How to fry boiled shrimp in a frying pan. How to fry shrimp in a frying pan. How to fry shrimp in a frying pan in the shell

This is one of the most simple recipes. If you strictly follow it, the dish invariably turns out delicious in both taste and smell.


You will need 500 g of the main ingredient, 100 g of wheat bread, 100 g of butter, 2 s. spoons of flour, 1 m spoon of salt, 1 m spoon of black pepper and half a m spoon of red pepper. You should also add a small amount of various spices.

Important! Paprika, garlic, oregano, cumin, and rosemary work best with shrimp. You can choose any of these spices. It is recommended to mix them in one container in advance to get a good seasoning.


  1. We prepare seafood. First you need to defrost them, then remove the shells. To do this, simply pour boiling water over them.
  2. Place a frying pan on the stove and put a piece of butter in it.
  3. When the pan is hot enough and the butter is completely melted, you can add the shrimp themselves.
  4. During the first three minutes, the shrimp should lie on one side in the pan. And then you need to turn them over and fry until they curl into rings. The fact that the dish is ready will also be indicated by the appearance of transparency.

2. Fried shrimp with garlic

If you don’t want to overpower the taste of the shrimp with various spices, then you can use only garlic. The aroma of the finished dish will amaze anyone. It can be used as a beer snack. You can also serve it with a side dish.


You only need 4 ingredients: olive oil, garlic, salt and, of course, the shrimp themselves.


  1. Defrost the shrimp.
  2. Place a frying pan and heat the oil in it.
  3. Squeeze the garlic and place it in the pan. This ingredient will not spoil the dish. It is recommended to use it as much as possible.
  4. Without removing the shells, add the shrimp and fry them for about 10 minutes. It is important not to forget to stir periodically.

3. Fried shrimp in the shell

This dish can be used as a snack white wine. They eat it slowly. Otherwise it won’t work. After all, before you eat another shrimp, you will have to remove the shell, which, of course, will take some time.


You will need 500 g of shrimp, one hot pepper, a couple of cloves of garlic, half a lemon, half a lime, dried thyme, olive oil. And even before you start heat treatment, the dish will need to be salted and peppered.


  1. We cut up the shrimp: remove the heads, cut the carcasses along the back and remove the intestinal vein.
  2. Rinse thoroughly and dry with a paper towel.
  3. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and thyme.
  4. Place chopped garlic and pepper in a frying pan with heated oil. Fry until a crust forms. After this, you can carefully remove the pieces from the oil and throw them away.
  5. Squeeze fruit juice into oil.
  6. Add the shrimp and fry for two minutes on each side.
  7. Place fried seafood on a paper towel and wait until the oil drains.

4. Fried shrimp in garlic sauce

This is a simple recipe for making fried shrimp... garlic sauce. They are also consumed with wine. But only in this case the drink is added directly to the pan during the cooking process.


You will need 800 g of shrimp, 4 cloves of garlic, a bunch of parsley, olive oil, half a glass of white wine. And, of course, the dish will need to be peppered and salted.


  1. Heat the oil.
  2. Cut the garlic into small pieces and place in a frying pan.
  3. After three minutes, add shrimp. Sprinkle chopped parsley leaves on top. Fry for a couple more minutes.
  4. Let's pour alcoholic drink and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  5. Just before turning off the stove, you need to sprinkle the contents of the pan with salt and pepper.

Important! Don't keep the shrimp on the fire for too long. With prolonged heat treatment, this seafood loses its positive properties, becoming like rubber.

5. Fried Coconut Breaded Shrimp

Thanks to the spicy-sweet sauce, this dish acquires a piquant and unusual taste. This appetizer goes well with beer and will decorate any holiday table.


Take 500 g of shrimp, half a glass of flour and coconut flakes, 50 g of boiled apricots, a couple of eggs, 50 g of butter and orange marmalade. You will also need chili sauce, pepper and salt. These ingredients are added to taste.


  1. Clean the shrimp. Sprinkle them with a little salt and pepper.
  2. Dip seafood in flour.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs.
  4. Dip shrimp in beaten eggs.
  5. Then roll them in coconut flakes.
  6. Heat a frying pan, pour oil, add shrimp and fry until their surface acquires a golden hue.
  7. After heat treatment Seafood should be spread out on a paper towel, thereby allowing them to get rid of excess oil.
  8. Well, while the shrimp are lying on the towel, you can prepare a sauce for them. For this, marmalade, boiled apricots and chili sauce are used.

6. Fried king prawns in batter

This wonderful delicate dish of French cuisine is suitable for any occasion. It will take 1 hour to prepare.


We use 1 kg of shrimp, batter mixture, 160 g of flour and water, one lemon drop, 200 g of butter. Add salt, pepper and sweet and sour sauce to taste.


  1. Defrost the shrimp. It is better to use those that are larger. We clean them and boil them.
  2. The next stage is marinating seafood in water with lemon. This process should last 30 minutes.
  3. Pour salt, pepper and 40 g of batter mixture into a separate plate. It all gets mixed up.
  4. Pour the remaining batter mixture with water. Salt and pepper the resulting liquid and put it in the refrigerator.
  5. Sprinkle seafood with dry mixture.
  6. Then dip them in batter.
  7. Fry for two minutes on each side. In this case, you need to use more oil.
  8. After frying, place the shrimp on a paper towel.
  9. The dish can be served with any sauce.


Fried shrimp is a delicious dish that will be an excellent decoration for any table. This appetizer goes well with any vegetable side dish. A rice side dish also goes well with shrimp. But it’s better not to add various spices, as they will simply overwhelm the taste of the shrimp. There is only a small list of seasonings that go well with this delicacy.

There are several ways to prepare fried shrimp. The taste of this dish, depending on the chosen method, turns out different. If you have all the necessary ingredients, it will take only a few minutes to prepare, usually no more than 10. And you can diversify the dish thanks to an unusual combination of flavors and in different ways submissions.


Fried king prawns are an excellent snack for beer and just tasty dish. Exist different recipes and methods of its preparation, which allow everyone to find the option they like best and adopt it. This seafood is fried with soy sauce, orange and lemon juice, herbs and garlic, tomatoes, sesame seeds, honey, wine, cheese, pomegranate and even beans and mango - it all depends on your taste and preferences.

Even if you are the pickiest gourmet, you will still find ways to indulge in preparing this delicacy.

Recipe for fried shrimp with orange and garlic

Ingredients: 500-600 g shrimp, 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste, 1 orange, 2 tbsp. l. honey, 3 cloves of garlic, a mixture of dry herbs, vegetable oil, salt.

Method of preparation: It is better to take fresh seafood, but if this is not possible, frozen will also do. Before cooking, they should be defrosted and dried well. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add five tablespoons of freshly squeezed orange juice, squeeze in the garlic. Heat the mixture for the next 2-3 minutes, then add honey and mix with the rest of the ingredients.

Next, you can move on to frying the seafood. Place them in the pan and stir until they are evenly coated with oil. Add salt to taste, sprinkle with herbs and cover with a lid. Fry for 15-20 minutes over medium heat. Five minutes before readiness, add tomato paste and mix thoroughly. The juicy, aromatic dish is ready. Let it cool slightly, then garnish with herbs and orange slices.

King prawns for spicy lovers

Spicy shrimp curry

Ingredients: 500 g shrimp, 8 cloves garlic, 100 ml soy sauce, 0.5 lemon, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, curry, salt, pepper.

Method of preparation: The main ingredient is placed in a frying pan and fried in olive oil, then sprinkled with curry and pepper. At the same time, start preparing the sauce. Chop the garlic, mix it with soy sauce, add lemon juice and stir. Leave the sauce to steep for 30 minutes. Place the fried seafood on a plate and pour over the dressing.

Shrimp recipe with herbs and garlic

Ingredients: 500 g shrimp, 50 g butter, 20 g soy sauce, 0.5 medium-sized garlic or 1 small, 50 ml olive oil, ginger or chili pepper to taste, 50 g dill, 50 g parsley, 1 onion leek, pepper, salt.

Method of preparation: Pour soy sauce over defrosted seafood, pepper and leave to marinate for 30 minutes. At this time, cut the leek into thin rings, finely chop the herbs and garlic. Heat butter and olive oil in a deep frying pan, add onion and garlic. Fry until the onion loses its color. Then add ginger or chili pepper. Following them, marinated seafood is sent into the frying pan. Fry them for no more than five minutes until they acquire a pleasant pink hue, then mix with the herbs and leave for another couple of minutes. The dish is ready.

Unusual fried shrimp recipes

Fried king prawns with mango and coconut

Ingredients: 400 g of the above seafood; 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce; 3 tbsp. l. olive oil; 1 PC. mango; 1 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice; 1 PC. onions; 50 g fresh basil; 2 cloves of garlic; 1 tsp. red pepper flakes; 0.25 cups coconut flakes.

Method of preparation: Heat the oil in a deep frying pan over medium heat, add finely chopped onion and fry it for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly. The onion will barely acquire golden color, add chopped garlic, basil, red pepper, lemon juice and soy sauce. Mix all the ingredients and then add the king prawns to the pan. Fry them for about 3-5 minutes until the seafood turns pink. Immediately add mango and fry for 3 minutes. Place the finished dish on a plate and sprinkle with coconut flakes.

Shrimp and beans recipe

Ingredients: 600 g large shrimp; 500 g black canned beans; 1 lime; 2 tsp. olive oil; 1 tsp. ground cumin; 1 bell pepper (red); 2 tbsp. l. fresh chopped cilantro; 1 onion, pepper, salt.

Preparation: Initially, evenly salt and pepper the seafood, place them in hot oil, where fry for just over five minutes. Meanwhile, peel the lime and squeeze out two teaspoons of juice. Place fried shrimp in a bowl and cover with foil to keep warm. In the same frying pan, add another tablespoon of oil, chopped onion, pepper and fry the vegetables for the next 8 minutes, stirring continuously. Don't forget to sprinkle them with cumin, and after that add beans, grated lime zest, salt, and pepper. Fry for 3 minutes and remove from heat. Divide the beans into plates, place the main dish on top, sprinkle it with cilantro and serve to guests or family members.

Fried shrimp in shell

Ingredients: 900 g unpeeled shrimp; 200 ml soy sauce; 4 cloves of garlic; 100 ml of vegetable oil; 100 g tomato paste; seasonings

Preparation: Place frozen seafood in a skillet and place over high heat. As they heat up, drain the water. When they dry and become light in color, pour in soy sauce. After it is absorbed, add tomato paste and garlic. After mixing everything in the frying pan, leave to fry for 2-3 minutes, and then add vegetable oil and sprinkle with spices. Let the dish continue to cook over the heat for the next 7-10 minutes. During this time you will have time to prepare the sauce. To do this, simply mix mayonnaise, lemon juice, olive oil and finely chopped dill. Remove the fried seafood from the stove, place it on a platter and let it cool slightly. The sauce is served separately.

The simplest recipe

Ingredients: 1 kg shrimp; 150 g butter; juice of one lemon; 1 garlic; salt, hot pepper.

Preparation: Frozen seafood is poured into a dry frying pan, covered with a lid and put on fire for 2-3 minutes. While they are thawing, peel the garlic and grate it on a fine grater or squeeze it through a press. When all the ice is gone, drain the melted water and throw the garlic into the pan. You can immediately add oil and pepper. Salt everything, mix and leave for another 5-6 minutes. Before removing the finished seafood from the stove, sprinkle it with lemon juice to add a special flavor.

As you can see, shrimp recipes can be very original and exotic. This is what fuels interest in this dish, because, thanks to such a wide variety of ingredients and cooking methods, everyone has the opportunity to cook it to their own taste and in their own way, pleasantly surprising their family and friends. Bon appetit!

Place the frozen shrimp in a heated and oiled frying pan, add salt and spices. Fry boiled-frozen shrimp over medium heat under a lid.
Fry king prawns. Fry tiger prawns over medium heat.

In the microwave, fry the shrimp at the highest power without defrosting.

How to simply fry shrimp Thaw shrimp (boiled-frozen) at room temperature , in the microwave or in a colander hot water

. There is no need to peel the shrimp.

Heat oil in a frying pan - for half a kilo of shrimp, 5 tablespoons of oil. Add shrimp, fry over medium heat for 3 minutes, add salt, pepper, paprika, garlic, herbs, lemon and other spices to taste.

Optionally, add sauce to taste to make the shrimp tastier. The most common ones are cream, soy sauce, and tomato paste.

Fry shrimp for 7 minutes over medium heat. If sauce is added, simmer the shrimp for 7 minutes over low heat under the lid, then let them steep for another 5 minutes.

In the Caesar salad, add 3-6 king prawns per serving - they are cooked at the very end, so that by the time the Caesar is served they do not have time to cool down and become rubbery. They need to be partially peeled before frying. Remove the head from the king prawns, remove the shell, erase or pull out the intestinal vein (it is edible, but may be slightly bitter). At the same time, the tail is left - for beauty, and it is also convenient to take the shrimp by it before putting it into the mouth. Lightly rub the shrimp with salt.

It is better to fry shrimp for Caesar in olive or butter; sunflower oil will be dissonant with other Caesar products, which are topped with olive oil. Pour oil into the frying pan and wait a minute or two to heat up. To prevent Caesar shrimp from curling during frying, you can pierce them with skewers at this time - and remove the skewers after frying. You need to fry the Caesar shrimp until the meat is whitish, this requires literally 3 minutes of frying on each side.

Thaw small Caesar shrimp and fry for 5 minutes over medium heat without a lid.

How to fry spicy shrimp

Shrimp - 500 grams
Rosemary - 1 heaped teaspoon
Garlic - 4 cloves
Salt - to taste
Sugar - 2 teaspoons
Soy sauce - 1/5 cup
Vegetable oil - 1/5 cup

How to fry shrimp
Pour boiling water over the king prawns for a couple of minutes to melt the excess liquid, then drain the water and peel the shrimp. Heat a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil and sweetened soy sauce. Add rosemary and peeled garlic to the oil. After a minute, remove the garlic.

Place shrimp in a frying pan, add salt, fry until dark brown for 10 minutes over medium heat without a lid.

How to fry shrimp in batter

King prawns - half a kilo
Lemon juice - from half a lemon

Chicken eggs - 2 pieces
Flour - 2 tablespoons
Salt - to taste
Vegetable oil - half a glass

How to deep fry shrimp in batter
Thaw the king prawns, if they were frozen, remove the shell, and place in a bowl. Sprinkle the shrimp with soy sauce, juice from half a lemon, salt, cover and refrigerate for 20 minutes. While the shrimp are marinating, whisk the flour, salt and egg in a bowl.
Pour 2 centimeters of vegetable oil into a small frying pan and heat it up. Dip each shrimp in the batter, place in the oil for 30 seconds and then place on a paper towel.
Serve the fried shrimp immediately after frying with soy sauce.

Grilled shrimp

King prawns - 1 kilogram
Olive oil - 2 tablespoons
Lemon juice - from 1 lemon
Salt and pepper - to taste

How to Grill King Prawns
Remove the shells from the shrimp, leaving the tails. Drizzle the shrimp with olive oil and lemon juice and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Thread the shrimp onto skewers and place in a grill preheated to 200 degrees. Grill shrimp for 5 minutes.

How to fry shrimp for beer

Boiled-frozen shrimp - 1 kilogram
Tomato paste - 3 tablespoons
Soy sauce - 3 tablespoons
Salt - to taste
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

How to fry shrimp for beer
1. Place shrimp on a wide plate.
2. Thaw the shrimp.
3. Heat a frying pan, pour oil.
4. Place shrimp.

5. Add salt (carefully, as the recipe includes soy sauce - it is salty).
6. Pour in tomato sauce, soy sauce, and mix well.

7. Pepper the shrimp.

8. Fry the shrimp for 5 minutes over medium heat, stirring, place the finished shrimp on a dish and serve.

The first step is to defrost the main product. To do this, place the shrimp on a plate in advance and leave at room temperature for 20 minutes. To avoid wasting time on this, simply transfer the shrimp from the freezer to the refrigerator the day before cooking.

I have pink shrimp, they are already boiled, so you don’t need to cook them for a long time. To add a piquant taste and aroma, you must marinate the seafood.

To do this, simply place the future delicacy on a plate and pour a mixture of soy sauce, honey and olive oil on top. If the shell is thick, you can use a pinch of sea salt for the marinade so that the tender meat does not turn out bland. Then sprinkle everything with finely chopped garlic, ginger and herbs. Finally, squeeze in lemon juice (1-2 tsp) and turn the shrimp several times so that the marinade soaks them well.

Marinate for 10-15 minutes. Spicy lovers can add finely chopped chili pepper.

Heat the grill pan high and place the shrimp on it. Fry each for literally 2-3 minutes on both sides, brushing the marinade on top.

Immediately transfer the finished shrimp fried with garlic and soy sauce to a serving plate. The finished dish can be supplemented with fresh herbs and a slice of lemon.

Shrimp is a delicious seafood that can be prepared into a unique delicacy in a dozen different ways. Each of them gives sea crayfish meat a special taste. We are used to boiling them in a pan with salt and bay leaf, and sprinkling with lemon juice when serving. If you're tired of this recipe and want to try something new, learn how to fry shrimp in a pan. Behind last years Many chefs have appreciated this cooking method and widely use it in practice. If you are interested, study this topic in more detail.

Pan fried shrimp recipes

With a kilogram of sea crayfish and a simple frying pan, you can create a real culinary masterpiece. Despite the fact that the cooking process seems extremely simple and obvious, there are many ways to add variety. Below are the most common recipes used by simple housewives, connoisseurs of gourmet dishes and professional chefs in elite restaurants. Take them into service to surprise your household and guests with your treats at festive feasts.

King prawns with garlic and soy sauce

An excellent dish that is perfect as an appetizer for any table. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Atlantic king shrimp – 1200 g;
  • ginger root – 25 g;
  • garlic cloves – 3 pcs.;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice – 20 g;
  • soy sauce, vegetable oil - to taste.

Write down how to fry shrimp in a pan with garlic:

  1. Thaw the sea crayfish, remove their shells and tails.
  2. Slice ginger root circles of minimal thickness.
  3. Using longitudinal cuts, divide each clove of garlic into several parts.
  4. Heat a frying pan over medium heat with a little oil and soy sauce.
  5. Add the garlic and wait until the aroma appears, remove it.
  6. You need to do the same with ginger: put it in a frying pan for a few minutes, and then, after the aroma appears, remove it.
  7. Place the shrimp in the prepared aromatic sauce and reduce the gas on the stove to low. Fry until they curl. Stir the contents of the pan from time to time to prevent burning.
  8. Before serving, the appetizer must be cooled and sprinkled with lemon juice. For the beauty of serving, you can add a small amount of herbs. Dill is often used in high-end restaurants.

Tiger prawns in garlic cream sauce

The taste of tiger shrimp is beyond description. They are wonderful in any form. But you, as a cook, should know that there is no limit to perfection. Knowing how to cook shrimp deliciously, you will be able to impress everyone who has a chance to taste them. If this prospect interests you, grab a pen and paper and get ready to take notes. So, to prepare this dish you will need the following:

  • large tiger shrimps – 900 g;
  • green onion – 110-130 g;
  • cream – 220-240 g;
  • garlic cloves – 5 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - half a dessert spoon;
  • sunflower/olive oil - to taste;
  • salt, pepper - in minimal quantities.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Place shrimp in a preheated frying pan with soy sauce and a little oil.
  2. Add finely chopped onion, cover and fry over high heat for 5 minutes.
  3. Stir the contents of the pan every 30-40 seconds and gradually add the garlic pressed through a press.
  4. Reduce the heat on the burner to medium and continue to fry until all the liquid has evaporated.
  5. By this time the sea crayfish will be golden brown. All you have to do is add cream to it and heat it over low heat.
  6. In 5-7 minutes the dish will be ready to serve.

How to fry frozen shrimp in the shell

Shrimp fried in the shell looks very unusual. You can say the same about the taste of this dish. The cooking process cannot be called complicated. The main thing is to clearly know how long to fry the shrimp so that they fall apart. So, if you are ready to try, write down the list of necessary ingredients:

  • frozen shrimp in medium-sized shells – 800 g;
  • butter– 120-130 g;
  • fresh tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • pepper, salt, spicy/hot spices - to taste.

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. Place a dry frying pan on a medium-high heat burner. Wait until it gets hot enough.
  2. Place frozen shrimp in shells, de-headed, on it.
  3. Fry, stirring constantly. Periodically drain the defrosting liquid.
  4. When there is no water left, place the grated garlic and butter, divided into small pieces, into the frying pan.
  5. Fry for 5 minutes and then add salt and spices to your taste.
  6. In another 5 minutes the dish will be ready. It is recommended to serve with spicy fresh tomato sauce.

How to cook with lemon and spices for beer

Fried sea crayfish are an excellent snack for beer! Tasty and healthy meat will be an excellent addition to a bottle of light. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • shrimp without shells – 1200 g;
  • small lemon – 1 pc.;
  • garlic cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower/olive oil – 40 g;
  • black pepper, salt, herbs, spices - in moderation.

How to cook:

  1. Thaw the sea crayfish and drain them in a colander. Wait for the water to drain.
  2. Cut the lemon into small slices.
  3. Heat the oil over medium heat and then add the shrimp to it.
  4. Cover with a lid and fry for 5 minutes.
  5. Reduce the heat on the burner to low, and then add lemon, pepper, salt, grated garlic and lemon wedges to the pan.
  6. Cover with a lid and set aside for 5 minutes.
  7. During this time, the shells will turn rosy. Transfer the contents of the pan to a plate and sprinkle with herbs.
  8. Best served with hot sauce.


In circles of high connoisseurs of gourmet food, this dish is known as tempura shrimp. An incomparable recipe will help you reveal your culinary talent in all its glory. The dish is easy to prepare and goes well with red wine. When you prepare tempura, it will look even more attractive and appetizing than in the photo! If you are interested, write down the list of required ingredients:

  • tiger shrimps – 400 g;
  • flour – 120-130 g;
  • water cooled to a temperature of 2°C – 200 ml;
  • soy sauce – 35-40 g;
  • wasabi (at your discretion) – 5 g;
  • sunflower/olive oil – 30 g;
  • bread crumbs – 50 g.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We clean the shrimp from heads and shells, but leave the tails.
  2. We make longitudinal cuts on the backs of the sea crayfish. We take out the intestines with waste.
  3. On the reverse side (on the stomach), we make cuts every 7-8 millimeters so that the meat does not curl inward.
  4. Turn the shrimp with their backs towards you. Along the entire length of the longitudinal cuts through which we removed the intestines, we make transverse diagonal notches. Be careful not to accidentally cut the meat in half.
  5. Dredge shrimp in flour.
  6. Place a small amount of flour in water and mix lightly. You should end up with a mass similar to pancake batter.
  7. Dip the shrimp into the batter so that the tails remain on the surface.
  8. While the meat is cooling, heat the oil in a frying pan.
  9. We take one crayfish out of the water, quickly dip it in bread crumbs, send it to the frying pan. We perform similar actions for the rest. Frying time – 40 seconds. Due to the sharp temperature change, an excellent crispy crust will be obtained.
  10. Place the meat on a plate. Serve with soy sauce and wasabi.
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