What does a Georgian Caucasian Shepherd look like? Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Dog care

Caucasian Shepherds are considered one of the best guard dogs. This is the so-called breed of folk selection, which was formed over centuries in harsh conditions natural selection, of course, not without the participation of the person who selected the best. These dogs are balanced, human-friendly, alert, strong and resilient. But in order for all these qualities to fully manifest themselves, the Caucasian Shepherd must be competently educated, loved and equal to the owner.

The Caucasian Shepherd is one of the oldest breeds in the world. The progenitor of the breed is considered to be the Tibetan Great Dane. The Russian-Turkish wars established shepherd dogs as excellent guard and fighting dogs. At home, in Central Asia, they have long been used as watchdogs protecting herds and real estate. At the beginning of the 20th century, the breed began to gain popularity, along with that which died out during the Second World War. In the 80s of the 20th century, the first attempts were made to revive the genotype of the breed in Russia, and after 10 years their popularity again reached its peak.

According to the ICF classification, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs belong to the group of Pinschers, Schnauzers, Molossians and Swiss Mountain Cattle Dogs and belong to the mountain type dogs. The place of origin of the breed is the Caucasus and Transcaucasia.

Video review about the Caucasian Shepherd dog breed:

Appearance and standards

Caucasian Shepherds are very large in size. The height at the withers varies between 64-72 cm, weight ranges from 45 to 70 kilograms. It's harmoniously complex strong dogs with massive bones and voluminous, well-developed muscles. The sexual type is well expressed.

The Caucasian Shepherd must meet three important proportions:

  • The length of the body is 3-8% greater than the height at the withers;
  • The length of the front leg to the elbow is half the height at the withers;
  • The ratio of the length of the skull and muzzle is 3:2.

The head of the Caucasian Shepherd is massive, large and wide. The stop is well expressed. The muzzle is wide with a large black nose. Lips are thick and dry. The jaws are strong. The eyes are small, oval-shaped, set wide, not too deep. Color – any shades of brown. The eyelids fit tightly and are dry. The ears are small, hanging on cartilage, triangular in shape, set high and wide apart. Traditionally, ears are cropped, but today undocked ears are also accepted due to the ban on surgery in many countries.

The body is very well developed in all dimensions: muscular, broad and balanced. The back is strong and straight. The loin is short, slightly convex. The chest is well developed and deep. The abdomen is moderately tucked. The tail is set high and carried in the shape of a sickle or ring. In a calm state it is lowered, and in an excited state it rises above the line of the back. Legs are strong and of moderate length. Round lamps. The skin is thick and does not form wrinkles or folds.

The coat is formed by straight, coarse, loosely lying hair and a well-developed undercoat. The length of the coat is at least 5 cm. On the head and the front side of the limbs it is shorter and denser. The tail is well feathered, the elongated spine also forms tufts on the ears, a “mane” and feathering on the legs.

The color can be any solid, as well as piebald and spotted. The exception is solid black and weakened black or brown in any combination, as well as blue and liver brown, which are a sign of mixed blood.

Character and psychological portrait

The Caucasian Shepherd is an intelligent and flexible animal. Even a puppy already understands what home protection and behavior control in the house means. A pet will never show causeless aggression if it has grown up in an environment where it is treated with respect. Pamper your dog if you want, do not be afraid that this will affect its protective qualities, this is not the case. On the contrary, praise will only benefit the animal. Caucasian Shepherds quickly get used to their owners and do not cope well with changes in ownership.

The Caucasian loves company, so even if the dog lives in the yard, you need to spend time with him in any weather. If you do not maintain constant contact with your dog, o friendly relations you can forget.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs have well-defined features of their ancient ancestors. They have incredible strength and can be aggressive. But they are quite restrained and will not attack the offender without reason. These character traits became the basis for the use of representatives of the breed as guard and guard dogs. In addition, they are excellent racing dogs, so even in ancient times they were faithful assistants to mountain shepherds.

Universal guarding qualities are inherited in Caucasian Shepherd dogs, so even a small puppy already proves itself to be an experienced guard.

Education and training

Due to their high intellectual abilities, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are easy to train. However, we should not forget that they do not tolerate haste and do not rush to carry out commands if they do not consider it necessary. When training them, you will have to show sufficient patience, and in some cases, persistence, but without physical intervention. When raising an animal, show leadership and moderate severity. But don’t rush the process and don’t yell at the shepherd, this will have little benefit, and you will lose trust.

Female Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are more flexible than capricious males and are easier to train. Males are spiritually stronger and the owner must be a match for them: experienced, confident, impressive.

Representatives of Caucasian Shepherds are very strong and reserved. They are characterized by innate aggression, which requires a careful approach to education and training. You cannot cultivate anger in shepherd dogs and unduly focus on the “Face” command, as this can not only strengthen, but in some cases aggravate their natural anger.

If you decide to get a Caucasian Shepherd puppy, you should know that they are completely unsuited to living in a city apartment. The best option there will be an aviary for them or a private house with a spacious walk, as representatives of the breed need great physical activity. Lack of physical activity can cause them to develop dysplasia hip joints and obesity. They do not experience aggression towards other animals in the house and are neutral, only sometimes they can be wary towards strangers. Keeping shepherd dogs in the apartment is not allowed.

Caucasian Shepherds do not herd herds, but only guard them. Herding dogs They cut countless circles around the herd, holding it, and spend a huge amount of energy. Caucasian Shepherds do everything measuredly and economically in terms of energy consumption. They are by no means lazy, they just do not tolerate unnecessary fuss.

Caucasian Shepherds have a beautiful thick coat that needs proper care. To keep your pet looking neat, you need to comb the hair daily and bathe the animal several times a month using special shampoos. Much attention should be paid to the treatment of the eyes and ears.


The Caucasian Shepherd needs to be provided with a balanced diet. To maintain health and good physical shape, it is important to provide dogs with a complete diet, including dry food or natural food: cereals with vegetables, meat, fish, and dairy products. In addition, dogs should not be overfed. This does not mean that your pet should be left hungry from time to time. What is important here is the optimal selection of diet (you can consult a veterinarian about this) taking into account the sex, weight, and age of the animal. It is also worth considering your pet's lifestyle. If we take into account the average data, then per kilogram of the dog’s weight you should give 15 grams of dry food and 40 grams of liquid food per day.

Health and life expectancy

Caucasian Shepherds are strong, hardy dogs that are distinguished by good good health. That is why you need to be careful about your pet’s well-being. Any ailment is dangerous because at the time symptoms appear, the disease has already gone quite far. Strong immunity allows you to keep the disease in check, but when all reserves are exhausted, it begins to progress very quickly. With proper maintenance and care, the lifespan of Caucasian Shepherd Dogs reaches 9-12 years.

Caucasian Shepherd puppies are susceptible to viral and bacterial enteritis, so they must be vaccinated against major infectious diseases.

Some hereditary diseases are noted in the breed:

  • Dwarfism;
  • Thyroid disease;
  • Hip dysplasia;
  • Rarely found diabetes;
  • In dogs with a raw constitution, inversion or eversion of the eyelids, as well as abnormal eyelash growth, are often observed.

Choosing a puppy

The Caucasian Shepherd puppy looks more like a teddy bear. He moves funny on his paws, or even rolls around, frolicking. At this age, shepherd dogs do not yet know what obedience is, but they are very cute, which makes people want to adopt a dog. But by six months the former puppy is already a large dog, and by one year it is fully formed. Therefore, before you adopt a Caucasian puppy, think about whether you can afford it, whether the animal will be comfortable with you and whether it will be comfortable for you.

Brief characteristics of the dog

  • Other dog names: Caucasian Wolfhound, Kavkazskaia ovtcharka, Caucasian Shepherd Dog
  • Height adult: males min. 68 cm, and on average 72-75 cm, females min. 64, average 66-69 cm.
  • Weight: The norm for a male is at least 50 kg, for a female the norm is from 45 to 50 kg.
  • Characteristic color: from white and light gray to dark brown, except pure black. There are plain and spotted.
  • Wool length: not less than 5 cm with a mane on the neck.
  • Lifespan: On average, the Caucasian Shepherd lives 10-12 years.
  • Advantages of the breed: smart, patient, calm, determined, persistent.
  • Difficulties of the breed: wayward.
  • Average price: Caucasian Shepherd costs from $200 to $900.

History of the origin of the breed

According to some reports, Caucasian Shepherd dogs appeared in the Caucasus since the 7th century BC. And they originated from the Tibetan Great Danes. In 1121 BC. one of the dogs was presented to the emperor by one of the ruling during the dynasties of China, where it was called the Tibetan poisoning dog.

In the 18th century Caucasian dogs served on guard in the Turkish army. To this day, this breed is successfully used in guard service in a number of countries. At the beginning of the twentieth century in former USSR active selection work began on the ancient dogs of the Caucasus. Eventually got a strong, fearless and confident a breed with excellent hearing and vision, which was named the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

Purpose of the breed

Initially, Caucasian dogs were used as fearless shepherds and guards of flocks and homes from uninvited guests and wolves. Now these huge dogs are doing the same work as before. This excellent security guards and guards.

More often they are started by residents of the private sector as watchdog. For the same purpose, they are recruited to serve in various law enforcement agencies. They also make excellent bodyguards. If you need a devoted friend who can become your desperate defender if necessary, then undoubtedly choose this breed.

Characteristics of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog breed

Exist differentkinds Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. The most common species are Georgian, Azerbaijani, Armenian, and Dagestan, which are also divided into subgroups that are consistent with their first habitat. The color and size of the Caucasian Shepherd differ depending on its habitat.

Thus, Georgian Caucasians are larger, have low muscular legs and are shaggy, mostly of a single color. And the Azerbaijani, on the contrary, are long-legged, often spotted and have shorter hair.
The Caucasian Shepherd has its own generally accepted breed standards. These are massive dogs with thick hair and undercoat, thanks to which they can withstand any weather conditions well.

They have deep-set, intelligent and loyal beady eyes. The ears fit tightly to the head. It is customary for Caucasians to have their ears cropped, but this is not necessary. They used to do this so that in a clash with a wolf they would have fewer vulnerable spots.

These are independent animals that, at the genetic level, can quickly and adequately assess the situation and just as quickly and independently make a decision. This is exactly how they acted for many centuries on pastures in the absence of shepherds.

The Caucasian Shepherd has an easy-going character and very often becomes a great family favorite in every sense. Despite their size, Caucasians are very good-natured and affectionate. All varieties of Caucasian Shepherd dogs get along well with the residents of the house, including with children who consider them big teddy bears. In relation to children, they are generally very patient and meekly and resignedly endure all children's pranks and squeezing.

This is a balanced, calm dog that can sometimes stare at one point for a long time. She will not bother you unnecessarily, but she will play with you with great pleasure, and she will do this carefully and carefully, trying not to harm you.

For her, people are clearly divided into only two categories: ours and others'. For this reason, warn guests to stay away from the dog if possible to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Dogs of this breed do not require much activity, so you can take a leisurely walk next to them. Although periodic exercise stress it won't hurt them. And this is a dog with whom it is simply pleasant to spend time, looking into her eyes radiating kindness and calmness and putting her hand in her thick, soft fur.

Video review of the breed

How to choose a puppy

Before you start choosing a puppy, decide for what purpose you are getting him. This determines how much a Caucasian Shepherd puppy will cost. If you get a dog as a guard, then this is one amount, but when choosing a puppy for exhibitions and breeding, it will be completely different.

The room in which dogs are kept must be free of any signs of sloppiness. The health of the mother, and, accordingly, the offspring, primarily depends on this. Pay attention to the mother's condition.

Even though labor and feeding can be a little draining and draining, she shouldn't look too visibly sick. This will mean that they are keeping her only for the sake of offspring and money, sparing money for adequate food and vitamins. Accordingly, there can be no talk of any healthy offspring.

Now take a closer look at the puppies. These must be moderately active toddlers, with shiny fur, a wet nose and sparkling eyes, having a clean, well-groomed appearance. Owners should not try to persuade you to look at this or that puppy.

You must make this choice yourself, so to speak, at the call of your heart. Ask to provide a metric for the puppy, which contains all the data about him and his parents.

A little advice: If you need a purebred puppy, in which all the qualities of this breed are genetically inherent, then it is better to contact a nursery for this. As a last resort, go to a breeder with an excellent reputation. Beware of accepting puppies from advertisements. And even more so in poultry markets.

Dog names

You brought the puppy home. Now you have another difficult question: what to name a Caucasian Shepherd dog for a boy or a girl. My advice to you: don’t rush to do it. For some time watch for the behavior and habits of the dog, and perhaps you will have an option that will be completely suitable for it.

If you took purebred dog with documents, then he has already been given a pedigree name. Perhaps a simplified interpretation will suit you. Very often the name written in the metric differs from the nickname for boys or girls used in everyday life (this applies not only to Caucasian Shepherd dogs).

Caring for a puppy and an adult Caucasian Shepherd

There is absolutely nothing difficult about caring for these big, furry four-legged friends.
There are a few simple rules which must be observed in relation to both a puppy and an adult dog:

  • Brush the coat at least two or three times a week, and when shedding begins, then every day. Long-haired breeds often have matted hair that cannot be combed out, but only needs to be trimmed;
  • wipe the dog’s ears and eyes at the same frequency;
  • Keep an eye on your claws and trim them if necessary.

If the dog lives in an apartment, then take it outside more often or as long as possible. Fresh air.
When kept in an enclosure, you also need to periodically let the dog out to run and warm up. During this time you will clean the enclosure.

No matter where the dogs are kept, outdoors or indoors, proper care will determine how long and how long your Caucasian Shepherd will live.

Possible health problems

Apart from possible hereditary problems, Caucasians are quite strong and healthy dogs. But they may have problems with the digestive system. If you notice even the slightest signs of illness (lethargy, apathy, refusal to eat, etc.), then immediately show her to the veterinarian.

Periodically give your dog anti-inflammatory medications, calculating the dosage based on weight and age. Also, due to thick fur, there may be skin problems that can be solved with the help of ointments, which can be recommended to you at the veterinary clinic.

Nutrition for puppy and adult dog

First of all, of course, the dog adequate nutrition is necessary not just a big bowl of food. Despite their size, Caucasian Shepherds do not eat very much. They lead a relatively sedentary lifestyle, so their energy expenditure is also not high.

Often, owners try to please the dog’s excellent appetite, thereby simply overfeeding it, which can further lead to obesity. Sufficient It is considered 40-50 g per 1 kg of dog weight. Thus, if your pet weighs 50-60 kg, then about 2.5 liters per day is enough for him natural food. For dry food, the calculation is slightly different: add 15-20% to the rate suggested on the package.

A third of a Caucasian's diet should consist of meat and offal, diluted with porridge. Well-cooked fish can be given 1-2 times a week. Carrots, apples and cottage cheese are also good for dogs. It is undesirable to give milk, it causes upset. You can give chicken, but without long bones.

Add boiled eggs to your food from time to time. AND be sure to follow making sure your dog has clean water. Little puppy 5-6 times a day. Adult dog in the warm season, once is enough, and in winter period There should be two nutritious meals a day.

How to train and raise a Caucasian Shepherd

Caucasian Shepherds are quick-witted and intelligent, but rather capricious and a little slow. Therefore, in the process you need to be patient and work with the dog regularly!

This is the only way you will get an obedient and unquestioningly submissive dog. You need to train a Caucasian, like any other dog, with confidence in your voice, but without rudeness, encouraging with praise and treats.

It is almost impossible to achieve perfect obedience from this breed, since by their nature they are prone to independent thinking and decision-making.

Training and education of a Caucasian Shepherd puppy begins at 2-3 months of age with simple one-syllable commands. If you feel that you may not be able to cope with the training on your own, then it is better to seek help from a specialist at a dog training center than to leave the dog without proper education.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite their terrifying appearance, Caucasian Shepherds very good-natured. They are calm and balanced. They do not have mood swings or attacks of unreasonable aggression. Caucasians faithfully serve their masters to the last and, with proper upbringing, obey them unquestioningly, while remaining a little willful.

These big, furry bear-like dogs fits easily into any family, even where there are small children. Females are especially good towards children, thanks to their pronounced maternal instinct and their shepherd nature. And if the need for protection arises, they will show all their determination and fearlessness.

The world around him clearly divided into strangers and insiders. And in terms of intelligence and intelligence, it will give odds to many representatives of other breeds. This is a dog that can think and make decisions independently.

One of the disadvantages due to which it is better to keep Caucasian Shepherds in a private home is excessive shedding. Its fur requires constant care if you want to have a neat pet, without tufts and rolls hanging on the sides.

This very freedom-loving dog, Therefore, it is not recommended to keep her on a chain, from which she can become aggressive and cause you a lot of trouble. To prevent this from happening, it is better to build a spacious enclosure for your friend and excellent guard. And also don’t forget to walk her well.

One of the most large breeds The dogs are the Caucasian Shepherd. The height of its representatives can reach 75 centimeters, and the weight of adult males can be up to 110 kilograms (on average about 70). Due to their lush, thick coat, these dogs look even more massive, although there is also a short-haired type of the breed.

Photos of Caucasian Shepherd puppies

Quite often this breed is also called “alabai”, which is not correct. After all, the Alabai is a completely different (albeit very similar) breed - . Among the coat colors characteristic of “Caucasians” are brown, wolf-gray, red, motley, fawn, and white.

Caucasian Shepherd puppies - photo 1 month

Photo of a Caucasian Shepherd puppy, 1 month old, nickname Sabur (shared by Susanna Rudobaba).

Caucasian Shepherd puppy - photo at 1.5 months, shared by Dmitry Gennadievich.

Caucasian Shepherd puppies - photo 1 month. The baby is named Balu, shared Katerina Alikperova.

Caucasian Shepherd puppies - photo at 1.5 months (pupils of the Dombay-Ulgen kennels).

Breeders write that at birth puppies of this breed weigh 500-800 grams. In just a month, they grow significantly and already weigh from 3 to 4 kilograms.

Since the breed is large, it is very important to feed the puppy properly. A growing body needs a lot useful substances(including vitamins, minerals), which, for example, cheap economy class food cannot provide a dog with.

Caucasian Shepherd puppies - photo at 2 months

Anastasia Sadovnikova shared a photo of a Caucasian Shepherd puppy at 2.5 months.

Caucasian Shepherd puppy photo at 2 months, nickname Bai (shared by Sergey Mozharovsky).

Baby owners on forums given breed note that their pets at the age of two months weigh from 8 to 12 kg. That is, the small “Caucasian” is already several times larger, for example, adult chihuahua.

Photo of Caucasian Shepherd puppies at 3 months

Photo of a Caucasian Shepherd puppy (3 months old, nickname Janan). Victoria Kardash shared.

Janan, age 2 months and 3 weeks).

Photo of a Caucasian Shepherd puppy named Sabur, 3 months old. Shared by Susanna Rudobaba.

At the age of three months, puppies already reach a height of 46-51 cm. Simply put, even babies of this breed will already require quite a lot of space, which means it is better not to have them in a small apartment.

Photo of Caucasian Shepherd puppies at 4 months

No photos yet.

Caucasian Shepherd puppies at 5 months (photo)

No photos yet.

Caucasian Shepherd puppies at 6 months - photo

No photos yet.

Photos of puppies and dogs of other ages

Caucasian Shepherd puppy (11 months), photo from Sergey Lavrentyev.

Photo of white Caucasian Shepherd puppies.

"Caucasian" named Morgan, 10 months. Photo by Yana Kulik.

Puppies reach their final size at 12 months (one year) of age.

Video: Caucasian Shepherd puppies

To more clearly understand what baby Caucasian Shepherds look like, be sure to watch the video above. It shows puppies a little over a month old, from the Sormovskaya Zarya kennel, located in the city Nizhny Novgorod.

Interesting Facts about Caucasian Shepherds

  • The Caucasian Shepherd breed is one of the oldest, more than two thousand years old;
  • As in the past, these dogs are now used to protect flocks of sheep from attacks by wolves.

This concludes our selection of photos of Caucasian Shepherd puppies. In the future it will be supplemented as photographs of these rather large babies at the age of 4, 5 and 6 months are found.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

History of the breed

The origin, development and improvement of the breed, as can be seen from the name itself, is associated with the Caucasus. There are several versions explaining the origin of dogs of this breed. Two are considered the most reliable among them.

According to one of them, dogs of the Caucasian breed (Caucasians) trace their origins to Tibetan Great Danes. The Chinese version of the name of this breed is Tibetan baiting dogs.

According to another version, the origin of the Caucasians is connected with the state of Urartu, which existed in ancient times on the territory of the Caucasus. Thus, presumably, these dogs were already present in the Caucasus at that time.

The breed was formed both through natural selection and under the influence of human requirements for dogs. Purposeful selection work with the breed has been carried out since the late twenties of the last century.

Photo of a Caucasian Shepherd.

Photo of a Caucasian Shepherd.

Description of appearance

Appearance Such dogs are quite remarkable. They resemble large teddy bears and involuntarily attract attention. This is a powerful dog of impressive size. Individuals of this breed are characterized by strong, well-developed muscles and strong bones.

The maximum height of a male dog reaches 75 centimeters, and its minimum height is 65 centimeters. An adult Caucasian, as a rule, weighs 60-70 kilograms, and in some cases 100 or even more kilograms. Females, unlike males, have a height of 62 centimeters, and their bones are not so large and heavy.

The breed standard defines three types of coats for Caucasian Shepherd dogs. These are short, long and intermediate types. The first one is the least popular, and the second one is the most common. Long-haired Caucasians are distinguished from other species (short-haired and intermediate) by the presence of a neck mane, as well as a dewlap and breeches on the back of the limbs. Their tail is thick and fluffy, as it has a special wool covering.

The color of Caucasian shepherd dogs has a wide range gray with a predominance of light colors, occasionally with tan. There are also red, motley, speckled and spotted colors.

Individuals of this breed have a superbly built body, a massive head with a large skull, which is longer than the muzzle, and a wide, flat forehead. The nose is black, wide, and the lips are thick, tight-fitting and dry. The white teeth of Caucasians, although rare, are strong and developed. The head sits on a short powerful neck. The ears are set high, drooping, and most often cropped.

The chest has a slightly rounded shape, wide and drooping. The straight, well-muscled back extends into a short and slightly rounded lumbar region. The high tail either hangs down or is curled and carried over the back. The paws of these shepherd dogs are oval-shaped, dense and neat.

Photo of a Caucasian Shepherd.

Photo of a Caucasian Shepherd.

Breed characteristics

Caucasian Shepherds are brave, persistent, and decisive. These dogs exhibit traits of a bright, strong, independent character. Such their essence, subject to insufficient education and poor training, promises possible difficulties in communicating with them. At the same time, these characteristics perfectly meet the requirements for guard dogs.

A certain part of dog breeders are wary and prejudiced towards the Caucasian Shepherd, claiming that these dogs are poorly trainable, aggressive, and uncontrollable. However, the entire history of the relationship between man and the Caucasian Shepherd shows that with proper upbringing and training, dogs of the Caucasian breed can become infinitely faithful guards and devoted, balanced friends.

Photo of a Caucasian Shepherd.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs.


Origin: USSR

Classification: Group FCI – 2 (schnauzers, molossians, as well as mountain dogs and Swiss cattle dogs), section 2 (molossians).

Usage: guard dog, show dog

Color: grey, white, red-brown, piebald, brindle, etc.

Dimensions: height of males 72-75 cm, females - 66-69 cm, weight of males 50-80 kg, females - 40-50 kg

Lifespan: 10-11 years

Just a couple of decades ago, the Caucasian Shepherd breed was not known outside the USSR.

Today this breed is popular all over the world, along with, and.

At proper education such a shepherd will become a friend and an excellent guard, will be able to protect your home and make friends with the whole family.

History of the breed

You will be surprised how different the Caucasian Shepherd can be; photos on the Internet clearly confirm this fact.

Experts distinguish such subspecies as Georgian, Azerbaijani, Armenian, Gergeti, Kazbek, Akhaltsikhe, Gorban and others.

Initially, the Caucasian Shepherd dog, like and, protected flocks of sheep from wolves; it was often depicted on various Georgian coats of arms.

Officially, the country of origin of the breed is considered to be the USSR, although according to one legend the breed was mentioned back in 1121, and it comes from the Tibetan Great Dane.

Another legend says that the Caucasian Shepherd appeared in Urartu, an ancient state in the Caucasus (in the territory of modern Armenia).

There she guarded the fortresses from enemy attacks.


It is not surprising that many people are wary of Caucasian Shepherds, since they have a menacing appearance, like or.

But this breed only shows wariness towards strangers, which is why it is a good watchdog.

If you raise a dog with care and respect, it will become a devoted and sympathetic friend for its owner.

The Caucasian Shepherd is characterized by:

  • Friendliness. The Caucasian Shepherd, like the Caucasian Shepherd, loves to be in company, therefore, even if she lives in the yard or garden, you should definitely let her into the house from time to time, and also spend time with her more often. Without constant contact with their owners, a dog and a person will not form friendly relations.
  • Courage. Even the name of the dog says that it was bred specifically to protect sheep. This breed is ideal as a home guard; it is constantly alert and ready to protect its owners.
  • Equilibrium. The Caucasian Shepherd dog is smart and easy-going; from a young age she understands that she needs to protect the house and cannot cause destruction in it. She will never show so-called causeless aggression if she grew up in an environment of respect. You can pamper her without fear that she will become less protective of the territory. On the contrary, praise and seduction will only benefit the dog.
  • Activity. Before you buy a Caucasian Shepherd, you should understand what it is big dog which requires frequent walks. A small yard will not be a place where she can always walk; from time to time she will need to go to the park or stadium so that she can run, warm up, and unwind. But the dog is too big for it.
  • Devotion. The Caucasian Shepherd dog quickly gets used to its owner and does not tolerate changing owners well. In her upbringing, you often need to show rigor and leadership, but never rush your pet and, of course, do not shout. As with or, it won't work and you'll lose trust.


Most often, those who want a true friend and devoted protector want to buy a Caucasian Shepherd.

This is an ideal security guard for your own home, which is more convenient to live on the street.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs that meet the standard often take part in exhibitions and are popular due to their size, long coat and interesting color variations.

A dog of this breed becomes very attached to its owner, and it is extremely difficult to tolerate even short-term separations.

At the same time, she needs an owner with a strong-willed character.

Choosing a puppy

Caucasian Shepherd puppies are more like teddy bears; they cannot really move on their legs, and often just roll around and frolic.

At this age they are naughty, but extremely sweet, so many are tempted to take this particular breed home.

At 6 months the puppy has already grown to a large size, and at one year it becomes a full-fledged big dog.

When choosing a puppy, you should definitely think about whether you have a place to keep a shepherd dog, since even in a spacious apartment it will not be very comfortable.

The varieties of Caucasian Shepherd Dogs may confuse you when choosing, typically the fluffy puppies come in a variety of colors.

It is difficult to predict how a dog will develop externally, just like when looking at other large breeds.

Females of this breed are more docile, they are lighter, males are more willful, strong, showy, they need a confident and experienced owner.

Pet care


The Caucasian Shepherd's coat is lush and long.

It is advisable to comb it every day to prevent tangles from appearing.

But you shouldn’t bathe your dog often; you can just wash your dog’s paws after every walk.

For the fur of the Caucasian Shepherd, you buy specially designed brushes, these are available in any pet store.


Caucasian Shepherd dog demands balanced nutrition, but under no circumstances should you overfeed her, otherwise she will become lethargic and inactive.

Excess weight negatively affects a dog's health.

This does not mean that you need to force your pet to starve; it is important to choose the optimal diet with a veterinarian, based on gender, age and how actively the dog spends time (runs a lot, or mostly walks in the yard).

On average, per kilogram of a shepherd's weight, you need to give about 40 g of food with a 75 percent liquid content, and 15 g of dry food.

It is not advisable to give boiled meat. In addition, it is worth feeding the dog raw rolled oats, fruits and vegetables, parsley and dill, onions, and celery.

Indispensable sources essential vitamins And nutrients for this breed is fish fat and seaweed.

In winter, when there are no fresh fruits and vegetables, it is worth giving your pet chopped dates, raisins and other dried fruits.

You can read about what cereals can be given to dogs in the article


Characteristic diseases

The Caucasian Shepherd dog is not susceptible, but has a number of characteristic diseases that are important for the owner to remember.

One of the most common diseases is hip dysplasia.

It entails the dog’s refusal to carry out heavy loads (for example, climbing stairs), and underdeveloped muscles of the hind legs.

There are also diseases such as:

  • heart diseases
  • joint diseases, as well as arthrosis, arthritis
  • eye diseases (entropion, ectropion, cataract).

Attention! Not only lameness, but also a strange gait can be a signal that a dog is developing dysplasia. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs must have x-rays at least once a year.


The rabies vaccination is done at the age of 8-9 months; in case of departure, it can be done at 3-4 months.

Before exhibitions or trips to other cities and countries, it is important to consult a veterinarian who will recommend a set of necessary vaccinations.


Dogs with excellent pedigree that meet the standard, without serious deviations, are allowed to be bred.

Males can be mated already in the first year of life, but females not earlier than after the onset of 2 years of age - with the onset.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog: a reliable guard and a faithful friend

Are you looking for a pet that can protect your home and also become a family friend? Then pay attention to the Caucasian Shepherd breed - this fluffy, loyal and brave dog is ideal for you!

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