Pizza dough is quick and tasty without. The easiest pizza recipe at home. Pizza in the oven: quick recipes

Pizza dough recipes. Dough made with yeast, kefir, sour cream.

Pizza is one of the most delicious foreign dishes that we have come to love. After all, this baking contains many ingredients that seem to be incompatible with each other. The taste of pizza directly depends on the dough and the filling.

There are several dough options for pizzerias. Many people like a very thin crust and a lot of filling. At home, it is rarely possible to prepare such a flour mass, since our women do not have enough experience. The main mistake is very thick or, conversely, thin and “woody” dough. As a result, the dish is tasty, but the crust is inedible or there is a lot of dough.

Recipe for yeast dough like in a pizzeria:

  • Take a glass of heated milk and dilute 30 g of wet (pressed) yeast in it
  • Add a spoonful of sugar and a little salt to the mixture and let it sit for 25 minutes.
  • Pour 50 ml of olive oil into the liquid, it is advisable to use a cold-pressed product
  • After this, pour the dough into the twice-sifted flour and make a soft and elastic dough
  • Wrap the ball in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  • Place the lump on the table, sprinkled with vegetable oil, and pour a little on top too
  • Stretch the lump, making a cake out of it, do not use a rolling pin
  • Transfer the cake to the pan and form the sides
  • You can add filling

Some pizzerias have several types of dough; fluffy American pizza is very popular. The cake in it is very airy, the crust is crispy, the layer of dough is thick.

Basis for fluffy American pizza:

  • For one pizza, 30-32 cm in diameter, you need 250 ml of warm water, 6 g of dry active yeast, 300 g of flour and 10 g of salt. Sugar is enough 20 g
  • Mix yeast with flour, add salt and sugar. Pour the water and olive oil mixture into the flour mixture
  • The lump should be soft and stick to your hands, put it in a bag and leave it near the stove or central heating radiator. Let stand 40 minutes
  • Roll out the layer, this dough makes a fairly thick cake, put it in the mold and make sides
  • Add the filling and bake in the oven at 220°C for 15 minutes. Do not overdry the dough, it may become tough.
  • Classic American pizza toppings include chicken, bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes.

Pizza with kefir turns out to be not quite familiar and classic. The dough is not dry, but wet, the filling is, as it were, sealed in it. This kind of pizza is not for everyone.

Kefir batter recipe:

  • Mix 1 egg, a glass of kefir using a whisk. There should be a homogeneous mass
  • Add a spoonful of soda and wait 20 minutes
  • Add salt and sifted flour, the dough should be like sour cream with a high percentage of fat content
  • Pour it into the mold and level it with a spoon, add the ingredients and bake for 20 minutes at 200 °C

Kefir dough can be fried in a frying pan; this is an express breakfast option.

Recipe for pizza base with kefir and yeast:

  • The dough turns out aromatic, but not very airy. Ideal base for thin pizza
  • You need to pour 50 ml of warm water into a bag of dry yeast and add 20 g of sugar. Leave the container with yeast for 20 minutes, now you need to pour it into a bowl with a glass of kefir and salt.
  • Gradually add flour until you get a mass like pancakes
  • Cover the bowl with a towel and leave for 1 hour
  • After the time has passed, add a little more flour and knead into a soft dough. Pour 50 ml of olive oil on top of the lump and sprinkle with herbs
  • Roll out the layer and you can lay out the filling

This dough can be yeast or unleavened. It all depends on what kind of pizza you prefer.

Milk base without yeast:

  • Mix half a glass of cold milk with 2 eggs and 230 ml of olive oil
  • No need to beat with a mixer or blender, use a whisk or fork
  • Add the milk mixture to the flour and salt and knead into a soft dough. Wrap it in a wet cloth and leave it to “rest” for 30 minutes.
  • Roll out the thin crust and prick it with a fork, this is necessary so that the dough allows air to pass through during baking.
  • Place the filling and bake in the oven for 15 minutes

This option is ideal for women who want to save time. In addition, you need to try to spoil such dough.

Sour cream base:

  • Using a fork, mix a glass of sour cream with 2 eggs and a spoonful of salt, add 15 g of sugar
  • Add the mixture to the sifted flour and knead into a soft dough. It shouldn't be fluid, but it shouldn't be steep either.
  • If you add a lot of flour, you risk getting a hard and dry crust.
  • There is no soda in the recipe; you don’t need to add it, since sour cream and eggs loosen the dough well
  • Leave the dough ball to rest for 20 minutes.
  • Roll out a very thin layer and lay out the filling. Bake for 20 minutes

The dough turns out very tasty and crumbles when cutting with a knife. It's easy to prepare.

Pizza crust recipe:

  • Add salt to very cold water. 10 g salt per glass of water
  • Pour the liquid into the flour and knead into a very stiff and stiff dough. Wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for an hour
  • Place the fourth part of the margarine pack in a warm place. It needs to become soft
  • We take the dough out of the refrigerator and put margarine in the center, put it in an envelope and roll it out, fold it again three times and roll it out again
  • Fold three more times and, without rolling out, place in a cool place for 30 minutes.
  • Now you can roll out the layer and bake the pizza

Consider a recipe for quick yeast dough. It rises quickly and doesn't take long

Recipe for a quick pizza base with yeast:

  • Dissolve sugar and a spoonful of dry yeast in a glass of water.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the liquid and salt it
  • Pour the dough into flour and prepare the dough as for pancakes
  • Leave for a quarter of an hour and add a little more flour
  • Using your palms, stretch the layer and transfer it to the mold, leave for 15 minutes

Recipe for curd pizza base:

  • You need 120 g of cottage cheese. Use medium fat, but low fat is fine too.
  • Mix cottage cheese with 1 egg and a pinch of salt, pour in 50 ml of vegetable oil and knead the dough, it should be soft
  • You can immediately bake pizza from it, it is airy and does not require proofing

  • There is nothing new in the recipe; you need to prepare the flour mixture correctly. You need to mix 20 g of pressed yeast with a glass of heated water and a pinch of sugar and leave for 30 minutes
  • After this, add a little salt and 50 ml of vegetable oil. Pour the liquid into the bowl with the flour and mix with your hands until it becomes sticky. Cover with a cloth and place in the refrigerator to rest for 2 hours.
  • After this, remove the lump from the refrigerator and pour vegetable oil on the table, roll out a layer 1 cm thick. Place the cake in the mold and add the filling, bake for 20 minutes

Many housewives don’t even bother making pizza, as they often end up with just a hot sandwich that bears little resemblance to an Italian dish. This is due to the fact that we are used to making stiff dough that dries in the oven.

Authentic pizza base recipe:

  • Dissolve 25 g of yeast in a glass of heated water, and add a spoonful of sugar and flour. Leave the cloudy mass for 1 hour
  • Pour the liquid into the flour, salt it and add butter. Knead the soft dough and leave it for 2 hours, covered with a napkin
  • Do not use a rolling pin, but stretch the dough with your hands, it should be thin in the middle and thicker at the sides
  • Add the filling. You need to bake differently than usual, you need to put a grid under the baking sheet with pizza, and put two bricks or stones on it
  • But if they are not there, add sand. Heat the oven to maximum temperature
  • bake for just 10 minutes

It should not contain milk, eggs or butter. But to get a tasty crust, these ingredients are optional. You can make a thin and soft crust with just 3-4 ingredients.

Lenten pizza base recipe:

  • Whisk 100 ml of cold water intensively with salt, vegetable oil and spices. Italian herbs are ideal
  • Pour the liquid into the flour and knead into a very stiff dough. Cover it with film and refrigerate for 2 hours. During this time, the lump will become elastic and pliable.
  • Roll out a thin layer and lay out the filling. For Lenten pizza it must be vegetable
  • Bake the pizza in a very hot oven for 7-10 minutes

There are many dough recipes, choose the one that suits you best.

VIDEO: Pizza base

It is believed that if you do something quickly, it is not always of high quality, but is this really so? Most likely no. After all, such pizza dough options refute the theory in the best possible way. Here, the speed of preparation and taste are at the highest level, and this plays into the hands of housewives.

It’s great when there is such a recipe that allows you to quickly make the basis for a delicious pizza, no worse than in a pizzeria. After all, sometimes you need to quickly get ready for a vacation and take something tasty with you, or guests suddenly arrive and there is nothing to offer, but if there is a good basis for pizza, then all problems will be solved.

  • 1 cup wheat flour;
  • 3rd part of a glass of warm water;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon quick dry yeast;
  • half a tablespoon of honey;
  • salt to taste;
  • dried onion (garlic) to taste.


If you have all the necessary ingredients, then you can take the recipe and start preparing a quick dough from which you can easily bake a delicious pizza.

Thanks to such a simple action, we get a fairly quick and tasty dough for making pizza, which will take at most 40 minutes, if you start counting from the moment of preparing the products to the final result. The recipe is simply wonderful!

Quick yeast-free pizza dough

In addition to this option, you can try another pizza recipe and prepare another quick dough without using yeast.

Set of products for cooking:

  • 350 grams of wheat flour;
  • 250 grams of kefir;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 40 grams of olive oil;
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt;
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda.

Video recipe for making quick pizza dough:


Having all the products, you can take the recipe and do everything point by point.

  • Step 1. We start by beating eggs with salt in a separate bowl, trying to dissolve the crystals of the latter.
  • Step 2. Pour some kefir into a large, deep bowl.
  • Step 3. Gradually pour soda slaked with vinegar into kefir.
  • Step 4. Then you need to pour the eggs beaten with salt into the kefir, stirring constantly.
  • Step 5. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  • Step 6. Gradually add flour. This should be done gradually in order to feel the consistency. You can also use a blender or mixer when kneading.
  • Step 7. Lastly, add olive oil to the dough.
  • Step 8. When finished, the dough should resemble thick sour cream. This makes the dough fluffy and airy and easy to work with.
  • Step 9. Pour the resulting dough onto a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Next, you can put the filling on it and put it in the oven.

It will only take us 35 minutes to complete this recipe, which is not much for a tasty and appetizing dish.

Quick yeast pizza dough

If you have a little more time, you can try making the following recipe and test version.

Set of products for cooking:

  • Wheat flour;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • 1 pack of dry yeast;
  • 1 teaspoon salt.

When you have all the ingredients, you can start executing the recipe. But you need to take into account that it will take at least an hour and a half. Let's start preparing quick pizza dough.


  • Step 1. In a separate bowl, beat the egg and add a little salt, then add sugar.
  • Step 2. Add the remaining ingredients: a little vegetable oil and yeast. Stir until everything is homogeneous.
  • Step 3. Pour in water and then add flour. The dough will be smooth and plastic, but it should not be very thick.
  • Step 4. Place the finished dough in a cool place or in the refrigerator for 1 hour;
  • Step 5. Take out our piece of dough and cut it into several parts.
  • Step 6. Lubricate each part with vegetable oil. And you can add filling.

Thus, using the recipe, we kneaded another simple pizza dough.

In addition to the speed of preparation, the recipe is also good in that absolutely any filling can be used for it: from vegetables to minced meat and mushrooms. Don't be afraid to experiment and everything will definitely work out.

Bon appetit!

I hope that everyone will find here their own recipe for delicious yeast-free dough to their liking.

Pizza dough without yeast: recipes, how to make

The first recipe is for those who prefer thin pizza dough. You can add some vitamins in the form of greens to the dough. The result is an incredibly tender pizza with crumbly edges.

Thin yeast-free pizza dough: recipe No. 1


  • flour about 350 g;
  • milk 200 ml;
  • egg 1 pc.;
  • greens about ½ bunch;
  • salt 1/2 tsp;
  • baking powder 1/2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
  • pepper optional

Yield: 2 pizzas f. 24-30 cm


Mix milk with egg, add vegetable oil, baking powder, pepper, salt, finely chopped herbs. Mix the mass. Now gradually add flour and knead the dough. Divide the dough into two equal parts and roll out into a thin layer, focusing on the size of the mold. The dough can be rolled out to 2 mm thick. Place on a baking sheet previously greased with oil. Place the filling on top of the layer. Temperature 200, bake for about 15 minutes.

You might be interested in the recipe

Pizza dough without yeast from cottage cheese: recipe No. 2

This recipe can be used for either sweet or savory pizza, depending on the amount of sugar or salt you add.

The result is a very elastic dough that can be rolled out to the desired thickness.


  • flour about 150g;
  • egg 1 pc.;
  • low fat 130g;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • vegetable oil 3 tbsp;

yield: one pizza f 24


Add salt, sugar, vegetable oil to the cottage cheese and mix. Add the egg. Next, mix the mixture using a mixer. Sift the flour and gradually add it to the curd mass, knead until an elastic dough is obtained. Roll out the dough into the desired size. Bake in the oven on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes.

Quick pizza dough without yeast: a quick recipe

A quick recipe, the dough does not require kneading. Suitable for emergencies (for example, guests suddenly arrive) or for a weekend breakfast.


  • flour 9 tbsp;
  • sour cream 4 tbsp;
  • mayonnaise 4 tbsp;
  • egg 2 pcs.


First mix all ingredients except flour. Then gradually add flour, stirring the dough. The dough should have a creamy consistency.

Pour the pizza dough into a pre-greased pan. Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes. Then place the prepared filling on the prepared base and place under the grill until fully cooked.

And, if you are not a fan of fiddling with dough, then these recipes for pizza dough without yeast will pleasantly please you. However, as you can already see, everything is very simple and fast.

Be sure to try these yeast-free pizza dough recipes, and I am one hundred percent sure that in the future, you will use only these yeast-free pizza dough recipes.

Pizza is a mega-popular pastry, a dish originally of Italian origin, now loved in many countries around the world.

In the post-Soviet space, due to climatic conditions and established culinary traditions, people are accustomed to trying to use rich, satisfying dough made with milk or kefir for baking, often with butter and eggs (and sometimes they mix the same for pizza). This approach is completely different from classic pizza dough recipes.

Perhaps this will be a discovery for some of the most skilled home cooks, but it should be explained: in Italy, pizza dough is always made with water, adding only flour and a little olive oil. In the northern regions, pizza is prepared with unleavened yeast dough. There should be no other ingredients in the dough for real pizza, you can only add a pinch of salt. Let's learn how to make pizza dough using water.

We will need: high-quality flour (preferably whole grain wallpaper or spelled) and olive oil.

Quick pizza dough without yeast on water - southern version


  • wheat flour - about 2 cups;
  • olive oil – 2-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • salt – 1 pinch.


You can make pizza dough without yeast using tap or mineral water. In this case, it is better to use slightly carbonated table mineral waters.

Sift the flour, add butter and a pinch of salt. Add water little by little and knead the dough. Mix so that there are no lumps, preferably with oiled hands or a mixer with a spiral attachment if we are working with a large volume. The finished dough stops sticking to your hands and work surfaces, then we roll it into a ball and leave it to “rest” for 20 minutes, after which you can knead it and roll out the flat cakes. Simply roll out round or rectangular substrates with a rolling pin. The preferred thickness of the yeast-free dough base is about 0.3 cm.

Next, place the pizza on a greased baking sheet or a special ceramic “stone” (can be purchased at hardware stores). We coat the base (tomato paste, slightly diluted with water, lightly seasoned with spices), sprinkle lightly with grated cheese, lay out the rest of the sliced ​​​​products that you decided to use as. Bake the pizza and sprinkle with grated cheese again while it is still hot. Decorate with sprigs of greenery. Cut and serve. Since the base is made from yeast-free dough, you should definitely eat everything warm.

Yeast pizza dough on water - northern version

Yeast dough can be made using dough or using a straight method.



We dilute the yeast in water, add salt (if you need the dough to rise faster, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, but no more). Be sure to sift the flour and, gradually adding the yeast solution and butter, knead the dough. Cover with a clean towel and place in a warm place for half an hour. Punch down the dough, knead lightly with oiled hands and you can roll out the pizza base. The preferred thickness is about 0.5 cm. Next, place the sliced ​​filling components on the substrate and bake. This pizza comes out with a slightly fluffier crust and is delicious cold.

Pizza is one of the most favorite dishes of both children and adults. You can buy ready-made pizza in the store or order it to your home. Or you can bake it at home, spending a little time. If desired, the whole family can be involved in the process.

There are quite simple recipes for making pizza that do not require large financial outlays. How successful the pizza will be will depend not only on the filling, but also on the dough, which is the main component of the dish. Therefore, special attention must be paid to preparing the dough. We’ll look at how to make quick and tasty pizza dough in this article.

To prepare the dough, mix 8 grams of dry yeast and 5 grams of granulated sugar in 100 grams of preheated water. Mix everything well. Place this mixture in a warm place for 15-20 minutes until bubbles appear. Pour 250 grams of warm water, the prepared mixture with diluted yeast and 35 grams of olive oil into a suitable bowl. Add 10 grams of salt and 5 grams of granulated sugar, mix everything thoroughly until the sand and salt are completely dissolved. The next step will be to slowly add 450 grams of premium flour to the resulting mixture, with constant kneading. Then leave the dough covered with a cotton cloth in a warm place. After the dough has risen, knead it several times. Afterwards you can put it on a baking sheet, fill it with filling and put it in the oven.

A simple water test recipe

A very quick and simple “whip up” dough recipe:

  1. In a container with 300 grams of pre-sifted wheat flour, add 10 grams of salt and 50 grams of olive oil, mix everything.
  2. Start kneading the dough, slowly adding 200 grams of water. For this option, you can replace regular water with mineral water. The dough needs to be kneaded until it sticks to your hands.
  3. After this, he needs to “rest” for about half an hour. First cover the container with the prepared mass with a cotton cloth or napkin and place it in a warm place.
  4. Knead the dough before rolling out.

On a note. Pizza dough without yeast is not as fluffy, but for those who like simple basics, this recipe is just right.

Thin dough for Italian pizza

Real Italian pizza is prepared on a thin round base:

  1. This recipe requires 200 grams of water. Pour half of the water, preheated to 35°, into a container. Pour in 7-8 grams of instant yeast and 25 grams of granulated sugar, mixing everything thoroughly.
  2. Pour 10 grams of salt into the rest of the water and mix until the component is completely dissolved.
  3. Sift 500 grams of premium wheat flour into a large saucepan. Slowly pour the yeast liquid, salted water and 50 grams of olive oil into the flour. In this case, you need to pour it into a hole previously made in the flour. Knead first with a wooden spatula, grabbing the flour around the center, and then with your hands for 10-15 minutes. As a result, the dough should not stick to your palms.
  4. Place the prepared mass in a deep pan sprinkled with flour. Place in a warm place for 1.5 hours, covering with a cotton napkin. After the dough has risen, it must be kneaded and divided into parts.
  5. Roll out each part into a thin layer and place the filling on it. The dough prepared according to this recipe, wrapped in cling film, can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days.

On a note. The filling of Italian pizza always contains tomatoes, cut into thin slices.

Kefir recipe

To prepare the dough, you need to combine 350 grams of kefir with 8 grams of soda, slaked with vinegar, mixing thoroughly. Beat 3 eggs with 20 grams of salt, then mix well with kefir. Next, gradually pour 500 grams of flour into the resulting mixture without ceasing to knead. Then add 60 grams of melted butter. The dough for this recipe has a soft consistency. And it will take no more than 15 minutes to prepare the base. The dish under discussion goes well with a hearty chicken filling and a mixture of different cheeses.

Crispy pizza dough with dry yeast

For those who like pizza with a crispy crust, the following method of preparing dough is suitable, which requires the following ingredients:

  • 125 grams of water, preheated;
  • 10 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 5 grams - dry yeast;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 500 grams of wheat flour;
  • 125 grams of softened margarine;
  • 85 grams of sour cream;
  • 5 grams of salt.

Mix water, sugar and yeast. Place the resulting mixture in a warm place for a few minutes. Beat one egg. Sift the flour and add the prepared amount of margarine. Chop with a knife until small pieces are obtained. Form a depression in the resulting mass, pour one beaten egg into it, then add sour cream, salt, and pour in the mixture with yeast. Knead the dough. You need to knead until it stops sticking to your hands. The dough, covered with a natural cloth, needs to stand in a warm place for about 30 minutes, after which it is ready for baking.

Thick crust

To make the pizza base thick and fluffy, use a sponge dough recipe. First you need to prepare 200 grams of warm milk and pour 10 grams of dry yeast into it, stir everything. Place the mixture in a warm place to allow the yeast to rise. Next, mix two eggs with rising yeast, pre-beaten with 10 grams of salt. Gradually add 500 grams of wheat flour into the resulting mixture, kneading the dough thoroughly. Add granulated sugar to taste. As soon as the dough is ready, place it in a warm place for about an hour and a half. Then add the filling to your liking and bake.

On a note. The dough can be made in advance and stored in the freezer, portioned or frozen into base shapes.

Puff pastry: quick and tasty

In 70 grams of warm water, dilute 5 grams of dry yeast with 15 grams of granulated sugar. Stir and place in a warm place for half an hour until bubbles appear. Then add 100 grams of milk and one egg, without beating, but mixing well. Add 25 grams of sand, 5 grams of baking powder, 15 grams of salt to pre-sifted flour in a mass of 600 grams, mix. Prepare 250 grams of butter. Cut the softened, but always cold, butter into small pieces without touching it with your hands. Roll the butter pieces in flour. Mix flour and butter and add the yeast mixture to it. Mix gently for three minutes to maintain the layering. Form the resulting dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for one and a half to two hours, after which the dough can be used for baking pizza.

Experienced chefs share a few tips that need to be taken into account when preparing any dough:

  • Before starting work, you need to wipe your palms with olive or sunflower oil. This will help prevent the dough from sticking to your hands.
  • To prevent the dough from sticking to the walls of the container, you must first pour cold water over it, and then hot water.
  • The yeast pizza dough needs to rest for about an hour before it goes into the oven.
  • It is better to knead the dough twice and only then place it on a baking sheet.
  • To make the dough rise better and faster, you can cover it with cling film or a damp cotton cloth.
  • Always roll out the dough on a floured surface.
  • The dough is considered ready for use if the crust easily separates from the baking sheet.
  • Before placing the dough on it, the baking sheet must be greased with oil and sprinkled with flour.

In any case, professional skills are not required from the hostess; the desire to prepare delicious pizza, patience and perseverance are quite enough. Most of the products will always be found in the kitchen of a home cooking lover. All that remains is to make the filling - and in no more than an hour you can set the table.

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