Baku neck pigeons. Baku pigeons are the flying record holders of our country! Iranian fighting pigeons

Breeding pigeons is a very common hobby in Ukraine, Russia, Azerbaijan and other CIS countries. Baku pigeons have become one of the most striking representatives of winged favorites - after all, they have an incredible exterior, excellent flight qualities and relative unpretentiousness.

A little history

Baku pigeons, like most fighting breeds, first appeared in the Achaemenid Empire (aka Persia). They had peculiar feather “boots” on their feet and had greater endurance than other birds.

The Baku breed acquired its modern appearance already during the USSR on the territory of Azerbaijan, because it was there that there were the most connoisseurs of this breed. And every pigeon breeder tried to breed more and more interesting species from the pigeon family. This is how the most playful and fighting pigeons turned out - Baku pigeons.

Now this breed is actively sold in the Caucasus, Krasnodar and even in central Russia.
Baku birds are valued for their relative unpretentiousness, easy transition from one food to another, high stable immunity and, of course, for their fighting qualities.

Appearance and physique

As a result of many years of crossings and attempts to maximally “improve” the appearance and character of birds in the modern world, the Baku pigeon looks like this:

  • Magnitude. On average, the bird is 34–38 cm in size.
  • Head. Oval in shape with neat feathers, some species have a “tuft”. The transition above the beak is smooth, the crown resembles a rectangle.
  • Beak. Smooth, quite thin. It has a rounded end, length no more than 2.5 cm.
  • Neck. Quite long, with a neat bend.
  • Body. Has ideal proportions relative to the head, fit, quite muscular.
  • Back. Quite wide at the shoulders, tapering towards the tail.
  • Wings. They fit snugly to the body, the ends lie close to each other, but do not form a “cross”. The tail is parallel to the ground.
  • Feathers. Smooth, close to the body.
  • Eyes. They have a characteristic shine.

Flight style

During the flight, this breed of bird cannot be confused with any other pigeons, because in the air they show various figures characteristic only of them.

Unlike many other species of urban birds, Baku pigeons do not fly in flocks, but loosely, and each bird shows its own individual “game” during the flight. Usually this species rises quite high in the sky, sometimes even becoming invisible to the naked eye, but with proper upbringing, these pigeons always find their way home, as they are very attached to the place.

Pigeon aerial tricks can be observed endlessly: the bird rises vertically high into the sky, then, throwing its head back, begins to tumble towards the ground, loudly flapping its wings, and so on several times.

Baku residents fly individually just for the sake of their show, because synchronized falls will not look so fascinating.

Did you know?This breed of pigeon can stay in the air for more than 12 hours at a time.


Due to the fact that a considerable number of peoples and breeders were involved in breeding this breed of pigeons, the result was many color options for Baku birds. The types listed below are not the only ones known, but they are among the most common.

Owners of this color can have different body colors; the calling card is always a white head, which can be either smooth or with a characteristic “tuft.”

This species appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. He was bred by a lover of this breed, Schmidt. The peculiarity of this species is that the body is a solid white color, and the “crest” on the head has a bright, highlighting color at the back. The front “forelock” is also white.

This species is distinguished by its exclusively white color, without any inclusions. It is generally accepted that this particular species has the best flight qualities.

Many breeders consider this species to be the most beautiful: the bird has a brassy coloration, often with red or black splashes.

This pigeon has a predominantly white color (less often with various inclusions). A characteristic feature is a reduced head and a short beak. These birds love to fly high into the sky, much higher than other species.

The name speaks for itself: the bird has a white coating with marble splashes of different colors. This color is transmitted exclusively through the maternal line, that is, if the female is marbled, then the chicks will be exactly the same as the mother. A very beautiful and unusual type of pigeon.

This species, as its name suggests, always has a characteristic black tail. The body itself is predominantly monochromatic white, and on the head there is a neat “tuft”.

One of the most colorful representatives is chili pigeons. This species has a uniform coat, and the cheeks, wings or tail are decorated with spots of red or black.

This species is distinguished by the fact that they love long solitary flights, which are always accompanied by unexpected play in the sky.

These winged birds have light plumage, cherry eyes and a bright distinctive spot on the neck. Necks are extremely rare with a “tuft”.

One of the most luxurious breeds. These birds have light (white, beige) plumage and a powerful fan tail. Thanks to this “rudder” the bird spends more time in the sky than any other species.

Did you know? The rarest pigeon of this breed is yellow. Take him out in Krasnodar. Commonly known as yellow are hryvnas or necks that have unusual yellow spots on their necks. This bird is more expensive than others and is highly valued by dovecote owners.

Premises requirements

The dove is a representative of winged animals that live quite a long time. The life expectancy of some representatives exceeds 30 years, and this is a third of the life of a long-lived person. However, birds can set such a record only if they are properly maintained, because if you do not provide the pet with a decent home, life expectancy can decrease by 2 or even 3 times.

Dovecote dimensions

The size of the dovecote is very important: birds must move freely in it and even make small flights from side to side, because the wings of birds must always be able to move. So, the dimensions of the bird house should be as follows:

  • height - 150–200 cm;
  • area - for a dozen pigeons should be at least 15 square meters. m.
The dimensions indicated are minimal; if it is possible to make the area larger, it will only be better.

Heat and ventilation

The pigeon room should be warm enough. The temperature should be 21–25 °C in summer and about 5 °C in winter. It is advisable to avoid sudden temperature changes.

As in any dwelling for a living creature, a bird house cannot do without ventilation. Air for birds must be supplied continuously, otherwise the pets may suffocate.

Perches and nests

It is desirable that each bird have an individual place - a perch, where the winged ones will spend their time and rest from long flights. The Baku breed needs smooth perches (even wooden beams). If the places are built in the form of shelves, they can be paired for 2 or 3 birds.

In addition to perches, flyers definitely need nests in which they will hatch their offspring. Nests are usually small square “boxes” without a top, where the female can lay her eggs and sit freely on them.

Important! The nest must have natural bedding (for example, straw). Human access to nests also plays an important role, since birds cannot change the flooring themselves.

Video: dovecote device

Feeder, drinking bowl, bathing bowl


Bird breeders with many years of experience strongly recommend making separate feeders for adults and young birds so that everyone is well-fed and there are no conflicts or fights.

Requirements for a proper feeder:
  • natural materials from which it is made;
  • direct access to food;
  • protection from external objects entering it (garbage, moisture, excrement);
  • easy access for humans (for cleaning).
Any feeder needs a removable tray onto which the grain is directly poured, and a “roof” to protect it from debris.

Video: pros and cons of different pigeon feeders Drinking bowl.

You can purchase a drinking bowl at a specialty store, or you can make it yourself using a large bottle with a bowl. However, it is important that the amount of water matches the number of individuals. Birds should not suffer from thirst.

Important! In the cold season, you need to remember that water tends to freeze, so you should come up with a heating system for the drinking bowl if it is located outside.

Bathing suit.

Bathing is necessary for birds to maintain the good condition of their plumage and overall health. This process allows the birds to get rid of dead feathers, dust and insects that may become lodged in the pigeons' organic covering.

As a bathing suit, you can use ordinary deep containers with water, into which your pets will happily climb in and wash themselves. You can also use large basins with special flooring (dry wormwood, regular fine sand, etc.).

If a large amount of dirt or pests is detected in an individual, the breeder must independently bathe the bird in special medical products or take the pigeon for a bath to a veterinary clinic (but not every veterinary hospital provides such a service).

Pigeons bathing: video

Litter and cleanliness

For ease of cleaning and more comfortable living for pigeons, each dovecote must have a flooring, the height of which should be at least 50 mm. You can use straw, sawdust, small wood shavings and other harmless materials as a “carpet”.

It is necessary to replace the bedding depending on the number of “beaks”, because more individuals mean more dirt. The minimum number of cleanings is once a week. And once a month it is necessary to carry out disinfection using special gentle products that will be harmless to both pets and humans.


When making hanging dovecotes, their design must include an entrance - a “front corridor” into which the pigeon enters before entering the “house” itself. Usually this is a square measuring approximately 15x15 cm, and 1 such entrance is calculated for a pair of pigeons.

Since hanging structures are usually designed for several pairs, then, accordingly, it is necessary to make several corridors so that the pigeons can freely enter and exit independently of each other.

Feed and water

Food for your favorite feathered family must necessarily include microelements such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates and various vitamins in order for the health and plumage of pigeons to be impeccable.

The main element of bird nutrition is cereals - barley, millet, corn, rice, etc. But cereals alone will not be enough for birds. Your diet should definitely include beans (peas, lentils), oilseeds (sunflower, rapeseed, flax), and carrots. It is also worth adding berries, leaves and herbs (lettuce, sprouted grains).

Such a complex will be sufficiently rich in all the microelements necessary for birds, allowing pigeons to fully restore strength after long flights and save energy for new exploits.

Often, breeders use combined feeds as feed, which are sold in specialized stores and contain all the necessary substances.

Important! Feathered pets should have 2 meals: breakfast and dinner.

With water for pets, everything is simpler: it must be clean and must be changed frequently in order to avoid contamination and stagnation. Birds need regular fresh water.

Neighborhood with other pigeons

Many owners of pigeon coops choose the Baku breed of birds as their pets. This is explained by the fact that it is a very beautiful pigeon, which has excellent flight qualities, and is also relatively unpretentious and quite resistant to diseases.

Basically, pigeons live in families of the same breed, but if you want to have several different types of pigeons, you should do this from the very beginning. Birds from a young age will be able to get used to each other. Also, as mentioned earlier, it is important to provide separate feeders for adults and young animals to avoid fights.


Birds learn to fly by watching their parents: adults fly and “play” in the sky, and young birds try to imitate them. In order for chicks to learn to fly and “play” correctly, it is necessary to literally literally train your feathered charges on a regular basis. To do this, you need to be extremely patient, because the bird will not succeed right away. For proper training, there are a certain number of rules:

  1. The first training should begin no earlier than the 40th day of the chick’s life.
  2. At first the chick will do poorly (falling over on its tail, etc.), but over time the bird will “get its wings” and learn everything.
  3. The final fighting style will be formed in the pet by the age of 2, so it is worth choosing proven, “experienced” individuals as parents.
  4. It is worth releasing no more than 8 individuals of inexperienced young people at a time. When their style is close to synchronous, you can increase the number of “beaks”.
  5. The most beautiful is considered to be the simultaneous fight of 15 individuals.

Did you know? In order for the young to get used to returning home, breeders in Baku feed the birds little before flying.

How to train pigeons: video

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of Baku pigeons are:

  • relative unpretentiousness in food, care and dovecote;
  • good topographic memory (easily find the way home);
  • endurance, the ability to make long flights;
  • excellent flight qualities (with proper training, an amazing “game” in the sky);
  • resistance to many dangerous diseases.
The disadvantages of the breed include:
  • genetic defects are possible (round body, neck does not have a bend, etc.);
  • young animals do not immediately return home without additional training;
  • for a beautiful “game” long training is needed, without which the breed loses its zest;
  • Birds making long flights require large amounts of food rich in microelements and vitamins.

Baku pigeons are truly unusual birds: they fly higher and much longer than ordinary pigeons, and most importantly, they show incredible pirouettes in the sky, for which they can safely be called aces of their kind. They perfectly remember the way home and get used to their owner, and are also excellent at navigating the terrain. These birds have a huge number of colors and species, each of which has its own characteristics. By starting a family of such pigeons, the owner can be sure that his pets will be one and only, with individual skills and characteristics.

Baku fighting pigeons: reviews

Hello, unfortunately I don’t keep it and it’s all because of falcons. But to be honest, for me there is no bird better in flight than Bakuvians. I kept such a bird, but my soul really hurts when a falcon kills your favorites. If I raced before and wanted records, then after that there’s only one Thought if you want to get in quickly before they get knocked down. I started it after the post office, but the bastards beat them too, but less and my soul hurts less since they are not as beloved as the BAKINS. I still want to buy 2 pairs in the spring.


In terms of flight duration, Baku pigeons are record holders, from 2-12 hours with good play (fighting), depending on the strength of the fight, the degree of training and special diets. The fight can be different: both belt (the bird does not stop its horizontal movement, tumbling in the air at the same time), and pillar, in which the bird rises at the top, somersaulting with characteristic clicks. Pigeons are able to rise to a fairly large height, often hide from view, and are well oriented. A well-trained, purebred “Baku native” is capable of finding his home even several hundred kilometers away, and this is true! They say that once Astrakhan pigeon breeders purchased a whole batch of pigeons in Baku from an old and experienced fancier. Having arrived home, of course, they could not stand it and began to release the bird, which a few days later was already in Baku, in its native dovecote, despite the distance by sea of ​​about 500 km! For their outstanding qualities, Baku pigeons have been declared a national treasure and pride of the Republic of Azerbaijan! There is probably no dovecote who does not know the “Baku people”, even if he is not involved in slaughter! They can rightfully be called the most accessible and numerous breed of fighting pigeons.

Sergey Sypko

Hello. The more interesting and spectacular the flight of a pigeon, the more difficulties, and the less often it is performed. Almost any pigeon with a particular game will break its wings during the molt. If a pigeon does not break its wing during molting, then its performance leaves much to be desired. And the point here is not in the number of somersaults, but in their quality (strength, sharpness). One can play constantly and not break, but the other will slap 2-3 times, descending from the riser to the ground, and there will already be blood. During a good click, sometimes you are afraid that the pigeon might fall into pieces, or that the bloody feathers might be broken. In short, the game is a big problem, and the better it is, the less often the pigeon flies. Therefore, the best flyers usually have a calm game. And also, if the young one plays too much or often, and this interferes with its flight, but the pigeon is interesting for you, then you can leave it until spring and chase it while feeding the chicks; often the young ones weaken their play the next year. P.S. Personally, I don’t consider problematic gaming to be a marriage, but I still try to get rid of such pigeons.

Vlad Popov

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4 times already

The capital of Azerbaijan has firmly established its reputation as the city of pigeons. The state militantly proclaims itself the “country of fire.” Despite this, Baku has become a real Mecca for pigeon fanciers in the post-Soviet space. Baku fighting pigeons do not fit into any breed standard. This is a whole race of a wide variety of birds with outstanding flight qualities.

The appearance and constitution of pigeons, which are the dogma for defining other breeds, are far beyond the attention of Baku pigeon breeders. First of all, enthusiasts follow the beauty of summer and the game. These qualities became decisive for the formation of the Baku slaughterhouses.

The history of pigeon breeding in Azerbaijan reached its peak in the 50s and 60s of the last century. At that time, Baku pigeons were the most desirable in the neighboring republics. They were actively bred throughout the Caucasus and exported to the northern regions.

However, the origins of pigeon breeding go back to the times when the country's territory was part of Persia. The pedigree of the Baku slaughterhouses goes back to the most ancient breeds of pigeons. Genetically, they are the closest descendants of Iranian birds.

The best qualities of the breed are well inherited, but Baku fighters require training and education in order for them to live up to expectations.

Description and characteristics of the breed

The population of Baku pigeons is extremely heterogeneous. Several breeds with outstanding flight characteristics are known under this name.

A huge variety of colors, variations of plumage and physique are united by the beauty of flight. Baku pigeons excellently fly into the “pillar”, demonstrate fighting (clicking) play, and during the flight they often get lost from sight, rising to great heights.

All pigeons with Baku registration are fighting pigeons. The most famous:

  1. Baku necks or manes glorified the pigeon enthusiast from Baku - Schmidt. Back at the beginning of the 20th century. he laid the foundation for the creation of an original breed with unique flight characteristics. They have a strong, spindle-shaped body. Chubby or smooth head. Black eyes without lids. Convex, developed chest. Long and dense wings. The tail looks like an extension of the back. The short legs are usually feathered. High-flying, with a long fight after a sharp vertical post.
  2. Baku white. A third defining characteristic is often added to their name: bare-footed. No less skillful and spectacular in flight than manes. Their appearance and constitution are similar in many ways, but there are no forelocked individuals in the population. In addition, they usually have unfeathered legs, although in some cases there may be a small amount of feathers on the metatarsus.
  3. Baku chili. Medium-sized, strong pigeons with a lean build. As a rule, variegated with light iridescence. The beak, eyelids, wax are white. The head can be smooth or with a forelock. The neck is curved. The back and chest are wide. The body is slightly elongated. The dense plumage has a violet gloss on the chest and neck. Legs are feathered. The wings are long, tightly pressed. They fly alone, for a long time and very high. Smoothly emerge into a vertical column. Then they perform multiple somersaults with combat. One of the varieties is marbled pigeons; it is recommended to breed them “inside” to preserve their colors.
  4. Colored pigeons with a classic physique for Baku breeds. As a rule, they have a spindle-shaped body and an elongated, dry, rounded head. Thin, usually long beak, white eyelids, proud rising chest. They fly scattered, very high.

In addition to them, there are groups of Baku pigeons, formed on the basis of uniform colors:

  1. Belt.
  2. Chaps or Sideways pigeons.
  3. Colored-tailed, often called Baku broad-tailed.
  4. Agbashi.
  5. Ablaki.

The characteristic features of pigeons are:

  • good immunity;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • rapid adaptation to feed and housing conditions;
  • magnificent years and beautiful long game;
  • the ability to navigate the terrain and always find your home, no matter how far it is;
  • endurance.

The “classic” Baku pigeon is distinguished by its circular flight. At the same time, he is able to demonstrate strong post play within 5–6 hours. The information that fighting breeds stay in the air for 8–10 hours is often exaggerated.

Variety of colors

The largest groups within the Baku pigeon population can be systematized by plumage color. For example:

  1. Baku fighting chilies are very elegant, colorful pigeons. The predominant species are black with white specks, with a variegated head or both a head and scutes. There are also marble ones. These are completely speckled pigeons, the plumage of which is similar in color to marble: they have feathers of different colors intricately interspersed. Moreover, the older the pigeon, the sharper the contrast.
  2. Baku necks, as they are also called manes, have white plumage with a colored spot on the nape and the same color tail, including the rump and undertail. In the population there are forelock pigeons, in which the back side of the forelock also has a colored lining. The most common colors are white with spots of black, red and yellow.
  3. Baku white barefoots come in only one color - snow-white.
  4. Colored pigeons amaze the imagination with their diversity: red, black, piebald, gray, yellow. Bronze ones are especially valued.

In addition to them, there are Baku pigeons, grouped into separate varieties, with no less striking features in color:

  1. Waist, classic colors suggest the presence of two dark stripes on the wings. There are a variety of shades: from bluish to red.
  2. Chaps or side pigeons are distinguished by their snow-white colors with colored asymmetrical and symmetrical shoulders, respectively. They are often separated into different groups. It is believed that the colors of the Chaps were obtained as a result of uncontrolled crossing of white and colored pigeons. In this case, asymmetrical shoulders are inherited.
  3. Colored or Baku broad-tailed. They have no less remarkable colors. These are snow-white pigeons with a colored tail. Black tail feathers look the most elegant.
  4. Agbashi can be of almost any color, but they have one thing in common - the snow-white plumage of their heads.
  5. Ablaki, like the Baku Agbashi, are multi-colored pigeons, including marbled ones with a snow-white breast.

Baku pigeons, regardless of color, have a clearly visible metallic sheen on the chest and neck. It has a green and blue tint, and purple in chili.

Years and game

Baku fighting pigeons gained their fame thanks to their impeccably beautiful summer and game. The breed is high-flying. Taking off, the birds disappear far into the sky. Despite evidence that flight times reach 12 hours, combat requires enormous amounts of energy. Normally they should return within 5-6 hours. Moreover, the intense battle lasts only the first 3–3.5 hours.

The most valued is the “exit into the pillar”, when the pigeon rises almost vertically, making noisy, sharp and frequent flapping of its wings. At the peak, it should roll over, accompanying the movement with a loud click of its wings. Often the bird performs up to 10 such lifts in succession.

No less impressive is the “pillar with a screw”, when the dove rises as if in a spiral.

“Hovering fight” differs from “going into the pillar” in the speed of the fight: the pigeons take off smoothly, as if hanging in the air, but the somersault also ends with a sharp click. As a rule, Baku pigeons with this style of flight do not have spiral or circular play.

“Ribbon fighting” is not recognized by all breeders of fighting pigeons. Often considered a disadvantage. At the same time, the somersaults of the fighting Baku residents are carried out during normal flight, at the same height, without “going into the pillar” or “hovering”.

Conducting training

Harmoniously formed, well-developed Baku pigeons are allowed for training. To do this, they are provided with the most comfortable living conditions and balanced, nutritious nutrition. In addition, young animals need to be accustomed to themselves. Training is carried out before feeding, usually in the early morning.

Despite recommendations to start training as early as possible, often starting from 30–40 days, you need to focus on weather conditions. In the middle zone with a temperate climate, you should not release Baku pigeons before mid-April. The optimal age is up to 2 months. Training is stopped during molting and with the onset of persistent cold weather - in November.

In the first stages, the main goal is endurance training, independent orientation and the formation of a sense of attachment to home. Pigeons are accustomed to exercise gradually, regularly, strictly observing the feeding regime.

To begin with, they are accustomed to leaving and returning to the dovecote from the enclosure. This will take no more than 4 days.

Then the Baku pigeons are placed on the roof to survey the territory (up to 5 days). An old leader must be placed with the young animals, who will serve as an example over the next 5–6 days, when familiarization flights begin.

After this, the leader is removed, and the young pigeons continue to be trained until they are strong enough to spend up to 40 minutes in the air. Then they are combined with older fighting pigeons. Birds with the same flight style are grouped into flocks. The optimal number of individuals is 5–15; more is difficult to control. A beautiful age is usually individual. You won't get it in large flocks.

Baku pigeons perfectly inherit flight qualities from their parents, subject to purebred breeding. Only individuals with the most stable summer qualities should be allowed into breeding, without sparing or discarding the rest.

The most famous defect of Baku pigeons is “clogging” or loss of orientation during the fight when the bird falls. As a result, injuries and even death may occur. Of course, you can try to retrain the bird, but experienced pigeon breeders do not recommend wasting effort on them, otherwise the defect will appear in the descendants.

The fighting age appears at different ages: in some Baku pigeons at 2 or 6–10 months, in others it should take up to 3 years. The first attempts will look quite clumsy and the final “handwriting” of the fight will only be formed the next year after the start of training. The most beautiful thing is a pair of fighting pigeons playing before the next clutch.

At one time, every pigeon breeder dreamed of getting Baku pigeons. There are still legends about them. However, it is best to purchase authentic birds from Baku. In the process of breeding outside Azerbaijan, the breed's flying qualities often weakened. Many enthusiasts tried to improve the exterior, bring it to some standards, while neglecting the physical data and flight properties of breeding pigeons. All this had a negative impact on the hereditary characteristics of the breed.

Fighting pigeons from Baku are a popular breed among poultry farmers. The word “fighting” does not mean “related to combat,” as many beginners who want to breed flyers think, but “the characteristic sound of wings, clicks.” Baku pigeons produce these clicks when playing, that is, performing tricks.

Birds are capable of high flight and are resilient. They are also loved by pigeon breeders for their large number of species with different colors.

A description similar to the Baku breed of pigeons dates back to the 18th century in Iranian sources. There is not a single corner of Russia where representatives of this species of pigeons are not found. In the middle of the last century, they came to the Mineral Waters Ministry in the Caucasus from the city of Baku, after which they became widespread.

Since then, the breed has undergone some changes: they have a more pronounced forelock, the feathering has gone from the legs, and the “boots” have disappeared. Pigeon breeders began to conduct selective experiments with Baku pigeons themselves, for themselves and in response to market demands. This is how all the diversity of the breed appeared.

About the breed

Fascinating, beautiful fighting and play are the main advantages of Baku pigeons. To these pigeon breeders add an excellent immune system and unpretentiousness. Birds learn quickly and respond well to training, the main thing is to carry it out persistently. Genetic predisposition and the correct training regimen are the most important elements for the success of a pigeon.

Each individual is very individual. For example, the initial flight elements of the game, such as landing on the tail, during which the pigeon flaps its wings and then takes off, become available to some birds within a few weeks of training, while others become accustomed only after a year.

These individual qualities directly depend on genetics and pedigree. Baku pigeons are capable of flying from two to, according to some reports, twelve hours.

A column of black pigeons can reach 15 meters, while the birds easily perform 5-7 somersaults. When judging at competitions, the color of the pigeon is not taken into account, since the quality of the summer and its duration are considered the most important.

Although there is an opinion among pigeon breeders, supported by references in specialized literature, that of all the colors, the flight qualities are best in white Baku pigeons. They reproduce easily, have developed intelligence and good memory. Pigeons are known for their endurance. Also, few other breeds are able to stay in the air for up to twelve hours.

The female lays eggs all year. This happens even while she is molting. If this happens “unplanned” for you, then do not allow them to multiply. One effective way is to remove items from the enclosure that could be used to build a nest.

Sharing their impressions, pigeon breeders say that when holding a Baku pigeon in your hands, it seems like you are holding a smooth stone. They are monogamous, strongly attached to the nest-home.

Video - Contents of Baku pigeons


All varieties of the breed have their differences, as well as common features, which give the right to say that the bird belongs to this breed.

Coloring and other appearance details depend on the variety. It is worth noting the excellent adaptive properties of pigeons. Without them, birds would not have such a distribution.

Video – Baku fighting pigeons

Breed characteristics

There are flight and performance characteristics of this breed, which allow us to speak of Baku pigeons as leaders, occupying, if not first places, then definitely among the top three. These are the indicators:

  • If a nest for a pair of pigeons is not equipped, then the birds themselves will build their own corner, using everything they find. It should be remembered that if a dove lays its eggs in a certain place, the couple will be forever tied specifically to this place, and subsequent relocation will be impossible.
  • Use the services of experienced and trusted pigeon breeders, since most likely you will not be allowed to check the pigeons when purchasing.
  • From all of them, choose a few of the best, selecting based on the results of training.
  • The best must be paired with the best.

Prices for bird perches

Bird perch


Some poultry farmers are confident that Baku pigeons should be underfed. This supposedly makes them more flexible, the pigeons immediately flock to the owner’s call and play better. But, judging by messages on specialized forums, not everyone adheres to this feeding tactic. But everyone is sure that there is definitely no need to overfeed pigeons.

The pigeon's body is especially sensitive to a winter lack of vitamins, so it is necessary to give the birds special nutritional vitamin supplements.

After the dove has finished molting, this happens in December-January, it sits on the hen. As soon as the pigeons hatch, they need to be fed strictly according to the schedule. A diet consisting of a variety of food and a regime in which it is given in a timely manner will allow the pigeon's crop not to stretch and not be empty. For chicks, only food with a soft consistency is suitable, which it receives at noon.

Table 1.

Feeding periods
Componentswinter timemating periodspring-summer timegrowth of young pigeonsduring transportationduring the competitionduring molting
Wheat- - 10 20 50 5 10
Barley40 20 20 20 - 20 10
Corn10 10 10 10 20 10 10
Oatmeal40 20 - - - - 20
Lentils10 - - - - - 10
Millet- 20 20 30 - 10 10
Peas- 15 20 10 - 35 20
Vika- 15 10 10 30 10 10
Oats- - 10 - - 10 -

Grains in the diet

  • Millet. It should make up a significant part of the combined feed for Baku pigeons. Before choosing millet, you need to know that brightly colored grains contain more vitamins.
  • Wheat. Complete food for fighting pigeons, and not only for Baku pigeons. But, if wheat is used as the main feed, it should be taken into account that it contains a small amount of calcium, as a result of which it will be necessary to add mineral supplements.
  • Oats. On the one hand, the food is well digestible. On the other hand, it contains a large amount of fiber and husk, which is why pigeons are reluctant to eat it.
  • Barley. Recognized by experts as the main and best feed component. It is better to detail it before giving it to pigeons.
  • Corn. It has many useful micro and macro elements. But there is one problem - the size of the grains. Therefore, you can only use varieties whose grains are small. And even then with caution, since the consumption of large amounts of corn by pigeons leads to their obesity.
  • Rice. Healthy and nutritious. The only negative is that it is expensive.

Oilseeds in the diet

  • Flax-seed. Nutritious food for pigeons that has a laxative effect.
  • Sunflower. As a constituent element, it is introduced into almost any food. But it is rarely used in feed in quantities exceeding 10%.
  • Hemp. Birds love it very much, but it should not be given in large quantities, since its uncontrolled consumption by pigeons is harmful. It is recommended to give cannabis in small portions and in a boiled state. It is also useful during the period of active mating.

Fresh herbs

If the bird receives a sufficient amount of a variety of greens, it often does not even need feeding with vitamins. Spinach, dandelion, and lettuce leaves are well digestible. Greens should be given immediately after harvest, heavily chopped.

Bird food prices

Food for insectivores

Varieties of Baku pigeons

As mentioned above, thanks to the breeders who experimented extensively with the selection of the Baku breed of pigeons, the breed has many varieties. They may differ from each other in flight and other features, for example, appearance and color.

  • Broad-tailed. They are distinguished by their ability to fly for long periods of time. They come in any color, but most often the plumage is white, milky or ashy. The birds themselves are powerful and have an aesthetic advantage.

  • High flyers. They love to soar up and fly high. That’s why, in fact, they got such a name.

  • White. It would not be entirely correct to call the White Baku a separate subspecies, since it is rather a group of different subspecies, united by the color of their plumage.

  • Agbash. The feathers on the head are white. The legs may be bare or wear feathers, with a smooth head and pronounced voluminous forelocks. They are widely distributed geographically, as they have great adaptive abilities and acclimatize well.

  • Chile. Pigeons are colorful. May be red or black. The location of the mottled markings is on the head, tail or just on the cheeks. The peculiarity of such pigeons is their love for single, long and protracted flights, during which they take a stand. After standing, the birds prefer to perform somersaults and clicks, and they do it suddenly. They are unpretentious and do not require any special conditions of detention. The body of representatives of the chili variety is strong, the size of the bird is medium. The head is somewhat elongated and has a forelock. The eyes are light shades, yellowish predominates. The beak is absolutely straight, not wide, rather thin, white, with the exception of individuals with a dark head - then the beak will be dark in color.

    Baku pigeons - Chile

Training of Baku pigeons

Key points to pay attention to during training:

  • Spend a lot of time training, while not forgetting to give the pigeons quality food.
  • Young animals must be accustomed to training starting from 30-40 days of age. It happens that this process begins later, up to two months of age, but this happens if the bird develops slowly or the conditions of its keeping do not allow it to start earlier. The fact is that the later training is started, the less chance there is of raising a champion.
  • Keep in mind that if Baku pigeons score relatively early, half a month after the first flight, then after molting they may “reconsider” their style and start playing differently. The best results are observed in birds that began to play from the age of five months.

To receive something, you must give and provide conditions. The correct living conditions and diet must be established before training begins.

  • Don’t despair if a novice fighter doesn’t get the right turns right away. It may fall over on its tail, or lose height during the summer. This will most likely pass.
  • The Baku pigeon develops its individual style of play only by the age of two or three. Until then, it is impossible to be one hundred percent sure that the pigeon will not decide to change the entire manner of play. Most likely, gaming and flying abilities will be passed on genetically.
  • Some breeders release young individuals that have not yet learned to hit into the sky in groups of 20. But there is an opinion according to which you should not release more than eight pigeons at a time.

Experienced pigeon breeders advise that before starting training, it is first necessary to provide the pigeon with conditions under which it will develop normally and fully. This also applies to good nutrition.

Video – Training of Baku pigeons

Training rules

There is a set of rules and training that will help you avoid common mistakes. Which are allowed by new pigeon breeders.

  1. Training doves two days before and one day after egg laying is contraindicated. Also, parents cannot be taken away from the chicks until they are one week old.
  2. Three to four days before the competition, put the pigeons on a diet that excludes heavy food. It is recommended to give the pigeons water an hour before the competition.
  3. Releasing pigeons in the middle of the city is a bad idea. Need open space.
  4. When releasing pigeons, try not to mix old individuals with young ones. Also, males are most often released separately from females.
  5. During transportation, pigeons are placed in spacious special cages; they cannot be transported crowded.
  6. Do not train pigeons in fog or rain - they may get lost.

Years and game

Despite the fact that Baku pigeons have many flight patterns, they are very different when compared with their other relatives. The style of summer is scattered - the birds are individualists. Baku pigeons can soar into the sky so high that they are completely lost from sight. If training is done correctly, birds will almost always return to you. A pigeon can fly for a long time, up to twelve hours. They sometimes say about these that the dove “defended the day in grief.”

The main indicator of a quality game is the correctness and purity with which the bird enters the post. In order for everything to be correct, the pigeon needs to do two or three somersaults with clapping.

Types of combat:

  • "Exit to the pillar." This is a type of game in which the pigeon flaps its wings quickly, actively and noisily. The bird's rise is vertical, after which it sharply throws its head back and somersaults. At the same moment, a strong clapping sound is heard from the wings. The calculation is usually this: if the takeoff is 15 meters, then during the trick there can be up to ten ascents followed by flips.
  • "Pillar with a screw." The pigeon has a shuttle stroke, and there is also a click during the somersault.
  • "Envious fight" The flight during such a flight is unhurried and slow. As if hovering, the pigeon turns over, after which it continues to rise. Somersaults are relatively slow, but they should also be accompanied by clicks.

Video - Let and the game of Baku pigeons


Disadvantages may or may not be acceptable when the pigeon cannot be considered a purebred representative of the Baku breed.


  • The crown has a slightly rounded shape.
  • There is no bend in the neck.
  • The eyelids are flesh-colored.


  • Heterochromia eyes, they are different colors.
  • The body is too short.
  • The fingers have feathering.
  • The chest protrudes forward strongly.
  • The tail touches the surface of the earth.
  • The wings are hanging.
  • Hump ​​on the back.
  • Thick or short beak.
  • The pigeon has loose plumage.
  • The neck is too thick and/or short.

How not to lose Baku residents

By exploring thematic forums, you can find practical advice on how not to lose your Baku pigeons during the rut. Pigeon breeders note that birds do not simply disappear without reason. One of the main reasons is weather conditions.

Since Baku pigeons can stay in flight for quite a long time, up to 12 hours, they can be overtaken in the sky by thunderstorms, rain, gusty winds, which can carry the birds for many kilometers and disorient them. The only advice is to follow the reports of the Hydrometeorological Center.

It has been noted that individuals that are bred in the same nursery in the third or fourth generation are almost never lost. This is explained by a well-developed genetic memory. This also applies to keeping a couple that will produce offspring in an enclosure. If they do not fly out, then the skills of returning home will not be passed on to their offspring.

Baku pigeons are popular and beloved by poultry farmers. Pigeons are hardy, beautiful, can play well and have a good stylish fight that cannot be confused with the fight of any other breed. They acclimatize well, so they can be bred and kept in different climatic conditions.

Baku fighting pigeons are a breed distinguished by high fighting qualities and various types of play. In the territory of the former USSR they are quite widespread due to their excellent abilities and unpretentiousness, the ability to adapt to almost any climate. What is a pigeon of this breed, what does it look like, what features does it have?

The distinctive features of Baku pigeons are the high quality of fighting and beautiful flight.

The homeland of Baku pigeons, as well as some fighting breeds, is ancient Persia. After all, previously the northern part of the Republic of Azerbaijan belonged to Iran, but in 1818 it became the territory of the Russian Empire. There the appearance and flight abilities of the bird were formed on the basis of ancient Iranian pigeons.

But pigeons achieved modern achievements and their final appearance on the territory of Soviet Azerbaijan. Baku had the most bird enthusiasts. Each pigeon breeding family dynasty has tried for generations to develop the best qualities of the breed, strictly selecting the most capable sires and intensely training the young stock. As a result, the breed acquired valuable features:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • disease resistance;
  • high adaptive abilities;
  • rapid adaptability to feed;
  • duration and altitude of flight, high-quality combat and skillful play.

Baku pigeons are easy to care for and adapt well to living conditions and a variety of foods.

Thanks to the amateur Bakuvians, the breed achieved high levels of sporting achievements, because the main attention was paid to the development and improvement of these very traits. Azerbaijani pigeons have spread widely throughout the Caucasus, Krasnodar Territory and central Russia.

Breed Features

Amateur pigeon breeders gave their hearts to Baku pigeons not only for their beauty and unpretentiousness. What attracts them most is their mesmerizingly beautiful fight. If you devote enough time to training and are passionate about breeding, this quality will develop more and more. It sometimes takes a year to teach some pigeons to fly like this. There are also especially capable individuals who master science in a month. Everything will depend on the hereditary qualities of the bird.

Experts evaluate flying breeds according to several criteria:

  • how long can a bird stay in the air;
  • how masterly the pigeon “plays”;
  • how to navigate during the summer;
  • by the breadth of the color spectrum of plumage.

To be more precise about their vitality and endurance, they are not inferior even to sports breeds.

Professional breeders value Baku pigeons for their high quality of fighting.

The breed reproduces well in the climate of the middle zone, and the Baku parents are also excellent. The dove is capable of laying eggs even during the molting period. The breeder should know this and not allow the female’s body to become exhausted: everything that is useful for the pigeons to build a nest should be removed from the cage.

What they look like

The first examples of the breed appeared in the 50s of the last century. Compared to modern pigeons, their appearance was unimpressive. The coloring was nondescript, the bird was hunched over, and its short legs did not add elegance and grace to its gait. But in the air you could watch them for hours. And now experienced pigeon breeders claim that the pole bird, which is not distinguished by its beauty, has the best fight and flight.

By crossing birds of excellent color within the breed, pigeon breeders developed different species. Baku residents amaze with their variety of colors. You can find pure white color variations, speckled, forelock, black; with amber and cherry eyes. Among them there are many shaggy-legged pigeons, and there are also bare-legged individuals. However, in any case, their main purpose is the ability to fly long and high, to prove themselves in battle.

But decades passed, and the breed changed, lovers of Baku pigeons worked on their appearance and color, but the pigeons did not lose their flying qualities. Despite the variety of colors, Bakuvians are united by the common characteristics of the breed.

  • Magnitude Varies in the range of 34-37 cm.
  • Head. Regular oval in shape, covered with smooth feathers, some species have a crest. The transition to the beak is smooth, the back of the head is rounded, and the crown is rectangular.
  • Beak. Straight and thin, slightly curved downwards, up to 2.5 cm long.
  • Neck . Not too short, curves gracefully.
  • Body . Proportional and dense, spindle-shaped, muscular and strong.
  • Back . Wide at the shoulders, elongated towards the tail.
  • Wings . They are pressed tightly to the body, the long ends touch but do not cross, the tail is horizontal.
  • Feathers . Smooth, close to the body.
  • Eyes . Lively and shiny, the eyelids are thin and narrow.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, Baku pigeons have acquired an attractive appearance.

Krasnodar pigeon breeders made their contribution to improving the appearance and appearance of Baku pigeons. From the seventies to the nineties of the last century, they worked hard to improve the aesthetic qualities of the breed. New color and conformation options have appeared, the body has lengthened and become more proportional, the head has become drier and more graceful, and the chest has risen. The beak also became longer, and white eyelids appeared.

But Krasnodar breeders were too carried away by beauty, not paying enough attention to the fighting qualities of the bird, and their motley beauties were inferior to their Baku predecessors.


As with all breeds, offspring do not always live up to standards. If some flaws are allowed, then some of them force breeders to mercilessly cull the livestock. What shortcomings are considered minor?

  • If the crown has a slight roundness.
  • The eyelids are flesh-colored.
  • There is no bend in the neck.

A pigeon will not be included in the breed group and will not be taken for procreation if it has:

  • hunched back;
  • shortened body or beak;
  • raised forehead or back of the head;
  • neck not long or wide enough;
  • there are feathers on the fingers;
  • large and lumpy cere;
  • overly convex breasts;
  • short wings, tail;
  • Too long tail feathers are also not welcome;
  • the wing feathers are not closed.

The short body, wings and tail indicate the poor quality of the Baku pigeon breed.

Drooping wings or loose plumage indicate that the bird is sick and lacking nutrients, so this appearance is also considered a defect.

Years and game

Baku pigeons in flight cannot be confused with any other breeds; they have many flight patterns. They do not fly crowded, but scattered, each bird, showing the game, stays separately. They rise very high above the ground, turning into barely noticeable dots, sometimes becoming completely invisible. But if you work with pigeons, they can navigate perfectly and always return home. Sometimes they find their nest even hundreds of kilometers away.

A pigeon can stay in flight for a very long time: from 2 to 12 hours, they even say about them: “they survived the day in grief.”

In the game of pigeons, the main indicator is cleanliness and correctness when entering the post; at least 2 or 3 somersaults with claps are required.

There are several types of pigeon fighting.

  • "With exit to the pillar". This is the name of the game when a bird flaps its wings quickly and noisily in the air. The pigeon rises vertically, then instantly throws its head back and somersaults. The moment is also accompanied by a loud flapping of wings, hence the name of the trick. For many pigeons, the first exit is accompanied by a whole cascade of lifts and somersaults. When taking off at 15 m, there are sometimes up to 10 ascents and flips.
  • "Pillar with a screw". In this case, the pigeon walks with a shuttle, and when it somersaults, a click is also heard.
  • "Hanging fight". The peculiarity of this game is characterized by a leisurely flight; the bird, hovering in the air, turns over and rises again. The somersaults in this case are not so fast, but they are also illustrated by the clicking of the wings.

A pigeon of this breed can stay in the air for up to 12 hours at a time.

Sometimes the pigeon plays by flying horizontally, or by “gliding on boats,” but for the Baku breed this is considered a disadvantage. The main thing is that the pigeon does not fly after the others; individual flight is important for a truly beautiful game.

For those who want to achieve success in breeding Baku birds, the wings of the most capable individuals are clipped so that they do not disappear after flying long distances in bad weather. Bad weather is not a hindrance for a real Baku resident; a cool pigeon never gets tired and loves to fly.

Variety of colors

The range of color variations in Baku pigeons is quite wide, ranging from pure white colors to black and bronze. Let us describe several types of color of the breed.

  • Agbash. The species has different colors, but the head is always white. Among them there are representatives with bare legs, and also there are shaggy-legged birds; you can see smooth-headed and forelocked individuals.
  • Black-tailed pigeons. Usually the birds are monochromatic in different colors, but in any case the tail feathers are painted black or red.
  • White Baku pigeons. This is a whole squad of representatives of the breed, united by the white color. It is believed that they are superior in flight and combat qualities to other colors.
  • Mirror pigeons. Another subspecies of Baku, it is characterized by a symmetrical feather pattern, among them there are colored sides and tails.
  • Baku chili pigeons. They are found in black and red colors only with a variegated head; the brushes on the legs are also pockmarked; usually the feathers are black with white splashes. There are also forelock species among them. The plumage of this species is dense and dense, and has a purple tint on the neck and chest.
  • Marbled pigeons. Outwardly they resemble chili, but the color is speckled, that is, feathers of different colors alternate. Thanks to this feature, pigeons look very unusual. In young individuals, rare inclusions are lighter, but after molting they darken, the colors become more saturated, which indicates the maturity of the bird. The darker the colors, the older the pigeon.

Marbled fighting pigeons have a peculiarity: their color is associated with gender.

Marbled pigeons are able to mate only with pigeons of their own breed.

For example, a marbled dove from a partner of the same color will receive offspring of its own color only from males. When the male has homozygous genes, and his girlfriend is of a different color, the chicks will still all be marbled. If he is not homozygous, then the color of the chicks will alternate, regardless of gender.

  • Necked pigeons. The color of pigeons is most often white, their eyes are cherry, and they have no eyelids. The neck is without a characteristic bend; there is a bright spot on the back of it. Color options can be reddish, bluish, black, yellow, and there are also several multi-colored feathers in the tail. Chubby necks are rare.
  • Grivuny. The species was bred at the beginning of the 20th century by a breed lover, Schmidt. The creator tried to preserve all the advantages of the Baku pigeons, but developed a completely new type of pigeon with uniform light plumage and bright coloring on the nape. The front retains the typical cast on the neck. The forelock for hryvnias is a frequent occurrence; the back is always colored, but the front remains white.

The yellow pigeon is rare, the coloring is unusual for the native Baku people, it is a product of Krasnodar breeders. Usually this is the name given to hryvnias or necks with yellow spots on the neck.

Baku people of these colors are popular in Russia, as they are beautiful, unusual, and valued for their unpretentiousness and adaptability to various climatic conditions.

The yellow pigeon is extremely rare and is therefore highly valued by breeders.

Nuances of training

The pigeons of Azerbaijan have gained their popularity precisely for their flight qualities and beautiful and long fight. But how to achieve success, what is necessary for this?

  • In order for this valuable property to develop fully, it is important to pay special attention to training and quality nutrition. After all, a young bird requires a lot of strength for hard work.
  • Pigeon breeders believe that there is no point in delaying the start of training: the sooner you send a young pigeon to age, the better. Already at 30 - 40 days, young animals begin to accustom themselves to flight. Sometimes training begins later, at the end of two months of age, it depends on the conditions of detention and the physical condition of the bird. If you delay learning, it will be more difficult to achieve results. And it is not a fact that the attempts will be crowned with success.
  • If the Baku fighters start hitting too early, about 15 days after takeoff, then after molting a year later they may change their style of play. The best results are for those individuals who started playing at 5 or 7 months.
  • At first, the young fighter is not good at turning over correctly, he falls on his tail and loses height, after two months he will begin to roll over and learn the correct elements of combat.
  • The style of play of the Baku pigeon will be fully formed by 2 or 3 years, before which any breeder is not sure that the style of play will not change after molting. Therefore, to maintain valuable qualities, only proven birds are taken into the tribe. In this case, the abilities of the parents will be passed on to the offspring.
  • Youngsters who have not yet struck are released in large batches of 20 birds at a time, but experts recommend releasing no more than 7 or 8 birds together. When they have the same play style, you can race twice as much.

In order for young pigeons to learn to return home at the first call, breeders in Baku feed them little before the summer.

In winter, birds are kept locked up, because changeable weather can destroy a valuable bird, so it’s easier for them to fall into the clutches of a hawk. It is also not recommended to do this during the period of feeding young animals, since pigeons leave the nest for a long time.

For a beautiful fight, pigeons need to be trained for a long time and carefully.


  • The breed of Baku pigeons was formed on the territory of Azerbaijan.
  • This hardy and unpretentious bird is famous for its fighting qualities.
  • Azerbaijani pigeons have different colors and appearance.
  • Only through careful training and selective selection can high results in the fighting and play of pigeons be achieved.

Like many breeds of fighting pigeons, the Baku pigeons trace their ancestry to the region of the ancient Persian state, but they flourished and the most striking manifestation of their flight qualities and the formation of their appearance in Azerbaijan, which was part of Iran and only in 1828, according to the peaceful Turkmanchay Treaty, the northern part Azerbaijan passed to Russia. In northern Azerbaijan, the breed was extremely popular, winning the hearts of a huge number of pigeon lovers, who invested love and diligence into this breed, improving its unique summer qualities. Most of these pigeons were in Baku. From there they went to other cities of the Caucasus. During the Soviet Union, this breed spread to other regions. In the 50-60s of the 20th century in Baku, one could observe how flocks of pigeons were in the sky throughout the whole daylight hours. Pigeons soared in the warm air currents rising from the Caspian Sea. The duration and altitude of flight were achieved through severe selection. Every pigeon fancier was proud of the flight of his pigeons and appreciated a good “game” - fighting. The color and appearance of the pigeon faded into the background in those years.

Today, thanks to successful breeding work, interest in this breed has increased significantly in Russia. The ancient breed, which has a rich history, has undergone significant changes in its appearance, but has retained its flight and fighting qualities. Pigeons, which had an unremarkable plumage color, turned into the most beautiful birds.

A great contribution to improving the appearance was made by pigeon breeders of the Krasnodar Territory, who in the 70-90s achieved the special beauty of the Baku slaughter bird. Their result: completely new color variations in coloration, a beautiful figure with a spindle-shaped physique, a dry, elongated head with a long thin beak, a white eyelid, a raised chest that formed a medium stance from a low one. In fairness, it should be noted that the Krasnodar "Bakuvians", having won in the exterior, lost their extraordinary flight qualities and began to be significantly inferior to the Bakuvians in the quality and beauty of the "combat". There are pigeon breeders who attach equal importance to the external beauty of the bird and the beauty of flight. If we evaluate the breeds of flying game pigeons according to a set of indicators: height, duration of summer, virtuoso “game”, good orientation, wide range of colors of plumage - the Baku game pigeons will be in one of the first places. Flight: Baku residents fly in all directions. Each pigeon flies independently with good game, rising to a decent height to difficult-to-see points, and sometimes completely disappearing from view. Pigeons are able to rise to a fairly large height, often hide from view, and are well oriented. A well-trained, purebred “Baku native” is able to find his home even several hundred kilometers away. There are several types of game (combat): “With an exit into a pillar” - when the flight of a pigeon is accompanied by frequent sharp and noisy flapping of its wings, the pigeon rushes vertically upward and at the peak of its rise makes a sharp flip back over its head, which is accompanied by a sonorous clicking of the ends of its wings. This kind of acrobatic-sound trick is called combat. For many Baku residents, the first “step into the pillar” continues in the form of a whole series of climbs and somersaults, sometimes reaching 8-10 times with a rise of more than 15 meters. The “post with a screw” looks especially beautiful - smooth spiral rotation to the right or left with flips accompanied by a distinct click. “Hanging fight” - With this type of game, pigeons fly slower, periodically stop, turn over and slowly rise up. The flips are not as sharp as those of birds with “pillar fighting”, but are also accompanied by a distinct click of the wings. Some hovering pigeons do not fly in circles, but rise with fluttering movements on air currents, turning against the wind. “Fighting with a tape” and “hammering” are considered a disadvantage among Baku residents.

There is a wide range of color options for the plumage of Baku residents from pure white to bronze, for example: white-headed (agbash); white-breasted (agdash); variegated (chili), colored-tailed or with a colored spot on the neck to match the tail (like hryvnias) - “necks”, fully colored - yellow, red, black, marbled, gray-belted, pockmarked. There are also piebald colors - like Sverdlovsk ones. Among the Baku breeds of pigeons there are bare-footed and with feathered legs, smooth-headed (foreheadless) and with large forelocks from ear to ear. In terms of their viability, these pigeons are not inferior even to sporting species. High merits determined the wide distribution of this breed. Pigeons adapt to different climates without losing their flying qualities. They do not require special conditions of detention. They are unpretentious to feed and resistant to diseases. They hatch and feed the chicks well.

Chile................................................. ............

Chili - colorful pigeons. There are black and red with a variegated head, black and red with variegated brushes and head, black with individual white specks. The bird's flight is individual, long, high-altitude, with a smooth transition to a vertical stance, after which there are sharp somersaults with a crash (clicks). They are not picky about living conditions. The pigeons are strong, well-built, and of medium size. The head is oblong, smooth or with a forelock, dry, with a rounded forehead, the crown is flat, rectangular. The eyes are light, with yellowish tint, the eyelids are white and narrow. The beak is white, thin, straight, slightly curved at the end; in pigeons with a black (dark) head, the beak is dark, the cere is poorly developed, white, smooth. The neck is of medium length, with a slight bend. The chest is wide, slightly convex. The back is wide at the shoulders, long, slightly sloping towards the tail. The body is elongated. The wings are long, tightly pressed to the body, converge at the end of the tail, and their ends lie on it. The tail is closed and consists of 12 wide tail feathers. The legs are densely feathered with short (2-3 cm) feathers, the ends of the toes are bare, red, the claws are white. The plumage is dense, thick, with a brilliant purple tint on the neck and chest. ........................................................ ....Marble............................................. ..........

The exterior of the marbled is identical to the chili, but the color of the plumage has a speckled appearance with alternating multi-colored feathers. It looks very unusual and attractive. Young pigeons have lighter plumage with rare splashes of color, but after molting the color becomes darker and more saturated. By the intensity of the marbled color of a pigeon, one can approximately judge its age. In the background of the right photo (below) you can trace this pattern: for example, in the upper right corner there is a younger pigeon in the foreground, and behind it is much older, judging by the richness of the plumage. The bronze ones are especially beautiful - the main color of the feather is brass, with black and red random inclusions.

The color of the marbled Baku is linked to the floor. For example, if a marbled dove is mated with a colored (solid) pigeon, then the chicks will be: all the females are colored (not marbled), and the males are marbled like the mother. And if you mate a marbled pigeon with a non-marbled pigeon, then the color of the offspring will depend on the genetics of the father: - if he is homozygous, then all the birds, both females and males, will turn out with a marbled color. -if the male is not homozygous, then the color of the children will alternate - sometimes marbled, sometimes colored, regardless of gender.

Baku necks................................................... ..

At the beginning of the twentieth century. in Baku, an expert and lover of pigeons, Schmidt, created the original breed of Baku hryvnias. They fly very high - they hide from sight, go well into the “pillar” and play with the fight with “clicks”. The body is strong, streamlined, spindle-shaped, elongated. The physique is proportional to the height. The average size is 34–37 cm. The head is regular in shape, dry, slightly elongated with a gently elongated forehead descending to the beak, the crown is smooth, flattened with a rounded nape. The beak is proportional to the head, long (20-25 mm), white, well closed, slightly curved at the end. The cere is small, smooth, and white. Males are thicker. Eyes – dark cherry, medium size, lively, expressive. The eyelid is narrow, delicate, white. The neck is of medium length, corresponding to the body, with a slight bend; it is thin at the head, then smoothly passes into the chest and back, widening towards the shoulders. The wings are long, converging at the end of the tail, but not crossing, lying on the tail. Closed tightly and adjacent to the body. Legs are of medium length. Poorly feathered metatarsus or no feathers at all, light red legs, white or flesh-colored claws. The chest is of medium width, rounded, slightly raised. The back is moderately wide at the shoulders, straight, elongated, slightly sloping towards the tail. The tail is flat, not wide, with 12–14 wide feathers, like a continuation of the back, parallel to the floor (ground). The plumage fits tightly to the body. The color is white, matte, slightly shimmering on the neck, the pattern on the back of the neck has a rich color (black, red, yellow and gray) with a slight overlap on the back. If the pigeon is forelocked, then the front side of the forelock is white, the back side is colored, and there are several colored feathers in the tail. The entire plumage is white except for the colored tail with undertail, rump and a spot on the back of the neck. If the pigeon is forelocked, then the front side of the forelock is white and the back side is colored. Colored plumage is black, red and yellow. In recent years, Baku fighting dogs with a colored spot on the neck have been found in many cities of the country, where they are often called necks, only they usually have a white tail with several colored feathers in the middle or along the edges (feathers) and are mostly toothless. Acceptable faults: slightly rounded crown; flesh-colored eyelid; neck without bend; Unacceptable shortcomings: short body; hunched back; high forehead or back of the head; thick or short beak; large uneven cere; colored eyes, short or thick neck; short wings; feathering on fingers; strongly convex chest; tail with cut feathers, touching the floor (ground), short; loose plumage; candle stand; wingedness.

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2024 Cats and dogs. Small animals. Health. Medicine.