Fortune telling on pennies. Book of Changes and interpretation of hexagrams. How to tell fortunes on coins using the Book of Changes

How to conduct a I Ching fortune telling session

The session begins with you mentally formulating the question that currently interests you the most and the answer to which you expect from the book.

Then you toss three coins one by one: this must be done six times to get six traits and make a hexagram.

If two or all three coins are up eagle, draw on paper solid line;
if two or all three coins fall up tails- draw intermittent.

The features are located one above the other, starting from below.

After the hexagram is compiled, you should find its number in the table.

To do this, divide it in half and find the upper part among the trigrams placed horizontally, and the lower part vertically. At the intersection point is the number of the hexagram you have drawn.

Now all that remains is to look into the explanatory text-interpretation related to it.

Please note the following:

Do not ask the book the same question again, even if you are not satisfied with the answer or it seems too gloomy to you;

During one session, ask only one question if possible;

If you get the hexagram number 3, 29, 39, 47, do not be upset under any circumstances, but take into account the recommendations contained in the text;

Do not consult the book if your plan may harm others or if its implementation involves unworthy means.

Where did this fortune-telling come from?

The legendary ruler Xi, who was in power, as is commonly believed, from 2852 to 2737 BC, according to legend, once saw a huge turtle swim out of the river (some sources say about a dragon-horse), on the back of which were inscribed mysterious signs consisting of continuous lines and interrupted in the middle. In their combinations, Fu Xi saw a system of symbols that corresponded to his ideas about the universe, where heaven and earth dominated, from the interaction of which all things and phenomena, living and inanimate, were born. Fu Xi depicted these symbols in the following sequence:

Each of the symbols (trigrams) had its own name, indicated a certain property and expressed a specific image:
1. trigram QIAN (creativity), property - fortress, image - sky;
2. DUY (permission), joyfulness, pond;
3. LI (cohesion), clarity, fire;
4. ZHEN (excitement), mobility, thunder;
5. XUN (refinement), penetration, wind (wood);
6. KAN (immersion), danger, water;
7. GEN (stay), inviolability, mountain;
8. KUN (fulfillment), dedication, earth.

In addition, each individual trigram symbolized the season depending on the movement of the sun and moon.

What is Yijing?

The basis of the I Ching is hexagrams - symbols consisting of two ba gua, two trigrams, i.e. - of six continuous lines and interrupted in the middle.
The possible number of options is 64. This is a much more complex system, covering and reflecting, in accordance with the theory of the “Book of Changes,” the entire world process, all the alternations of situations arising from the interaction and struggle of the forces of light and darkness, tension and compliance, good and evil, situations in which a person finds himself and acts.

It is generally accepted that the lower trigram refers to the inner life, to what is advancing and being created, and the upper one to the external world, to the retreating, to the collapsing.
Since ancient times, there has been a view of hexagrams as combinations of three pairs of features, each of which symbolizes one of the three cosmic potencies: the upper one is heaven, the middle one is human, the lower one is earth.
Already here the difference between the worldview of the ancient Chinese and the views common then and later in many other civilizations is clearly visible: a person participates in the flow of life as an equal to earth and heaven, as an active force, not only dependent, but also capable of influencing the world around him, circumstances, to fate.
And this is the main difference between the “Book of Changes” as an initially purely fortune-telling text from all other fortune-telling systems, where a person is assigned a passive role, where he is predicted to have a fatal course of events, which he cannot change.

So, in the “Book of Changes” there are 64 hexagrams, which, according to ancient commentators, denote all the main life situations.
At the same time, the number of possible variants of code “words” in the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule - the carrier of the genetic code of every organism on Earth - is also exactly 64.
But that is not all. The DNA molecule is known to have the shape of a double helix, similar to a twisted rope ladder with millions of rungs.
So, the entire genetic code is built in 19 turns of the spiral, that is, on the 19th turn there is the 64th triplet, or codon, which is the unit of code structure. There is a parallel here with the so-called Metonic cycle, which underlay the ancient Greek calendar. The cycle was equal to 235 lunar months and lasted exactly 19 years. From this coincidence, it was suggested that the turn of the DNA double helix corresponds to the solar year and may contain its information. He backs up his hypothesis with facts: in each living cell there are about three billion turns of the DNA molecule and the first microorganisms appeared on Earth the same number of billions of years ago.
What if DNA turns are nothing more than words, phrases of a “life diary” kept since ancient times, and isn’t the I Ching intended to make this “diary” speak?

In the process of fortune telling using the I Ching, we proceeded from the fact that each hexagram symbolizes one or another life situation that unfolds in time, and each aphorism with the hexagram briefly characterizes one or another stage in the development of this situation.

Aphorisms relating to each of the features of a given hexagram narrate the sequential development of the situation.
The first position (bottom line) characterizes only the emergence of a situation when its typicality has not yet been fully determined.
The second position characterizes the apogee of the internal development of the situation.
The third is a crisis moment, the transition of a situation from internal to external quality.
The fourth is the beginning of the manifestation of the internal process outside.
Fifth - maximum disclosure of the situation to the outside.
The sixth (top line) marks the completion of the development of the situation or its so-called overdevelopment, when it turns into its opposite.

Fortune telling Book of Changes (I Ching)

Without exaggeration, we can say that online fortune-telling from the Book of Changes with detailed interpretations (I-Ching fortune-telling), presented before you, is one of the best services of our Juno website. Fortune telling, the Chinese Book of Changes is truly our pride, a masterpiece, an ingenious, magical tool that for many years has been helping our visitors understand their problems, make the right choice, objectively assess the situation, find out what is hidden or is just approaching, and take the necessary measures. Nowhere will you find such clearly selected interpretations - descriptions of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes, so accurately and subtly reflecting your situation and its near future.

One of the oldest written monuments of world literature, the Chinese Book of Changes, or I-Ching, is a storehouse of knowledge and wisdom, presented in the form of predictions. I-Ching fortune telling will help in finding practical indications of the nature of current or future life circumstances. To do this, focus on your question, relax, click the "Ask a question" button and click the "Throw coins" button 6 times, then click "Show interpretation".

Interpretation author Sarah Dening


The ancient Chinese "Book of Changes" ("I Ching") is a storehouse of wisdom, described in the form of hexagram predictions. It was created over 3,000 years ago and is one of the oldest written monuments of world literature. The Book of Changes is the oldest divination system. It consists of 64 hexagrams. These hexagrams, taken together, reflect all the main stages in the development of situations. We all know that everything in the world is subject to the principle of change: night follows day, and day follows night, spring comes after winter, childhood follows youth, etc. Likewise, in the development of any situation there are successive stages. And when you turn to the I Ching with a question, it answers you using a specific hexagram, which in this case most accurately characterizes the main features of the situation about which you asked.

Why does the Book of I Ching work? It accesses your unconscious. The answers to all questions are within us. The unconscious of each of us is connected to a common information field. And it is from there that we draw reliable answers to our questions with the help of intuition or mantic techniques, one of which is I Ching. The Book of Changes allows us to penetrate these depths so that we can hear our inner voice, devoid of conscious layers - our fears, desires, prejudices and illusions.

The I Ching can become a wise advisor accompanying you in your spiritual and personal development.

How to work with the Book of Changes.

  • 1. First of all, you need to relax and focus on the situation you want to ask the I Ching about. It is advisable that no one distracts you and there is no extraneous noise.
  • 2. Clearly formulate the question you want answered. The more precise and specific the question is, the easier it will be for you to understand the answer.

    What is the best way to phrase the question?

    It is advisable not to ask questions like: "What will happen...?" It's better to phrase it differently. Eg:

      “What should I do to achieve this...?”,
      "What will happen if I do this...?",
      "What should I do in this situation...?,
      “How can I best solve this problem?”,
      "Should I do this...?" etc.
    You can ask which of the options you named would be best in the same situation:
      “Should I do option A?”
      “Should I do option B?” etc.
    If you want to better understand a situation that is not yet entirely clear to you, you can ask the following question:
      "What's happening...?
      "How should I approach this situation? etc.
    If the question concerns relationships, it can be formulated as follows:
      "What kind of relationship do I have with...?"
      "How should I behave with...?"
      “What should I do to make my relationship with... like this?”
      "What should I expect from a relationship with...?" etc. and so on.
    You can contact the I Ching every morning with a question: “What advice do you have for today?”, or ask about the meaning of sleep: “What does my dream today mean?” and much more.

    You should not ask the same question several times in a row. The I Ching may answer it for you a couple of times, then simply stop giving correct answers. If the answer to your question does not suit you, it is pointless to ask again and again about the same thing in the hope that the I Ching will finally give a positive answer. It’s better to wait a while; it’s possible that now is simply not the right time for your situation to develop.

  • 3. Now you can start throwing coins. Our program will give you the answer itself.
  • 4. Interpretation of the answer.

    How to interpret the answer.

    So, the I Ching answered you with the text of a hexagram. Carefully read the text “Main Hexagram”. This is the main answer to your question. Do not take the text too literally. The main thing is to understand the essence. Although often even specific instructions are extremely accurate. Pay attention to which words especially catch your eye and will be remembered. Perhaps this is the main advice or warning.

    You should also pay close attention to the text “Transitional Features” - they show the stages of development of your situation and can be extremely important, warning you against mistakes, or vice versa, encouraging your intentions.

    “A related hexagram” is additional information about the situation. This may be an indication of the probable future of the situation, or the past, or simply your attitude towards it, or it is the background against which the main events indicated in the main hexagram develop. That is, this is additional information in some way related to your question and is of secondary importance.

  • 5. After you have finished the fortune telling, thank the I Ching for the help provided. She must be treated with great respect and care.

We wish you good luck in communicating with this wise Book! She is truly capable of becoming your reliable friend and helping you do the best in any situation. It will teach you to avoid many mistakes and help you become a wiser, stronger, more confident and developed person.

The Book of Changes still influences many areas of Chinese life: politics, art, mathematics, philosophy, etc. Its significance in the development of the spiritual and cultural life of the country is very great. Why is it so significant?

Coins are tossed

Fortune telling Book of Changes

1. Relax and let go of negative thoughts

2. Focus on what excites you

3. Formulate the question as precisely as possible

4. Toss the coins 6 times

All that remains is to throw:

What is the Book of Changes?

The Book of Changes, or as it is also called - I Ching, is a real treasury of wisdom that has come to us since the times of Ancient China. This is one of the oldest monuments of world literature, which has been known for more than three thousand years. The Book of Changes is one of the oldest divination systems, and consists of 64 hexograms, each of which, in turn, consists of an upper and lower trigram. When considering all hexograms together, we can see the complete picture of the situation we are interested in with all stages of its development. At the same time, the situation is inextricably linked with the past and the future, and it can only be determined by the method of the balance of forces that governs change. At the moment of circulation, the I Ching shows exactly the hexogram that most accurately reflects the situation at the moment.

Why the Book of Changes works

The thing is that this method of fortune telling provides access to our subconscious, because the answers to any question that we are able to ask can be found within ourselves. The subconscious is directly connected to the universal information field, and based on intuition, we recognize the answers, drawing them from the unconscious depths. The Book of Changes can become the best advisor, can accompany us in the process of development and better than any, even an experienced fortune teller, will help us hear our inner voice, abstracting from our illusions and prejudices.

Fortune telling technique using the Book of Changes

Classic fortune telling is a very long ritual, but in Europe they use a simplified version. For fortune telling you will need:

  • three coins;
  • 64 decoding of hexogram meanings.

In the Chinese tradition, special coins of happiness were used, one side meant Yin energy with two hieroglyphs depicted, the other side meant Yang energy with four hieroglyphs.

Now let's get down to the process itself.

  1. It is important to sit in a room isolated from extraneous noise and relax in a quiet, peaceful environment.
  2. Focus on the situation for which you want to find out the interpretation.
  3. Make up a specific question to which you are looking for an answer. The interpretation of the answer directly depends on this.
  4. Then start throwing coins. The free online version of the Chinese book will give you the answers itself.
  5. This is followed by an interpretation of the response received. The answer to the question will be the text of the “Main Hexogram”, the essence of which you will need to grasp. Key words that attract attention and will convey a warning or recommendation.
  6. At the end of the fortune-telling, express gratitude to the Book of Changes, show a careful and respectful attitude towards it.

How to formulate a question correctly

You can turn to the Book every day with a question. Just don’t ask the same thing several times in a row, because in this case the I Ching may stop answering. If you are not satisfied with the answer, it is better to just wait until the next morning and ask about the situation again. When formulating a question, it is very important to avoid words like “What will happen..?” It’s better to start formulating your questions like this:

  • What will happen if I do...;
  • What should I do in the situation...;
  • Does it make sense for me to do...;
  • How should I react to such and such a situation?..;
  • What kind of relationship do I have with...;
  • What is the meaning of my dream today?..
  • How should I behave with...?

As you can see, the main thing in questions is maximum specificity.

The Chinese classic Book of Changes occupies one of the first places in Chinese literature and is regularly used in every Chinese family.

Book of Changes- one of the oldest books in the world. It was widespread already in the 8th-7th centuries BC, but its creation began much earlier.

Fortune telling from the Book of Changes continues to have a huge influence on various areas of philosophy, literature, politics, strategy and in all areas of the arts.

The Book of Changes takes into account the influence of all external forces and personal aspirations on your destiny.

Uniqueness of the I Ching is that the book gives a detailed interpretation of the situation with possible options for its development.

The I Ching describes the current situation and gives options for its development, depending on the actions that you take or do not take.

Perhaps some aphorisms will be incomprehensible to you - that’s okay - DO NOT TRY TO UNDERSTAND THE TEXT LITERALLY. The mysticism is that the most valuable are the images that arise when you read the hexagram. The same text, depending on your internal state, can give you completely different answers.

Don't be surprised if you have a situation like this:

Having received the answer to your question, you seem to remember the interpretation absolutely accurately. After the event has taken place, amazed by the accuracy of the prediction, you will try to find the hexagram that gave you this prediction - in vain, re-reading all the texts several times, you will not be able to find the one that is so clearly imprinted in your head.

In addition to online fortune telling, you can use the following method:

  • In advance, before you go online, select three coins of the same denomination (it’s better if they are old coins).
  • Formulate in your mind a question that worries you (it’s better if you say the question out loud), and, one by one, toss three coins.
  • Depending on how they fell, draw a line on the paper. If there were more "heads" - the line should be solid, If there were more "tails" - the line should be broken.
  • You must do these steps 6 times to get 6 lines, one above the other:
  • REMEMBER, lines must be drawn from BOTTOM TO UP.
  • After you have a finished hexagram, go to the website and find your hexagram in the “Meanings of Hexagrams” section, open and read the interpretation.

The Book of Changes contains two parts. The first part of the book presents the hexagrams themselves, and the second part of the book reveals their meaning and provides interpretation of the hexagrams by various authors. Many great Chinese sages, including Lao Tzu and Confucius, were involved in the interpretation of hexagrams.

In the Book of Changes, certain life situations are revealed in 64 hexagrams. In the commentaries of the Book of Changes, philosophers comprehend this situation. It is necessary for the fortuneteller to pass through the deep meaning of the hexagram, try the situation on himself and draw conclusions. The page talks in detail about the technique of fortune telling, obtaining hexagrams and the principles of their interpretation. And here is a table in which you look at the number of your hexagram, click on the number and get an interpretation of the hexagram.

Upper trigram


For ease of interpretation, you need to divide the hexagram into two trigrams: upper and lower. The top one consists of three lines, and the bottom one consists of three lines. This will make it easier for you to find it in the table. Then, at the intersection of the column and row of the resulting trigram figures, you look at the number of your hexagram in the table. Click on the number received at the intersection and read the interpretation of the hexagram that appears. All that remains is to think about how accurately it describes your life situation. It should be noted that there are very ambiguous revelations, for the interpretation of which you need to turn to the very depths of your soul. If you are able to understand the wisdom of the Book of Changes, then it will always give you the right advice and will forever become an indispensable assistant for you in difficult life situations.

The symbolism of the “Book of Changes” permeates the novel “The Glass Bead Game” by the Swiss writer-philosopher G. Hesse, where an attempt is made to synthetically model the structure of the world with the help of hexagrams.

According to legend, trigrams were invented by the semi-mythical emperor of China Fu-Xi, or Bao-Xishi. His name means “He who raided sacrificial animals.” He was born after his mother stepped on the footprint of a giant. Fu-Xi invented nets and immersed himself in contemplation of traces of animals, birds and shadows of trees. One day, a turtle came out of the Lo (Lotui) River, with the letters “lo-shu” inscribed on its back. A dragon horse with the mysterious symbols “he-tu” appeared from the He (Huang He) River. It is possible that the trigrams go back to the cracks on lamb shoulders (bu) and to the fibers of yarrow (shi), by which the ancestors of the Chinese of the Shang-Yin and Zhou eras used to tell fortunes. Geometric signs come from “bu” and numerical symbolism from “shi”.

The Chinese believe that Wen Wang, Zhou Gong and Confucius, by superimposing trigrams on each other, created 64 hexagrams (liushis-gua) and 384 traits-xiao. They allegedly created the “I-Ching” (Book of Changes), or “Zhou-I”. This is one of the oldest monuments of Chinese literature, second only to the Shi Jing (Book of Songs). When books were burned during the Qin era, the I Ching survived because it had practical (fortune-telling) applications.

The I Ching was formed on the basis of agricultural folklore on the territory of the Jin or Qin fiefs in Western China between the 8th and 7th centuries. BC. Over time, a large school of Yijing studies (Yi Xue) developed. Extensive commentaries have been compiled on the Book of Changes.

“Shi-I” (10 wings), of which the most interesting is “Siqi-Zhuan” (Tradition of aphorisms). Here is one of the quotes from there: “Change has the Great Limit of Ty-Di. They give rise to two images, two images - four images, four images - 8 trigrams that determine Fate. The latter forms the Great Cause.”

The Chinese have improved the ancient system of predictions, creating a flexible and at the same time intricate apparatus of 64 characters. They gave the hexagrams dynamics, so that it was possible to trace the transformation of a thing into its opposite and back. Each of the 64 liushis-gua expresses a certain life situation in time from the point of view of its gradual development. According to natural philosophical constructs, predictions can be carried out at several interconnected levels at once - cosmic, social and intrahuman.


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