Objects fall at home on their own. Household signs for the home - how to keep peace in the family. Folk signs about cleaning the house

Signs and home protection How to protect your home from witchcraft First of all, you need to find out if there is evil spirits in your home. To do this, take blessed salt and place it for 15–20 minutes on a heated frying pan over low heat. If the apartment is “clean”, the salt will be yellowish in color, and if there are unclean ones, the salt will crackle and turn dark brown or black. In this way, they not only determine the presence of evil spirits, but also drive them out. Every apartment, every house starts from the threshold. It is through the threshold that joy comes to us, and through the threshold that grief and misfortune also look in. That’s why you can often see a horse’s shoe hanging over the threshold for good luck, or bunches of nettles and thistles, garlic and onions for evil spirits. The threshold fences us off from seven troubles, from someone else's evil eye. People believe that you cannot stand on the threshold and say goodbye to departing guests. They never give anything over the threshold. Food served through the threshold means illness, and if it is clothing, then the body will be plagued by dryness and aches. A talisman against the evil eye is a branch of rowan or a paw of spruce, attached above the front door. If there are frequent quarrels in the house, get a cactus, but do not forget that you will have to part with it soon! This plant collects negative energy, even harmful radiation from televisions and computers. But it stores them, accumulates them and soon becomes a very “prickly” harmful member of the family. And if your cactus blooms, this is a sign that there is something bad in your family relationships exhausted and your relationship has a chance to acquire a new quality, like a beautiful flower. Never leave a knife stuck in bread! Such bread should not be eaten so as not to bring a quarrel on the family, up to the breaking of relations. When cleaning your apartment, never point towards the entrance - you will wash your dirty laundry in public. Aspen branch hanging over the threshold front door , will not let energy vampires into your home. Even a dry and winter one, placed in the bedroom, will save you from nightmares. You can wash the floors only when everyone in your household is at home, otherwise you will “cover up” your traces. Do not place knives and forks with the edges facing up - you will incur anger. Never place bread bottom up. This is a very bad omen; a loved one may die untimely. If you drop a knife, fork or spoon from the table, knock the handle on the table three times (don’t say a word until you do this) - you will protect yourself from the uninvited guest. Do not throw cut hair, nails or lost teeth anywhere - a sorcerer can use them. You also shouldn’t throw them out the window or burn them – you might get sick. Do not distribute your photographs to just anyone - through them you can have any influence on you. Also, do not talk about the date and especially the time of your birth, or about any personal things. A watch that has been used for a long time also has a very strong connection with its owner, so it is not recommended to part with it, even if it is broken. This connection is so strong that the clock often stops after the death of the owner - it is useless to repair such a clock using conventional methods. Never leave unsawed rings, whole bracelets or tied knots on the dead - this causes ghosts. If you have to return home halfway, there will be no way. To somehow avoid this, say hello out loud to your own reflection in the mirror. Do not pick up small coins dropped by someone - they most often cause warts, diseases and damage. Do not touch lying crutches, sticks, canes, scarves, gloves or other lost items. Do not give or accept as gifts without a symbolic “payoff”: scarves and gloves (for separation), watches (for melancholy), sharp objects (for quarrels with consequences). If there are serious suspicions of induced damage: children get sick inexplicably, dishes break on their own and objects fall, food spoils prematurely, other inexplicable phenomena occur, bad dreams occur - do a thorough cleaning of the house. Inspect the door frames and window frames, the entrance rug for stuck needles, buttons and pins, inspect the carpets on the walls, check the fluff in the pillows - burn everything you find. Sprinkle your home with holy water. Evil spirits can also be expelled with the help of incense, fumigating the room with it. The towel on which you blessed the Easter cake during the Easter service helps a lot against damage if you wear it on yourself. On Christmas Day, from one in the morning to five in the morning, the sky “opens.” At this time, ask the Lord for healing and forgiveness of sins. If your sins are forgiven, then damage will not be terrible. Bless the poppy (preferably wild) on the Maccabee or on the Savior and shower your home with it. The witches will not pass. It is good to keep birch branches in the house, blessed for Trinity. They also help against evil spirits. The presence of cursed things in the apartment can be determined as follows: bring from church on Good Friday the unburned candle that you held during the service, light it and walk with it through all the rooms, where the candle crackles - damage. On Maundy Thursday, a house or apartment can be fumigated with juniper, wild rosemary or heather. This will also protect and drive out the unclean from your home. Buckthorn branches, consecrated in the church on Trinity Sunday, hung over the doors and windows of your home, will also protect you and your home from evil spirits. On Epiphany, January 19, bless the water in the church and sprinkle it on your yard and apartment or house. By doing this you will also protect yourself from evil spirits. You can knead the batter using blessed Epiphany water and use it to draw crosses above the front door (outside and inside the apartment). This will also protect you and your home from the tricks of evil, unkind people. On the Annunciation, bless the salt, burn it for about fifteen minutes in a frying pan on a white cloth, then use this salt for food for both people and animals (a pinch at a time). It’s good if you always have blessed salt in your salt shaker. Crosses drawn (accumulated) outside and inside with a candle from the church that you held in your hands on Maundy Thursday will protect you and your home well from the unclean. Chalk protects against evil spirits. It’s not for nothing that in the old days the walls were whitewashed with chalk, which created a certain protective background. Try it, the unclean don't like chalk. And wallpapering homes creates a favorable environment for them. Cats and dogs sense the unclean well. The dog's hair rises on the back of its neck and it begins to bark at the place where the unclean ones are. And cats sometimes even leave the house. When leaving home, protect yourself. Read the prayer three times: “The cross is above me, the cross is below me, the cross is on the sides, the cross is in front and behind.” Do not step over dead snakes, frogs, or grass snakes lying in your path. Go around them. Otherwise you will get sick. Do not hang laundry out to dry overnight. They can damage him. It may even be that some of the laundry disappears and then reappears. Burn the item that appears. Purchased products (especially at the market) should be sprinkled with blessed water or the Lord’s Prayer should be read over them and crossed with a knife. It is good to drive out the unclean by visiting the belfry during church holidays. You can listen to services on a tape recorder, recorded on a cassette, while reading the prayers yourself. Do not give your photographs to anyone, this will save you from many troubles. Carry three aspen sticks under the insoles of your shoes. They will protect you if you accidentally step on damage. Matches are suitable for this purpose. Remove sulfur from them, sprinkle with blessed water and place under the insoles. This is how monks consecrate their home. Place four candles in four glasses filled with grain, with which they stood overnight in the church on Easter. You should arrange the glasses with candles like this: place one glass at the front door on a chair, place a second glass opposite the front door against the wall, a third on the balcony by the window, and a fourth opposite it in the bedroom by the window to form a cross. Light candles. Place a cross with the candle that you stood with all night on Easter outside and inside and on the windows. Then wrap a piece of cotton wool around three matches and circle the crosses that were made with a candle with church oil. Sprinkle the apartment with Epiphany water while reciting the “Our Father” prayer. Then walk around the home three times, starting from the front door, with a burning candle, reading the “Our Father” prayer. If there is incense, fumigate the rooms with burning incense; if not, fumigate with dry wormwood. The matches that were used to smear the crosses must be burned and buried where people do not walk! If you do not have the opportunity to invite a priest to consecrate the home, do this: sprinkle the inside of the home with baptismal water, as written above, and perform the entire ritual. If fate has ceased to favor you and it seems to you that you are to blame for this evil spirits or your enemies, perform the following ritual. Hang three peeled small onions in different places in your home: in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the living room. It must be hung in a special way. Pierce each bulb with a thick needle and red thread and tie the thread in a loop around the bulb. The bulbs should hang for 7 nights. Then they are removed and placed each on a sheet of clean paper, heavily salted and burned over a bright fire. The evil spell will be broken. If at night devils, demons and half-demons mock you, witches and sorcerers visit you, then, firstly, invite a priest to bless your house, secondly, buy new knives (15–20 cm long) and in each window on the right, in Place the knife on the top of the frame so that the blade is perpendicular to the frame and seems to divide the window in half. On the front door, place two knives perpendicular to the opening so that the blades divide the doorway into four parts. Knives must remain standing at all times. Also put a knife in each vent if you live in a high-rise building. In your home, you need to place the knife with the blade facing up on the pipe so that it divides the pipe diagonally. You can use needles instead of knives, but they can only detain witches and sorcerers, and demons pass through such protection. On the front door, you can use scissors instead of knives, which are moved apart and placed in the upper right corner perpendicular to the door opening on the side where the door opens, so that the open blades of the scissors divide the door diagonally. If you have protection on your windows, and the unclean are trying to get to you, you will hear a blow on the glass, as if a piece of jellied meat was thrown at the window. A broom is an invariable attribute in every home. Try not to step over or step on it, as you may experience cramps. However, a broom is also protection from the unclean. To prevent evil spirits from entering your home, place it near the front door with the handle down. Then witches and sorcerers will go around your house on the tenth road. It happens that they give you flowers that have been in the cemetery all night. If you take such a gift home, you will suffocate, lose consciousness, feel headache and weakness. If this happens, pour gasoline on the flowers, first take them out of the house, burn them, drink blessed water and read the “Our Father.” Unopened water, collected before sunrise on Thursday, improves health and protects against spoilage (drink it). You should not sleep with the windows open from 12 to 3 am. At this time, the unclean are aggressive. Or drive four needles into the vents in the corners and pull the thread crosswise. When going to bed, cross yourself, pillows and bed three times and read the prayer “Alive in Help.” It happens that when you meet, they pat you on the shoulder, shake your hand, your energy begins to flow out, and the person doing this immediately blossoms. Sometimes diseases are transmitted this way. If there is a puddle of water near your threshold (usually soapy, the water in which the deceased was washed is added to it), do not step over or step into it. Otherwise you will get damaged. Take a rag, soak up this water, trying not to handle it with your hands, but with the help of some kind of stick. Take this rag outside, pour gasoline or kerosene on it and burn it with prayer, making sure that the smoke does not come towards you. If the door handle is smeared with something (they use soap that was used to wash the deceased), then take the paper, light it and burn the handle crosswise with fire. Then wipe the pen with clean paper, which you burn or bury. If in front of the threshold of your house or apartment you find coins, salt, earth, millet, seed husks, etc., walk around it clockwise, cross the pile three times, collect it, for example, on a newspaper (not with your hand), take it away from the house and light it while reading “Our Father”, then say: “Where it came from, go there; whoever created it, take it.” If, for example, close neighbors gave this to you, their face will be red, as if burned. If there is a nail or needle sticking out of your door, wrap it in a rag and take it outside the house, burn it and bury it. If they give you gifts, don't take them in your hands, let them put them somewhere. When the guests leave, you sprinkle blessed water on each gift. If you hear the smell of burning wool after this, it means that they tried to drive the demons inside. You can protect yourself well from damage in the following way: on Thursday morning, standing, read the Lord’s Prayer, imagining in your mind that a wall of fire is rising around you clockwise to the very sky. The entrance mat in front of the door serves as an ideal means of causing damage. They can pour water on it, in which the deceased was washed, they can pour earth from the grave, etc. d. All family members will go through such a rug and everyone will receive their portion of damage. Therefore, it is better not to place rugs at the entrance doors. The weeping grass (merlin) collected before sunrise on Ivan Kupala is feared by witches and sorcerers. Sprinkle it in front of the threshold of your home. If a person lives in his own home In addition to the methods of protection that I suggested above, you can do the following in your home. On four pieces of paper you need to write the prayer “Alive in Help.” Take four bottles with a stopper and put a prayer in each bottle. Then count how many steps across the width of your estate (from one neighbor’s fence to another’s fence), divide it in half and bury a prayer bottle on the side of your yard. Do the same from the side of the garden: count how many steps along the width of your garden (from one neighbor to another), and divide in half - in this place also bury a bottle with the prayer “Alive in Help.” Then divide the length of your estate in half on one side and on the other to form a cross. In the garden, in the place where you buried the bottle with the prayer, drive a peg on top (so that the bottle remains in place if you dig up the garden in the fall). Bless the estate with Epiphany water and sprinkle it with holy poppy seeds. Now, even if they throw some nasty thing they say into your yard, there will be no harm to you. It is advisable to set everything that is thrown on fire. You only need to take it with a dustpan and a broom, do not touch anything with your hands. Everything that remains after burning must be buried in the ground where people do not walk. When a house is damaged, it begins to creak and crack. To remove damage in the four corners of the house near the foundation, dig small holes 20–25 cm deep and place blessed salt and weed grass in them, and draw crosses on the four walls with a candle taken from the church on Good Friday. To ensure you have a good harvest, before sunrise, place two knives in the garden diagonally so that the blades are directed towards each other, and the knives themselves are in the ground up to the handle. No evil eyes can damage your garden. You can fence the garden with aspen pegs, driving them into the ground clockwise. If you see an unfamiliar mark in the garden, drive a nail into it. What to do if a brownie appears in your home? A brownie lives in every house and in every apartment. They believe that the brownie is the devil's cousin. And yet it cannot be expelled, since it is an attribute of our Everyday life, even to some extent a protector of the home. At the same time, brownies and devils, as a rule, do not get along in the same apartment. If things begin to move around your apartment randomly or dishes break in the cupboards, and sometimes at night you hear some noise, it means that the brownie is at war with evil spirits. And here you can help him, thereby making life easier for yourself: Do not leave salt, pepper, garlic, onions and knives on the table or windowsills overnight. Hide them away in closets. The brownie can't stand them. To appease him, on the night of February 10, leave a glass of wine, a slice of bread, a piece of lard and something sweet on the table. If the brownie accepts your treat, then the next morning you will notice traces of his feast, and you will feel how the atmosphere in the house will change. It happens that a brownie crushes a person on the bed. You can directly feel his presence. To prevent it from bothering you, put thyme in your pillow. The prayer “Our Father” can also help, during the reading of which you need to baptize not only yourself, but also the brownie. Sometimes during a visit the brownie tries to tell you something. Try to ask him the question: “For worse or for better?” You will hear in response: “Hu...”, which means he is warning you of some kind of misfortune. If he is silent, then everything will be fine. Among the brownies there are also evil ones who do more harm than good. It's best to get rid of them. To do this, invite a priest to consecrate your home three times.

General signs the appearance of ghosts.

First, you need to determine, and no one can do this better than you, whether you have had cases worthy of attention. Not all ghosts behave the same way; they can create many unexplained phenomena. Some ghosts produce a single phenomenon - for example, a specific flapping sound closed door, which occurs repeatedly - while other blooming ghosts create many many different phenomena, ranging from barely audible noises to constant appearances.

Here is a list of the most common occurrences that may indicate that your home is haunted:

- unexplained noises- Steps; blows, knocking, tapping; scratching; sounds of falling. Sometimes these noises can be barely audible and infrequent, at other times they can be quite loud.

- opening and closing doors, cabinets and cupboards- most often, these phenomena are usually not noticed. Anyone can hear the telltale sounds of doors opening or closing (homeowners will recognize the sounds of doors opening in their own home), but proof of ghosts is only certain if you remember what you left behind. open door in a closed state. Sometimes furniture, such as kitchen chairs, may be moved from one place to another. Very rarely such phenomena occur in front of witnesses.

- turning the light on and off- as in the previous paragraph, such phenomena can very rarely be noticed, but if the light is on, and you know for sure that it was turned off, this can also be a clear sign of uninvited guests. The same can happen with televisions, radios and other household appliances.

- disappearance of objects and their subsequent reappearance- this is a phenomenon that we call the "POE Effect" (Appearance of a Missing Object. Also called a "loan" phenomenon, and this is a familiar situation when you can't find something you use often - for example, car keys - you think , that you put them where you usually put them. But they disappeared, and you unsuccessfully waste time looking for them. And then, the keys are found - exactly in the place where you usually put them. As if someone took the thing for a short time, and then put it back in. Sometimes things disappear for several days or even weeks, but then they appear in exactly the place that cannot be missed when searching for them.

- inexplicable shadows- random shadows, usually noticed with peripheral vision. Frequent appearance of shadows with obvious human forms, sometimes well, sometimes not very distinguishable.

- strange behavior animals- dogs, cats or other pets behave strangely. Dogs may bark at something invisible to the human eye, cower for no apparent reason, or refuse to enter a room for unexplained reasons. Cats may "watch" something cross the room. Animals have more developed senses than humans, and many researchers believe their psychic abilities may be better tuned.

- feeling like you are being watched- this unusual feeling can be caused by anything, but it has an inexplicable source if this feeling occurs in a certain part of the house at a certain time.

Here are some of the most common events that can happen in any haunted house. But sometimes even more inexplicable things happen...

More compelling evidence.

The following phenomena are rare, but they become serious evidence of the appearance of a ghost:

Psychokinetic phenomena - the sound of a door opening or something like that is an example of such phenomena. In fact, this time it happens in front of you. Lights turning on and off, which can be repeated or is a single occurrence, becomes evidence that something inexplicable is happening. Do you see how the television or radio turns on by itself? Or perhaps you're in the nursery and see your child's wind-up toy starting to work on its own. Doors and windows close or open. Some people report that when they are in bed, they can feel and/or hear someone sit up in bed.

The feeling of being touched is one thing if you feel watched, but it is quite another if you feel that something has touched you. Some people feel that something rushed past them, something touched their hair, they feel a “hand” on their shoulder. Sometimes something may gently nudge or push you.

Screams and whispers are muffled voices, whispers and screams that can be heard. Sometimes you can hear music from nowhere. People hear their names spoken by someone. This phenomenon, like all the above, gains more weight if several people hear or see the same thing at the same time.

Cold or hot objects - unexplained coldness is a classic sign of a ghost, but in principle, any case of a significant increase or decrease in temperature for no reason can be evidence of a ghost.

Unexplained smells - the aroma of perfume or cologne that you have never had before. This phenomenon occurs for no obvious reason and may be accompanied by other phenomena such as shadows, voices or psychokinetic phenomena. In addition, various repulsive odors may occur.

Irrefutable evidence.

There are even more rare and unusual phenomena, some of them called poltergeists, and they can be very convincing evidence of the truth of the appearance of ghosts:

Moving or lifting objects (serious psychokinetic phenomena) - plates sliding on the table; paintings flying off the wall; slamming doors; furniture moving on the floor.

Physical attack - scratches, hits and strong pushes. This sign of personal attack occurs extremely rarely.

Another physical evidence is unexplained writing on paper or walls; hand and foot prints.

Appearances are the physical manifestation of a spirit or object. These phenomena are also very rare and can take different shapes: mist in the shape of a person or an indeterminate shape; transparent human figures that disappear almost immediately; and the most rare phenomenon, human figures that look as real as living people, but pass into the room through the walls and disappear when noticed.

Eliminate rational explanations.

A person who has encountered several such phenomena has reason to believe that his or her home is haunted. But here you can be wrong. According to most experts, the human mind and human feelings (any magician will tell you this) are easily fooled. And people can easily confuse explainable things happening in their homes with the paranormal.

Before you decide that there is a ghost in your house and panic, do your best to find a rational explanation for what you experienced. Almost all of the phenomena listed above could have completely natural causes:

Opening and closing of doors may be due to defective hinges or improper installation;

The PPO effect is the most common negligence and forgetfulness;

The shadows are possibly caused by the headlights of a passing car;

Perhaps some of the phenomena you discover are just a product of your imagination.

Of course, the more inexplicable the phenomena, the harder it is to disprove their existence. And, as noted above, if there are many witnesses who have experienced these phenomena, they are likely to be taken more seriously.

Try to get help in discovering rational explanations for phenomena. A plumber might be able to help you find the cause of that knocking noise. A carpenter can stop that door from closing on its own. A friend or neighbor might be able to put your particular experience into perspective and offer a reasonable explanation for what you notice. In short, make every effort to understand that your home is not haunted.

Keep a diary.

If you have provided all the rational explanations for the phenomena that occur in your home, and they still continue more or less often, write them down. Keep a diary in which you describe the phenomena. For example:
June 2, 2002; 22:30 - I was sitting watching TV when the bathroom light turned on by itself. Went and turned it off again.
June 10, 2002; 21:14 - I was in the kitchen and heard footsteps in the hallway again. There was no one there. Went to have a look and couldn't find the reason.

A diary like this one can help experts in any investigation of these phenomena.

If you hear unexplained noises, try recording with a portable tape recorder. If physical appearances of ghosts occur, take photographs or videos of them. Keep your diary, camera and video cameras not too far away so you can record the timing of unusual things.

Call the experts.

When should you call an unusual phenomena investigator? Only when you have ruled out any rational explanations for the phenomena, you feel and are completely sure that your house is indeed haunted, can you contact the experts. Of course, if the events are extreme and you feel that you and your family are in danger of physical or psychological harm, you should call for help right away.

Who are these experts? There are hundreds of organizations that deal with similar cases. Of course, they differ in the amount of practical experience they have, so you should be careful in your choice. Troy Taylor, in his article, “What to do if someone has a ghost in their house,” gives several good advice for those who choose explorers of the unidentified, including the qualities they should have and the questions you should ask them before inviting them to check out your home.

Despite the oddities you discovered, your house is unlikely to be inhabited by otherworldly residents. Also, it could be good spirit or a phenomenon with which you can coexist. Usually, these phenomena do not portend anything dangerous.

It is believed that the house in which the brownie lives is protected from evil people, damage and the evil eye. Since ancient times, this creature has settled only where there is order and where residents treat each other with respect. But it happens that residents move out, leaving their brownie in the old place. The brownie may not like the new residents, and then strange things and troubles happen in the house. How to find out if there is a brownie in the house and how to make friends with it?

There are several signs that a brownie lives in the house.

  1. Pets (cats and dogs) sometimes behave strangely: they stare into space for a long time as if they see something or begin to behave aggressively for no good reason. Animals subtly sense the presence of something otherworldly in the room.
  2. Strange sounds or noise. The brownie may hit dishes or stomp, thereby reminding you of his presence or wanting to punish you for disrespectful behavior towards the house.
  3. Things often go missing in the house. The brownie may hide your personal belongings in order to teach you a lesson for the disorder in the house.
  4. Often I have prophetic dreams or solutions to problems come in my dreams. In this way, the brownie helps the apartment residents he likes.
  5. Bulbs may often burn out and break down Appliances. This indicates that the brownie is dissatisfied with something.

Sometimes the brownie, on the contrary, manifests itself with the best side. For example, it can prevent accidents or protect against unwanted guests. If a person comes to visit you and dishes fall from his hands or, for example, tea spills, these are all the tricks of the brownie. In this way he says that this person wishes you harm.

How to make friends with a brownie so that he helps you and doesn’t play pranks?

Firstly, The brownie loves the house to always be orderly and clean. Secondly, You should not leave dirty dishes overnight, as the brownie may not like it. Third, In order to make friends with a brownie, you sometimes need to treat him with sweets or milk, leaving the treat under the dining table overnight.

Respect the home in which you live, love it and take care of it, then prosperity, prosperity and health will attract you. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.07.2014 10:09

It is believed that a brownie lives in every house. This is a spirit that is called upon to protect the home from troubles and misfortunes. Protection...

Brownies have always lived in people's homes. In the old days they believed that brownies were living creatures that protect our...

Common signs of ghosts.

First, you need to determine, and no one can do this better than you, whether you have had cases worthy of attention. Not all ghosts behave the same way; they can create many unexplained phenomena. Some ghosts produce a single phenomenon - for example, a specific slamming of a closed door that occurs repeatedly - while other full-blown ghosts produce many, many different phenomena, ranging from subtle noises to constant appearances.

Here is a list of the most common occurrences that may indicate that your home is haunted:

- unexplained noises- Steps; blows, knocking, tapping; scratching; sounds of falling. Sometimes these noises can be barely audible and infrequent, at other times they can be quite loud.

- opening and closing doors, cabinets and cupboards- most often, these phenomena are usually not noticed. Anyone can hear the telltale sounds of doors opening or closing (homeowners will recognize the sounds of doors opening in their own home), but the evidence of ghosts will only be indisputable if you remember that you left the door open and closed. Sometimes furniture, such as kitchen chairs, may be moved from one place to another. Very rarely such phenomena occur in front of witnesses.

- turning the light on and off- as in the previous paragraph, such phenomena can very rarely be noticed, but if the light is on, and you know for sure that it was turned off, this can also be a clear sign of uninvited guests. The same can happen with televisions, radios and other household appliances.

- disappearance of objects and their subsequent reappearance- this is a phenomenon that we call the "POE Effect" (Appearance of a Missing Object. Also called a "loan" phenomenon, and this is a familiar situation when you can't find something you use often - for example, car keys - you think , that you put them where you usually put them. But they disappeared, and you unsuccessfully waste time looking for them. And then, the keys are found - exactly in the place where you usually put them. As if someone took the thing for a short time, and then put it back in. Sometimes things disappear for several days or even weeks, but then they appear in exactly the place that cannot be missed when searching for them.

- inexplicable shadows- random shadows, usually noticed with peripheral vision. Frequent appearance of shadows with obvious human forms, sometimes well, sometimes not very distinguishable.

- strange animal behavior- dogs, cats or other pets behave strangely. Dogs may bark at something invisible to the human eye, cower for no apparent reason, or refuse to enter a room for unexplained reasons. Cats may "watch" something cross the room. Animals have more developed senses than humans, and many researchers believe their psychic abilities may be better tuned.

- feeling like you are being watched- this unusual feeling can be caused by anything, but it has an inexplicable source if this feeling occurs in a certain part of the house at a certain time.

Here are some of the most common events that can happen in any haunted house. But sometimes even more inexplicable things happen...

More compelling evidence.

The following phenomena are rare, but they become serious evidence of the appearance of a ghost:

Psychokinetic phenomena - the sound of a door opening or something like that is an example of such phenomena. In fact, this time it happens in front of you. Lights turning on and off, which can be repeated or is a single occurrence, becomes evidence that something inexplicable is happening. Do you see how the television or radio turns on by itself? Or perhaps you're in the nursery and see your child's wind-up toy starting to work on its own. Doors and windows close or open. Some people report that when they are in bed, they can feel and/or hear someone sit up in bed.

The feeling of being touched is one thing if you feel watched, but it is quite another if you feel that something has touched you. Some people feel that something rushed past them, something touched their hair, they feel a “hand” on their shoulder. Sometimes something may gently nudge or push you.

Screams and whispers are muffled voices, whispers and screams that can be heard. Sometimes you can hear music from nowhere. People hear their names spoken by someone. This phenomenon, like all the above, gains more weight if several people hear or see the same thing at the same time.

Cold or hot objects - unexplained coldness is a classic sign of a ghost, but in principle, any case of a significant increase or decrease in temperature for no reason can be evidence of a ghost.

Unexplained smells - the aroma of perfume or cologne that you have never had before. This phenomenon occurs for no obvious reason and may be accompanied by other phenomena such as shadows, voices or psychokinetic phenomena. In addition, various repulsive odors may occur.

Irrefutable evidence.

There are even more rare and unusual phenomena, some of them called poltergeists, and they can be very convincing evidence of the truth of the appearance of ghosts:

Moving or lifting objects (serious psychokinetic phenomena) - plates sliding on the table; paintings flying off the wall; slamming doors; furniture moving on the floor.

Physical attack - scratches, hits and strong pushes. This sign of personal attack occurs extremely rarely.

Another physical evidence is unexplained writing on paper or walls; hand and foot prints.

Appearances are the physical manifestation of a spirit or object. These phenomena are also very rare and can take different forms: human-shaped or undefined fog; transparent human figures that disappear almost immediately; and the most rare phenomenon, human figures that look as real as living people, but pass into the room through the walls and disappear when noticed.

Eliminate rational explanations.

A person who has encountered several such phenomena has reason to believe that his or her home is haunted. But here you can be wrong. According to most experts, the human mind and human feelings (any magician will tell you this) are easily fooled. And people can easily confuse explainable things happening in their homes with the paranormal.

Before you decide that there is a ghost in your house and panic, do your best to find a rational explanation for what you experienced. Almost all of the phenomena listed above could have completely natural causes:

Opening and closing of doors may be due to defective hinges or improper installation;

The PPO effect is the most common negligence and forgetfulness;

The shadows are possibly caused by the headlights of a passing car;

Perhaps some of the phenomena you discover are just a product of your imagination.

Of course, the more inexplicable the phenomena, the harder it is to disprove their existence. And, as noted above, if there are many witnesses who have experienced these phenomena, they are likely to be taken more seriously.

Try to get help in discovering rational explanations for phenomena. A plumber might be able to help you find the cause of that knocking noise. A carpenter can stop that door from closing on its own. A friend or neighbor might be able to put your particular experience into perspective and offer a reasonable explanation for what you notice. In short, make every effort to understand that your home is not haunted.

Keep a diary.

If you have provided all the rational explanations for the phenomena that occur in your home, and they still continue more or less often, write them down. Keep a diary in which you describe the phenomena. For example:
June 2, 2002; 22:30 - I was sitting watching TV when the bathroom light turned on by itself. Went and turned it off again.
June 10, 2002; 21:14 - I was in the kitchen and heard footsteps in the hallway again. There was no one there. Went to have a look and couldn't find the reason.

A diary like this one can help experts in any investigation of these phenomena.

If you hear unexplained noises, try recording with a portable tape recorder. If physical appearances of ghosts occur, take photographs or videos of them. Keep your diary, camera and video cameras not too far away so you can record the timing of unusual things.

Call the experts.

When should you call an unusual phenomena investigator? Only when you have ruled out any rational explanations for the phenomena, you feel and are completely sure that your house is indeed haunted, can you contact the experts. Of course, if the events are extreme and you feel that you and your family are in danger of physical or psychological harm, you should call for help right away.

Who are these experts? There are hundreds of organizations that deal with similar cases. Of course, they differ in the amount of practical experience they have, so you should be careful in your choice. Troy Taylor, in his article, "What to Do if Your House is Haunted," gives some good advice for those choosing to explore the unidentified, including the qualities they should have and questions you should ask them before you invite them to inspect your home.

Despite the oddities you discovered, your house is unlikely to be inhabited by otherworldly residents. Also, this could be a good spirit or phenomenon with which you can coexist. Usually, these phenomena do not portend anything dangerous.

The word poltergeist comes from German language, the first part of this word “poltern” means “to rattle, rumble, make noise”, the word “geist” is translated as spirit. So the next time someone tries to convince you that the word poltergeist means “mischievous spirit,” you can confidently refer them to a German dictionary and prove them wrong by pointing out that the most correct translation This phrase will be precisely “noisy spirit.”

So, a poltergeist is said to be a mischievous, playful spirit (although, as is now known, this word is translated differently).

Poltergeist activity is attributed to the movements of tables and chairs without anyone's participation, knocking and incomprehensible sounds, objects flying by themselves and other troubles that occur for no apparent reason. Of course, if you have children in your family, the list of typical poltergeist phenomena will be sharply reduced by 95%.

Poltergeists must be distinguished from ghost activities. First of all, a poltergeist cannot be seen, it just announces its presence in one way or another. However, if you see a strange figure in a sheet, you don’t have to immediately think that it’s a poltergeist or a ghost; your husband, wife, or one of your children might joke. If this possibility is excluded, then you can call the police and demand that they deal with the weirdo who is wandering around your house.

And second: unlike ghosts and apparitions, a poltergeist does not at all strive to cause fear and horror, he just wants to have a little fun and have fun.

And even if during this fun an old Chinese vase from the Ming era breaks into pieces, well, so be it.

Is there a scientific justification for poltergeists?

Scientists don’t really like to make excuses, and any skeptical person doesn’t really like to do this, so before judging something, it would be nice to stock up on facts and evidence.

Can objects move on their own?

The answer is no, but at the same time it is remarkable that objects can move with the help of some external invisible force. For example, if you open the front and back doors of a house at the same time, one of them will slam shut after some time and the reason for this will be a draft.

Why, then, not consider this a reasonable explanation in a situation where an object inexplicably takes off from its place and is thrown to the opposite end of the room? Isn't this statement too shaky? Perhaps we are simply grasping at straws, trying to rationalize seemingly inexplicable things?

Perhaps this is true. But here the meaning is a little different: no one claims that the reason definitely lies in air currents, this hypothesis only shows that in fact it is possible to move objects without touching them, using invisible to humans strength.

If air currents have nothing to do with it, then what could be the matter?

It is very difficult to answer this question, but you can find a thousand and one explanations that will be even simpler, and according to the law of minimum assumptions, even more similar to the truth.

It is not necessary to exclude the operation of air flows, since the likelihood that a strong air flow can throw a book from the shelf onto the floor is not so small. If the window is open and the book is not completely retracted onto the shelf, air can get into the space between the book and the wall of the shelf and push the book down. If this happens in the house of a superstitious person who really believes in supernatural mystical things, then it is not surprising that the owner of the house immediately comes to the conclusion that a poltergeist has settled in the house.

One more point: manifestations of vibration

If your neighbors listen to music exclusively at high volumes and their speakers are placed against the wall adjacent to your apartment, the wall will vibrate from the strong sound. A strong enough vibration can even knock a bookshelf off the wall, let alone a single book.

However, the best, and most likely the most correct statement is that most events that are classified as poltergeists are actually nothing more than a practical joke and a desire to mislead others.

For example, the mother of the family returns home and sees that books are randomly scattered around the room. Naturally, she develops certain suspicions. If the children unanimously insist that this was not their doing and this is repeated in the evening, when the books and children were far enough away from each other, then suspicions fall on things more serious than children's pranks. When such seemingly inexplicable things continue to repeat themselves, no one pays attention to whether children were nearby at that time or not. The main thing is the events themselves and the fact of their repetition. A loud noise is heard from the house, the parents, distracted, lose sight of the child, and the child knocks over a chair. And now the legend of the poltergeist is ready...

Even if the incomprehensible events in the house are nothing more than a prank, by the time parapsychologists and ghost hunters arrive, the authors of the joke are already ashamed to admit that everything that happens in their house is their own doing. History repeats itself, and those around you continue to believe in a mystical poltergeist , which does not allow passage to civilians.

Very often in the house, especially at night when the temperature drops, you can hear a lot of quite loud sounds in the house. Stairs shrink, pipes move slightly from their place. Indeed, sometimes it sounds so loud and ominous that it seems as if the horsemen of the Apocalypse are in charge of your house .

In fact, many people are familiar with these sounds, so they would not think of attributing them to anything paranormal.

But on the other hand, suspicious knocks and crackling noises in the house, in addition to them a tennis ball or a book that has moved from its place, as well as a hysterical, easily suggestible owner of the house are ideal components for classic recipe poltergeist.

What if sounds haunt you during the day?

In fact, the processes of shrinkage and micro-movements occur in the house throughout the day, they are simply so slow and practically unnoticeable that we do not attach importance to them. Minor temperature fluctuations occur in the room, and the house, in turn, undergoes a kind of “reconfiguration”, which is very often accompanied by noises and sounds.

Most often, a TV or radio is on in the house, so we simply don’t hear these sounds. But, if you listen to every rustle and try to maintain dead silence in the house, rest assured that after a while you will definitely hear strange, inexplicable sounds.

If you hear sounds in the house, the source of which you cannot determine, you should not immediately attribute them to the realm of the supernatural and think that a poltergeist is operating in your house.

Thus, if you wish, you can understand and give a reasonable explanation for even a strange and incomprehensible phenomenon. Until we encounter something truly inexplicable, a phenomenon whose form and content cannot be correlated with natural processes, only then will there be a reason to doubt and change our position as a skeptic

In the meantime, we are offered a variety of shows and newspaper “sensations”. Believe it or not, to each his own...

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