Kefir and fitness. Kefir vs. Whey Protein. which is healthier? In what quantity can you

Kefir is a unique fermented beverage that contains probiotics and other nutrients beneficial for digestion and immunity, weight control and growth. muscle mass. In this article we will consider the question of whether it is possible to drink kefir after training, as well as the main beneficial features of this drink.

What is kefir

Kefir tastes similar to yogurt. It contains many of the same beneficial bacteria as yogurt, but it is thinner in consistency and contains almost no lactose. Lactose is the natural sugar in milk.

Kefir is made from kefir grains. In fact, these are not grains at all. They are gelatinous masses that contain different types bacteria and beneficial yeast mixed with milk proteins that are fermentable at room temperature. The grains are removed from the milk and can later be used to make a fresh batch of kefir, similar to how sourdough is processed. The final product is a delicious milk drink that is filled with beneficial bacteria, also known as probiotics.


Milk kefir is a good source of protein and essential amino acids. One glass of the drink contains approximately 10 grams of protein. Whey protein, found in dairy products, helps muscles recover after exercise. Casein is a protein found in kefir. Its peculiarity is that it is slowly digested. In other words, it provides nutrition to muscle cells for a long time. For decades, bodybuilders and athletes have been using casein (formerly in dairy products, now as a powder) as a sports nutrition.

Kefir also contains magnesium, calcium and vitamin D. Magnesium and calcium together are essential for maintaining central health nervous system, which is very important after intense cardiovascular training. Calcium and vitamin D are essential for bones. Kefir is rich in B vitamins, including vitamin B12, which is a natural source of energy.

For the above reasons, a glass of kefir after a workout will help restore energy and muscles that have worked well.

Weight control

After a workout, you may feel hungry and want to eat something sweet and high in carbohydrates for a quick but short-term boost of energy. This may make you feel good for a short period of time, but will unnaturally increase your blood glucose levels and provide empty calories. It won't fill you up like healthy low-fat meals with big amount squirrel and fresh products. You will be very hungry and may overeat later. If time is limited, consider making a quick nutritional smoothie with fresh fruit, such as banana or strawberries. This will fill you up perfectly after a workout and will not allow you to gain weight. excess weight.

Full-fledged milk product may help control weight because it increases satiety and fatty acid may help regulate weight. You can consume kefir, yogurt or cottage cheese after training.

While newer dietary trends are increasingly leaning toward eliminating dairy from the diet, there is some strong evidence that the protein, probiotics and other nutrients found in fermented dairy products should not be eliminated from the diet.


So, we looked at the question of whether kefir can be taken after a workout. The answer is undoubtedly positive - it is possible and even necessary. The next time you finish your intense workout, try drinking kefir for muscle recovery and growth, hunger suppression, bone health, and increased energy.

Both kefir and whey protein are very, very healthy products with undoubted health benefits. You may be wondering, which one is healthier? After all, both products contain protein on the surface.


Kefir and whey protein are similar in that they come from the same source, namely cow's milk. Kefir is a fermented cow's milk product, but it can also contain goat's or sheep's milk. Whey protein is one of two proteins found in cow's milk, which is subsequently separated from the milk during the cheese-making process. This protein goes through additional purification and drying to obtain whey powder.


Kefir contains probiotics such as live bacteria and yeast. These microorganisms support the body's immune system, helping it fight disease-causing bacteria and other pathogens. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, these bacteria found in kefir can help treat gastrointestinal disorders, urinary tract infections, and irritable bowel syndrome. To top it off, kefir is an excellent source of protein and other vital nutrients. One serving (one cup) provides 30% of the recommended daily calcium intake.


Whey protein is an easily digestible form of protein that makes sense to take if you're not getting enough protein from your diet. And since it's a powder, you can easily use it in any recipe, adding nutritional value to the dish. Whey differs from some proteins in that it is a complete protein. A complete protein contains all the essential amino acids. And amino acids are the building blocks of proteins that the body uses to repair tissue and build muscle mass.


Both kefir and whey protein can improve your athletic performance. A 2007 study in Current Sports Medicine Reports found that probiotics found in kefir helped athletes recover more easily and experience less fatigue after exercise. Likewise, the Whey Protein Institute explains that whey protein can help repair muscle tissue damaged during exercise. Both products provide nutritional support for essential physical activity.


One option you can take to get the most benefits from taking kefir and whey protein is to use them together. You can make a delicious nutritional shake by combining a cup of kefir with 1 serving of whey protein. Thus, you will support immune function with kefir and increase nutritional value with whey protein. And all this in one drink! However, be aware that any of these products may not be suitable for people with lactose intolerance.

Surely many have long known that you should not eat or drink before bed. And in order not to spoil your figure, it is much better to drink a glass of kefir and go to the side. So what is the difference between kefir and other products, why is it so useful, which kefir is preferable and how to make kefir yourself we will tell you in this article.

1. What is kefir

So, kefir is a well-known fermented milk drink, obtained from whole or skim cow's milk through fermented milk and alcohol fermentation using kefir “fungi”.

Kefir is absorbed by the body much faster than milk, stimulates digestion, normalizes intestinal microflora, removes toxins from the body, improves immunity, improves complexion and has a calming effect.

The milk proteins included in its composition are not the proteins that we are used to talking about; they are also quickly digestible. In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, kefir contains organic and fatty acids, natural acids, cholesterol, vitamins (beta-carotene, PP, A, C, H, B vitamins) and minerals (sodium, chlorine, copper, chromium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, iodine, molybdenum, zinc, iron, manganese, selenium, fluorine, magnesium, potassium, cobalt).

Based on fat content, kefir is divided into 3 types:

  • lean (0.5% or less);
  • medium (1–2.5% fat);
  • high fat (8–9% fat).

2. The benefits of kefir at night

First, let's look at all the benefits of drinking this drink before bed:

  • it perfectly relieves the feeling of hunger, but usually it is in the evening that the body requires more food than in the morning;
  • accelerates the body's metabolic processes, which is especially useful for those who want to lose weight;
  • kefir is rich in calcium, which is better absorbed at night;
  • beneficial lactobacilli should also be consumed just before bedtime;
  • Thanks to its calming effect, it will help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly.

The product is completely digested overnight and promotes morning appetite, and a hearty breakfast will help provide the body with energy for the whole day.

2.1 How to use kefir before bed

It is enough to drink one glass an hour before bedtime. In this case, the drink should not be warm or cold, but have a normal room temperature(to do this, remove it from the refrigerator a couple of hours before use or warm it up a little in the microwave).

Before going to bed, it is better to choose low-fat kefir, or one containing 1% fat. And don’t rush to deal with it quickly: drink in small sips.

2.2 Possible negatives of drinking kefir at night

In addition to so many advantages, there are also disadvantages of drinking kefir before bed, here they are:

  • kefir is the result of fermentation, and during this process alcohol appears, although its content is very small, only 0.04–0.05%;
  • the protein contained in this product does not allow the body to fully recover during sleep, which can lead to headaches and muscle pain;
  • fermented milk drink has diuretic properties.

3. What kind of kefir to drink

When choosing kefir on store shelves, you should first of all pay attention to the composition of the product. If the packaging indicates that this is “dairy culture starter,” then know that this is not exactly kefir, but a fermented milk product like yogurt. The starter should be based on kefir grains; it is the most useful.

And, of course, the fat content of kefir. Those who are afraid of gaining weight should choose no more than 2.5%, and preferably 1%. But be aware that dairy products contain fat-soluble vitamins. But low-fat kefir does not contain these vitamins.

4. Kefir when playing sports

The main feature of kefir for athletes is its ability to replace fluid loss and improve the absorption of nutrients.

Another very important factor is the low calorie content of the product (we are talking about low-fat kefir) and protein content (about 3%), which is necessary to maintain muscles.

Kefir is also useful for strengthening the cardiovascular system, it cleanses the blood flow and cleanses blood vessels, strengthens the immune system. Calcium strengthens skeletal system body. Phosphorus, which is part of kefir, helps to quickly restore muscles and energy reserves.

It follows that kefir should be in the diet of any athlete, because its benefits for the body are undeniable. It should be consumed throughout the day, before and after training, and before bed.

5. Make kefir at home

Making kefir at home is actually very simple and does not take much time. To do this, you just need to find a starter or fresh real kefir, which can be bought in a specialty store or in a regular supermarket. And then you will have a useful and natural product, which will be no less tasty than store-bought.

For 1 liter of finished kefir we will need:

  • milk – 900 ml (any milk will do);
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon (optional);
  • sourdough (or kefir) – 100 ml;
  • aluminum pan;
  • storage container.

So, pour the milk into an aluminum pan and heat it over low heat until the milk begins to rise. When it boils, remove the milk from the heat and leave to cool.

When the milk has cooled, mix it with the starter and sugar, pour it into a container and send it to a warm place, protected from light, for a day (you can cover it with a blanket). The next day our kefir is ready!

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