Essay on the topic “Are you a reader? A person who does not read books is a soul who has no job. You will have something to pass on to your children.

An unusual event took place. The organizers of the “Territory of Life” competition summed up the results and announced the names of the winners, and the writer Andrei Shchupov, known to many under the pseudonym Oleg Rain, also met with his readers.

The start of the event was scheduled for one o'clock in the afternoon. The hall was mainly occupied by children, hopefully awaiting the results of the competition, and their support group - teachers. Finally it became quiet. Began. The girls from music school 1 performed a lyrical song and something from the Beatles' repertoire, defusing the situation a little. The projector played a video filmed by the participants, and the presenter announced into the microphone: “Hello!”

the main objective competition "Territory of Life" - to give young people the opportunity to express their point of view about the world and about themselves. More than 50 works from Yekaterinburg and its environs were presented to the court, and one creative work was sent from the Krasnodar region!
In nomination " social media video"Anton Kurilshchikov's video took first place" Healthy image life." A paradoxical combination of the theme of the video clip and the name of the author, isn’t it?
In nomination " social photography"The victory was won by Lena Ivanova's work entitled "Reviving Traditions." Students from Pervouralsk won 1st place for the best social action "Take care of your health from a young age", and Natalya Belyaeva's work "Is it easy to be young" won in the category " literary essay".

Special prizes were also established for a positive outlook and the desire to make our lives better.
All winners received certificates and special gifts from Andrei Shchupov - his books for teenagers. There will be something to do in the evenings.
When the participants learned that the writer was 45 years old, there was an uproar throughout the hall. No one expected such a turn, because the man looks much younger than his age, and his reasoning is fresh.
“I’m sure that being a writer is extremely interesting, if only because you can immerse yourself in dozens of fascinating professions and live hundreds of other people’s lives,” he says.

The main characters of A. Shchupov’s books are usually adventurers who are ready for anything. The author admits that the characters are similar to him. Adventurousness is an integral part of a person’s character. But some have more, some have less. The author himself did many risky things in his life. For example, about 20 years ago Andrei Shchupov jumped from a plane without any training and was not injured. What luck!

The writer had many pseudonyms - Oleg Rain, Sasha Belykh, Pavel Artemikh. To the question “Why come up with other names for yourself?” Andrey Shchupov replied that most often readers become fixated on one genre. Science fiction fans do not want the author to waste time on detective stories; detective fans do the opposite. He also likes to write in many genres. This includes fantasy, psychological prose, books for children, detective stories and much, much more.

Andrey Shchupov calls children's literature his favorite genre. After all, writing is more interesting for children. They can also argue seriously, but in this direction there is no format, no framework. Oddly enough, children's literature is more liberated. The writer believes that the life of a modern teenager is quite gray and boring (school is home), and reading books is a great alternative to this. There is more, the reading person is successful man.

Andrei Shchupov began his search for himself with a homemade school newspaper. It all started with small articles and stories, then grew into larger works. The family approved of his choice and supported the writer in his endeavors. And now Andrey Shchupov is already an award winner and respected author. He writes books, raises two children and does not age. At least that's what it seems like.
The writer seemed to me an intelligent and interesting person.

I am sure that I will not be disappointed after reading Andrei Shchupov’s books! And you won't be disappointed.

While studying at school, and then at university, entering adulthood, almost every person visits the library. Some people consider this place to be special, others perceive the library as a huge “warehouse” of books.

To learn more deeply what a library is, as well as to understand the impact it can have on a person, we decided to talk with the director of the Centralized Library System named after N.V. Gogol by Vera Vasilievna Skalenchuk.

- Is your education related to your current job?

I graduated from the library department of the Kemerovo Institute of Culture, and my whole life is connected with this profession.

- Do you now think that your choice of profession was conscious?

Many years have passed since that time. The idea of ​​the profession has changed several times. But I believe that the choice of profession was conscious from the very beginning. I have always looked at librarians as people from some other life. As a child, and then as a teenager, I visited the library very often; I simply adored its atmosphere. However, when I graduated from school, I thought that I would be a teacher. Then, when I was already working in my specialty, I had to collaborate with educational institutions. I was told that I have a teaching gift. It only helped me in my work. At the initial stage, I was the head of the youth department. I always managed to find a common language with the guys. Pedagogical abilities came in handy many times later. Working in a team with different people, it was necessary to be able to find an approach to each person.

- Does college prepare a person for a big, adult life, or do you have to learn everything all over again after graduation?

I can talk about my profession. Theoretical knowledge that gives us educational institution, are slightly different from practice. In the last years we had textbooks and disciplines on organizing work. However, during our educational practice, we saw the work not as the reader sees it, but as if from the inside. Many of us had traditional ideas about the library as a place where it is cozy, comfortable, and pleasant to be. When we started working, we began to understand that great effort had to be made, including physical effort, to make everything truly convenient and comfortable for the reader.

- Do you think that when choosing your path, you should listen to the opinions of others or should you only believe in yourself?

Listening is never harmful, but a person must always make the choice himself. I don’t remember my parents or anyone else telling me what profession to choose. It so happened that I chose this profession not on advice, and apparently not on my own. Sometimes chance plays big role. Our institute was just opening, and I decided to try to enroll. It turned out that this choice was to some extent random.

- Can a person who has chosen an unloved profession realize himself in work?

I think not. You need to love your profession. If the work is burdensome, then you will be able to perform it technically well, you will study the entire mechanism of the work, but you will never put your soul into it. But what satisfaction can there be from work if you don’t bring anything of your own into it, if you don’t live by this work, if, while doing work, you think about something extraneous?

- How do you feel about the fact that everything more people use the Internet to obtain information and go to libraries less and less?

I take this for granted. It is no longer possible to influence this situation. The era of the Internet has arrived, and our halls are noticeably empty, but the course of history cannot be changed. Naturally, the Internet is very convenient and quick way searching for information. Through the Internet, a person can find resources that we cannot offer. No library can have all sources. We ourselves actively use new technologies. We post on our website Digital catalogue books, full texts of some local history publications. More than 43 thousand people visited our website in 2011. A second computer room was opened in the Central Library. All branches have the opportunity to work on the Internet.

- Is it possible that over time real books will be completely replaced e-books and the Internet?

Probably not. Firstly, because there is a huge difference between reading from a screen and reading a book. The happiness of communicating with a traditional paper book and immersing yourself in what you are reading cannot be compared with reading an electronic book. But I'm talking specifically about fiction. What excitement you feel when you pick up a book, for example, from the last century. This cannot be expressed in words.

- Are there books in the library’s collection that are rarities?

We have books from the 19th – early 20th centuries, Pushkin’s lifetime editions. The collection of such books includes about two thousand copies. These include fiction, educational, and encyclopedic publications. By the way, we have a complete electronic catalog of these publications. The further we get from that time, the more valuable these publications become. And you always feel excited when you deal with such a book. Each book has its own story. How did she get to us? What kind of hands was she in?

- Do you think a person who reads and a person who doesn’t like to read look at life differently?

A reading person is generally a deep person. He has a special spiritual world that allows him to be deeper and more versatile. A person who does not read simply limits himself. Books teach a person to live and see. I'm not even talking about poetry, which generally inspires and gives an incentive to life. Prose, especially classics, creates a certain vision of the world. A reading person is a very interesting conversationalist. Conversations with such a person are always very meaningful. You can always find out something, learn something from him. When you communicate with people who read, you want to talk to them again and again.

- Which books influenced you specifically?

Classic literature accompanies a person throughout his life. No matter how many times you read such works, so many times you will discover something new for yourself in them, because this is very deep literature. Therefore, first of all, I was influenced by classical literature. This literature is bottomless, which is why, in my opinion, it is and will always be the basis of our development.

- Recently, Vladimir Putin proposed making a list of one hundred books that every graduate should read on their own. He suggested creating this list with the help of cultural authorities. How do you feel about this idea?

One hundred books is somehow artificial, a round number chosen. I don't think it's necessary to stick to certain numbers. But the idea of ​​recommending the most valuable books to young people is not a bad one. It would be good if this list included both classics and modern books. Such a list should include both Russian and world literature. It should also include scientific literature. In my opinion, people recommending books for this list should be well-known cultural and scientific figures, recognized as authorities. By the way, our library has published the book “Among Book Worlds,” in which our honorable readers share their literary preferences and recommend books that influenced their worldview and their lives.

- Do reader preferences change over time?

Certainly. Once upon a time there were queues for books that are now at used bookstores. Once upon a time we tried to subscribe to the classics, to collected works, but now our children and grandchildren are getting rid of this literature and bringing it to us. If earlier there was a huge demand for foreign and Russian classics, now almost no one is interested in this literature.

- Are there many young people among the library’s readers?

According to statistics, about fifty percent of library readers are young people. Previously, the halls were simply overcrowded with young people; they made up about seventy percent of the readers. Unfortunately, there is a clear trend towards a decrease in the number of young readers. They prefer to visit the library virtually by visiting our websites.

- How does lack of interest in reading affect the level of youth culture?

There is currently a decline in the literacy rate of young people. And this suggests that young people are reading less. When a person does not read, he does not see the correct, good text in front of him. In addition, a reading, thinking person behaves more culturally and expresses his thoughts logically, unlike people who do not read. I understand that in our time some new forms of communication are appearing, new words are included in speech, but still the basis of people’s communication should be a literary language.

- Is it possible now, in your opinion, to increase interest in reading?

We try our best to attract all segments of the population to read, this is the main goal of the library. We do not lose hope that it is possible to revive interest in reading. Now almost kindergarten They try to instill in children an interest in books. We have developed a program to teach children to read. But it is important that the love of reading is instilled in the family. Of course, a person can come to the book on his own. A love of reading can appear even in adulthood, because it is never too late to pick up a book. Therefore, we believe that it is possible to increase the level of reading culture.

- Finally, what would you like to wish and maybe even recommend to our readers?

Skalenchuk, V.V. “A person who reads is a deep person” [Text]: [interview with Skalenchuk V.V.] / Ekaterina Pyatibratova // Kuznetsk worker. - 2012. - May 5 (No. 51). - P. 2: photo.

Reviews about the book:

Well... I bought this excellent collection from 1983, of fantastic quality, on excellent paper, with beautiful illustrations, the other day for 10 rubles at the Olympic Fair. In the same “heap” for the same 10 rubles there were quite a few good publications, incl. classical literature. The seller generally seemed to have no idea who she had laying around there and what the selection criteria were. But the deepest impression on me was that 50% of second-hand book sellers to whom I asked with the question “do you have Celine”, scratching their turnips, answered that “Celine is probably not there, but there is Selinger. Will you take it?” Indeed, what is the difference in essence... The surnames are almost the same root :)

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    (speech at the regional conference “Russian Language Days”;

    May, 2013-2014 academic year)

    Hello! I am a student of class 5A at Kozhevnikovsky School No. 1 Maria Usacheva, I present to your attention the work that we did together with my classmate Karina Agapova, and it is called “A person who reads is a successful person.”

    From childhood we are told that “A book is a source of wisdom and knowledge.” This is certainly true. Although you don’t see actively reading schoolchildren very often these days. For example, some of our friends honestly admit that they don’t read anything at all. And they say that reading books is a waste of time. And this saddens us. The book contains untold riches, it reflects the entire human experience. That is why the answer that is often heard in lessons in our class is surprising: “I read it, but I didn’t understand anything.” Two conclusions can be drawn from this:

    1) read inattentively, thoughtlessly;

    2) didn’t read at all.

    The book is an indispensable tool that helps to form moral principles, moral principles and cultural values.

    WITH early childhood a person gets acquainted with books. They will accompany him throughout his life. They will be his constant companions, help him understand difficult issues, and solve the most important problems in life.

    The book teaches us to be kinder, softer to each other, teaches mercy and empathy. She becomes our faithful friend at a difficult moment, when we need to find the only solution that will help us get out of the current situation.

    The book is real trusted friend. You can contact her with any question. Books are our irreplaceable helpers.

    The role of books in human life is great. Without it, neither education nor the culture of our society would be possible. It is the book that stores everything that humanity has accumulated over all the centuries of its existence in various fields.

    Well, now I want to talk about the role of reading in our class.This school year, our class took part in the school competition “The Most Active Reading Class.” Based on the results of the first half of the yearwe took first placeand we are very proud of the result, we want to continue to be active users of libraries and participants in competitions aimed at developing reading abilities.

    We are leading a great reader's diary, where we place materials from extracurricular reading lessons, with open lessons, photographs from cool reading and educational-research conferences, pasting illustrations into works fiction, we write syncwines on various “reader” topics. I brought our cool reading diary and want to show it to you. (PASS THE DIARY TO THE FIRST ROW)

    In our class, reading competitions are held, which develop our speech and cultivate a love for books. For example, participantsreading competition dedicated to M. Yu. Lermontov, steel 20 our classmates(out of 23). In the competition"Attempt at writing" (as part of an open event dedicated to M.V. Lomonosov), 4 students from the class they wrote poems in honor of the great Russian scientist. They passed us and2 educational and research conferences, in preparation for which we studied encyclopedic and documentary literature, and learned to work with Internet sources.5 students in classtook part in school stage competition"Living classic" two represented our school at the district level, one of our classmatesbecame the winner of the competition. Our class regularly conducts To Classroom on promoting reading among peers.

    We keep in touch not only with the school library, but also with the central library. Three times during this school year We attended educational literary events organized by library staff. Thus, we can conclude that students in grade 5A actively participate in activities aimed at developing speech, broadening their horizons, developing creative abilities, and draw strength and inspiration from books.

    After we conducted a survey in class to find out what our classmates like to read, how often and for how long they read, we concluded: some children in our class do not want to read, do not want to visit the library, preferring to look for information in Internet networks.

    We see a close connection between reading and grades in Russian. Without daily thoughtful reading, it is impossible to become a literate person.

    Today, in the age of computerization and the dominance of videos, young people need to read. And not only because the book is a source of knowledge. Reading enriches the reader’s inner world, develops feelings, makes you think about yourself and others, and teaches you to be attentive to what is happening around you. Reading books broadens our horizons and enriches our lexicon, develop memory.

    We hope that in the future the situation will change, and Her Majesty the Book will take its rightful place in the lives of each of us.

    1. They tend to be more sophisticated/sophisticated.

    Reading allows people to delve into opinions and realities that differ from their own. This helps them refine their point of view. Reading also helps develop intelligence, wisdom, composure and patience. Also, do not forget that people who read with pleasure can, like no other, fully enjoy such little things as good lighting, comfortable furniture and delicious tea.

    2. They are more intelligent

    When you read a lot, you learn a lot. If a person reads fantasy where we are talking about elves and dragons, this does not mean that it is stupid reading. Books like these can be filled with life lessons. You can find a lot of people reading fantasy. And they have a better vocabulary than those who read various magazines or don’t read at all. They understand clues better and learn better new information. They are also more pleasant to communicate with. And this is very important in a relationship. I do not want to say that a reading person is a universal soldier, ready for anything. But from such people you will be much less likely to hear the phrase “I don’t know.”

    3. They are creative

    Creativity is important in relationships. After a couple of years of relationship, it is very difficult to surprise your soulmate. When a person reads a lot, he absorbs the creativity of authors like a sponge. All of these books present ideas that readers may not have known about. And if you want a truly long-term relationship, then reading people are more suitable for this. After all, they will find a way to maintain novelty in the relationship and make it interesting. They will simply use ideas they once read about.

    4. They are still children at heart

    And such people understand children better, and they know how to deal with them. After all, good relationships sooner or later lead to children. And let's be honest, these are the kind of people who can teach our children while they are growing up. Such people know many fairy tales and can even come up with them themselves. They will ensure that children are truly engrossed in the story.

    5. He will be a more passionate lover.

    Have you ever read a tastefully described sex scene in a novel? They are very visual, but not vulgar. In the worlds that are described in books, people are very passionate. And, as we said, people who read will learn a lot. This means that a book can teach you how to be passionate.

    6. They are more patient

    Reading books takes enough a large number of time. AND busy people it takes weeks to read a book to the end. Some people can devour a couple of hundred pages in just a few hours. In both cases, a lot of patience is required. And patience is a skill that takes years to hone. And the people reading are really honing it long time. These people will be patient enough to solve relationship problems.

    7. They will teach you a lot

    As we have repeatedly stated, people who read know a lot. They have read many pages, and these pages contain various lessons. After all, not all the books they read are fantasy, drama or romance. Such people love not only to read. They also love to study. They like it. This means they can teach you a lot too. Life, relationships, technology, etc. Are there really topics that are completely incomprehensible to a truly well-read person? If there is, he can read about it.

    8. You are guaranteed personal time

    Readers love to read. This sounds a little stupid, but read to the end. As we read, we imagine the landscapes, people, and scenes that are described in the book. And when we are taken away from reading, everything breaks down. And we have to start over. When a person reads, he does not like to be disturbed. This means that you have time for yourself. You can sleep, take a bath, go shopping or do what you like.

    9. They really know what romance is.

    They read books containing elements of romance. Even if it is a fantasy novel written specifically for young boys or men, there will be romance in it. The heroes and heroines of his books experience the worst moments in life. They experienced battles and betrayals, separation and despair. But, despite everything, they stay together, overcoming all difficulties. And if you meet a person reading, be sure that he knows everything about romance. This means that your life will soon be filled with this very romance.

    10. They know what it means to care.

    Books are made of paper. And paper is a very fragile thing. It can be destroyed by fire, water, and simply time. So rest assured that the people reading know how to take care of their things. After all, they will want to reread their books again and again. You can rest assured that such people will take care not only of their own things, but also of yours. And they will treat you with care. Of course you are not a thing! It’s just that these people take care of everything that is really dear to them.

    In general, people who read are better than many others. But be careful! Not every person reading is like the one described in my article.

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