Who got pregnant after 40 years. Pregnancy and age. Does age affect conception? Possible risks and negative consequences

Conception after 40 years - what can you say about it? It is possible, but a woman should understand that some difficulties may await her.

Pregnancy after 40: reviews - what do women themselves say who managed to achieve their goal of becoming pregnant? As a rule, they note that pregnancy at this age will not occur quickly. This will require numerous consultations with doctors, examinations and the use of methods to become pregnant. Pregnancy after 40: forum - similar requests appear on the Internet when women search for relevant information. Pregnancy after 40 years: a forum is usually a place where you can find useful tips for pregnancy planning.

Pregnancy after 40: where to start?

Planning pregnancy after 40 years: forum - what will he advise first?

You need to understand that planning a pregnancy at this age involves responsibility. How to plan a pregnancy after 40 years: reviews - it is also, first of all, patience and waiting. If the desired pregnancy in a woman over the age of forty does not occur within six months, you should seek advice from specialists in the relevant field. If a woman is lucky and pregnancy becomes possible for her, then she needs to consult an andrologist, gynecologist and geneticist. Consultation with the last doctor will eliminate the possibility of the fetus developing possible hereditary pathologies, the risk of which increases significantly with late pregnancy. One of the most terrible possible diseases The baby has Down syndrome. In a third of cases, this problem appears due to the influence of the male factor.

If a woman suffers from chronic diseases, then she needs to get medical advice. Taking some medications is extremely undesirable while carrying a baby. It is important to visit a dentist for a check-up because tooth decay tends to cause multiple infections in the body.

A woman should also normalize her own weight. If her body weight is too low, it will prevent pregnancy from occurring. The same applies to overweight women.

The chances of pregnancy can also be increased by taking vitamin complexes specially designed for those planning pregnancy. Complexes such as Pregnaton and Vitex can improve the functioning of the female reproductive system and stabilize hormonal background. A Spematon complex has been developed for men, which increases the concentration and motility of sperm.

Among the tips, one can also note that the woman has adequate rest and a balanced, rationally structured diet. Bad habits must be completely eliminated from your lifestyle.

As for physical activity, you should not ignore it during pregnancy planning and throughout its course. While a woman is carrying a baby, she can practice swimming and special yoga for pregnant women.

A stable mental state is something that must necessarily accompany a woman planning a pregnancy at this age. If she worries and worries too much, and makes pregnancy an obsession, then the chances of success will significantly decrease.

How to get pregnant quickly after 40 years?

Pregnancy for women after 40 generally requires much more careful planning compared to preparing for pregnancy at an earlier age. What other advice can be offered to a woman who is eager to get pregnant at such a late age (this age is considered especially late for the reproductive system)?

  • The most important step in preparing for pregnancy is to get your nutrition in order. Why? During pregnancy itself, a woman may experience the negative consequences of overeating and eating the wrong foods, such as: diabetes, obesity and hypertension;
  • You need to normalize your own lifestyle and try to make it as active as possible. A woman should live according to a clear daily routine, which will include a sufficient amount of physical activity and rest;
  • Sexual contacts should become regular, but if a man has problems with sperm activity, it is important to ensure that sex occurs exclusively during the ovulatory period;
  • Traditional methods acceleration of pregnancy cannot be used without medical approval.

What can be said about choosing the right position for conception at such a late age? Experts say that it is advisable for a woman to lie on her back, since this ensures the deepest penetration of the penis. Spermatozoa in this position of a woman reach the uterus faster and sperm does not flow out of the female vagina after sexual contact. After intercourse, it is recommended to lie down for a while. To create the appropriate atmosphere, it is recommended to organize a romantic dinner before sex or have a relaxing massage.

Pregnancy after 40 weeks

When pregnancy lasts longer than thirty-nine weeks, this is already considered a rather atypical situation. But this is not always a reason to be wary, but partly there is a reasonable grain in this. This problem can affect both women planning a pregnancy after forty years and those who are planning a pregnancy when they are younger.

In conclusion, we can say that pregnancy in late adulthood is possible. But due to the fact that female fertility is steadily declining, sometimes a procedure such as artificial insemination may be required. But before resorting to it, you need to try to conceive a child on your own for at least six months, without the help of assisted reproductive technologies. This is quite likely, especially if you follow the recommendations in the article.


A lot of modern women They believe that first you need to realize yourself, and then have children. Sometimes this path to the goal takes a long time...

Some researchers argue that late children show talents early and are ahead of their peers in development. Fast mental development Such children are probably the result of a conscious approach to raising a child by a father and mother who are wise in life. Parents spend more time with the child, play educational games, read to him, teach him poems, pay attention to his inclinations and interests, etc.

How to get pregnant at 40

“What if I can’t get pregnant? Or will the child be born with disabilities?“. Unfortunately, these fears are well founded for women who have wondered “how to get pregnant” after 40.

Indeed, female fertility reaches its peak between the ages of 20 and 25, and then begins to decline. Over the years, eggs age and their number decreases significantly. As a result, not everyone manages to get pregnant after 40. Also, do not forget that the eggs remaining in a 40-year-old woman often have various abnormalities at the chromosomal level - and this is a considerable risk of fetal defects or possible miscarriage.

Thus, after 40 you can get pregnant, but only under one condition: you must try to conceive a child traditional way.

Doctors say that some women were unable to get pregnant simply because they were unable to determine the exact right time.

The fact is that the older a woman gets, the lower her chances of getting pregnant become. Therefore, the older you get, the fewer days you have in which you can get pregnant.

And after 35-40 years, in a whole year you may have only one or two days in which you can conceive. However, getting pregnant the traditional way can be difficult. This is because you are now at the end of your reproductive phase of life. Your vital supply of egg follicles dries up, and estrogen production in the body decreases.

A limited supply of eggs is believed to be the main reason why fertility declines with age. In addition, the remaining eggs age and with each passing year they become less capable of fertilization, while the uterus becomes less and less suitable for pregnancy. It is absolutely true that the older you get, the less likely you are to get pregnant and carry a child to term. Starting at about 37 years of age, fertility gradually decreases every year and, according to statistics, begins to fall at a catastrophic rate after 41 years of age.

As you get older, the chances of miscarriage and the possibility of birth defects increase as the uterus gradually becomes less able to hold an embryo, while the percentage of chromosomal abnormalities and the formation of defective embryos increases from isolated cases to two in ten to 40 years and up to four to five out of ten by age 45.

But all these gloomy statistics do not mean that you will not be able to get pregnant and give birth healthy child.

However, do not panic ahead of time. The right approach to pregnancy planning can increase the chances of conception and reduce the risk of congenital diseases in the child.

What should be done:

  • Be sure to visit a gynecologist and tell him about your plans. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe necessary tests. Also see a therapist. He will prescribe you a set of basic tests that will help identify possible hidden diseases or infections that you may not even know about. By the way, the future father also needs to check his health.
  • Regardless of age, a woman needs to be in shape and monitor her weight. But don't forget that pregnancy is not the time for dieting. Therefore, if you are overweight and want to bring it back to normal, you should do this before pregnancy.
  • Move more, try to find time for regular exercises that strengthen your back and abdominal muscles, and spend more time in the fresh air.
  • At least 3 months before the planned conception, give up alcohol and cigarettes. The father of the future baby should do the same.
  • Eliminate foods with preservatives and dyes, as well as caffeine, from your diet.
  • Use vitamin and mineral complexes for those planning to conceive. May be recommended for women vitamin complex Pregnoton, and for men - Speroton.
  • Avoid stress, get plenty of rest and be in the fresh air.

What is the best time to conceive a child?

The most likely time to conceive a child is 12-14 days before the start of menstruation. But the thing is that this is not an absolutely exact time. For example, this can be influenced by the level of stress, illness and many other factors and “external stimuli”.

There is no clear answer to the question why it is difficult to get pregnant after 40 years, because each woman has her own situation. Most common cause is a natural decrease in female sex hormones responsible for fertility. Every woman planning a pregnancy at such a critical age must reduce possible risks or minimize them. Many doctors believe that giving birth to children at the age of 40 is quite risky, since the course of pregnancy may be accompanied by deviations and complications, and the child may be born with physical pathology or mental retardation. However, despite possible problems late pregnancy, many women are determined to take this step.

What are the dangers of late pregnancy?

Pregnancy in adulthood is difficult despite the fact that the woman constantly takes hormonal medications. The fact is that after 40 years, the body’s supply of vitamins and microelements necessary for the development of a child is depleted. Also, 90% of women in adulthood have a large number of chronic or acute diseases that make it difficult to bear a child.

Expert opinion Yes, if available hypertension the risk of eclampsia during pregnancy increases (eclampsia is a severe complication characterized by convulsions); during childbirth, diseases such as hemorrhagic stroke and severe uterine bleeding are possible.

The danger of chronic renal failure is that complete kidney failure is possible during pregnancy or childbirth.

Diabetes mellitus leads to fetal development disorders, intrauterine obesity, and also disrupts the development of the child’s immunity.

A common problem when carrying a child after 35 years is an abnormal development of the placenta. This leads to impaired fetal development or termination of pregnancy.

But still, the main problem of late pregnancy is frequent pathologies and abnormalities of fetal development. The fact is that an increase in the chance of developing a genetic disease in a child occurs as a result of toxic and radiation exposure to the mother’s body throughout life. Also, factors environment can lead to mutations in the chromosomes of the egg, which leads to developmental disorders of the child.

Is it difficult to get pregnant after 40 years old?

The question of whether it is difficult to get pregnant after 40 years old often worries women whose motherhood was delayed for one reason or another. The main reason for the inability to conceive a child lies in age. After thirty years in female body ovarian function begins to gradually decline, and the number of eggs decreases. This sharply reduces the possibility of conception; in some cases, a woman has the opportunity to become pregnant only a few times a year. And if there were no sexual contacts during this period, then you shouldn’t be surprised why you can’t get pregnant after 40.

In addition, a woman in adulthood should not forget that even if conception has occurred, the chances of giving birth are healthy baby much less than that of a young girl. That is why consultation and pregnancy monitoring with geneticists are mandatory activities for women who decide to become mothers at an older age.

Reasons for late pregnancy: if you weren’t expecting a “gift of fate”

It often happens in life that an event that you did not want at all happened. This largely concerns pregnancy, which enters the life of a 40-45 year old woman uninvited.

  1. Pregnancy can occur unexpectedly, due to menopause. During this period, a woman believes that she will no longer be able to get pregnant, so she stops worrying about contraception. And what a surprise an unplanned pregnancy could be for her.
  2. Another reason for late pregnancy can be a woman’s desire to have a small child, especially when the elders went to study or found their destiny.
  3. A second marriage and the desire to give a child to the man you love is also an argument in favor of late pregnancy.

Who managed to get pregnant after 40 years

As a woman’s ability to conceive begins to slowly but surely decline, stories of successful births become public knowledge and are passed on by word of mouth. There are especially many such stories among artists: singers, actresses, whose careers are put in first place.

You can also independently find those people who managed to take the most important step in their lives - becoming parents in adulthood. On specialized forums there are many reviews and life stories of people who managed to get pregnant after 40 years. Main distinctive feature These people are cheerful and optimistic. It is necessary to have a lot of physical and mental strength to go through all stages of pregnancy and care for the child.

Who finds it difficult to get pregnant after 40 forum

By reading stories about people who find it difficult to get pregnant after 40 on the forum, you will learn about dozens of different women's destinies. Since fertility is significantly reduced at this age, the possibility of becoming pregnant, if at all, is very rare. Typically, this occurs if a woman has sex with her partner during the best time to conceive. As a rule, this is 12-14 days from the start of the cycle. During this period, ovulation occurs, when the egg has the opportunity to “meet” the sperm.

Pregnancy at 40-45 years old becomes a gift of fate for many women. To make this gift continue to please you, try to protect yourself and your future baby. During pregnancy, only close cooperation with the gynecologist, as well as all other doctors, will guarantee that the child will be born healthy and strong.

Necessary examinations

Late pregnancy after 40 requires a careful approach to its planning and preparation.

First of all, consult a gynecologist. He will determine whether you have any absolute contraindications to pregnancy and bearing a child.

If there are no absolute contraindications, but there are acute or chronic (in the acute stage) diseases of organs or systems, then you will need to cure acute ones and transfer exacerbations of chronic diseases into remission.

Pay special attention to dental caries. The fact is that carious cavities are a source of infection, so it is better to cure them before conceiving a child.

Expert opinion Visit an ENT doctor. This is necessary to identify if you have untreated ear, nose and throat diseases. The fact is that during pregnancy, a woman’s immunity decreases, which makes the body more vulnerable to respiratory infections.

Seek advice from a psychiatrist who can help you understand issues such as whether you are emotionally prepared for this pregnancy and whether you are making the right choice. He will also give you recommendations on how to mentally prepare for late pregnancy, because emotional well-being, balance and psychological peace are the key to a normal pregnancy.

After you have improved your health, the gynecologist will prescribe the necessary range of tests for you. During the appointment, the doctor:

  1. They will take swabs from you to determine whether the microflora in the vagina is normal.
  2. He will write you a referral for clinical blood and urine tests, as well as tests that will determine the presence of infections that can affect the unborn fetus.
  3. He will refer you for ultrasound examination of OBP, ZP and OMT. Before planning a pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is performed in the follicular phase menstrual cycle. At the same time, the doctor will immediately determine whether there are any diseases that can prevent conception and gestation.
  4. Will give a referral to a consultation with a geneticist. This is especially true for women over 40 years of age. The geneticist will not only draw up a family tree, but will also karyotype both spouses to exclude genetic (chromosomal) pathology.

After a comprehensive examination and good health results, you can begin preparing for conception.

  • Do not take any medications 2-3 months before conception without the approval of your gynecologist.
  • Don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, don't overuse coffee.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits, take folic acid.
  • Move more and walk in the fresh air.
  • Get enough sleep (sleep should last at least 8 hours a day).
  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • The husband should not visit baths and saunas during this period, so that the normal formation of seminal fluid is not disrupted.

Probably, many women have wondered whether it is possible to get pregnant after 40 years. Studies have shown that by the age of 41, only half of all women retain the natural ability to conceive, and by the age of 45, only one in ten manages to get pregnant. Therefore, it obviously makes sense to start trying to get pregnant as early as possible and not wait too long when you can no longer do without the help of qualified specialists. Although it is now generally accepted that infertility is the inability to become pregnant within twelve months, for women in this age group it may not be worth waiting longer than six months before looking for other solutions to the problem. Thus, after 40 you can get pregnant, but only under one condition: you must try to get pregnant the traditional way.

Some women over 40 have failed to get pregnant simply because they were unable to figure out the exact right time.
To be honest, there are thousands of reasons why a woman gives birth later than doctors usually recommend. In the West, this can already be called a pronounced trend: women have their first child closer to forty simply because they want to solve all other problems first: get an education, make a career, achieve a good financial position, get their own home, check the correctness of their choice and the strength of the union .

Moreover, there is a completely scientific explanation for this. The fact is that the older a woman gets, the lower her chances of getting pregnant become. Therefore, the older you get, the fewer days you have in which you can get pregnant. And after 35-40 years, in a whole year you may have only one or two days in which you can conceive. However, getting pregnant the traditional way can be difficult. This is because you are now at the end of your reproductive phase of life. Your vital supply of egg follicles dries up and your body's estrogen production decreases.

A limited supply of eggs is believed to be the main reason why fertility declines with age. In addition, the remaining eggs age and with each passing year they become less capable of fertilization, while the uterus becomes less and less suitable for pregnancy. It's absolutely true that the older you get, the lower your chances of getting pregnant and carrying a child to term. Starting at about 37 years of age, fertility gradually decreases every year and, according to statistics, begins to fall at a catastrophic rate after 41 years of age.

As you get older, the chances of miscarriage and the possibility of birth defects increase as the uterus gradually becomes less able to hold an embryo, while the percentage of chromosomal abnormalities and the formation of defective embryos increases from a single case to two in ten to 40 years and up to four to five out of ten by age 45.

But all these gloomy statistics do not mean that you cannot get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child if you are already over forty. Statistics are interesting, but they generalize data from the entire population. It doesn't have to be about you personally. Nowadays, women give birth to children long after the onset of childbearing age, and with the help of amazing new scientific techniques, even long after the onset of menopause.

If you've finally decided to have a baby, don't let these numbers confuse you. It is obvious that some women at the same chronological age are biologically much younger than others, and their ovaries function much longer than the statistical average. Also, if you do get pregnant, don't worry about how difficult it is for other women to achieve this goal because you are 100% pregnant.
So when can you conceive?

The most likely time to conceive a child is 12-14 days before the start of menstruation. But the fact is that this is not an absolutely exact time, because... it can be influenced by various factors. For example, this can be influenced by stress levels, illness, and many other factors and “external stimuli.”

If your periods have become irregular, or they do not start once a month as before (for many women after 35-40 years of age, this is exactly what happens), then it becomes much more difficult to determine when you will be able to successfully conceive a child. Therefore, the older you get, the more closely you need to monitor your period.

Secondly, a healthy child is born not only from the fact that an egg is fertilized by a sperm. There are many factors, the observance of which leads to the birth of a healthy child. For example, the older a person gets, the more accurately one needs to know the period when a new egg appears. In order for the sperm, like the egg, to be newly hatched, it is necessary to avoid sexual intercourse a couple of days before ovulation, because It has been scientifically proven that sperm can remain in the body for up to three days.

The most suitable time to conceive a child is the day of ovulation. On this day you need to have sexual intercourse as often as possible, because... It is on this day that the newly hatched egg can only be fertilized by the released sperm.

Thirdly, a man also needs to maintain healthy sperm. It is necessary to abstain from sex for 3-4 days before conceiving a child. But in no case longer.

Thus, applying all these above simple, but at the same time effective methods, you can get pregnant even after 35-40 years. These methods are completely natural, natural, do not cause any harm, moreover, they are very effective. If you apply these methods correctly, it will save you from in vitro fertilization (in common parlance - a test tube baby), as well as from other surgical interventions, with which you can get pregnant.

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Modern society is significantly different from the previous one. Today, many women make a career first, and only then think about the future generation. Getting pregnant after 40 is, of course, more difficult than when you are younger. This is explained by physiology and age. And today we will talk about exactly this - how to get pregnant after 40 years?


Sometimes older women want to give birth to a child quite late, but they face the problem of conception. And it becomes quite difficult to get pregnant at 45 years old.

According to statistical studies, only 1/2 of women after 41 years of age can become pregnant.

By the age of 45, the indicator worsens: every tenth woman has a chance to give birth to a child.

In the case when a twenty-year-old girl cannot get pregnant for one year, then we have to talk about infertility. Some doctors note the fact that for women over forty years of age, hope of conceiving a child is lost after just 6 months of trying.

Often, ladies do not take into account their own age and the fact that their chances of having a child are catastrophically reduced. Closer to fifty years, ladies are at the end of their own reproductive phase. The supply of egg follicles is almost completely exhausted, and estrogen is no longer produced in the same quantity.

For example, at 40, a woman experiences no more than two ovulations in one year. Of course, doctors say that it is better for a woman after forty to become pregnant naturally, but often the possibility of conceiving a child in the traditional way is unlikely. Such chances are reduced due to the small supply and age of eggs in women.

The exact time of conception

Women 40-45 years old should not immediately give up after an unsuccessful second or third attempt to conceive a child. You just need to more accurately calculate the time of ovulation.

Some believe that the ideal time to conceive a baby is the twelfth and thirteenth day before menstruation - a misconception. It is necessary to take into account such important factors after forty years in women as hormonal imbalance, stress, and chronic diseases of the patient.

After a violation of the regularity of menstruation, we have to talk about the problem of childbirth due to the difficulty of determining the exact time of ovulation.

If the thought of motherhood haunts you as you age, then you should monitor your periods as closely as possible.

It is possible to find out the exact “schedule” of your ovulation using. Sometimes doctors use ultrasound and very accurately determine the expected date of ovulation.

Ideally, think about conceiving a child in a day or on the day of ovulation, because scientists have proven that male sperm are able to live in female body three days.

All the pros and cons!

The desire to get pregnant must be justified.

It is important not only to conceive a child, but also to bear a healthy and full-fledged baby.

Even at 37 years old, every woman has a much higher chance of getting pregnant than at 38 due to fertility. From 37 it begins to decrease significantly. Even if a woman can become pregnant at an advanced age, it will not be so easy to bear a fetus, because with age the likelihood of a miscarriage increases.

The world does not stand still, and modern technologies do miracles. It is only worth noting the fact of an increase in the number of handicapped children with congenital defects in older women.

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