What is needed to register with the EIS. Unified information system in the field of procurement. How to register on the electronic platform

Dear bidders! We remind you of the need to register suppliers in the Unified Information System in order to create a Unified Register of Procurement Participants (URPZ).

Let us remind you that on January 1, 2019, all registers of suppliers that currently maintain trading platforms (lists of bidders accredited on them) will be merged into the Unified Register of Procurement Participants (URP), and it will be maintained by the Federal Treasury.

The Unified Register of Procurement Participants is a collection of information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs participating in procurement as suppliers. If the participant's information is not in the register, he will not be able to apply for participation. At the same time, you can get into the register only after registering with the UIS. Accordingly, the UIS reminds procurement participants of the need to take registration actions.

  • Register in the EIS;
  • Place information in ERUZ (documents);
  • Accreditation to ETP.

It is worth noting that you need to be accredited on the site no later than 1 business day from the date of registration in the UIS and ERUZ. In addition, from January 1, it will be possible only for companies that have posted information about themselves in the ERUZ. Plus, during the New Year holidays, accreditation for the ETP will only be available from January 9. Therefore, it is recommended not to put off registration and accreditation for too long, so that the new year will bring new contracts and not headaches.

However! Companies that are already accredited on at least one ETP need to register in the UIS not before January 1, 2019, but until December 31, 2019, since until this time participation in procurement will be possible if included in any of the registers. The only thing that needs to be done is to check the relevance of the information and documents on the ETP (check if there is outdated data, if something has changed - update statements, check credentials, check if the accreditation period is expiring).

For companies that do not have accreditation, registration and a special account, it is advisable to do all this before the end of the year in order to enter the new year fully armed.

But here a certain conflict arises - the UIS does not yet have functionality for registration. The support service cannot provide guidance on when it will appear, noting that the participant needs to follow the news. The solution here is not to wait for the module to appear on the UIS, but to undergo accreditation on one of the ETP now, so that information about the company is included in the register of suppliers on this ETP, and then, as a general rule, is transferred to the ERUZ. Thus, the company will have a whole year (until December 31, 2019) to register in the EIS.

Another solution is to wait for the registration functionality in the UIS and go through all the stages according to the algorithm described above, but here you need to take into account that in this case, participation in the auction may be postponed until all procedures are completed.

Please note that there are currently no regulations regulating the registration procedure in the UIS. As soon as additional information becomes available, we will update the data. Follow the news!

From 2019, almost all purchases under the contract system, as well as purchases by state companies for small and medium-sized businesses, will be carried out only in electronic form. Both categories of procurement will take place on electronic platforms from a closed list, and a single accreditation in the Unified Information System will begin to apply for suppliers.

The government has already approved a list of operators on whose platforms electronic government procurement and procurement of state-owned companies with the participation exclusively of SMEs can take place:

  1. "Agency for State Order of the Republic of Tatarstan."
  2. "Unified electronic trading platform."
  3. "Russian Auction House".
  4. "TEK - Torg".
  5. "Electronic trading systems."
  6. "Sberbank - Automated trading system."
  7. "RTS - tender."
  8. "Electronic trading platform GPB".

LLC “Automated System of Bidding for State Defense Orders” became a specialized platform for conducting closed procurements.

Procurement from sites on the closed list will begin after the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Antimonopoly Service sign agreements with operators. It is expected that this will happen before October 1, 2018, when the sites will be tested for compliance with the requirements of the Government of the Russian Federation. For example, these include the site’s ability to conduct at least 10,000 electronic procedures per day, the presence of two servers with 6 cores each, 4 GB RAM, 1000 GB storage, etc.

In turn, these operators will have to fulfill a number of obligations during their work:

  • Provide 24/7 support to contract system participants by phone and email. Questions via email must be answered by the end of the next business day. The average waiting time for a call to be answered should not exceed 5 minutes. However, the requirement states only about requests from participants in the contract system, and not from participants in procurement under Law No. 223-FZ.
  • The operator can charge a fee only for winning - it is 1% of the NMCC, but not more than 5,000 rubles. For the winner of the purchase, the participants of which could only be small enterprises, the maximum absolute amount was reduced to 2,000 rubles (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 10, 2018 No. 564).
  • When sending information and electronic documents received from a procurement participant to the customer, the operator is obliged to ensure their confidentiality before summing up the procurement results. At the same time, the operator ensures the safety and reliability of information posted on the electronic platform and signed with an electronic signature for at least 10 years (clause 22 of the Uniform Requirements). The need to comply with this requirement cancels the general rule of the Law “On Personal Data”, according to which personal data must be deleted by the operator at the request of the subject of this same data.

Blocking and unblocking participant funds

According to the new rules, a participant in an electronic procurement that takes place on a site from a closed list interacts directly with the bank. He himself must open a special account at the bank and provide a sufficient amount in it to block the security of the application he submitted. This can be done at the bank with which the site will enter into an agreement. The list of such banks was approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2018 No. 1451-r.

It is important that the procedure and cases of blocking and unblocking of funds in a special account by the bank will be regulated by the agreement between the bank and the platform operator (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 30, 2018 No. 626).

The fact is that now this order may raise questions. For example, in Law No. 223-FZ, some norms are formulated in such a way that their literal implementation threatens to be violated (for example, from Part 15 of Article 3.4 of Law No. 223-FZ it literally follows that 1 + 1 = 1). And the additional requirements approved by Resolution No. 657 only partially regulate the issues of blocking and unblocking funds of SMEs when participating in procurement under Law No. 223-FZ.

Supplier accreditation

Until January 1, 2019, accreditation of procurement participants under the contract system, as well as procurement of state-owned companies for small and medium-sized businesses, is carried out in accordance with Art. 61 of Law No. 44-FZ on each electronic platform separately. To register on the site, the future procurement participant provides the operator with:

  1. application for accreditation;
  2. a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  3. copies of constituent documents;
  4. copies of documents confirming the authority of a person to obtain accreditation on behalf of this participant;
  5. Copies of documents confirming the authority of the head;
  6. email address for sending notifications and other information;
  7. decision on approval or execution of transactions based on the results of electronic procurement on behalf of this procurement participant.

However, from January 1, 2019, centralized accreditation using the EIS is introduced (Article 24.2): the supplier is accredited only in the EIS, and if the EIS accredits it, then the next day the supplier automatically receives accreditation at all selected sites. The procedure for accreditation in the Unified Information System and the list of required documents must be determined by the Government of the Russian Federation by the end of 2018.

By default, supplier accreditation lasts three years. However, a supplier that receives accreditation in December 2018 will not be able to participate in electronic procurement until the end of 2021 if it does not register in the Unified Information System (Part 47, Article 112 of Law No. 44-FZ) by the end of 2019.

Please note that the rules for registration for participation in regular procurement under Law No. 223-FZ and after 2019 are determined by the electronic platform itself, and such registration is carried out on each site separately.


The public procurement system was created to ensure that all organizations have the right, in conditions of fair competition, to compete for contracts for the supply of goods and services offered by state and municipal structures.

In addition, this mechanism makes it possible for any outsiders to control the process of acquisition by these departments of what they need. This opens up the possibility of public control over this activity.

What is EIS

EIS is unified information system(the abbreviation was formed from the first letter of the three previous words) in the field of procurement. This mechanism is a portal located at zakupki.gov.ru. This online resource contains all information related to the acquisition of various services and goods by state authorities and local governments.

The development of this site was aimed at eliminating abuses (corruption) in the process of spending public funds on such goods and services. In addition, the creators were aimed at making the procurement process more transparent. The goal was to give all citizens of the Russian Federation access to data related to this type of activity.

In other words, in the UIS, customers (those who buy) and suppliers (performers), that is, both potential parties to the contract, but also everyone else who does not intend to enter into transactions, but only wants to control the processes, can find out all the necessary data. Such interested parties have access to all data, and it is provided to them completely free of charge. The only exception is data from the hidden part of the EIS, and, in addition, information that constitutes a state secret of Russia.

Among the information that is placed in the UIS:

  • procurement plans, as well as schedules related to them, it is required that customers post these materials on the portal in machine-readable form;
  • information on the implementation of plans from the previous paragraph;
  • a list of contracts that are drawn up in accordance with established rules;
  • notifications about ongoing purchases and all required documentation;
  • list of suppliers violating their obligations;
  • a list of standard agreements and contractual terms that customers are required to apply when concluding agreements;
  • list of types of bank guarantees;
  • register of inspections, both carried out according to plan and extraordinary;
  • list of complaints;
  • results of monitoring orders and their audit;
  • reports compiled by customers;
  • catalogs covering services and goods that are recognized as necessary to meet the needs of both the state and municipalities;
  • information regarding the average cost of goods and services according to the market;
  • other data regarding government procurement.

Requirements for suppliers and performers

Suppliers and contractors must meet a number of requirements in order to be allowed to put forward their own procurement proposals addressed to the customer. Such requirements are established by Art. 31 of Federal Law No. 44 -FZ of April 5, 2013 and include:

  • first of all, the organization’s compliance with the criteria set forth in the legislation for structures performing these works and supplying these goods, including the availability of licenses and presence in the SRO;
  • the absence of liquidation procedures in relation to this organization (accordingly, its presence is a factor excluding access to procurement);
  • absence of a decision of the arbitration court, according to which the company is declared bankrupt and bankruptcy proceedings are opened against it;
  • absence of the fact of suspension of the activities of the applicant for participation in procurement in an administrative manner;
  • the absence of excessive debt of a given legal entity for various types of obligatory payments to the budget, including taxes, fees and others, with the exclusionary circumstance being the presence of such debt in the amount of 25% of the total assets of the company (but it is stipulated that a number of types of debt are not taken into account, including those for which the company received an installment plan or deferment, or if they were restructured, as well as if the debtor himself does not agree with this debt and filed an appeal, on which there is no decision yet);
  • the absence of responsibility for the head of the organization, as well as its chief accountant or the individual carrying out the purchase (individual entrepreneur) under a criminal article of an economic profile, including giving or receiving a bribe, mediation in its transfer, participation in business activities carried out illegally;
  • also, in relation to all persons from the previous paragraph, at the time of the procurement there should be no current criminal punishment associated with the inability to carry out certain activities that are related to the supply of products or provision of services, as well as an administrative sanction in the form of disqualification;
  • the absence of legal entities (this requirement applies specifically to them) of facts of bringing to administrative liability under the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provides for punishment for receiving illegal remuneration on behalf of a legal entity during the previous two years;
  • no conflict of interest;
  • Finally, offshore companies are not allowed to purchase.

Is registration required in the EIS?

The unified information system is divided into two main parts, namely open and closed. The open one includes the bulk of information, access to it is possible for everyone. In other words, registration is not required; any person, even those who do not carry out any transactions, has the right to familiarize themselves with the information from this part. It is through it that control over procurement is exercised by the public.

Registration with the creation of your own personal account is certainly required for customers.

In its process, they need to enter into the virtual form all the details provided for in it, as well as certify what is recorded with an electronic digital signature. Only after this do they gain access to the closed part of the system, which includes procurement plans and their schedules.

How to register on the electronic platform

To register on the electronic platform, the customer or other person who has such a need must enter information about himself in the Consolidated Register of this system and write what powers he has in the field of procurement (for example, customer).

Next, the UIS will take information from this Consolidated Register and create an identification code for this person, which will be sent to him by email. This code includes 22 digits, the first twenty are numbers used for identification, and the last two indicate the authority of the given participant. If he has multiple credentials, he will need to obtain multiple codes.

Once this information is received, registration will be carried out automatically.

  • go to the website zakupki.gov.ru;
  • On the start page in the upper right corner, find the “Personal Account” button and click on it;
  • A submenu of two items will appear below with links to two personal accounts; you need to click on the desired item;
  • Then two windows will appear on the screen that will read:
    • entrance for representatives of organizations whose registration was carried out according to the third section of the procedure approved by Order of the Treasury of Russia No. 27n dated December 30, 2015;
    • entrance for representatives of organizations whose registration was carried out under the third section of the same procedure;
      the customer selects one of the options and clicks on the “Login” button on the window;
  • Next, a personal account will open, which relates to the person heading this company, there will be a form of his personal card, which he will need to fill out, entering information about:
    • last name, first name and patronymic;
    • positions;
    • your contact phone number and e-mail;
    • registration date and latest changes.

Since the head of the company in most cases does not directly perform actions within the UIS, he will need to give access to this service to another person who will become the administrator of the company. To do this, in the manager’s personal account, click on the “Register a user” link.

Next, a form opens in which the head of the company enters all the information about this person. They coincide with the list that he needs to indicate for himself, namely full name, position and telephone number. Please note that the service asks you to indicate two e-mails - the employee’s own and the one to which he will receive notifications sent by the unified information system.

Also, this data must be accompanied by a certificate issued to this person, generated in the form of a file. Finally, the form is approved by the electronic signature of the manager himself. The system checks the certificate and signature, and if it finds that they are authentic, it assigns a login to the administrator and in the future he has access to the system.

How to find a contract on the government procurement website

To find a contract in the EIS system, you need to know the region where it was concluded, the date and the customer. These parameters are entered into the search form on the portal of this service, after which the system displays the results.

Also, you can carry out search by free phrase, entering in the search bar on the main page the name of the product or service for which you want to search for contracts. The resulting results can be refined using an advanced search, as well as sorted in the required order.

How to add a user to the UIS - watch the video:

Konstantin Edelev, expert of the State Order System

From August 14, 2019, the procedure for calculating fines under 44-FZ was changed: the requirement for a fixed amount was removed, and the penalty for SMP and SONO was reduced. In the article you will find all the current rules. Working with penalties will be simplified by examples of wording and judicial practice.

Information about the concluded contract is placed by the customer in the Unified Information System within three working days from the date of conclusion of the contract (Part 3 of Article 103 of Law No. 44-FZ).

What information and how to place it in the contract register

Customers who have concluded, amended, executed, or terminated a contract send information to the contract registry. The Federal Treasury maintains a register of contracts in electronic form in Russian. Customers have the right to use letters of the Latin alphabet if they indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of foreign individuals, the name of foreign legal entities and trademarks.

The contract register consists of register entries. The Treasury creates or changes records based on the information and documents provided by the customer and places the records in the Unified Information System.

The rules by which customers and the Federal Treasury interact are established in Order No. 136n of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 24, 2014, hereinafter referred to as Order No. 136n.

The rules by which the register of contracts is maintained are established in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 No. 1084, hereinafter referred to as Rules No. 1084.

The documents were amended by Government Decree No. 443 dated April 13, 2017 and Ministry of Finance Order No. 12n dated January 31, 2017.

Rules No. 1084 are governed by:

  • customers in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 3 of Law No. 44-FZ;
  • legal entities that conduct procurement under Part 4 of Article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ;
  • legal entities that are specified in Part 5 of Article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ. At the same time, there is an agreement on the participation of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and a municipal entity in the ownership of such legal entities. The contract specifies that the legal entity provides information and documents that are included in the register of contracts;
  • legal entities from Part 6 of Article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ. At the same time, legal entities provide information and documents that are included in the register of contracts on behalf of state bodies, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, local governments, the state nuclear energy corporation Rosatom, within the limits of the powers received on the basis of agreements.

This is stated in paragraphs 5 and 6 of Rules No. 1084.

What documents and information are included in the register?

The list of documents and information sent to the contract registry depends on the actions of the customer. Send information and documents electronically using the UIS functionality and sign with an enhanced electronic signature.

During three working days from the moment you concluded the contract, send the following information and documents to the Treasury:

  1. customer name;
  2. source of financing;
  3. method of determining the supplier;
  4. the date when the procurement results were summed up;
  5. details of documents that confirm the basis for concluding the contract (for example, the date and number of the protocol for the consideration and evaluation of applications for participation in the competition);
  6. date of conclusion of the contract;
  7. contract number (if available). Before the contract number for the state defense order, use the “/” symbol to indicate the identifier of the government contract. If there is no government contract number, provide only the contract ID;
  8. object of purchase;
  9. contract price with advance payment, if provided;
  10. duration of the contract;
  11. unit price of a product, work or service;
  12. name, company name, location - for a legal entity;
  13. last name, first name, patronymic (if any) and place of residence - for an individual. An exception is information about an individual supplier of cultural property, including museum objects and museum collections, as well as rare and valuable publications, manuscripts, and archival documents;
  14. TIN of the supplier, contractor, performer or its equivalent - for a foreign person. An exception is information about an individual supplier of cultural property, including museum objects and museum collections, as well as rare and valuable publications, manuscripts, and archival documents;
  15. information about quality assurance - if available;
  16. a copy of the contract, which is signed with an enhanced non-qualified electronic signature of the customer;
  17. purchase identification code;
  18. decision of the medical commission with anonymized personal data (clause 7, part 2, article 83, clause 28, part 1, article 93 of Law No. 44-FZ);
  19. name of the country of origin of the goods, if the national regime is applied during the procurement (clause 20 of Order No. 136n).

If you are purchasing medicines, in the description of the purchase item, additionally indicate:

  • Name;
  • registration certificate number and name of its owner;
  • name of the drug manufacturer;
  • form, dosage, number of dosage forms in consumer packaging.

This is stated in paragraph 2 of Rules No. 1084.

Magazine "Goszakupki.ru" is a magazine on the pages of which practical explanations are given by leading industry experts, and materials are prepared with the participation of specialists from the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Ministry of Finance. All articles in the magazine are of the highest degree of reliability.

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