Delicious gooseberry and raspberry jam. Raspberry and gooseberry jam recipe for the winter. Collection and preparation of berries for jam

The homeland of gooseberries is the territory Western Europe and North Africa, where it has been cultivated for a long time. But in our country, this plant began to be grown only in the 11th century, and in those days it was called bersen or bersen-kryzh.

Gooseberries gained enormous popularity and, as a result, spread on the estates of landowners already in the 17th century, when they began to be used to produce various types of wine of fairly high quality, as well as amazing jam, which was called “emerald”.
However, in addition to the fact that the fruits of this plant have excellent taste, gooseberries are also incredibly healthy, one might even say medicinal plant. Thus, gooseberries contain a huge amount of vitamins (C, B1, PP, provitamin A), rutin, a lot of pectin, fiber, tannins, as well as useful micro- and macroelements (for example, calcium salts, potassium, phosphorus, etc. ). At the same time, gooseberries contain more iron than apples, and in terms of vitamin C content they are second only to black currants.

Therefore, be sure to eat these healthy and tasty berries and use them to prepare the most delicious treats, for example, the most aromatic sweet jam with raspberries!

To make gooseberry and raspberry jam, we will need:

pink gooseberries – 1.5 kg
red raspberries – 0.25 kg
white sugar – 1.5 kg
water – 300 ml

How to make gooseberry and raspberry jam:

1. First of all, it is worth noting that for making jam it is advisable to choose the most “suitable” variety of gooseberry as possible - so that it is not yet ripe, slightly sour, firm, with a pinkish tint. And also, if for some reason you were unable to prepare the jam at the “planned time”, then to prevent the gooseberries from spoiling, simply fill them with water and put them in a cold place.
So, we thoroughly wash the gooseberries, drain the water from them, and then cut off the tails on each berry (using nail scissors, piercing them with the tips in several places).
2. But you can add raspberries if desired, but it is they that give the jam a special sweet taste and aroma.
3. Transfer everything into a convenient container (saucepan, always with a lid), add the required amount of sugar and fill with a large cup of water. We put the pan on the stove, turning on the minimum heat (do not close the lid yet). When the foam begins to appear, then it must be removed, and the berries themselves must be “sinked”, mixing everything slightly. We do the same thing 2 more times, after which we remove the pan with the jam from the heat, cover it with a lid and leave the berries to soak in the syrup for at least 10-12 hours (it’s most convenient to just leave the jam overnight).
4. After the specified time has passed, put the pan with the jam back on the fire (it should be minimal, as before) and perform all the above procedures again (don’t forget to just skim off the foam).
In a separate pan (in parallel with the jam) boil a sufficient amount of water, in which we will boil the jars for the jam. So, after we removed the foam for the last time, boil the jars for 2 minutes, fill them with jam and close the lid tightly.
Thus, you should get at least 5 jars of delicious and incredibly aromatic gooseberry and raspberry jam. It is also very beautiful and has a pleasant sour-sweet taste. And after a couple of months, the gooseberries will become completely transparent, and the syrup itself will be jelly-like. And then, on a frosty winter day, having prepared myself a cup of hot tea and spread a piece of white fresh bread delicious jam, you will remember how patiently and diligently you rolled up each jar of your favorite raspberry and gooseberry jam!

Raspberry jam with gooseberries for the winter. Recipe for raspberry jam with gooseberries for the winter.

  • raspberries - 1 kg
  • gooseberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 1 glass

    Sort the gooseberries, remove the branches and tails, rinse and drain excess water.

    Gently rinse the raspberries in water in a large bowl and place in a colander to drain off excess water.

    Make syrup from a glass of water and 2 glasses of sugar and bring it to a boil.

    Place all the berries in the boiling syrup, mix gently and bring to a boil.

    Cook raspberries and gooseberries over low heat for 10-15 minutes, stirring from time to time and skimming off any foam that forms.

    Then the jam must be removed from the heat and left to cool for 2-3 hours.

    Grind the cooled raspberry and gooseberry jam with an immersion blender until smooth.

    If you like whole berries in your jam, you don’t have to chop them, but continue cooking.

    Put the jam back on low heat, bring to a boil and cook, stirring, for 5-7 minutes, and then let cool completely.

    Put the cooled jam back on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, stirring so as not to burn.

    Immediately pour the finished jam into dry, sterilized jars and seal with dry, sterile lids.

    Turn the jars upside down and leave to cool.

Store raspberry and gooseberry jam in a cool and dark place.

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Making jam in the 21st century the same way our grandmothers did is no longer relevant. After all, there are many other options to preserve healthy berries without losing vitamins. Today we propose making live or raw raspberry and gooseberry jam with sugar, without cooking. Raspberries and gooseberries are stored in the refrigerator or dry cellar.

Raspberries and gooseberries for the winter

The proportions of berries and sugar can be changed, the main thing to remember is that the ratio of berries to sugar should be 1 to 1.5 (2). With these proportions, live jam will last all winter. If you have a large freezer, you can freeze the pureed jam in ice cube trays or small containers. For frozen jam, for every kilogram of berries you will need 200-250 grams of sugar.

how to make raspberry and gooseberry jam


  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • gooseberries – 500 g;
  • sugar – 2 kg of sugar.

Cooking process:

So, we wash the raspberries and gooseberries under running water. Although it is recommended not to wash raspberries at all. If you are confident in the purity of the berries, do so. You can also get confused and cut the tails off the gooseberries. But we think this is a waste of time.

Place the berries in a large, convenient bowl or blender. Sprinkle with sugar.

Grind the berries into puree. This jam can also be passed through a meat grinder. If you like pure jam without seeds (they will be with this grinding option), grind the mixture through a fine sieve. With this volume, it will take you 10 minutes at most. Don't throw away the pulp. You can cook compote or make fruit juice from it. This cake can also be frozen and used in winter for making drinks.

We sterilize jars for raspberry jam with gooseberries in the oven - put clean wet jars in a cold oven, turn it on and wait until it warms up to 100 degrees, time 10 minutes for 0.5 liter jars. Place live raspberry and gooseberry jam in dry sterile containers. banks.

Sprinkle a layer of sugar on top of the jam. This creates additional protection against fermentation.

You can store this product in the refrigerator or in a dry cellar.

Maria Ageeva told how to make fresh pureed jam, recipe and photo of the author.

Gooseberry and raspberry jam for the winter has a tart and slightly sour taste. The recipe is very simple. But if you diversify the usual jam with raspberries, then you will get a real masterpiece. In winter you will not be able to tear yourself away from this jam. I really like this too.


- raspberries – 300 gr.,
- gooseberries – 500 gr.,
- sugar – 800 gr.,
- water – 50 ml.

Wash the gooseberries thoroughly and remove excess branches. It is convenient to do this with kitchen scissors.

We carefully rinse the raspberries to make sure that there are no extra insects or leaves left in them.

We put everything into a saucepan, in which we will later cook the jam, and leave it in this position for 3 hours. Let's wait until the raspberries and gooseberries release some juice.

After the specified time has passed, add water to the pan and put it on the fire.

As soon as the jam boils, turn it off and leave it to steep overnight. In the morning, boil again and remove excess foam.

Sterilize jars and lids in any way and pour jam into them. Carefully close the lid.

Turn the jam over and leave it in this position for a day. After this, we send it to a dark place to wait in the wings in the winter. Be sure to try this too

I propose to prepare gooseberry and raspberry jam that is completely new in taste and texture. The recipe for the winter is simple, like most of this category of preparations.

The jam will retain the wonderful aroma and sweetness of raspberries and the pleasant sourness of gooseberries will appear. It is prepared without adding water, using the double-cooking method, and due to this it turns out to be very rich, with a pleasant ruby ​​color.

It is better to take gooseberries that are not large, burgundy or reddish; it is advisable that the berries are well ripened. The raspberries will be almost completely softened during cooking, so you can use crushed berries or those that are not suitable for other preparations.


  • gooseberries – 1 cup;
  • raspberries – 1 glass;
  • sugar – 150-200 g (to taste).

How to make gooseberry and raspberry jam

We cut the gooseberries on both sides, remove the dry tails and the remains of the twigs.

We wash the prepared berries. We prick it in several places to get more juice.

Transfer to a bowl or ladle with a thick bottom. Add sugar.

Add raspberries. There is no need to wash it before cooking to prevent it from taking on water and becoming sour. Add sugar, shake or gently mix with berries.

Leave under gauze for two to three hours until a sufficient amount of juice appears. To speed up the cooking process, you can add a little water and immediately cook the jam without letting it sit for several hours. But in this case it will have to be cooked longer or left liquid.

Bring the jam to a boil over low heat, stirring to ensure even heating. Cook for five minutes, periodically removing the foam. Remove from heat. Leave the jam to cool, for three to four hours.

During the second cooking, cook for ten minutes, driving the rising foam into the middle and collecting it with a spoon. During cooking, the jam will acquire a rich ruby ​​color, the gooseberries will burst, but they should not be boiled.

While the jam is cooking, rinse hot water with soda jars and lids. Sterilize the jars, fill the lids with boiling water and let simmer for a few minutes. Pour the jam into jars and screw on the hot lids.

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