The vital activity of fish grows plants. What equipment is needed to equip an aquarium? List of aquarium plants for beginners

Aquarium plants are green inhabitants of artificial reservoirs that fill the water with oxygen and serve as shelter and food for fish. But sometimes underwater plants grow poorly, do not increase in size, or even die. You can improve the condition of algae by taking the advice of experienced aquarists and understanding the reason why the aquarium flora is not growing.

Underwater vegetation for an aquarium plays an important role, performing the following functions:

  • Enrich the liquid with oxygen.
  • They are a place of shelter and spawning.
  • Serve as food for fish.
  • Maintains biological balance in the aquarium.

Therefore, when a plant does not grow in an aquarium, this is a cause for concern for owners. To grow underwater flowers, aquarists must comply with certain conditions, carefully caring for and caring for algae - this is the only way to achieve lush green bushes in a tank with fish.


One of the main factors in growing vegetation in an aquarium is lighting. Lack of light, as well as excess of light, negatively affects the growth of underwater flora, so if plants grow poorly, the first thing to do is check the operation of the lighting fixtures. Common problems are:

  • The power of the light bulbs is set incorrectly, without taking into account the capacity of the tank. The error can be corrected by correctly calculating the level of performance and installing fluorescent light bulbs.
  • The incorrect radiation spectrum in the tank is also the reason why algae does not grow in an artificial pond. To carry out photosynthesis, the green inhabitants of the aquarium need radiation in the orange-red spectrum.
  • The depletion of light bulbs leads to a change in the radiation spectrum, which is not suitable for growing vegetation. To avoid slowing down the growth of flora, aquarists should regularly replace lamps.

Water indicators

Many aquarists note that when water parameters change, even fast-growing aquarium species floras stopped developing, which is not surprising, because water is the natural habitat of algae. Growth arrest most often occurs when:

  • Alkaline or hard water– the accumulation of alkali or salts leads to a slowdown in the development of flora, so the composition of the water should be regularly tested.
  • Distilled liquid - you cannot replace the water in the tank with osmosis or distilled liquid, which are unsuitable for growing shady vegetation.
  • Cold or hot water - liquid with an inappropriate temperature harms plants, contributing to slower growth and death of flora. It should be noted that the water temperature in the aquarium is set in accordance with the requirements of the flora and fauna.


Root species of vegetation need nutritious soil, so if underwater flowers do not grow well, then it is necessary to check the quality of the substrate. Tropical species of flora love silted soil, while others prefer fertilizing in the form of mineral fertilizers, a nutrient substrate or a nutrient substrate. In addition to the soil, you should pay attention to the capacity of the reservoir: perhaps algae does not grow due to lack of free space.

How to speed up plant growth

To successfully grow and grow plants in an artificial pond, several rules must be followed:

  • In an aquarium with shady species of flora, a substrate is used whose fraction size is 1-6 mm. Do not lay out soil that increases water hardness or soil that is too coarse. For seedlings and weak sprouts, use nutrient balls and substrates consisting of useful and natural elements.
  • To improve the condition of underwater flowers after illness or an invasion of harmful algae, experienced aquarists introduce liquid fertilizers into the tank that contain iron, manganese and other trace elements.
  • Lighting for algae growth is installed so that the light is scattered over the bottom area of ​​the aquarium, penetrating to a depth of up to 50 cm. Phyto-lamps, or fluorescent devices, are best suited for plants.
  • The composition and hardness of the water are regularly measured: the value should not exceed 20 dH.
  • A partial water change is performed in the aquarium every week and the soil is siphoned off.
  • Many plants are unable to grow lush and bushy branches due to algae-eating fish, so rare and expensive species of flora are planted in reservoirs where fish indifferent to greenery live: guppies, labeos, molly and catfish.
  • Before planting plants in a new tank, you should quarantine the sprouts for two weeks.

Aquarium flora requires no less care than other inhabitants of the reservoir. Having found out the reason for the slow growth of plants, you can eliminate the problem in a timely manner, saving underwater flowers, mosses and ferns from death.

Video about poor plant growth in an aquarium

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    Business idea: fish + plants = income

    Aquaponics - growing fish and plants in symbiosis

    In nature, everything is balanced and created for each other. An imbalance requires compensation. The simplest example is the underwater world. The waste products of fish provoke a high level of metabolism in them, and can even cause death. This is why the water in aquariums is constantly changed. Under natural conditions, algae purify water.

    It is known that they, being a variety of the plant world, consume ready-made organic matter, including fish origin.

    At the same time, plants, including vegetables, need natural organic matter, which in the age of industrial production in agriculture replaced with chemicals - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. True, often businessmen, in pursuit of productivity and profit, grow vegetables and fruits that do not meet environmental standards.

    That is why at the beginning of the 21st century such a unique method of vegetable growing as aquaponics begins to gain popularity. Its essence lies in the fact that fish produce fertilizers, which are pumped along with water into the hydroponics system, where vegetables are grown. The product is natural, and the yield is not inferior to the norms of intensive farming. In Europe, Canada, and the USA, they see aquaponics as the future: by growing fish, they grow vegetables. Both products are healthy and will always be in demand.

    We decided to talk about this new aquaponics business.

    Aquaponics - 127 years

    Aquaponics is rightly considered a type of hydroponics, the history of which begins with the experiments of the Dutchman Johann Van Helmont in the first decade of the seventeenth century. Helmont proved that plants can be grown without soil by properly preparing the water.

    Numerous observations have shown that water used for growing plants using hydroponics is self-purifying, i.e., substances dissolved in it are absorbed by the root system.

    The first to derive practical benefit from this fact were lovers of ornamental fish. It was for them that aquarium phytofilters designed by Nikolai Fedorovich Zolotnitsky appeared. In 1885, in the book “Amateur Aquarium,” he cited them short description and explained the mechanism of operation. He noticed that plants decorating aquariums, the roots of which were immersed in water, grew no less efficiently than on soil with intensive fertilizer. And fish swimming in such water develop well and do not get sick. True, at that time this scientific fact had limited application.

    Currently, in the era of energy conservation and environmental priorities, aquaponics has received new development. In the West, there are many farms that grow environmentally friendly products using aquaponics, and even films have been made popularizing this business. At first, vegetable growing using aquaponics complemented fish farming and was secondary, but with the growing demand for ecological products, aquaponics became primary.

    From biofilters for ornamental fish to crop production

    Biological filters are a closed system in which water from the aquarium is passed through a pump through the root system of plants growing in special devices using the hydroponics method. Unlike algae, land plants consume organic matter more actively.

    “I have made the same biofilter for an aquarium,” Ivanow reported on the “Hydroponics” forum, “it’s been working for almost a year, the plants feel great.” Nonpro echoes him: “Pisces like clean water.” This is exactly how “fish” aquaponics works: water from a pool with fish is pumped into a container in which plants are grown on solid substrates.

    Igor Nekrasov, a student from Moscow, spoke about his experience with aquaponics: “Everything turned out spontaneously, we decided to decorate the aquarium with a flowerpot and at the same time filter water through the roots of the plants planted in it. This was done with only one purpose, to change the water as little as possible, since this is a very troublesome task. We used aquarium soil on the bottom and expanded clay on top. We planted what we had at hand - onions. When this hydraulic system started working, I saw that the onions in the biofilter grew twice as fast as in the soil on the window.”

    According to the young man, he became interested in this topic and found many positive examples on the Internet. However, he also learned about negative experiences. Aquaponics for production purposes is a science-intensive process, and a simplistic view can negatively affect the results. Therefore, the comments “I tried it and it didn’t work” indicate, rather, a lack of knowledge.

    Carp tomato

    The Dutch have become leaders in aquaponics. Many developments are being carried out within the framework of the EcoFutura project, with the goal of reducing the nitrate content by several times, while maintaining high yields, which is important in conditions of increased environmental control. Thus, aquabiologist Pim Wilhelm developed an aquaponic technology for growing organic tomatoes in the winter. It is known that the growth of tomatoes on closed ground in winter is accompanied by an abundant supply of nitrates.

    Reservoirs are adjacent to each other. A high yield of tomatoes is achieved through partial treatment of aquarium water - its sterilization with ultraviolet light and pH control. At the same time, the water is actively mineralized, as required by the technology of growing tomatoes. The water is returned to the aquarium after filtration by osmosis, since the level of mineralization remains high.

    This, in fact, is the specificity of growing tomatoes. For other crops, different approaches and technologies are required. In this regard, Vilem Kemmers, director and project manager of EcoFutura, sees the difficulty of industrially growing vegetables using aquaponics in bringing aquarium waters to the standards required for a specific agricultural crop, since it requires expensive control and measuring equipment and dosing devices.

    Industrial cultivation of fish and vegetables requires high start-up costs, because it is necessary to build greenhouses and place reservoirs in them. The profitability of such a business may be sufficient in the southern regions of Russia. At the same time, the demand for environmentally friendly products is constantly increasing. Thus, in the European Union, tomatoes grown using aquaponics technology have a nitrate content ten times less than indoors, and cost five times more. At the same time, costs only double.

    In Russia, aquaponics has not yet found widespread use, but small pilot farms are already known that combine the cultivation of fish and strawberries. Forum member ZAFIRA told about this, saying: “I have been growing strawberries for three years now, using water from the aquarium in which my husband keeps sunfish. From an area of ​​about half a meter, every six months I collect up to 2 kilograms of delicious berries.”

    In Russia, this business is rather exotic, since the demand for environmentally friendly products with high added value is not yet great. However, following the West, here too vegetables grown using aquaponics technology will definitely be in demand.

    Alexander Sitnikov
    Photo from the site,,


    Touching on the topic of agricultural business, we have repeatedly talked about growing various types of plants and breeding animals in order to obtain further material benefits. Today we will tell you about aquaponics - a unique process that allows you to simultaneously grow all kinds of plants and different types of fish. Moreover, thanks to the combination of these two processes, it will be possible to achieve impressive results, which are almost impossible to achieve when breeding fish and growing plants separately.

    What is the essence of aquaponics?

    First, let's figure out what aquaponics is and how impressive results are achieved from using this technology in fish farming and gardening.

    Speaking in simple words, Aquaponics is the process of growing fish and plants together. To carry out this process, two containers are used. One container for fish - it is located below. The second container is for plants - it is located directly above the tank with fish.

    Fish, like any other living beings, leave behind waste products that are toxic to themselves. That is why, in reservoirs with stagnant dirty water fish get sick and die most often. So what do we have? We have a tank filled with water where fish live. And this water is constantly becoming polluted. The water needs to be purified. But at the same time, fish waste products are an ideal fertilizer for the growth of various plants - be it flowers, herbs or even vegetables. Aquaponics is based on this feature.

    Water from the tank with fish is pumped into the upper container with plants using a pump. Thus, the plants receive all the necessary nutrients, which accelerate their growth. In addition, the water delivered upward is purified and sent back to the reservoir where the fish live. That is, plants live at the expense of fish, and fish at the expense of plants. This is such an interesting symbiosis of flora and fauna. For us, this is an ideal, virtually waste-free business with minimal investment.

    How to start an aquaponics business?

    The first thing to start with is to decide what plants and what types of fish you want to grow. Don't start with something complicated. You can choose unpretentious cyprinids as the “ideal fish” (if you have enough experience, you can even try breeding sturgeon species). As for plants, the easiest way to start is by growing some flowers or herbs (parsley, dill, basil). By the way, instead of fish (or even together with fish), you can try breeding edible frogs or common crayfish. Here the choice is yours.

    The second important step is containers for fish and plants. For a small home “production”, one tank for fish and one container for plants is enough. If you are aiming for large production volumes, then you should think about an artificial reservoir (pool or pond) for fish and several containers for growing plants. If you choose the second method, the investment will be quite serious. But income from the sale of fish and flowers, herbs and vegetables will increase significantly. You can grow several types of plants at the same time. And a rich assortment has never harmed business.

    The third step is to install a water pump that will pump water from the fish to the flowers. It is the operation of the pump (or rather, the energy consumption for its operation) that is the most significant item of monthly expenses. Don't forget about the water level. After all, over time it evaporates and needs to be “topped up”. For large production volumes, you will have to install the appropriate equipment, since doing all the operations manually will be problematic.

    The fourth step is filling the plant container with soil. After all, plants don’t just grow in water. Gravel and expanded clay are used as filler.

    Once everything is built and configured, you can launch fish and plant plants. Everything is ready to start the aquaponics process.

    What other benefits does this technology have?

    In addition to the convenience of simultaneous interdependent cultivation of plants and fish breeding, aquaponics also stands out for the quality of the finished products. Clean water, “treated” by plants, speeds up the process of fish breeding. In addition, constant water purification in a natural way allows you to maintain large quantity fish per square meter of reservoir area. In turn, vegetables grown using “fish” fertilizers contain significantly less nitrates than their “relatives” grown on regular soil.

    That is, it is in your ability to offer the market a large number of truly environmentally friendly and tasty products. And in our “age of greenhouse vegetables,” the consumer is ready to pay for an expensive but high-quality product.


    Now residents of the United States can easily start their own household, because ready-to-use farms for growing fish and vegetables at home using aquaponics technology can be purchased.

    In the modern world, residents of megacities are increasingly interested in subsistence farming and quality food products. However, only those who have suburban plots can afford this. But in urban conditions, farming can only be done using hydroponics. In addition, it is quite possible to grow plants and raise fish at home; this process is called aquaponics. Aquaponics is the growing of fish and plants in symbiosis.
    Its essence is that fish produce fertilizers, which are pumped along with water into a hydroponic system, where vegetables are grown. The product is natural, and the yield is not inferior to the norms of intensive farming.

    American engineers and biologists have developed Aquaponics USA farms, which allow lovers of natural products to enjoy home-grown fish and fresh vegetables. Studies have shown that fish grown in such conditions contains large amounts of protein and omega-3 that are beneficial for the body, which fish grown on an industrial scale often cannot boast of.

    The Aquaponics USA farm includes two containers, one of which is an aquarium with fish, and the other grows greenery, as well as all the pumps, pipes and other units necessary for the system to operate.

    Plants grow directly in water, which is constantly fertilized, since greenery needs nutrition. Fertilizers are 100% natural and are fish waste.

    All that is needed for the system to operate is electricity, water supply and sewerage. A closed-loop, virtually waste-free aquaponics system will provide your family with natural food all year round.

    This new method is currently being increasingly developed. The revolutionary agricultural technology is a logical continuation of the method of growing plants without soil, such as hydroponics. The description of the method of coexistence of plants and fish was first heard in the 19th century, and was given by N.F. Zolotnitsky in his work on breeding aquarium fish. He noted that indoor flowers, the roots of which were immersed in the aquatic environment of the aquarium, developed very well and were in no way inferior to their counterparts growing in the ground. At the same time, it was observed that fish also benefited from the company of plants.

    Currently, these ideas have been developed, and the essence of agricultural technology has been refined and developed by scientists from the University of the Virgin Islands, who gave it the name “Aquaponics”, based on a combination of aquaculture techniques, which involves fish farming in artificial system, and hydroponics - technologies for growing plants in water with the addition of nutrients. A distinctive feature of aquaponics from the two methods mentioned above is that the coexistence of fish and plants creates a single, closed, waste-free system that is in ecological balance, and in terms of economic costs it competes with traditional agricultural technologies. The principle of the innovative development is that fish waste is filtered from the water in which they live and enters the plant growing environment as fertilizer, and the purified liquid is returned by a special pump back to the reservoir or aquarium in which the fish live.

    Aquaponics technology is in a state of constant improvement, particularly at a farm in Alberti (Canada), the leader of the experimental greenhouse Nick Savid has been working for three years to improve the productivity of this project. Further expansion of the aqua complex is predicted. According to the observations of specialists from this enterprise, the bacterial environment that forms a harmonious balance of microorganisms in the system is the key to its success and health, and allows for two harvests of vegetable crops per year, each with a volume of at least 75% of the productivity level of vegetables in hydroponics. No less interesting is the Dutch project, which is being developed within the framework of EcoFutura developments, which makes it possible to grow tomatoes and at the same time breed carp in the winter. Water from the containers in which the fish colony lives is carefully monitored for pH and disinfected with ultraviolet radiation; after additional mineralization, it is supplied to the roots of the tomatoes. Returns back to the pool with fish after the filtration system.

    Commercial development of aquaponics systems requires large initial investments, which are necessary for the construction of greenhouses and ponds. But the profitability of the method is also great. Considering that environmentally friendly products are becoming increasingly popular and the demand for them is constantly growing, there are prospects for introducing this innovation in the southern regions of Russia. Currently, this technology is used only by small enterprises that specialize in growing strawberries in this way, while simultaneously engaging in fish farming.

    Thus, the aquaponics technique has a good future as an agricultural innovation, and will be able to provide the food market with environmentally friendly crop products and fish all year round both in Russia and anywhere in the world.


    Lebedeva T.I. (village Pyshlitsy, MBOU “Secondary School v. Pyshlitsy”)

    1. Gollerbach M.M. Algae life. Seaweed. Lichens. M.: Education, 1977. T. 3.

    2. Bailey M., Burgess P. The Aquarist’s Golden Book. M.: "Aquarium", 2002.

    3. Bogoyavlensky Yu.K. Aquarium and its inhabitants. M.: Prestige, 2008.

    4. Zhdanov V.S. Determinant. M.: “Aquarium”, 2003

    5. Zhdanov V.S. Plant life. M: “Aquarium” 2014.

    6. Muravyov A.G., Pugal N.A. Ecological workshop: Textbook with a set of instruction cards / Ed. Ph.D. A.G. Muravyova. - 2nd ed., revised - St. Petersburg: Christmas+, 2012.-176.: ill.

    7. Polkanov F.M. The underwater world in the room: Popular science literature. M.: Det. Lit., 1981.

    8. Plonsky V.D. Encyclopedia of the aquarist. M.: PRESTIGE, 1997.

    Plants, namely algae, are one of the oldest organisms inhabiting our planet. Perhaps only bacteria can compete with them in the antiquity of their origin and duration of existence. The first stage in the evolution of organisms on Earth can be attributed to the appearance of the first single-celled organisms - blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) in the Archean era 3.5 billion years ago. These were single-celled prokaryotes capable of autotrophic nutrition (chemo- and autotrophic). Thanks to their vital activity, oxygen appeared in the primary atmosphere.

    The appearance of the first autotrophic eukaryotes about 1.5 billion years ago is the next stage in the evolution of plants. They were the ancestors of modern unicellular algae, from which multicellular algae evolved. The emergence of photosynthesis in the Archean era marked the beginning of the division of all living organisms into plants and animals. The accumulation of organic matter on Earth began with the appearance of the first green plants - algae. Subsequently, the complexity of algae continued. Their surface area increased, which increased the productivity of photosynthesis.

    Plants are the most numerous and one of the most important photosynthetic organisms for the planet. They are found everywhere: in the seas and oceans, in fresh water bodies, on moist soil and on the bark of trees. The plant world is huge. They occupy a very special place, exceptional in its significance.

    The relevance of research

    This study is devoted to studying the optimal conditions for plants in our class aquarium. What is an aquarium without plants, because they are not only beautiful, but also serve as food and shelter for fish, and also saturate the water with oxygen. However, in case of rapid growth, it is the algae that become a problem both for the owner of the aquarium and for its inhabitants. Algal invasion is a natural result of unfavorable conditions, deterioration of water quality, which affects the health of aquatic inhabitants. The fight against algal fouling is often lengthy and complex.

    The best way to eliminate problems is to create optimal conditions in the aquarium.

    I decided to help the teacher and my classmates not only in choosing aquarium plants, but also in caring for them. And for this, of course, I need to know what factors influence the life activity of aquarium plants. I wanted to find the answer to this question myself by conducting research on the topic: “Aquarium plants”

    Goal: to identify factors affecting the life of aquarium plants.

    To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved in the research work:

    Study the literature on the research topic;

    Study the main varieties of aquarium plants and their role;

    To identify in an experiment what affects the vital activity of aquarium plants

    Present the results of the study to students in your class.

    Methods: literature review, experiment, observation, comparison.

    Hypothesis: I assumed that the vital activity of aquarium plants is influenced by the following factors: light, mineral and gas composition of water.

    Object of study- aquarium plants.

    Subject of study- factors affecting the life of aquarium plants.

    Materials and methods for studying aquatic plants

    Studying aquatic plants in a school setting is quite simple and visual. To identify plants we used: Determinant.

    V.S. Zhdanov (2003) and “The Life of Plants” (2004).

    The study of the growing conditions of aquarium plants was carried out according to the method described in the environmental workshop by A.G. Muravyova, N.A. Pugal. 2012.

    Drawings can be made from life, photographs can be taken with a digital camera, even from a phone.

    Equipment - 5 liter jars, TDS Meter 3 salimeter, laundry soap, The Enhancer CO2 TNB cylinder, litmus test strips.

    The degree of adaptability of hydrophytes to terrestrial and aquatic lifestyles can be visually studied by the comparative method of placing experimental and control specimens of plants in the conditions of a paludarium and an aquarium. The rate of growth and vegetation of plants is determined experimentally (recorded in diary entries).

    With an excess of light - “water blooming” in the aquarium, overgrowing the walls of the aquarium and aquatic plants with colonies of green algae;

    With a lack of light, the walls of the aquarium become overgrown with blue-green and brown algae. Green, brown, blue-green algae, species composition depends on the level of illumination of the aquarium.

    Paludariums combine three elements - earth, air and water.

    Fig.1. Paludarium

    1.1. general characteristics aquarium plants

    The world of plants is huge - it occupies a very special place in our lives, exceptional in its significance. According to the modern system vegetable world divided into two subkingdoms: lower and higher plants. Lower plants- these are plants whose body is not divided into vegetative parts (stem, leaf, root). They appeared about 2 billion years ago. Unlike higher plants, they lack tissues. Algae are widespread in nature and play an extremely important role in the overall cycle of substances. Algae, as their name suggests, are plants that live in water. However, algae are able to live and reproduce in conditions that at first glance seem completely unsuitable for habitation.

    Algae are an integral part of any natural body of water, and are also present in amateur aquariums, getting there along with water, aquatic plants and animals. The presence of algae is inevitable where water, nutrients and light are present simultaneously. All three elements are present in every aquarium, so the aquarist must learn to accept that algae is a natural and unavoidable part of the aquarium ecosystem. An occupation related to modeling an ecosystem in a closed artificial reservoir is called aquarium farming.

    An aquarium is an artificial reservoir, and no matter how hard aquarists try, most of the inhabitants behind the glass shores feel worse than in natural reservoirs.

    The role of algae in an aquarium is obvious, because they are rightly called an indicator of insufficient or inadequate water care. Experts in the field of aquariums have long proven that algae enter all aquariums, without exception, with new inhabitants, plants and even live food, only in one aquarium they begin to multiply quickly, and in another they die.

    Plants that can live in aquariums are divided into three main groups:

    For planting in the ground;

    Floating on the surface of the water;

    Floating in the water.

    A popular plant species among beginners is the Thai fern Vallisneria biwaensis. It does not have a root system and does not need to be planted in the soil. But thanks to the rhizoids, it easily attaches to hard surfaces of the aquarium.

    Rice. 2. Thailand fern

    Vallisneria biwaensis algae can be called indispensable for cultivation in an aquarium (Fig. 3). They are unpretentious and grow quickly. In addition, these aquarium algae are inexpensive. There are two types - spiral and giant. Figure 3 clearly shows that Vallisneria looks very beautiful thanks to its curled leaves.

    Rice. 3. Vallisneria algae

    Elodea Elodea canadensis, it is also popularly called “water plague” (Fig. 4). It grows quickly upward and serves as a kind of biofilter, saving water from harmful chemical compounds. The Canadian species saturates water well with oxygen.

    Rice. 4. Ellodea algae

    Hornwort plant Ceratophyllum demersum - Division Flowering, or Angiosperms (MAGNOLIOPHYTA), or (ANGIOSPERMAE)

    Family: Hornworts (Ceratophyllaceae)

    Grows in bodies of water with standing and slowly flowing water.

    A rootless aquatic plant with an elongated stem and whorled leaves. The leaf is palmate.

    The plant is planted in a group in the ground in the middle or background or allowed to float in the water column.

    Lighting: 0.3-0.4 W/l.

    Water: 16-28°C, KH 5-15°, pH 6-7.5.

    Propagated by cuttings. It is a rootless aquatic plant with an elongated stem and whorled leaf arrangement. It develops as quickly as a Christmas tree-like plant. It is a seasonal algae, so it is better to purchase it in a very small size. Small leaves provide shelter for many small inhabitants.

    Fig.5. Hornwort plant

    Aquarium plant Riccia fluitans or floating liver moss, are small, yellowish lumps covered with dirt in reservoirs, a lush green carpet in aquariums (Fig. 6). Riccia is a fast-growing, floating and colorful aquarium plant. As it grows, it becomes weighty, so it sinks to the bottom and can cover a lot of space. Many aquarium inhabitants also like to eat this plant.

    Rice. 6. Riccia

    Java moss has excellent decorative qualities. Taxiphyllum barbieri, old name Vesicularia dubyana

    Hypnaceae (Hypmaceae).

    Synonyms: Vesicularia dubya, Nupnum dubyana

    Vesicularia: vesicularis - covered with vesicles; dubyana - named after the Swedish botanist J.E. Duby (1798-1885).

    Habitat: Sunda Islands, Philippines. Monoecious perennial moss. It grows slower than other types of aquarium algae and requires light. It produces oxygen well and adapts well to aquariums of any size.

    Rice. 7. Java moss

    The main factors influencing the development of algae are light, temperature, the presence of water, carbon sources, minerals and organic substances. Many factors are limiting, i.e. they are able to limit the development of algae. The life of all organisms, including algae, depends on the content of necessary substances in their habitat.

    Rice. 8. Aquarium

    2. Practical part

    2.1. Study of factors influencing the life activity of aquarium plants

    So, most unpretentious plants for the aquarium: Java moss, elodea, riccia, vallisneria.

    Studying the factors influencing the life activity of aquarium plants through an experiment

    Experiment 1. Study of the influence of light on the life of plants.

    An aquarium plant was chosen for the study - Elodea canadensis, also called water plague because of its rapid growth. The first step was to build up the material for the experiments. 5 elodea shoots were placed in a 10-liter aquarium and left to grow for 7 weeks. For the experiments, 4 of the most complete stems were selected and trimmed to the same length of 20 cm. A bath with two elodea shoots was placed in a bright place on the windowsill. The second bath with the same two branches is placed under the cabinet in a dark place.

    Result after 22 days (see Table 1).

    Table 1

    Studying the influence of light on plant life

    Studying the influence of temperature:

    In order for the inhabitants of home ponds to feel comfortable, the temperature there must be at a certain level. And before you introduce a fish into your aquarium, you need to know what the natural conditions of its existence are (and most aquarium inhabitants come from the tropics).

    The optimal aquarium temperature, which is suitable for most fish, is in the range from 22 to 26°C. The temperature in our aquarium is 22°C.

    Experimental conclusion 1: light is necessary for the life of aquarium plants.

    Experiment 2.

    2.2. Studying the influence of the gas composition of water on the life of plants

    Identical shoots of Elodea canadiana, 20 cm each, are placed on the windowsill in identical 5 liter jars, but carbon dioxide was added to one of them using the drug TNB Enhancer.

    The Enhancer CO2 TNB Cylinder


    TNB Enhancer is activated by adding warm water (1 liter): remove the sticker from the back of the bottle cap, plug the hole thumb and shake the bottle well. Within an hour of activation, CO2 begins to be released. Carbon dioxide begins to be released intensively within an hour after activation. Just shake the bottle once every two days, and the drug will work for a month.

    Result after 30 days (see Table 2).

    table 2

    Studying the influence of carbon dioxide on plant life

    Experimental conclusion 2: carbon dioxide is necessary for the life of aquarium plants. It is dissolved in water, enters it mainly from the atmosphere, and is also released by fish and other aquatic animals during respiration. A lack of carbon dioxide can slow down the growth of greenery.

    Experiment 3.

    2.3 Study of the influence of the mineral composition of water on the life of plants

    After 30 days (see Table 3).

    Table 3

    Studying the influence of the mineral composition of water on the life of plants

    Experimental conclusion 3: Minerals are necessary for plant life; their deficiency leads to weakening of plants.

    2.4. Study of algae that harm the aquarium

    In an artificial reservoir today you can find representatives of 4 divisions of algae:

    Green. This species includes unicellular or multicellular plants

    Reds. Representatives of this species are represented by bushy multicellular plants with a dark gray or reddish tint.

    Diamatous. They are represented by single-celled or colonial vegetation of a brown hue.

    Cyanobacteria. Previously known as blue-green algae. They are distinguished by their primitive structure and the presence of a nucleus in the cell.

    It is also worth noting that no matter how hard aquarists try and no matter how much effort they make, black algae or representatives of any other species will certainly appear in its artificial reservoir. The fact is that their spores can enter the vessel either when changing water, adding new decorative elements, or even through the air. Therefore, you should not panic too much when you discover them, since by following certain procedures you can easily get rid of such a scourge in the aquarium.

    According to our observations, the more optimal conditions are created for aquarium plants, the less problems with algae we will have. And in most cases, when an algae outbreak occurs, this indicates that the aquarium plants were having a hard time in such conditions, they were missing something and they were not growing.

    Table 2 discusses the most important systematic groups of algae that we discovered and methods of combating them.

    Table 4

    Systematic groups of algae and measures to combat them

    Systematic groups


    Possible cause

    harm to the aquarium

    Way to fight


    As a result of rapid development, they cause “blooming” of water, forming a green coating on the walls of the aquarium and stones

    Mechanical: darkening the aquarium, scraping glass, stones.

    Biological: daphnia, snails

    Small fish can become entangled and die

    Mechanical: winding on a wooden stick.

    Biological: herbivorous fish



    Gives the aquarium a dirty look

    Physical: increase the lighting level of the aquarium.

    Biological: catfish - Otocinclus, snails



    They multiply extremely quickly and overwhelm all plant life in the aquarium, covering plant leaves with a foul-smelling blue-green film.

    Biological: planting a large number of plants, fish - guppies, swordtails, mollies, platies, snails - fisa, coils and melania.

    Chemical: pH reduction to 6, chemical reagents


    Growing on inanimate objects, the algae spoils the decorative cleanliness of the underwater garden; it harms plants by penetrating into the epidermis, destroying tissue, interfering with the respiration and photosynthetic work of leaves

    Chemical: exposure boric acid and antibiotics.

    Mechanical: scraping from glass, stones, pipes.

    Change in hydrochemical parameters of water: pH = 7.5, dGH = 8; reduce the content of phosphates and nitrates.

    Biological: algae-eating fish - gyrinoheiles, otocinclus, ancistrus, ampullaria, coils

    2.5. Ways to combat algae

    There are biological, chemical, physical and mechanical methods of combating algae:





    Ensuring optimal hydrochemical parameters of water, using branded drugs and chemicals that suppress algae growth;

    Selection of lighting;

    Cleaning the aquarium, tearing off affected leaves of higher plants, collecting algae by hand, changing water, removing algae from glass and stones.

    Biological methods of control include adding algae-eating fish to the aquarium. More than three dozen different species of fish readily eat algae. Fish will act effectively as algae fighters. oral apparatus which are specially adapted for scraping off fouling.

    As a temporary measure, proprietary chemicals to combat algae will help. You just need to always remember negative impact chemicals. And if during the period of action of the reagent the situation with the above-described factors in the aquarium has not changed in the direction necessary for the plants, then the invasion of algae will inevitably soon repeat.

    Ways to fight

    Green algae are placed in the aquarium in such a way that they receive direct sunlight. After some time, the following changes can be observed - a slight greening of the water. This observation indicates the mass reproduction of unicellular green algae floating in the water column (Chlamydomonas, Chlorella, etc.); they are always present in aquarium water, and during rapid development they cause “blooming” of the water. Such a “bloom,” if it has not gone too far, does not cause much harm to the fish, although only if they did not suddenly fall into such water. To combat greening, you need to darken the aquarium and introduce a large number of daphnia into it so that the fish cannot quickly destroy them.

    To combat greening of the water, the aquarium was moved to a darkened part of the room. After a few days, the water acquired a normal appearance, but a green coating remained on its walls and devices. To remove green deposits from the glass, a scraper was used, followed by washing of the aquarium equipment. Removing green algae from the aquarium does not need to be done too carefully, since they are always present in small quantities.

    After a successful fight against greening in the aquarium, everything returned to normal. Next, the lighting was changed. Instead of an incandescent lamp, a fluorescent lamp was installed in the aquarium. As a result of this replacement, after 11 days the walls of the aquarium began to become covered with a brown coating, closer to the bottom. All this indicated the appearance of diatoms (Fig. 10). Based on information about this type of algae, we can conclude that the aquarium is lit too dimly. Their presence also indicates a high level of silicates in the aquarium, since their cells contain a lot of silicon and a high pH (above 7.5). You can get rid of them quite easily - by washing the aquarium and increasing the lighting level by replacing the lamp.

    The worst enemies of the aquarium are blue-green algae Cyanophyta. They can completely ruin the joy of keeping an aquarium. Blue-green algae usually settle at the bottom of the aquarium, then rise higher, covering the walls and plants with a thick slimy layer. An unpleasant odor appears in the aquarium. Sometimes they form a floating form of short hairs 1 to 3 mm long. The reasons for the active reproduction of these algae are an excess of mineral and, above all, nitrogen-containing compounds, and excess fertilizers. These algae were not found during the experiments.

    Rice. 11. Diatoms and green algae (green inclusions on a general brown background) on the glass of an aquarium

    Attempts were made to get rid of algae that appeared during the experiments using physical, biological and mechanical control methods indicated in Table 2 of Section 3. The results obtained are presented in Table 3, in which the “+” sign is marked effective method removal of the relevant type of algae.

    Table 5

    The results of ways to combat various types algae

    3. Creating optimal conditions in the aquarium

    The algae problem requires special attention and decisive measures to prevent it: after all, it is better to prevent its occurrence than to wage a tough fight against the consequences in the future.

    The high content of nitrogen salts, phosphates, and other “fertilizers” and protein breakdown products in water inhibits the development of aquatic plants and stimulates the massive proliferation of algae. Therefore, when feeding plants in an aquarium garden, you need to apply fertilizers to the soil, closer to the roots. Dry ones - instilled, solutions - administered using a regular medical syringe. It is rational to add only microelements to the water. But it should be remembered that plants need microelements in microdoses. Excess microelements accumulated in the aquarium during regular feeding greatly stimulates the development of certain algae. For example, green thread.

    3.1. Water parameters

    For the normal functioning of the aquarium, the following water parameters must be observed: active reaction or pH, hardness, concentration of ammonia and ammonium ions, concentration of nitrites and nitrates. You can control these parameters using a set of tests from a pet store.

    3.2. Active water reaction or pH

    The pH of a liquid indicates whether it is acidic or alkaline. As a rule, salts that make water hard also make it alkaline. At the same time, organic matter (waste from fish and plants) and dissolved carbon dioxide have an oxidizing effect on water.

    This indicator in different aquatic environments can take values ​​from 0 to 14. But fish and plants can live in the range of values ​​5-9.5, and feel quite comfortable and not die only in the range 6-8. For keeping some African cichlids, it is often recommended to maintain pH values ​​in the range of 8-9, but the vast majority of these fish live well at 7.3-8 (Fig. 12).

    Rice. 12. Values ​​of active water reaction

    Aquarium water with pH parameters:

    From 1 to 3 is called/considered strongly acidic;

    From 3-5 sour;

    From 5-6 slightly acidic;

    7 neutral;

    7-8 slightly alkaline;

    10-14 strongly alkaline;

    pH parameters can change throughout the day, which is due to the variable concentration of carbon dioxide in the aquarium water, which in turn is stabilized by constant aeration.

    Sharp fluctuations in pH levels are harmful and painful for aquarium fish and plants. The pH of the water in the aquarium is 7.5.

    HOW TO CHANGE the pH of aquarium water:

    If it is necessary to lower the pH, acidify the water with peat infusion (or special preparations from the Pet Store);

    If it is necessary to increase the pH (increase alkalinity), I use baking soda;

    MEASURING the pH of aquarium water:

    1. Many pet stores sell testers (litmus papers with phenolphthalein). Actually, following the instructions on the packaging and using the scale, you can determine the pH parameters. You can also measure pH using the pH-009 (III) electronic device for all types of reservoirs. The pH of the water in the aquarium is 7.5.

    3.3. Rigidity

    Hardness is an important parameter for the aquarist, but it is especially worth noting that it is determined only by the amount of certain dissolved minerals.

    Water hardness is divided into temporary (carbonate), which can be easily removed by boiling, and permanent (non-carbonate). Temporary hardness of aquarium water (KH) is the concentration of calcium and magnesium bicarbonate salts formed from weak, unstable carbonic acid. Such hardness can change over time. days. For example, during the daytime, aquarium plants absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, which accumulates in the water. If there is not enough carbon dioxide for the plants to consume, they will begin to produce it from bicarbonates, as a result of which the temporary hardness of the water will decrease.

    Aquarium water with hardness parameters:

    From 1 to 4° hD - considered very soft;

    From 4 to 8° hD - considered soft;

    From 8 to 12° hD - medium hardness;

    From 12 to 30° hD - considered very hard;

    Most aquarium fish feel comfortable at a hardness of 3-15° hD. The general hardness of aquarium water is measured in German degrees (hD). 1° hD is 10 mg of calcium oxide in 1 liter of water.

    HOW TO MEASURE the total hardness of aquarium water at home?

    Using the TDS Meter 3 salimeter, a water quality analyzer.

    Titration of sample with soap solution:

    The peculiarity of this method is that 10 mg of calcium oxide in 1 liter of water is neutralized by 0.1 g. clean soap.

    1. Take 60-72% laundry soap and crumble it.

    2. Water (distilled, snow, melted water from the refrigerator) is poured into a measuring cup (or other measuring vessel) - then distillate.

    3. Soap crumbs (counted in grams) are added to the water so that the portion of mala in the resulting solution can be calculated.

    4. Pour 0.5 liters of test aquarium water into another bowl and gradually add portions of soap solution (0.1 g each), shake.

    First, bluish flakes and quickly disappearing bubbles will appear on the surface of the water. Gradually adding portions of soap solution, wait until all the calcium and magnesium oxide binds - stable soap bubbles with a characteristic rainbow tint appear on the surface of the water.

    This ends the experience. Now we count the number of soap portions consumed, multiply them in half (the aquarium water was 0.5 liters, not 1 liter). The resulting number will be the hardness of the aquarium water in degrees. In our aquarium, the total hardness is (5 servings of soap*2) 10° hD, medium hardness.

    3.4. Concentration of ammonia and ammonium ions

    This indicator must be monitored in new, newly launched aquariums, in aquariums with a high pH level (7.5 or more) and with high planting densities of large fish, for example, goldfish, astronotus, adult African cichlids, etc. During their life activity fish release ammonia into the water. In addition, its concentration in tap water can be dangerously high, especially in autumn and spring. Ammonia in water exists mainly in the form of ammonium ion, and it is this that is easily determined using appropriate tests (test). If high concentrations of ammonium are detected (0.5 mg/l or more), it is worth replacing part of the water, installing more powerful filter devices (the main thing is to increase the volume of filter material) and adding water treatment products that enrich the water with bacteria that oxidize ammonia. In addition, it will be useful to increase the aeration of the water.

    Fig. 13. Ammonia-ammonium test

    To determine ammonia, several reagents from specially numbered vials are added to a water sample in strict sequence. Then wait 5 minutes until the necessary chemical reactions take place, which will change the color of the sample. Next, the color is compared with a special scale, which makes it possible to determine the total concentration of ammonia and ammonium in the sample. It can be seen that the test shows insignificant amounts of ammonia / ammonium, I received a light green color of the sample - this is normal. It should be noted that in a healthy aquarium, even a densely populated one, the test result should always turn out exactly like this.

    3.5. Nitrite concentration

    Fish release ammonia into the water, which is converted into nitrites by special bacteria living in the soil and filter substrate. They are poisonous and must be quickly processed by bacteria into fairly harmless nitrates. The processes of processing biogenic nitrogen are called nitrification. The fish in the aquarium will feel good only if nitrification occurs quickly, that is, there are a lot of nitrifying bacteria and they feel good (the water is not too acidic, the optimal pH level is 6.8-7.8). The nitrite concentration in the aquarium should not exceed 0.2 mg/l.

    Rice. 14. Test strip

    Strip tests determine the main parameters of water: nitrites, nitrates. What makes them great is that they are easy to use, you just need to dip the test strip in water and then check the color of the “indicators” with the attached scale and get the results. In addition, they are relatively inexpensive and can often be purchased individually at pet stores. The downside is that they are not accurate, strip tests only give an approximate value, that is, you will not get exact numbers.

    Plants grow by converting carbon dioxide into their body substances and releasing oxygen only in the light. The sun's rays are partially reflected from the glass of the aquarium and partially absorbed by the water. Therefore, an aquarium requires additional lighting.

    We have determined the optimal conditions in the aquarium for plant growth and presented them in Table 6.

    Table 6

    Optimal conditions for plant growth in an aquarium

    Research results:

    1) it was revealed that algae grow in an aquarium when conditions are favorable for them;

    2) observation of the appearance of green and brown deposits in the aquarium was carried out;

    3) it has been determined that algae and their spores enter the aquarium along with food, plants and fish;

    4) studied methods of combating algae that appeared as a result of experiments were undertaken

    Choose healthy plants with strong root systems that can anchor themselves in the soil. Once a week, feed them with a special fertilizer for aquarium plants.

    When creating a composition of aquarium plants, plant first, large plants at the back wall and on the sides to create a “scene”. Look at plants from all angles to determine the best angle before planting. Continue planting towards the front wall, using smaller plants. At first, plant unpretentious aquarium plants: Java moss, elodea, water hyacinth, patterned hygrophila, lemongrass.

    Choosing the right location for the aquarium. It is necessary to install the aquarium so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.

    It is necessary to inspect aquarium plants and fish before planting.

    It is necessary to carry out daily monitoring of the appearance of algae. If they are nevertheless detected, then to combat them you can use the previously noted methods:

    Change the lighting of the aquarium (for example, brown algae appears if the aquarium is lit too dimly);

    By mechanical means you can prevent the proliferation of blue-green algae - clean the glass of the aquarium and equipment, carefully remove the film of algae from the leaves of plants with your fingers, use a hose to remove the dirt accumulated during cleaning from the bottom of the aquarium, in addition, you need to loosen the soil in the aquarium and introduce fish into it feeding on algae, feeding them very moderately;

    Methods of combating scarlet: changing the active reaction of water by adding phosphoric or sulfuric acid to the reservoir (the difficulty of this method lies in calculating the dose - it is necessary that the pH in the aquarium drops to 4.2 and the water is vigorously mixed, the fish in the aquarium during this operation should not be), with the help of black tea, algae-eating fish, coil snails, ampullaria.

    4. The presence of diatoms and almost all types of green algae in small quantities (2-3% of the total area of ​​the aquarium) is an indicator of the health of the aquarium.



    Based on the results of the research work carried out, we formulate the following conclusions:

    1. Aquarium plants are characterized by unpretentiousness to living conditions and rapid reproduction with minor temperature changes;

    2. Algae enter the aquarium along with fish food, as well as inhabited plants and fish, and begin to multiply quickly, covering glass, soil, and higher plants;

    3. It has been established that for the growth and development of many types of aquarium plants, the same living conditions are required as for any other plants - the presence of nutrients contained in the aquatic environment, carbon dioxide during the day and oxygen at night, the creation of certain lighting conditions for the reservoir;

    4. To prevent the appearance of unwanted algae in the aquarium, it is necessary to select the correct location in the room, inspect plants and fish before planting them in the aquatic environment, carry out daily monitoring of the reservoir, and if algae appears, use biological, chemical, physical or mechanical methods of control.

    Bibliographic link

    Pistsov D.A. RESEARCH OF LIFE CONDITIONS OF AQUARIUM PLANTS // International school scientific bulletin. – 2018. – No. 5-1. – P. 20-31;
    URL: (date of access: 01/07/2020).

    About the benefits of aquarium plants.

    Plants in an aquarium play an important role in the life of its inhabitants. We can say that the presence of plants in an aquarium has only a huge number of advantages:

    Plants are the “lungs” of the aquarium.

    During the day, during photosynthesis, they release oxygen.

    Photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy into the energy of chemical bonds of organic substances in the light by photoautotrophs with the participation of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll in plants, bacteriochlorophyll and bacteriorhodopsin in bacteria). In modern plant physiology, photosynthesis is more often understood as a photoautotrophic function - a set of processes of absorption, transformation and use of the energy of light quanta in various endergonic reactions, including the conversion of carbon dioxide into organic substances.

    Simply put, plants undergo the process of converting water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) under the influence of sunlight into an energy-rich organic compound - glucose (C6H12O6). The formula for photosynthesis can be represented as follows:

    6СO2 + 6H2O = С6Н12O6 (glucose) + 6O2

    In the dark the reverse process occurs:

    С6Н12O6 + 6O2 = 6CO2 + 6H2O

    Plants are the key to stable biological balance in the aquarium.

    One of the main elements that plants use to build their bodies is nitrogen (N), which they take from nitrate (NO3). Nitrate is a poison, a breakdown product of nitrogenous compounds. To make it even clearer to you, let's look at the chain flowing in the aquarium.

    (remains of dead organic matter, fish food, feces, etc.)
    decomposed by bacteria in

    (strongest poison, destructive to all living things)
    under the influence of another group of bacteria decomposes into

    (less dangerous, but still poisonous)
    further decompose to

    and come out of the aquarium water

    For those who want to study the issue in more detail, I recommend going to the forum thread:

    The above diagram shows the process of formation of nitrate, which is used by aquarium plants as fertilizer. Thus, we can say that they are involved in the process of removing poisons from the aquarium. Moreover, we note that in dense herbals NO3 is reduced to such an extent that the aquascaper has to replenish it using appropriate mono-composition fertilizers.

    Plants are a tool for setting up an aquarium.

    Of course, the processes that take place in an aquarium do not end only with the nitrogen cycle. There are many aspects that affect the condition of the aquarium. Plants are an aquarium tuning fork, with the help of which you can immediately assess the condition of the aquarium. An algae outbreak, crooked plants, holes on the leaves - these are signals to the aquarist that something is wrong and action needs to be taken.

    Living plants are natural environment habitat of many fish and other aquatic organisms: shrimp, snails and so on. The concept of a natural aquarium, which was sung, is based primarily on the postulate of recreating naturalness.

    Plants are food for fish and a spawning site.

    Many hydrobionts are phytophages. Moreover, many of them use plants as shelter and spawning sites.

    Note that some fish simply graze like sheep in a meadow and mow down all the vegetation. For example, the family simply loves plant foods. For these types of aquarium inhabitants, plant foods are needed, for example, Tetra Vegetable. But the question arises, why spend money when you can feed the fish with fresh, self-grown vegetation. In an aquarium separate from the goldfish, you can grow fast-growing duckweed or hornwort and periodically feed it to the goldfish.

    Live aquarium plants are beautiful and natural!

    Aquarium with live plants.

    Aquarium with artificial plants.

    Concluding this section of the article, we note that, of course, aquarium plants impose certain obligations on their owner. Successful plant management is a combination of knowledge and skills.

    What do you need for aquarium plants?

    A novice aquarist usually thinks that plants in an aquarium are unnecessary problems. Actually, for the normal life of plants in an aquarium, as well as for fish, the main thing is to create optimal conditions. In relation to plants, this is achieved by selecting proper lighting, neutral soil, the correct concentration of fertilizers, and proper water parameters.

    Lighting. Light intensity and mode play a very important role for plants. daylight hours, they must be optimal. After all, the process of photosynthesis will not exist without this. Some plants need a lot of light, some don't. You can learn more about the nuances of lighting in the following articles. ,.

    Soil for aquarium plants. In general, we can say that soil for plants should be neutral (not effervescent), 5 to 7 centimeters thick, light and of a fine fraction. It is this thickness or more that will allow the plants to take root well. Detailed article about soil and substrate for aquarium plants -.

    Rules for planting aquarium plants.

    An example of preparing a cryptocoryne bush for planting.

    Who interfered with the whole process? =)

    Fertilizers for aquarium plants . Plants vitally need macro and microelements. Macro fertilizers (NPK) - nitrate (NO3), phosphate (P/PO4), potassium (K). Micro fertilizers - .

    Modern aquarium farming has no problems with this. Any pet store sells tablets or liquid fertilizers for plants. For example, . Such tablets are crushed and applied under the root system of plants. There are other fertilizer complexes that a beginner can use. For example, . There are also more “serious” fertilizers that already separate macro and micro elements.

    Fertilizer for aquarium plants in the form of tablets. Provides plants just planted in the aquarium with a complex of essential nutrients.
    - protects and strengthens new plants.
    - enhances growth thanks to a valuable plant hormone.
    - promotes root formation.
    - improves root survival during planting and replanting.
    - strengthens resistance thanks to macro-nutrients.
    - fertilizes plants specifically through the roots.

    Fertilizers in tablets for feeding aquarium plants through the roots. Crypto contains iron and all important microelements in an easily digestible form, adapted to the specific requirements of the soil, thus supporting the soil microflora. The product does not contain nitrates and phosphates, does not cause water pollution and inhibits the development of algae. Crypto promotes intensive plant growth and the formation of a powerful root system. In combination with InitalSticks provides full development, health and beauty of aquarium plants.
    Directions for use: The tablet should be crushed and placed on the ground near the roots of the plants.

    This is an intensive fertilizer that is used for the development of all varieties of aquatic plants. Contains iron and a complex of all nutrients necessary for leaf growth. Promotes the formation of chlorophyll (green leaves), guarantees a uniform, long-term supply of residual elements. Free from nitrates and phosphorus, which means there is no strain on the existing natural environment in the aquarium.
    It is especially effective when used together with TetraPlant Crypto fertilizer. Fertilizer promotes the development of healthy and strong plant roots.

    Video about aquarium plants and fertilizers from Tetra

    In addition, it is possible to prepare fertilizers for aquarium plants yourself. Of course, this is a whole science for a beginner. Therefore, at this stage, we do not recommend that beginners get involved in this topic. But we'll give you a link =) .
    There is also an old, ancient method - placing lumps of clay under the roots of the plant. We really don't recommend this method. In practice, beginners get a cloudy aquarium, but this is not of much use. Clay is very dusty!

    Caring for aquarium plants.

    Caring for aquarium plants involves cutting and pruning them, which should be done as needed. When carrying out trimming, you need to: remove rotten leaves, trim an overgrown plant, cut off daughter plants, planting them in a new place. Be sure to change the aquarium water with fresh water weekly.

    In this section, we will highlight one of the most important aspects for plants - CO2. CO2 is a gas that aquarium plants need. Plants are 50% carbon (C). Under natural conditions, the concentration of CO2 in water ranges from 15-40 mg/l. But in an aquarium, this indicator tends to zero, even though fish and other inhabitants of the aquarium produce it in the process of life, but in very small quantities.


    This is the main building material of the plant body! Plants in an aquarium, with proper supply of CO2, become: beautiful and healthy, fast-growing.
    - During photosynthesis, plants release oxygen O2! This process is popularly called bubbling or perling of plants. In turn, the oxygen released by plants is consumed by fish and other aquatic organisms, which eliminates the need for mechanical aeration of the aquarium during daylight hours.
    - in addition, when CO2 is supplied to the aquarium, the pH level decreases. What virtually all plants and some soft-water fish like.

    We hope that our video materials will be useful to you and encourage you to be creative!

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    How many plants do you need in an aquarium?

    It is impossible to go too far in this matter. There is a certain guideline for the number of plants in the aquarium. Skippers say that a good, stable herbal aquarium should consist of 50-75% plants. Of course, this is not a dogma. However, in practice it is clear that with such a mass of plants, the aquarium can be said to be full of health!

    List of aquarium plants for beginners.

    Just like fish, there are a huge number of aquarium plants. Here is a section of the site where there is a description of most aquarium plants with photos and videos -. List of aquarium plants -

    Fish, even very beautiful ones, swimming in the clean, transparent water of an aquarium with nothing else in it, look like astronauts floating in intergalactic space. Of course, some people like this kind of minimalism, and we have no right to prohibit them from doing anything or impose our point of view. Perhaps such people like to watch the “flight” of fish and they want nothing to distract them from this activity. But there are other aquarists for whom an aquarium without plants and algae is not an aquarium. They want to have a variety of different plants in the aquarium, both beautiful and useful. And we will devote this article to aquarium plants.

    The role of aquarium plants

    Aquarium plants serve two roles. The first is decorative. They decorate the aquarium and give it an unusual, attractive look. The second role is no less important. Let's call it biological. Plants maintain biological balance in the aquarium, saturate the water with oxygen, and play a significant role in the metabolism, which are important for the life of both fish and the plants themselves.
    To saturate the aquarium with oxygen, the total surface area of ​​the plants plays an important role. But plants that are more effective are not those with wide leaves, but, on the contrary, those with narrow leaves, but of which there are a lot. These include: cabomba, egeria, ferns. We will devote a separate article to specific types of plants.
    Aquarium plants also remove excess minerals from the water. At the same time, they absorb them not only through the roots, but also through the pores on the leaves. For example, by absorbing excess potassium, plants reduce water hardness.
    Another role of plants is that plants provide food for some species of fish. In this case, plants can be both the main food and, say, vitamin supplement to the main diet.
    Plants are also used by fish for spawning and serve as a refuge for fry.

    Types of plants for the aquarium

    Aquarium plants are divided into the following types:
    - plants growing in the ground. They have a developed root system, dense rhizome, and developed leaves. They can grow on poor soils, but it is still better to feed the plants.
    - plants that float in the water column. This type of plant does not have a developed root system; it may be completely absent. They have small leaves that absorb minerals and inorganic compounds from water well. They saturate the water well with oxygen and serve as a spawning ground. Sensitive to temperature changes. They usually reproduce vegetatively.
    - plants that float on the surface of the water. This type of plant can live both in the water column and on the surface of the water. Plants floating on the surface of the water protect the aquarium from excessive sun rays, are a spawning site for fish, serve as a place to build a nest, and assimilate the remains of fish life.

    How to choose aquarium plants

    Selecting and growing aquarium plants is no less important than choosing fish. When choosing plants, pay attention to their appearance, the absence of rot, damage, the color of the leaves should be bright green. Tropical plants should not be purchased from cold storage tanks. It is not advisable to catch aquarium plants yourself and immediately transplant them into the aquarium. Plants must be acclimatized in separate tanks, and only then replanted. The best option is to buy plants in specialized stores or from experienced aquarists. Plants should not be immediately filled with water; keep them warm and moist. And one more piece of advice. Young plants take root better.
    How to prepare plants for planting
    Before planting plants in the ground, they are thoroughly washed in water at room temperature, cleaned of rot, foreign algae, snail larvae, etc. Then they are disinfected in a 1% solution of alum or 2% solution of potassium permanganate diluted in a liter of water. Plants are lowered there for 5-10 minutes.

    How to plant plants in the ground

    We will have a separate article about the soils themselves, but for now how to plant plants in the soil. Plants are not planted too close to each other. Of course, you will only acquire the concepts of “close” and “far” with experience. And at first, you need to consult with sellers in specialized stores, or with experienced aquarists you know, or regulars at markets where fish and related items are sold, if such markets still exist.
    The soil should not put pressure on the plants, the roots should be positioned with their natural growth, and water should flow freely around them. The growth bud should be on the surface of the soil, and the roots themselves should be in the soil itself.
    Aquatic plants that feed on substances dissolved in water are planted without roots by cuttings, after removing the leaves from the lower nodes of the plant.
    Creeping plants are planted in bushes, 4-6 pieces together. To achieve the effect of a solid wall, plants are planted in a checkerboard pattern.
    Another very helpful advice for planting plants, consists of planting plants in special pots. Then, when cleaning the aquarium, you just need to remove the pots from the ground and then return them to their place. In addition, pots protect plant roots from fish that like to dig in the soil.

    How to place plants in an aquarium

    As you understand, it is better to plant large and dense plants near the back wall so that they do not block the view of the aquarium. More small plants planted on the sides of the aquarium and in its middle. Well, the smallest plants are planted in the foreground. It is better to plant tall plants along the edges, or individually in the center of the aquarium. We place light-loving plants under lighting lamps.

    Plant compatibility

    When planting plants, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of plant compatibility. As a rule, plants are planted in groups and separated from each other by snags or roots.
    Plants are planted in this order: first, plants growing in the ground are planted, then, after filling the aquarium with water, plants floating in the water column and on the surface of the water are placed.

    Criteria for the number of plants in an aquarium

    The ratio between the number of fish and plants should be optimal. It's easy to say. But how to achieve this? A large number of The plant purifies water well and quickly utilizes the remains of fish life. An excess of mud particles indicates a lack of plants and an excess of fish in the aquarium. Practice has shown that plants should occupy no more than a third of the aquarium. An overabundance of plants will lead to oxygen starvation of fish in the dark, when plants absorb oxygen rather than releasing it.

    Plant propagation methods

    Vegetative propagation of plants.
    Plants growing in an aquarium reproduce mainly vegetatively: using creeping shoots, stem shoots, rhizomes, seeds, tubers or buds. After a daughter plant has formed from the parent shoots, it is replanted so that dense thickets do not form. Daughter plants are separated when they have formed a sufficient number of roots.
    The second way to propagate plants is through leaf propagation.
    This method is typical, for example, for ferns of the genus Ceratopteris. At the edge of the old leaf, young plants with leaves and a root system are formed. It then separates from the parent sheet and floats up.
    Aquatic plants are grown using seeds in a separate container where the water level is no more than 10 cm. The seeds are buried 5 mm into the soil. The seedlings are planted in a container where the water level does not exceed 30 cm.

    Optimal conditions for keeping aquarium plants

    For most aquarium plants, the optimal development conditions are:
    - acidity 6.5-7.5 pH;
    - water temperature 23-26 degrees Celsius;
    - illumination – 1500-3000 lux;
    - daylight hours – 12-16 hours, night time – 8-10 hours;
    - area for the plant – 5-15;
    - soil layer – 4-7 cm;
    - CO2 concentration 10-20 mg/l;
    - weekly 10% water change.

    Diseases of aquarium plants

    Diseases occur in plants for various reasons - poor water characteristics, insufficient or too much lighting, soil, lack of chemical elements etc. Diseased plants differ from healthy ones by a changed color of the integument, the appearance of rot, and slowing or stopping of growth. Therefore, the basic rules for preventing plant diseases are regular water changes, cleaning and careful monitoring of the plant’s health.

    Feeding for aquarium plants

    Although many plants can extract nutrients from water, they still need additional feeding. For this, boiled peat chips, compost, birch charcoal, sapropel, and hydroponic mixtures are used. But there should be moderation in everything. An excess of nutrients is just as harmful as a lack of them.

    Ground feeding of aquarium plants

    Sapropel, birch charcoal, and preparations sold in specialized stores are also used in this capacity. Fertilizers are rolled into a ball and buried in the soil at a distance of 2-3 cm from the plant. When plants begin to grow, they are very carefully fed with nitrogen fertilizers.

    Lack of minerals and microelements

    With an insufficient amount of iron, the plants turn yellow, as if “glassing”. To increase the amount of iron in the water, several red or orange stones are dropped into the aquarium (they contain a lot of iron), or 0.1-0.2 mg of iron sulfate per 1 liter of water is added to the aquarium. Manganese is used to destroy excess iron.
    A sign of potassium deficiency is yellow leaf edges. To eliminate this shortcoming, place an empty shell in the aquarium. After the signs of the disease disappear, it can be removed.
    Nitrogen starvation. Slow growth, premature death of old leaves, yellowing of leaf edges. As a treatment, you can lower the water temperature by a few degrees, but do not overdo it.
    Lack of carbon dioxide. The sign is that the leaves are coated with lime. To restore the balance of carbon dioxide, you need to add a few more fish to the aquarium.
    A lack of sulfur manifests itself in reddening of the leaves. You can replenish it by dissolving 1-2 grains of sulfur in water.
    A lack of phosphorus manifests itself in leaf curling and the appearance of reddish-brown spots on old leaves. Phosphorus is replenished by dissolving orthophosphoric acid salts in water.
    The lack of potassium can be compensated for by adding nitrophoska to the water (1-2 g per 100 liters of water).

    Lack of microelements

    These include boron, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum, cobalt. These elements are added to the water when replacing it, using complex preparations that are purchased in specialized stores.

    The influence of light and water temperature on the condition of plants

    If the lighting in the aquarium is insufficient, the plants will become pale in color and their lower leaves will fall off. This occurs due to the fact that plants are drawn to the light, as a result of which their internodes become elongated.
    It should be borne in mind that the higher the water in the aquarium, the more lighting is required.
    Water temperature, of course, plays a huge role in plant life. At low water temperatures, plants can “freeze” and die. At elevated water temperatures, processes in the “organism” of plants are accelerated, and they require more nutrients, including carbon dioxide, and this requires increased illumination to accelerate photosynthesis processes.

    Artificial plants for aquarium

    The need to use artificial plants arises when the aquarium contains large herbivorous fish. They gnaw at plants, and they lose their “marketable” appearance. Therefore, artificial analogs can be used instead. In appearance, they are in no way inferior to real plants, and perfectly enliven the aquarium in combination, for example, with mosses. In addition, artificial plants do not get sick, do not decompose, and do not require feeding. But, as elsewhere, moderation is needed in the use of artificial plants. Artificial plants cannot remove contaminants from water, do not absorb nitrate, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to find a balance between living plants and artificial ones.

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