Protein diet for weight loss for 2 weeks. Two options for a protein diet and differences in the protein menu. Protein diet menu for weight loss

If once you stepped on the scale, you realized that it was time to finally take control of your excess weight, but, having assessed the possibilities, you decided that you were not ready to starve, then the best solution in your situation would be a protein diet for a week, two or even a month, satisfying and at the same time healthy for your figure. What options does modern dietetics offer?

Features of protein diets

Protein food is that component of the diet that, with a relatively low calorie content, gives a feeling of fullness. Therefore, on a protein diet, you will not suffer from hunger, except that it will be psychologically difficult to tolerate the lack of sugar and sweets in your diet. Every day you will lose weight, but not by reducing muscle mass, because proteins are the main building block of muscle tissue.

But protein diets also have disadvantages, and the longer the diet lasts, the more likely they are to appear. For example, excess protein in the diet puts a strain on the kidneys; it is not recommended for those who suffer from pyelonephritis or other kidney diseases. The diet helps remove excess fluid and calcium, so its side effects may include brittle hair and nails, as well as dry skin.

In order to compensate for these shortcomings, long-term protein diets involve a number of carbohydrate-fat additions to the diet, as well as enhanced drinking regime and taking vitamin and mineral complexes.

Seven days is optimal time, during which you can lose 3-5 kg, but not feel the side effects of the diet. Therefore, the protein diet menu for a week contains practically no fats and carbohydrates, but additionally includes fiber. The menu we offer below uses an intensive weight loss system with limited food intake.

First day

For breakfast, the protein diet menu for the week actually recommends a sandwich made from whole grain bread and a slice of boiled beef weighing 150 g. You can wash this down with tea without sugar. For lunch, the same slice of beef and 200 g of salad from non-starchy vegetables are recommended. For an afternoon snack, you can eat a glass of natural yogurt, a slice of white cheese and one tomato. For dinner, prepare steamed fish (100 g), and a serving of 200 g of vegetable salad.

Second day

For breakfast, take half a pack of low-fat cottage cheese (150 g) and a cup of green tea. For lunch, 200 g of beef and vegetables are stewed. The afternoon snack consists of half an apple and a glass of strawberries. For dinner you can eat 150 g of boiled fish and 100 g of fresh vegetables.

The third day

For breakfast, the protein diet menu for the week offers a 200 g portion of chicken, an apple and a cup of tea. For lunch - 150 g of boiled beans and 200 g of seasonal vegetable salad. In the afternoon you can have a snack with a glass of raspberries and the same amount of kefir with a fat content of 1%. For dinner, a slice of boiled beef weighing 150 g and the same amount coleslaw.

Fourth day

For breakfast we drink a glass of low-fat kefir with diet cookies. For lunch we prepare 150 g of chicken and one apple. The afternoon snack consists of two tangerines and a glass of low-fat yogurt. For dinner we eat 200 g of boiled fish and 100 g of vegetables.

Fifth day

The protein diet menu for the week recommends eating 150 g of beef with an apple and a portion of tea for breakfast. For lunch we cook 200 g of fish with a slice of whole grain bread. A snack includes a glass of blueberries and the same amount of low-fat kefir. For dinner we eat another 100 g of fish and 200 g of fresh vegetable salad.

Sixth day

The morning meal consists of half a pack of low-fat cottage cheese and green tea. Sugar is excluded. Lunch consists of 200 g of stewed beans and 100 g of fresh vegetables. A snack can be made from one orange and a couple of kiwis. For dinner again fish in the amount of 100 g and 150 g of fresh vegetable salad.

Seventh day

For breakfast, the protein diet menu for the week includes a glass of milk and two lean cookies. For lunch - 200 g of beef, 100 g of salad. The snack consists of 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, greens and cucumbers. And for dinner you can cook soup in meat broth with vegetables, eat 100 g of lean beef and a piece of bread.

From time to time, you can replace the beef with lamb or lean parts of pork fillet. For vegetable salads, you can use beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage (including sauerkraut), bell peppers, and carrots.

Protein diet for 2 weeks

It will be much more difficult to stay on a diet with limited carbohydrates for two weeks than in the case of a protein diet for a week. Therefore, if you are planning this diet option, variety is added to the menu: a second snack is added between breakfast and lunch, as well as an additional portion of food 2 hours before bedtime. Thus, you get a dense diet of 6 meals a day, which will not allow you to feel constant hunger.

When on a protein diet for 2 weeks, you can choose the following meal options as a snack between breakfast and lunch:

  • egg and coleslaw;
  • cabbage and green pea salad (150 g), a slice of bread;
  • egg, apple, two kiwis;
  • egg, 50 g cheese;
  • one apple or orange;
  • 150 g cottage cheese.

As an additional meal 2 hours before bedtime during a protein diet for 2 weeks, you can use the following options:

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Losing weight up to 10 kg in 14 days.
Average daily calorie content 700 Kcal.

Protein diet is rightfully considered one of the most effective and efficient nutrition systems - diets for weight loss. This popular diet is designed for an active lifestyle. A protein diet shows its effectiveness best with additional training in the gym such as fitness, aerobics, shaping, etc. at least 3 times a week. In addition, a protein diet for 14 days involves at least 6 meals a day.

The protein diet menu completely excludes all foods high in carbohydrates and strictly limits the amount of fat. These high-protein foods dominate the menu, along with vegetables and fruits, which are sources of fiber, mineral complexes and essential vitamins.

The protein diet is presented on the website in two menu options: and for 14 days. The effectiveness and average calorie content of these menus are completely identical, the only difference is the duration of the diet.

Protein Diet Requirements

On a protein diet, simple recommendations are required to follow:

Eat at least 6 times a day;
. alcohol is not allowed on a protein diet;
. do not eat later than 2-3 hours before bedtime;
. all foods for the diet must be dietary - with a minimum fat content;
. you should drink 2 liters of regular non-mineralized water per day;

The protein diet menu can be adjusted according to your wishes and preferences on other days, so that the daily calorie content does not exceed 700 Kcal.

Protein diet menu for 14 days

1 day (Monday)
. Breakfast: coffee or tea.
. Second breakfast: egg and cabbage salad.
. Lunch: 100 g chicken breast, 100 g rice.
. Afternoon snack: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese.
. Dinner: steamed fish 100 g (pollock, flounder, cod, tuna) or boiled fish with vegetable salad (100 g).
. 2 hours before bedtime: glass tomato juice.

Day 2 of the diet (Tuesday)
. Breakfast: coffee or tea.
. Second breakfast: cabbage salad with green peas 150 g, cracker.
. Lunch: steamed or boiled fish 150 g, 100 g rice.
. Afternoon snack: vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers) in olive oil.
. Dinner: 200 g boiled or steamed lean beef.
. Before bed: a glass of kefir.

Day 3 (Wednesday)
. Breakfast: coffee or tea.
. Second breakfast: an egg, an apple or an orange, or two kiwis.
. Lunch: egg, 200 g carrot salad with olive oil.
. Afternoon snack: vegetable salad 200 g (cabbage, carrots, bell pepper).
. Dinner: 200 g of boiled or steamed lean beef or steamed chicken.

Day 4 (Thursday)
. Breakfast: tea or coffee.
. Second breakfast: egg, 50 g cheese.
. Lunch: 300 g of zucchini fried in olive oil.
. Afternoon snack: small grapefruit.
. Dinner: vegetable salad 200 g.
. Before bedtime: apple juice 200 g.

Day 5 (Friday)
. Breakfast: tea or coffee.
. Second breakfast: vegetable salad 150 g.
. Lunch: 150 g steamed fish, 50 g boiled rice.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g carrot salad.
. Dinner: one apple.

Day 6 (Saturday)
. Breakfast: tea or coffee.
. Second breakfast: egg and vegetable salad 150 g.
. Lunch: 150 g chicken breast, 50 g boiled rice.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g. vegetable salad.
. Dinner: egg and 150 g carrot salad in olive oil.
. Before bed: tea or a glass of kefir.

Day 7 (Sunday)
. Breakfast: tea or coffee.
. Second breakfast: apple or orange.
. Lunch: 200 g of boiled beef.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g of cottage cheese.
. Dinner: vegetable salad 200 g.
. Before bed: tea or a glass of kefir.

Day 8 (Monday)
. Breakfast: tea.
. Second breakfast: apple.
. Lunch: 150 g chicken, 100 g buckwheat porridge.
. Afternoon snack: 50 g cheese.
. Dinner: vegetable salad 200 g.
. Before bed: tea or a glass of kefir.

Day 9 (Tuesday)
. Breakfast: coffee.
. Second breakfast: cabbage salad 200 g.
. Lunch: 150 g chicken, 50 g boiled rice.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g carrot salad.

. Before bed: tea or a glass of kefir.

Day 10 (Wednesday)
. Breakfast: tea.

. Lunch: 150 g of fish, 50 g of rice as a side dish.
. Afternoon snack: tomato juice 200 g.
. Dinner: small grapefruit.
. Before bed: tea, black or green.

Day 11 (Thursday)
. Breakfast: coffee.
. Second breakfast: one egg.
. Lunch: vegetable salad 200 g.
. Afternoon snack: 50 g of cheese.
. Dinner: apple or orange or 2 kiwis.

Day 12 (Friday)
. Breakfast: tea.
. Second breakfast: apple.
. Lunch: 150 g boiled beef, 50 g rice.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g cabbage salad with olive oil.
. Dinner: 2 eggs.
. Before bed: a glass of kefir or tea.

Day 13 (Saturday)
. Breakfast: coffee.
. Second breakfast: vegetable salad 200 g.
. Lunch: 150 g of boiled beef, 50 g of oatmeal or buckwheat porridge.
. Afternoon snack: a glass of orange juice.
. Dinner: 100 g boiled fish, 50 g rice.
. Before bed: a glass of kefir or tea.

Day 14 (Sunday)
. Breakfast: tea.
. Second breakfast: cottage cheese 150 g.
. Lunch: 150 g fish, 50 g boiled rice.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g vegetable salad.
. Dinner: 2 eggs and a slice of bread.
. Before bed: a glass of tomato juice.

Contraindications for a protein diet

Before this diet, undergo a mandatory medical examination, because a protein diet is not allowed for everyone and is completely prohibited:
1. in case of abnormalities in the functioning of the heart (arrhythmia) and any of its diseases;
2. hepatitis and any liver diseases;
3. during breastfeeding and during pregnancy;
4. for kidney dysfunction;
5. for joint pain or related diseases;
6. for colitis, dysbacteriosis, chronic pancreatitis and a number of other diseases of the digestive system;
7. the diet increases the risk of thrombosis and is therefore not recommended in old age;
8. for a duration of more than 4 weeks.

Advantages of a protein diet for 14 days

1. During the diet, you will be able to carry out fitness or shaping training along with weight loss.
2. On a protein diet there is no feeling of hunger, because... Protein foods take up to 4 hours to digest, and menu snacks take less than 3 hours (with 6 meals a day).
3. Any manifestations of weakness, general fatigue, lethargy, dizziness will be minimal - compared to other diets.
4. The protein diet for 14 days is one of the simplest and easiest to restrict.
5. The healing of the body occurs in a comprehensive manner - the hips become more elastic, the skin is tightened and stimulated, sleep is normalized, cellulite is reduced, mood and performance improve - due to additional stress while limiting fat.
6. Menu included a large number of vegetable fiber, therefore interruptions in intestinal function are unlikely.
7. The rate of weight loss on a protein diet is not the highest, but its results are different - if you follow the correct diet after the diet, weight gain will not occur for a long time.
8. Exercising in the gym while dieting will only enhance the weight loss effect, giving you slimness and grace.

Disadvantages of a protein diet for 14 days

1. The protein diet for 14 days is not optimally balanced, although it is used simultaneously with fitness or shaping.
2. Sudden surges in blood pressure are possible.
3. A six-meal diet is not suitable for everyone.
4. Classes are expected in gyms– which is not always possible.
5. Repeating this version of the protein diet for 14 days is possible no earlier than in a month.
6. Any chronic diseases may worsen during a diet.
7. During a diet, the body does not have enough vitamins, microelements and minerals and the negative effect only intensifies with additional loads. It is necessary to take multivitamin preparations or their complexes.

A protein diet for 14 days is the most effective method weight loss at home for those who want to lose a couple of kilograms or get rid of obesity, but are not ready to immediately give up their usual food. The diet is designed in such a way that hunger is practically not felt. Adhering to this regimen, a person loses an average of 5-8 kilograms in two weeks.

What is a protein diet

The basis of the diet program is to increase protein in the diet and minimize fat and carbohydrates. Saturation of the body essential vitamins, microelements occurs due to the abundant consumption of fruits and vegetables. This method of losing weight is suitable for people who are accustomed to leading an active lifestyle - physical exercise will significantly increase the effectiveness of a protein diet and food absorption.


The protein diet does not provide a clear menu and can be adjusted at will, but, nevertheless, even with their alternative replacement, any refusal of foods familiar to the body is a kind of stress for the whole body. Therefore, in order for weight loss not to be harmful to health, a protein diet requires compliance with certain rules:

  • meals should be at least 6 times a day;
  • It is prohibited to consume any alcoholic beverages;
  • eat no later than 3 hours before bedtime;
  • Drink at least 2 liters of regular boiled water per day.


Changing your diet does not go unnoticed, and in some cases can have a detrimental effect on human health. When following any diet, it is necessary to take into account not only the current state of health, but also previous diseases. Before starting a protein diet for 14 days, to avoid complications, you should consult with a nutritionist about side effects and take into account that there is a danger of its use in such cases:

  • for heart diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • kidney stones, other urinary tract diseases;
  • hormonal diseases.

Protein diet for weight loss at home

A protein diet for 14 days is effective for weight loss because animal fat and carbohydrates are completely excluded from the diet for two weeks, replacing them with proteins and proteins of natural origin - meat, fish. Everyone can vary depending on their preferences: divide lunch, breakfast and dinner into two parts, replace chicken with veal, fish with seafood.

Authorized Products

  1. Dietary types of meat are allowed and required, for example, chicken, beef, rabbit.
  2. Among the fish you should choose dietary varieties: pike perch, hake, pelengas.
  3. It is allowed to consume rice and buckwheat in small quantities.
  4. Sweets should be replaced with walnuts.
  5. Among fermented milk products allowed: low-fat cottage cheese, milk, cheese, kefir, goat cheese.
  6. All types allowed edible mushrooms, egg.

Prohibited Products

The main ingredients of the protein food system are meat and fish, but you need to cook non-fatty varieties of these products. Under no circumstances will pork or lamb be suitable. No bream or mackerel allowed. All types of baked goods and sweets should be excluded. You cannot season salads with sunflower oil, sour cream, mayonnaise, only lemon juice. Under no circumstances should you use:

  • canned meat or fish;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fatty dairy products: sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurts;
  • sparkling water;
  • vegetables with high starch content.

Protein diet menu for 14 days

When creating a menu, there are certain recommendations for preparing dishes and selecting products, but there are no clear rules and regulations. The essence of the diet is to completely remove fats from the diet and replace them natural proteins . Protein products should be selected exclusively according to your body, health status and the recommendations of a nutritionist.

  1. Breakfast. During the entire period, breakfast with a protein diet for 14 days is practically unchanged - fermented milk low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese in small quantities. For fruit, an apple or vegetable salad is ideal. For drinks, green tea without sugar is recommended. In order to ease the feeling of hunger, it is recommended to drink a glass of boiled water ten minutes before meals.
  2. Dinner. Involves preparing a wider variety of protein-rich dishes. From meat products Recommended choice: boiled chicken breast, 100 grams of grilled beef, 150 grams of stewed rabbit meat. Boiled or stewed fish (no more than 150 grams) is acceptable. From liquid: ear or chicken bouillon, no more than three ladles. For the second course: two tablespoons of rice or buckwheat, vegetable salad and unsweetened fruit, fruit juice.
  3. Dinner. Should also contain meat or fish dishes high in protein. It could be chicken - 250 grams, beef - 200 grams, fish - 150 grams. Tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce. To prevent vegetables from becoming boring when fresh, you can bake broccoli, cauliflower. Recommended seafood dishes: boiled mussels, oysters, squid ring salad.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

16 Mar 2017


From excess weight– is not an indicator of excellent health in a person, but quite the opposite. Additional kilograms indicate that there is a malfunction in the body and it is not working correctly. Diets specially developed by nutritionists will help cope with the problem. The most effective and efficient of them is protein.

Protein diet for weight loss

Meals consisting of products with increased content squirrel is a protein diet for fast weight loss. But it also means strict control and limitation of the intake of carbohydrates and fats. During this effective diet the body intensively removes fluid and calcium. With such a diet, a large load is placed on the kidneys, and as a result, a person may experience dry skin, dull hair, and brittle nails.

To stay hydrated and stay well, you should drink plenty of purified water, as indicated in the fluid intake chart. It will not be superfluous to take vitamins. The combination of a proper and balanced diet and exercise allows you to get a colossal effect. It is not necessary to train in the gym; simple exercises that will take half an hour of your time will suffice. A protein diet for 2 weeks can completely transform your figure.

Pros of a protein diet

This diet has many advantages. The main advantages of a protein diet:

  • Satisfies hunger for a long time. Protein is a complex element, the body needs time and strength to digest it. This is the reason for eliminating the feeling of hunger for several hours.
  • A balanced diet helps you not gain kilograms, but quickly lose them.

Cons of a protein diet

There are disadvantages of a protein diet:

  • After finishing a diet, it’s easy to fall back on carbohydrate foods ( flour products, pasta);
  • the condition of nails and hair may worsen;
  • Diet causes frequent mood swings.

What can you eat on a protein diet?

The list of foods that you can eat on a protein diet includes the following main ingredients:

  • Dishes from poultry, rabbit, veal, beef, lamb. You can cook meat according to various recipes: steam, boil, stew, fry without oil.
  • A variety of lean fish. Choose varieties at your discretion, it is a matter of taste.
  • Chicken or quail eggs rich in protein.
  • Vegetables (everything except potatoes). They can be taken fresh or in frozen mixtures. Cook soups with them, fry, stew, give preference to greens and cabbage - white, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts.

A protein diet - it is better to prepare a menu for 14 days in advance - should not be skimpy. The diet can be diluted by consuming the following products: canned fish, lightly salted lard, high-quality sausages, dark chocolate, fruit in moderation. Tomatoes have a special role: they contain lycopene, which our body needs. Salads should be seasoned with lemon juice, flaxseed or olive oil. During a strict diet, you can use different spices. It is necessary to limit salt.

It is prohibited to use:

  • potato;
  • bakery products;
  • porridge, pasta;
  • any sweet drinks;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Protein day menu

After successful weight loss, you need to keep in shape with the help of effective fasting days. They are held once a week at home, on this day only protein foods are consumed. Remember to drink about two liters of sugar-free liquid. You are allowed to eat vegetables, raw, boiled or stewed. Eating occurs every 4-5 hours. There are several types of fasting days:

  • Fasting day on meat. For a day you can eat only lean meat, boiled or stewed. It must be divided into equal portions and eaten throughout the day. You can satisfy your hunger with low-calorie vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers). In the evening, if desired, you are allowed to drink 250 grams of kefir with 1% fat content.
  • According to reviews, a day on kefir is the most popular and effective. You need to drink one and a half liters of kefir per day. The diet can be varied with apples in the amount of 3-5 pieces. But you should not forget about drinking plenty of water.
  • A fasting day on fish is very similar to a fasting day on meat. For this you can take hake, salmon, pelengas, pink salmon, and silver carp. The menu for a protein day consists of 600 grams of your choice delicious fish. Drinking lemon water or water with ginger will help in the fight against hunger. You can start your morning with green tea.

Types of protein diet

There are a variety of protein diet options. The duration of such a diet varies from 5 to 14 days. Accelerated and quick way weight loss – protein diet for five days. It is used if you need to quickly lose excess weight. The main products in this high protein diet are:

  • meat, preferably chicken fillet;
  • fermented milk products and milk;
  • Herb tea, still mineral water (no coffee allowed).

The ten-day diet is practically no different from the previous one. The only difference is in the consumption of fermented milk products; they should be taken every 6 hours, 200 grams. Fractional meals and small portions will not allow you to feel hungry. Be sure to drink plenty of still water and exercise exercise. The extra pounds will disappear very quickly. The diet for 2 weeks is significantly different from the previous ones. Sample menu A protein diet for weight loss also includes a small amount of carbohydrate foods.

Protein diet menu for 14 days

A detailed description of the diet will help you quickly lose weight without harming your health. Protein diet for 14 days:

  1. Breakfast – 270 ml of coffee drink. Lunch – 1 tbsp. ryazhenka, 2 eggs, 130 grams of boiled cabbage. Dinner – 250 grams of boiled fish with broth.
  2. Breakfast – 230 ml of fruit juice without sugar, scrambled eggs from 2 eggs without butter. Lunch – 170 grams of fish, 120 g of beets. Dinner – 200 grams of kefir, 0.2 kg of rabbit meat.
  3. Breakfast – 4 quail eggs, 270 ml unsweetened tea. Lunch – 180 g steamed chicken, 100 g stewed zucchini, 1 grapefruit. Dinner – 2 eggs, 170 g lean beef, 125 g fresh vegetable salad.
  4. Breakfast – 270 ml tea without sugar, 20 g cheese, 10 g butter. Lunch – 2 boiled carrots, salmon steak 150 g, fresh fruit 150 g. Dinner – 1 tbsp. ryazhenka, 25 g cheese.
  5. Breakfast – 1 raw carrot, 270 ml tea. Lunch – 1 glass of curdled milk, pork with vegetables 250 g, banana. Dinner – 1 tbsp. kefir, 1 egg, 25 g cheese.
  6. Breakfast – 250 ml tea, 2 eggs, 15 g dark chocolate. Lunch – 170 g boiled rabbit meat, 150 g vegetable salad, 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream. Dinner – 100 g of raw carrots seasoned with vegetable oil, steamed chicken eggs hard-boiled
  7. Breakfast – 270 ml of tea, 4 quail eggs, 15 g of dark chocolate. Lunch – 170 g beef, 120 g buckwheat, 2 apples or 1 banana. Dinner – 2 eggs, 100 g fish, 1 tbsp. kefir, 150 g vegetables.
  8. The second week repeats the menu of the first, but order is in progress on the contrary, i.e. Day 8 equals day 7, day 9 equals day 6, etc.
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