable export. Dioscorides also noted their skill in making oils, especially from lilies. Numerous floral perfumes were produced by pressing the petals or distilling the fruits and bark of plants. Lotus, cinnamon, cardamom, iris, almond, sandalwood, and myrrh were especially loved among the Egyptians. An extract from the glands of the desert antelope with an unusually persistent aroma is to this day an indispensable element of expensive French cosmetics and an export item of modern Egypt. The Roman writer Pliny in his “Natural History” mentioned that the ancient Egyptian beauty remedy - “rubbing from Mendes” - enjoyed great success among the citizens of the Roman Empire. In addition to the well-known “milk-honey bath” of Queen Cleopatra, another cosmetic recipe has come down to us with the eloquent title “How to turn an old man into a young man.” This is a detailed description of how to make dough from panicles. The water was evaporated from them, then it was necessary to collect drops of the released oil, which, through subsequent heating, was transformed into a miraculous multi-functional remedy that rejuvenates the skin, smoothes wrinkles, expels age spots and stimulates hair growth.


And today generous land Egypt can offer us a huge amount of magnificent oils and extracts of plant and animal origin, which have a centuries-old history. Any oriental bazaar in this country amazes with the variety of these miraculous remedies that can be used both in cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

For example, lotus oil will give strength and instill energy. The aroma of jasmine will calm you down and give you a feeling of self-confidence and a sense of inner balance. Wild orange oil, added to face masks, gives the skin a fresh look, toning it. It is also indispensable in the fight against cellulite - it must be rubbed into problem areas, mixed in equal parts with sandalwood oil. The latter has a moisturizing, warming, softening effect. Sandalwood oil perfectly strengthens nails when rubbed into the tissue of the root hole and promotes hair growth (1-2 drops are added to shampoo). Sesame prevents skin aging, protects against sun rays, prevents overdrying, has a healing effect. To whiten your face, add 1-2 drops of this product to your night cream. Oil with the exotic name Harua perfectly strengthens hair follicles, eliminates dandruff and dryness; to do this, it must be rubbed into the scalp. To treat oily hair, modern Egyptians have long chosen ghar-gir oil. Magnificent erotic perfumes include musk and royal ambergris.


Treatment of juvenile acne
Add 2-3 drops of aloe oil to a glass of water. Wipe your face with this product morning and evening.

Anti-wrinkle remedy
Mix 1 tablespoon of aloe with 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply the mask in the evening to cleansed skin.

For hair growth
To make a mask, take 1 teaspoon of aloe oil, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of burdock oil - rub into the skin 30 minutes before washing your hair.

Skin tightening
1 part sandalwood, 2 parts milk are mixed and placed in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After which the mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes.

Fashion is very changeable. And if most women blindly follow her trends, then men are rather indifferent to her. Ideas about a woman's beauty are constantly changing. But most girls strictly follow the accepted canons of beauty. This is how they try to please men. Women cannot even think that all these efforts are in vain. Indeed, for the most part, representatives of the stronger sex absolutely do not share their views on attractiveness. You yourself know that men are interested in feminine characters; they do not understand the fashion for camouflage or combat boots. You can even say “the simpler the better.” No, this is not at all what you think. No need to neglect beautiful outfits and cosmetics. Just remember 10 attributes of female “beauty” that make men sick. And try to never make these mistakes.

10. Abundance of gold jewelry

A woman thinks that the more jewelry she puts on, the better she will look. She puts on everything she has, hoping to impress. Never do this, you don’t want to resemble a Christmas tree, even an expensive one. You've probably seen bus conductors or saleswomen in stores more than once who have a ring on each finger, a gold bracelet and a finger-thick chain. Such appearance may only attract the attention of robbers. A normal man will not be delighted with your jewelry, of course, if he is not a gigolo and is not looking for his next victim. The abundance of decorations and their inconsistency with the surrounding environment indicate a lack of taste. A chain, earrings, a bracelet, a couple of rings - the maximum that you can wear.

9. Nails are too long

Long nails are very popular among the fairer sex. There has long been an opinion that it is very sexy, and unscrupulous manicurists, once again, are trying to convince unfortunate girls of this. Some people make such “sacrifices” for the sake of the man they love. They hope to amaze him, to surprise him. Often, they succeed. A man who sees this creation is overcome with real horror. Extended nails irritate them even more. Perhaps they associate long nails with animal claws, or they are afraid of the touch of hands with such “weapons.” One way or another, if you are trying for a man, choose a manicure that is close to natural, soft colors and an acceptable length.

8. Ducky lips

Men generally do not understand what women want to express when they make their lips “ducky”. Some people think that she wants to look like a star. Others believe that the woman is pretending to kiss. Still others think that the girl is hinting that she does not have enough money for lip augmentation. As a result, no matter what men think about the “duck”, they are all united by one opinion: they think it’s stupid. They are infuriated by such antics, and also by the fact that it has become very popular among women.

7. High heels

Long gone are the days when a woman without heels was considered unattractive. Now you can choose much more comfortable shoes. A girl hobbling around in the cold in huge heels only evokes pity or laughter. In addition, there are very few girls who can walk beautifully in high heels. Of course, you don’t need to completely abandon them, but choose a height that will allow you to walk normally. Comfortable shoes will make your walk beautiful. You will feel confident, this is much better than the mythical sexuality of high heels.

6. Tons of makeup on your face

Men can't stand heavily made-up women. They perceive such a face as a mask, they even begin to doubt the attractiveness of a woman. An experiment was conducted especially for men. They were shown photographs and asked to choose the best one. beautiful girl. The first photo showed a girl whose makeup Marilyn Manson himself would envy. The second time there was no makeup at all. The third beauty was given makeup that was as close to natural as possible. Of course, the men chose the third girl, and they naively believed that she was not wearing makeup. So men are sick of “war paint”. Moreover, they are sure that they only paint themselves this way women lung behavior.

5. Leggings instead of pants when your figure doesn’t allow it

Not long ago, leggings became fashionable again. Women rushed for a stylish item, absolutely not paying attention to their figure and age. They don't care if it looks disgusting. Hundreds of fat women still parade around the city streets in fashionable leggings. In fact, stylists recommend that even thin girls wear leggings with a long tunic or shirt, which will hide all problem areas. A very young girl can afford to wear them with a short T-shirt. Particularly worth noting are leopard-print leggings; men absolutely cannot stand them.

4. Ugg boots in the city

According to men, ugg boots can ruin even the most beautiful figure. The gait in them loses femininity, the girl shuffles her feet and resembles an old woman. When Ugg boots are worn for a long time, they get worn down on one side, and there can be no talk of beauty here. You can often see a woman in an elegant fur coat and UGG boots, it looks ugly. These shoes can be worn for a country walk or to the country house. But you shouldn’t walk around in it all the time. Now there are many options for equally comfortable and beautiful shoes, but women still can’t part with their favorite UGG boots.

3. Excessive tanning

Women naively believe that artificial tanning makes them more attractive. In fact, when a man sees such a beauty, one thought arises - “grilled chicken.” You should not get carried away with self-tanning and solariums, this is very harmful to the skin. Tanning lovers look much worse than their peers who do not abuse it. A dark skin tone will add several years to your appearance, and wrinkles will become much more visible. Your skin certainly won't thank you. Tanning can dehydrate the skin and it ages very quickly.

2. Clothes with rhinestones

Men will never understand women's love for everything bright and flashy. Rhinestones, sequins, and sparkles evoke the same attitude in them. They sincerely do not understand why a woman puts such a thing on herself. When he sees it, he has only one association - a New Year tree. If you wear a dress with rhinestones or a blouse decorated with sequins to work or a date, expect sidelong glances from men. And it’s not just men, to be honest, such things look rather tasteless. You can afford to wear something like this to a party, but you should exclude them from your everyday wardrobe.

1. Hairstyles that are too complicated

Men often disagree about a woman's attractiveness. Some people think beautiful women With long hair, others prefer short ones. But neither one nor the other likes complex hairstyles. They look unnatural. In addition, the owner of the “monument” always worries about the integrity of her hairstyle and is afraid to move again. Men are also irritated by this behavior. Men love naturalness in everything, and hairstyles are no exception. They will like clean, healthy hair more than a meter-long structure with rhinestones and feathers. Men also like light airy waves.

The inseparability of the essence of beauty, love and sensuality is very deep in the Indian mentality. It is not for nothing that the art of dressing was listed among the famous 64 arts that one can master. ideal woman- Goddess. This is a whole science about the properties of a woman’s suit to hide flaws and favorably emphasize the advantages of the face and figure, creating a charming feminine look.

Each country has its own custom of body decoration, which expresses the spirit and intimate knowledge of a given people. This knowledge lives in every person and is transmitted to him unconsciously. There is a well-known Indian custom of decorating every part of the body, which has the deepest magical and philosophical roots, which no one even knows about. What is this - heightened sensuality or echoes of Vedic wisdom? First things first...

So, why do certain parts of the body need to be decorated? The Vedic tradition distinguishes 5 sense organs in the human body: eyes, ears, nose, lips, fingers, as well as 5 so-called “organs of action”: arms, legs, tongue and organs of excretion and reproduction (see “Bhavagat-Gita”, 15.7 , 15.9). All of them, with the exception of the last two - “secret”, “hidden” (Sanskrit “guha”), are carefully decorated. Kajal is applied to the eyes and earrings are inserted into the ears. different forms, and nath in the nose, the lips are covered with a kind of lipstick made from a mixture of aromatic oils and dyes, the nails are polished, the fingers are covered with hathphul rings or bracelets, the hands and feet do not leave various churi, kangan, payal, nupur, and chewing pan that colors the tongue in a bright red color, turns into a kind of decoration of the tongue.

Thanks to the impact on a certain part of the body through decoration, its shape, color and material, there is a harmonization of feelings and sensory perception of the world. Feelings calm down, becoming so subtle that a person gets the opportunity to enjoy even what in itself is not a source of pleasure and joy. Thought becomes complete and movements amaze with smoothness and nobility, which in the Indian tradition is important for spiritual growth.

In addition, there is a distribution of jewelry by chakras. A chakra is a nerve plexus that controls the activity of the corresponding internal organ. The highest chakra - Sahasrara, which is located at the top of the head, is responsible for the activity of the pituitary gland, it is called the chakra of eternal youth. To activate it, mang-tika is used - a decoration on the parting. Between the eyebrows is the Ajna chakra - the pineal gland or “third eye”, the center of concentration of cognition and intuition. The bindi is supposed to allow it to open up. Next to it is the Vishuddha chakra, which controls the thyroid gland; its activity is supported by any decoration that tightly covers the neck. The thoracic plexus makes up the Anahata chakra - the center of love and heartfelt warmth. The mangalsutra, a wedding necklace, is in contact with it; means devotion and love as the meaning of a woman’s life. Next comes the Manipura chakra - solar plexus, chakra vital energy; expresses the principle “you - to me, I - to you.” Her decoration is a belt at the waist or on the hips - a sign of high origin, power, as well as an indispensable attribute of a dancer and veshya (courtesan).

The Vedas, the oldest sacred texts, call the human body the Temple of the soul, or the Temple of the heart, in which Paramatma, the Lord in His localized aspect of the Supersoul, is located next to the individual soul. Also in the body, in its various parts, are the abodes of various incarnations of God and His energies. For example, in the center of the palm, on the inner and back side is the abode of Saraswati - the Goddess of learning, wisdom and musical art. The fingertips are the abode of Lakshmi, the Goddess of Prosperity. It is no coincidence that Indian dancers mark these areas with paint made from red kunkuma powder, and the area of ​​the third eye - the abode of Shiva - is decorated with a bindi. Thus, by decorating the temple of her body in the appropriate frame of mind, a woman pays respect to the Lord and His divine energies. Thus beauty becomes worship of God.

The state in which all the indicated parts of the body and chakras are marked with “their” decoration (and only in this case the decoration brings the proper effect) is called Solah-singar. Solah ("sixteen") - corresponds to the sixteen phases of the moon, the sixteen phases of the female menstrual cycle and the sixteen stages of the ritual that brings into harmony the beauty, purity and sensuality of a woman. This ritual opens with Snan - bathing in aromatic water after the miraculous rejuvenating procedure Ubtan (rubbing the body with a special paste made from medicinal herbal ingredients). The ritual ends with “Sugandh” - aromatic anointings, and Pan - chewing betel nut to cleanse the mouth. After bathing, the process of putting on clothes and the painstaking process of putting on jewelry, starting from the soles of the feet, and painting the face and body begins, turning the dressing procedure into a unique creative act and almost a meditation.

In Indian culture, everything is symbolic, everything is a metaphor. By decorating the visible, material body, Indians express longing for their divine nature. For many Hindu women, dressing beautifully is one of the ways to worship God.

Gracefully clothed woman- the personification of ideal beauty and mystery inherent in nature and music. Each part of the decoration is justified and consistently woven into the overall pattern of symbolic forms and images. It is believed that only what is decorated with a pattern is beautiful. Verb alamkara(alam-kara) literally means “to decorate”, “to make enough”. Accordingly, a simple look, without ornament, is “insufficient”, bad, shameful, shocking, suitable only for an ascetic.

Shringar is the name given to a woman’s complete attire. It includes 16 attributes associated with the sixteen phases of the moon, which in turn are associated with the feminine menstrual cycle. So 16 is a special number.

The name Shringar is associated with Sri Lakshmi - the goddess of female beauty, luck, prosperity and fertility, the ideal wife of Vishnu.

In the spiritual world, demigods are eternally 16 years old.

This is the most beautiful and energetic human age. At 16 years old, a girl has all the perfections, she is at the peak of physical development. Her nature is to play, seek new experiences, and charm everyone around her. Her innocence is attractive, everything about her is true and good.

1. Bindi

Bindi is a small decorative dot in the center of the forehead between the eyes. In metaphysical language, it is the place of infinite potential from which all manifest existence arises. This is the mystical third eye - a channel of wisdom and sublime intuition, divine knowledge. The eyes are often compared to the sun and moon. Another symbolic meaning is fire. Two eyes can only see the past and the present. The third eye has the power to see the future.

2. Sindoor (Vermilion)

Sindoor is a deep, blood-red powder used to draw a red stripe in the parting of a hairstyle. This decoration is used exclusively by married women. Sindoor is an important component in Hindu deity worship (puja). Red color is a symbol of fertility and restoration of power, feminine energy Sati and Parvati. Sati is the ideal wife in Hinduism because of the sacrifices she performs to protect her husband's honor. Goddess Parvati bestows lifelong happiness on married women who apply sindoor to the parting of their hair. In addition, it is believed that applied sindoor helps to avoid problems with wrinkles and skin in general, and it also protects against evil intentions. On a more practical level (especially in India, where marriages are said to be made in heaven), the sindoor loudly and passionately proclaims the status of a woman as belonging to only one man.

Women get their first experience with sindoor during their wedding ceremony. The groom invites all guests to come and bless his bride. When everyone gathers, he performs sinduradana under the words of blessing, that is, he applies sindur on the head of his bride. Sometimes this ceremony is called "sumangali". Sindhuradana is a hallmark of modern weddings in India.

Muslim women in India also wear sindoor on their hair to signify their married status.

3. Tika

Tika is a pendant consisting of a chain with a hook at one end and a pendant at the other. It is worn, just like sindoor, in the parting. The pendant should fall exactly in the center of the forehead. This place is considered the home of the Ajna Chakra. In this way, the woman repeats her status as married. It is noteworthy that the ajna chakra is visualized as two petals. Its presiding deity Ardhanarishvara is half-male, half-female. This means the final union where duality does not exist. From a tantric point of view, this means the union of the masculine and feminine principles in nature at all levels, including the physical. Therefore, tika is a symbol of a woman keeping her vows of marriage, giving new life clan and become part of it.

A variation of the tiki, the lalatika is a more complex tiki design with two (or more) side chains with small hooks at the ends, connected to a central chain above the pendant and decorating the hairline. There are tikis, where side chains decorated with stones, rhinestones and pendants made of beads and pearls decorate the hair in several rows. T-shaped tikas in the form of wide embroidered braid along with garlands of artificial flower petals adorn the heads of the dancers.

4. Anjana (Khola)

Khola is a wide black line around the eyes, where the arrows connect, giving a special sharpness to the look: “My eyes are not eyes, beloved, but arrows of light. My eyebrows are not eyebrows, but swords of destruction.”

Every feeling of the heart is transmitted through the eyes. They can express reverence, sympathy, love, lust. Indian poets usually want to drown "in the depths of the eyes of their beloved." Most poetic similes about eyes are taken from nature. Eyes like a daffodil, an almond, a lily, like a “fish sparkling as it slides,” like seas and oceans, abysses, fire, etc.

In Western fashion, we can also observe the popularity of this decoration for women - winged eyeliner is coming back into fashion, barely having time to go out of it, and smoky eye makeup with a dark outline in the style of Bollywood beauties has conquered the whole world! Almost no woman can resist this truly magical decoration of her eyes - the mirrors of her soul, and no man is able to resist such a woman so as not to drown in her eyes!

5. Nath

Nath - a ring or other decoration on the nose.

We are used to thinking that the nose is solely responsible for smell. However, even the ancients knew that the nose is closely related to emotional sensitivity. Occultists have gone further and believe that the nose is the seat of the sixth sense. There are known close connections between the nose and sexual reflexes. It is a medically established fact that swelling of the nasal tissues occurs during a person’s sexual arousal. Women's nasal passages swell and sometimes bleed during menstruation. Fliess Wilhelm, a friend and colleague of Sigmund Freud, treated some gynecological problems by cauterizing the corresponding part of the nose.

In a number of European countries in the Middle Ages, the punishment for adultery was amputation of the nose. In India, Nath symbolized defloration.It is believed that piercing a certain point on the left wing of the nose helps control lust and curb desires, as well as keep the mind under control. Literally translated from Sanskrit, nath means “lord, master.” The nose of Indian women, pierced on the left side, symbolically speaks of submission and devotion to their master—the husband.

Nath is considered the most seductive decoration. Nose earrings accept the most various shapes, ranging from precious stilettos to large, full-cheek gold hoops.

6. Haara

Haara – necklace, beads, necklace. The neck is one of the important mystical centers. Therefore, it is believed that the necklace attracts and preserves love, brings good luck, and protects against the evil eye.

Among other types of jewelry, necklaces have always had maximum magical charms. Probably, a bright and rich necklace distracted the ill-wisher from the face of the owner and thus protected him from the danger of the evil eye and hypnotic influence. While men have neck and throat chakra Vishuddha is protected by vegetation (beard); for women, this place remains open and vulnerable, allowing the “yoke of problems” to take the place of the royal necklace).

Therefore, we can see that the Vedic and Indian woman is completely ringed - from head to toe. Such “ringing” holds her energy, preventing it from spilling and being stolen by other people, and a bead or necklace in particular protects a woman’s important life, creative and energy center. It is no coincidence that Kings and Queens of all times and peoples always wore crowns and necklaces made of precious stones and metals - it was these ring-shaped attributes of royal power that helped royalty “hold” their powerful energy to control people and the state.

A family is also a mini-state where a woman, as Queen, creates the atmosphere, maintains order and fills the space. And her creative energy helps her in this, supported and protected by Haara - her natural protection and decoration of one of the most attractive and graceful parts of the female body.

Most likely, the predecessor of the beads was an ordinary flower garland. But the aroma of many flowers, for example, jasmine and roses, has a clear erotic connotation.

7. Karna Phool

Karn Phool - earrings. Literally, a flower in the ear.

Since ancient times, the earlobe has been considered as a sign spiritual development and high social status. Among the Buddha's distinctive features and as a sign of his greatness is his extremely long earlobe. By all accounts, Homer's and Aristotle's lobes had the same characteristics.

There is a close connection between the ears and sexual reflexes. In ancient times in the Middle East, cut off ears were offered to the Mother Goddess as a replacement. male organs. In Egypt, ears were sacrificed to the goddess Isis.

Ear piercing has been widespread in all parts of the world since ancient times. The purpose of the operation was not only decorative decoration, but also to protect the owner from evil influences. Earrings acted as talismans and energy batteries.

Today it is believed that ear piercing is useful for improving vision and sharpening attention. The acupuncture point is located in the center of the lobe.

According to legend, earrings are a consolation in pain and suffering. The more decorative and expensive the earrings, the more people receives consolation.

Large earrings are very favorable for married woman, they declare her status and power. Some earrings are so heavy that they have to be attached with chains to the hair. By adding more and more decorations, a woman attracts prosperity to her home.

From ancient times to the present day, earrings in the shape of flowers and fruits have been the most popular. They reflect tenderness, youth, spiritual perfection, simplicity, innocence - the main attributes feminine character. Like bracelets, ringing earrings decorated with tiny bells create a gentle chime and a magical aura of purity around a woman, cleansing and harmonizing the entire space around.

8. Mehendi

Mehendi - henna design. Unlike a tattoo, it is a temporary decoration of the body and lasts about three weeks. This is a temporary henna tattoo on the skin, great alternative permanent tattoos - after all, not everyone can decide to decorate themselves with a design for life. Most common in Arab countries, India, North Africa and Indonesia.

Mehendi is the art of artistic body painting using vegetable dye. This is a sophisticated way of decorating the body, carrying mysticism and eroticism at the same time. Mehendi appeared about 5000 years ago. Even in Ancient Egypt, noble ladies decorated their bodies and nails with designs. In the 12th century, it gained a foothold in India, becoming more than just a decoration. For example, many Arab women believe that mehendi brings happiness and protects against bad luck. So, the day before the wedding (on her bachelorette party), the bride is painted with a design, and the remaining henna is buried in the ground to protect the marriage and avoid the husband’s infidelity.

Mehendi is often used to appease Ganesh, the son of Shiva, who overcomes all obstacles and is always invited to the Hindu marriage ceremony. Ganesha is also very dear to the goddess of wealth and fortune Lakshmi. They also decorate themselves with mehendi for the holidays.

Mehendi signifies the power of love in marriage. The darker the mehendi, the stronger love. Red is the color of fertility and power. Only floral patterns are used in the drawing; they symbolically connect a woman with nature, the concepts of birth, nutrition, growth, and regeneration. Mehendi protects from evil spirits, misfortunes, illnesses and even death.

However, mehendi wearers were not guided by the desire to decorate themselves alone. Just like regular tattoos, henna patterns were designed to ward off evil and attract all that is good. In addition, henna was also used by ancient healers as a medicine. Henna perfectly disinfects, cools and helps in the treatment of dermatological and bone diseases such as artiritis, as well as headaches.

The exquisite pattern draws the eye to the graceful movements of the hands. An exciting aroma ignites a man's passion...

9. Kangana, churi - wrist bracelets

Churi are thin ringing bracelets that adorn the wrists of oriental beauties in abundance.

Kangan is a thick, massive bracelet decorated with various decorative elements, stones and/or rhinestones, sometimes tassels and chains hanging in clusters.

Poets call them shining tokens of radiant life, circles of light for a happy daughter and a happy wife.

The bracelets symbolize the powerful energy of the sun. They are made from any material that can be processed: terracotta, stone, shells, copper, bronze, gold, silver, etc.

Typically, 8, 12 (dozan) or 24 bracelets are worn on each wrist symmetrically.

Bracelets are a sign of a married woman. They have many romantic and love allusions. The ringing sound of the bracelet indicates the presence of a woman, that she needs attention, that she is angry or wants to exchange glances. A married woman will never allow herself to appear in society without bracelets. The hands of a married woman (and not only married women), deprived of bracelets, is a challenge to the whole society, indicating that there is no one to take care of her.

Bracelets emphasize the gracefulness of hand movements and the elegance of thin women's wrists, which men consider very erotic and attractive. And the melodic, unobtrusive ringing of the bracelets clears the space, pacifies the mind and attracts attention, making the woman the center and object of meditation. It is no coincidence that beautiful celestial dancers seduced the greatest yogis and ascetics, interrupting their meditation with just the ringing of their bracelets))

A properly selected wardrobe can highlight the individuality of its owner. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that it include designer novelties from the latest collections. The main thing is how a woman feels in her clothes. If she is comfortable, she looks elegant, beautiful and at the same time simple, then we can confidently say that her wardrobe is chosen correctly.
But even perfectly fitting clothes can let their owner down if the color scheme is chosen incorrectly: some colors can visually distort the figure. Therefore, every fashionista should always remember that dark shades reduce, white shades increase; Warm tones make you look fat, cool tones make you look slimmer. And clothes matched to the color of the eyes will suit any woman.

It is the direct responsibility of every woman to replenish her wardrobe with high-quality and beautiful clothes. The ability to select the right things, combine them and experiment helps the fair sex to be bright and different every day: strict or open, gentle or aggressive.

Stylish women's clothing, such as dresses, T-shirts, tunics, cardigans, shirts, blouses, etc., help create both casual and party wear. Clothing designers pay great attention to youth fashion. Its mandatory attributes are:

  • jeans;
  • sweaters;
  • sweatshirts with hoods;
  • T-shirts.

All these things go perfectly with everyday women's clothing. Fashionistas who want to emphasize their individuality skillfully use women's T-shirts with original prints, which are a new way of self-expression.

Beautiful and comfortable underwear helps every woman feel comfortable in any situation. And this is not a luxury, but an opportunity to discover new sides of sensuality and attractiveness. It's hard to argue with the fact that underwear occupies a special place in women's wardrobe. Moreover, modern underwear from well-known brands satisfies not only aesthetic needs, but also meets high practical standards.

In the summer, an indispensable attribute for relaxing in the sun and by the water is. A variety of swimsuits made from stylish and soft fabrics allow you to highlight the female figure, create comfort, and lift your breasts.
Creating a unique image and looking advantageous among others is the dream of any fashionista. But in pursuit of your own style, you should remember that clothing is only an addition to a person’s image: it should not distract attention from him, but only emphasize his individuality and uniqueness.

Based on materials from the online store fashionable clothes and shoes

Body art is considered one of the main attributes of female beauty and sexuality in India. And it's not just that it's attractive, body art is also an essential element of many rituals and Indian traditions. The art of applying designs using henna is a real art; the procedure of applying a pattern to the body can take hours, but the result is truly amazing.

Also, the traditional Indian sign Bindi (in Hinduism is a sign of truth, a colored dot that Indian women draw in the center of the forehead, the so-called “third eye”), which is an important religious symbol, is today also considered an interesting and stylish accessory.

And another element of Indian attractiveness is nose piercing.


You will often see Kenyan women with a kind of piercing on their lips - a lip plate (the jewelry itself is called a plug). At the age of 12-13, girls start with a simple piercing, and then gradually enlarge the hole in the lip. Such lip plates are considered a symbol of female strength and self-respect in Kenya.

Also, large ear tunnels and very short hair are considered sexy in Kenyan culture.


The main attribute of female beauty here is a very long neck. For these purposes, girls from a very early age wear copper bracelets around their necks, gradually increasing their number and thereby visually lengthening the neck. Today, this cultural tradition causes serious controversy in the world community, but the ritual still exists and is a symbol of power and attractiveness for women.


Scars on the body are considered very sexy in Ethiopia, which is quite unusual, since the rest of the world tends to get rid of or hide them. Girls at a young age independently inflict scars on their bodies in order to attract their future husband. And they're not the only ones doing it - self-scarring is also common among men in Ethiopia.


Believe it or not, plastic surgery on the nose is incredibly popular in Iran. Moreover, wearing bandages after surgery is considered attractive, so many people leave them on for longer than expected. And even if the person did not have to endure plastic surgery on the nose, he (s) can walk around with bandages and bandages on his face just for beauty.

Japan, China, Thailand

In Asian countries, pale white skin is considered a model of beauty and attractiveness. That is why throughout the history of these countries women have used and today use a special white powder that imitates White color skin. The paler the skin, the sexier a woman is considered, since white skin is, among other things, a symbol of wealth and success.


In Brazil, a woman is considered sexy if she has large hips, small breasts and round buttocks - essentially a figure that follows the smooth lines of a guitar. It is the shape of the guitar that is the main standard of female beauty in Brazil.

Mauritania and Samoa

The unconditional standard of beauty here is curvy: the bigger, the more attractive. While the whole world is going crazy for slender and thin beauties, the residents of these countries prefer the exact opposite. Girls aged 10-12 years are even sent to special camps to gain weight. It is believed that the fatter a person is, the richer he is, since he can afford to eat more than necessary.

New Zealand

Maori women find facial tattoos attractive. The tattoo is called Ta-moko and symbolizes the transition from childhood to adulthood.

So never worry about your appearance. We assure you that somewhere and for someone you will be the standard of beauty! ;)

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