What vitamins are in corn? Useful properties and contraindications for eating canned corn. The benefits of corn for children and pregnant women

Summer offers people an excellent opportunity to replenish the body's reserves with all kinds of berries, vegetables and fruits, which include a huge amount of vitamins and minerals.

Origin story

Watermelon is a berry that is a melon crop of the Pumpkin family and has big amount useful elements. They still argue about the history of the origin of this product, calling its homeland either distant South Africa or India. For a long time, wondering what vitamins are in watermelon, the crop was also grown in China, and in the 12th century. it began to be cultivated in Europe. The berry has been grown in our country since the 13th century. There is an opinion that it came to the northern parts of the country thanks to the Tatars. Today, this melon plant is grown in almost 100 countries.

Chemical composition of the culture

Useful and medicinal properties possesses the entire fruit, including the peel, seeds and pulp itself. Not everyone knows what vitamins are in watermelon and what it consists of. Approximately 90% of the water is included in Largest quantity fiber and soluble sugars are contained precisely in the juicy pulp - these are fructose, sucrose and glucose. Acids such as folic, nicotinic and ascorbic acid are present in the product. The product also contains iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, protein, alkaline and pectin substances, carotenoids and amino acids - tyrosine, citrulline, valine, isoleucine and so on. Chemical composition watermelon, calories, vitamins, the nutritional value- all this indicates that this is a real find and a miracle berry for the human body.

Calorie content

Much has been written about the low calorie content of this product. The calorie content of watermelon is only 30 kcal per 100 grams. This has made it very popular in a variety of cleansing and fat-burning diets. The fruit quenches thirst and hunger well, cleanses the body efficiently, saturating it with useful substances and water.

Useful properties and characteristics of watermelon

The plant is presented various types and shapes: round, oval and oblong. The crust is usually green, but it can also be light green, with or without spots, stripes. The inside of the watermelon has a standard color - red.

However, sometimes you can see pink, crimson and even White color. You can often hear the question: “What vitamins are contained in watermelon?” Contrary to the opinion of many, useful substances There is enough in this miracle berry. These are B vitamins, starting from vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, as well as A, C and P. Below we talk in detail about what vitamins watermelon contains:

  • B1 takes part in the work of cardiovascular and nervous system, helps eliminate joint diseases and actively participates in metabolic processes. The daily norm is at least 2 mg. One serving of watermelon contains an average of 0.04 mg of this vitamin.
  • B2 is also responsible for the above functions, but additionally plays a vital role in liver function. The daily norm is also about 2 mg, and a watermelon serving consists of 0.06 mg of this vitamin.
  • are still contained? B6, which is responsible for the process of absorption of amino acids and the processing of nicotinic acid in the body.
  • B9 takes part in the functioning of blood cells and regulates the condition of the blood in general.
  • Vitamin A is responsible for general state immunity, vision and skin tone. The pulp of 100 grams of watermelon contains about 0.1 mg of vitamin, with a daily requirement of 2 mg.
  • Vitamin PP, which is responsible for the supply of oxygen to organs and tissues, also affects the functioning of the heart. One hundred grams of watermelon contains approximately 0.2 mg (at daily requirement 30 mg).
  • And finally, vitamin C is an essential element required by the body with early childhood. It is responsible for the condition of hair, skin, teeth and nails. A slice of watermelon contains about 7 mg with a daily requirement of 100 mg.

Use in folk medicine

Many lovers of this culture know what vitamins are contained in watermelon and how to use it in folk medicine. Melon pulp is used to treat gout, anemia and cardiovascular diseases. Treatment of liver diseases and cleansing of the kidneys is not complete without this juicy product, which, among other things, is an excellent diuretic. To treat colic in young children, a special powder is prepared from watermelon rind. The fiber found in the fruit helps eliminate and normalize high cholesterol levels in the blood. At home, various jams, preserves, candied fruits and jams are prepared from this large berry, and oil is made from the seeds.


Unfortunately, today more and more melon growers fill watermelon with all kinds of nitrates and chemicals that promote rapid ripening of the fruit. How healthy is this berry? What vitamins can be found in this type of watermelon? Alas, the answer to these questions is unlikely to please anyone. In most cases, the harm will significantly outweigh the benefits. It should be borne in mind that by using a special apparatus that measures the quantity of fruit, you can check the quality of the watermelon and its suitability for consumption (which is especially important for children). Therefore, when choosing a watermelon, first of all, you need to be guided by common sense, which will tell you what vitamins are in the watermelon and how they affect health if the berry is put on the shelves in early July (or even earlier). Right time to buy watermelon - August, September.

Despite the fact that watermelon is a very healthy berry, it still has contraindications. Those who have problems with edema, the urinary system and the prostate gland should use the fruits with caution. People with diabetes should also use this product with caution.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is very large, you can enjoy it without fear of spoiling your figure. The main rule for consuming this juicy and large berry is not to overuse it and choose carefully.

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the time for melons. Watermelons and melons have a pleasant taste, refresh and quench your thirst. These fruits contain many biologically useful active substances. What vitamins are contained in watermelon and melon? Let's figure it out.


Watermelons quench thirst well and saturate the body for a long time. This happens due to the high water content (about 80–90%). But there are few vitamins in watermelon. The fruit is rich in potassium, which is responsible for the balance of salts and water in the body and normalizes metabolic processes.

Watermelon is low in calories and is great for those who want to lose weight. excess weight. 100 g of product contains only 25 kcal. The exact amount of vitamins and minerals in the fruit depends on where it grew, what the plant was fertilized with, and how the melon was cared for.


About 65% of melon pulp is water. Unlike watermelon, melon is rich in fiber and vitamins. The low fat content allows the fruit to be included in dietary food. 100 g of product contains only 36–38 kcal. Sugary varieties contain slightly less water, but the calorie content of the crop increases.

In addition to the listed substances, melon is rich in silicon, cobalt and rubidium. Contains a small amount fatty acids omega-3. Silicon ensures the elasticity of blood vessels, strengthens the immune system and participates in metabolic processes. Cobalt is important for nervous and circulatory systems, prevents the development of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis, has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and the absorption of vitamins A and C. Rubidium reduces allergic reactions and supports immunity.


Regular consumption of melon and watermelon helps to improve the functioning of many systems and organs. Melons have a complex effect on the body. Experts note many beneficial effects from their inclusion in the diet.

  • Elimination of edema.
  • Improving the filtration of blood plasma in the kidneys.
  • Stimulation of intestinal motility and enzymatic processes of the digestive system.
  • Removing dangerous cholesterol from the body.
  • Strengthening the activity of the immune system.

Vitamin B2 improves blood circulation, improves mood and resistance to depression. Beta-carotene supports visual health and helps digest fats and carbohydrates. Vitamin B 5 protects cells from toxins.

Watermelon and melon have diuretic and antioxidant properties. It is especially useful for diseases of the kidneys, bladder and liver. There is an opinion that melons are effective in preventing cancer.

Beneficial features inherent not only in the pulp of the fruit, but also in the seeds and peel. Melon seeds are used to eliminate problems with potency. To do this, they are dried, ground into powder and added to food. Watermelon seeds are rich in vitamin D and omega-3 acids. They are recommended to be taken to eliminate anxiety, for diseases of the nervous system and to strengthen the bone skeleton.

Watermelons and melons have antioxidant, diuretic properties and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Watermelon peel contains chlorophyll, which is involved in hematopoiesis and ensures the normal functioning of the pancreas and thyroid glands. You can get useful substances by preparing juice from the unpeeled fruit.


Very often, watermelons and melons fall into the category of prohibited foods. Those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems, and chronic kidney diseases should be especially careful.

It is not recommended to use melons in case of severe poisoning or diarrhea, as well as diabetes mellitus. Watermelons should be eaten with extreme caution if stones are present (too much liquid can cause them to move). The fruits should not be abused by young children. Very often, fruits are treated with nitrates to speed up their ripening. Once in the body, these chemical substances are harmful and can cause poisoning and colic, pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting, weakness and malaise.

To ensure that watermelons and melons are beneficial and do not cause unwanted reactions, follow a few simple rules when consuming them.

  • You can't drink melons cold water or dairy products. Otherwise, digestion will be upset and diarrhea will appear.
  • It is not recommended to combine fruits with alcoholic beverages.
  • Eating watermelon or cantaloupe on an empty stomach can cause stomach cramps.
  • Fruits should not be combined with other foods. They are best used as a snack between main meals.

Watermelons and melons contain healthy vitamins, micro- and macroelements. However, you should only consume high-quality fruits purchased from trusted sellers. Otherwise, there is a high risk of poisoning and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Is it possible to combine a pleasant taste, an affordable price and a healing effect? Yes, if we are talking about watermelons!

Watermelon is widely known and popular all over the world. There is still nervous debate as to what kind of plant this is: a berry, a vegetable or a fruit.

The product has become a favorite due to its many advantages:

  • quenching thirst;
  • long-term saturation of the body;
  • light food;
  • utility.

I would especially like to note the last point on this list: benefits. The product contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. Let's take a closer look.

Table 1. Vitamin content in watermelon

Vitamin Quantity per 100 g % Daily Value
Vitamin A 35.40 mcg 4%
Vitamin B1 0.03 mg 3%
Vitamin B2 0.03 mg 2%
Vitamin B3 0.24 mg 2%
Vitamin B5 0.21 mcg
0.07 mg 5%
Vitamin B7 1 mcg 2%
Vitamin B9 4.55 mcg
6.34 mg 8%
0 mcg
0.11 mg 1%
Vitamin K 0.20 mcg

Table 2. Content of beneficial microelements and their effect on the body

Lycopene 4532 mcg Has antioxidant properties.
Prevention of the development of neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract and lungs.
Reduces inflammatory processes.
Vitamin PP 0.2 mg Takes part in redox processes.
Regulates the activity of the nervous, digestive, and cardiovascular systems.
Normalizes blood cholesterol levels.
Helps remove toxic substances from the body.
Dilates blood vessels and prevents the development of thrombosis.
Stabilizes arterial pressure.
Vitamin C 0.7–20 mg Accepts Active participation in the functioning of the hematopoietic system.
Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, making them strong and elastic.
Regulates the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.
It has an antioxidant effect and also removes free radicals from the body.
Prevents the development of inflammatory processes, as well as heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes.
Thiamine 0.1–0.7 mg Provides body cells with fluid.
Regulates the functioning of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.
Improves the activity of the nervous system, in particular the brain.
Riboflavin 0.1–0.7 mg Participates in energy and synthetic reactions of the body.
Forms and restores body tissues.
Improves the condition of skin, hair, nails.
Beta carotene 0.1–0.7 mg Improves vision.
Helps rejuvenate the body.
Reduces the risk of developing tumors.

A regular portion covers the need for vitamins:

  • 200 grams of pulp (about a few slices) replaces the daily requirement of magnesium.
  • 300 grams of fruit (about 5 medium slices) satisfies the body's daily need for.
  • 100 grams (one slice) covers the daily need for folic acid.

Compatibility with other products

The berry cannot be combined with any product. This is a separate product that will be quickly digested, provided that it is not mixed with other food. Otherwise, the product will cause fermentation processes and decompose in the stomach.

What else is beneficial in watermelon?

Watermelon is rich in carbohydrates, and the protein and fat content is much lower. The following table will help you understand how many of them are per 100 grams of product.

The fruit contains a huge amount of microelements, let’s look at it in more detail.

Iron 0.24 mg Strengthens the body's resistance.
Gives vigor and strength.
Participates in growth processes.
Improves the functioning of the hematopoietic system.
Phosphorus 7 mg Improves mental and muscle activity.
Participates in metabolism and chemical processes.
Regulates the functioning of the heart and kidneys.
Calcium 7 mg Regulates the functioning of the coagulation system.
Fights excess cholesterol.
Improves the functioning of the endocrine glands.
Magnesium 12 mg Restores body cells.
Promotes proper, harmonious functioning of the heart, lowers blood pressure.
Improves the functioning of the respiratory system.
Strengthens teeth and enamel.
Relieves the condition of algomenorrhea.
Potassium 112 mg It has a beneficial effect on brain function and saturates the brain with oxygen.
Helps the body fight allergic reactions.

Are watermelons equally beneficial for everyone?

For children

Opinions vary regarding the age at which a child should introduce watermelon into their diet. Some argue that it is not permissible to give birth before 5 years of age, while others assure that this can be safely done from one year onwards.

In any case, you should not forget about safety measures. Early fruits It is strictly prohibited to give to children. Care must be taken to ensure that the berry has a low nitrate content.

To reduce the risk of poisoning, follow these recommendations:

  • It is unacceptable to eat cut or damaged fruits;
  • It is strictly forbidden to eat part of the watermelon wrapped in film;
  • Before use, the product should be thoroughly rinsed with water.

For adults

Adults can safely use the product. At the same time, also being careful and remembering contraindications. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of the fruit for adults:

  • For male health. Availability of product in the diet serves as a good prevention of male infertility. In addition, the substances contained in the berry have a beneficial effect on potency. This is due to the presence of citrulline, which dilates blood vessels;
  • For female health. The presence of carotene, riboflavin, niacin, ascorbic acid helps in the fight against age-related changes. The antioxidant abilities of these substances prolong youth and fight cancer cells. Watermelon is also actively used by cosmetologists. Masks with the addition of pulp will make the skin fresh, velvety and radiant.

For older people

Watermelon is very useful for older people, it reduces the risk of cancer, contains a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on digestion processes. In old age, problems with the heart and blood vessels often arise, and immunity also decreases. Eating the fruit also contributes to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.


Regarding, the opinions of experts differ radically. Some say that you can eat the product in excessive doses, while others advise you to abstain from it. Probably the truth is somewhere in the middle. On the one hand, the fetus is a treasure trove of vitamins and microelements that are useful during pregnancy, but on the other hand, the fetus can cause the following negative consequences:

  • flatulence;
  • swelling;
  • high probability of poisoning.

The product has a therapeutic effect for the following diseases:

  • kidney pathologies. Can not found better remedy for flushing the kidneys. The only thing is that if the pathology requires restriction in fluid intake, a large amount of the product can be harmful;
  • diseases of the urinary system. Thanks to the berry, the liquid does not linger for a long time bladder, and along with it, harmful microflora that provoke inflammatory processes are removed;
  • swelling;
  • liver function disorders. The entire base of vitamins and minerals regulates metabolic processes and also participates in the correct formation of the composition of bile;
  • obesity. The berry is used as a main dish for fasting days. The weight loss effect is associated not only with a diuretic effect, the product effectively fights hunger. By eating watermelon, a person will eat much less food;
  • gout. Substances contained in watermelon remove purines from the body;
  • gallbladder dysfunction. Promotes good flow of bile;
  • anemia. The correct ratio of iron and folic acid effectively increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • atherosclerosis. Folic acid effectively fights the formation of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • infection. Watermelon enhances the effect of antibiotic therapy and also reduces them harmful effects on the body;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • hypertension;
  • hyperthermia;
  • intestinal diseases. The product enriches the body with beneficial microflora.

Who are they contraindicated for?

Despite the fact that almost everyone loves watermelon and the product has great benefits, it is still a rather capricious fruit (or more correctly: a berry). Let's take a closer look at who should consume watermelon carefully:

  • Children under 8 years of age should carefully introduce the product into their diet. Eating large quantities of berries can cause poisoning, as well as colic;
  • people with cardiovascular pathology should also be careful about taking this berry, since the possible nitrate content can cause exacerbation of attacks;
  • patients with kidney stones or gallbladder must be careful, since an excessive amount of the product can cause the advancement of stones, which will harm the body;
  • for disorders gastrointestinal tract or intoxication, the product is contraindicated;
  • For pathologies of the urinary system, the fruit is contraindicated, as it can provoke an exacerbation.

It is no longer the berry itself that causes harm, but the nitrates it may contain. They can cause severe poisoning, even fatal cases have been recorded.

The fruit itself, as it turned out, is incredibly useful, but people’s greed leads to violation of the rules of cultivation and storage. Nitrates themselves have little toxicity, but when they enter the digestive system, harmful compounds are formed that cause the development of cancer.

This, of course, does not mean that you should categorically refuse the fruit, you just need to learn how to choose it correctly.

Taking into account all the indications and contraindications, as well as various opinions of experts, you can make a confident choice in favor of watermelon - not just a pleasant treat, but also, most importantly, a healthy product!

Fragrant watermelon is a classic summer delicacy. The crunch of a ripe berry being cut opens your appetite and lifts your spirits. The huge fruits, green on the outside and bright red on the inside, are loved for their fresh, incomparable aroma and juiciness. Watermelons are not only tasty, but also healthy: the composition makes the product an indispensable aid for many diseases and weight loss.

From the article you will learn what vitamins and nutrients are contained in watermelon pulp, whether watermelon contains iron, zinc, manganese and other trace elements, and how the berry affects men's and women's health.

Pleasant taste and juicy pulp of striped berries explained by its rich chemical composition:

  1. The basis of watermelon is water (85–90%), it contains a lot of fructose, glucose and sucrose (from 5 to 13%), there is pectin and fiber (0.5%).
  2. It contains more than 13 vitamins necessary for the human body.
  3. Saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which have high biological activity, supply the body with energy, provide mechanical protection and thermal insulation, remove cholesterol, and prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Macroelements (potassium, calcium, silicon, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine) and microelements (aluminum, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, iodine) even in small quantities ensure the harmonious functioning of the whole organism.
  5. Flavonoids - plant polyphenols - have antioxidant properties and neutralize free radicals.

And also in fresh watermelon many essential and non-essential amino acids, important for protein synthesis:

  • valine - responsible for nitrogen metabolism in cells;
  • isoleucine - regulates blood sugar levels, participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and protein in the liver, the production of growth hormone, regenerates tissue;
  • phenylalanine - promotes blood circulation, participates in the formation of insulin;
  • threonine - regulates the metabolism of proteins and fats, prevents fatty liver, strengthens the immune system;
  • citrulline - eliminates ammonia and nitrogenous waste from the blood.

Vitamins and minerals

The vitamins contained in all parts of the watermelon are of particular value: the human body is not able to synthesize them on its own.

Vitamins in pulp:

Name Content per 100 g, mg Effect on the human body
Ascorbic acid (C)
  • participates in metabolism;
  • removes toxins;
  • necessary for connective and bone tissues.

A lack of vitamin C leads to muscle pain, scurvy, bleeding gums, tooth loss, and heart disease.

Riboflavin (B2)
  • participates in the formation of red blood cells and antibodies in the blood;
  • normalizes work reproductive organs and thyroid gland;
  • responsible for the condition of nails, skin and hair.

A deficiency leads to diseases of the visual organs: photophobia, conjunctivitis, cataracts, optic nerve atrophy, nervous system dysfunction and anemia.

Thiamine (B1)
  • activates the work of the central nervous system;
  • participates in the processes of digestion and hematopoiesis;
  • necessary to maintain water-salt balance and carbohydrate metabolism in cells;
  • removes toxins.

Deficiency leads to disruption of thermoregulation and functioning of the nervous system, shortness of breath, and depression.

Folic acid (B9)
  • participates in the synthesis of serotonin, norepinephrine, nucleic acids;
  • indispensable in the process of blood formation and cell division, growth and normal functioning of all organs;
  • improves skin condition;
  • strengthens the immune system.

The deficiency disrupts the activity of the stomach, pancreas, kidneys, intestines, causes inflammation of the mucous membrane, a feeling of fear, and mood disorders.

Pyridoxine (B6)
  • participates in the formation of hemoglobin;
  • prevents heart disease.

Indicated after operations or in case of a sluggish course of an infectious disease.

Vitamin A
  • plays a major role in the photochemical processes of vision;
  • necessary for normal growth;
  • affects the permeability of cell membranes.

Deficiency leads to gastrointestinal diseases, premature aging, and eye diseases.

Vitamin B3 (PP)
  • participates in the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats;
  • involved in the production of insulin;
  • prevents the development of skin cancer.

Indicated for gastritis, liver and kidney diseases, skin diseases. Deficiency leads to depression, insomnia, irritability, headaches, gastrointestinal dysfunction (diarrhea, heartburn, nausea), and decreased mental activity.

Tocopherol (E) Has antioxidant properties: removes cholesterol and free radicals.

Many people don’t think about what vitamins are contained in watermelon rind and throw it away. In addition to those listed above, it contains beta-carotene (a precursor to vitamin A). It is responsible for the health of the sex glands and has antioxidant and immunostimulating properties. With a lack of carotene, the functioning of the genitourinary system and brain is disrupted, and pain sensitivity increases.

Many micro- and macroelements contained in watermelon are even more valuable e, because they are rare, and without them the body begins to malfunction:

Name Content per 100 g, mg Functions
Potassium 112
  • provides acid-base balance;
  • regulates water-salt metabolism;
  • responsible for the functioning of the heart.
Sodium 1
  • normalizes water and acid-base balances;
  • participates in the formation of digestive enzymes;
  • together with potassium, it creates conditions for muscle contractions.
Calcium 7
  • involved in the formation of bone tissue;
  • regulates blood clotting, muscle contractions, synthesis of hormones and mediators.
Magnesium 10
  • regulates the functioning of the nervous system;
  • reduces blood pressure and blood sugar levels;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • prevents miscarriages.
Phosphorus 11 Participates in the production of hormones, metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and cell division.
Iron 0,2
  • as part of hemoglobin, it ensures the transport of oxygen in the blood;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increases physical activity.
Zinc 0,1
  • protects DNA from destruction;
  • plays an important role in enzymatic reactions (even a slight deficiency of zinc leads to serious diseases).

Due to its composition, watermelon is often used for preventive and rehabilitation purposes. people suffering from diseases of the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and vitamin deficiency.

Calorie content

low, despite its high sugar content. This is explained by the fact that the pulp consists of 90% water, which has no calories. Therefore, 100 g of fresh delicacy contains only 27 kcal.

Interesting! There are more than 1,200 varieties of watermelon in the world, which are grown in different climatic conditions, which means they contain unequal amounts of fructose and sucrose. On average 100 g sugar berries contains up to 35 kcal.

During heat treatment the calorie content of the product increases due to added sugar or honey. So, 100 g is 30 kcal, juice - more than 35 kcal.

Can it be used for weight loss?

Watermelon is added because of its low calorie content:

  • it is used as the basis of a mono-diet - while daily norm treats should not exceed 2.5 kg (2000–2500 kcal);
  • the pulp is combined with other low-calorie products ( rye bread, chicken breast, zucchini and others).

Important! In pursuit of an ideal figure, exhausting themselves with “quick” diets, many forget that when losing weight, beneficial substances are “washed out” of the body. Watermelon saturates with vitamins and microelements.

Fiber in the fruit improves gastric motility, promotes the removal of toxins and fluids. These features allow a person who is losing weight to “lose” several kilograms of excess weight.

Glycemic index

The glycemic index (GI) of any product indicates the speed of its digestion and release of glucose.

Watermelon GI is 60–70 units- this is a relatively high figure.

Reference. The higher the GI, the faster foods are broken down, sugar enters the blood, and the pancreas begins to produce insulin. This hormone suppresses glucose, and the person experiences hunger again. High GI foods are not suitable for weight loss.

Due to its high water content The sweet berry does not lead to excessive consumption of carbohydrates that saturate the body, therefore it is indicated in dietary nutrition.

Useful properties of watermelon

Due to the large amount of vitamins and microelements, watermelon is consumed as a preventive and therapeutic agent for many diseases:

  • lycopene normalizes blood pressure, improves blood flow, has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, prevents the development of cancer cells (products with it are prescribed during recovery from chemotherapy);
  • calcium is indicated for people with high bone fragility;
  • vitamin A prevents degenerative processes in the organs of vision, improves hair follicles;
  • Vitamin C improves immunity, improves overall well-being, and is involved in the production of collagen, which is responsible for the health of the skin;
  • B vitamins increase vital energy, level of resistance to negative external factors;
  • water rich in vitamins and microelements cleanses the kidneys, removes toxins, and fiber cleanses the intestines;
  • the complex of all components of watermelon fights obesity.

The undoubted benefits of watermelon make it one of the most useful dietary products.

Benefits for men

Many people do not know the fact that watermelon is extremely beneficial for men:

  • lycopene and citrulline contained in the berry restore and enhance sexual potency. Their action is similar to medications that increase a man’s sexual activity, but has no side effects;
  • men involved in by force sports, watermelon will help in building muscle mass, and also after training as a means of removing lactic acid from the body;
  • Treatment of prostate adenoma will be more effective if you consume watermelon pulp 3-4 times a day for 2-3 weeks or drink 2 tbsp. watermelon juice per day (2 weeks).

Benefits for women

Watermelon also solves women's problems:

  • substances contained in the seeds stop uterine bleeding;
  • watermelon pulp is used as a cosmetic moisturizing and rejuvenating mask: it is applied to gauze and then to the face for 25–30 minutes;
  • watermelon with rye bread helps you lose weight without harming your health (consume 2 kg per day dietary product per 10 kg of body weight for 4–6 days).

Watermelon is also good for pregnant women as a fortified and mineralized product.

Gynecologists watermelon is prescribed to expectant mothers:

  • in order to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent constipation;
  • to relieve stress, insomnia, normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • to remove toxins and excess fluid from the body, to combat swelling;
  • to saturate the body with vitamins and microelements.

It is important for breastfeeding women to consume watermelon in small quantities., since pulp increases the risk of diarrhea in babies.

Important! Freshly squeezed berry juice is useful for chronic liver and kidney diseases, urolithiasis gallbladder, cystitis in women and urinary incontinence in children.

The benefits of fresh watermelon have been proven by many studies. and use in traditional and folk medicine.

Possible harm and contraindications

Despite its enormous benefits, watermelon can also cause harm to humans. This is due to chronic diseases or acute illness, when eating the fetus causes an outflow of fluid, and with it medicines. Excessive consumption of striped berries causes diarrhea, vomiting, heaviness in the stomach, and worsens the general condition of a person.

Important! When purchasing, choose a whole, uncut and uncracked fruit, since due to the high air in the open air, fermentation processes quickly begin in it, which often cause poisoning.

List of diseases for which watermelon is excluded from the diet or eat it carefully:

  • accompanied by diarrhea, cramps and vomiting;
  • the presence of large stones in the kidneys and bladder: a large amount of fluid can provoke the movement of stones, which will lead to intense pain and the need for surgical intervention;
  • disturbance of urine outflow, colitis.

Watermelon is capable of accumulating, especially if he was fed chemicals for fast ripening. When watermelons are consumed early (in May–July), severe poisoning with these substances often occurs.


A ripe watermelon is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals contained in the pulp, rind and seeds. Its regular use in the summer replenishes the body's lack of nutrients and strengthens the immune system.

Despite the high glycemic index and the amount of sugars, the berry is low in calories, consists of 90% water, and therefore forms the basis of many dietary diets. The fruit is equally valuable for men and women. In case of certain diseases, it is eaten with caution.

IN Lately Scientists talk a lot about the benefits of lycopene. This substance helps prevent the development of cancer. It is especially abundant in ripe tomatoes. However latest research have proven that watermelon contains much more lycopene than tomatoes. This benefit of watermelon is very important.

But is this large berry harmful to the body?

Africa is considered the birthplace of watermelon. The wild ancestors of this plant, which belongs to the pumpkin family, grow in the tropics. However, the “cultural” experiments that made the watermelon large (it used to be about the same size as a grapefruit) and sweet (wild watermelons of ancient times were bitter) belong to the Egyptians.

According to historical data, they began to deal with these issues back in 2000 BC. Around the 8th century Kievan Rus

this large berry came from India. The boyars and nobility immediately liked the watermelon. But only in the 17th century it began to be grown en masse in the central regions of Russia.

  • During the time of intensive development of genetics as a science, the second wave of experiments on the fruits of this vine began. Watermelon, the benefits and harms of which have been questioned, has occupied many scientific minds. So, in 1952 in Japan, Kihara developed a variety that was characterized by the following characteristics:
  • High sugar content - more than 12%
  • No seeds
  • Good transportability

Possibility of long-term storage.

Composition of watermelon

The benefits of watermelon for the health and body of those losing weight are obvious, since the nutritional value of the fruits of this plant contains only 25 kcal. So, if you eat a 5-kilogram watermelon, the body will receive only 125 kcal with a daily requirement of 1500 to 2500 kcal.

The nutritional value

Moreover, 100 grams of watermelon pulp contains approximately 92-95 milliliters of water. That's why they were created watermelon diets, characterized by high efficiency.


What vitamins are in watermelon? The main ones are:

per 100 grams of product vitamin content mg
Vitamin A 0.017
Vitamin B1 0.04
Vitamin B2 0.06
Vitamin B3 0.3
Vitamin B6 0.09
Vitamin B9 0.008
Vitamin C 7
Vitamin E 0.1

However, what nutrients watermelon contains depends on its growing conditions. The most useful fruits meet the following requirements:

  • Grown in open ground
  • Maturation occurred under natural conditions, that is, without the use of growth and ripening accelerators
  • Watermelon plantations are located far from highways
  • The level of nitrates does not exceed the permissible limit.

Vitamins in watermelon are also contained in its seeds. They are especially rich in cholecalciferol (vitamin D), which is actively involved in bone mineralization and strengthening teeth. Watermelon seeds contain a lot of B vitamins, carotenoids, zinc, selenium and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, nutritionists recommend using them when various diseases nervous system, as well as with increased psycho-emotional anxiety of the body.


In addition to vitamins, watermelon contains many of the following microelements:

Product benefits

Beneficial properties for the body:

  • Improves filtration of blood plasma in the kidneys
  • Swelling is eliminated
  • Intestinal motility is stimulated due to the high pectin content in watermelon pulp
  • The enzymatic processes of the digestive system are stimulated, which is especially good for pregnant women
  • Accelerates the removal of “bad” cholesterol from the body
  • The activity of the immune system increases, which resists various infectious diseases.

Therefore, we can single out a group of people who are especially beneficial from these large berries. They are recommended to eat approximately 2-2.5 kg per day. This group includes people with the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • Cardiac ischemia
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Kidney failure
  • Edema due to hypofunction of the thyroid gland
  • Kidney stone disease
  • Gout
  • Atherosclerosis.

Possible harm

Is there any health risk for the fetus? This question is of interest to many admirers of this huge and tasty berry. It should be noted that watermelon can be harmful to those who have a number of diseases and contraindications. The latter include:

  • Urinary retention
  • Diarrhea and constipation, which are a consequence of colitis
  • Diabetes
  • Inflammation of the kidneys - pyelonephritis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Prostatitis.

Despite the benefits, watermelon for pregnant women is most likely capable of causing harm. This is due to the fact that when growing this berry, a large amount of nitrates is used. If nitrates enter the body in excess, they can cause poisoning. Signs of nitrate poisoning are expressed by the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the right hypochondrium and abdomen
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea followed by constipation
  • Weakness
  • Malaise, etc.

If at least one of the listed symptoms or any other signs appear, a pregnant woman should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, it may negatively affect the health of both mother and child. For treatment, plenty of fluids, enterosorbents and drugs that improve digestive processes are prescribed.

Thus, the benefits of watermelon are associated with the vitamins and microelements it contains. However, in order not to harm the body, it is necessary to choose only high-quality fruits that have grown without the use of various chemicals (growth accelerators, pesticides, etc.). When eaten, special caution should be shown to pregnant women who are responsible not only for themselves, but also for their baby.

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