We read the plot to find a lost item. How to find what you lost at home - the best conspiracies against loss

Many people can talk about how something they needed literally disappeared before their eyes, as if by magic. Just now she was lying in plain sight, I turned away for a minute, and now I’m not able to find her. A wide variety of objects disappear, expensive and cheap, usually of a relatively small size, and they can be found quickly or very slowly, and perhaps never at all. If you have lost something, how can you find it with the least amount of stress? There are many explanations and ways to find lost things, but mystical reasons should not be discounted. It is not always possible to explain the disappearance using logical and materialistic methods.

Why do things disappear?

Of course, some objects disappear for the most banal, at first glance, reasons: someone took it and did not put it back, you can thoughtlessly take it and put it somewhere. But why is this happening? Sometimes the loss defies any explanation - no one entered the room, there is no one to joke with. If something goes missing under such conditions, how can you find it as quickly as possible?

First, you should try to find the culprit and determine the cause. Perhaps mysticism has nothing to do with it, and then it is a human or technical factor. If not, then it could be a brownie, evil spirits, the machinations of a witch, or the influence of energy flows. In addition, psychics specifically emphasize the likelihood of spontaneous selective blindness: the thing is there, they just don’t notice it for some reason. If something valuable is missing, you should first calm down and take steps to find it step by step.

Elimination of the human factor

Before embarking on mystical methods, it is worth checking materialistic hypotheses and ruling out whether there were strangers in the house? Perhaps one of the family members entered the room? Other people's actions often cause something to go missing. How to find it in this case? The easiest way is to ask everyone who entered the room, perhaps someone took this item.

The human factor also includes personal forgetfulness or disorganization of someone who has lost something important. You can put the item away and forget about it, and then search for a long time, perplexed and suspecting the influence of mystical forces. Clutter also contributes, sometimes the thing you are looking for lies quietly under a jacket thrown into a chair, while the owner searches the whole room, trying to figure out where the folder with documents or the TV remote control disappeared. It is disorder that is often associated with the following explanation for the loss.

There is a special category of vanishing things for which it is typical to disappear from time to time. These are teaspoons, socks, keys, and other relatively small items. Researchers from Australia decided to test the theory of mystical disappearances and began monitoring the presence of teaspoons in the university canteen. For this purpose, a batch of teaspoons was purchased, each one was numbered. Every month, the researchers checked how many spoons were left, and after five months, almost 80% of all purchased items had disappeared without a trace! By common sense, most of The missing spoons were accidentally thrown out with leftover food or stolen, but the path of some could not be traced, and this is where something mystical lies.

Brownie's dissatisfaction

According to popular belief, brownies really do not like poorly organized household and try to attract the attention of their owners in the only possible way - by hiding important things from them. If something is missing, how can you find it in disarray? Putting things in order helps a lot in the search, so the brownie’s insidious plan works.

If you are convinced that this is a brownie, then you can talk to him, instead of racking your brains over the question of how to find the missing thing in the house. The plot can be read on a cobweb - find the cobweb, blow lightly on it and whisper: “Guardian of the house, help, find the missing thing.” In this case, it is advisable to explain exactly what item it is, especially if this is not the first loss. Otherwise, the sock that was lost last month may be found, and formally the plot will work, but not as it should.

You can also whisper on a broom as a sacred object that is directly related to the brownie. Even a free-form request for help in the search can have an effect. Tying a scarf to the leg of a table, chair or stool also helps. Soon after tying the knot, the missing object is discovered, and sometimes in the most unexpected place.

The machinations of evil spirits

Unlike the well-meaning brownie, he loves to hide ordinary things, just for the sake of fuss and negative emotions. Please note: if after such a disappearance you quarrel with family members, accusing them of theft or carelessness, then this is most likely the work of petty demons. You can also negotiate with them.

“Damn, damn, play and give it back,” - the most simple formula. How to find a missing item if you suspect the involvement of demons? Prayer helps believers. You need to calm down, read any prayer that allows God's grace to descend on your restless soul. “Our Father” is usually heard, and the phrase “deliver us from evil” is perfect for such cases. Priests do not advise flirting with devils and offering them bribes in the form of milk or sweets; only prayer will help cope with evil spirits.

Look for the witch!

If you notice that things are disappearing after a visit to the house of an overly tongue-tied neighbor, then this is not necessarily theft. Perhaps we are talking about a witch who deliberately harms, solely for professional reasons. How to find a missing item in the house if you suspect the work of a witch?

First of all, you need to weaken the influence of negative energy. Both prayer and some ancient rituals are suitable for this. For example, you should pour a handful of salt under the threshold. This will not only prevent the witch from entering your home, but will also cut off the energy flow.

At the same time, you should not wish the witch harm, because evil only fuels negativity. On the contrary, it is better to pray for her health, ask the Light for protection of her soul, and wish her healing from delusions. After this, the lost thing, if it was the witch who was to blame, will definitely be found.

The influence of energy flows

Psychics claim that they may well be the culprits of the sudden loss of things. There are many explanations for this phenomenon, and various mystical schools help to cope with this. For example, the ancient art of Feng Shui is precisely designed to organize energy flows, to help fill the house with light power, in which things will not just disappear.

How to find a missing item in an apartment where a negative energy flow has formed? First, it's worth checking whether energy is really to blame. A candle helps well with this - the tongue of an open flame begins to crackle and fluctuate if negative energy passes through it. It is better for Christians to use a church candle, because everyone will be rewarded according to their faith. It will be useful to walk around the entire apartment with a burning candle in your hand, so that the tongue of the open flame closes the outline of the home. Oddly enough, the above-mentioned banal cleaning, always with washing the floors, helps to streamline the flow. This not only brings but also renews the energy of the house. After this simple procedure, the lost item is usually found.

Inexplicable mass confusion

The next reason for the sudden disappearance of things gives random participants a distinct feeling of bewilderment and even fear. For example, you are going to give away some item, you put it on the table. The visitor is about to leave, and suddenly you both discover that the item is missing. It could be anything - a spool of thread, keys, an envelope with documents. At the same time, both you and your guest know for sure that they did not take it, it seems that they did not even leave the room. It was as if some kind of selective blindness had turned on. Irrational fear appears at the moment when an object is suddenly discovered in the same place where it was last seen and its absence was confirmed several times.

The cause of such a hassle can be anything, but what is most frightening is its mass effect, when several people are looking for keys that were just lying on the table and find them there a few minutes later. You can blame anyone for this: jokers, brownies, devils, witches and even aliens. In this case, to find the missing item, it is better to use the simplest spell. Name the lost thing, let’s say it’s a ring, and say clearly in a commanding tone: “The ring was just lying here, and it’s better that it be in this place again.” Run your hand over your face as if you were removing a blindfold. Most often this helps.

Numerology: how to find a missing item

The mystical study of numbers, numerology, allows you to find missing objects with a fairly high degree of probability. For this purpose, special tables are used, which are given in books on numerology. Probable search locations are given in a numbered list.

To find out which line corresponds to the lost item, you can use two methods. First: you need to write the name of the thing letter by letter in a table with numbered letters of the alphabet, add the resulting numbers so that you get a number no more than 84. That is, add until you get a number less than or equal to. This will be the line number indicating where to look. The second way: write down any nine numbers without thinking. After that, fold them using the same method as above and find the indication in the list.

There are many enthusiastic reviews shared by people who managed to discover the loss thanks to numerology. It is worth noting that this does not help in all cases. Unfortunately, if an item is stolen, the chances of getting it back are significantly reduced.

Prayer as a way to search

God's intercession helps believers better than any other way. At the same time, it is better to pray from a pure heart, with goodness in your soul, without calling all kinds of punishments on the heads of possible culprits - this is not Christian.

Special prayers “How to find a missing thing” can be found in numerous prayer books and collections. Usually these prayers raise quite logical questions and unequivocal disapproval from priests. Texts like “On the island of Buyan there is a stone, a bird is flying towards it” have nothing to do with Christian religion and are more related to mysticism. It is better to turn directly to God, to the Mother of God, to any of the patron saints and express in your own words a request for help, than to resort to dubious recipes from the first brochure you come across.

Syndrome "Confused Masha"

If such losses happen to you regularly, then it may turn out that mysticism has nothing to do with it. Many psychologists jokingly call this the “Confused Masha” syndrome. Absent-mindedness and forgetfulness are not so harmless, because you can lose a vital item, such as a bottle of medicine.

Concentration and a strong conviction help: I ​​will find the missing thing right now and will not be nervous about it. It helps people like this psychological practice search - you just need to sort through things in the place where the desired item disappeared, clearly naming them out loud. Literally take it in your hand and say: “Passport, pen, envelope, book.” This helps get rid of the feeling that is called “I can’t see at point blank range.”

Sudden return of things

It is not always possible to quickly find a missing item, and this causes quite legitimate irritation. But many people note that the object is found immediately after they gave up on it and stopped searching. Of course, this only applies to those things that were not stolen or deliberately hidden, but rather disappeared in some unknown way.

There is even a belief that things get tired of hiding as soon as they are forgotten about. This is why you can so often hear stories about how something was found after the need to search had disappeared. Regardless of the reasons why small things continue to disappear from us, it is worth learning to treat it with philosophical indifference. These are just things, they will certainly be found.

We all often lose something we need at home - keys, documents, flash drives, jewelry and a lot of other things. The search takes a lot of time and effort. It seems as if the whole house is already upside down, and there was no loss. Let's try to find lost item in your home together.

If you drop and consequently lose something small, use a vacuum cleaner to search:
  1. Remove the brush from the vacuum cleaner.
  2. Put on and secure a nylon sock to the vacuum cleaner tube.
  3. Turn on the vacuum cleaner at low power.
  4. Carefully go through the tube over all the places where the lost item could have fallen.
  5. If you are lucky enough to find something missing, remove it from the surface of the sock and turn off the vacuum cleaner.
If the loss is not found or its size does not allow you to use a vacuum cleaner to search, do not give up. First of all, calm down, concentrate, stop being nervous and running around the house in a panic. Carefully inspect with fresh eyes the places where the missing item is likely to be located. It often happens that the object we need lies right in front of our eyes, but we don’t notice it. If your gaze is still not caught on anything, move on to the next part of our search. Close your eyes and try to remember where you last saw the missing item. For example, you lost your keys: imagine step by step how you get the right key, open the door with it, enter the house, lock the lock from the inside, take off your shoes, put the keys on the nightstand (hang it on a hook, take it with you to the kitchen, throw it on the sofa - it depends depending on the situation). Introduced? Now open your eyes and go look for the loss in the place where it is supposed to be. If it’s not there either, don’t stop searching. Let's move on to traditional methods, the most interesting of them is the appeal to the brownie. It is believed that he is the owner of your home and lost things are under his control. If you can’t find something that was literally in your hands a minute ago, the brownie decided to joke with you. Stop searching and say: “Brownie, brownie, play around and give it back!” For some reason, after this phrase, most of the lost things are never found. Don't believe me? Check it out, it won't hurt. Another old one folk way to find a lost thing - tie an ordinary handkerchief to a chair leg. It is difficult to explain the logic of this action, but grandparents claim that after performing this ritual, finding the loss becomes as easy as shelling pears.

If none of the above helped you, but you are still firmly convinced that the loss is somewhere in the house, use the last method, which works in 100% of cases. Start spring cleaning! As a result, you will kill two birds with one stone - the house will shine with cleanliness, and everything that was lost in Lately– will be found.

Ancient occult science Numerology uses numbers as its main argument. Its postulates claim that with the help of numbers and their combinations you can find all the answers in the subconscious. There is a technique that allows you to find out how to find a lost item at home.

Using numerology you can find a lost item

Numerological search method

Numerology of lost things does not make it possible to immediately find the lost thing. However, using this method helps to roughly clarify the situation.

Using a numerological search allows you to:

  1. Determine the feasibility of the search.
  2. Find out the reason for the loss.
  3. Understand in whose hands the lost item is.
  4. Determine the approximate location of the item.
  5. Determine who will find the loss and when.

Finding things using numerology is not a 100% working method. However, this does not mean that it will not help locate the missing item.

Options for receiving hints

In numerology, two ways to quickly find a lost item at home are actively practiced. The result obtained from each of them is interpreted according to a special list.

The first method is based on the assertion that all answers are stored in the subconscious.

The essence of the method is that a person focuses his thoughts on the missing object, and then writes down 9 numbers that come to his mind. Next, they are added sequentially, and 3 is added to the resulting result. This number will indicate where the item may be located.

The second method is slightly different from the first. To use it, write down the first question that comes to mind when remembering the loss. Letters are converted to digital code. The resulting numbers are added up. If a result greater than 84 is obtained, the repeated addition operation is repeated. The end result will be that very hint from higher powers and the subconscious.

To convert an alphabetic code into a digital one, the following cipher is used:

  • 1 - A, I, C, B;
  • 2 - B, J, T, S;
  • 3 - B, K, U, b;
  • 4 - G, L, F, E;
  • 5 - D, M, X, Y;
  • 6 - E, N, C, Z;
  • 7 - Yo, O, Ch;
  • 8 - F, P, W;
  • 9 - Z, R, SH.

When composing a question, you should not formulate it for a long time. This may somewhat reduce the effectiveness of the hint or even lead you down the wrong path.

The numbers will help determine the cause of the loss

Interpretation of the result obtained

Numerology provides 84 options for clues used to find lost or missing things. They should be taken as an indication of what will help you find the thing, and not as an exact prediction.

  • 1 - the loss may be in the living room, close to material painted white. The child will help find her.
  • 2 - the item is located close to kitchen utensils. That's where you need to look for her.
  • 3 - when searching, you should pay attention to newspapers and books placed in the hallway. The thing you are looking for may be among them.
  • 4 - the item is not missing. He was moved to another place.
  • 5 - the thing they are looking for will be found under the clothes on one of the hangers.
  • 6 - the loss is located next to the shoes.
  • 7 - the woman shifted what she was looking for while putting away her clothes.
  • 8 - the search will bring results faster after attracting an assistant. It is recommended to look for lost items on the upper shelves.
  • 9 - when searching, pay attention to the places where children's clothing is stored.
  • 10 - the loss can be found in the workplace area near office supplies.
  • 11 - the item was left near the water outside the place of residence (swimming pool or beach).
  • 12 - the missing item remained at the workplace.
  • 13 - when searching, you should check the clothes hangers or wardrobe.
  • 14 - it’s best to look in the hallway. However, the probability of success is very low.
  • 15 - lost items can be found near animals.
  • 16 - the location of the loss may be known to the partner.
  • 17 - in order to find the right thing, it is worth double-checking the documentation.
  • 18 - the lost item is at home, it is recommended to double-check the clothes.
  • 19 - it will be possible to find the loss on the street on the way to your place of residence.
  • 20 - someone changed the location of the desired item. It is better to start looking near water or on carpets.
  • 21 - you need to look in locked storage areas: inside a box, chest or bag.
  • 22 - the loss can be found above the floor. The location of the find may be shelves.
  • 23 - in order to find the item, it is worth looking through the clean linen. He is there.
  • 24 - there is no need to panic about the loss. The item will soon be found.
  • 25 - to find what you are looking for, you should carefully review your things.
  • 26 - lost item safe and sound. The eldest member of the family has information about her whereabouts.
  • 27 - you can find what you are looking for by inspecting the garage.
  • 28 - the search will not give any result, you can stop it.
  • 29 - now the item is in the wrong hands, but over time it will return to the owner.
  • 30 - the item could have been used by children during their games, it’s worth asking them.
  • 31 - the best place to look is in the bathroom area.
  • 32 - location of the loss - a small enclosed space. It could be a corridor or a box.
  • 33 - a lost item was lost among personal belongings. They are worth revisiting.
  • 34 - the object is in a place near which the temperature level rises. Perhaps it lies near the fireplace or stove.
  • 35 - you should look for the loss where everyone washes their face.
  • 36 - the loss will be returned.
  • 37 - to find something lost, you should carefully examine the floor surface.
  • 38 - inspection of the household parts where tools are stored will bring success.
  • 39 - for a successful search, you need to double-check the contents of the shelves.
  • 40 - the lost item was accidentally wrapped in the seeker's clothing.
  • 41 - the search should start from the place where shoes are stored.
  • 42 - the loss is located near water.
  • 43 - the missing item is located one step away from the garage.
  • 44 - there is gasoline near the item you are looking for; it may be in the car.
  • 45 - the product will be found on a sideboard or shelf.
  • 46 - the spouse has information about the location of the item.
  • 47 - an item was stolen by a person you know.
  • 48 - the item you are looking for is located near drinking water.
  • 49 - you won’t be able to get the item back.
  • 50 - you need to look for the loss in the contents of suitcases or boxes.
  • 51 - the lost item is in the bathroom.
  • 52 - the item has a new owner. It's worth asking the owner of the house.
  • 53 - the lost is in the hands of others, but will soon return.
  • 54 - it’s worth looking in places where children play.
  • 55 - the loss can be found at a water source.
  • 56 - the lost item is located in the place where the owner’s last stop occurred. It's worth looking there.
  • 57 - what you are looking for will be found among personal belongings.
  • 58 - the item is in the possession of two people. The likelihood of finding what is lost is very low.
  • 59 - worth looking for in loose objects.
  • 60 - you won’t be able to find the item. The search can be stopped.
  • 61 - you need to look near the walls.
  • 62 - it is hardly possible to find what you are looking for.
  • 63 - the missing item can be found by putting things in order in the pantry.
  • 64 - you can find a thing by searching dark corners.
  • 65 - there is a high probability that the loss will not be found.
  • 66 - the owner knows the people who have the item he is looking for. It is unlikely that it will return, but it is possible to make inquiries from a weakly ill person.
  • 67 - you need to ask a boy from the family about the whereabouts of the missing person.
  • 68 - most likely, what you are looking for is on the roof of the house.
  • 69 - you need to search in a place where the owner of the item has recently been. There is a possibility that you will be able to find it at the entrance to your relatives’ house.
  • 70 - the loss is located near water.
  • 71 - a careful inspection and thorough examination of the floor will help you find the item.
  • 72 - the object is located next to a container filled with water.
  • 73 - in order to find the loss, you need to contact law enforcement agencies.
  • 74 - a faithful and devoted friend will find the loss.
  • 75 - the item is in the hands of young people. Will be returned to the owner broken.
  • 76 - you need to look where there is food and food products.
  • 77 - the lost item will be found by the guest.
  • 78 - the search will be difficult, but will be crowned with success.
  • 79 - there is a high chance that the loss is among the ironed items.
  • 80 - you need to look in confined spaces - boxes, boxes.
  • 81 - you should search in your wardrobe.
  • 82 - you can find the item by looking around the kitchen.
  • 83 - the item will be found by the girl in the water.
  • 84 - to find the loss, it is worth examining all the boxes and drawers in the house.

Using the hint you receive, you can speed up the process of finding what was lost. There is no in numerology one hundred percent certainty the fact that the loss will be found immediately. However, the search will be successful if the item is not lost forever.


Numerology helps people not only analyze their fate and character, but also find lost things. The main thing is to correctly use the magic of numbers and interpret the signs given by the Universe.

It often happens that a person loses an object or thing at home: keys, watches, bracelet, passport and much more. The search often takes quite a lot of effort and nerves. Sometimes it seems that the whole house has already been searched, but the missing item has not been found.

Lost search options: vacuum cleaner

If a small item has fallen, a vacuum cleaner is suitable to find it. Disconnect the brush from the vacuum cleaner, and in its place, attach and carefully secure an ordinary sock. Turn the vacuum cleaner on to maximum and slowly move the tube over the area where the desired item might have fallen. If you are lucky and the missing item is found, then take it from your sock and turn off the vacuum cleaner.

Focus and think

When the dimensions of an object do not allow you to use a vacuum cleaner, do not despair. Try to pull yourself together, stop being nervous and panicking. Sit down, think, look around the room and those places where the wanted item may be located. What often happens is that it is in front of your eyes, and your lack of concentration prevents you from detecting it.

If all else fails, close your eyes and remember where you last saw it missing. For example, you lost a flash drive: remember step by step where and when you used it and where you put it away. You inserted the flash drive into the computer, carried out certain actions, took it out of the connector and put it somewhere. Now open your eyes sharply and go to where you left the thing. If it is not there, then continue searching.

Refer to your home

People always blame themselves, relying on their inattention and absent-mindedness. But it is worth remembering that the matter may be due to peculiar changes taking place in your home. The room where people live is considered the place where the energy associated with the life of each family member is concentrated. This same energy leads to you getting tired, filling your head with thoughts about business and forgetting about home. The roof senses this, so a kind of imbalance of energy and objects arises.

At times like these, you feel clumsy, for example, trying to turn on a light where there is no switch or placing a cup of food on the edge of the table so that it falls. It seems to you that there is chaos and asymmetry in the house.

So, in order to find something, you need to turn to your home. No, this does not mean that you need to torment yourself every day with general cleaning and apartment maintenance. Just live in the house, feel its warmth, thank it for the fact that you have it, and you can relax in it, do what you love, cook food and be its owner.

Appease the brownie

The next step is to please the spirit of the house. Everyone knows that brownies love to make fun of their owners. This is especially true when you have recently moved into a house, in new buildings, and when you do not take care of the house. The spirit of the house can move objects, hide them because he doesn't like something or is worried.

If you cannot find your favorite earrings and think that these are the tricks of the brownie, then try to appease him: feed him something tasty, floury and sweet. Place in the eastern part of the house (this is where the spirit of the house lives) a piece of sugar, a cookie or some butter. The result will not be long in coming - the thing will soon be in its place. You can talk to the brownie and ask him to return your item. Believe me, it really works.

Summoning with a thread

Our ancestors left us another universal way to search for lost things: arm yourself with a thread or rope and tie it to the table leg in the kitchen.

Such actions encourage the lost item to return to its place. Most things disappear as a result of temporary changes, so it is precisely summoning the thing that will return it to its owner.

Pendulum to the rescue

Searching with a pendulum is also quite common among Old Believers. You can take a special pendulum for dowsing or make it yourself from a weight suspended on a rope. While holding the pendulum, start thinking about the lost thing, about its appearance and accessories. Make a wish in which you express that you want this thing to be found. Walk around the room with a pendulum in your hands. When you feel his movement, go where he leads you. This is how you can find the location of a lost item.

If none of the advice helped you, and the item was never found, but you are sure that it is in your house, then use the last method that guarantees that you will find it - general cleaning of the room. This method is good because your house will begin to shine with cleanliness, and because the loss will certainly be discovered.

Be sure to use the tips given above, then you will easily find exactly what you need and exactly where you do not expect it. Try not to lose your favorite things and household items.

Video: how to find a lost item

Everyone has unforeseen situations when a necessary thing in the apartment suddenly disappears from its place. Most often these turn out to be keys, money, necessary notes, an umbrella, gloves and other “little things”. It is especially unpleasant to realize this when the missing item is needed urgently: for example, keys when leaving the house.

How to find a lost item? First of all, you need not to fuss and panic, but try to think carefully about where you last saw the “lost thing”. If numerous searches of bags and bookshelves have not led to a find, you should turn to esotericism for help. It is she who will help find the “culprit” of the incident.

How to find a thing using a pendulum?

This is one of the most effective ways to find a lost item in an apartment. The pendulum can be made either with your own hands (tie a small weight to a thread or chain), or use an ordinary chain with a pendant.

First of all, you need to determine which answer of the pendulum will mean “yes” and which will mean “no”. For example, you can use the following option:

  • the pendulum swung from left to right when answering: the answer is “Yes”;
  • The pendulum swung from right to left when answering: the answer is “No.”

After this, you need to use the pendulum in search of the “lost one”. Questions should be asked as follows:

  • Is this item in the house?
  • Is the item in the bedroom (room, kitchen, bathroom, etc.)?
  • Is it on a shelf (on the bed, under a pillow, under a closet)?

Thus, by asking leading questions to your pendulum, you can find any missing item at home.

Brownie pranks

If unexpected losses begin to occur frequently, your brownie may be dissatisfied with the state of affairs in the house. The brownie is the keeper of the family hearth and a person’s assistant. However, he can often show dissatisfaction with his household. Hiding little things is one of his favorite ways to point out a person's mistakes.

Why does the brownie do this to his owners? There are several good reasons, including:

  • frequent quarrels in the family, tense atmosphere;
  • too many guests come to the apartment;
  • the house is poorly cleaned;
  • the brownie is not shown any signs of attention.

To appease the owner of the house, you need to pour milk into a saucer in the evening and place it overnight in any corner of the kitchen. In this case, you need to pronounce a spell:

“Sousedushko, my dear fellow! Let’s live in peace with you, we won’t play around with things anymore!”

In the morning, check the saucer of milk. If the amount of milk in it has decreased, it means that the brownie heard your request and accepted the offering. Now things will stop disappearing from their places.

There is another way to contact the brownie directly to detect the loss of a house. To do this, you need to go to the place where you last saw the “lost thing” and say loudly:

“Brownie, brownie, don’t joke with me like that! Play on the sly and bring it back!”

Then leave the room. After a while, return back to it. If the brownie heard and heeded your request, you will immediately understand where the lost item lies.

Numerology will help you in your search

This method will help to reveal the subconscious, in the depths of which there is information about where the necessary thing is hidden. Numerology, using numbers, will “fish out” the necessary data from the subconscious and help find the loss.

You need to take paper and pen and write down, without thinking, any nine numbers (for example, 9, 22, 543, 78, 1). Then calculate the amount obtained by adding these numbers and add 3 to it. The resulting number will tell you exactly where to look for the loss.

Explanation of meanings

  1. The child took this item.
  2. Look in the kitchen.
  3. The thing is in the hallway.
  4. The object was taken out of the house by a stranger.
  5. In the pockets of clothes in the wardrobe.
  6. Take a good look at your shoes.
  7. They moved it when cleaning, search in the same room.
  8. On one of the bookshelves.
  9. In the pocket of an old jacket.
  10. On the table.
  11. This item is not in the apartment.
  12. In the living room.
  13. In my trouser pocket.
  14. The item will not be found today.
  15. Under the bed.
  16. Ask other family members, they will give the right clue.
  17. Among the documents.
  18. Look in your bedding drawer.
  19. Dropped near the house.
  20. On the floor near the carpet.
  21. On the refrigerator.
  22. On one of the top shelves.
  23. In the closet with things.
  24. Can't find it today.
  25. The item was lost in the bag.
  26. The lost cannot be found in the apartment.
  27. In the car.
  28. The loss will not be found.
  29. Found by chance, you need to forget about the subject for a while.
  30. Under the sofa in the kitchen.
  31. In bathroom.
  32. In a shoe box in the hallway.
  33. In the pocket of outerwear.
  34. In the bathroom closet.
  35. In the kitchen near the stove.
  36. Today the search will not be successful.
  37. Near the pillow where you slept.
  38. Your child's.
  39. Look at the toolbox.
  40. Under the closet in the largest room.
  41. Near the washbasin.
  42. Forget about it being lost, you won’t be able to find it.
  43. In the car of relatives or friends.
  44. Look on the shelves in your apartment.
  45. Somebody stole.
  46. On the kitchen floor.
  47. Under the kitchen table.
  48. Suitcase or large bag.
  49. In the children's room among the toys.
  50. In the corner of one of the rooms.
  51. In the bathroom.
  52. Someone took it by mistake.
  53. There is no item in the house.
  54. The loss will not be found today.
  55. Dropped on the street.
  56. They left the item at a party.
  57. In the pantry.
  58. In the kitchen on the windowsill.
  59. Among the food supply.
  60. They put it in the refrigerator by mistake.
  61. Under the child's bed.
  62. Not located in the apartment.
  63. Among the clothes that were recently worn on a visit.
  64. Stolen from home.
  65. The child will tell you the location.
  66. On the floor in the bedroom.
  67. Between the wall and the closet.
  68. Between the wall and the bed.
  69. Search will turn up nothing.
  70. Look in the shower stall.
  71. Right under your feet.
  72. Pay close attention to the kitchen shelves.
  73. Won't be found today.
  74. Childish prank.
  75. Invite a friend to visit - he will help you find it.
  76. A hole in the jacket pocket, under the lining.
  77. In the closet with shoes.
  78. In a desk drawer.
  79. Where important documents are located.
  80. Lost forever.
  81. Attention to the toilet room.
  82. Under the blanket.
  83. Look on the balcony.
  84. Wardrobe.

Rituals, prayers and spells

People have many effective ways to cope with trouble and find a lost item. They have been used for centuries and have always helped in case of unexpected losses.

Rituals and conspiracies known in magic will help here, as well as prayers to some Orthodox saints.

"Look for your brother"

This method will tell you where to find the lost item. For example, if you lost your car keys, you need to take any other keys (for example, for an apartment) and throw them up with the words “Look for your brother!” In just a few minutes, insight will come, and you will know exactly where to look for what you lost.

In this way you can find wedding rings, chains, keys, gloves, umbrellas, TV remotes and many other small items that were lost at home.

“Play and give it back!”

This ritual of finding a lost thing is as follows. You need to take a clean cup and say: “Damn, damn, play and give it back!” turn it over and place it rim side down on the kitchen counter. After some time, finding the object will not be difficult: it will catch your eye.

With the help of this real conspiracy, you turn directly to small evil spirits so that they do not play pranks and allow the loss to return to its owner. But there are people who are disgusted by this way of quickly finding the right thing. In this case, you should turn to an Orthodox saint for help, for example, Saint Tryphon.

Prayer to the martyr Tryphon

Orthodox Christians turn to this saint with requests when it is necessary to be cured of illnesses and mental illnesses, as well as when there is a loss of value. If you have lost a necessary item and do not want to have anything to do with small demons, you should contact the patron saint directly with a prayer for help:

“Holy Martyr Tryphon, hear me, a sinner who honors your memory! Help me find my missing item, which I really need! Take away the evil spirits from me, drive out the evil demons from my house, deliver me from their evil tricks. Saint Tryphon, I pray for your help! Amen".

A sincere and pure prayer to this saint, coming from the heart, will certainly help you find what has disappeared and save you from similar troubles in the future.

How to find an item in 5 minutes

This ritual should be performed when a lost item needs to be found very quickly. To do this, you need to take a black thread and tie it around the four legs of a kitchen chair.

Each leg must be tied three times and a triple knot must be tightened on it. During the ritual, mentally imagine the item you need. Then leave the kitchen. In just a minute, you will unexpectedly see the place in the apartment where you will find it missing.

How to find money and jewelry at home?

If money or jewelry starts disappearing from the apartment for no reason, and the family is not to blame for anything, this is a rather bad sign. Thus, the brownie warns you that you need to urgently change your lifestyle, otherwise disaster will happen. It is worth seriously listening to this sign of fate.

In order to find missing money or precious jewelry, you need to perform the following ritual:

  • prepare a red rope;
  • wait until sunset;
  • sit in the corner of the room and tie small knots in the rope;
  • leave the rope with knots in the corner overnight;
  • in the morning before sunrise, begin to untie the knots;
  • when untying, say the following words: “My lost one, find yourself!” Show your face to me this day!”;
  • When all the knots on the rope are untied, it must be hidden in a dark place and not shown to anyone.

Thus, a rope with untied knots “replaces” the lost objects, and the latter are joyfully discovered by their owners.

It is worth remembering that this method will only work once. If money or jewelry in the house disappears again, it will no longer help.

What to do if you lost something on the street?

If you know for sure that you dropped a lost item somewhere on the street, but you can’t find it, there is one real way to help you; it will tell you the location of the “lost item.”

To do this, before going to bed, you need to draw an object that you dropped on the street and put the paper with the drawing under your pillow. Before you fall asleep, you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

“Son, come, tell me where I can find what’s missing!”

After these words, try to fall asleep immediately. In a dream you will see a lost thing. With the help of tips you will understand where and how to look for it:

  • in a dream the object is in the hands of another person - the search is already useless;
  • lost in water - look near a body of water;
  • an object in a dream next to you - look for the “lost thing” right near the house;
  • thing deep underground - searches will not lead to results.

If things suddenly start disappearing from you, no matter at home or on the street, this is a sign that there is disharmony, some kind of imbalance in your life. It is worth paying close attention to your own health, as well as the health of loved ones, and also reconsider your goals and life principles.

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