Login to your icloud account. How to log into iCloud storage from a Windows computer. Video: how to view files in iCloud

Email (including iCloud mail) has long been transformed from a non-standard tool for communication into a cure for all ills: mail allows you to pass lightning-fast authorization in in social networks and on websites, bypassing registration, it opens up the opportunity to keep in touch with colleagues and respond to requests from superiors, allows you to interact with payment systems and follow the latest innovations that have happened in the world.

And, if a few years ago you chose a service where you should register a new e-mail (Mail, Gmail, Yahoo, Yandex), it was not possible the first time (the functionality is different everywhere, and therefore you had to spend hours thinking about the decision, but mail is obliged to serve long!), Now Apple has tried to solve the dilemma and has built iCloud email directly into cloud storage.

Benefits of iCloud Mail

The list of iCloud mail bonuses is impressive:

  • The ability to store data for free for a total of 5 gigabytes (if the specified space is too small, the guys from Apple offer to purchase additional extra bed, up to 2 terabytes);
  • No advertising (and although Gmail and even Yandex also tried to change the approach to the implementation of information in mailboxes, even the slightest notifications do not pop up in iCloud);
  • Full integration with iOS and MacOS. The result is a working push notification system that warns about the receipt of new emails in real time in the background. However, other e-mail clients have already reached such capabilities, but previously one had to dream about “push” technology;
  • An intuitive interface that is equally convenient when working from a smartphone or tablet, as well as from a computer. The developers tried " in simple words»explain how to quickly exchange data, what hotkeys to use and where to store everything important under triple protection;
  • The ability to work under pseudonyms, thereby avoiding spam and services that can send ten or even more messages per day. In addition, you can create temporary accounts using mail unlinked from the main folder with messages.

How to create mail

Access to mail is officially open to owners of Apple equipment (iPhone, iPad or iPod are also suitable) and MacOS. You can create iCloud mail in a few minutes, the main thing is to repeat the following set of steps (instructions were completed on a smartphone):

  • Open “Settings” and go to the “Passwords and Accounts” section;
  • Select the option to create an “Account”;
  • Select “iCloud” from the list that appears. Next you will have to enter your Apple ID information. Without such an account, registration is impossible!
  • The last stage of creating mail is to fill in optional, but sometimes useful personal data for auto-filling text fields. Full name, birthday information, and desired nickname. All you have to do is check the box next to “Get a free e-mail in iCloud” and save the changes;
  • If the pseudonym is busy, you will have to choose from the proposed options or generate a new and unique one;
  • And one more thing - it’s impossible to work with the service without a password, and therefore, for additional protection, you’ll have to come up with a really worthwhile option. It is better to use an unpredictable combination of letters and numbers (not forgetting about symbols and different case);
  • The long setup procedure ends with the selection of a security question, which is important to write down somewhere (otherwise, when restoring access to your account through the support service, unexpected difficulties may arise). If there is nowhere to write it down, then it is worth indicating a backup e-mail, as a remedy for all cases (for example, if the answer to Security Question forgotten, the second e-mail may become the straw for salvation);
  • The most important steps have already been completed - then iCloud will offer to receive notifications and send the results of interaction with the service, and at the same time will offer to accept the terms and conditions described by the endless layer of information.

As a result of the work done, incoming email messages will begin to appear in the cloud storage and, accordingly, it will be possible to interact with letters from several devices, including from a browser. Additionally, it is worth noting interesting fact- mail created via iCloud completely replaces (or rather repeats) the capabilities of the Apple ID - any services such as iTunes, App Store and FaceTime will now be able to be accessed via @iCloud.com.

How to log into mail

There are two ways to access iCloud mail:

From iPhone, iPad or iPod

The most logical and convenient option to access your email inbox is to use the Mail tool built into iOS (the shortcut is lying around on the desktop. Those notorious push notifications work here, the interface easily copes with a whole collection of services, and at the same time interacts with voice assistant Siri.

Those who use several e-mails at once will receive a pleasant bonus - the ability to also connect Mail, Gmail, Yandex and Outlook to Mail. All information will be stored in one place, sorted according to a given algorithm and come along with notifications, well, isn’t it wonderful?

From computer

The option to access your email is great, but, of course, it is very different (primarily in terms of comfort, information content and speed of interaction) from how everything happens on portable devices.

To authorize in the mail, just go to and go through a simple authorization on the network, using the data from the Apple ID or directly from the mail. In some cases, you will have to confirm your identity using two-factor authentication technology - a code with further instructions will be sent to your smartphone, tablet or player of the latest generation (it is important to immediately check whether the location and IP address are displayed correctly, otherwise you can give someone your own account and all related information, it’s better not to take unnecessary risks).

If all actions are performed correctly, a corresponding tab will appear in the browser, labeled with the already familiar “Mail” application.

How to use mail

  • On iPad, iPhone and iPod. The developers have not provided any unexpected tricks. Each user has the opportunity to “Change” the way incoming letters are displayed, configure folders (some data can be placed, for example, in “Alerts”; for other important messages, arrange a “VIP meeting”, and dump spam to a place where even Push- notifications do not arrive), add accounts, attach files. The synchronization system with iCloud services is implemented in an interesting way - just check the box in “Settings”;
  • On the computer. With a PC there are no less possibilities for changing parameters; the system of automatic data filtering looks interesting. All you have to do is open the email and immediately tag “new” with a specific tag. Got a letter from your boss? It's time to move it to the "Work" folder. The data on the server has been updated with the study in English? Let it become learning. Is there endless spam coming from your online store? And there are no problems here - you can safely mark the “Spam” checkbox and continue working.

Has everything changed recently? The developers allow you to remove invented tags and bring them to the “default” status in a few seconds.

How to add additional mail on a smartphone?

Officially, Apple offers two options - using those options that are available in the “Accounts and Passwords” system settings (Yahoo, Outlook, and others are located there). If you need another option, use the official service, which.

There it is enough to enter the exact email address (to the last letter, otherwise the system will not produce any results). The final touch is to transfer the necessary information in the “Accounts” section by selecting “Other” and initiating the addition of a new email. A few seconds to set up and there will be more opportunities for communication (and push notifications will work even where there was no such option before).

Owners of several Apple devices must know how to access iCloud from an iPhone or iPad if necessary, because sometimes it is necessary to obtain data from another device right now.

For those who have never used iCloud: this is a cloud storage that not only makes it possible to store and synchronize your media files, contacts and other data. But it also backs up all devices, which makes it easy to transfer everything you need to a new model.

iCloud features

Let's figure out what iCloud can synchronize? Standard transfer objects include:

  1. Multimedia content (books, films, etc.). Your entire library will not be lost when moving to new version iPhone, or if it breaks.
  2. Photo and video. Not a single frame you take will be lost, which means that valuable memories will remain in your memory and phone account forever.
  3. Settings. You won’t have to find the desired sound level or design again - ICloud will handle everything itself.
  4. Messages and ringtones.
  5. Application data (game progress, accounts, etc.)

I would especially like to dwell on the synchronization of application data: some games allow you to use synchronization to pause a level on the iPad and continue from the same place on the iPhone (and vice versa), which is very convenient, for example, in the event of a low battery.

Where to download iCloud?

There is no need to download anything; the cloud service has been built into iOS since version 5. All functions become fully available after a free update to iOS 8 and higher. It is also worth noting that registration is unnecessary: ​​you use your Apple ID login and password to log in.

Do not under any circumstances share your iCloud data with third parties! They will be able to study all your photos, correspondence and other materials.

How to Login to the iPhone Cloud

You won’t be able to get into the storage through the standard Safari browser: You will be asked to log in to your iPhone and log into it, but in the meantime you may need to visit full version, not mobile.

When might you need to log into the iPhone cloud?

iCloud is a cloud storage, a virtual place for saving user information. It is protected by a login and password and allows access from various devices and gadgets. This data storage location is one of Apple's projects. And in this article we will look at how to log into iCloud from a computer.

Login to iCloud on your computer from the official website

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Regardless of which browser will be used to enter the storage (, Firefox, Opera, etc.), you need to go to the official iCloud website.

By the way, even the operating system used does not matter. After all, some users believe that since iCloud belongs to the Apple company, they can log in from browsers assigned to it.

Practice shows the reality of entering from any operating system. So, after logging into the official website of the storage facility, a window will appear on the screen where you will need to enter your login and password.

After carrying out such manipulations, it will be possible to manage those positions that were previously saved under this login. Usually this is email, contacts, pictures and photographs, notes and recordings, various reminders, etc.

It is worth noting that logging in via a computer does not mean you can manage the data of your storage or iPhone. After all, if the function of saving and synchronizing with the cloud was not enabled on the iPhone, then it may appear empty when logging in from other devices.

Enable cloud backup from iPhone

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In order to use data from your iPhone using , you need to connect the backup to the phone itself.

To do this, you should unlock , find the icon there that is labeled “settings”. In the list of parameters there is a position with the name of the cloud.

By clicking on the cloud, you can see what data can be stored there, as well as an “iCloud Drive” button. There you can see the ability to activate and deactivate saving information in .

If you want to use the data currently on your phone, move the circle until it turns green, otherwise it will remain gray.

What is available in the storage when you log in from your computer

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Along with the question of how to log into iCloud from a computer, interest also arises regarding the areas of its use.

That is, what information and data can be stored there, how confidentiality works with such possibilities.

It should be noted that initially you need to create a login and password that are as reliable as possible. That is:

  • There must be letters in both Latin and Cyrillic alphabet.
  • Large and small letters are good to use.
  • Introduce numbers there, and, if the rules allow, signs.
  • Also, these codes should not be based on personal data, especially known and accessible to many people.

You can put the positions you want in the cloud. There is no total copying here; everyone chooses for themselves what to save and what they do not want to remember or use.

So, the list includes the following provisions that you can control:

1 Contacts. This is access to a list of people with their data, phone numbers, addresses, emails and other data recorded in the iPhone. If necessary, you can transfer this list directly to the PC’s memory, and also save it in a format suitable for use on Android.

2 iCloud Mail, you can also enter it from your computer if you mark its saving in the iPhone settings. It should also be noted that you can log in and fully manage your mail data; even the interface is almost no different from the version on the iPhone.

3 Calendar. As strange as it may sound to some, many users use the calendar on their phone as a diary, that is, they reproduce the daily plan in the calendar. This is convenient when you have a lot to do, and reminder notifications help with this. That is why, in order to avoid various incidents, it is preferable to copy and synchronize this data, just so as not to disrupt the schedule of plans.

4 Photos. This is one of the most popular positions saved in the cloud, because after taking pictures or on your iPhone, you don’t need to resort to additional portable devices or programs, and you don’t need to do anything at all. Just from any PC or gadget connected to the Internet, go to the official website, enter your cloud data and enjoy browsing.

5 Cloud Drive. This system involves saving the results of using any applications in the cloud, which brings the same convenience as using cloud photos.

6 Notes. This is very reminiscent of calendar saving, only here you can make entries in a different direction, not just planning and reminders. Saving these notes is very common precisely because it is secure and always at hand.

7 Applications that are allowed in settings. These are location finders for friends and acquaintances, phone search engines, phone settings and more.

Remember that you can turn off synchronization at any time and unwanted data will not get into

Greetings to everyone, dear readers! Logging into Icloud is a good opportunity to simplify your work with Apple services. The icloud service helps you set up receiving instant notifications about messages and account transactions. Every user of an Apple device has an account in ICloud.

There is storage from the phone here, namely backup copies of files, contacts, correspondence, and application data are stored. Now you can log into your account online not only from a branded device, but even from any PC, regardless of the operating system installed.

How to sign in to icloud

If you want to use the iCloud service, you must sign in to a cloud storage account. Starting with iOS 5, iCloud is attached to the user's iPhone, iPad or Mac account. To log into your account, simply enter your Apple ID and password information by going to “Settings” and selecting the “iCloud” tab.

If you would like to have an email address with the domain name @ icloud.com, then you will need to go to “Settings” and select the “iCloud” tab. Then you need to find “Add-ons” and go to “Mail”.

Login from computer and iPhone

The safest way is icloud login via program. The official website has everything helpful information, which concerns iCloud functionality.

Download the program and wait until the download finishes. After that run "iCloudSetup.exe". In the window that opens, enter your data: login and password.

If you do not have an account, please register via Apple device. Now you need to activate the device to synchronize the application by checking the appropriate check boxes.

Now all that remains is to click on the “Apply” button.

Login from phone

If you want to access iCloud on your phone Android, then first of all you need to start the Email client. Enter your iCloud email information and select “Manually set up.”

In the manual configuration form, fill in all required fields:

  1. Email—iCloud email address.
  2. The username is part of the email address before @icloud.com.
  3. Password – mail access code.
  4. Server – imap.mail.me.com.
  5. Security type – SSL or SSL with acceptance of all certificates.
  6. Port – 993.
  7. The IMAP path prefix does not need to be filled in.
  • Address – smtp.mail.me.com.
  • The username and password are the same as in the IMAP settings.
  • Security – SSL or TSL.
  • Port 587.

That's all, if a request for authentication appears, then click “Yes”.

Login failure

Very often, when logging in, a failure occurs with the error: “The limit on the number of free accounts has been activated on this iPhone (or iPad). What to do? Let's take it one by one.

In order to solve the problem, you need to register and activate your Apple ID from any other Apple device. To register and activate, you will need to open “Settings”, go to the “iCloud” section and click on the “Sign Out” button.

If you have a Mac, the button is located at the bottom left side. Now all that remains is to log into iCloud on the new device. This is a new activation. Now we register the Apple ID again. That's it, the problem should be fixed.

Icloud Login a simple procedure that can be easily performed on almost all devices. I look forward to your questions and suggestions in the comments. Peace for everyone!

If you have switched to Android, but want to use your Apple mail and don’t know how to do it, then our instructions were created especially for you. In this article we will tell you how to log into iCloud from an android and set up mail from an iPhone on a new device.

Many Apple products run exclusively on native software. For example, you won't be able to use iMessage on Android. Fortunately, such problems do not arise with iCloud.

First of all, you will need the application password

Apple currently uses two-factor authentication by default on iPads, iPhones, and Mac OS computers. So, the first thing you need to do is set an application password. Don’t be alarmed, this is very easy to do, but without such an operation you will be bombarded with notifications about incorrect actions (either the e-mail address or password was entered incorrectly).

You will need to go to the official Apple website from your browser. For you, this is already a familiar and familiar login form, where you previously created an account and an Apple ID account. Here you can work with your Apple ID. Log in to your account (an iPhone or other gadget will be useful for two-factor authentication) and study the security section.

The title will read "APP-SPECIFIC PASSWORDS". You will also see a link that allows you to generate a password.

Enter the name of the password. ‘Android Email’ will do. You will be able to identify which third-party applications you are using to access your Apple ID.

Click "Create". After this, you will see an automatically generated password. You will need it in a minute.

How to log into iCloud mail from Android through settings

To set up an iCloud email account on your Android device, open the “Settings” section on your smartphone. Everything will depend on the model of your gadget. In most cases, for this purpose you just need to scroll down to the icon you need. It is possible that you will have to scroll again, since the first time there will only be certain shortcuts.

Now you should find the accounts menu. On the Pixel 2 (Android 8) smartphone, this menu is called “Users&Accounts”.

Scroll down until you see “Add account”.

Then you should click on the “Personal (IMAP)” option. There is a Gmail icon nearby. Enter your email.

In theory, there is no need to add “@me” or “@icloud.com”. However, if nothing works without them, add this part too.

Server settings should be automatically identified. In the upper left corner you should enter the previously generated application password.

Your email should start syncing and appear in the Gmail app along with other email accounts. To switch between accounts, click the menu icon (three horizontal lines in the upper left corner), and then click on the email address shown, or on the rounded labels (this is necessary to display other accounts).

To see your email, click on @me or @icloud.

Manually configure iCloud IMAP if the previous steps did not help

If you need manual installation, you can always use the following information:

If you are required to enter an email or username for the outgoing server, bet on the full email address. If you have security problems, give preference not to SSL, but to TSL.


To log into iPhone's iCloud from an Android phone, no special skills or knowledge are required. To do this, just generate a personal password on the official Apple website and enter it in the appropriate field when adding a new account in the settings of your Android device.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments to this manual.

Details Benks Created: January 20, 2018 Updated: January 20, 2018
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