List of main verbs. Regular English verbs with translation. Regular and irregular verbs

With practice, your vocabulary increases, replete with a variety of not only grammatical structures, but also a huge number of words. And at the same time, speech is transformed, acquiring expressiveness and liveliness. In this article we will look at the most commonly used verbs that will help construct any statement logically.

You probably already know what a verb is: a part of speech that expresses an action, a state and answers the question of what to do. In any phrase, it plays a very important role; without it, not a single sentence exists (remember the clear structure of the sentence). If you want to diversify your speech, you will have to learn more than a dozen English verbs with translations.

Ways to make memorization easier

We will divide all these parts of speech according to the nature of the action, according to what they convey. Better to teach English verbs with translation, consider examples and memorize. And the easiest way to do this is in groups.

1. Verbs of motion form a group of those that convey a change in the state, position of an object or person. Let's look at the table, which presents the main English verbs of this group.



Varieties of movements
go walk
pass follow, pass by
budge move, move from place
stir move, move
travel travel
move move
proceed move, follow
push push, move
drive drive
advance move forward
stop stop
stick get stuck
stay stand
pause to have a break
roll roll
revolve spin around
turn turn
rotate rotate around an axis
slide slide
glid slide across the surface
slip slip out
shake shake
vibrate vibrate
tremble tremble
wave wave your hand
bend bend
swing swing
swim swim
skate skate
ski ski
Move up or down
raise lift up
rise get up
lift lift up
climb climb
elevate lift up
heave lift with difficulty
ascend ascend, rise
lower let down
drop fall
fall fall
sink go down
descend to go down
Movement in water
flow flow
float don't drown
swim swim
sail sail, sail on a ship, boat
dive dive
plunge dip
drown drown
sink dive
row row
emerge float up
hurry hurry
speed racing in a car
race run, rush
rush rush
husten hurry
dash rush
run run
fly fly, rush
crawl crawl
creep crawl
tarry hesitate
linger linger
slow down slow down
delay delay, delay
loiter hesitate
brake to brake
chase pursue, pursue
follow follow
track track down
hound pursue, persecute
spy spy
capture catch
catch catch
take take, seize
arrest arrest
kidnap kidnap
escape run away
flee run for safety
disappear disappear
avoid avoid
evade dodge
depart send
go away leave
leave leave
withdraw retire
abandon leave
retire retire
arrive arrive
reach achieve
come come
attain achieve
get arrive

2. State verbs

Not all verbs convey movement. Some, for example, describe feelings, perceptions, and mental activities. Their main feature is (unlike the previous group) that they cannot emphasize the process or duration of an action, but are used only in special cases, which you can learn about from the article “Verbs not used in the Continuous”.

adore adore
love be in love
hate hate
like like
dislike do not like
prefer prefer
want want
wish want
hear hear
listen listen
understand understand
believe believe
remember remember
agree agree
appreciate value
belong belong
consists consist
concern cares
depend depend
disagree Disagree
doubt doubt
equal dress
fit suit
impress impress
involve involve
include include
know know
matter to mean
mind mind
mean mean
need need
own own
promise promise
realize realize
seem seem
regognize learn
sound sound
suppose believe
surprise surprise

As you can see, there are quite a few English verbs, and that’s not all, but just the main ones. But you shouldn’t memorize them all at once. This will only cause irritation and disgust. Some you already know, and some you will have to learn, 4-5 per week, and believe me, soon your vocabulary will quickly increase in size. This means that you will not only be able to understand more, but also speak.

Today I want to offer a list of the fifty most common and widely used regular verbs in the English language. This selection is suitable for beginners. With these verbs you can build simple everyday phrases that are used in everyday speech.

I will also give some grammatical rules in tables associated with this type of verbs.

What are regular verbs and irregular verbs

IN English language There are two categories of verbs - regular and irregular. The division into these categories is based on the way the form of the simple past tense is formed - Past Simple, and the past participle - Past Participle.

Regular verbs in English - these are those verbs that form the above forms according to general rule.

And it is as follows - the Past Simple and Past Participle forms of regular verbs are formed by adding the ending –ed to the stem of the verb (to the infinitive). For example, the verb ask. We add –ed to it and get – asked, this y will be the form of the past tense and the past participle. They are formed the same way.

The above forms are not formed according to the general rule. Their forms just need to be learned by heart. For example, the verb to begin - begin, has the form began in the Past Simple, and began in the Past Participle.

Features of the formation of Past Simple and Past Participle forms of regular verbs

But there are several grammatical nuances when forming forms with the addition of –ed.

I'll put them in a table for convenience:

Rule Examples
If the verb in the indefinite form has an ending –e, then there is no need to add an additional –e, just put -d Lik e-lik ed


Final consonant of a verb doubles, if in front of it stands one stressed vowel Pla n– pla nn ed

Prefe r– prefe rr ed

Sto p-sto pp ed

Despite the stress, in the word travel l– travel ll ed is doubling l, you need to remember

In other cases - general rule:cl ea n – cleaned, c oo k – cooked, i ron – ironed

If the verb ends in two vowels and the last one –y, then –ed is added according to the general rule Pl ay– play ed

Delay – delayed

If the verb ends in –y, and in front of her stands consonant, then in this case –y changes to –i and the ending –ed is added Cr y-cr i ed

In all other cases, the ending –ed is added to the verb without any special features.

Features of reading ending –ed

Again, I will present it in the form of a table:

Selection – 50 regular English verbs with translation

I will give you 50 of the most common regular verbs that it is advisable for beginners to know. I won’t write forms with –ed, but you can practice using the rules described above:

Word Transcription Translation
1. like like, love
2. wash wash
3. play play
4. study [ˈstʌdɪ] study
5. travel travel
6. listen listen
7. work work
8. watch look
9. look look
10. live live
11. cook prepare
12. help to help
13. visit [ˈvɪzɪt] visit
14. finish [ˈfɪnɪʃ] end
15. close close
16. open [ˈəʊpən] open
17. wait wait
18. prefer prefer
19. walk walk, walk
20. decide decide
21. answer [ˈɑːnsə] reply
22. change [ʧeɪnʤ] change
23. cry scream, cry
24. love be in love
25. hate hate
26. stop Stop
27. talk talk, talk
28. use use
29. want want
30. believe believe, trust
31. carry [ˈkærɪ] carry
32. call call
33. explain [ɪksˈpleɪn] explain
34. happen [ˈhæpən] happen, happen
35. move move, move
36. need to need, to be necessary
37. remember remember, recall
38. promise [ˈprɔmɪs] promise
39. start start off
40. translate transfer
41. worry [ˈwʌrɪ] worry
42. save save, save, hoard
43. smile smile
44. laugh laugh
45. stay stay, stop (at a hotel)
46. ask [ɑːsk] ask
47. appear [əˈpɪə] appear
48. allow [əˈlaʊ] let
49. offer [ˈɔfə] suggest
50. hope hope

If you studied English as a child, then you are familiar with long tables with three forms of irregular verbs from school. But the regular verbs of the English language, despite their frequent use in speech, for some reason are always ignored and not studied in tabular form. And in vain, because they also have special grammatical cases. In addition, by memorizing a whole list of regular verbs, we will expand our lexicon and we will feel more confident when constructing sentences, without a doubt putting any verb in the form required by the context. But first, let’s remember once again what rule gave the name to such verbs.

Forms of regular English verbs

As you remember, in English grammar There are only four verb forms. Two of them do not require close study: we become familiar with the infinitive when we work on learning new words, and the present participle (Participle I) is invariably formed by adding the ending –ing. There remain two forms, according to which the division into regular English verbs and irregular ones occurs.

According to the grammatical norm*, the formation of the Past Simple (simple past) and Participle II (past participle) occurs by adding the ending –ed to the stem of the word. Respectively, appearance these verb forms are of the same type.

*Exceptions to this rule are precisely the class of irregular verbs.

But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Adding an ending has its own phonetic and grammatical nuances associated with linguistic features. The following grammar table will help you avoid incorrect formation and pronunciation of past tense forms.

Grammar rules
Rule Example
For verbs ending in -e, the final vowel is not doubled, i.e. only the letter d is added. ti e-tie d (tie)

lik e–like d (like)

queu e–queue d (stand in line)

If a word has one syllable and it ends with a consonant, then it is doubled. kni t–kni tted (to knit)

pla n– pla nned (to plan)

ro b– ro bbed (rob)

The final l when adding an ending always requires duplication. travel l– travel lled (travel)
Verbs ending " consonant+y", replace the last letter with i. t ry-t Ried (try)

hur ry– hur Ried (hurry)

car ry– car Ried (carry)

Words ending in –y with a preceding vowel usually add the ending –ed. enj oh– enj oyed (enjoy)

st ay– st ayed (stand)

pray – pra yed (pray)

Pronunciation nuances
The ending is pronounced as a voiced d if it is preceded by a voiced sound. live-li ved (live)

phone - phon ed (call)

The ending is pronounced as a voiceless t if it is preceded by a voiceless sound. swap – swap ped (exchange)

finish – finish shed (end)

The ending is pronounced as a voiced id if preceded by the letters d or t. study – stu died (study)

wait-wai ted (wait)

Now we are familiar with all the important points related to the correct formation of verb forms. It's time to get acquainted with the popular representatives of this class of verbs. The table below will present the most common regular verbs with translation and their pronunciation in English.

Regular English verbs – 50 words with transcription and translation

So, we bring to your attention the basic regular verbs in English with transcription and translation.

Top 50 Regular English Verbs
Infinitive Past Simple=

Past Participle

Transcription Translation
agree agreed [əˈɡriː – əˈɡriːd] agree
allow allowed [əˈlaʊ – əˈlaʊd] allow
answer answered [‘ɑːnsə - ɑːnsəd] reply
arrive arrived [əˈraɪv – əˈraɪvd] arrive
believe believed believe
call called call, call
close closed close
cook cooked prepare
copy copied [ˈkɒpi – ˈkɒpid] copy
cry cried scream, cry
decide decided decide
defend defended protect
discuss discussed discuss
dry dried dry
explain explained [ɪkˈspleɪn – ɪkˈspleɪnd] explain
happen happened [ˈhæpən — ˈhæpənd] happen, happen
help helped to help
invite invited [ɪnˈvaɪt - ɪnˈvaɪtɪd] invite
jump jumped jump
listen listened [ˈlɪsn – ˈlɪsnd] listen
look looked look
love loved be in love
manage managed manage, cope
marry married marry
move moved move, move around
need needed need
offer offered [ˈɒfə – ˈɒfəd] suggest
open opened [ˈəʊpən — ˈəʊpənd] open
play played play
prefer preferred prefer
prepare prepared ready
promise promised promise
reach reached achieve
realize realized [ˈriːəlaɪz - ˈriːəlaɪzd] understand, realize
remember remembered remember, recall
return returned come back
save saved keep
smile smiled smile
start started start off
stop stopped stop
surprise surprised surprise
switch switched switch
talk talked talk, chat
thank you thanked [θæŋk - θæŋkt] thank
translate translated transfer
use used to use, to use
want wanted want, desire
watch watched look
work worked work
worry worried [ˈwʌri – ˈwʌrɪd] worry, worry

Congratulations, we have studied over 50 words if we take into account the example verbs used in the theoretical part. Now you not only know what regular English verbs are in theory, but you can also give many practical examples of them. Be sure to continue to improve your English and see you in new classes!

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We continue our conversation about irregular verbs in English. It is very difficult to answer the question of how many irregular verbs there are in English, because there are a lot of such verbs. Today I would like to consider the 100 most frequently used irregular verbs in speech. English is a language with 10% rules and 90% exceptions.

As you remember, irregular verbs in English have their own form for the simple past tense (Past Simple), as well as for the perfect present tense ( Present Perfect) and long past tense (Past Perfect). Whereas in ordinary verbs we add the ending to the stem -ed to get Past Simple. The first form of a verb is the infinitive or initial form, the second form corresponds to the Past Simple, and the third form is used in the Present Perfect and Past Perfect.

Past Simple and irregular verbs

Most often in colloquial speech, the Past Simple is used to express actions in the past tense. This is done not only by beginners in English, but also by the British themselves. The English do not always follow the English Sequence of Tenses, that is, the agreement of verb tenses in a sentence, because it is inconvenient for everyday speech. It is not very comfortable to use verbs in complex tenses; it is much easier to use the Past Simple. Coordinating the tenses of verbs in a sentence is a matter for linguists.

For example, it is much more convenient to say: She said that she met . What to say: She said that she had met him the day before yesterday. “She said she met him the day before yesterday.”

Although linguistically, the Past Perfect is required here, since she met him before she said it, that is, the Past Perfect shows in this sentence a past action that happened before another past action. However, it is much more convenient to use the Past Simple in both the main and dependent clauses, rather than painfully searching for auxiliary verbs.

Basic irregular verbs in English

Now we will present several tables in which you will find the main 100 irregular verbs most often used in speech. These are the most common Irregular Verbs, which may be useful to a beginner in conversation. We think that 100 words are not that difficult to learn, especially in the Past Simple. And to make your task easier, we will consider examples of their use in the past tense in various sentences.

So, the most used 100 irregular English verbs. For greater convenience, we will break it down into every ten verbs.

bewas, werebeenbe
bearboreborn, bornegive birth
becomebecamebecomebecome, become
bindboundboundto tie
blessblessedblessed, shinebless
blowblewblown, blownblow

For example:
I didn't see Tom, because he was(Past Simple) busy that day.- I didn’t see Tom because he was busy that day.
My mother blessed me and I went away. — My mother blessed me and I left.
The vase I bought last week is broken. — The vase I bought broke.

burnburnt, burnedburnt, burnedburn, burn
cancould- / been ablebe able to, be able to
catchcaughtcaughtcatch, catch

For example:
I've brought the book you asked for. - I brought the book you asked for.
He built the most beautiful house I’ve ever seen. - He built the most beautiful house that I've ever seen.
Yesterday that dress cost cheaper, today it is much more expensive. - Yesterday that dress was cheaper, but today it is much more expensive.
Sue cut the cake in two pieces and gave one to her brother. — Sue cut the cake into two parts and gave one to her brother.

dealdealtdealtdeal with
drawdrewdrawndrag, draw
drinkdrankdrunkdrink, have a drink
drivedrovedrivendrive, go
eatateeateneat, eat
fightfoughtfoughtfight, fight

For example:
I did everything you wanted.- I did everything you wanted.
Mum, I drew a picture of our family! - Mom, I drew a picture of our family!
Kate felt herself bad yesterday.- Katya felt bad yesterday.
I've found a new job! — I found a new job!

gowentgonego, leave
hithithithit, hit

For example:
I forgot to call you. - I forgot to call you.
I've got a letter from my friend. — I received a letter from a friend.
We went shopping yesterday. — Yesterday we went shopping.
Tom grew older. - Tom has matured.
Kate had a very terrible headache yesterday. — Katya had a terrible headache yesterday.
Have you heard the latest news? - Have you heard the latest news?

learnlearned, learnedlearned, learnedlearn
letletletlet in, give

For example:
I kept a little money for you. — I saved some money for you.
Tom has learn the passage by heart. — Tom learned the passage by heart.
He let him go. - He let him go.

lightlit, lightedlit, lightedilluminate
maymightmightbe able, have the opportunity
paypaidpaidto pay
proveprovedproven, provenprove, prove

For example:
I've lost my diary. — I lost my diary.
Made in China. - Made in China.
She might come to us, but she was busy. “She could have come to us, but she was busy.”
What did you mean? I meant that you could help me. - What did you mean? I meant that you could help me.
Tim paid$2000 for his car. — Tim paid $2000 for his car.
Kate put on her coat, because it’s cold outside. — Katya put on her coat because it’s cold outside.

readread, redread, redread
runranrunrun, flow
sawsawedsawn, sawedto nag
saysaidsaidtalk, say

For example:
I saw the rainbow in the sky. — I saw a rainbow in the sky.
She said that she was busy then. “She said she was busy then.”
I've just read the book. — I just read a book.
The man who sold the world. - The man who sold the world.
He sent me a letter. — He sent me a letter.

shaveshavedshaved, shavenshave
shineshone, shinedshone, shinedshine, shine
shootshotshotshoot, escape
showshowedshown, showedshow

For example:
He shook the bottle and drank. “He shook the bottle and drank.
Tom sang a song. — Tom sang a song.
He slept till the morning. — He slept until the morning.

smellsmelt, smelledsmelt, smelledsmell, sniff
spendspentspentspend, spend
stickstuckstuckprick, stick
swearsworeswornswear, swear

For example:
She spoke with me angry. — She spoke to me angrily.
We spent our vacation in Italy. — We spent our holidays in Italy.
We swam in the river, it was great. — We swam in the river, it was great.

taketooktakentake, take
telltoldtoldtell, tell
wakewoke upwoken upwake up, wake up
wearworewornwear clothes)

For example:
I told him everything. - I told him everything.
I thought of you. - I thought about you.
Tom understood that he was wrong. - Tom realized that he was wrong.
We have won this contest! - We won this competition!
I wrote him a letter. — I wrote him a letter.

Well, these were the 100 most common, 100 most frequent, 100 most used irregular verbs in the English language. These are precisely the irregular verbs that are most often used in everyday conversation.

But don’t think that the English language is full of pitfalls. Once you learn these verbs, you will see how you will immediately become friends with them.

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When learning English, special attention should be paid to verbs. Firstly, the more verbs you know, the easier it will be for you to express your thoughts in English. After all, if any noun can be replaced by a pronoun, then the verb as a part of speech denoting an action or state cannot be replaced with anything. Secondly, it is impossible to communicate in English without having an understanding of the English verb tense system.

English verbs can be divided into four main groups:

  • Semantic - express an action, a process, therefore they are always translated into Russian.
  • Auxiliary - do not express actions and are not translated. They are used to form interrogative and negative sentences and complex verb forms.
  • Modal - they express not the action itself, but the attitude towards it (should, can, etc.) They, as a rule, are translated.
  • Linking verbs - do not express action, serve to connect the subject and the nominal part of the predicate, show tense, number and person.

In addition, verbs are divided into regular and irregular. Irregular Verbs- these are verbs in which the past tense form (Past tense form), as well as the past participle form (Past participle), is formed differently from regular verbs. Regular verbs form these forms by adding –ed to the first form. Forms of irregular verbs need to be learned by heart, especially since they include the most common verbs of everyday speech. As a rule, these verbs are in English-Russian dictionaries, where they are often presented in the form of special lists.

The initial form of all verbs is infinitive, i.e. indefinite form of the verb (answers the question “what to do?”, “what to do?”). Before undef. The form of the verb usually includes the particle to, which is not translated in any way. Example: to read - to read.

Peculiarity English sentences is such that it always contains a verb. Example: He is a student. - He (is) a student. We see that if there is no verb in a Russian sentence, then in it English version there is a verb is - a linking verb.

Linking verb TO BE

The most common copula verb is the verb to be(to be, to be) This verb has several forms that depend on tense, number, person. Forms of the verb to be:

pronoun present tense form past tense form future tense form
I am was Shall be
we are were shall be
he is was will be
she is was will be
it is was will be
they are were will be
you are were will be

shall, will – auxiliary verbs of the future tense. The above verb forms must be learned by heart. The linking verb to be means “to be”, “to appear” and is most often not translated. Example: I am a pupil. - I (am) a student. I was a pupil. – I was a student.

Modal verbs (can, may, must)

Modal verbs express not an action, but an attitude towards an action (necessity, probability of some action). These verbs are usually not used independently and are usually placed before the semantic verb. Let's look at three main modal verbs.

Modal verb can(could – past tense form) – be able, be able, can, can, etc.
Examples: He can speak English. - He can (can) speak English.
Modal verb may(might – past tense form) – can, I can, you can, etc.
Examples: You may take the book. – You can take this book.

The verbs can and may should not be confused. The verb can implies the physical ability to do something, the ability to do something. The verb may means possibility, assumption. It is used to ask for permission or to give permission.

Modal verb must(there is no past tense form) – should, should, must, etc.
Examples: I must stop smoking. – I have to stop smoking.

Features of these modal verbs

  • The particle to is not placed before modal verbs, and the particle to is not placed after either modal verbs before semantic verbs in the indefinite form. Example: We must read. - We must read.
  • The modal verb comes before the form of the main verb.
  • Modal verbs do not receive the ending -s in the 3rd person singular form of the Present Simple.
  • These modal verbs are used without the participation of any auxiliary verbs.
  • When forming interrogative and negative sentences, the use of modal verbs has its own characteristics, which I will discuss in the appropriate section.

There are several other modal verbs in English that I am not covering here.

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