Kefir in bodybuilding when to drink. Kefir and bodybuilding is a great combination. What is kefir

Hello friends! I came across here a very interesting poll in one of the "iron" forums. Its essence boils down to the fact that the creator of this study decided to find out what milk product preferred by those who cannot imagine their life without rocking chairs and sports.

Who do you think won? Well, of course, he is a magnificent kefir! How else to call a product that is preferred by millions of hardware fans? This magical "nectar" is ready to help us out day and night, when gaining mass and while throwing off. excess weight. All in all, a versatile product in any situation.

Today I want to tell you about how to use kefir for weight gain. So if you are in an agonizing search for what a real man should drink before going to bed: vodka with a martini or rum, then I will advise you to opt for kefir. You can even shake, but do not stir.

Let's talk about the benefits of kefir

We have already talked with you more than once about the need to consume protein and the importance of such products in the diet of a bodybuilder. But once again, I will briefly talk about the fact that if you are engaged in full-fledged strength training, then it is imperative to consume at least 2 grams of protein per kilogram of your weight.

Moreover, these should be foods with a low proportion of fats, so that the final calorie content of the planned daily ration did not go beyond the recommended limits. Ideal in this sense are meat and fish, as well as all kinds of dairy products.

The fact that they are perfectly absorbed by our body will also speak in favor of the latter. And if pure milk protein is hard enough to process, then kefir and its derivatives can be recommended to almost anyone who is not allergic to the components of this product.

I think that many people know that the production of such a drink requires fresh milk and special yeast, which contains lactic acid bacteria. They begin to break down the milk protein, turning it into lactic acid. It is much better absorbed by our body. At the same time, it is formed a large number of alcohol.

In the event that your goal is to gain weight and make muscles more voluminous and embossed, then do not hesitate to include kefir in the menu. Depending on the fat content of the original product, the amount of proteins may vary somewhat, but on average it fluctuates within three to four percent.

That is, if you drink about half a liter of kefir, you will get about 20 grams of pure milk protein. It is worth considering the fact that milk protein or casein is one of the most favorable types of these proteins for you. This is due to the fact that casein is absorbed very slowly, and this, in turn, allows you to forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time.

In fact, it takes about 4 hours to process, so it is an ideal product to consume before bed. If you drink kefir at night, you will forget about the dissatisfied grumbling of the stomach for a long time and will sleep long and calmly, while your muscles will constantly increase in volume. And in the morning you will feel very hungry, which will help you plan your diet correctly and eat a good and hearty breakfast.

In addition, such a lactic acid product contains phosphorus, which allows you to forget about fatigue and helps muscle fibers recover after hard strength training. Do not forget about the large amount of calcium here. Cobalt, chromium, zinc, iron, selenium, molybdenum, potassium, sodium, magnesium can also be found in small volumes in the drink. That is, almost half of the periodic table. And also vitamins of group B, A, C, PP.

In the piggy bank useful properties you can add the excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of this product.

Of course, you probably know that this drink is a product of fermentation, and the various microorganisms that it contains have long been very friendly to our gastrointestinal tract.

When building mass, you always have to consume a large amount of high-calorie foods so that an excess of calories is present in the diet. This is always associated with a large load on the intestines and stomach. In this case, kefir again comes to your aid, as an indispensable component that improves digestion. It helps to quickly restore the microflora in the intestines, improves all metabolic processes, removes toxins and other decay products well, and even helps restore immunity.

It is kefir that is dietary product, which is used even in severe patients at the stage of rehabilitation after severe infections, as well as during unloading days and medical diets.

Such a lactic acid drink has a good effect on your nervous system helping her calm down. A glass of yogurt in the evening guarantees a sound and long sleep. This means that it will lower the level of cortisol in the blood and help adequate production of growth hormone.

By the way, did you know that almost all fermentation products contain a small amount of alcohol? Our hero is no exception, because here you can find about 1% of this element. But in this case it is an advantage.

The thing is that our body naturally produces alcohol, which is necessary for the functioning of all internal systems and complete metabolism. A small amount of ethyl will be an excellent support for your body, unlike very strong alcoholic drinks.

Alcohol slightly irritates the walls of the stomach, and as a result, more gastric juice is produced, which maximizes the assimilation of what you just drank.

By the way, kefir is digested 3 times faster than milk, so this light drink often does not bring any related problems to people with lactose intolerance.

Let's not forget that the price of kefir is traditionally low, so it can be included in the segment of products available to absolutely everyone.

Now on sale you can also find biokefir, which is made from a special starter culture with an additional amount of beneficial bacteria. Given the fact that this product is a drink, it does a good job with its main function - restores fluid loss.

Are there any disadvantages to this product?

This fermented milk product has another amazing feature. A fresh drink that was produced less than a day ago has laxative properties. This can be a very important help for people on high protein diets, negative consequence which are often just various constipation phenomena (see article,). But kefir, which stood for two or three days in the refrigerator, on the contrary, will have a strengthening effect. These properties can be taken into account when correcting your condition.

But, on the other hand, they can also be harmful if the existing problems are aggravated and the wrong kefir is drunk. Therefore, in any case, you should not use such a lactic acid product in liters. Do not forget about the high acidity of this product, this can adversely affect digestion and the condition of people with gastritis or ulcers.

Doctors also say that after a hard workout, your stomach acidity naturally increases, so kefir is also not recommended as a snack for an hour after such loads.

In the end, I can tell you that kefir, of course, is unlikely to help you get fat, because it has only about 40 calories per 100 grams of product (if you take a 1% drink and 56 kcal from 3.2%), but to become a full-fledged element nutrition in the diet of any pitching, he has every chance.

Of course, you can drink the drink both in its pure form and as part of various dishes. For example, I really like it with cinnamon and sugar. You can use any sweetener instead of sugar.

A tasty and healthy dish is okroshka with kefir, only it is better to replace sausage with boiled meat. You can try to make cold beetroot - a kind of okroshka. It is also seasoned with fresh kefir.

In general, when you carefully monitor the calorie content, then any salads go well with this product, try using it as a dressing. And if you add a couple of tablespoons of honey here, then it will be an excellent substitute for yogurt in any fruit salad.

Without problems, you can cook all kinds of pancakes from whole grain flour.

By the way, if you still doubt whether to drink or not to drink, then I can throw in one more fact. Save it for last. So, not so long ago, scientists found that such protein products have an anabolic effect (that is, helping to synthesize proteins) and help build up muscle mass.

All this is due to the presence of a large number of branched chain amino acids, which play a key role during metabolism at the muscle tissue level. Naturally, unlike steroids, such doping will be absolutely harmless.

This becomes especially important for those "patients" of the gym who are at the stage of formation and muscle building. Indeed, in this case, the battle literally goes for every centimeter. AND proper nutrition can do 70% of the work for you.

This is not a joke or hyperbole. I know for myself how incredibly difficult these centimeters of beauty are given, especially in the press area, where it is most difficult to draw relief patterns. Learn a lot of new and interesting information you can from my course.

For today, all I want to tell you about kefir. Use it to gain muscle mass, do not forget about it during weight loss. Drink when you want to eat or quench your thirst. Be persistent in your training, friends. If you are going to give 100%, work 200%.

Breathe deeply and live to the fullest! See you very soon. Subscribe to youtube channel and stay tuned.

Both kefir and whey protein are very, very useful products with undeniable health benefits. You may be wondering which one is more beneficial? Indeed, on the surface, both products contain protein.


Kefir and whey protein are similar in that they come from the same source, namely cow's milk. Kefir is a fermented cow's milk product, but it can also contain goat's or sheep's milk. Whey protein is one of two proteins found in cow's milk that is subsequently separated from the milk during the cheese-making process. This protein goes through additional purification and drying to obtain a whey powder.


Kefir contains probiotics such as live bacteria and yeast. These microorganisms support the body's immune system by helping it fight off disease-causing bacteria and other pathogens. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, these bacteria found in kefir may help treat gastrointestinal disorders, urinary tract infections, and irritable bowel syndrome. To top it off, kefir is an excellent source of protein and other vital nutrients. One serving (one cup) provides 30% of the recommended daily calcium content.


Whey protein is a highly digestible form of protein that makes sense if you are not getting enough protein from your diet. And since it's a powder, you can easily use it in any recipe to add nutritional value to your meal. Whey differs from some proteins in that it is a complete protein. A complete protein contains all the essential amino acids. And amino acids are the building blocks of proteins that the body uses to repair tissue and build muscle.


Both kefir and whey protein can improve your athletic performance. A 2007 study in Current Sports Medicine Reports found that the probiotics found in kefir helped athletes recover more easily and experience less fatigue after exercise. Likewise, the Whey Protein Institute explains that whey protein can help repair muscle tissue damaged during exercise. Both products provide nutritional support for essential physical activity.


One option you can take to get the most out of kefir and whey protein is to use them together. You can make a delicious nutritional smoothie by combining a cup of kefir with 1 serving whey protein. Thus, you will support immune function with kefir and increase nutritional value with whey protein. And all this in one drink! However, be aware that any of these products may not be suitable for people with lactose intolerance.

Any athlete is interested in what foods and drinks can be consumed before and after training. Today we will talk about kefir, because everyone knows how useful this drink is for our body. In the article we will tell you when it is better to drink it and in what quantities.

Kefir after workout

Kefir has a good effect on our body both in the fight against extra pounds and in gaining muscle mass. Its usefulness in both cases is undeniable.

What is useful

Regardless of what goal an athlete sets for himself in training, he still spends calories and useful material. The best source of energy is protein, and kefir contains about 3 grams per 100 grams of liquid. In addition, it contains a number essential vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, a number of beneficial bacteria and fungi.

Thanks to the latter, it normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and actively removes toxins, toxins, cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol. Such cleaning is extremely necessary both in the fight against excess weight and in gaining mass. It also replenishes moisture well.

Did you know? It is believed that kefir originated from milk drinks of the Caucasus, since its fungal culture is very similar to koumiss. The first mention of kefir dates back to 1867.

How much can

The optimal amount of drink is one or two glasses. You can drink it immediately after a workout, if there is a strong feeling of hunger, and after an hour and a half already eat, or you can even after an hour. If you want your muscles to grow faster, you can make a cocktail based on the drink by adding protein to kefir.

What fat content is better to choose

If you are exercising with the goal of losing weight, then it is better to give preference to a low-fat product, since you do not need additional calories. But athletes who need protein should give preference to a drink with a fat content of 1%, since protein is absorbed more slowly from a low-fat product.

Precautionary measures

Any useful product must be taken with caution:

  • drink a maximum of 3 glasses of the drink a day, as in more it can cause mild stomach upset;
  • it is forbidden to use the product for ulcers, people with high acidity and gastritis;
  • Care should be taken to drink a drink for people whose body does not tolerate lactose.

Other Healthy Post-Workout Dairy Products

All dairy products are great sources of protein, but among them, the most useful for consumption after training are:

  • (250 ml contains 8 g of protein, quenches thirst well, saturates the body with calcium, phosphorus, potassium, activates fat-burning processes);
  • skim cheese(Ideal for a light dinner after a workout: does not burden the stomach, contains a slow protein that helps to grow muscles);
  • yogurt or Greek yogurt(replenishes the loss of proteins, carbohydrates, tones the body, helps start the process of muscle fiber recovery).

Important! If you have the same attitude to milk and kefir, then immediately after training it is better to drink a fermented milk product, as the body absorbs it faster.

Is it possible to drink kefir before training

On this issue, opinions differ. Nutritionists and trainers of the highest category believe that kefir drunk after training will bring the greatest benefit to the body. But some of them do not deny the fact that if you drink a glass of drink an hour before class, it will not harm the body at all, but on the contrary, it will quench the feeling of hunger and thirst, tones the body and gives a charge of vivacity. Therefore, each athlete must independently decide whether to drink a fermented milk product before training or better after.
As you can see, the fermented milk product also demonstrates its benefits for athletes. It should certainly be included in the diet of athletes, especially if they have systematic loads.

Surely many have long known that it is not worth eating and drinking before going to bed. And in order not to spoil your figure, it is much better to drink a glass of kefir and go to the side. So what is the difference between kefir and other products, why is it so useful, what kind of kefir is preferable and how to make kefir on your own, we will tell you in this article.

1. What is kefir

So, kefir is a well-known fermented milk drink obtained from whole or skimmed cow's milk by fermentation and alcohol fermentation using kefir "fungi".

Kefir is absorbed by the body much faster than milk, stimulates digestion, normalizes the intestinal microflora, removes toxins from the body, improves immunity, improves complexion and has a calming effect.

The milk proteins included in its composition are not the proteins that we are used to talking about, they are also quickly digestible. In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, kefir contains organic and fatty acids, natural acids, cholesterol, vitamins (beta-carotene, PP, A, C, H, B vitamins) and minerals (sodium, chlorine, copper, chromium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, iodine, molybdenum, zinc, iron, manganese, selenium, fluorine, magnesium, potassium, cobalt).

By fat content, kefir is divided into 3 types:

  • lean (0.5% or less);
  • medium (1–2.5% fat);
  • high-fat (8-9% fat).

2. The benefits of kefir at night

To begin with, consider all the advantages of drinking this drink before bedtime:

  • it perfectly relieves the feeling of hunger, and in fact it is usually in the evening that the body requires more food than in the morning;
  • accelerates the metabolic processes of the body, which is especially useful for those who want to lose weight;
  • kefir is rich in calcium, which is better absorbed at night;
  • useful lactobacilli should also be consumed just before bedtime;
  • thanks to its calming effect, it will help you fall asleep faster and sleep better.

During the night, the product is completely digested and contributes to the morning appetite, and a hearty breakfast will help provide the body with energy for the whole day.

2.1 How to use kefir before bed

It is enough to use one glass an hour before bedtime. In this case, the drink should not be warm or cold, but have a normal room temperature(to do this, take it out of the refrigerator a couple of hours before use or warm it up a little in the microwave).

Before going to bed, it is better to choose low-fat kefir, or containing 1% fat. And do not rush to deal with him quickly: drink in small sips.

2.2 Possible negative use of kefir at night

In addition to such a number of advantages, there are also disadvantages of using kefir before bedtime, here they are:

  • kefir is the result of fermentation, and in this process alcohol is produced, although its content is very small, only 0.04–0.05%;
  • the protein contained in this product does not allow the body to fully recover during sleep, which is fraught with headaches and muscle pain;
  • fermented milk drink has diuretic properties.

3. What kefir to drink

When choosing kefir on the shelves of the store, first of all, you should pay attention to the composition of the product. If the packaging indicates that here is “milk culture starter”, then know that this is not exactly kefir, but a fermented milk product such as yogurt. The starter should be on kefir fungi, it is the most useful.

And, of course, the fat content of kefir. Those who are afraid to get better should choose no more than 2.5%, and preferably 1%. But be aware that dairy products contain fat-soluble vitamins. But fat-free kefir does not contain these vitamins.

4. Kefir during sports

The main feature of kefir for athletes is its ability to compensate for fluid loss and improve the absorption of nutrients.

Another very important factor is the low calorie content of the product (we are talking about fat-free kefir) and the protein content (about 3%), which is necessary to maintain muscles.

Also, kefir is useful for strengthening the cardiovascular system, it cleanses the bloodstream and cleans the blood vessels, strengthens the immune system. Calcium strengthens skeletal system organism. Phosphorus, which is part of kefir, helps the rapid recovery of muscles and energy reserves.

It follows that kefir should be in the diet of any athlete, because its benefits for the body are undeniable. It should be consumed throughout the day, before and after workouts, and at bedtime.

5. Make kefir at home

Making kefir at home is actually very simple and does not take much time. To do this, you just need to find a starter or fresh real kefir, which can be bought in a specialized store or in a regular supermarket. And then you will get a healthy and natural product that will be no less tasty than a store-bought one.

For 1 liter of finished kefir we need:

  • milk - 900 ml (any milk will do);
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon (optional)
  • sourdough (or kefir) - 100 ml;
  • aluminum pan;
  • storage capacity.

So, pour the milk into an aluminum pan, heat over low heat until the milk begins to rise. When it boils, remove the milk from the heat and set to cool.

When the milk has cooled, mix it with sourdough and sugar, pour it into a container and send it to a warm place, protected from light, for a day (you can cover it with a blanket). The next day our kefir is ready!

Hello friends and girlfriends! Something in the morning struck me for a snack, and therefore I decided to write another nutritious article today on the topic - milk in bodybuilding. In this note, I tried to collect the maximum concentration of information about this white drink. You will learn about its role in the life of a bodybuilder, its effect on muscles, and also get acquainted with everyday wisdom - what happens, the nutrient composition of the product, and so on.

Well, let's start lightly.

Milk in bodybuilding: to drink or not to drink

"So you say king, king ... and we, kings, need to give milk for free for harmfulness."

from c.f. "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession."

We all remember very well from childhood how our parents forced us to drink milk, saying the well-known phrase about health. A sacred ritual for almost every child is to drink a cup of milk with honey before going to bed and go to sleep. Yes, indeed, we were constantly told that milk strengthens bones, gives strength, promotes growth and only positively affects our health. Very useful effects for a bodybuilder, agree? Well, let's figure out if milk is really useful and necessary in bodybuilding.

So, milk is a natural product, a normal secret of the mammary glands of all mammals. Modern man most often you have to deal with cow, but there is also: goat, sheep, camel, rabbit and others. All this milk is different from each other chemical composition, i.e. different percentages of substances (see table).

Milk is a complex product consisting of 2 phases: water (before 88% from volume) and fat (up to 12% ) . Dissolved in the water part are milk sugar, vitamins, minerals, protein bodies. Fat contains: fat globules, pigments, vitamins, enzymes, hormones.

Milk in bodybuilding: composition

Let's dig a little deeper into the chemistry and go over each component of the composition.


Quality and the nutritional value milk are determined by the content of dry matter in it, SOMO (dry skimmed milk residue).


In milk, H 2 O exists in two states: free and bound. The first one is easily removed from it during drying, freezing, etc. Second (ca. 3,5% ) - is in a colloidal (bound) state.

milk fat

In milk, it is in the form of balls and is in a state of emulsion / suspension. In total allocated about 20 fatty acids. Milk contains lipoids such as phosphatides. (regulate metabolism) and sterols.


1 ml of milk contains up to 5 billion fat globules.


The most important component for an athlete's muscle building. Milk contains the most complete and digestible proteins (up to 3,85% ) - casein, globulin, milk albumin. Casein is known to all of us as a “long-playing” protein. Globulin and albumin are plasma immune proteins. The latter contains a large amount of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that contributes to the production.

Milk sugar

Lactose is the main source of nutrition for lactic acid bacteria that ferment milk.


Substances that accelerate the course of biological processes. Milk contains: lactase, lipase, phosphatase and others. Lactase - breaks down milk sugar into glucose and galactose, lipase - breaks down milk fat into glycerol and fatty acids.


Biologically active substances, which have a regulatory effect on the functions of the body, as well as on the formation and excretion of milk.


Natural colored substances that give (together with fat globules) certain color of milk.

Of course, there are cow swill :) and vitamins with minerals, however, their quantity leaves much to be desired. To have a more complete picture of the composition of milk, it is better to operate with numbers, for this the following tables (With different types milk) to help you (clickable).

Now let's touch on some gastronomic features of milk. I think you often go to grocery stores (after all, bodybuilders / fitness ladies need to eat hard) and sometimes you notice how many types of milk are presented on the shelves.

Milk in bodybuilding: main types

Let's go over all this nomenclature of abstruse names. So:

  • fat content: whole (not divided into fractions - 3,5% fat), normalized (3,2% ), lean, elevated ( 4-6% ) /reduced ( 2,5% ) fat content;
  • according to the degree of influence of temperature: melted (aged at 92-95 gr. during 4 hours, shelf life 1 month), pasteurized (heating up to 74 gr., shelf life up to 10 days), sterilized (addition of stabilizer salts, heating to 100 gr, shelf life of six months), UHT (intense heating up to 130 gr and intensive cooling, shelf life - 3-5 months);
  • for "poofing" the brains of the consumer: fortified (with added vitamin C), protein (with the addition of powdered milk), restored (from powdered milk or cream), chocolate (with added cocoa).

To make it easier for you to navigate the whole variety of dairy products, I will give a small summary table on the composition of macronutrients and the rules for taking milk.


IN 2008 year D.A. Medvedev signed the Federal Law “Technical Regulations for Dairy Products”, according to which real milk appeared in Russia, and not reconstituted from dry milk. (milk drink) which was previously sold.

Milk in bodybuilding: facts in favor of milk

Well, it's time to find out what place milk takes in the diet of bodybuilders, and what science and bodybuilders themselves recommend to us. Let's look at the facts and scientific data that is known about milk in relation to its effect on the athlete's muscle mass.


Milk protein is considered one of the highest quality (has a complete amino acid profile), digestible and fast digestible . It allows you to significantly reduce the load on the intestines. 250 ml of milk contains 8 gr of the most valuable “liquid” (fast/slow) proteins, which are so necessary after physical activity.


Milk and its products help build and strengthen bone mass (bones). Calcium also contributes.


Milk perfectly retains water in the body and allows you to restore water and nutritional balance after a workout.


Milk suppresses hunger and creates a feeling of satiety due to the presence of slow proteins and fats in its composition. Due to increased nutrition and a high-calorie diet, the secretion of all anabolic hormones (including insulin) increases. Because of this, it is highly likely that he will turn carbohydrates into subcutaneous fat - after all, this is his natural function, to create emergency fuel supplies. Milk allows you to block this function of insulin. As a result, if you consume milk while gaining mass, you will not gain fat.


A good product in terms of price-quality ratio. In addition, it is already ready for use, and you do not need to “chemically” with it.


Fresh milk is a naturally structured anabolic containing special compounds - cytokines. They force stem cells to be reborn into muscle cells, i.e. genetic changes occur. During training, your muscle fibers are torn, and their healing occurs under the action of spinal cord stem cells, which are controlled by cytokines (also produced by the body). During the heat treatment of milk, the amount of these compounds decreases. Therefore, for muscle growth, more cytokines from fresh milk are needed.


At present, the Pro-genex drug has been created, which allows stimulating protein synthesis and significantly increasing muscle mass by introducing such cytokines into the body. The good news is that these are not steroids!

So, we figured out the positive aspects and benefits of milk, but that's not the problem, one well-known bodybuilder said this about milk: “Milk is for babies”.

Yes indeed, in 1977 In the movie "Pumping Iron", iron Arnie says exactly this: "leave the milk to the children, it is not for bodybuilders." In turn, in the same 1977 year in his book "Becoming a Bodybuilder", he told how much fresh milk the athletes of the golden era of iron pulling drank. Whom to believe - movie or book Arnold? :).

As you know, a lot of third-party people are involved in the creation of films - these are directors with screenwriters, and various techies (cameramen, directors) and of course very often scribblers of texts. It is they who are responsible for what and when the actors should broadcast. Therefore, you should not believe everything you hear from the blue screen. “I don’t think so myself” is the actor’s behind-the-scenes version of milk in bodybuilding.


Milk/dairy intolerance is a real problem for many people. Here the stumbling block is the lack of the enzyme lactase in the body, which is responsible for the breakdown of lactose. (milk sugar milk). Try to use milk not separately, but with other products and small portions.

In general, according to the latest scientific data from America and England, whole chocolate milk is one of the most effective means (compared to carbohydrate blends) in the restoration of the athlete's strength after training. Plus, whole milk works better. (compared to low fat) on muscle protein synthesis. To make a likeness chocolate milk, it is necessary to take 200 ml of whole milk and add there 1 tsp cocoa powder. best time intake of such a drink is within 20-30 minutes after training.

Phew, well, actually, all the questions have been considered, I'm sure after reading you have a complete picture of this product from childhood.


Today we found out whether all active athletes should include milk in their nutritious diet. Therefore, the next time you come to the store, remember all the calculations of the article and make the only right decision.

That's all for me, like this - in this spirit, in this section. Goodbye, I was glad to see everyone, come in, you are always welcome here!

PS. We are not limited only to reading, we actively press the buttons and attract fellow minds!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

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