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At first it may seem that making a snowman out of plastic cups with your own hands is extremely difficult step by step. You need to have cups on hand, somehow hold them together, and in the end it’s not a fact that you’ll end up with a decent toy. In fact, you need to throw all doubts away, because it’s easy to make a snowman, large or small, from a plastic cup, and he will delight you with joy appearance during all holidays.

Important! The financial costs of creating such a snowman, even a very large one, are extremely small. But, in the end, you get a craft that is guaranteed to charge you with positivity and just by its appearance lifts your spirits.

DIY snowman made from plastic cups, step by step with photos

To make a snowman in the first master class, you should have a sufficient number of plastic cups of the same shape and size on hand. You will also need plasticine; it is better to take black and orange material. You also need either glue or a stapler to work.

Right away, even at the beginning of work, you should think about making the snowman stable. To do this, the bottom row of the craft cannot be made into a perfect ball, it must turn out to be a hemisphere. In general, the process of work is quite simple, you need to lay out the glasses in a circle and fasten them together with either glue or staples. The first row of a large snowman, like in our pictures, takes about 25 glasses. But everyone can, at their own discretion, change the number of glasses up or down to get a craft of a different size. Do you already know which ones to cook?

The next step in making a snowman out of plastic cups with your own hands is to use the same number of cups for the second row. They are attached to the top of the first row, fastened using the chosen method: staples or glue. Each subsequent row should be smaller and smaller. All glasses have a cone shape, so during the process of assembling the craft, each glass will be able to find its own suitable place.

It turns out that first the bottom lump is made for the snowman. But, as you know, this character consists of at least two lumps, and best of all - three parts. Therefore, you need to start making a rounder, smaller ball as the second one. To do this, take 18 glasses, lay them out in a circle, and then take an ever smaller number of glasses. Repeat the process as with the first circle. Then turn the workpiece over, place a few more glasses next to it, but not all the way. That is, the second lump will not be completely finished, and that’s how it should be.

In principle, we can stop there. If you make more than two lumps, as is observed with a traditional snowman, then the structure may no longer be stable due to its impressive size. Therefore, now the second ball is installed on the first and you can start decorating. There might be a traditional carrot, pieces of various fabrics, or a fake hat.

Advice! If you put a Christmas tree garland under such a snowman and turn it on, the craft will glow with all the colors of the rainbow and evoke even more positivity.

DIY thread snowman step by step

In this version, we will consider not the process of how to make a snowman from plastic cups with your own hands, step by step, but from thread balls. You also get a beautiful and unusual snowman, which will be an excellent interior decoration for the New Year and Christmas holidays.

You can make both large and small snowmen from threads. The advantage of this craft, unlike plastic cups, is that even a large snowman can consist of three parts at once. Threads are lighter than cups, so such a New Year's friend can not only be placed on the floor, but even hung from the ceiling.

To make such a snowman you will need three balloons, also a skein of black thread, PVA glue, scissors, a little wind, buttons and beads, twigs and sticks to create additional decor. Since you need to make three balls of different diameters from threads in order to correctly assemble the craft, this is how the balloons are inflated, which will become the basis for thread products. Thread the thread through a needle, pierce the container with glue with the needle, remove the thread already soaked in glue, and begin to wrap it around the ball. When the ball is completely wrapped in threads without gaps, you can additionally coat it with glue and hang it for 12 hours to dry completely.

How to make a snowman from plastic cups with your own hands: step by step instructions

Winter is coming, which means one of the most favorite holidays of the year is coming soon - New Year. To give yourself and your loved ones a festive mood, we suggest making a funny snowman from plastic cups with your own hands. Using our step-by-step instructions, this will not be difficult. The product will not only decorate your home or yard, but will also give you and your children a lot of joy.

  • 1 What you need to create a snowman from plastic cups
  • 2 Options for snowmen made from plastic cups
  • 3 Ideas for decorating crafts with your own hands: 6 photos

What you need to create a snowman from plastic cups

Making a snowman from disposable cups is not difficult at all. They taper downwards and this shape allows the formation of spherical structures. You don’t need expensive materials or any special tools, because glasses are cheap, and a stapler is found in almost every home. In addition, making such a craft will not take you much time and will be a great way to have fun for the whole family.

You may need the following tools and materials:

  • plastic cups - 300 pcs.;
  • stapler;
  • staples - pack 1 yew. PC.;
  • glue or glue gun;
  • transparent tape;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • scissors;
  • elements for decoration.

The number of cups may vary. This primarily depends on the size of the snowman, the number of parts of which it will consist, and the shape of the body - a sphere or hemisphere. Cups can be chosen either the same size or different. For the body you can take regular 100 ml cups, and for the head small ones, 50 ml.

Choose glasses with narrow rims as they are easier to staple.

It is better to buy glasses with a small supply, since during operation some of them may be damaged and become unusable

The main tool for creating a snowman is a stapler. You will need the most ordinary office stapler and a pack of staples (approximately 1000 pieces). The number of staples used will depend on how the snowman is made. If you decide to use glue or double-sided tape, then you will need much less.

It is better to take universal polymer glue, which is designed for joining plastic parts. It's great if you have a glue gun. It makes it very convenient to precisely apply glue. You can also use double-sided tape.

Glue and tape are more of auxiliary materials. It is not necessary to use them, since the cups can be connected using just staples.

Photo gallery: tools and materials for manufacturing

Instead of traditional white cups, you can use transparent ones

You will need a small stapler so that it fits easily in a cup.

You can make any crafts with a glue gun

It is better to buy adhesive tape with a cutting knife

Using double-sided tape you can connect large structural parts

Eyes, nose, mouth, headdress and buttons are made from colored cardboard

Options for snowmen made from plastic cups

All options are quite similar to each other. The glasses are connected in such a way that the result is a ball or hemisphere. This can be done in two ways: using a stapler or glue. Let's consider both methods.

Step-by-step instructions for creating using a stapler

This is the simplest and quick way. In addition to the stapler, you will also need tape. For decoration, prepare colored cardboard, tinsel to decorate the Christmas tree, or a regular scarf. Cardboard is needed to make eyes, nose and buttons. Tinsel or a scarf is tied between the “head” and “torso” so that the image of our homemade snowman is complete.

The snowman will consist of two parts - the body and the head. The cups are connected to each other only with the help of a stapler. We suggest making the lower part from large cups (164 pcs.), and the upper part from small ones (100 pcs.). You can, of course, use the same dishes, but then the head and body of the snowman will be the same.

They “sculpt” a snowman in stages:

  • Lower body.
  • Head.
  • Attaching the torso to the head.
  • Decoration.

First they make the lower part. To allow the snowman to stand on the floor, the bottom ball is not completely covered and a hole is left. The head is “sculpted” from small cups and is also not completely covered. A small hole will be needed to attach the top to the bottom.

The cups are placed with the bottom inside the ball, aligning the outer walls with each other.

As for the decor, you can limit yourself to only making eyes, nose and buttons. Or you can give yourself and your loved ones a real holiday and place an LED garland inside the finished snowman.

Let's look at making a snowman step by step:

You should get a circle of glasses

  • Line up the second row in a circle: the upper glasses are placed between the two lower ones, as if filling the space between them.

    Place the glasses on top and fasten them to the bottom

  • Fasten the top row with the main one (the top glass with the bottom and so on in a circle).
  • Fasten the glasses from the second row together.
  • Do the rest of the rows in the same way. You should get a hemisphere - this will be the upper part of the body.

    Gradually you will have a hemisphere

  • Make the lower hemisphere in the same way, only it will already have a small hole and consist of four rows.
  • Connect the bottom of the sphere to the top using the same stapler.

    Don't forget to leave a hole in the bottom ball

  • Now start making the “head”. Everything is the same: we line up the main row of small glasses (also 17 pieces), then the next row (15 pieces) and so on until we get a sphere.
  • We also leave a hole in the “head” the size of one glass.

    Leave a small hole for the head, about the size of one glass.

  • Now you will need to make a “rod” to connect the head to the body.
  • Take 2 glasses and make three cuts on each, 4 cm deep.
  • Place one glass at the very top of the body so that each cut part is in the glass below.
  • For reliability, wrap the glass with tape so that the cuts do not “go” upward.
  • Place another glass on top of the first and also secure with tape.
  • To prevent the glasses from falling out of the structure, glue their ends with tape to the inner walls of the cups.
  • Place the “head” on the resulting rod.

    When you attach the top to the bottom, you will get something like this:

That's it, the snowman is almost ready. All that remains is to glue on the eyes and nose, and also make a headdress.

The snowman can be made of three parts, but then it will be unstable and you will need more cups and staples.

How to decorate and “revive” a snowman

Prepare colored cardboard, scissors and glue. It is better to use two types of glue. One for working with paper, that is, regular stationery or PVA, and polymer glue for gluing the decor to the snowman. If you have double-sided tape, you can use it. What and how to do:

You can also make a headdress from the same cardboard, for example, a cylinder.

In the same way, you can connect the structural parts using glue. The glasses are lined up in a circle and glued together.

If you want the snowman to glow like a Christmas tree, then put an LED garland inside and connect it to electricity.

It turned out to be a beautiful lamp

Video: How to make a snowman from plastic cups and LED garland

How to make a product yourself using a glue gun

You will need about 300 cups of the same size, a stapler, staples and a glue gun. The essence of this method is that you need to combine a connection with staples and a connection with glue. Do the following:

  • Place a circle of glasses (17 pcs.) on a flat surface. This will be the main row.

    By connecting the glasses together in this way, you will be able to form a circle

  • Secure each glass with a stapler.

    Don't worry if the cups are dented

  • Apply glue to each glass approximately in the middle (make a circle).
  • Place the next row of glasses on top. This way you will form a hemisphere.
  • Wait a few minutes and allow the adhesive joint to set.
  • Additionally, fasten the glasses together in the top row.

    Before you know it, two rows of glasses will be connected to each other

  • Next, place the glasses so that they move inside the structure.
  • Apply glue to each row and fasten the glasses together in one row.
  • When the upper hemisphere is completely ready, proceed to the lower part of the body.
  • For the first row you should need 15 cups (just in case, count how many glasses you got in the second row of the hemisphere).
  • The lower hemisphere should be unfinished; it is enough to make three rows. Then the snowman will stand steadily on the floor and not fall.
  • Make a head, also from two hemispheres. There is no need to leave a hole.
  • When the head and body are ready, make a “rod” from two glasses. Use it to connect the top and bottom parts.
  • Connect the glasses together so that the rim of one glass fits into the rim of the other (you can make several cuts on one glass).

    This is what a “rod” of glasses looks like to connect the upper and lower balls

  • Wrap with tape so that the structure does not fall apart.
  • Place one end of the “rod” into the uppermost glass of the body, and put the head on the other. For reliability, pour a little glue into each glass in which you will place the “rod”.
  • Start decorating the finished snowman. You can put a funny Santa Claus hat on your head or leave it as is.

If you make a snowman from the same dishes, then both parts will turn out the same. We advise you to resort to a little trick. When you make the head, slightly squeeze the glasses at the bottom - the ball will be smaller.

The New Year is just around the corner. Absolutely everyone, especially children, is looking forward to this holiday! We associate New Year with snow and all the accompanying winter fun: sleds, skis, ice skates and, of course, the snow woman. As soon as the first snow falls, children run into the courtyards to build a snowman.

What to do if there is no snow, but your soul requires a snowy friend? Nothing is impossible in the world, especially on the eve of the New Year! You can make a real snowman not only from snow, and in this article we will tell you in detail and even show you how!

Paper snowmen

You can make snowmen with your own hands from any materials, even the most unexpected ones, but we will start with something simple - with paper. Well, firstly, everyone has paper in the house, even those who are completely far from needlework. In any case, there will definitely be a couple of sheets of white paper. And for the snowman we just need white paper. And secondly, paper crafts are quite simple and easy to make.

#1 Draw a snowman

Here's a great craft idea for you kindergarten- snowman in a snow globe. You need to cut out two simple blanks from colored paper; by the way, kids can easily do it on their own; the elements are large and do not require special care. And then draw a snowman and snowfall in the ball with your fingers. The snowman craft for kindergarten is ready!

Here's another craft idea for little ones. Snowmen in this case are drawn using traffic jams from plastic bottles. You need two plugs of different sizes (larger and smaller). Spread it with white paint and make an imprint. Draw in the face, handles and buttons with felt-tip pens when the paint is completely dry. A hat and scarf can be made from colored tape, colored paper or felt, for example.

#2 Applications

Easy-to-make snowman crafts using the applique technique. You will need white paper, glue and a little imagination. The simplest option is three circles glued onto a sheet of colored or painted paper for contrast. You can further decorate the craft with glitter, sequins, stickers, etc.

Here is another version of a simple craft using the applique technique. The snowman does not look straight, but upward, which adds magic and reality to the craft.

But here is a slightly more complex option with small decorative elements. You can download the template of the snowman and decorative elements below the picture.

And here is a snowman craft that can be hung on a Christmas tree as a toy or used as a gift tag, indicating who the gift is for and from whom.

And here is a version of a snowman for kindergarten. The kid will be able to cope with such a task quite well, and most importantly, he will not have time to lose interest, because he will be able to do almost everything himself.

Here is a great option for an advent calendar. You can make such a craft with your child, and it will be very convenient for him to count the days until the most important holiday or until the holidays. You can download the template under the photo.

And some more ideas:

See more:

Time runs inexorably forward and now white flies are flying outside the window, slowly falling to the ground and covering everything around with a snow-white fluffy blanket. However, despite the cold, my soul is warm and joyful. And all because suddenly appearing snowflakes herald the coming of the New Year. The most important holiday of the year is already very close, which means it’s time to think […]

#3 Origami

You can make a snowman out of paper using the origami technique. There is nothing complicated, you just need to strictly follow the instructions, which are detailed in the picture below.

#4 Volumetric snowmen

You can also make three-dimensional snowmen from paper. Here, for example, is a three-dimensional geometric snowman, which you can easily make using ready-made templates, which you can download below the picture. How to fold the workpiece is described in detail in the MK in the picture.

And here is the same snowman, only melted. You can also download the diagram under the master class.

And here is a snowman with a voluminous belly. Draw a blank of the snowman's body and additionally cut out several circles the size of bottom snowman. Bend the circles in half and glue them together, and then glue them to the workpiece. Do-it-yourself voluminous snowman and Christmas tree are ready!

And some more ideas:

# Vytynanki

If you have never heard of vytynankas, then it’s time to get acquainted with this type of needlework. What are these same vytynanki - these are carved patterns made of paper. Moreover, you can cut out not only abstract patterns, but also entire concrete compositions. Vytynki often decorate the windows of schools, kindergartens, shops and office buildings. Winter compositions look especially beautiful. This is probably why it is customary for us to decorate windows with cutouts during the New Year holidays. You can find ready-made snowman templates below.

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Felt snowmen

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Patterns and templates:

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If you are a jack of all trades and excellent with a thread and a needle, then you definitely need to do embroidery with a snowman this New Year. Here you will find more than 40 cute patterns.


Snowmen treats

You can also decorate the New Year's table with snowmen. Themed treats are especially relevant for children's parties. So if you are planning a big children's party, be sure to pay attention to snowmen in the form of treats.

An unusual delicacy awaits guests, made from salted rings and white chocolate. You will need: chewing toffee, a ring, chocolate (white and dark). Place the toffee on parchment and drop a little melted chocolate in the center. Then place the rings in this place and secure with chocolate again. Fill the rings themselves with chocolate and decorate with chocolate chips (eyes, nose, mouth, buttons). Wait until the chocolate hardens and wrap the scarf in toffee. The treats will come off the parchment very easily. All that remains is to place the snowmen on a plate!

And here are snowmen on a stick. To prepare you will need sandwich cookies, white chocolate, chocolate chips and red round candies. Place the cookies on a stick and dip them in chocolate. Immediately decorate with chocolate chips and red candy and send to dry. You can put it on parchment to dry, the chocolate will not stick or rub off.

And to prepare such a treat you will need: chocolate (white and dark), bread sticks, marmalade for the nose. First, dip each stick in white chocolate and place it tightly together on parchment paper. Wait until completely dry. Afterwards, dip this design in dark chocolate (for the hat), draw eyes, a mouth and put marmalade on the nose. Wait for it to dry and you can try!

This delicious gift can be decorated as a snowman. You will need donuts in powdered sugar, plastic bag, red ribbon, black paper, marker. You can buy donuts at the store or make your own. Well, then everything is simple: place it in a bag, tie it with a ribbon (like a scarf), stick on a headdress and draw a face. A great gift for a work colleague!

But a special treat is melted snowmen. Take a cookie, place chewing marshmallows (marshmallows) on it, cover with foil and place in the oven for a few minutes. The marshmallow will melt a little. Now put a second marshmallow on top, draw a face and decorate with marmalade or candies. Use toothpicks as handles.

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Snowmen Christmas balls

You can make a snowman with your own hands from Christmas balls. For such a craft, you will need either a special blank or an old Christmas tree ball. Below are several master classes on making snowmen from Christmas tree balls with your own hands.

To make such a snowman you will need a ball blank, an old sock, acrylic paint (or gouache), and a marker. Cut the sock and put it on the ball. Pour a little paint inside the ball and twist the workpiece so that the paint evenly covers the inside of the ball walls. Tie the sock at the top and draw eyes, nose and mouth for the snowman. The Christmas tree toy snowman is ready!

Here is another simple option for making a Christmas tree toy in the shape of a snowman with your own hands. To make it you will need a ball blank, foam balls or white beads, and a marker. Fill the blank with foam or white beads to the top, close the ball and draw a face. The New Year's snowman ball is ready!

Here is another variation on the theme of foam balls or beads. The only difference between this MK and the previous one is the decor of the ball itself, i.e. snowman. In this craft, the Snowman is additionally decorated with warm headphones. As an option, you can put on him a hat, a cap, or a more traditional option for us - a bucket.

But here is approximately the same snowman made from a Christmas ball, only artificial snow is poured inside the blank.

Here is a great craft option for kids. Kids don’t yet know how to draw properly, but they can definitely decorate a Christmas ball with snowmen made from fingerprints. For detailed MK, see the photo below.

This option is suitable for those who do not have a blank, but have a regular, undecorated Christmas ball.

And some more ideas for inspiration:

More New Year's balls: no comments yet

Snowmen made from scrap materials

It often happens that you want to get creative, but there is nothing at hand. Some people get upset and leave this idea until better times, while others look for other opportunities. And that’s right; you can make crafts with your own hands from a variety of different and sometimes unexpected materials, which are sure to be found in every home. Now we will talk about such crafts.

#1 Snowmen made from cotton pads

It is difficult to find a woman or girl who does not have cotton pads. And they make wonderful New Year’s crafts, especially when it comes to snowmen. The cotton pad initially has the correct round shape, so there is no need to cut anything out.

To create the volume of the craft, you can put a little ordinary cotton wool between the disks. Then the craft will resemble a miniature soft toy.

With kids, you can make appliqués from cotton pads, frame them like a picture, or make, for example, a postcard for grandma or dad.

If you can’t find cotton pads, cotton balls are also suitable for crafts. As a last resort, just tear small pieces of ordinary cotton wool and glue. It will be even more interesting.

Well, how exactly to glue the cotton wool is up to you to decide. Use your imagination, and the ice cream snowman is the limit!

#2 Paper plate snowmen

Cool crafts can be made from ordinary paper plates. You will find a step-by-step master class on making a snowman-skier below. Both toddlers and older children will enjoy this craft.

And here is a simpler option: a triangle snowman. Ideal for kindergarten.

Or, for example, another simple snowman with your own hands, which can be made with children of kindergarten age. Simple, fast, cute!

And of course a shiny snowman. We have all seen how the snow shimmers in the sun. To make our snowman shimmer like this, we will cover it with coarse salt. A couple of buttons for the eyes, a couple for the blush - and the snowman is ready!

#3 Snowmen made from paper cups

From available materials, paper cups are also suitable for making a snowman. Additionally, for decoration you will need several strips of felt, a pom-pom and fluffy wire. Step by step photo see instructions below.

#4 Snowmen made from plastic cups

You can also make a snowman with your own hands from plastic cups. The statue turns out to be huge and is better suited for street decor. So if there is no snow, gather the kids from the yard and make the whole yard a snowman without snow! Snow and snow, but there should be a festive mood no matter what!

#5 Snowman made from plastic bottles

By the way, great snowmen are made from ordinary plastic bottles. So if you collect your garbage separately, the time has finally come for plastic bottles. Go decor! By the way, snowmen made from plastic bottles can be used as pins for playing New Year's bowling! Sign the number of points on each snowman and the whole family will truly enjoy the New Year holidays!

The New Year holidays are approaching, there is less and less time left, and there are more and more worries and hassles in preparing for the holiday! It is especially difficult for mothers during these pre-holiday days. Little fidgets are looking forward to the holiday, so mothers have to come up with ideas every day Interesting games and classes. If your imagination no longer works, our cool master classes on making New Year’s crafts from […]

#7 Salt dough snowmen

If you haven’t found anything suitable for crafts, then it’s time to start making salt dough crafts. Real sculptors definitely have a place to roam here. Well, kids can make crafts using fingerprints.

You can get a little creative and build a melted snowman.

No matter how hard we try to decorate our home before the New Year holidays. You don’t have to buy expensive jewelry and toys for this, but you can make original decorative items with your own hands.

Not so long ago, no one would have thought that plastic cups could be used to create interesting decor. A snowman made from disposable cups will be an unusual decoration for your room. It can also be placed at school or in the garden near the Christmas tree.

If you are interested in this craft, then first go to the store to purchase the necessary materials.

  • 3 packs of plastic glasses, i.e. 300 pcs.;
  • Glue or stapler;
  • Tennis balls;
  • Plasticine.

The glasses must be the same, so buy them from the same store. They should also have a thin rim.
You can also use different glasses for the head or body.

Step-by-step instructions for making a snowman from plastic cups

First, take 25 pieces and arrange them in a circle, bottom inward. Secure the edges with glue or a stapler.

Lay out the second row of cups in a checkerboard pattern. Fasten the second row of cups together and also the glasses of the first row with the glasses of the second from the top.

Move each line back a little. This way it will be more stable.

Do this for 7 rows.

To attach the head, do not close the structure.

We make a snowman's head from plastic glasses. For this you will also need tennis balls and plasticine.

To make a snowman head out of plastic cups, use 18 cups for the first row. Fasten them in the same way as the body.

Make snowman eyes using tennis balls. Before doing this, paint the balls with black paint. Or you can cut out black circles and stick them on the balls.

Make the snowman's nose from plasticine.

Now you know how to make a snowman from plastic cups step by step.

To get a beautiful craft, you need to take into account some details.

Once you connect the body and head, you will have a seam that will be visible. Hide it with an original scarf.

You can place a garland inside, and then a snowman made from plastic cups will glow in the dark.

Today our master class is on how to make a snowman from plastic spoon with your own hands. As a base, we used plastic spoons, which we decorated to look like cute snowmen, and then placed them in winter clay pots. Such pots perfectly complement the craft, plus they keep it in an upright position.

Tools and materials Time: 2 hours Difficulty: 6/10

  • 10 cm pots;
  • plastic spoons;
  • blue paint (we used pastel blue, turquoise, classic blue and deep blue);
  • acrylic paint orange, black and white;
  • felt in blue shades;
  • matte sealant (varnish);
  • floral sponge;
  • white tissue paper;
  • white pom-poms;
  • thin tape;
  • thin brush;
  • scissors, toothpicks;
  • hot glue gun;
  • black gel pen.

This funny snowman made from a plastic spoon will instantly transform your interior into a Christmas fairy tale! And if you want to give them to loved ones or use them as IDs, write the names of the guests directly on the front of the pots.

The clay pots in this craft are decorated with snowflakes, but you can paint them with polka dots, draw flowers, etc.

Scarves and hats are made from felt and below you will see how to make them. We used different shades of blue to decorate the figures, but they can also be painted in Christmas colors - red and green, or even gold and silver. They will also look interesting in pastel colors or completely multi-colored.


Step-by-step master class

Important note: Gel ink will not dry on plastic. And if you want the snowman's face to be touchable without ruining it, use black acrylic paint. To do this, dip a toothpick into the paint and use it to draw a mouth.

Step 1: Paint the Pots

Paint clay pots different shades of blue. Highlight the edge with white. Once the paints are dry, dip a toothpick into the white paint and paint snowflakes on the pots. When the drawings are dry, cover the crafts with a layer of matte sealant.

Step 2: Draw the Face

Using a thin brush and orange acrylic paint, paint a nose on the convex side of the plastic spoon.

Dip a toothpick into black acrylic paint and paint dotted eyes. Use a gel pen or black acrylic paint to add a smile and eyebrows.

Step 3: Cut Out the Scarf

Cut 1cm wide strips from thin felt. Form a fringe at the ends of the strips. Add a drop of hot glue 7 cm from the right end of the scarf. Place the snowman on the glue and then wrap the scarf around your neck several times. Also secure the end of the scarf with glue.

Step 4: Place the snowmen in the pots

  • Cut a small cube from the floral sponge so that it fits snugly in the pot. Insert the end of the spoon into the sponge.
  • Tear or cut a piece of tissue paper and fold it. Fill the entire inside of the pot with tissue paper so that it covers the floral sponge.

Step 5: Make the Base of the Hat

  • All hats are formed from this base.
  • Cut a piece of felt 7.5 x 10 cm. Apply a little glue to the top back of the spoon. Carefully wrap the felt around the front of the spoon and glue one side of it to the back of the spoon. Then wrap the rest of the felt (trim if necessary) and glue it in place.

Hat with fringes

Along the contour of the top of the head, wrap a thin ribbon around the felt and tie it. Trim the top of the hat, leaving about 2cm above the ribbon. Use scissors to form the fringe. Trim the ends of the fringe until they look the way you like.

Hat with pompom

Trim the top of the felt, leaving about 5cm for the hat. Fold the top of the felt back in half and glue it in place. Glue a pompom to the top of the hat.

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2024 my-cross.ru. Cats and dogs. Small animals. Health. Medicine.