Club of fans of Irina Garlicova. Irina Chesnokova: biography, creative achievements and personal life. The creative path of Irina Chesnokova

Irina Chesnokova is a bright KVN performer, television and radio presenter, actress, and the girl gained wide popularity thanks to the comedy show “Once Upon a Time in Russia.”

Childhood and youth of Irina Chesnokova

Irina Chesnokova’s hometown is Voronezh. Little Ira was the only child in the family, so the parents tried to comprehensively develop their daughter.

Already at the age of six, the capable girl received a rank in chess, and from the first grade she studied three foreign languages ​​(“traditional” English and German, as well as Latin). Irina devoted 13 years to dancing. At the same time, she managed to find free time for knitting, macrame, drawing and fencing classes!

Not a single school event took place without the participation of the restless Ira. She was everyone's favorite and the ringleader. The boys in the yard also loved her - the girl was their faithful companion in games and pranks.

Having successfully completed a magnet school foreign languages, the girl entered the Voronezh Academy of Arts, but soon changed her mind and transferred to Voronezh State University, to the Faculty of Journalism and Romance-Germanic Philology. In 2011, Irina successfully graduated from university with two diplomas: translator and advertising specialist.

Creative career of Irina Chesnokova

In her first year, Chesnokova got a job at the local radio station “Borneo” and stayed there for several years as a presenter.

Such a creative personality could not help but be captivated by student KVN. During her studies, she played for the university teams “Seryozha” and “Mama Cat”. In 2010, friends invited her to play for the St. Petersburg team “Faculty of Journalism.” The guys managed to make it to the Major League, and at one of the performances Irina was even entrusted with replacing the captain. The creative life of the team was bright, but, alas, short-lived. In 2013, it ceased to exist, and the players scattered in all directions.

Irina Chesnokova at KVN - “Faculty of Journalism”

However, the persistent and purposeful girl did not give up. By this time, she had already tried herself as a TV presenter on the Voronezh channel TNT Gubernia, and in 2012, after moving to Moscow, she got a job at Comedy Radio as a co-host of a morning show with Evgeny Rybov and Maxim Peshkov. Then Irina moved from the morning broadcast to the Sunday program “Nebudni Show”.

At the same time, her work began as chief editor and creative producer of the Comedy Battle show.

In the spring of 2014, Chesnokova appeared on television as the host of the show “This is Such a Morning” on the TNT channel. Her co-hosts were Marina Kravets, Alexander Gudkov, Maxim Peshkov and Dmitry Shpenkov.

In the fall of the same year, it was the turn of the cinema. His debut work was the humorous sitcom “Students”.

Chesnokova received all-Russian recognition and love for her leading role in the comedy show “Once Upon a Time in Russia.” It was an extremely successful symbiosis of a television show and theatrical production. The participants, well-known KVN players, including Olga Kartunkova and Azamat Musagaliev, staged satirical skits about life in Russian realities for the audience.

Irina Chesnokova in the show “Once Upon a Time in Russia”

The audience unanimously recognized Irina as the most beautiful actress of this project, and her amazing ability to masterfully improvise made her a public favorite.

Ira also uses her acting talent on social networks. Being an active Instagrammer, she often and willingly posts funny videos with her participation.

There is another serious passion in Chesnokova’s life – photography. She carries a camera with her everywhere, and her microblog is filled with a huge number of a wide variety of photographs.

Personal life of Irina Chesnokova

Irina Chesnokova’s life is so filled with work and creativity that she has practically no time left for personal relationships. She is not married and has not been seen in high-profile love stories. Irina admits that a man must certainly be amazing and preferably free.

Perhaps Irina’s most striking meeting with a man took place in 2011, at the opening of the KVN House. Irina’s neighbor in the hall turned out to be... the president Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. According to the actress herself, at first she was afraid to move. The only thing that came to her mind then was to compliment his boots, to which the president thanked the girl, and a little later asked her to explain the meaning of a joke that came from the stage, which he did not understand. And to the right of Putin sat Sergei Sobyanin and Alexander Maslyakov Jr. - such a neighborhood!

Irina Chesnokova now

At the beginning of 2017, the series “Civil Marriage” was released. The main roles - a couple who can’t decide to tie the knot - were played by Agata Muceniece and Denis Kukoyaka. Ira played the role of Marina, best friend the main character, and her on-screen partner Kolya was played by St. Petersburg actor Dmitry Averin.

Irina Chesnokova - Russian theater and film actress, television and radio presenter. Former KVN participant, creator of the Internet show “Bar in the Big City” on YouTube.

Biography of Irina Chesnokova

Irina Chesnokova born on February 9, 1989 in Voronezh. Irina is the only child in the family, so her parents tried to give their daughter the best. At the age of 6, Ira received a grade in chess, and from grades 5 to 11, the girl studied at gymnasium No. 6 with in-depth study of foreign languages, where she mastered 3 languages ​​at once: English, German and Latin. At school, Irina was a very active child, so she was involved in dancing, drawing, fencing, acrobatics, knitting and macrame at the same time. Irina loved to perform on the school stage - dancing and singing.

After graduating from school, I entered the Voronezh Academy of Arts in the acting department, but at the last moment I changed my mind and went to study at the Voronezh Academy of Arts. State University to the journalist. Having successfully completed the first course, Chesnokova got a job at Radio Borneo as a presenter, where she worked for several years.

While still studying, Irina began playing in KVN as part of the student team “Seryozha”, and later became a member of the team “Mama Cat”. In 2009, Irina’s team broke up, but a year later she began performing in the Faculty of Journalism team. In 2011, Chesnokova received two diplomas at once higher education: “Advertising specialist” and “Translator”.

The creative path of Irina Chesnokova

In the same year, Irina’s KVN team won second place in the First KVN League and received an invitation to the KVN Major League. In 2013, the Faculty of Journalism team disbanded, and Irina continued her career as a translator at the Jazz Province festival in Voronezh, where she worked for about 5 years.

In 2010, Irina worked as a PR director and coordinator at the International Platonov Festival.

From 2011 to 2012, Irina worked on the regional channel TNT-Guberniya in hometown, after which she moved to Moscow and became the host of the morning show “Comedy Morning”.

“You have to understand: Moscow doesn’t need you, just like any other city doesn’t need you. That is why people who come with the thought “Now I’ll show everyone here!” break quickly. I was luckier - there was a job waiting for me in Moscow. I slept forty minutes a day, I even set a timer for this time, jumped up when the bell rang and ran. She broadcast on Comedy Radio and worked as a producer and editor at the Comedy Club. And even KVN. There’s no time to think, and that probably helped me adapt.”

In 2012, Irina became one of the hosts of Comedy Radio, then the host of the morning program on weekends, “Nebudni-show,” which she still does to this day. In the same year, Irina became the chief editor of Comedy Club Production and creative producer of Comedy Battle.

From 2014 to 2017, Irina played one of the main roles in the series “Once Upon a Time in Russia” on the TNT channel.

In 2016, Irina played the main role in Olga Belova’s short film “The Copy is True.”

In 2017, the actress took part in the creation of the series “Civil Marriage”, where she got the role of Marina. Irina Chesnokova also became one of the hosts of the culinary project "The Pursuit of Taste". For the show, Irina travels all over the world and brings the most unusual recipes from different parts of it.

In 2017, Irina launched an entertainment Internet show “Bar in the Big City”, to which she invites stars of Russian show business, stand-up comedians, popular TV presenters, and writers. In addition, viewers who send an application to Chesnokova can get into the show. Irina Shikhman, Andrey Beburishvili, Lolita Milyavskaya, Denis Kosyakov, Denis Klyaver, Miguel, Natalya Krasnova, Danila Poperechny and others came to visit “Bar in the Big City”. The project differs from other Internet shows in that during the conversation Irina and her guests drink alcohol.

In 2018, Irina played in a comedy film Egor Chichkanov « Out of shape" Her partners on the set were Daria Shevelko, Yulia Topolnitskaya, Andrey Noskov, Ilya Noskov, Egor Sesarev, Alexander Shpynev,Artem Tomyak, Vitaly Krivonos And Artem Yakovlev. Money for filming the film was collected through one of the crowdfunding resources.

Personal life of Irina Chesnokova

Irina Chesnokova does not hide her personal life from fans of her work - she has pages on Facebook and Instagram, where Irina regularly posts her photos and shares her thoughts. However, you won’t be able to find anything “hot” there - Irina is not yet married, and nothing is known about her having a boyfriend.

When it comes to clothes, Irina prefers very simple and versatile things. She knows how to cook deliciously, but she doesn’t do it too often and tries not to turn food into a cult. However, she has never been on a diet and does not intend to.

Irina loves traveling very much, but has long given up the idea of ​​bringing souvenirs from each trip. Instead, she prefers to send postcards to friends from different parts of the world.

Chesnokova maintains a popular blog on Instagram, in which she shares with subscribers photographs from her travels, announcements of new projects with her participation, professional photo shoots, etc. More than 118 thousand network users have subscribed to the actress’s account.

Irina's hobby is photography.

Filmography of Irina Chesnokova

  • Out of Shape (2018)
  • Zombiebox (2017)
  • Civil marriage (TV series 2017)
  • True Copy (2016)
  • Chronicles of a Paranoid (TV series 2016)
  • In short (2016)
  • Portfolio (2015)
  • Once upon a time in Russia (TV series, 2014 – ...)
  • Students (TV series 2014)

Participant name: Irina Chesnokova

Age (birthday): 9.02.1989

Voronezh city

Education: VSU

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Since childhood, Irina Chesnokova has been “basking” in attention, love and care - the girl grew up in a family alone, and her parents did everything to develop in her everything necessary for successful person quality.

While studying at school, Ira managed to do everything - do her homework, go for walks, play chess (the actress received the first category at the age of 6), study 3 languages, dance brilliantly, enjoy drawing, acrobatics, and fencing.

Even weaving and knitting circles attracted little Chesnokova, after which she decided to try her hand there too.

Performing on the school stage brought Ira great pleasure
, she sang and danced at all events.

It is not surprising that after receiving her certificate, she decided to enter the Academy of Arts in the acting department.

And, unlike many applicants, she was accepted, which means that the girl’s talent was not far-fetched. However, a year later, Ira dropped out of school, transferring to VSU to the Faculty of Journalism.

In parallel with her studies, she studied Romance philology, so she was awarded two diplomas at once.

Also, after her first year, Chesnokova worked at Voronezh radio - she wanted to get a small part-time job, but ended up becoming the host of one of the programs.

In her final years of study at the university, Irina tried her hand at KVN for the first time., then she joined the “Cat Mom” team, then the no less successful “Seryozha” team.

Her performances were always bright and memorable, so her friends invited her to the Faculty of Journalism team representing St. Petersburg.

This was the beginning of success, as the KVN players managed to get into the Major League, and when Irina had to replace the team captain at one of the performances, the guys managed to get to the finals, beating even the favorites of that season.

Despite the successful numbers and the grandiose career that was promised to the young people, the team broke up in 2013. But Ira did not give up.

Chesnokova decided to firmly connect her life with television, and her TV career began back in 2011, on the local Voronezh channel. She worked there for exactly a year.

And after moving to the capital, this happened in 2012, Ira got a job on the TNT channel - 2 years later viewers saw her in the program “This is Such a Morning.” Then there was a sketch about students, and at the end of 2014 she became the star of the Once Upon a Time in Russia project.

Kvnshtitsa liked the show for its format, because this is the first project on TV, built in the form of a theater - finally, the comedian’s childhood dream has come true, she is now an actress! And what's interesting is most of numbers, regardless of the image, are filled with her personal improvisation. On her Instagram page, Ira actively posts comedy videos, continuing to use his acting talent.

Photo by Ira

In Chesnokova’s personal life, everything is like everyone else’s - she can rejoice, laugh, get angry and swear. The girl loves to be photographed, so all her personal pages on social networks are literally littered with photographs, from which you can safely track the actress’s life, where she goes, where she travels and with whom she communicates. Chesnokova doesn’t have a boyfriend yet or she carefully hides him.

Irina Chesnokova is the only child in the family, so her parents spoiled her and tried to give her only the best. The girl grew up developed and versatile, attended sport sections in acrobatics, dancing, fencing, and chess. After graduation primary school Irina was transferred to a specialized gymnasium with in-depth study of foreign languages.

Having received a matriculation certificate, the girl entered the Voronezh theater university in the acting department. After the first year, Irina decided that she had made a mistake in choosing a profession and passed the VSU entrance exams to the Faculty of Journalism. At the same time, Chesnokova learned the basics of Romance-Germanic philology and also worked at a local radio station.

Irina, as an active student, could not ignore KVN. So, the girl began to compete for the teams “Seryozha” and “Cat Moms”. In 2010, Chesnokova moved to the Faculty of Journalism club. It was the right decision, thanks to which she made her debut in the First League on Channel One. Soon the team received a lucky ticket to the KVN Major League.

IN next year Chesnokova got a job at local television "TNT-Guberniya", where she worked for about a year. Soon Irina realized that the time had come for change and decided to move to the capital. Here she got a job at the Comedy-Radio radio station, where she broadcast the morning broadcast in the company of Evgeny Rybov and Maxim Peshkov.

Then the girl was accepted into the staff of Comedy Club Production for the position of creative producer of the humorous project Comedy Battle.

In 2014, Irina acted as a television presenter in the TNT channel project “This is Such a Morning.” Her partners in the program were such famous personalities as: Maxim Peshkov, Ekaterina Lopyreva, Marina Kravets, Alexander Gudkov. In September of the same year, Chesnokova made her debut in a new project called “Once Upon a Time in Russia.”

In the fall of 2015, Irina played a supporting role in Kirill Pletnev’s film “New Russians 2.” The film consists of five short films made in unexpected genres, ranging from a banal thriller to outright eroticism and a brutal psychological drama.

In 2016, Chesnokova starred in the short science fiction film “The Copy is True” by Olga Belova. A year later, Irina reincarnated as Marina, the friend of the main character, in the 16-episode comedy series “.” This is a fascinating, kindly funny, sincere story of the formation of a young family of Artem and Nika, who believe that they are ready to move to a new level of relationship.

The girl’s parents provided the young couple with housing, and now they take on the rest of the household chores and expenses. Chesnokova’s partners on the set were such popular artists as: Dmitry Astrakhan, Anna Legchilova.

Interesting notes:

The light and sincere project “Civil Marriage” received a lot of positive feedback. The authors of the series are preparing a continuation of the story of Tema and Nika, but they have not announced the exact date of the show.

Irina Chesnokova does not talk about her personal life, keeping it behind seven locks. A young, successful girl has such a busy schedule that she hasn’t yet found time to start a family. According to the artist, she spends all her free time at home. But on her personal page in in social networks: Instagram and Twitter, you can see many photos from various photo shoots.

Irina Chesnokova is a comedian, actress, radio and television presenter. Irina’s sketch project brought popularity among television viewers. The artist keeps up with the times; she became the author of the popular entertainment Internet show “Bar in the Big City,” which has been airing on the YouTube channel since 2017. In addition, Chesnokova is passionate about the acting profession - she has worked in TV series and feature films.

Childhood and youth

Irina Chesnokova was born on February 9, 1989 in Voronezh. She was the only child in the family, so her parents tried to give the girl everything for a further successful life.

“Faculty of Journalism” - “The guy proposes”

The television biography of Irina Chesnokova began in 2011 on the Voronezh television channel TNT Gubernia. The girl worked there for a year and quit.

In 2012 she moved to Moscow. Irina began working as a radio host in a comedy project. Together with Evgeny Rybov and Maxim Peshkov, she hosted the morning program “Comedy Morning” on Comedy Radio. During the same period, Chesnokova worked behind the scenes at Comedy Club Production, where she received the position of chief editor and creative producer of the TV show “Comedy Battle”.

The 2013 season was the last for Chesnokova’s KVN team - after it, the Faculty of Journalism disbanded.

A television

After KVN, Irina’s creative career did not end. In 2013, Chesnokova continues to work at Comedy Radio and moves from the morning show to the weekend program “Neverday Show”.

In the spring of 2014, viewers saw Chesnokova in the morning show of the TNT channel “This is Such a Morning” - Irina was a co-host. The actress’s colleagues on the TV show were Svyatoslav Savchenko, Ekaterina Lopareva, Maxim Peshkov and Dmitry Shpenkov. It is interesting that Irina and Marina were at one time credited with being related. TV viewers found that the girls were similar not only in haircuts, but also in facial features.

In the same year, the girl starred in the humorous television magazine “#Students,” and in September 2014, viewers saw Chesnokova in the new show “Once Upon a Time in Russia.” The actress’s colleagues in the new project were:

Jokes from the life of Irina Chesnokova (“Once Upon a Time in Russia”)

The girl is called the first beauty of “Once Upon a Time in Russia.” Irina has a slender figure (with a height of 172 cm, her weight does not exceed 54 kg), pretty appearance and a charming smile. The project attracted her because it combines theatrical performances with filmmaking: actors perform sketches on stage, and they are filmed by a camera. In Chesnokova's performances there is room for improvisation - she jokes subtly and witty.

In 2015, the actress played in a short film with elements of black humor “Portfolio”. The film makes fun of the behavior of customers when collaborating with people in creative professions: unpaid edits, low budgets and lack of understanding of the complexities of the project. The film takes these disagreements to another area: demanding customers want to make changes to their grandfather’s funeral.

On September 17, 2015, Irina appeared in the comedy “New Russians - 2”. The anthology film consists of 5 tragicomic sketches. On April 28, 2016, the premiere of the comedy “In Short” took place, in which Irina played the main role. The plot of the film consists of disparate tragicomic and farcical lines of the main characters.

Chesnokova twice became a participant in the “Where is the Logic?” project. For the first time, her playing partner was the star of the series, the second time she appeared in the studio with.

Already in April 2017, Chesnokova again appeared on television screens in the culinary and tourism project “Pursuit of Taste.” The point of the program was that the TV presenter brings from each country one national recipe and demonstrates cooking original dish TV viewers.

In the same year, the entertainment show “Bar in the Big City” started on YouTube. This is Chesnokova’s original program. In each episode, the guests are show business stars, bloggers, musicians, famous and aspiring comedians.

Irina Chesnokova - “Bar in the Big City”

In a relaxed atmosphere, they tell funny incidents from their lives. IN different time Irina Chesnokova’s Internet show was visited by, and others. There were also scandalous stories, one of which was the story about an unpleasant incident that happened to him during the recording of a television broadcast.

Irina Chesnokova herself once spoke about an amazing meeting in her life. Twice she managed to get into the same frame with the President of Russia. The first time was at a meeting about the opening of the KVN house, the second time was at its opening ceremony. In the auditorium, the girl found herself to the left of the head of state.

Personal life

In life, Irina Chesnokova is the same easygoing, sociable, witty person, sometimes she likes to scream and sleep, especially in the morning. In his free time, he shares his culinary secrets with subscribers on

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