Canned peas recipe for 0.5 jar. Canned green peas without sterilization. Natural canned green peas

Many housewives can preserve green peas for the winter. Today there are many different recipes for preparing this product. The article will discuss the most popular of them.

Preparing the Components

For canning peas you need to immediately prepare several basic components:

  • green peas (take only young ones);
  • water;
  • vinegar.

Before canning, all products must be pre-prepared. First, remove all the green peas. They must be carefully sorted and washed in clean water. Afterwards, the peas need to be transferred to a saucepan and put on fire.

Then, after the green peas boil, drain the water from the pan. The prepared product should be placed in jars. All containers must be sterilized at the same time.

How to sterilize jars?

All canning jars must first be thoroughly rinsed and checked for cracks, chips, and deformations. Be sure to look at the lids too. It is better to take them new.

You can sterilize jars in different ways. So, many housewives take a pan of water for this and place a metal sieve on it, on which they place the containers upside down.

When the water in the pan begins to boil, steam enters the jars. The whole process takes approximately 10-15 minutes. After the containers are placed on a clean cloth, without turning them over.

Housewives often use the method of calcination in the oven. In this case, the washed jars are placed in an oven preheated to 160 degrees. The dishes begin to heat up even before all the drops from washing have dried. After the procedure, the containers must be completely dry.

You can also prepare dishes for canning in a microwave oven. To do this, pour a little water into each jar (1 cm in volume), and then put everything in the microwave with a power of 700-800 W. This should be done for about five minutes.

The lids also need to be sterilized. If they are screw-on, you can simply boil them for 15 minutes. After this, you cannot take the containers with your hands. This is done using special tweezers.

If the lids are made of glass or they have iron clamps, then you can sterilize them along with the jars themselves. And simply boil the special seals and place them on the dishes with tweezers.

Canning jars can even be sterilized in the dishwasher. To carry out this procedure, jars washed with a solution of soda are placed in the apparatus and the maximum temperature is set. No cleaning products are needed. Somebody think this method defective, since the temperature in this equipment cannot reach 100-120 degrees.

Sterilization of dishes for preservation can also be done using potassium permanganate. In this case, jars washed in soda and water are placed in its solution. The dishes should be rinsed thoroughly several times.

Cooking recipes

Peas are most often preserved with marinade. But at the same time, grains can be preserved both with and without preliminary sterilization.

Without sterilization

This method of preparing canned peas will save a lot of time. But at the same time, the chance that bacteria will appear in the marinade increases sharply. To prevent this from happening, add citric acid to the marinade instead of vinegar. You can also pour vinegar, but in this case it is used in the jars with pea grains themselves.

Many people cook canned peas without sterilization. In this case, rinse the peas several times. Transfer it to a cooking vessel and pour water into it so that all the grains are completely covered.

The entire contents of the pan are cooked for 30-35 minutes. Pea grains are placed in pre-prepared jars. At the same time, the marinade is made (for 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar). It is poured into each container of preserved food.

And also you need to add a little vinegar to all jars (1 tablespoon of 6% vinegar). They are rolled up tightly. After cooling completely, they are placed in the refrigerator for storage.

Sometimes canned peas are prepared without sterilization with the addition citric acid. To do this, the grains are washed. Boil water with sugar and salt (for 1 liter of water, 3 teaspoons of sugar and salt).

The peas are immediately poured into this solution. Wait for the liquid to boil again. Then add citric acid (1 teaspoon). The solution is poured into jars and pea grains are placed on them.


Currently, more and more housewives prefer pickled green peas. Today there are a considerable number of recipes for preparing such preservation.

According to most housewives, preparing canned peas at home is simple. To do this, first boil the peas. Then the cooked vegetable is placed in jars.

Then they begin to prepare the marinade. To make it, add two full tablespoons of salt and one tablespoon of sugar to a bowl of water (0.5 liters). Afterwards, put all the liquid on the fire and bring to a boil.

The finished marinade should be poured into jars with green peas. They need to be covered a little with lids. All together must be sterilized for 20 minutes.

After sterilization, you need to open the jars and add two tablespoons of vinegar (9%) to each of them. Then all containers must be closed and rolled up tightly. For preservation they should be placed in a dark place. Peas should be protected from exposure to sunlight.

Besides this standard recipe canning green peas, there are many others. So, you can first soak the product in water for several hours or even overnight (this will make the cooking process minimal). After which it is boiled for 2-3 minutes.

To make it, you need to add sugar and salt to a saucepan with water. And after the liquid boils, pour in a little vinegar and bring to a boil one more time. Place peas in each jar. It is also recommended to add 3 pieces of black pepper and 2 pieces of cloves.

All containers with green peas are filled with boiling marinade. After this, the dishes with green peas are immediately rolled up. The place for storing such preservation should be cool and dark.

Sometimes when canning peas, housewives add other vegetables. So, many people prefer cucumbers. To do this, all products are first soaked in water for 4-5 hours.

The peas must be boiled separately. They do this for 10-15 minutes. Simultaneously glass jars It is worth rinsing with soda solution and sterilizing. Place a little dill, parsley and pepper in the bottom of each container. Some people recommend adding cloves as well.

Next, cucumbers and boiled peas are placed in jars. Pour boiling water over the entire contents for 5 minutes. Then all the water is poured out. At the same time, marinating is carried out, vinegar, salt and sugar are added to boiling water. This liquid is poured into the preserved containers. The containers must be screwed and left in thick fabric for the whole night.

Preservation is often done with citric acid. The pea grains are sorted and washed thoroughly. It is better not to take cracked peas for cooking. It is also necessary to marinate the ingredients; add 3 tablespoons of sugar and salt to boiling water. After 10-15 minutes, pour all the peas into it.

After a few minutes, add a little citric acid (1 teaspoon). The peas are taken out of the water and poured into jars so that there is 1-1.5 cm of distance to the lid. The hot marinade is poured into a bowl. It should be stored in cool places.

Some people can preserve green peas by double sterilizing them. To do this, washed peas are poured with hot marinade with salt and sugar. All this is boiled for another 3 minutes.

Place the pea blanks into jars so that the distance between the grains and the lid is at least 3 cm. At this time, pour water into the pan and put it on the fire. Its bottom should be covered thick fabric or just put a wooden stand on it. After this, put the containers and boil the water. It's better to do this several times.

Some people preserve peas by long-term sterilization. Place the washed peas in boiling water for 3 minutes. Then take out the grains and put them in water with pieces of ice. Later put them in jars.

Peas are poured with boiling marinade. Each jar is loosely covered with sterilized lids and placed in a pan of boiling water. It is better to place a stand under the bottom of the dish. Leave the containers with peas like this for 3 hours. Then you can seal them and store them in a dark and cool place.

At home, you can also preserve green peas in tomato juice. The washed grains are placed in hot, slightly salted water. Boil everything for 3-5 minutes. Then place the peas in ice water with pieces of ice.

The grains are placed in sterilized jars. They need to be poured tomato juice. It must be hot. The containers with the contents are placed in a pan of boiling water and sterilized for 1 hour.

Some housewives leave many different recommendations for canning green peas. So, many advise using only sugar pea varieties for this. It is better not to use old or yellowed fruits at all.

But many also advise soaking the peas overnight before cooking. This will shorten the cooking process. When cooking grains, add to boiling water lemon juice or a little citric acid. After all, such components help ensure that the color of the fruit remains as bright and rich.

Do not forget that jars of canned peas must be stored correctly. After all the preparations, the containers must be turned over and wrapped tightly in a blanket. This is necessary in order to continue the sterilization process. After preservation, it should be left in dark and cool places.

Remember that such preserves should be consumed no later than a year after preparation. After all, then the grains begin to lose all their beneficial features. But after opening the can, the product is worth eating within just 1-3 days.

Benefits and harms

Canned peas have a whole host of beneficial properties.

  • Saturates the body with protein and alkaline compounds. They are the ones who reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus, as they regulate glucose levels.
  • Reduces the risk of urolithiasis. Remember that if you already suffer from this disease, then it is better not to eat canned peas.
  • Removes toxins from the body. This property allows you to stabilize human health.
  • Helps people suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true for those who suffer from chronic gastritis, ulcers or even obesity.
  • Enriches the body with selenium. This element is needed to prevent heavy metals, carcinogenic or radioactive components from entering the body.

Experts specifically note that canned green peas have a beneficial effect on the body of pregnant women. After all, it helps to saturate it with proteins, minerals, and vitamins that are necessary for the child.

Folic acid, which is found in canned peas, can provide healthy development fetus Vitamin C, which this product is rich in, helps protect against infections. And vitamin K helps strengthen bone tissue.

Such conservations are useful and even necessary for children. Peas are able to normalize the growth and blood of a young body and strengthen bone tissue. And also this product can enrich with necessary macro- and microelements.

These peas should also be eaten by older people. After all, according to many experts, it slows down the aging process of the body, smoothes out wrinkles, and counteracts the appearance of gray hair. Such preservations can restore tissue; in addition, they have an excellent effect on sore joints and bones.

However, not all older people can eat canned peas. It is especially undesirable to use it for those who lead a too sedentary lifestyle. You should not add peas to your diet if an elderly person suffers from gout.

Despite all these beneficial properties, canned peas also have some contraindications. So, it can cause severe flatulence, bloating, or simply lead to a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. But such problems arise, as a rule, due to too frequent consumption of pickled grains.

How to choose?

If you want to buy canned peas in the store or just choose the best jar homemade, then you should pay attention to several important things. So, make sure that all the grains in the jar are the same in shape and color. But also do not forget that the jar in which the preservation is located should not be swollen.

If you notice that all the liquid in the jar has become cloudy, then you should not worry. After all, this only happens due to starch getting into the contents of the jar. At the same time, the quality of the filling and grains does not deteriorate.

To learn how to cook green peas for the winter, watch the video below.

For many, canning green peas at home seems like a very labor-intensive task. Well, how can you do without green peas? What Olivier salad would be complete without it? And green peas selected and preserved by yourself - what could be better and tastier?
Today we will teach you how to can green peas at home. To do this, you need to take young green peas of “milk” maturity. Then it will be tasty and soft when preserved. Overripe peas will be tough and will give a cloudy sediment when preserved. It is best to preserve peas in half-liter jars. Then you can use it at one time, and opened cans will not spoil. How to preserve green peas at home For one half-liter jar of canned peas you will need approximately 600 g of peas. The filling is prepared at the rate of one liter of water, one and a half tablespoons of sugar and one and a half tablespoons of salt and 3 g of citric acid. Canning green peas at home: Wash the peas and place them in boiling water for 3 minutes, but without citric acid. Then we transfer the peas into sterilized jars and fill them with filling, add citric acid. Cover the jars with lids and place in a saucepan with hot water. Sterilize peas for 3.5 hours. We roll up the jars, place them upside down and cover them with a blanket. Here's how to can green peas. Green pea belongs to the category of non-acidic vegetables, so you need to be very careful when preserving it. Observe the sterilization time for peas.
You can also preserve green peas with young pods. To avoid the unpleasant consequences of improperly canning green peas, it is better to store them frozen. Then you will have completely fresh green peas for your table in winter without the risk of poisoning. Before freezing, peas are washed, sorted, and dried. It’s better to put the peas into portioned bags, which makes it easier to remove from the freezer. Now you know how to can peas at home.

By consuming green peas, the body is filled with energy, thereby increasing performance. Thanks to this, a person is able to endure heavy loads and overcome long distances. In general, everyone who is energetic and active is recommended to eat peas. Some varieties of this fruit contain natural sugar, which stimulates brain activity and memory.

The same peas will help solve intestinal problems. Its beneficial microelements relieve heartburn, normalizing the functioning of the digestive system. Antioxidants contained in the fruit have a positive effect on improving skin and hair.

Like all edible plants, peas are a seasonal fruit. Therefore, it is logical to stock up on them for the winter. Recipes for preparing peas for the winter will help you figure out the order in which to preserve this type of legume family for the cold season. There are several recipes for sealing peas, but each of these options will either sterilize or without sterilizing the jars with the contents.

Young, soft peas are selected for canning. Overripe peas will give the finished food an unsightly cloudy hue and will taste too starchy.

Green peas without sterilization

For the preparation you should prepare 3 half liter jars. To do this, they should be washed with soda and sterilized for about 7 minutes using a kettle. It is not beneficial to sterilize such a small number of jars in the oven. This recipe for canned peas will use 1 liter of regular cold water. The taste of canned food will be very similar to store-bought, and all thanks to the correct proportions of bulk ingredients: 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of citric acid, 3 teaspoons of salt.

Canning procedure:

You cannot cook peas for more than the time specified in the recipe, otherwise they will lose their shape and turn into mush.

Green peas with sterilization

Those who want to learn how to preserve x with sterilization should stock up on 600 grams of peas without pods. For the preparation you will need a 1.5 liter jar or 3 pieces of 0.5 liter jars. For which the marinade will be used, consisting of 1 liter of ordinary water, 1 tbsp. spoons of salt, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar and citric acid, in the amount of 3 grams.

Canning procedure:

If the liquid in the jar does not become cloudy after sealing within 3 days, it means that the peas are closed in compliance with the rules and can be safely put in the pantry, storing for a maximum of 1 year. If the marinade becomes cloudy, it is better to get rid of such preservation immediately.

Sterilized pickled green peas

Housewives interested in how to pickle peas at home can pay attention to the recipe below. The marinating procedure is quite long, but special effort she doesn't demand it.

Marinating procedure:

Prepared provisions should preferably be stored in a cellar or cool place.

The listed recipes for canning peas are basic ones that can be supplemented with your own innovations.

You can often hear from people that they need to buy green peas from the store for their dishes. Indeed, buying peas today is not a problem, but the choice is so large that it is not known which one is better to buy. Therefore, it may be easier to preserve it yourself and be confident in its taste. Many people say that they can can green peas with vinegar, but they turn out hard. According to the recipes presented in the article, the peas are tastier than store-bought and just the right softness.

Preparing peas at home is so simple that even inexperienced housewives can handle it. In addition, it is convenient to use and add to salads, perhaps put on the table as a side dish for fish and meat dishes, add to soups and more. Canning at home is not only a guarantee of a quality product, but also saves money.

It is worth noting that not every pea is suitable for harvesting for the winter. When purchasing or growing such a vegetable specifically for harvesting, you should clearly know which variety is needed. Firstly, only fresh pea pods should be used, and secondly, the pea pod itself must be young. Thanks to this, the grains will be soft. It is worth noting that a mature or overripe pod is not at all suitable for winter preparations. These peas contain a lot of starch. It will cause a cloudy and unsightly color and sediment. And the taste will be much worse.

When the desired variety and pods have been selected, they should be obtained and prepared for further preservation. To do this, the pods are peeled and damaged grains are removed. You can then use any recipe provided below for further preservation.

Classic canning looks like this:

  1. First you need to husk the grains from the pods and rinse them in cold water. Next, put everything in a pan and fill it with water.
  2. Having placed everything on the stove, you need to bring it to a boil and simmer for 5-20 minutes, depending on how ripe the grains are.
  3. After sterilizing the jars, hot peas are placed in containers and only filled with boiled peas. The jars are covered with lids, after which they are sterilized and screwed.
  4. Used for filling different types spices Accordingly, each recipe has its own ingredients. Each housewife independently selects a more delicious recipe.

Preserving natural green peas with vinegar

Products you will need:

  • Young green pea pods;
  • For one liter of brine you need:
  • A couple of tablespoons of salt;
  • A tablespoon of sugar and half a glass of vinegar.

Canning and preparation steps:

  1. The pods need to be peeled and the grains washed.
  2. The prepared pea grains are placed in a pan and filled with water, then you need to cook them for half an hour.
  3. After the time has passed, you need to throw the peas into a colander and let the water drain.
  4. To prepare the brine, you need to add all the ingredients to a liter of water and bring them to a boil, allowing the sugar and salt crystals to dissolve.
  5. The grains are placed in jars and filled with brine.
  6. The jars can then be sealed with plastic lids and, after cooling, placed in the refrigerator. Use as needed.

In this state, peas can be stored all winter.

Pickled peas: step-by-step recipe

This recipe involves peas directly, and the following ingredients are needed for the marinade:

  • Water – 1 liter;
  • Salt – 15 grams;
  • Vinegar – 100 grams.

The cooking process is very simple:

  1. Cook the peas and boil the water.
  2. Place the grains in boiling water for about 3 minutes.
  3. Take out the grains and spread them on a napkin. Let the water drain, and at the same time the peas themselves will cool.
  4. After sterilization, the grains need to be placed in jars and filled with brine, which is still boiling.
  5. After this, you will need to sterilize again for a jar with a volume of 0.5 liters - 30 minutes, 1 liter - 60 minutes.
  6. Then the jar is screwed on with a lid and turned over. Allow the jar to cool and you can leave the preparations for the winter.

Canned peas

For the marinade you need to prepare:

  • Water in the amount of 1 liter;
  • Salt and sugar 10 grams each;
  • 15 grams each apple cider vinegar for each jar 0.5 liters.

Cooking steps:

  1. Young pea grains should be rinsed under cold water and placed in a container.
  2. The container is filled with water so that it covers all the grains and placed on low heat.
  3. So, cook the peas for about 20 minutes until the water begins to boil away.
  4. Next, after sterilization, you need to put hot pea grains into the jars, but do not fill the jars completely, but leave about 1 cm from the top.
  5. You should prepare the marinade in advance and pour the vinegar into the jars and immediately pour the hot marinade.
  6. Then the jars should be closed with a nylon lid and wrapped in a blanket. Allow to cool and can be moved to the refrigerator.

In this state, peas last all winter and do not spoil.

Recipe for canned peas without acetic acid

Some people cannot tolerate vinegar, which is why there is a recipe without adding it.

For such preservation you will need:

  • Peas;
  • For a liter of water you need 5 grams of salt and 15 grams of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. You should cook the peas and separate them from the pod, then rinse them under running water.
  2. Next, you need to prepare the brine and boil it. Add the grains to the boiling marinade and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Then take out the grains and place them in sterilized containers. It is recommended to use 0.5 liter containers.
  4. Jars should not be filled to the top. It's better to leave a couple of centimeters free.
  5. When the grains are poured in, the jars should be sterilized for half an hour.
  6. After cooling the peas, you can put the jars in the refrigerator, sealing them with nylon lids.
  7. Every other day, jars of peas should be placed in warm water and brought to a boil. The preservation should boil for about 20 minutes.
  8. After this, the jars can be screwed on with lids and sent to the pantry.

Peas without sterilization with vinegar

The eve of any holiday for a good housewife begins usually and banally - with a shopping trip with a list of necessary products for a noisy feast. Peas are definitely on the list - a wonderful ingredient in salads, appetizers and sandwiches. You can prepare an irreplaceable product yourself, then your worries will be much reduced. It is important that the peas are milky, only then will they turn into a tender and tasty ingredient for your favorite Olivier!


  • 980 ml water;
  • 27 g each of granulated sugar and salt;
  • milk peas (as much as will fit in two half-liter jars);
  • 30 ml table vinegar.


  1. Rinse the peas several times with cool water, place in a small container, pour enough water to lightly cover the top peas and cook at low boil for 32-34 minutes.
  2. Boil water, after adding granulated sugar and salt.
  3. Place the peas in glass containers and fill with brine. Pour vinegar directly into the jars, divide it into two containers, and seal. Place the lids down on a flat surface and cover with a towel for half an hour.
  4. Store in the refrigerator, where to place containers with peas after cooling.

Pickled pea pods

To prepare delicious peas at home you will need the following products:

  • Young pea pods;
  • Black pepper and dried cloves, 2 pieces each;
  • A pinch of citric acid;
  • To prepare the brine, you need to use a liter of water, to which 40 grams of sugar and 50 grams of vinegar are added.

Canning steps:

  1. The pods should be washed. Then add water and leave in water for a couple of hours.
  2. After this, you need to blanch the pods in boiling water. The procedure takes no more than 2 minutes. Add a pinch of citric acid to the water.
  3. Peas should be placed in jars and spices (pepper and cloves) added.
  4. Now you can prepare the marinade and pour it into jars.
  5. Next, you need to sterilize the jars for 15 minutes. After this you can twist them.

Peas with allspice and vinegar

To create conservation you need:

  • For 1 kg of peas, 5 pieces of allspice;
  • For one liter of marinade you should add:
  • 25 grams of salt;
  • 15 grams of sugar;
  • Vinegar 70% - 10 grams.

Canning steps:

  1. Peeled peas should be placed in boiling water and boiled until the grains become wrinkled.
  2. Next, the grains should be poured into a colander so that the water can drain.
  3. After placing the beans in jars, pour them with the prepared marinade.
  4. For the marinade, you need to boil water and add salt and sugar, add pepper and pour in vinegar.
  5. When the brine is poured, the containers should be sterilized within half an hour.
  6. Next, you can tighten the jars and let them cool.

If you have a lot of peas in stock, you can not only roll them up, but also prepare them for the winter in the form of dried or frozen peas. If necessary, the vegetable will always be at hand.

Canned green peas (video)

As for canning, the process doesn’t take much time with peas. In addition, harvesting at home preserves the taste and beneficial properties of legumes. Preservation will be considered successful if, 5 days after twisting, the brine in the jars has not changed its color and remains transparent. This preparation can be stored for a year both in the refrigerator and in the cellars. If the brine has changed color or become cloudy, then you do not need to take it. It’s better to throw out such a roll.

I love green peas, especially canned ones. Besides using it in various dishes or salads, I can eat it just like that. Naturally, it is better to prepare it at home rather than buy it in stores. Today I will tell you how to preserve green peas for the winter at home.

Canning green peas - a simple recipe without sterilization

Canning peas without sterilization is very convenient and does not present any problems. There is very little time allocated for cooking, and at the same time, the seams will easily stand for a year and will not spoil.


  • 350 grams of peeled green peas;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • a couple of teaspoons of nine percent vinegar;
  • half a liter of water;
  • a teaspoon of sugar.

How to close peas:

  1. Remove the pods from the peas. It is worth leaving only whole grains without defects.
  2. Rinse the peas with cold water to remove any dirt. Place it in a saucepan and fill it with water. Boil over low heat, no need to cover. Allow 20 minutes for cooking from the moment of boiling.
  3. Drain the water. Place the hot peas in sterile containers, leaving a couple of centimeters from the neck of the container.
  4. Make the marinade: mix half a liter of water, sugar and salt in a saucepan. Place on the stove and boil for a couple of minutes.
  5. Pour vinegar into the jars of peas, and then the boiling marinade. Roll up the containers, turn them over and wrap them warmly. Wait for it to cool down.

Tip: Store the preparations in the refrigerator or dark and cool basement.

How to pickle delicious peas for the winter

I want to tell you how to pickle delicious green peas at home for storage for the winter. The recipe is very simple, and the result will delight you - you will lick your fingers!


  • kilogram of peas;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of vinegar;
  • 500 grams of water.

Marinate the peas:

  1. Peel the peas. It is best to take medium-ripe grains for greater juiciness.
  2. Rinse the peas and place in a sieve. Let the water drain. Then blanch the peas for ten minutes.
  3. Boil water for the marinade, add salt and sugar. Mix thoroughly. As soon as the liquid boils, turn off the stove and pour in vinegar.
  4. Place the peas in a sterile jar to the top and pour over the hot marinade. Roll up and wrap, turn over.

Note: this twist will make a very tasty side dish with minced meat.

Green pea salad with cabbage in 1 liter jars

I most often make preparations from peas and cauliflower. The preservation turns out tasty and original, and goes perfectly with many dishes. Be sure to take note of the recipe!


  • 500 grams of green peas;
  • 400 grams of cauliflower;
  • 250 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • 50 grams of cumin;
  • 30 grams of mustard seeds;
  • 20 grams of salt;
  • 100 milliliters of wine vinegar;
  • 400 milligrams of aspirin.

Canning recipe:

  1. Disassemble the cabbage inflorescences and peel the peas. Blanch the components separately: cabbage in salted boiling water for five minutes, peas in acidified water, adding aspirin, for ten minutes. Peas can also be flavored with sugar.
  2. Fry cumin and mustard in a dry frying pan. When a bright smell appears, pour in oil and heat to 120 degrees.
  3. Combine peas and cabbage in a saucepan with vinegar and oil. Add heated water - it should cover the vegetables. Boil and place in a sterile container.
  4. Sterilize the jar with the preparation for 15-20 minutes. Immediately roll up, turn over and wrap. Wait for it to cool down.

Note: if you want, you can add dill to the canned peas, Bay leaf or ginger.

Zucchini with green peas in marinade

Recently, in my recipe book, I found an option for cooking zucchini with green peas. Now I’ll tell you how to marinate such an unusual product.


  • 2-3 zucchini;
  • 300-400 grams of fresh peas;
  • 3 sweet peppers;
  • hot pepper to taste;
  • 4 heads of garlic;
  • 3 leaves of horseradish;
  • 14 dill inflorescences;
  • 7 tablespoons sugar;
  • 7 tablespoons salt;
  • 350 grams of nine percent vinegar.

How to make zucchini with peas in marinade:

  1. Wash the zucchini and trim the edges. Cut into semicircles of small thickness. Peel and chop the garlic. Cut the hot pepper into small pieces. Peel the sweet peppers and cut them into strips.
  2. Place horseradish leaves and dill inflorescences at the bottom of sterile jars. Fill two-thirds of the container with zucchini, add peppers and garlic. Also add salt, sugar and vinegar to each jar.
  3. Place the peas in the jars and add a little more zucchini on top. Pour boiling water over the product and cover with clean lids. Sterilize the workpieces for twenty minutes.
  4. Roll up the jars and turn them over. Wrap it up and wait to cool.

Note: these products are enough for 7 liter jars.

Spicy cucumbers, canned with green peas

I have always been interested in how to preserve food using Olivier. A friend shared with me a simple and convenient recipe for preparing cucumbers and peas - at the right time, you just take out the jar and make a salad!

Products per 3 liter jar:

  • one and a half kilograms of cucumbers;
  • half a kilo of peas;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • a couple of tablespoons of sugar;
  • 50 grams of nine percent vinegar;
  • one and a half liters of water;
  • 6 garlic cloves;
  • horseradish root, dill umbrellas, hot pepper - to taste.

How to cook cucumber and peas:

  1. Trim the cucumbers from each end, rinse and soak for 6 hours.
  2. Rinse the peas, boil for twenty minutes and rinse again.
  3. Wash the herbs and seasonings, chop and place in the bottom of a sterile container. Lay out a row of cucumbers and add peas. Then again cucumber and again peas. Alternate layers until the jar is full.
  4. Pour boiling water over the product for 10 minutes. Cover with a lid. After the specified time has passed, pour the liquid into a saucepan, boil and pour in the seam again. Drain again and place the garlic in the jar.
  5. When you boil the water for the third time, add salt and sugar, and vinegar before the end of cooking. Immediately pour it into a jar and roll it up. Turn over, wrap and wait to cool.

Note: you can add spices to your liking.

Knowing how to preserve green peas for the winter at home, you can easily and quickly prepare a salad or side dish. Preparations significantly reduce the time spent in the kitchen. If aspects of cooking remain unclear to you, be sure to study the video. Bon appetit!

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