Test to determine whether you are an owl or a lark. Test. Check whether you are a night owl, a pigeon or a lark. Symptoms of vitamin deficiency - general and specific signs

1. Do you like to have breakfast...
A) satisfying and dense; (3)
B) light snack; (2)
C) only tea or coffee. (1)

2. On school days (Monday to Friday), what time is more comfortable for you to go to bed:
A) from 22.00 to 23.00; (3)
B) from 23.00 to 24.00; (2)
B) from 24.00 to 1.00. (1)

3. It’s hard for you to wake up in the morning:
A) always; (1)
B) sometimes; (2)
B) very rarely. (3)

4. During the holidays you wake up in the morning...
A) “As always, well, maybe an hour late”; (3)
B) “In the morning? What are you saying, during the holidays I wake up for lunch”; (1)
C) “Usually at 10-11.00 - that is, for late breakfast.” (2)

5. How easy is it for you to change your daily routine when you go to camp or on vacation with your parents?
A) “It’s very difficult, it takes me a long time to adapt”; (1)
B) “Depends on the circumstances”; (3)
C) “In general, I don’t have such a problem.” (2)

6. At what time are you more likely to get irritated and have conflicts with others?
A) in the morning; (1)
B) in the evening; (2)
B) during the day. (3)

7. On Sunday you need to make a report by Monday. What time will you start it?
A) “In the first half it’s easier for me to think”; (3)
B) “Definitely after lunch, and even later in the evening”; (1)
B) “It doesn’t matter, it depends on the circumstances.” (2)

7–12: Congratulations, you are a night owl! Ideally, of course, it would be good for you to study during the second shift, because getting people like you up early in the morning and forcing them to absorb the next portion of knowledge is quite cruel. After all, your peak performance occurs in the second half of the day, and sometimes even at night. In the morning you are lethargic and sleepy, but by the evening you are full of strength and vigor.

13–16: Congratulations, you are a “dove”! You belong to such a rare category of people as “arrhythmics,” which means you are very lucky. You are easier than “night owls” and “larks” to adapt to the proposed circumstances and rhythm of life. You don’t have clear instructions to get up only early or, conversely, to wake up closer to lunch. You can easily adapt to circumstances, and this is a huge plus! You do not depend on the whims of nature, and you set your own biorhythm that is convenient for you.

17–21: Congratulations, you are a morning person! And that's great, because there really aren't that many people like that. You are always guided by the rule “the morning is wiser than the evening” and you decide all important matters in the first half of the day, when you are cheerful and full of strength. While others are peacefully snoring or stretching in bed, you have time to do a whole lot of things! But in the evening, you often feel like a dead lemon and dream of putting your head on the pillow as soon as possible.

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Well-being largely depends on understanding yourself. Owls, larks, and pigeons, due to their biorhythms, can face a variety of problems during the day. By understanding which chronotype you belong to, you can easily optimize your workday.

Sleep is a very important aspect of our life. After all, it is by resting that we gain strength and energy. You can also learn something about a person’s character by their sleeping position. But a productive sleep and working day depend on a person’s personal biorhythms. To accurately determine your body’s propensity for one or another biorhythm, observe yourself during those periods when you get enough sleep and are not in a hurry, and compare them with your daily behavior.

Or take a short test that we have compiled for you, choosing one letter of the answer.

1 What time do you tend to wake up?

A: 7-8 is a good time for me.
IN: around 10 am.
WITH: between these two intervals.

2 What time is your peak activity?

A: I usually solve all my problems before lunch time.
IN: lunch period, period around 18-19 hours and at night.
WITH: I don’t have any special changes in activity throughout the day.

3 What do you usually eat in the morning?

A: I need a full breakfast, I eat a lot in the morning.
IN: I can’t eat, especially a lot. Most often I drink stronger tea or coffee, maybe with a sandwich.
WITH: I eat so that I don’t feel hungry.

4 When can you do physical exercise, including heavy exercise?

A: gymnastics in the morning.
IN: I can clean up in the evening after work.
WITH: always ready.

5 If you had to work the night shift, what would you do?

A: I'll definitely get some sleep before this.
IN: I’ll get up later, I won’t go to bed before duty, but I’ll sleep after it.
WITH: I can take an afternoon nap.

6 If you didn’t have to go anywhere tomorrow, what would you do?

A: I’ll still go to bed around 10-11 p.m.
IN: You can stay up until 3-4 am!
WITH: I'll go to bed around midnight or a little later.

7 How do you feel when you have to get up early?

A: I quickly realize awakening, ready for work and defense
IN: well, maybe in half an hour or an hour I’ll swing. Thanks coffee.
WITH: It could be later, but I’ll get up, no problem.

8 How do you react to changes in your daily routine?

A: A couple of sleepless nights will kill me.
IN: I can handle it well when I have to work late.
WITH: I will hardly feel a shift of 2-3 hours in any direction.

9 Do you find it difficult to sleep at night?

A: I calmly go into the world of dreams, going to bed until midnight.
IN: I fall asleep by 1-2 am, there may be problems.
WITH: sleep like that, sleep longer.

10 What type do you consider yourself to be?

A: morning.
B: evening-night or nocturnal.
S: both.

The more A answers you have, the more pronounced your morning biorhythm is, which means you are a morning person. Answers B indicate that you are more of a night owl. The predominance of answers C indicates the third, most adaptive type of person - the pigeon.

Having determined your type based on biorhythms, you can work on your daily schedule and diet. If you happen to be one of the lucky pigeons, you are unlikely to have any serious problems during the day. For example, you don't try to quietly fall asleep during a lecture or an important meeting. And don't leave a social gathering at 9 p.m. because your eyes are glazed over. But if this happens, then it's time to take action. We have collected

Quite a well-known test, what touches me most is the affectionate name of the category of arrhythmics - pigeons)))

So gentle and funny)))

Only 8 questions:

1. If you were given a choice (regardless of school activities and all that jazz), what time would you go to bed?

a) after one o'clock in the morning;

b) up to ten;

c) most likely, somewhere around twelve.

2. What to eat in the morning is a matter of taste. What breakfast do you prefer in the first hour after waking up?

a) something significant, and more;

b) a glass of juice or tea;

c) you can have a boiled egg or a sandwich.

3. If you try to remember all sorts of tensions and showdowns with friends, then at what time do they most often occur?

a) of course, in the morning, when I’m still slow to think!

b) in the late afternoon;

c) I can’t remember exactly.

4. Think about what you could give up more easily, so as not to feel discomfort?

a) from morning tea or coffee;

b) from evening tea drinking;

c) in general, I don’t care when to drink tea...

5. If you know that you definitely need to get up early the next day, will you try to fall asleep earlier than usual?

a) necessarily - an hour and a half to two;

b) in my opinion, this is not necessary...

6. Try to figure out whether it is difficult for you to wake up with an alarm clock? How do you feel when he rings early in the morning?

a) I am sometimes ready to break it;

b) in principle no;

c) it just depends on what time I go to bed the night before.

7. Think about it, during the holidays (vacation) do you get up as early as usual when you get ready to go to school (work)?

a) I sleep as much as I want;

b) yes, it just so happens: I do it as if out of habit;

c) difficult to say.

8. Try to determine a period of time equal to one minute without a clock (with someone’s help). How exactly did you manage to do this?

a) it turned out to be less than a minute;

b) it took more than a minute;

c) hit (a) almost to the point.

Test results evaluation:






0-18 points. You are a “lark, and a pronounced one at that!” We can congratulate you, because this is a rare category of people. And oddly enough, good luck accompanies them throughout life. Maybe according to the saying “He who gets up early, God gives him?” While others are stretching in bed, you have time to do a lot of things!

21-33 points. You probably yourself feel that you are a typical night owl... It’s easier to shoot you than to make you jump up early in the morning. Do you know that people of your type are much less susceptible than others to, for example, panic in critical situations? Therefore, they make excellent pilots and even astronauts...

34-48 points. You belong to a rare category of people - “arrhythmics”. (Don’t be afraid of the clever word, your type is also affectionately called “pigeons”). You don’t have clear instructions, just get up early, on the contrary, always wake up closer to lunch. You can easily adapt to circumstances, and this is your huge plus!

Those who get up early and manage to do a lot in the morning are called larks. Human owls are most active in the evenings and at night, and in the morning they resemble sleepy flies. Which category are you from - an owl or a lark? Perhaps you are lucky - an arrhythmic or a pigeon - and it doesn’t matter to you which biological clock rules the world, will you adapt to any biorhythm? A biorhythm test will help you find out.


There is an opinion that human belonging to a certain “bird” type is determined long before birth, inherited from parents. But there are many doctors who do not agree with this statement - they believe that it is all a matter of habit. The debate on the topic “owl, lark, dove” has been going on for a long time, but the fact that changing your biorhythms, your biological clock is extremely difficult, is recognized by both sides.

It turns out that scientists have discovered a human DNA gene that is responsible for the syndrome of difficult awakening and prolonged sleep inherent in night owls. This discovery gave a scientific explanation to the laziness of “owls”; it became clear why owls rock for a long time in the morning and do not sleep until half the night. Who are you - an owl or a lark, or maybe a dove? If you want to find out, take a biorhythm test.

The “owl, lark or dove” test will help you build your life schedule correctly. Sometimes a person simply has to adapt to social demands (for example, study, work or the birth of a child), and then his well-being and health directly depend on the flexibility of the nervous system. It has been scientifically proven that in no case should you retrain “night owls” into “larks”, and vice versa. Such actions can lead to serious nervous breakdowns, depression, severe insomnia and illness. Every person should have the opportunity to get as much sleep as the body needs in order to be healthy and lead a fulfilling lifestyle. Efforts aimed at resisting one's own instinctive nature often harm the body. Such resistance can disrupt the functioning of the entire nervous system and overall health.

Take the test for life biorhythms, find out who you are - an owl, a lark, a dove and maintain your health and build your life in such a way as to become the most successful. After all, being a night owl, it is difficult to show good results at work if you have to come to it at 7 or 8 in the morning. Conversely, a morning person will not be able to perform at their best while working at night.


  • QUESTION No. 1. If you had a choice, what time would you prefer to go to bed?

a) until ten in the evening;

b) after one in the morning;

c) most likely, somewhere around twelve.

  • QUESTION No. 2. What breakfast is preferable for you during the first hour after waking up?

a) something substantial, and more - breakfast should be complete;

b) nothing except coffee, tea or a glass of juice;

c) a sandwich or a boiled egg will do.

  • QUESTION No. 3. Remember at what time of day disagreements, showdowns and conflicts with family members or friends most often occur?

a) in the morning - I’m still quite slow to think, but they want something from me!

b) in the late afternoon;

c) I can’t remember exactly.

  • QUESTION No. 4. What could you (could) refuse without any problems, so as not to experience discomfort?

a) from evening tea drinking;

b) from morning coffee or tea;

c) in general, it doesn’t matter to me when to drink tea...

  • QUESTION No. 5. If you absolutely have to get up early the next day, will you try to fall asleep earlier than usual or not?

a) definitely - I’ll go to bed one and a half to two hours earlier;

b) this is not necessary at all...

c) makes no sense.

  • QUESTION No. 6. How do you react to your morning alarm clock? How do you feel when it rings? Do you find it difficult to get up when your alarm clock rings?

a) I want to break it, but for now I make do with transferring the call to 5-10 minutes later;

b) in principle, no, it’s necessary - I get up;

c) depending on what time you went to bed the night before.

  • QUESTION No. 7. During vacation (vacation), do you get up as early as when getting ready for work (study)?

a) I sleep as much as I want;

b) I get up, as always - I do it just out of habit;

c) it’s difficult to say when and how.

  • QUESTION No. 8. Try to determine a one-minute period of time without a watch (note the time and turn away). How accurately did it succeed?

a) more than a minute has passed;

b) it turned out to be less than a minute;

c) almost to the point!


Compare your answers to the test whether you are an owl or a lark, and calculate the points corresponding to your answer options:


0-18 POINTS – see test result

21-33 POINTS – see test result

34-48 POINTS – see test result

And a little more about owls, larks, and pigeons:

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