The participial phrase is isolated. Isolation of participles and participial phrases. Circumstances expressed by nouns and adverbs

As many people know, the participial phrase has the meaning of an additional predicate, therefore it is isolated and separated by commas. This usually does not cause difficulties for students. However, there are cases when the participial phrase does not need to be isolated. We will now consider these cases in more detail.

1. Participial phrase(most often this is a turn with the meaning of an adverbial manner of action) does not denote an additional action, but on the contrary, being closely connected with the predicate, it itself becomes the semantic center of the statement. In this case, it cannot be removed or moved without distorting or losing the meaning of the sentence.

He stood with his neck slightly craned, sad and thoughtful(the main thing is that he didn’t just stand, but stood with his neck slightly stretched).

She usually read with her head bowed and the tip of her tongue sticking out.(the point is how she read, not what she read at all).

This exercise must be done while sitting on the floor.(the point is exactly how this exercise is performed).

2. The participial phrase is a phraseological unit.

The boy hurried headlong to call the rescuers for help.

The printer worked tirelessly.

After receiving the news, the girl spent the night without closing her eyes.

Here are some of these phraseological units: carelessly, barely taking a breath, scream without taking a breath, rush with your tongue hanging out, lie staring at the ceiling, sit with bated breath, work with your sleeves rolled up, rush around without remembering yourself, listen with your ears hanging open, etc.

Some adverbial phraseological combinations act as introductory ones, then they are isolated.

To be honest, the exercise could have been done much better.

Apparently, you can already hit the road.

3. When there is an intensifying particle I before the participial phrase.

It was possible to report this without starting to quarrel.

A humble person remains humble even after defeating a strong enemy.

You can go home without waiting for the exam result.

4. If the participial phrase is broken by the word included in a subordinate clause or in a simple sentence. This usually applies to subordinate clauses with a conjunctive word which. Also, similar cases can be found in some poetic texts.

There was a door to the left, through which it was possible to get into the dressing room.

Jim Jarmusch's new film was released yesterday, and after watching it it is not difficult to understand his creative growth.

Raven, perched on the spruce tree, was just about ready to have breakfast, but became thoughtful... (I. A. Krylov).

But Shibanov, keeping his slavish loyalty, gives his horse to the governor (A.K. Tolstoy).

5. A gerund may lose its verbal meaning, then it is not separated by commas. Usually in such cases it can be omitted without affecting the meaning of the sentence.

The post office is located not far from Vosstaniya Square.

Universities have been accepting applicants under new rules since the end of last year

You can start the task starting tomorrow(the word starting can be omitted, the structure and meaning of the sentence will not change).

However, if the turn with the word beginning is not associated with the concept of time or serves to clarify, clarify, then it is isolated.

Everything seemed suspicious to us, starting with his intonation

The captain, starting from the Crimean War, participated in all military operations except Japanese(the word starting cannot be omitted, the structure and meaning of the sentence will change).

Revolutions based And depending on in most cases they are not included in the participial construction and are not isolated.

The task is compiled based on your wishes.

We will act according to the circumstances.

6. The participial phrase appears together with the usual non-isolated circumstance and they are homogeneous. In this case, the participial phrase is not separated by commas.

We will teach you how to solve examples and problems with ease and without resorting to reference books.

The boy ran quickly and without looking back.

The second lieutenant answered inwithout embarrassment.

However, in this case, isolation is possible if the author wants to put a semantic emphasis or give a related explanation.

A little guilty and sobbing, mother psaid goodbye to Alyosha.

In the dark sky, tired and not sparkling, yellow droplets of stars appeared (M. Gorky).

As you can see, not everything is simple with punctuation marks in adverbial phrases, but we hope our explanations helped you. If something remains not entirely clear, you will always find help from our tutors!

Good luck to you and a beautiful, competent, understandable Russian language!, when copying material in full or in part, a link to the original source is required.

Isolation (highlighting with commas) of circumstances depends, first of all, on the way they are expressed.

A) Circumstances expressed by gerunds

1. Circumstances expressed by gerunds (you can ask morphological questions to the gerunds doing what? what did you do?) and participial phrases (that is, participles with dependent words), as a rule, are isolated regardless of the place they occupy in relation to the predicate verb:

Example: Arms spread wide, a grimy bulldozer driver is sleeping(Peskov). Ksenia had dinner spreading a scarf on the rod (Peskov).

If a circumstance expressed by a gerund and a participial phrase is in the middle of a sentence, then it is separated by commas on both sides:

And then to the cliff, leaving my bulldozer, Nikolai ran up(Peskov). The bird, shuddering, picked up its wings(Permitov).

Isolated circumstances, expressed by gerunds and participial phrases, are close in meaning to the secondary predicate (but are never independent predicates!). Therefore, they can be replaced by subordinate clauses or independent predicates.

Wed: And then to the cliff, leaving my bulldozer, Nikolai ran up. - Nikolai left his bulldozer and ran to the cliff. The bird, shuddering, picked up its wings. - The bird shuddered and picked up its wings.


1) Restrictive particles are only included inside a separate structure and are released along with it.

A match was struck only for a second illuminating the man's face.

2) The participle and the participial phrase standing after the coordinating or subordinating conjunction / allied word are separated from it by a comma (such a phrase can be torn off from the conjunction, rearranged to another place in the sentence, or removed from the sentence).

Wed: He threw down the pen and leaning back in the chair, began to look at the moonlit clearing(Permitov). - He dropped the pen and began to look at the moonlit clearing; Life is arranged in such a way that without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love(M. Gorky). - Life is arranged in such a way that it is impossible to truly love, not knowing how to hate.

3) A conjunction or a conjunctive word is not separated by a comma from a gerund and a participial phrase in the event that the participial construction cannot be torn away from the conjunction or conjunctive word or removed from the sentence without destroying the structure of the sentence itself. This is most often observed in relation to the coordinating conjunction a.

Wed: He tried to read books unnoticed, and after reading them, he hid them somewhere(impossible: He tried to read books unnoticed, but hid them somewhere); But: He did not name the author of the note, but, having read it, put it in his pocket. - He did not name the author of the note, but put it in his pocket.

Two homogeneous gerunds or participial phrases connected by single coordinating or disjunctive conjunctions and, or, or, are not separated by a comma.

The telephone operator sat, hugging his knees and leaning your forehead on them(Baklanov).

If a conjunction connects not two gerunds, but other constructions (predicates, parts of a complex sentence, etc.), then commas are placed in accordance with the rules for placing punctuation marks for homogeneous members, in a complex sentence, etc.

Wed: 1. I took the note and, after reading it, put it in my pocket. Single conjunction and connects predicates ( took it and stuck it) and a comma is placed after the conjunction;

2. He stopped, thinking about something, And , turning around sharply, called the sentry. A single conjunction connects two predicates ( stopped and called). Circumstances - participial phrases refer to different predicates ( has stopped , thinking about something; called, turning around sharply ). Therefore, they are separated on both sides by commas from other members of the sentence.

2. Not isolated circumstances expressed by gerunds and participial phrases, in the following cases:

    The participial phrase is a phraseological unit:

    He worked carelessly; He ran headlong.

    Note. Most often the following phraseological units are not distinguished in texts: run headlong, run headlong, work carelessly, work with sleeves rolled up, work tirelessly, sit back, rush with your tongue out, listen with bated breath, scream without taking a breath, lie staring at the ceiling, rush about without remembering yourself, spend the night without closing your eyes, listen with your ears hanging open. But if such a phraseological unit is an introductory word ( in all honesty, to be honest, frankly speaking, in short, apparently), then it is separated by commas, for example: Apparently, he had no intention of helping me; In short, we will have to do everything ourselves.

    before the gerund there is an intensifying particle and (not a conjunction!):

    You can live and without bragging about your intelligence;


    The participle in modern Russian is never predicate, therefore verb and gerund cannot be homogeneous members!

    The gerund is part of a subordinate clause and has the conjunctive word which as its dependent. In this case, a comma only separates the main clause from the subordinate clause, and there is no comma between the gerund and the conjunctive word:

    We face the most difficult tasks, without deciding which we will not be able to get out of the crisis;

    The participial phrase includes the subject.

    In this case, the comma only separates the entire phrase from the predicate, and the subject and the gerund are not separated by a comma. Such constructions are found in poetic texts of the 19th century:

    Crow perched on a spruce tree, had breakfast I'm just about ready...(Krylov); compare: Crow, perched on a spruce, got ready to have breakfast;

    The participle acts as a homogeneous member with a non-isolated circumstance and is connected with it by the conjunction and:

    He walked quickly and without looking around.

3. Not isolated participle constructions and single participles that have lost their verbal meaning. These are the most difficult cases for punctuation analysis. They require special attention to the meaning of the gerund, to the context in which the gerund is used, etc.

    Participles and adverbial phrases that have finally lost their verbal meaning, have become adverbs, or have acquired adverbial meaning in a given context are not distinguished:

    She looked at me without blinking(it is forbidden: looked and didn't blink); We drove slowly(it is forbidden: we drove and were in no hurry); The train was coming do not stop (it is forbidden: walked and didn't stop); He answered while sitting(it is forbidden: he answered and sat); He walked with his back bent(it is forbidden: he walked and bent).

    Such single participles, less often - participial phrases, are usually circumstances of the manner of action (answer questions How? how?), merge with the predicate into one whole, are not separated from the predicate by a pause and most often stand immediately after the predicate:

    looked silently, looked smiling, listened with a frown, spoke while yawning, chatted incessantly, sat ruffled, walked bent over, walked stumbling, walked with a limp, walked with his head bowed, wrote with his head bowed, entered without knocking, lived without hiding, spent money without counting and etc.

    Often such gerunds can be replaced by adverbs, nouns with and without prepositions.

    Wed: He spoke about this smiling. - He spoke about this with a smile; The train was coming do not stop. - The train went without stops.

    In all such uses, the gerund indicates not an independent action, but an image of the action expressed by the predicate.

    For example, in the sentence: He walked bent over- one action ( walked), and the former gerund ( bent over) indicates a mode of action - a characteristic posture when walking.

    If in this context the verbal meaning is preserved, then a single participle or participial phrase is isolated. Usually in this case there are other circumstances with the predicate verb; The participle takes on the meaning of clarification, explanation and is intonationally highlighted.

    Wed: He walked without looking back. - He walked hastily, without looking back.

    The increase in verbosity in gerunds can be facilitated by the degree of prevalence of gerunds.

    Wed: She sat waiting. - She sat waiting for an answer.

    Not isolated former gerunds that have lost connection with the verb and have become function words: starting from (meaning “from such and such a time”), proceeding from (meaning “based on”), depending on (meaning “in accordance”) :

    Everything has changed since last Monday; The estimate is based on your calculations; Act depending on the circumstances.

    However, in other contexts the turns may become isolated:

    turns with words starting with are isolated if they are in the nature of clarification, explanation and are not associated with the concept of time:

    The word beginning in such contexts cannot be eliminated without damaging the meaning of the sentence;

    a phrase with the words proceeding from is isolated if in meaning it correlates with the producer of the action, which can “come from something”:

    We have drawn up an estimate based on your calculations (we based on your calculations);

    turns with words, depending on the type, are isolated if they have the meaning of clarification or accession:

    I had to act carefully, depending on the circumstances (clarification, you can insert “namely”); Vacation can be used to practice various sports, depending on the time of year (joining).

B) Circumstances expressed by nouns

1. Always separate circumstances of the assignment expressed by nouns with prepositions despite, despite. Such phrases can be replaced by subordinate clauses of concession with the conjunction although.

Wed: Despite the rainy summer, the harvest turned out to be excellent(Pochivalin). - Although the summer was rainy, the harvest was excellent; Despite heavy shelling, Fedyuninsky rose to his observation post. - Although the shelling was strong, Fedyuninsky rose to his observation post.

2. Can become isolated circumstances:

    reasons with prepositions and prepositional combinations thanks to, as a result of, in view of, for lack of, for the absence of, according to, by virtue of, in connection with, for the reason of, on occasion etc. (can be replaced by a subordinate clause with the conjunction since).

    Wed: Savelich, agrees with the coachman's opinion, advised to return. - Since Savelich agreed with the coachman’s opinion, he advised to turn back; Children, due to being young, no positions have been identified(Turgenev). - Since the children were small, they were not assigned any positions;

    concessions with prepositions in spite of, with (can be replaced with a subordinate clause with the conjunction although).

    Wed: His life despite the gravity of his situation, went easier, slimmer than Anatole’s life(Herzen). - Although the situation was difficult, his life was easier, more harmonious than Anatole’s life; Contrary to his instructions, the ships were put out to sea early in the morning(Fedoseev). - Although he gave instructions, the ships were taken out to sea early in the morning.

    conditions with prepositions and prepositional combinations if present, if absent, in case etc. (can be replaced by a subordinate clause with the conjunction if).

    Wed: workers, in case of refusal, decided to go on strike. - If the workers are refused, they decide to go on strike;

    goals with prepositions and prepositional combinations in order to avoid (can be replaced by a subordinate clause with the conjunction so that).

    Wed: Money, to avoid delay, translate by telegraph. - To avoid delays, transfer money by telegraph;

    comparisons with the conjunction like.

    Wed: Nikolai Petrovich was born in the south of Russia, like his older brother Paul (Turgenev).

However, phrases with such prepositions and prepositional combinations may not be isolated.

More often, phrases that are located between the subject and the predicate are isolated:

Savelich, agrees with the coachman's opinion, advised to return.

In addition, isolated phrases are usually common, that is, they contain a noun with dependent words:

Thanks to great weather and especially holiday, the street of the village of Maryinsky came alive again(Grigorovich).

As a rule, the indicated phrases at the end of the sentence are not isolated.

Wed: workers, as directed by the master, headed to the next workshop. - The workers went to the neighboring workshop as directed by the master.

In general, the isolation of phrases with the indicated prepositions and prepositional combinations is optional.

3. Circumstances expressed by nouns, without prepositions or with other prepositions, are isolated only if they acquire additional semantic load, have an explanatory meaning or combine several adverbial meanings (temporary and causal, temporary and concessional, etc.).

For example: Peter, after he received a decisive refusal, went to his room(L. Tolstoy).

In this case, the circumstance combines the meanings of time and reason ( when did you leave? And why did he leave?). Please note that the phrase is expressed by a noun with dependent words and is located between the subject and the predicate.


Isolated circumstances expressed by nouns are always highlighted intonationally. However, the presence of a pause does not always indicate the presence of a comma. Thus, the circumstances that appear at the beginning of the sentence are always emphasized intonationally.

Wed: I was in St. Petersburg last year; Last year / I was in St. Petersburg.

However, a comma is not placed after such a circumstance!

C) Circumstances expressed by adverbs

Circumstances expressed by adverbs (with dependent words or without dependent words) are isolated only if the author wants to draw attention to them, if they have the meaning of a passing comment, etc.:

A moment later into the yard, unknown where from, a man ran out in a nankeen caftan, with a head as white as snow(Turgenev).

A participial phrase is an independent part of speech, which includes adverbial participles and dependent words. In a speech construction, this phrase is always separated by commas, with the exception of a number of cases. This article presents in table form all the rules for isolating adverbial verbs with examples.

When is an adverbial phrase isolated?

Participial turnover- a speech construction that is a gerund with dependent words. In a sentence, the participial phrase is always separated by commas and plays the syntactic role of an adverbial adverb. The conditions for isolating participial phrases in written speech are given in the table.


Example sentences

The participle phrase is separated by commas, regardless of the position in which it is used in relation to the predicate verb. It can appear at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a sentence.

Answering the teacher's question , Sasha sat down at his desk.

Andrey, catching a big pike, decided to return home.

The man did not listen to his interlocutor, thinking about plans for the day.

If the participial phrase comes after a conjunction or allied word, it is separated by commas on both sides (in cases where the phrase can be rearranged to another part of the sentence without loss of meaning).

The woman prepared the salad, but... remembering the seasonings, added a little black pepper.

Katya heard that choosing the right chords, in another room they were playing guitar.

The participial phrase is not separated by commas if it is closely related to the predicate.

They lived without meeting anyone.

The man was walking limping on his left leg.

The participle phrase is not isolated in cases where the participle with dependent words is part of the phraseological phrase.

We listened to him ears hanging down.

They always work carelessly.

Two participial phrases (or an adverbial phrase with a participle), which in a sentence are homogeneous members of the sentence and are used through a conjunction And, separated by commas as a single construction.

Retelling the news And collecting things, Masha was talking on the phone with a friend.

Smiling widely And hugging tightly Sasha, Anya began to ask how he was doing.

If the participle is a homogeneous member of a sentence with a non-isolated circumstance and is used through a conjunction And, then it is not separated by a comma.

The traveler walked along the road cheerfully and enjoying the first rays of sunshine.

Loud and sometimes shouting over the interlocutor she was trying to get her point across.

An adverbial phrase is not isolated if it contains a conjunctive word which.

Vanya chose the computer having bought which he will be able to play his favorite games.

My friend told me a secret knowing which I can win the competition.

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Separate themselves

Not isolated

1. Participles with dependent words, as well as two or more participles related to one verb: 1) Holding the jug above her head, the Georgian woman walked along a narrow path to the shore. Sometimes she slid between the stones, laughing at awkwardness his. (L.); 2) The sun, hidden behind a narrow bluish cloud, gilds its edges. (New-Pr.); 3) From the Urals to the Danube, to the big river, the regiments are moving, swaying and sparkling. (L.)

1. Participles with dependent words, which have turned into stable figures of speech that have become sensible expressions (usually they come after the verb to which they refer: carelessly, rolling up sleeves, headlong, without taking a breath, etc.): 1) The boy ran headlong (very quickly); 2) We will work with our sleeves rolled up (unitedly, persistently). But: The father rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands thoroughly.

2. Single gerunds, if they do not have the meaning of an adverb (usually they come before the verb): 1) Having made some noise, the river calmed down and returned to its banks. (Floor.); 2) The roar, without stopping, rolls on. (CM.); 3) The steppe turned brown and began to smoke, drying out. (V.Sh.)

2. Single gerunds, having the meaning of a simple adverb, acting as an adverb of the manner of action (usually they come after the verb): 1) Yakov walked slowly (slowly). (M.G.);

2) He talked about the walk laughing (cheerfully).

3. Participles with dependent words, closely merging in meaning with the verb: The old man sat with his head down. What is important here is not that the old man was sitting, but that he was sitting with his head down.

4. Groups of homogeneous members, consisting of an adverb and a gerund: The boy answered questions frankly and without any embarrassment.

Participles and participial phrases connected by a conjunction and, like other homogeneous members, they are not separated from each other by a comma: I looked back. At the edge of the forest. With one ear attached and the other raised, the hare jumped over. (L.T.)

In all other cases, gerunds and participial phrases are separated by a comma from the conjunction preceding or following them and: 1) The batteries gallop and rattle in a copper formation, and... smoking, as before a battle, the wicks burn. (L.) 2) " Eagle* finally went, having developed a move, and, having caught up with the squadron, took his place in the ranks. (New-Pr.)

Isolation of circumstances expressed by nouns

1. Circumstances of concession expressed by nouns with a preposition despite, are separated: 1) Despite the difference in characters and the apparent severity of Artyom, the brothers loved each other deeply. (BUT.); 2) The next morning, despite the owners' begging, Daria Alexandrovna got ready to go. (L. T.); 3) The day was hot, bright, radiant, despite the occasional rain. (T.)

2. Isolation of other circumstances expressed by nouns with prepositions is not mandatory. Isolation depends on the intentions and goals of the author, as well as the prevalence or non-prevalence of the circumstances and their place in the sentence. More common circumstances are isolated more often than less common ones; circumstances occurring at the beginning or middle of a sentence (before the predicate) are isolated more often than those at the end of the sentence: Due to the lack of a room for those arriving at the station, we were given overnight accommodation in a smoky hut. (L.) But: He didn’t go to the cinema due to lack of time. Circumstances isolated in this way are closer in meaning to subordinate clauses.

Most often, the following circumstances are isolated: 1) circumstances of reason with prepositions thanks to, according to, in view of, as a result of or with prepositional combinations for the reason, by chance, for lack of, due to etc.: I went by postal service, and he, due to heavy luggage, couldn't follow me. (L.); 2) circumstances of the condition with prepositional combinations in the presence, in the absence, provided, etc.: Yacht racing, subject to favorable weather, will take place next Sunday; 3) the circumstances of the concession with the pretext contrary to: Our parking lot is in Kamrang Bay, contrary to the expectations of many, dragged on. (New-Pr.)

Single gerund Not is isolated, if it retains the meaning of verbality, indicating a manner of action. In this case, it usually approaches in meaning an adverb or a combination of a noun with a preposition used in an adverbial meaning, and is not isolated: The train was comingdo not stop(“non-stop”); She talked about it smiling(“said with a smile”); He was sittingwithout moving(how did you sit? In what position?).

Examples of non-isolated single circumstances: Those seeking manifestations of power turned inward and fading(Gonch.); Veretyev sat leaning over and patted the grass with a branch(T.); Classes were supposed to last until two o'clock. without interruption(L.T.); He slept without undressing(L.T.); Cranes usually sleep standing(Ax.) - adverbial meaning; At home, Gromov always read lying down(Ch.) - adverbial meaning; He walked behind his wife's coffin stumbling(M.G.); She returned from there having lost weight(M.G.); Dmitry listened to him frowning(M.G.); He… not to mentionthrew money(M.G.); he said out of breath(M.G.); There, in the darkness, someone's eyes were looking without blinking(A.T.); Sergei pushed Vera aside, nodded to her and left whistling.(A.T.); At first I answered with a frown(Forsh); [Aksinya] entered the hall without knocking(Sh.); The girl ran into the room sobbing; Another simpleton he would think so in earnest; Sergei was sitting leaning over and tied up his skates; The children were chatting without ceasing; He lived with his grief without hiding; He kept talking yawning; Her eyes moved from one picture to another comparing;He hid the money in his wallet not to mention; It was raining without stopping; The train has passed without delay; You can't pass them by not being happy; The partisans were walking crouching;The neighbor listened to me without objecting; We walked hugging along a forest road; The girl spoke gasping for breath; The driver shouted cursing; They listened Not understanding our conversations - phrase our conversations refers to the predicate listened; He signed the papers without reading; Let's move forward without looking back; He sat down on a chair without undressing and thought; The old man was walking staggering; Gone without saying goodbye; The apple falls when ripe; Passed without hiding; We discussed the question of who chuckling, who is serious; The path went wriggling; He ran into the yardscreaming; No one is given the right to live not working; The girl was telling sobbing; Gone looking down; Without stopping the same cry disturbed the ears; Passed by without turning around; Everyone listened not breathing; Slowly he walked around the room; Without hesitation she rejected; Shouldn't do without thinking; Follow without reasoning; People stood petrified; He spoke making excuses; The mountain road was going looping; Sits by the table saddened; I took the book not looking; I walked thinking; Sat leaning on his elbows; The wave rolled off, ringing; Messages from the front could not be read without worrying; Everyone stood there for about five minutes without moving; The young man rushed to help without hesitation; The sniper shot without aiming.

Separation or the non-isolation of a single gerund may depend on the place it occupies in relation to the predicate verb: the same word can be isolated at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence, but not at the end. Wed:

He saidstuttering. - He added,stutteringa few words from myself;

They walked slowly. - On the way to,slowly, they picked mushrooms and berries;

She woke up her sonsmiling. - Smiling,she woke up her son;

Had dinnerleisurely(Mark.). - Through the yardleisurely, a squat, short-legged, round-headed man walked(Mark.).

The isolation of a single gerundial participle can be influenced by its type: more often gerundial participles of the imperfect form are not isolated (on -and I), since they usually express the circumstance of the manner of action, while the perfect participles (on -v, -shi) there are other shades of meaning (time, reason, conditions, concessions), which often leads to their isolation. Wed: listened without interrupting; I started looking closely without recognizing; Took breaks getting tired; Having refused, he will miss this last opportunity; Obomlev, she stood motionless in the doorway; Without calling came to my house; Indignant, he refused to answer; Tired they made stops along the way.

Separation or the non-isolation of a single gerund may be associated with the lexical meaning of the predicate verb: the same gerund is isolated with some verbs, but not with others. Wed:

I asked do not stop(the gerund does not indicate the “way of asking”; it denotes other actions simultaneous with the movement). - Walked do not stop(“non-stop”);

Lost in thoughts smiling(“thought and smiled”). - Said smiling(“spoke with a smile”).

If a single gerund is located between two predicate verbs and in meaning can be attributed to any of them as a circumstance of the manner of action, it is not separated by a comma from the predicate to which the writer refers it: He squatted down groaning reached into the bottom drawer of the table; The girl ran out into the garden, crying rushed to her mother.

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