What determines the orientation of professionally applied physical science. Professional applied physical culture: purpose and objectives

Professional applied physical training of students

Student of group No. 921

Zakharov Artemy Sergeevich

Checked by: Vasilevsky Valery




1. Purpose and understanding of PPPP

2.PPFP objectives

PPPP means for students

Organization and forms of PPPP at the university

Purpose and concept of PPFP

Vocational applied physical training is a specially targeted and selective use of physical culture and sports to prepare a person for a specific professional activity.

The main purpose of PPPP is the targeted development and maintenance at an optimal level of those mental and physical qualities of a person for which specific professional activities place increased demands, as well as the development of the body’s functional resistance to the conditions of this activity and the formation of applied motor skills.

Each profession places specific demands on a person and often very high demands on his physical and mental qualities and applied skills. In this regard, there is a need to profile the process of physical education when preparing students for work, to combine general physical training with specialized - professionally applied physical training.

A surveyor or geologist needs the ability to navigate the terrain. He must be able to prepare lodgings for the night, cook food in hiking conditions. Correct crossing of a river or behavior in the mountains and taiga are vital skills. Tourism classes for such specialties will be preparation for professional activities.

In order to be realized in their professional activities, workers in a number of engineering and technical specialties (radio electronics engineer, mechanical engineer, etc.) need to have a number of physical qualities. They are required to be able to dose small-sized force voltages when using various hand and foot controls (buttons, handles, levers, pedals), when working with personal computer, display equipment, oscilloscope, etc. The work of representatives of the mental type of work (economists, designers, constructors, lawyers) is often characterized by physical inactivity, prolonged stay in a forced position (sitting, standing) during design work and camera work. All this speaks to the need to develop static endurance of the muscles of the torso and back, which experience the greatest stress during sedentary work.

The professional activities of a number of modern engineering and technical specialties often contain operations related to the manipulation of small objects and tools. They must have the ability to perform fast, accurate and economical movements, have dexterity and coordination of movements of the hands and fingers.

In the professions of an engineer, manager, teacher, and scientist, mental qualities play an important role. During intense mental activity, attention is especially necessary: ​​the ability to simultaneously perceive several objects (attention span), perform several actions (distribution of attention), and quickly transfer attention from object to object (concentration). In addition, the following are required: operational thinking, operational and long-term memory, neuro-emotional stability, endurance, self-control.

Thus, the professional activities of modern specialists place quite stringent demands on them, including physical and mental qualities and abilities. In the process of general physical training, it is almost impossible to form such a level of psychophysical preparedness that would ensure highly productive professional activity. In many cases, special physical exercises and sports are necessary, that is, professionally applied physical training (PPPT).

During the period of preparation for professional activity, that is, while studying at a university, it is necessary to create the psychophysical prerequisites and readiness of the student:

to accelerate vocational training;

achieving highly productive work in the chosen profession;

preventing occupational diseases and injuries, ensuring professional longevity;

the use of physical culture and sports for active recreation and restoration of general and professional performance during work and free time;

fulfillment of official and public functions for the introduction of physical culture and sports in the professional team.

2. PPFP objectives

The specific tasks of students’ PPPP are determined by the characteristics of their future professional activities and are to:

generate the necessary applied knowledge;

master applied skills and abilities;

cultivate applied psychophysical qualities;

cultivate applied special qualities.

^ Applied knowledge related to future professional activity. The student receives applied knowledge through lectures on academic discipline“Physical culture”, during conversations and methodological instructions at educational and training sessions, by self-study literature.

^ Applied skills and abilities ensure safety at home and when performing professional types of work. They are formed in the process of active physical education and sports. A special role in this belongs to applied sports: tourism, motorsports, water sports, etc.

^ Applied physical qualities- speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and agility - are necessary in many types of professional activities. Some types of work place increased demands on general endurance, others on speed or dexterity, others on the strength of individual muscle groups, etc. Advance focused formation of the necessary applied physical qualities in the process of physical education to the professionally required level is one of the tasks of the PPPP.

^ Applied mental qualities and the personality traits necessary for a future specialist can be developed both during educational and training sessions and independently. During physical education classes, sports training, and regular independent physical exercise, conditions can also be created under which such volitional qualities as perseverance, determination, courage, endurance, self-control, and self-discipline are manifested.

Many sports and especially game moments can simulate possible life situations in a production team when performing professional types of work. The habit of observing established norms and rules of behavior developed in sports activities (sense of teamwork, self-control, respect for opponents, hard work, self-discipline) is transferred to daily life, into professional activities. Consciously overcoming difficulties in the process of regular physical education and sports, combating increasing fatigue, feelings of pain and fear cultivate will, self-discipline, and self-confidence.

^ Applied special qualities- is the body's ability to withstand specific influences external environment: cold and heat, motion sickness in a car, at sea, in the air, hypoxia. Such abilities can be developed through hardening, dosed heat training, special exercises affecting the vestibular apparatus (somersaults, rotations). different planes), strengthening the abdominal muscles, endurance exercises that cause motor hypoxia, etc.

It is possible to develop special qualities in the process of physical therapy not only with the help of specially selected exercises, but also with regular practice of relevant applied sports. One should also keep in mind the features of the so-called nonspecific human adaptation. It has been established that a well-physically developed and trained person acclimatizes faster to a new area, tolerates low and high temperatures more easily, is more resistant to infections, penetrating radiation, etc.

3.Main factors determining the content of PPPP

In various fields of professional work, there are currently several thousand professions, and tens of thousands of specialties.

Only relatively few of modern professions require the maximum or close to it mobilization of physical abilities in the process of work itself. In most types of professional work, even physical work, the requirements for physical capabilities are far from maximum.

In order to successfully prepare yourself for professional activity, you need to know the main factors that determine the specific content of the PPFP (professiogram):

forms (types) of labor of specialists in this profile;

conditions and nature of work;

work and rest schedule;

features of the dynamics of the performance of specialists in the process of work and the specifics of their professional fatigue and morbidity.

^ Forms of labor. The main forms of labor are physical and mental. This division is somewhat arbitrary, but necessary, since with its help it is easier to study the dynamics of a specialist’s performance during the working day. In addition, such a division ensures a more effective selection of means of physical education and sports in order to prepare the student for the upcoming professional activity. For example, different qualities of attention are important for mental work. Stability in the manifestation of attention is developed by athletics exercises (running 15–20 m for a specified time, relay races, cross-country running, etc.); sport games; ski training (mountain descents with various types of braking, overcoming uneven surfaces, orienteering).

Working conditions - length of working hours, comfort of the production area (temperature, vibration, noise, pollution, etc.) Correctly selected means of physical training in the process of physical education help to increase the body's resistance to adverse production factors and help increase the adaptive capabilities of the body of a young specialist. Endurance and resistance to high temperature are achieved through physical exercises accompanied by significant heat generation: running 500, 1000 and 3000 m, intensive skiing, playing football, basketball. Endurance and resistance to low temperatures are ensured through physical exercises performed in low temperature conditions in lightweight clothing, hardening with cold air and water.

^ Nature of work- features of motor work operations, the characteristics of which are mainly taken into account:

type of movements (lifting, lowering, rotational, impact, etc.);

range of motion (small, medium, large);

power characteristics movements (static, dynamic load, magnitude of forces);

features of movement coordination.

For example, when operators work on control panels, movements are often performed with a very small amplitude - less than 2 cm; with push-button control, the movement of the button is from 2 to 12 mm with a pressing force from 200 to 1600. Thus, the operator’s motor actions are characterized by micro-movements, high demands on the speed of motor reaction, precision of movement, with constant attention.

^ Work and rest schedule. Rational regime work and rest at any enterprise is considered to be a regime that optimally combines labor efficiency, individual productivity, working capacity and health of workers.

When developing the relevant sections of the PPFP, it is necessary to know and take into account organizational structure and features production process, as well as conduct a joint analysis of working and non-working time, since there is an objective connection between the main work and human activities in free time.

2.7 .Professional applied physical training of students

2.7.1. PPPP in the system of physical education of students

In the conditions of scientific and technological progress, the problem of the relationship between means of physical culture and educational activities students acquires important economic importance, which consists in using physical education to prepare for specific professional work and increase its productivity. In this regard, professional-applied physical training acquires special importance in the system of physical education of students.

Professional applied physical training– this is a specially targeted and selective use of physical education means to prepare for a specific professional activity. The purpose of PPPP is psychophysical readiness for successful professional activities.

The specific tasks of students’ PPPP are determined by the characteristics of their future professional activities and are to:

Form the necessary applied knowledge;

Master applied skills and abilities;

To develop applied physical qualities.

Applied knowledge has a direct connection with future professional activities, which students receive in lecture classes in the course “Physical Education”. Knowledge about the patterns of achieving and maintaining high professional performance in work is of great practical importance.

Applied skills and abilities ensure rapid mastery of necessary labor operations, safety at home and when performing certain types of work.

Applied physical qualities- this is a list of necessary for each professional group physical qualities that can be developed by playing various sports.

It is possible to develop special qualities in the process of PPPP not only with the help of specially selected exercises, but also with regular exercise in appropriate (applied) sports in each case. One should also keep in mind the features of the so-called nonspecific human adaptation. It has been established that a well-physically developed and trained person acclimatizes faster to a new area, tolerates low and high temperatures more easily, is more resistant to various types of infections, penetrating radiation, etc.

When solving specific problems of professional-applied physical training of future specialists, one should pay attention to the fact that such training is carried out in close connection with general physical training, which is the basis of the practical section of the academic discipline “Physical Culture” at a university. At the same time, general physical training alone cannot fully solve the problems of special training for a specific profession.

Professional applied physical training should be based on good general physical preparedness of students. The ratio of general and vocational-applied training may vary depending on the profession. For representatives of humanitarian professions, good general physical fitness is quite sufficient for psychophysical readiness for future profession. In other cases (legal, technical specialties etc.) general physical training cannot provide the required level of readiness for professional work. This necessarily requires special and extensive professional-applied physical training in all respects, which often requires an independent additional course of physical training in addition to the allotted hours for the discipline “Physical Culture”.

During the educational process, the level of students’ preparedness in the section of professionally applied physical training is controlled by special standards, which is specifically stipulated in the curriculum. Typically, these standards differ for students of different faculties and differ depending on the semester and course of study. The level of readiness for PPPP is assessed separately and is included in a comprehensive assessment in the academic discipline “Physical Culture” along with grades for theoretical knowledge, general physical preparedness, methodological and motor skills.

The organization of PPPP for students in universities involves the use of specialized training during academic and extracurricular hours. For this purpose, specialized training departments can be organized in the main educational department. study groups in PPPP, and in sports – training groups in applied sports. Students studying in a special department master those elements of PPPP that are available to them due to health reasons.

PPP of students during training sessions is carried out in the form of theoretical and practical classes.

PPPP during extracurricular time is necessary for students who have insufficient general and special psychophysical preparedness.

The forms of PPPP during non-school time are as follows:

Sectional classes at the university in applied sports outside the university;

Amateur classes in applied sports outside the university;

Independent studies;

Competitions in applied sports.

One of the forms of PPFP is mass physical education, health and sports events.

2.7.2. Factors that determine students' PPPT

A person’s motor activity and work activity are determined by such components as muscle strength, endurance, speed, coordination of movements, the ability for concentrated and sustained attention, reaction of choice and other psychophysical qualities. It is generally accepted that all these components, just like professional personality traits, can be trained under certain conditions and limits. Psychophysiological concept " work activity“The psychophysical components are similar to the concept of “sport”. The fundamental requirements and conditions for their improvement are also similar.

So, the specific content of PPPP is based on the psychophysiological identity of the process and physical culture and sports. Thanks to this identity, individual elements of labor processes can be modeled in physical education and sports classes.

The main factors determining the specific content of PPPP:

Forms (types) of labor of specialists in this profile;

Conditions and nature of work;

Work and rest schedule;

Features of the dynamics of the performance of specialists in the process of work and the specifics of their professional fatigue and morbidity.

Forms (types) of labor. The main forms of labor are physical and mental. The division of labor into “physical” and “mental” is conditional. However, such a division is necessary, because with its help it is easier to study the dynamics of the performance of specialists during the working day, as well as to select means of physical education and sports in order to prepare for the upcoming work in the profession.

Working conditions (duration of working hours, comfort of the production sphere) influence the selection of means of physical culture and sports to achieve high performance and labor activity of a person, and therefore determine the specific content of PPPP of specialists in a certain profession.

Nature of work also defines PPPP, because in order to correctly select and apply means of physical culture and sports, it is important to know what physical and emotional load the specialist is working with, how large the area of ​​his movement is, etc. It should be taken into account that the nature of the work of specialists of the same profile may be different even when working in the same conditions, if they perform different types of professional work and official functions. In such cases, specialists have completely different psychophysical loads, so they need different applied knowledge, skills, and multidirectional recommendations on the use of physical education and sports in work and rest.

Work and rest schedule influences the choice of means of physical education in order to maintain and increase the required level of vital activity and performance. A rational work and rest regime at any enterprise is considered to be one that optimally combines labor efficiency, individual productivity, working capacity and health of workers.

When developing the relevant sections of the PPFP, it is necessary to know and take into account the organizational structure and features of the production process, as well as to conduct a joint analysis of working and non-working time, since there is an objective connection between the main work and human activities in free time.

Performance dynamics specialists in the labor process is an integral factor that determines the specific content of students’ PPPP. In order to model individual elements of the labor process by selecting physical exercises, it is necessary to know the peculiarities of the dynamics of the performance of specialists when performing various types professional works. To do this, you need to build a “curve” of performance based on fixed indicators: after certain periods of time, certain indicators of the performer are measured: the amount of output, time spent on the operation, etc., as well as psychophysiological indicators of pulse, blood pressure, muscle strength , tremor, respiratory rate, indicators of attention, speed, visual-auditory and mental reactions, etc. The performance “curve” is determined for one work shift, and for a work week (month), and for a year of work. It can serve as a beginning in the development of recommendations for the targeted use of physical education means both in the process of physical training and in the work and rest regime.

2.7.3. PPPP means for students

The selection of PPPP tools is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the educational process at each faculty and the specifics of students’ future professional activities.

Students' PPPP funds are classified as follows:

Applied physical exercise and individual elements of various sports;

Applied sports;

The healing forces of nature and hygienic factors;

Auxiliary tools that ensure the quality of the educational process in the PPPP section.

The main means of physical exercise for students is physical exercise. When selecting them, it should be taken into account that their psychophysiological effect corresponds to the physical qualities being formed.

Intense mental activity of students during the learning process, combined with insufficient physical activity leads to a decrease in general and mental performance and health.

The level of mental performance, of course, depends on the state of health and general performance, and a person’s ability to perform mental or physical work for a long time is determined by endurance, determined primarily by the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. An important factor determining the improvement of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the young body of students is the optimal combination of mental stress and various means of physical education.

Of the numerous physical exercises, cyclic exercises such as running, walking, hiking, and swimming should be considered the most appropriate and accessible to use. Active and sports games are effective, which are characterized by many cyclic and acyclic movements and high emotionality.

Skillful combination of cyclic exercises with sports games gives positive changes not only in the development of endurance, but also other physical qualities (speed, agility, strength, flexibility).

With an accentuated education of physical qualities in the content training sessions usually the volume of special exercises that develop one or more qualities is increased, and appropriate training standards are established. Such a selection of exercises and elements from individual species sports is carried out experimentally on the principle of compliance with their characteristics of professional qualities and motor skills. To do this, first a so-called professionogram is compiled, and then, based on it, a sportsogram (a set of exercises and a set of sports corresponding to a specific profession).

Each sport helps improve certain physical and mental qualities. And if these qualities, abilities and skills mastered during sports improvement coincide with professional ones, then such sports are considered professionally applied.

Elements of competition, associated with increased physical and mental stress, make it possible to widely use sports in the process of professionally applied physical training of students. However, practicing applied sports is not the only way to solve the whole range of issues related to students’ physical training due to insufficient selectivity and incomplete coverage of the tasks of this preparation of a future specialist for any specific profession.

The healing forces of nature and hygienic factors are mandatory means of PPPP for students, especially for the development of special applied qualities that ensure productive work in various geographical and climatic conditions. With the help of specially organized classes, you can achieve increased resistance of the body to cold, heat, solar radiation, and sudden fluctuations in air temperature. The content of such classes is related to training in methods of hardening the body and performing hygienic measures, as well as measures to accelerate recovery processes in the body (special water procedures, various baths, etc.).

Auxiliary means of PPPP that ensure its effectiveness are various simulators, special technical devices and devices with the help of which it is possible to simulate individual conditions and the nature of future professional work.

It is necessary to distinguish between simulators used in classes in the academic discipline “Physical Education” and professional simulators. The fundamental purpose of the former is that with their help, functional foundations are laid, the range of motor skills is expanded, facilitating the rapid development of professional actions, skills and abilities. In professional simulators, it is precisely professional actions and skills that are processed in easier or more complicated conditions, and this is no longer the task of the department of physical education, but of the graduating departments of the university.

Annotation: Definition of the PPPP, its purpose and objectives, means and application for a specific type of activity.

8.1. General characteristics of PPFP

The desire to profile physical training in relation to the requirements of the profession was expressed, among other things, in the creation of a special type of physical activity - professional-applied physical culture and the cultivation of professional-applied sports. As a type of physical education, professional-applied physical training is a pedagogically oriented provision process specialized physical preparedness for the chosen professional activity. This is a learning process that enriches an individual’s fund of professionally useful motor skills and abilities, the development of physical and directly related abilities, on which professional capacity directly depends. Typical exercises for them and the methodology for their application are characterized, on the one hand, by the modeling of forms and especially essential moments of coordination of movements included in professional activities, and on the other, by more focused and, ultimately, higher demands on motor and related abilities .

The process of acquiring motor skills (especially production skills) is accompanied by a number of certain difficulties, which consist in determining time intervals, trajectory segments and actions of muscle groups that must be selected to concentrate muscle strength, changing the functional state of the motor analyzer in accordance with the requirements of work operations. This is reflected in the combination of many complex work movements, elements and operations into unified system- dynamic stereotype, in developing the skills to correctly plan and program work actions. The discrepancy between the program and the actual execution of the movement is especially pronounced when fatigue is combined with negative emotions.

In a set of exercises and methods of professional applied gymnastics, a kind of analytical approach is often predominantly expressed, in which the necessary forms of movements are consistently constructed, and a selectively directed influence is carried out on certain parts of the musculoskeletal system, its morphofunctional qualities (in particular, strength, mobility in the joints , local and regional static endurance), and based not only on the requirements of professional activity, but also on the need to prevent adverse effects on physical and general state employee, which is aimed, in particular, at gymnastic exercises that prevent and correct posture disorders caused by the peculiarities of the working posture.

In professional applied sports, there is a clearly expressed holistically accentuated impact on the development of motor and closely related abilities, which are essential for improvement in professional activities. Accordingly oriented sports improvement can have a direct positive influence for professional activities, provided, of course, that the subject of sports specialization has significant similarities with professional activities, both in the operational composition of the actions and in the nature of the abilities demonstrated. This is what determines when representatives of a particular profession choose professional applied sports.

The theoretical foundations of training (sports and professional) have been sufficiently developed. They are based on the formation and automation of motor skills. As a result of automating a motor skill, a clear, quick execution of a movement is ensured and the ability is developed with the least amount of difficulty in the shortest possible period of time to consciously perform the greatest physical work, or to act gracefully and energetically.

Although the degree of intensity of physical effort in most modern species professional activity is relatively low and stable, the methodology for constructing PPP should be guided by the principle of a gradual increase in training loads, and to the extent that this is necessary not only to prepare for specific professional and labor loads, but also for a general increase in the level of functional capabilities of the body, strengthening and preservation of health. Here, just as in physical education in general, there cannot be some universal quantitative norms for the increase in loads that are equally suitable in all cases, since the boundaries of an appropriate increase and their dynamics depend on many variable circumstances, including the actually developing the total volume of loads and physical exercise regime in an individual lifestyle (for example, some, in parallel with PPPP, devote a lot of time and effort to in-depth exercises of one or another sport, and for others, the main activities of physical exercise are limited primarily or exclusively within the framework of PPPP).

When organizing classes on PPPP, unified programs are created, usually developed for groups of related professions or individual professions.

The main forms of classes are lesson forms, which have the usual structure in physical education.

An effective form of PPPP training is competition in professional applied exercises. Competitive forms of training are most widely represented in the case of in-depth specialization in a chosen professional applied sport. The system of classes takes on the character of a specialized sports training and regular participation in competitions, which raises a special problem of rationally balancing sports, professional-educational, and work activities. For athletes who do not move into the field of sports, professional work skills should be a priority.

8.2. Purpose and objectives of professional applied physical training

Differences in the requirements for the physical and mental preparedness of specialists from different professions dictate the need for professionally applied physical training (PPPT).

PROFESSIONALLY APPLIED PHYSICAL TRAINING- this is a specialized type of physical education aimed at the formation and improvement of personality traits and qualities that are essential for specific professional activities.

With the help of PPFP tools, various professionally important sensory, mental, motor, organizational and pedagogical skills are formed and improved, knowledge and skills in the field of physical education are acquired, and a high level of functioning and reliability of all major organs, systems, and mental processes of the human body is ensured.

The introduction of PPPP into the practice of physical education creates the prerequisites for reducing the period of professional adaptation, increasing professional skills, achieving high performance and labor productivity; PPPP effectively promotes health, increases resistance to diseases, and reduces injuries.

The main factors determining the general focus, objectives and content of the PPPP are:

  • the nature, volume of incoming information and the conditions for its perception by employees in the process of work;
  • the nature of basic professional motor actions;
  • special external conditions professional activity.

Psychophysiological characteristics of professional activity largely determine the direction of PPPP. They are: reception, storage and processing of production information, decision making, motor actions, load on individual physiological organs and systems, emotional states, fatigue and dynamics of performance, mental stress, etc. The study of these features allows us to identify the sensory and mental factors necessary for successful work , motor skills, physical and mental qualities, level of functioning and reliability of individual organs and systems of the body.

Certain working conditions require the development of appropriate special physical and mental qualities. Thus, working outdoors at low or high temperatures or its sharp fluctuations requires the body’s resistance to cold, heat, sudden fluctuations in temperature influences, general endurance, good condition of the cardiovascular system, and the thermoregulation system. When working on limited support and height, a sense of balance and good condition of the vestibular apparatus are necessary. Prolonged work in a limited space, monotonous working position requires static endurance of the muscles of the back, torso, arms, and resistance to physical inactivity. Professional activity in hazardous production conditions (air pollution, noise, vibration, motion sickness, exposure to radiation, etc.) determines the development of special qualities aimed at increasing the body’s resistance to the adverse effects of environmental conditions.

These factors determine the main tasks of professional applied physical training:

  • development of physical abilities leading to this profession;
  • formation and improvement of auxiliary-applied motor skills;
  • increasing the body’s resistance to external influences of working conditions;
  • education of strong-willed and other mental qualities specific to a given profession;
  • increasing the functional stability and adaptability of the human body to the adverse effects of working conditions;
  • promoting the formation of a person’s physical culture and strengthening his psyche.

Solving these problems is directly related to increasing labor productivity, accelerating the process of workability, with the specifics of motor activity in the labor process, with its nature (monotonicity, static nature, peculiarities of working postures).

In order to practically implement this general focus of PPPP on the formation and improvement of specific physical abilities, it is necessary to have fairly complete data on the profession. These include, first of all, the characteristics of production movements and actions themselves, or a professiogram. Its contents include detailed description working conditions, its nature and specificity. They are determined by the characteristics of working movements, actions and techniques. These include the type of motor action (rotational, percussive) and the parts of the body involved, amplitude of movements, time and force characteristics, features of coordination of movements, the degree of their plasticity, etc.

After identifying the main characteristics that define and reveal the typical features of work, it is necessary to determine how this profession affects the human body, what physical abilities and motor skills are the most professionally important (for example, for a driver - static endurance, an operator - general endurance, a driller - strength , weavers - fine motor coordination). Since there are currently more than a thousand professions, they are unified according to working conditions and the nature of motor activity into groups (for example, a group of operator professions - programmers, dispatchers, operator officers, etc.). The requirements for physical abilities and motor skills in these groups will be approximately the same, although their narrow specialty will have certain specifics.

After professionally important physical abilities have been clarified and specific professional motor skills have been determined, the most suitable ones are selected. effective means, promoting the development of these qualities. When selecting means, it is important to take into account that this exercise, if possible, acts in a comprehensive manner: it solves several problems at the same time, develops physical abilities, forms a motor skill, contributes to the improvement of the body’s functions, its ability to counteract the influence of unfavorable environmental factors, etc. These requirements are met by such types of physical exercise as skiing, cross-country running, rowing, swimming and many others. For drillers, for example, strength is a professionally important quality. Therefore, preference should be given gymnastic exercises with weights.

Very important in solving the problems of PPPP is the selection of appropriate means, the choice effective methods and forms of their implementation.

Professionally applied physical training. The influence of forms and types of labor on its content.

Vocational applied physical training is a specially targeted and selective use of physical culture and sports to prepare a person for a specific professional activity.

The term "application" emphasizes the purely utilitarian profile of a part of physical culture in relation to the main activity in the life of an individual and society - professional work.

    The purpose of professional-applied physical training - psychophysical readiness for successful professional activities.

The specific tasks of students’ PPPP are determined by the characteristics of their future professional activities and are to:

generate the necessary applied knowledge;

master applied skills and abilities;

cultivate applied mental qualities;

cultivate applied special qualities.

Applied psychophysical qualities are an extensive list of applied physical and mental qualities necessary for each professional group, which can be developed when practicing various sports.

Applied physical qualities - speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and dexterity are necessary in many types of professional activities, where specialists require either increased general endurance, or speed, or the strength of individual muscle groups, or dexterity to perform high-quality work. Advance focused formation of these applied qualities in the process of physical education to the professional required level.


For each profession, of course, it is impossible to make recommendations on the use of certain exercises and sports. The fact is that many professions require similar qualities from a person, which can be trained using the same method.

Based on the complexity and widespread nature of professions, several systems have been proposed. At the same time, the classification must cover the entire range of working professions for which training is carried out in educational institutions, have a clear structure and take into account the features of the existing vocational training system.

The most complete classification of professions of interest for professional applied physical training was proposed by F.T. Tkachev. It includes 15 groups of professions.

For most professions, exercises that strengthen and develop the muscles of the torso, arms, and legs are useful; stretching; muscle relaxation exercises; exercises that maintain and develop flexibility, improve posture; strengthening the cardiovascular system and improving respiratory functions, improving coordination of movements, having a combined effect.

Working while standing entails not only stagnation of blood in the vessels of the legs, but also muscle fatigue. In this case, relaxation exercises will provide effective rest, especially when performing static work. Exercises that improve blood circulation are also recommended. When working with significant physical activity when performing various production operations, exercises for coordination of movements, muscle relaxation, and stretching are of great importance.

A person’s motor activity and work activity are determined by such components as muscle strength, endurance, speed, coordination of movements, the ability for concentrated and sustained attention, reaction of choice and other psychophysical qualities. It is generally accepted that all these components, just like professional personality traits, can be trained under certain conditions and limits. The psychophysiological concept of “work activity” is similar in psychophysical components to the concept of “sport”. The fundamental requirements and conditions for their improvement are also similar.

So, the specific content of PPPP is based on the psychophysiological identity of the process and physical culture and sports. Thanks to this identity, individual elements of labor processes can be modeled in physical education and sports classes.

The main factors determining the specific content of PPPP:

Forms (types) of labor of specialists in this profile;

Conditions and nature of work;

Work and rest schedule;

Features of the dynamics of the performance of specialists in the process of work and the specifics of their professional fatigue and morbidity.

Forms (types) of labor. The main forms of labor are physical and mental. The division of labor into “physical” and “mental” is conditional. However, such a division is necessary, because with its help it is easier to study the dynamics of the performance of specialists during the working day, as well as to select means of physical education and sports in order to prepare for the upcoming work in the profession.

Working conditions(duration of working hours, comfort of the production sphere) influence the selection of means of physical culture and sports to achieve high performance and labor activity of a person, and therefore determine the specific content of PPPP of specialists in a certain profession.

Nature of work also defines PPPP, because in order to correctly select and apply means of physical culture and sports, it is important to know what physical and emotional load the specialist is working with, how large the area of ​​his movement is, etc. It should be taken into account that the nature of the work of specialists of the same profile may be different even when working in the same conditions, if they perform different types of professional work and official functions. In such cases, specialists have completely different psychophysical loads, so they need different applied knowledge, skills, and multidirectional recommendations on the use of physical education and sports in work and rest.

Work and rest schedule influences the choice of means of physical education in order to maintain and increase the required level of vital activity and performance. A rational work and rest regime at any enterprise is considered to be one that optimally combines labor efficiency, individual productivity, working capacity and health of workers.

When developing the relevant sections of the PPFP, it is necessary to know and take into account the organizational structure and features of the production process, as well as to conduct a joint analysis of working and non-working time, since there is an objective connection between the main work and human activities in free time.

Performance dynamics specialists in the labor process is an integral factor that determines the specific content of students’ PPPP. In order to model individual elements of the labor process by selecting physical exercises, it is necessary to know the dynamics of the performance of specialists when performing various types of professional work. To do this, you need to build a “curve” of performance based on fixed indicators: after certain periods of time, certain indicators of the performer are measured: the amount of output, time spent on the operation, etc., as well as psychophysiological indicators of pulse, blood pressure, muscle strength , tremor, respiratory rate, indicators of attention, speed, visual-auditory and mental reactions, etc. The performance “curve” is determined for one work shift, and for a work week (month), and for a year of work. It can serve as a beginning in the development of recommendations for the targeted use of physical education means both in the process of physical training and in the work and rest regime.


Tolkacheva Anastasia Gennadievna

2nd year student, Department of Russian and general history NSPU,

RF, Novosibirsk

Zemskikh Olga Alekseevna

scientific supervisor, senior Rev. Department of Physical Education NSPU,
RF, Novosibirsk

Problems of maintaining physical and psychoemotional health are relevant today in modern society. Our physical health depends not only on environment, in which we live, but also from ourselves.

Today, most people come to the conclusion that physical education helps us improve our health, help reduce stress and increase brain activity. In this article I will try to talk about how Physical Culture affects the emotional and mental state of 2nd year students of the Faculty of History of NSPU.

Today, 1st-3rd year students of NSPU have such a subject as “Applied Physical Culture” or “Health-improving Systems of Physical Culture”. These subjects relate to professional applied physical training (PPPT).

Vocational applied physical training (PPPP) is

Specially targeted and selective use of physical culture and sports to prepare a person for a specific professional activity. The main purpose of PPFP is the targeted development and maintenance at an optimal level of those mental and physical qualities of a person for which specific professional activities place increased demands, as well as the development of the body’s functional resistance to the conditions of this activity and the formation of applied motor skills.

In my opinion, today any profession requires a person to have a high level of physical and mental resistance to certain factors. The teaching profession is no exception. Mental activity plays a huge role in the work of a teacher: you need to be able to distribute attention to several objects, switch attention from one object to another, in addition, you need creative thinking, good memory, psycho-emotional stability and endurance. It is precisely these qualities that are formed and developed by such a university subject as “Applied Physical Culture”.

Today, many universities are faced with the problem of how to get more students to attend lectures and practical classes in physical education. In my opinion, increasing motivation to attend this subject can be facilitated by interesting activities that will be directly or indirectly related to the student’s future professional activity.

Today, the student’s PPPP tools are specific and quite diverse. These include:

· applied physical exercises and individual elements of various sports;

· applied sports (their holistic application);

· healing forces of nature and hygienic factors;

· auxiliary means.

One type of activity, in my opinion, could be a relay race, and a thematic one at that.

If physical education classes 2 times a week are not enough for a student, he can attend sections and organize other types of physical education classes.

PPPT during extracurricular hours is necessary for students who have insufficient general and special physical preparedness. Forms of PPPP in free time:

· sectional classes at the university in applied sports under the guidance of a teacher-coach;

· independent training in applied sports in various sports groups outside the university (in tourist clubs, etc.);

· independent completion by students of assignments from the teacher of the Department of Physical Education.

Thus, on the basis of the NSPU, there are 9 sections, including sections for volleyball, basketball, recreational gymnastics, and wrestling. The university has been operating a fitness center “Green Fitness” since 2009, which provides group classes for students in cycling, Pilates, and aerobics.

As part of this topic, I decided to conduct a survey of 2nd year students studying in the “ Teacher Education» profile “History”. Only 50 respondents participated in this survey. This is explained by the fact that at the Faculty of History of NSPU in the 2nd year there are only 2 groups of history students, the remaining 6 groups have other profiles (for example, “Cultural education”, “Legal education”, “Foreign (Chinese) language” and others). I believe that the number of respondents in the survey is quite small, but the results of the survey, in my opinion, were significant. The respondents had to answer 5 questions related to the organization of physical education classes and express their attitude towards them.

1. Do you do physical education at university?

A) yes, I am in subgroup A;

B) yes, I study in subgroup B;

C) no, but I used to study in subgroup A or B, but due to deteriorating health, I transferred to abstract;

D) no, from the first year I transferred to abstract;

2. Do you attend any additional classes other than the subject “Applied Physical Education”?

A) yes, I attend sections at the NSPU or the Green Fitness fitness center

(when answering this question, indicate the section or class you are attending);

B) yes, I go to the gym or fitness center;

C) no, I don’t attend, I think that physical education classes are enough;

D) I don’t attend physical education or extracurricular activities at all;

3. Think and write what professional qualities the subject “Applied Physical Education” develops in you (if you don’t attend physical education classes at a university, then guess)

4. What, in your opinion, can diversify physical education classes? (if you don’t attend physical education classes at a university, then take a guess)

5. Do you do physical education during sessions on your own? (do you do exercises, go to the gym, to the gym)?

A) yes, definitely 2 times a week, I do exercises every day;

B) yes, I do exercises irregularly and go to the gym once a week;

C) no, I don’t attend, I try to focus more on my studies;

Based on the results of this sociological survey, the following conclusions can be drawn.

When answering question No. 1, “Are you involved in physical education at university?” I came to the conclusion that 50% of 2nd year students studying in the History major are engaged in physical education in both subgroup A and subgroup B (25 people). Another 25 people surveyed either previously attended physical education classes, but due to health problems they had to give up attending or did not attend at all.

Analyzing the answers to question No. 2, “Do you attend any additional classes other than the subject “Applied Physical Education”?”, 60% of respondents answered that they willingly attend a gym or fitness center, despite the fact that classes are scheduled applied physical education 2 times a week. And only 35% of respondents believe that there are already enough physical education classes at the university.

The answer to question No. 3 “Think and write what professional qualities the subject “Applied Physical Education” develops in you” required independent answers from respondents. The majority of students (65% of respondents) named such professional qualities that physical education forms and develops as endurance, discipline, responsibility, and such qualities as perseverance, determination, stress resistance, speed, concentration, calm, patience, speed were also named. Some of the respondents noted that “Applied physical education” helps a person to develop harmoniously and possibly become an authority, a role model for children.

To question No. 4 “What, in your opinion, can diversify physical education classes? (if you don’t attend physical education classes at a university, then guess)” the students offered a wide variety of answers. In 50% of the answers to this question, one could find a note that physical education classes can be diversified team games(volleyball, basketball), as well as activities that will contribute to the formation of skills and abilities when playing these sports. The idea was also expressed about classes in the pool, badminton, training on simulators, and shooting. One of the respondents proposed the idea that at the end of each lesson, students could receive recommendations on how to properly coordinate their activities to maintain their physical health. According to another respondent, active music during exercise can add variety to physical education classes.

Analyzing the answers to question No. 5 “Do you do physical education during sessions on your own? (do you do exercises, go to the gym, go to the gym)?”, the majority of respondents (44% of respondents) answered that they do exercises irregularly and try to go to the gym once a week during exams. Only 24% of respondents do exercises daily and exercise twice a week, regardless of their studies.

Thus, based on the results of a sociological survey, we can draw a conclusion about the importance of the subject “Applied Physical Education” for students studying in the “History” profile. After all, half of the 2nd year students I surveyed are engaged in physical education not only at the university, but also additionally (in gyms and fitness centers). Respondents understand the importance of physical activity for their future pedagogical activity, realize what professional qualities the subject “Applied Physical Culture” forms and develops in them. Students actively propose new types and forms of classes, and also do not forget about physical activity during exam periods.

Figure 1. Results of a survey of 2nd year students studying in the direction of “Pedagogical Education”, profile “History” (data in the histogram is provided only for questions with answer options)


  1. Muller A.B., Physical culture: textbook and workshop for applied bachelor’s degree / A.B. Muller, N.S. Dyadichkina, Yu.A. Bogashchenko, A.Yu. Bliznevsky, S.K. Ryabinina. – M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014. – 424 p. – Series: Bachelor. Applied course.
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