Colleagues call the new head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs an excellent man. The metropolitan police are being cleared of the command of General Yakunin Baranov Oleg Anatolyevich Ministry of Internal Affairs family

He has extensive experience fighting crime in the capital. In the internal affairs bodies - since 1989, he began his service as a policeman of the 173rd police department of Moscow. Graduated in 1999 Law Institute Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

From 1994 to 2008, Oleg Baranov served in various, including senior, positions in the organized crime departments of Moscow.

In 2008, he took the post of deputy head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate.

Since July 2011, by Decree of the President of Russia, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Chief of Police - Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

On June 14, 2012, Oleg Baranov was awarded the special rank of “Major General of Police,” and in August 2012, by Decree of the President of Russia, he was appointed to the post of Deputy Chief of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow - Chief of Police.

Oleg Anatolyevich has many successful events to his credit. Repeatedly personally led operations (a number of which had a wide public response) to apprehend dangerous criminals.

Thus, in April 2011, the son of the general director of Kaspersky Lab was kidnapped by attackers. The criminals demanded for his release. a large sum money. As a result of a special operation led by Oleg Baranov, five kidnappers, including the organizer, were detained and the young man was released. During the operation, the operatives demonstrated professionalism.

One more example. In February 2012, an armed rowdy barricaded himself in an apartment in a residential building on Lyublinskaya Street and threatened to open fire. Oleg Baranov entered into negotiations with the raging shooter. For two hours, at gunpoint, he convinced the criminal to lay down his weapon and surrender. Oleg Anatolyevich took full responsibility for the operation - he went inside himself, found the right words, after which the suspect handed him his gun and was detained.

For his service, Oleg Anatolyevich was repeatedly awarded state and departmental awards.

Colleagues consider Oleg Baranov to be an honest, decent and competent leader, a high-level professional who has gone through all levels of the career ladder - from an ordinary police officer to the head of the metropolitan police.

Chairman of the Security Commission of the Public Chamber Russian Federation Anton TSVETKOV:

- I’ve known Oleg Baranov for quite a long time. He is a deeply decent person and a true professional. He knows Moscow and its personnel like the back of his hand. I am confident that he will continue all the best traditions laid down by his predecessors. But, of course, he will bring something of his own. I talked to his subordinates. Baranov is a very demanding leader, he asks strictly, but at the same time treats everyone humanely. People turn to the Public Chamber with complaints at any time of the day. For example, I know for sure that I can call General Baranov at two in the morning, report a crime or inaction of the Moscow police, and he will answer, react, take control. Public Chamber Russia fully supports this appointment.

In connection with the transformation of the police into the police, personnel changes took place in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow. The head of the MUR, Police Major General Viktor Golovanov, was promoted to deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, the main police officer of the capital. Instead of him, police colonel Oleg Anatolyevich Baranov was appointed to the general position of head of the capital’s criminal investigation department. For readers of our newspaper, Oleg Anatolyevich kindly agreed to answer questions important for Muscovites.

Oleg Anatolyevich, a few words about yourself. Muscovites are wondering who will now lead the legendary service, in which, by the way, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow, Police Lieutenant General Vladimir Kolokoltsev, began his career.

I was born into a military family. Studied at high school, then to a vocational school. In 1987 - 1989 he served in the Armed Forces. After completing his service, two months later he entered the security department of state missions in the capital. He served there for five years and transferred to the department for combating organized crime in the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. In thirteen and a half years, he worked his way up from detective operative to department head. Then, on the recommendation of the leadership of the capital’s police, he was transferred to the position of deputy head of the department for combating organized crime in the city of Moscow. After the disbandment of the service for combating organized crime, the head of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, Viktor Vladimirovich Golovanov, invited me to the position of his deputy.

Now he has been appointed to the criminal unit of the Metropolitan Police as head of the criminal investigation department.

It is known that with your direct participation, a brilliant operation was recently carried out to free the son of the outstanding Russian scientist Kaspersky.

Just don’t personally attribute the success of the young hostage’s release to me. It was common cause friendly team of operational services.

Modesty is, of course, a wonderful quality of human nature. And yet, what awards did you receive during your service?

State awards - medal "For Courage" and medal "For Excellence in Security public order". In addition, awards from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

What, in your opinion, are the fundamental differences between working in organized crime units and in criminal investigation?

They certainly exist. A detective who confronts organized crime has the ability to be so-called selective in his methods of work. This is explained by the fact that in the UBP departments the work of searching for criminals was based on the principle “from person to crime.” And this introduced a certain creative element into the detective’s style of activity.

In criminal investigation, the algorithm for operational actions is different. We have the fact of a crime and are required by law to identify the perpetrators. For criminal detectives, speed of thinking is important when making orientations and making decisions. concrete solutions and the ability to work to compare circumstances in the actions of the opposing party. Much less often they need to resort to analytical assessment of the overall operational situation. Although, of course, it is the same for both intelligence services.

But in both cases, the success of a business also depends on a person’s inner convictions. If he is conscientious and does not give in to the temptation of the “devil,” then everything will be in order and his efforts will be effective. But if conscience is in short supply, there is no need to say anything. You understand what this can lead to...

Our newspaper for the first time in the press on its pages raised the topic of the relationship between law enforcement officers and the special apparatus, that is, detectives and their agents. We did this because today police reform is being carried out and an attempt is being made to eradicate all the negative possibilities of betrayal from the practice of future updated bodies, and in most cases they depend precisely on the correct construction of relationships with agents in the criminal world. Perhaps our discussion will somehow help normalize this most important part of operational life?

You touched on a painful issue. First of all, we need to rebuild not so much the work as the heads of our employees. The criteria for approaching people here are different. We are all going through a crisis. He touched each of us. For operational workers, this is also the most important test of moral stability. Working with special equipment is the main component in solving crimes. But at the same time, this is a fine line of human relationships, which an experienced operator always feels well and will never allow himself to violate the border established by law... Our employees are called operational agents because they are entrusted with the most difficult mission specific work with special equipment.

Unfortunately, in our educational institutions They mainly teach theory. During their internship in the internal affairs bodies, trainees also do not have the opportunity to study the problem in depth. Therefore, when young people come to our service, we try to insure them against possible errors, which can cost her dearly. And we must note the enormous benefit that our veterans provide. Thank God we have them. In classes with young detectives, veterans teach them operational science. Thanks to their remarkable experience, former employees speak it perfectly.

We will do everything to ensure that those who remain to serve in the ranks of defenders of the law take care of the honor of the police uniform and value the right to wear it. Our detectives are obliged not only to preserve the historical traditions of the Moscow criminal investigation department, but also to enrich them with the content of police work in new conditions in which there can be no place for apostates from duty.

Doesn't the structural breakdown into central search and investigative agencies in districts make it difficult to work? At one time, the earth behaved independently of the MUR, they say, we ourselves with a mustache and on our territory know what is here and how much...

No, this problem no longer exists. Our employees and those in the districts are doing a common cause. If you ask the detective officer in the district, he will answer that he serves in the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department.

Oleg Anatolyevich, today the MUR has 32 departments of various subjects, united into seven operational investigative units. There are very few former UBP departments. What do you see as your main task as the head of this most important and very complex structure for the city?

The task for me and my deputies is one. The goal is to make Muscovites and guests of the capital feel completely safe in Moscow. And those who contact us understand that they came here for a reason.

We are well aware of the enormous responsibility we have for the order in the capital before the people and the authorities; there is every reason to believe that the Moscow criminal police will live up to the expectations placed on it.

Can we inform our readers that the famous abbreviation MUR will continue to be a legendary example of the heroism and reliability of Russian detectives?

You can rest assured that everything possible will be done for this.

Thank you very much, Oleg Anatolyevich, for spending time with our readers.

B Aranov Viktor Kirillovich - commander of the 1st Guards Zhitomir Red Banner Order of Suvorov named after the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR, cavalry corps of the 1st Ukrainian Front, guard lieutenant general.

Born on June 11, 1901 in the village of Sheremetyevka, Syzran district, Simbirsk province, now Syzran district Samara region(according to other sources, in the village of Svirino, now Novospassky district Ulyanovsk region), in a peasant family. Russian. After graduating from 3rd grade, he worked at a cotton gin plant in Uzbekistan. From the end of 1917 - in the Red Guard detachment, he participated in the suppression of the uprising in Kokand.

In the Red Army since March 1918, volunteer. He served as a Red Army soldier in the Zhlobin revolutionary rifle regiment, and from July 1918 he was a platoon commander in this regiment. Participated in Civil War against the white Orenburg army of General A.I. Dutov on Southern Urals, then on the Turkestan front against the White Guards and the British, in 1918 he received a shell shock in battle. From April 191, he commanded a platoon in the 1st Orenburg Combined Cavalry Regiment and fought against the Basmachi.

From December 1920 to October 1921, he served as a post commander in the 31st border squadron of the Cheka troops (Kushka fortress). He graduated from the cavalry school of riders of the Turkestan Front in 1922, served on the staff of the 15th Alma-Ata cavalry courses. In December 1922 he was sent to study at the 4th United Cavalry School named after V.I. Lenin in Tashkent. During his studies in the fall of 1922 and in May-November 1923, he fought with the Basmachi as part of combined cadet detachments.

In December 1924, he was returned to duty and sent to the 7th separate Turkestan Cavalry Brigade of the Central Asian Military District: assistant platoon commander of the 79th Cavalry Regiment (Baisun), political instructor of the economic team of the 81st Cavalry Regiment (Termez), squadron commander of the 81st Cavalry Regiment. During this period, he actively participated in hostilities against the Basmachi in 1925, August-December 1927, April-June 1928, March-May 1929. He was awarded his first order for distinction in battles. Member of the CPSU(b) since 1926.

In 1930 he graduated from the Red Banner Cavalry advanced training courses for the command staff of the Red Army in Novocherkassk. From June 1929, he again served as political instructor of the squadron in the 81st cavalry regiment of the Central Asian Military District. From June 1932 to June 1934 - head of the regimental school and chief of staff of the Tajik Cavalry Regiment in the same district. Again he actively participated in the battles against the Basmachi, especially in 1931. From there he left to study.

In 1937 he graduated from the Military Academy of the Red Army named after M.V. Frunze. Since December 1937 - Chief of the 1st part of the headquarters of the 18th Turkmen Mountain Cavalry Division. Since March 1938 - commander of the 27th Turkmen Mountain Cavalry Regiment in the same division. Since October 1938 - assistant commander of the 3rd Bessarabian Cavalry Division named after G.K. Kotovsky Kyiv Military District (Zholkev, Lviv region).

Since March 14, 1941, Colonel Baranov V.K. - commander of the 5th Stavropol Cavalry Division named after M.F. Blinov as part of the 2nd Cavalry Corps (commander Major General P.A. Belov) of the Kyiv Special Military District. In this position he met the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Since June 1941 - in continuous battles with the Nazi invaders on the Southern and Southwestern fronts. The corps became famous as one of the best cavalry units of the Red Army.

In October 1941, the entire corps was transferred to the Western Front and showed exceptional courage in the defense of Moscow. The division of V.K. Baranov took part in repelling the attack of the 2nd German Tank Army of G. Guderian on Moscow from the south in the Kashira direction. For the massive heroism of the personnel, the cavalry division entrusted to him was transformed into the 1st Guards Cavalry Division on November 26, 1941, and the corps became the 1st Guards.

From January to June 1942, General Baranov, at the head of a division as part of a corps, acted deep behind enemy lines.

From July 1942 until the end of the war - commander of the 1st Guards Cavalry Corps, consisting successively of the 16th, 6th, 3rd Tank, 3rd Guards Tank, 38th, 60th, 13th, 21st 1st armies on the Western, Southwestern, Voronezh, 1st Ukrainian fronts. Participated in the Voroshilovgrad offensive, Kharkov defensive, Donbass offensive, Kyiv defensive, Zhitomir-Berdichev, Rivne-Lutsk, Proskurov-Chernigov, Lviv-Sandomierz, East Carpathian, Vistula-Oder, Lower Silesian, Upper Silesian, Berlin and Prague offensives operations. On account of V.K. Baranov’s horsemen, the liberation from the Nazi occupiers of the Ukrainian cities of Kyiv, Korostyshev, Zhitomir, Lutsk, Chervonoarmeysk, Kamenka-Strumilovskaya (Kamenka-Bugskaya), Zholkva (Nesterov), the Polish cities of Przemysl (Pshemysl), Bishovstal (Uyazd) ), the German city of Mühlberg.

Z and the successful completion of combat missions of the command and the high combat effectiveness of the corps and the courage and heroism shown, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 29, 1945 to Lieutenant General Baranov Viktor Kirillovich awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 7910).

After the war he continued to serve in Armed Forces THE USSR. Continued to command the 1st Guards Cavalry Corps. Since September 1946 - commander of the 14th Guards Rifle Corps in the Kiev Military District. In 1952 he graduated from the Higher Academic Courses at the Higher Military Academy named after K.E. Voroshilov ( Military Academy General Staff). Since April 1953, Lieutenant General V.K. Baranov has been in reserve.

He died on July 26, 1970 in Dnepropetrovsk. He was buried in the Alley of Heroes of the Zaporozhye Cemetery in Dnepropetrovsk.

Major General (07/24/1941);
Lieutenant General (09/15/1943).

Awarded two Orders of Lenin (21.02.1945, 29.05.1945), five Orders of the Red Banner (1.08.1929, 12.11.1941, ...), Order of Suvorov 1st degree (13.11.1943), two Orders of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 1st 1st degree (05/29/1944, 08/25/1944), Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree (01/30/1943), medals, foreign orders, including the Order of Distinguished Service (Great Britain, 1943).

Streets in the cities of Kashira and Dnepropetrovsk are named after the Hero; in Dnepropetrovsk, a memorial plaque was installed on the house in which V.K. Baranov lived.

The news about the transfer of the capital's chief police officer Anatoly Yakunin to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs became known on Friday morning. But there was no official confirmation; all news agencies referred to some reliable sources. The department's press service declined to make any comments. Now it’s clear why, everyone was waiting for President Vladimir Putin to sign a decree on personnel changes.

According to the Decree, Police Lieutenant General Anatoly Yakunin was appointed head of the Operations Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to a message on the Kremlin website. - By another Decree, Major General of Police Oleg Baranov was appointed head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

Little is known about the new head of the department. IN official sources just his short biography.

Born on March 16, 1969 in the German city of Potsdam. Later he moved to Moscow. He became a policeman at the age of 20 and since then he has been working in the police for 27 years (see Career).

In 2011, Oleg Baranov was awarded the rank of “police colonel” by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. And a year later he was awarded the special rank of “Major General of Police.” A month later, Vladimir Putin appointed Oleg Baranov deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow.

We decided to call his colleagues and ask what they thought about the new appointment of Major General Baranov.

I have known Oleg Baranov for quite a long time,” Anton Tsvetkov, head of the Security Commission of the Public Chamber of Russia, answered us. - He is a deeply decent person and a true professional. He knows Moscow and its personnel like the back of his hand. I am confident that he will continue all the best traditions laid down by the previous leaders - Kolokoltsev and Yakunin. But, of course, he will bring something of his own. I talked to his subordinates. Baranov is a very demanding leader, he asks strictly, but at the same time treats everyone humanely. People turn to the Public Chamber with complaints at any time of the day. For example, I know for sure that I can call General Baranov at two in the morning, report a crime or inaction of the Moscow police, and he will answer, react, take control. The Public Chamber of Russia fully supports this appointment.

We also reached one of Oleg Baranov’s subordinates. He asked not to use his name, because... Due to his duties, he has no right to speak publicly.

To be honest, yesterday many department employees noted Baranov’s appointment after work,” our interlocutor said. - In my memory, there has not been such a positive attitude of personnel towards changes in the headquarters for a long time. To put it simply: Oleg Anatolyevich is a great guy. He started out many years ago as an operative, and in a leadership position he treats his subordinates well, is decent and open. His colleagues are sincerely happy about his appointment.

Are many people surprised that he became a major general at the age of 43? How can this be? Oleg Anatolyevich accomplished a feat?

First, the title must correspond to the position. Baranov became a general when he headed the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department (see Career). And there he kept control of the most high-profile investigations recent years. It is important that Oleg Anatolyevich, like no one else, knows the specifics of Moscow work - under Yakunin, he oversaw both the criminal investigation and the protection of public order. I believe that he was the ideal candidate for the post of head of the Metropolitan Police.

There is another interesting fact in the biography of the new chief - the medal “For Courage”. As you know, it is not simply awarded.

In 1994, Oleg Anatolyevich personally participated in a special operation to detain several dangerous criminals, we were told by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow. - It is known that the group was engaged in extortion. Everyone is armed. We know that the operation was not very simple.


In 2000, head of the 4th department of the Regional Operational-Investigation Bureau (for the South-East Administrative District) of the Central Regional Directorate for Combating Organized Crime under the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

In 2001, he held the post of head of the 3rd department of the department for combating organized crime of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the South-East Administrative District of Moscow;

Since 2003, Deputy Head of the Department for Combating Organized Crime of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow - Head of the 1st operational investigative unit;

From 2004 to 2006, head of the department for combating organized crime of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-East Administrative District of Moscow;

Since 2006, Deputy Head of the Department for Combating Organized Crime of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow - Head of the 1st operational investigative unit;

Since 2008, Deputy Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate;

Since July 2011, Deputy Chief of Police - Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow;

Since August 10, 2012, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow - Chief of Police.


During his period of service in the internal affairs bodies, he was awarded medals “For Courage” and “For Distinction in the Protection of Public Order.”


What do you expect from the new head of the Moscow police?

Alexander LAZUTKIN, pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of Russia:

I expect good, dignified service from police officers, so that people trust them like Uncle Styopa. And they didn’t bypass them if something happened to them.

Stanislav GOVORUKHIN, film director, director of the film “The meeting place cannot be changed”:

Are you saying that the police consider me one of their own?.. The main thing is that they consider the residents of the capital as their own and in no case - not representatives of crime. And the new boss must perform his duties well.

Vladimir SOLOVIEV, TV presenter:

We need to pay more attention to personnel. The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was intended to restore order, but it was not possible to do this fully. And one more thing - for police officers to love their city, then their attitude towards the service will be appropriate.

Gennady ZAYTSEV, former commander of the Alpha group, Hero of the Soviet Union:

So that there is order on the roads and streets, and people can walk through the capital in the dark without fear. So that there are fewer crimes. I wish coordinated, successful work of the entire Moscow police in these areas.

Evgeny GERASIMOV, actor, Moscow City Duma deputy:

It is necessary to create conditions for police officers so that they feel comfortable working. So that they, risking under bullets, know exactly what guarantees await their families. Create a social package. And quickly resolve the housing issue.

Andrey DUNAEV, ex-head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, lieutenant general of the internal service:

This is an experienced person. Very knowledgeable about the situation. And he doesn’t need to study the personnel. In my opinion, there will be results. And my wish is this: without looking back at anyone, do your own thing.

Alexey NASONOV, detective, former employee police:

I can say about Oleg Baranov - he is a good and responsible person. I expect a tougher approach to maintaining public order from him and the entire police force. It would be good to generally expand the powers of employees, especially in relation to shooting weddings, racers and other “masters of life”.

The most important thing is safety. These days are such times that going out at three in the morning is life-threatening. The capital is full of all sorts of illegal immigrants who, left without a means of livelihood, despair and commit crime.

Petr SHKUMATOV, member of the public council of the capital department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

I would like the new police chief to continue the policy of the previous chief to cleanse the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. So that only those who deserve it serve in the organs.

Alexander, reader of the KP.RU website:

To live according to conscience, in justice, to teach his subordinates the same and to catch criminals.

Oleg Anatolyevich Baranov(born March 16, 1969, Potsdam, German Democratic Republic) - Russian law enforcement official, major general of police (2012). Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow since September 23, 2016, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow - Chief of Police (2012-2016).


Born on March 16, 1969 in the city of Potsdam (German Democratic Republic, since 1990 - Federal Republic of Germany).

He began his work in the internal affairs bodies in 1989 as a policeman of the 173rd Moscow police department. In 1999 he graduated from the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (now the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. Ya. Kikot).

From 2000 to 2001, he held the position of head of the 4th department of the Regional Operational Investigation Bureau (for the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow) of the Central Regional Directorate for Combating Organized Crime under the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 2001, he was appointed head of the 3rd department of the department for combating organized crime of the Department of Internal Affairs of the South-East Administrative District of Moscow.

In 2003, he was appointed to the position of deputy head of the department for combating organized crime of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Southern Eastern Administrative District of Moscow - head of the 1st operational investigative unit. Since 2004 - head of the department for combating organized crime of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-East Administrative District of Moscow.

In 2006, Baranov was transferred to the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of Moscow, where he became deputy head of the Department for Combating Organized Crime - head of the 1st operational investigative unit. In 2008, he took the position of deputy head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate.

On May 6, 2011, after undergoing recertification in connection with the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Baranov was awarded the special rank of “police colonel.”

In July 2011, Baranov headed the Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2012, he was awarded the special rank of “Major General of Police.”

On August 10, 2012, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Baranov was appointed to the position of deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow - chief of police, while the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department was headed by Colonel Alexander Trushkin.

On September 23, 2016, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Baranov was appointed to the position of head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow, replacing Anatoly Yakunin in this post.


  • Medal of Honor"
  • Medal "For Excellence in the Protection of Public Order"
  • other state and departmental awards
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