How to stew mackerel in a slow cooker. Mackerel in a slow cooker: recipes for cooking in foil and with vegetables. Mackerel in soy sauce in a slow cooker. Instructions

Appetizing, fatty and fresh mackerel attracts attention on the shelves of markets and shops. But few people know how to handle this fish at home. Meanwhile, there are many simple and quick recipes preparing tender, juicy pieces of mackerel in a slow cooker.

Features of mackerel

When preparing this fish, it is important to know and take into account a couple of subtleties:

  1. Fish has a specific smell.
  2. Meat is rich in vitamins, microelements, and healthy fatty acids, which lose their properties during prolonged heat treatment.
  1. No small bones, tender, juicy pulp.
  2. Nutritional properties, high protein content.
  3. Taste qualities, spicy, pronounced taste.
  4. Low calorie content.

It is worth noting the beneficial effects of this fish on the body: prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases, improvement of memory, benefits for joint problems.

Cooking in a slow cooker

You can cook mackerel in a slow cooker in a variety of ways. Almost any mode can give excellent results. It is worth remembering that when boiling and frying, it easily loses fat and becomes dry. Roasting, baking, stewing, and steaming modes are perfect.

The advantages of cooking mackerel, as this fish is called in the West, in a slow cooker are reduced cooking time, maximum preservation of nutrients and vitamins, and the absence of a pungent odor.

Regardless of the selected mode, it is necessary to properly prepare the carcasses. To do this, the mackerel needs to be cleaned internal organs, remove the head. You can then cut it into portions or leave it whole. You should pay attention to the color of the fish when purchasing: a heavily spotted skin is suitable for salting and smoking. For baking, it is better to take the one with few spots.

The last step will be the marinade, which will help get rid of the peculiar smell. fish oil. Lemon juice, vinegar, dry wine, sour sauces to taste are suitable, fish spices will add spice and pungency.

A simple recipe for baking mackerel in a slow cooker

You will need:

  • 2 mackerel carcasses, 300-400 g each
  • 1 lemon or lime
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 2-3 sprigs of parsley
  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste

The fish can be baked either in a greased multicooker bowl or wrapped in foil or a special baking bag.

Preparation steps:

  1. Gutted and washed carcasses are chopped into 3-4 parts.
  2. The pieces are rolled in spices and salt.
  3. In a glass bowl, pour the juice of one lemon or lime, you can add a little water.
  4. The mackerel is marinated for 10-20 minutes.
  5. Pieces of fish are placed in a bowl, bag or wrapped in foil.
  6. In the “Baking” mode, it is enough to cook for 30-40 minutes.

The result will be a tender, juicy, aromatic dish. Mackerel baked in a slow cooker goes well with vegetables, fresh or grilled, mashed potatoes, and also wonderful and useful in itself!

Mackerel in a slow cooker turns out simply great. Especially if you bake it with lemon and fish spices. The fish fillet becomes very tender, and you want to collect the aromatic fat with a piece of fresh bread.

The only thing better than baked fish is raw mackerel, which is cooked like planed fish. But making raw fish edible requires certain skills, and the process is quite complicated. Cooked in a slow cooker it will turn out no less tasty, and the process is much simpler.

To prepare aromatic delicious fish You need to remember simple rules. First, buy mackerel with a striped skin that has a fresh shine, and the meat should smell like the sea and fresh cucumber. Second, try not to buy mackerel with a spotted skin. It's too greasy and doughy to bake. This fish is perfect for smoking or canning. But when baked in a slow cooker, it simply falls apart.
The spotting or striping of a fish depends on its life period. Her appetites change. She can gorge herself on calanus, a very nutritious crustacean. As a result, he gets indigestion, begins to get very fat, and then becomes covered with various spots.

But many commercial fish are spotted from birth. Therefore, it is better to pay special attention to the condition of the meat, and not the color of the skin.

Mackerel is a very popular fish and there is no person who has not tried it at least once. It belongs to the noble species of fish from the perch family. Despite its fat content, its calorie content is low, only 200 calories per 100 grams of product. It contains various nutrients that are essential for the human body. It is good for joints.

Baked mackerel with lemon in a slow cooker


  • Headless mackerel – 1.5 kilograms;
  • 2 small lemons;
  • fish spices, salt and pepper - to taste

How to cook:

1 Trim off all fins from fish carcasses and wash them thoroughly. Cut them into two or three equal parts. Make even cuts into the fillets to accommodate the lemon wedges;

2 The mackerel needs to be salted, peppered and sprinkled with spices so that nothing gets into the cuts;

3 Place lemon slices into the cuts on the fish pieces;

4 Place mackerel in a multicooker bowl and pour fifty milliliters of cold water;

5 Set the multicooker to baking and cook the fish for no more than thirty minutes;

6 Baked fish is ready. The aromatic mackerel should be served hot and garnished with sprigs of fresh herbs.

Fragrant mackerel in a slow cooker

Mackerel is an easy fish to prepare. Thanks to the gentle and juicy meat it is very popular among chefs. Below is a recipe for making baked mackerel in a slow cooker.


  • Fresh mackerel - 1 carcass;
  • Carrot – 1 piece;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Lemon – 1 piece;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp;
  • Fish spices, salt - to taste

How to cook:

1 The fish carcass must be well cut, all entrails and fins removed. Rinse thoroughly in cool water;

2 The fillet must be cut into several pieces. Each one must be rubbed with fish spices;

3 Lemon should be cut into rings, then placed under the mackerel carcass;

4 Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. They need to be inserted into the cuts on the fillet;

5 Grease the multicooker bowl with sunflower oil. Place the prepared mackerel in it;

6 Cook the dish in the “Baking” mode for about twenty-five minutes;

7 Serve cooked, baked mackerel hot. It can be served with fresh herbs and a side dish of vegetables.

Mackerel in foil in a slow cooker

Mackerel dishes in a slow cooker always turn out very juicy, and the taste cannot be described in words. Fish cooked in foil always turns out tender and flavorful.


  • Fresh mackerel – 1-2 carcasses;
  • Onions – 1 piece;
  • Lemon – 1 piece;
  • pepper, salt - to taste

How to cook:

1 Mackerel carcasses must be thoroughly cleaned, all entrails and fins removed, and the head cut off. The fish must be washed thoroughly;

2 Season the fillet with salt and pepper to your taste. Place mackerel on food foil;

3 Wash the lemon and peel the onion. They need to be cut into rings, and then we place them between the fish pieces;

4 The mackerel must be wrapped very carefully in foil so that the juice does not leak out. Carefully place in a multicooker bowl;

5 Prepare the dish in the “Steamer” mode for about half an hour;

6 Once cooking is complete, unwrap the foil. The mackerel turns out very tasty, tender, juicy;

7 Place on a plate and serve with tomatoes and other vegetables.

You can fry mackerel in a slow cooker in vegetable oil, with onions and bay leaves, allspice. It will turn out very fragrant and appetizing.
Stew mackerel with vegetables. To do this, take tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, and carrots. With these vegetables, the fish will turn out juicy, and the taste will become even richer.
You can experiment. Make a delicious mackerel roll with eggs and carrots. You will also need cling film and thread for wrapping the roll.
Show your imagination and don’t be afraid to try cooking new dishes.
To make the dish dietary, serve the mackerel with boiled rice, any fresh vegetables and herbs. Choose side dishes at your discretion. This dish will be an excellent addition to your dinner table.

Cook mackerel with potatoes in a slow cooker. Then your lunch will become even more appetizing and satisfying. Prepare it with other vegetables too.

Try the Hot Smoked Mackerel fish recipe. For this recipe there is little trick. You need to purchase “liquid smoke” at any grocery supermarket.

Mackerel is a very tasty and healthy fish. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and is quickly digested without overloading the digestive system. Plus, its meat is indispensable for people with weakened immune systems. Its meat also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. This fish is even called the “fish of longevity.” If you use it twice a week, the aging process will slow down, the walls of blood vessels and capillaries will be strengthened, bones, nails and teeth will be strengthened due to the presence of fluorine and phosphorus. In addition, mackerel contains zinc, magnesium, iodine, potassium, calcium and magnesium. The most common mackerel dishes are smoked or lightly salted mackerel. But it is also incredibly tasty if fried or baked. The main thing is to know a few secrets that I will be happy to share.


  • mackerel -1-2 pieces
  • sunflower oil
  • lemon – 1 pc.
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste

How to cook mackerel baked in a slow cooker:

The first thing you need to do is defrost the mackerel. I do not recommend doing this using a microwave. You can simply take cool water and put mackerel in it. You should not wait until the mackerel is completely defrosted, as in this case it will be inconvenient to “work” with it. Let's just say that the mackerel should defrost halfway.

Next, cut off the head and tail, rip open the abdomen and clean out all the entrails. And then, in fact, the secret itself: you need to clean the entire belly of the mackerel from black films. You need to clean it completely, so that there is only pink meat and not a single dark film. The fact is that they are the ones who “give” the bitterness specific to mackerel. So, to avoid bitterness, try to get rid of them completely.

Well, then, as they say, everything ingenious is simple: cut the mackerel into several pieces. No salt or pepper. If you really want to do something similar, just pour lemon juice. If you salt the mackerel right away, it will release its juice and become dry. So we salt it only in its finished form. Pour oil into the bottom of the multicooker, add mackerel, set the “baking” mode for 30-40 minutes. At the halfway point we turn it over.

Delicious mackerel in a slow cooker is ready! Pour in lemon juice (if you didn’t do this at the beginning of cooking), salt and pepper to taste.


  • fresh frozen mackerel – 1 pc. (300 gr)
  • mixed vegetables – 200 gr. (I have frozen ones)
  • sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.
  • onion – 1 head
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp.
  • black pepper, salt, marjoram - to taste

There are a lot of options for cooking mackerel in a slow cooker. The tasty, fatty and nutritious meat of this fish cooks quickly and goes well with any side dishes, and especially with vegetables.

I have already shared the recipe with readers of the site. Today I offer a completely different dish - it will be mackerel baked in a slow cooker with vegetables. Even your children will like this dish; besides, mackerel is a very healthy fish and should definitely be included in your diet if there are children in the house.

For those who watch their diet and figure, mackerel with vegetables in a slow cooker will also be very interesting. This fish contains 13 grams of fat per 100 grams, but healthy fat (unsaturated fatty acid), and mackerel is not very high in calories - only 220 calories per 100 grams. So you can safely cook this for dinner or lunch - it will pleasantly surprise your family, loved ones or significant other if you prepare this dish for a romantic dinner. The recipe is not complicated, even a beginner or young person can master it.

I cook in my assistant Yummy YMC-502, using the “Bake” mode, which is equipped with almost all the latest models, so I recommend that everyone who reads this recipe start cooking mackerel in a slow cooker.

Cooking method

  1. First, let's prepare all the products listed above.

  2. Defrost the mackerel, cut off the head, clean out all the insides and rinse with running water. Cut the mackerel into pieces 4-5 centimeters thick.

  3. Mix salt, pepper and a little marjoram on a tea saucer (add it for flavor if desired), and rub each piece of fish with this mixture. Then sprinkle the mackerel with juice squeezed from fresh lemon and leave to marinate for 15-30 minutes.

  4. While the fish is marinating, cut the onion into half rings.

  5. After 30 minutes, pour 1-2 tablespoons of sunflower oil into the multicooker bowl and place the pickled mackerel in the pan.

  6. Then pour out the shredded onion and frozen vegetables (any vegetable mixture that is sold in frozen departments by weight or packaged in bags will do).

  7. Turn on the multicooker, start the “Baking” program, set the timer to 20-30 minutes. Mackerel bakes very quickly; if you overcook it, it will become dry.

  8. After the end of the program, the dish is ready.

  9. You can eat mackerel baked in a slow cooker with vegetables as an independent dish or with your favorite side dish. Fresh tomatoes will also work here.

At the same time as the fish, you can cook or boil rice with vegetables in a steamer container. The sauce can be added as desired, for example, to prepare tartar (finely chopped pickled cucumbers, dried dill, paprika mixed with mayonnaise) or any other cream sauce, which you really like. If desired, before serving, mackerel with vegetables can be sprinkled with chopped herbs.

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