What is the Adam's apple responsible for in men? Why do men have big Adam's apple? What does it consist of?

At school they carefully explained how the heart and brain work, what functions the lungs and kidneys perform. But they hardly told us why the Adam’s apple was needed. As a result, many adults have no idea about the functions of this part of the body. Many people are generally mistaken: they believe that this is a sign of a man’s sexual strength or that women do not have such a part of the body. Let's understand the true purpose, structure, functions, size of the “Adam's apple”...

Structure and features

What does the Adam's apple represent for men? Externally, this part of the body looks like a lump protruding from the throat. When swallowing it moves. There is a misconception: the Adam's apple is part of the thyroid gland. This is mistake. The protrusion on the throat has nothing to do with the gland, but is the thyroid cartilage surrounding the larynx. The structure is quite simple - it includes double cartilaginous plates connected under:

  • Right angle (in adult sexually mature men).
  • Obtuse angle (in small children, women, some men with an invisible “Adam's apple”).

Thus, the Adam's apple exists in all people, regardless of gender and age. It’s just that in representatives of the stronger sex it is larger and more noticeable. In small children and women, the throat lump is “hidden”.

By the way, in children of both sexes until puberty, the throat looks the same. After reaching adolescence, boys develop a cartilaginous lump that increases throughout puberty. In sexually mature men, the lump does not increase (it can only harden and become less mobile, which is associated with compaction of the cartilage tissue). And vice versa - if the male Adam’s apple does not begin to appear before the end of puberty, then it will not appear at the age of 25-30.

Main functions

Why do men and women have an Adam's apple? And in general, is an Adam’s apple needed or is it a rudiment without which a person can easily live? The Adam's apple is needed - it protects the throat and is involved in the formation of the voice:

  • Protection of the throat (larynx, thyroid gland, vocal cords) from physical damage. When struck, the load first goes directly to the cartilaginous bump - it is painful, but not fatal.
  • Participation in voice education. Here are the necessary elements that stretch the vocal cords. It has been noticed: the larger a man’s Adam’s apple, the rougher his voice. Women have a thinner and higher-pitched voice because this part of the body is less pronounced. In adolescence, boys' voice changes - the Adam's apple changes the angle of connection, the voice becomes rougher, and begins to stretch the vocal cords differently).

Connection with potency

There is an opinion: a bulging Adam's apple in guys is a sign of strong potency. This is only partly true. Formation during puberty depends on testosterone levels. The more intense the male hormone is released, the more pronounced the throat lump will be. Potency also depends on testosterone. When a man becomes an adult, his Adam's apple stops changing, and the level of the hormone can fluctuate, and, accordingly, potency becomes worse. That is, the connection with sexual functionality can be traced in adolescence, but in mature men the relationship is lost.

When the lump on the throat is invisible

There are cases when in men the Adam's apple is invisible and the neck is straight. In fact, it is there, it was just formed at an obtuse angle. There are two more reasons why men may have a smooth throat:

  • If representatives of the stronger sex have a large fat layer on the neck, it will seem that there is no Adam's apple.
  • During puberty, the young man produced little testosterone - as a rule, such a guy will have a high-pitched voice.

Visual absence of a protruding Adam's apple in a man (in the absence of other alarming symptoms) is not a sign of pathology - it is considered a physical feature of the structure.

Overhang too big

A large cartilaginous lump on the throat is dangerous, should it be removed? A large Adam's apple in men, like a small cartilaginous lump on the throat, is not a deviation; the cartilaginous formation has simply grown together at a more acute or obtuse angle. There are no standards by which one can determine whether this part of a person’s body protrudes too much or too little.

If an adult man notices that his Adam's apple has begun to grow larger, he should urgently visit a doctor - after puberty, the cartilaginous protrusion cannot increase. Changes in the size of the throat may indicate inflammation or tumors; immediate diagnosis and treatment must be started.

The Adam's apple or Adam's apple is the cartilaginous part of the thyroid gland. It is present in persons of any gender, a large Adam's apple in men and invisible in women. Many have no idea why we need an Adam’s apple, and some even believe that only men have this part of the body. In general, there are a lot of misconceptions, so it’s worth taking a closer look at what the Adam’s apple is, why it’s needed, etc.

What history says

There is a real legend that says that Adam's Adam's apple was formed at the moment when he tried the forbidden apple. The progenitor choked on this fruit, a piece of it got stuck in his throat, which is why he got an Adam's apple. Now every man has this distinctive sign, symbolizing that original sin. Let us say right away that there is no need to take this legend seriously, if only because women also have a similar part of the body.

Purpose of the Adam's apple

The Adam's apple is a secondary sexual characteristic and appears specifically in men; however, in individual cases, the Adam's apple has a characteristic protrusion in women as well. Typically, this phenomenon occurs when a woman experiences a hormonal shift due to excess male hormones.

Attention! All people have an Adam's apple, only in women it is almost always hidden, while in men the Adam's apple protrudes somewhat forward, which is noticeable to the naked eye. It can be detected in the process of making guttural sounds; at these moments you need to feel with your fingers the vibrating area on the neck, where the Adam’s apple is located.

The Adam's apple is designed to protect the vocal cords. In addition, the Adam's apple performs protective functions, thanks to which, in the process of swallowing food or water, it is prevented from entering into the body. Airways. The Adam's apple also affects the vocal timbre - the more this part of the body protrudes forward, the rougher the man's voice. The Adam's apple also participates in the process of sound formation, so if we talk, it begins to move. This thyroid cartilage helps us change the timbre of our voice: growl, squeak, etc. Such a change in sounds occurs due to a change in the location of the Adam's apple.

Essentially, the Adam's apple is a double plate of cartilage tissue that protects the vocal cords. With its help, ligamentous tissues are stretched with different voice timbres. During puberty, young men experience a characteristic loss of voice, which is due to the thickening of the thyroid cartilage and lengthening of the ligamentous apparatus.

Why do men have large Adam's apples?

From birth, the tissues of the Adam's apple have a soft structure, but when the period of adolescence begins, they gradually become denser. During puberty, a boy's body actively secretes a large number of testosterone, which has the main effect on the young man’s body in the future.

When the processes of compaction of cartilaginous tissues end, the Adam's apple becomes bone-like, and its dimensions are often large. Some believe that a large, strongly protruding Adam's apple, from an aesthetic point of view, looks completely unattractive. And others firmly believe that with the large size of the Adam's apple, a man also has incredible abilities in bed, which is completely wrong.

Hormonal background, testosterone hormone levels, libido and erectile abilities are in no way related to the size of the Adam's apple. Its parameters depend only on the anatomy and physiology, as well as the genetic predisposition of the man. Therefore, experts strongly do not recommend assessing a partner’s sexual capabilities by the size of his Adam’s apple.

Possible problems with the Adam's apple

It is strictly forbidden to allow blows to the area where the Adam's apple is located, since such injuries can lead to fatal consequences. On the neck in the area of ​​the Adam's apple there are many nervous system nodules and endings. If any serious injury occurs, a signal immediately follows to the brain, activating the syncope reflex. The essence of this reflex is that the patient enters a deep state of unconsciousness followed by the cessation of myocardial contractions, as a result of which the heart stops.

Often men develop various pathologies associated with pain in the Adam's apple area:

  1. Hyperthyroid or hypothyroid processes caused by increased or decreased secretion of thyroid hormones. Such conditions may be accompanied by hyperhidrosis, tachycardia, tremors in certain parts of the body, diarrhea, fatigue or constipation and sensitivity to cold;
  2. Tuberculous or cancerous processes in the larynx. Such conditions are accompanied by pain in the Adam's apple when breathing and swallowing. With progressive growth of tumor formation painful manifestations become much more noticeable. In this case, difficulties may arise with swallowing, bloody expectoration will appear, and with tuberculosis, the voice becomes hoarse and an irritating sore throat is constantly bothering you;
  3. Thyroiditis. Inflammation of the thyroid gland caused by infectious lesions of the upper respiratory tract. In this case, patients note disturbing painful symptoms in the Adam's apple area, the thyroid gland enlarges, sepsis and laryngeal growths of a purulent nature appear. In this case, the patient must be hospitalized;
  4. Laryngitis or inflammation of the larynx resulting from viral infections, colds and respiratory pathologies. Then patients feel sharp pain in the area of ​​the Adam's apple, accompanied by a barking, dry cough. In the larynx, there is swelling of the mucous tissues, as a result of which there is a feeling of constriction of the Adam's apple and throat;
  5. Fracture of cartilage tissue. Accompanied by severe pain symptoms, disorders of swallowing and respiratory functions, etc.;
  6. Riedel's thyroiditis or fibrous chronic form of thyroiditis. Such a pathological process is characterized by the proliferation of connective tissue structures in the area adjacent to the Adam's apple.

It is worth protecting the Adam's apple from injury, because when its cartilage is destroyed, the tracheal lumen is blocked, which stops the access of air to the pulmonary system. That is why plastic surgery is practically not performed in this area of ​​the body. If a man feels painful discomfort in the area of ​​the Adam's apple, then he needs to undergo a specialized examination.

Many men have a clearly visible protrusion in the larynx, which is called the Adam's apple. This name has Turkic origin. Adam's apple is translated as “protruding.” The protrusion of the larynx has a special structure and performs a number of important functions in the human body. Let's find out what the Adam's apple is and why it is needed.

The laryngeal prominence refers to the part of the thyroid cartilage located at the front of the neck. The Adam's apple consists of two plates, which are located at a certain angle, which makes it especially visible in some men.

The following functions of the Adam's apple are characteristic:

  • participation in the formation of the voice and sounds that a person makes;
  • influence on voice timbre;
  • protection of the throat from external damage;
  • blockage of breathing when a person swallows food and water.

The answer to the question of why a man needs an Adam's apple lies in the need to identify him as a male. The protrusion forms a typically male low timbre of voice, which is one of the signs of a representative of the strong half of humanity.

Adam's apple also takes Active participation in the functioning of the thyroid gland. At the same time, it does not produce hormones, but its condition can be used to judge the functioning of the gland.

Pain in the area of ​​the protrusion often indicates that a person has hyperthyroidism or a cancerous tumor in the thyroid gland.

What does it look like

Guys' Adam's apple looks like a protrusion in the front of the neck, as can be seen in the photo. It is one of the fragments of the thyroid cartilage, which contains two plates. They form an angle due to which the protrusion becomes clearly visible in men.

What does it consist of?

The structure of the Adam's apple is as follows:

  1. Right and left plates.
  2. Upper horns located on top of the plates. With their help, the Adam's apple articulates with the hyoid bone.
  3. The inferior horns connect to the cricoid laryngeal cartilage, which forms the basis of the larynx.

Both plates are connected by a midline. It is this that forms the angle of the cartilage. Its upper part is called the protrusion of the larynx. Especially in adult men, the Adam's apple protrudes strongly due to the fact that the male ligaments are much longer than those of women.

Adam's apple in boys

When boys develop an Adam's apple depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The projection is a secondary sexual characteristic characteristic of males.

Statistics indicate that in 11% of boys at the age of 15, laryngeal cartilage begins to form. The vast majority of young men (40%) develop an Adam's apple at the age of 17.

The growth of thyroid cartilage is associated with the effect of testosterone on it. This male hormone affects the vocal cords and increases the angle of the laryngeal cartilage, due to which it is especially noticeable in men.

By increasing in size, the Adam's apple helps lengthen the vocal cords. This causes the teenager's voice to become low.

Reference. There may be cases (10%) when the appearance of a laryngeal protrusion begins to be observed in children starting at 12 years of age.

Most often, the Adam's apple is formed in young men in the age range from 12 to 17 years. By the age of 18, their final protrusion has formed. In the future, it does not grow and remains in size until the end of life.

Reasons for the presence of a protrusion only in men

The question often arises about why only men have an Adam's apple. The Adam's apple (another name for the protrusion) is also present in representatives of the fairer sex, but due to a number of anatomical features it is not very noticeable among them.

The main reasons for the invisibility of the Adam's apple in women are:

  • their vocal cords are significantly shorter compared to men;
  • the presence in women of a fatty layer in the neck, which smoothes out the protrusion;
  • smaller angle of fusion of cartilaginous plates.

In representatives of the stronger sex, the angle of fusion of the Adam's apple plates is much sharper than in women. This is the main reason for the visibility of the protrusion among them and its invisibility among representatives of the fairer sex.

Peculiarity. Since testosterone plays a decisive role in the development of the Adam's apple in men, it grows more noticeable in them. Women also have testosterone in their bodies, but in much lower concentrations. Estrogen produced by the ovaries in women does not have a strong effect on the protuberance.

Some people experience a phenomenon called a double Adam's apple. The reasons for its appearance lie in the physiology and genetics of an individual person. There may be cases of double fusion of cartilage plates, which visually creates the appearance of a large protrusion.

This condition is normal. If necessary, a person can reduce the size of the Adam's apple by undergoing thyroid chondroplasty. Such an intervention is not recommended due to possible hormonal imbalances in the human body.

Do all representatives of the stronger sex have a prominence of the larynx?

The answer to the question whether all men have an Adam's apple is yes. This cartilage is characteristic of all representatives of not only the stronger half of humanity, but also of women. However, the size of the Adam's apple can vary significantly from person to person.

In a number of men, the protrusion is large and very noticeable in the neck area. For others it is almost invisible. Both cases are physiological norms.

The size of the Adam's apple is associated solely with the anatomical characteristics of a particular man. Genetic factors and the structure of the neck also play a role.

Due to the presence of different sizes of protrusions, men have different voice timbres. For some it may be low, for others it may be higher. In this case, any conditions can be considered normal.


The Adam's apple is one of the signs of a man. This protrusion is formed in all people, but is more noticeable in the representatives of the stronger sex. Cartilage performs a number of functions, including protecting the trachea from damage. The main purpose of the protrusion is to form a typically male low timbre of the voice.

Damage to the Adam's apple is a fatal injury, since its fragments can cause suffocation and internal bleeding in the larynx. This is one of the most vulnerable parts of the male body.

On the body men there are many areas that arouse interest and curiosity among women. For example, a dimple on the chin and an Adam's apple on the neck. Why do they arise and what do they say?

Dimple on the chin- This is a small depression in the skin that a person inherits from one of his parents. From an anatomical point of view, dimples occur on the face due to insufficient development of the connective tissue that attaches the skin to the bone. Physiognomists claim that a dimple on the chin is a characteristic sign of people with a strong and strong-willed character. It’s hard not to believe this if you remember the faces of people with a dimple on their chins who have achieved fame. These are Michael Jackson, Yuri Gagarin, Joseph Kobzon and Alexander Serov. The deeper the dimple, the greater heights a man will achieve in his career and life. Most women do not share the opinion of physiognomists. They claim that men with a dimpled chin are spoiled by female attention and are fickle. This small depression gives a man's face mystery and attractiveness, so women quickly fall in love with such men.

Actually men with a dimple on the chin they have a tough and unyielding character. They have a bright temperament and appreciate everything beautiful. In order to achieve their goals, these men often show resourcefulness, cunning and stubbornness. Of course, such individuals attract the attention of women and are therefore often spoiled by them. But in family life men with a dimpled chin are overly demanding of their partners; they do not tolerate manifestations of laziness, tactlessness and self-interest. Girls who don't live up to their expectations ideal woman, have no chance of keeping them close. This is the explanation that men with dimpled chins often cheat on their wives and leave the family. They will not tolerate disrespect and bad treatment from their wife.

Adam's apple- This is a protrusion on the neck of men, which is popularly called the “Adam's apple”. It represents the anterior part of the thyroid cartilage, which is present in both men and women. In the stronger half of humanity, the cartilage plates are located at an angle more acute than in women. Because of this, the Adam's apple protrudes in men, but in women it is less noticeable and does not stand out. Unlike the dimple on the chin, the Adam's apple not only attracts the attention of women, but also closes the passage to the respiratory tract while swallowing food, thereby protecting the lungs and bronchi from foreign particles. In addition, the Adam's apple is an important part of the human vocal apparatus. Without it it is impossible to make sounds, and men owe it to it that it gives their voice timbre and makes it rougher than that of women.

By biblical legend The appearance of the protrusion on the man’s neck is due to Adam, who could not resist the temptation of the forbidden and choked. Since then, all men have had an Adam's apple on their necks. There is an opinion that the more a man's Adam's apple protrudes, the stronger his sexual abilities. In fact, this is far from the truth. Boys do not have an Adam's apple; it is formed only during puberty. Indeed, the development of the Adam's apple is associated with the content of the male sex hormone - testosterone. But this only works during puberty; it is impossible to determine the sexuality of an adult man by his Adam’s apple. Despite the high level of testosterone in the blood, the size of the Adam's apple does not increase after puberty. From the word Adam’s apple comes the word “bosom friend,” which means “drinking buddy,” and not a faithful and long-time friend, as many people think. After all, only by drinking alcohol can you “pawn your Adam’s apple.”

Hit to the Adam's apple may cause death. The fact is that in this area of ​​the neck there are many nerve endings and nodes; if they are seriously damaged, an erroneous signal is transmitted to the brain and a reflex called syncope is triggered, resulting in loss of consciousness and shutdown of the heart. In addition, the destruction of the Adam's apple cartilage can lead to blockage of the trachea and air flow into the lungs. Therefore, any injuries to the Adam's apple should not be allowed, including surgery. The Adam's apple is the only part of the body that gives away transvestites - men who have undergone gender reassignment surgery. For this reason, they often cover their necks with a scarf or handkerchief. For example, the famous history professor Donald McCoskey, at the age of 54, went through fire and water to change not only the gender and shape of the genitals, but also to destroy the beard, “cut off” a square chin and acquire female forms figures. But none of the plastic surgeons decided to perform an operation on him to remove an overly protruding Adam’s apple. The mechanism of the larynx is too complicated and only a few transvestites manage to persuade doctors to change its shape.

Why the Adam's apple is needed can be understood by studying its location and structure. The location of the Adam's apple determines its main functions, and its structure determines its physiological purpose. This is not just a growth on the neck, but a very important organ for a person; it is not intended to distinguish the strong half of humanity from the weak.

The Adam's apple is located in the middle of the throat and looks like a small tubercle from the outside. It consists of two cartilaginous plates fused at a certain angle. Despite the common misconception that the Adam's apple is part of the thyroid gland, it is not actually part of the thyroid gland. It also does not perform the functions of the gland. The Adam's apple is part of the larynx, part of the thyroid cartilage and protects the thyroid gland and other vulnerable parts of the larynx from damage.

Double-lamellar cartilage is designed by nature for protection. It protects the delicate vocal cords. The longer these ligaments, the more acute the angle of inclination the cartilaginous plates fuse over them. Men's voices are much lower and stronger than women's because the male vocal cords are longer. To cover such a powerful speech apparatus, parts of the cartilage must grow together at an acute angle. This is why the Adam's apple is visible in men, but not in women. But this does not mean that women do not have it.

Why ladies need an Adam's apple becomes clear from the structure of the fragile female throat. Representatives of the fair half of humanity also have vocal cords, and they also need strong, reliable protection. That’s why women also have an Adam’s apple, but it hardly stands out, since women’s vocal cords are shorter than men’s, and the cartilage plates above them connect at an obtuse angle, which makes them flat and invisible. In addition, the female Adam's apple is covered on top by cervical sebum. Therefore, if a woman goes on a strict diet and suddenly loses a lot of weight, the Adam’s apple will begin to protrude slightly and become noticeable.

In men, the Adam's apple is formed under the influence of male hormones.

In boys, it begins to grow during puberty at the age of 13 years. Therefore, during this period of life, the voice changes, and unpleasant sensations may be observed in the throat. But if pain occurs, you need to consult a doctor. By the age of 18, cartilage tissue becomes stronger, and the voice is established. The plates become harder and harder every year, and with increasing testosterone levels they can increase.


Functions of the thyroid cartilage

The Adam's apple is part of the larynx and plays an important role in the physiology of not only men, but also women. Why it is needed becomes clear from what functions it performs. Without it, simple things like speaking and eating would be impossible. After all, the Adam's apple performs the following necessary functions in the human body:

  • protective - cartilage, which has strengthened over the years, reliably protects such important and vulnerable tissues of the larynx as the thyroid gland and vocal cords from damage;
  • Ensures safe food intake. During swallowing, this part of the larynx partially blocks the airways, and food does not enter them. Therefore, it is needed so that a person can calmly eat, drink and not choke;
  • participates in the formation of vocal speech. Double-lamellar cartilage stretches the vocal cords, so when air passes through them, sounds are born. It can also be used as a resonator: by controlling the position of the Adam's apple in the throat, moving it up and down with the help of muscles, you can control the timbre of your voice. The pitch of the voice also depends on the size of the Adam's apple itself. In men, due to the acute angle of cartilage formation, the vocal cords are stretched more strongly, therefore male voice rougher and stronger than the feminine.

In addition to ensuring physiological processes, the protruding part of the larynx plays a certain social role, indicating a person’s gender. This is very practical in the current realities and the introduction of unisex fashion.

Interesting information about the Adam's apple

The word Adam's apple is of Turkic origin and means “hard”. But in Christian religion There is a hypothesis about what the Adam’s apple is. In the Western world, this strong part of the larynx is usually called the Adam's apple. The reason for this name lies in the biblical narrative. The Old Testament describes the story of the expulsion of the first people from the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and, obeying the instigator of the Serpent, ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. When Adam learned about the betrayal of Eve and the cunning of the Serpent, a piece of the bitten apple of paradise stuck in his throat. So it was passed down from generation to generation, from father to son, as a symbol of the first sin.

There are many nerve endings and pain points concentrated around the Adam's apple. A blow to this area is very painful and can even cause cardiac arrest. But for this, the application force must be very high. Therefore, it is unlikely that such strong cartilage will be injured by a simple blow.

The Adam's apple is an attribute of a man, and even after a gender change it is problematic to get rid of it. By removing the cartilage, you can hurt the nearby vocal cords. Therefore, even after surgery, the Adam's apple may be present. Hormones influence the formation of the Adam's apple. Therefore, the more testosterone in the body, the larger the size of the Adam's apple. But there is not a single scientific confirmation that the size of the Adam’s apple somehow depends on the sexual abilities of a man. And in women, the appearance of an Adam's apple indicates that due to hormonal imbalance in the body there is more testosterone than estrogen.


The Adam's apple was formed in vertebrates during the process of evolution and is now present in all mammals. Thanks to its mobility, animals control the timbre and frequency of sounds and thus communicate with each other. The large Adam's apple allows animals to emit infrasound. Thanks to this ability, elephants can hear sounds through the ground at a distance of up to 2 km. The small size of the laryngeal cartilage allows the mammal to emit ultrasound. For example, thanks to ultrasound, flying mice have mastered echolocation and can move freely in complete darkness.

It would seem that the Adam's apple is an ordinary seal on the neck, but no. It plays a very important role in a person’s life, providing him with speech and security.

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