Catching crucian carp in the thickets in the spring with a fishing rod. Catching crucian carp in the spring with a float rod video. Where to catch crucian carp in spring

For many anglers, the arrival of spring is associated with the beginning of crucian fishing. This fish wakes up after hibernation, actively searches for food and food, trying to regain strength. Therefore, fishing at this time of year is interesting and exciting, and a good catch largely depends on correctly selected gear, bait and many other nuances.

For a successful catch, it is necessary to take into account many factors that influence the bite of crucian carp in the spring

Spring crucian carp: what you need to know

To catch crucian carp in the spring, it is important to understand its habits, behavioral characteristics and food preferences. The fact is that the end of winter, the release of ice from water bodies, and the gradual warming of water and air greatly affect the fish.

As a rule, crucian fishing begins in April-May. By this time, almost all lakes and rivers have time to become free of ice, and the water, even in deep areas, has warmed up to 6-8 °C.

Fishing for crucian carp in March is almost impossible. Either the ice is already so thin that it is dangerous to go out on it, or after the snow melts there is still a high water level.

The small crucian carp awakens first and immediately begins to “walk”. It goes into shallow water and into the coastal zone, where it can bask under the warm rays of the sun passing through the water surface, and also find food for itself. Large individuals are in no hurry to emerge from hibernation areas (deep holes, dumps, etc.). Only when the water warms up to 10-12 °C do they finally awaken.

In early spring, small individuals begin to peck first

In early spring, crucian carp have a great need for protein and proteins, which they need for the rapid maturation of eggs and milk. Therefore, it is better to fish with animal baits. This is a worm, maggot, caddis fly larva.

On many reservoirs, bait such as a bunch of bloodworms is much more effective. It’s just that mosquito larvae are the main food supply for this fish in many ponds and lakes. Therefore, bloodworms turn out to be a more familiar and familiar food, which is also easier for crucian carp, exhausted after winter, to swallow.

Fishing with plant baits, especially in early spring, is not a good idea. At this time, crucian carp rarely bites on pearl barley, bread or dough. Even if you treat such baits with flavors and attractants, he is unlikely to be interested in them. It is best to use plant baits in May and closer to summer. A small crucian carp, which often has already spawned by this time, may be tempted by semolina or aromatic dough.

Animal bait is best suited for catching crucian carp in early spring.

A float rod is the best tackle for crucian carp in the spring

To catch crucian carp well in early spring, we recommend using a float rod. In addition, it is best to fish near the shore, so put off the donkeys or feeder for the summer. Choose a tackle that is not too long - from 4 to 6 m. You can use a telescopic fly rod or a plug rod. The advantage of the latter is that it consists of two elbows and is more durable. The downside of the “telescope” is that it often collapses while fishing, causing some inconvenience.

The float gear must be sensitive and light. Therefore, give preference to good quality fishing line with a cross-section from 0.1 to 0.15 mm. Thicker monofilament can scare away fish, because fishing in the spring most often takes place at shallow depths, where even thin braid is quite noticeable. Hook size – No. 10-12. Both small crucian carp and large individuals can swallow them.

Choose a float weighing about 1 gram. Therefore, a half-gram pellet is suitable as a sinker. Some fishermen do not surround the tackle at all. It is better to reduce the number of leashes to one. The fact is that in the spring you often have to catch crucian carp in overgrown areas, in snags and other hard-to-reach places, where an additional hook will increase the chances of a hook.

A properly equipped float rod is the best option for spring fishing for crucian carp

For spring fishing, make the leash on a float rod a little shorter than usual. It is enough for its length to be 5-7 cm. Do you need a spinning reel for such gear? Controversial issue. On the one hand, it makes the tackle heavier. On the other hand, when a large fish bites, it helps when fishing.

Choosing a place for spring crucian fishing

Having taken a float rod, various baits and everything that is necessary for fishing in the spring, every angler thinks about how to choose the best place catching It's not that difficult to do.

  • As you remember, after winter crucian carp tries to stay in shallow water areas. And not only in early spring, but also until summer. Therefore, choose areas with a depth of 30-40 cm, but not more than 1-1.5 m.
  • Even shallows are suitable for spring fishing, which after the water subsides will become small swamps or flooded meadows. Often the depth here is only 20 cm, but there are a lot of insects, beetles and other food in the soil.
  • It’s good to find thickets of tall reeds, cattails, cougars, reeds, etc. It doesn’t matter whether you’re going to fish on a river or a body of standing water. In spring, crucian carp love such places because it is much warmer here. Because next to reeds or reeds, aquatic life wakes up earlier, which promotes fish activity.

It is effective to catch crucian carp in the spring close to the shore

  • In addition, you are looking for areas that are well lit and warmed by the sun. On spring days, crucian carp often migrates following the sun's rays. As soon as a small shadow appears over the water, the bite in this place immediately decreases.
  • Pay attention to snags, submerged logs, fallen trees, etc., located in the water area of ​​the reservoir. Such places attract fish all year round. Small creeks and bays are also promising spots for hunting crucian carp after winter.
  • Choose areas with a dark muddy bottom. As a rule, the water here is 1-1.5 °C warmer. This is due to simple physics - dark colors absorb sunlight more actively. Therefore, it is best to catch crucian carp in reservoirs with a sandy or clay bottom no earlier than May. You can also apply a little trick– pour a bucket of black soil into the water where the bait will be thrown. This dark spot will definitely attract crucian carp.
  • In the spring, fishing can be quite successful in those parts of the reservoir where fish were caught well last year. The fact is that crucian carp leads a sedentary lifestyle and does not change its favorite habitats.

The catch depends on the correct location

Spring fishing tactics using float tackle

Catching crucian carp in the spring with a float rod requires special skill, compliance with certain rules, etc. This is the only way to please yourself with a good catch.

Firstly, you need to fish during the day, when it gets noticeably warmer. In the morning and evening hours, the water temperature drops, and the crucian carp just stands there, not interested in the bait. During the daytime, the sun warms up the shallow water well, so the fish become more active.

Secondly, you often have to change your fishing location in search of crucian carp. As we said above, in the spring, fish constantly migrate following the flow of warmer water. Therefore, finding the current crucian carp site is not always easy. Even high-quality and balanced complementary foods do not help. Often, on the contrary, after feeding a little, even weak bites stop.

In spring, crucian carp is difficult to catch in the evening and in the morning; it is best to fish in the daytime, when it is warm

Thirdly, you have to pay a lot of attention to the weather. If in the summer light rain and weak winds have a positive effect on the bite, then in the spring, under such weather conditions, the crucian carp stops feeding. Therefore, choose sunny days for fishing, preferably with a warm wind, which not only warms up the water well, but also saturates it with oxygen.

Fourthly, fishing for crucian carp in the spring is complicated by the fact that you have to fish with fewer baits. Many vegetable baits are ineffective due to cold water and the protein requirements of the fish. Therefore, do not forget to use flavors and attractants, try to put a “sandwich” on the hook, including white + red maggot.

Fishing for crucian carp with a float will be discussed in the video:

With the passing of winter, almost all fishermen are looking forward to the start of the new fishing season. And it begins in early spring, as soon as the ice on the reservoirs melts. Float anglers are especially happy about the arrival of spring. Despite the emergence of new gear and new principles of fishing, float anglers remain committed to traditional, sporting approaches to fishing.

During the winter period, some of the nuances of catching crucian carp are already forgotten, especially in the spring. It is very important to decide on its location, as well as baits that will not leave this fish indifferent.

Spring fishing for crucian carp with a float has its own characteristics associated specifically with the onset of spring. After all, not everyone knows when to start catching crucian carp. Despite the concept of “early spring,” the beginning of the crucian carp fishing period coincides with temperature conditions. The warmer the spring, the faster the water warms up, the closer the expected bite of this fish. Therefore, you need to be patient and wait for suitable conditions, otherwise going fishing will not bring any results.

Many argue that crucian carp can be caught in early spring, but this absolutely does not mean immediately after the ice melts. You'll have to wait until the water warms up to a temperature of +6-10°C, and this, whatever one may say, is somewhere in mid-April. Moreover, depending on the climatic characteristics of the region, this period may shift in one direction or another. If we take the middle zone, then this is certainly mid-April.

With the arrival of spring, crucian carp begins to be caught in those reservoirs where the water warms up much faster. As a rule, these are not large or small reservoirs, but also large reservoirs, but with significant shallow water areas where crucian carp can bask. In shallow waters, life begins much faster: all living creatures wake up, underwater vegetation begins to grow, which certainly attracts crucian carp.

This period overlaps with the pre-spawning feeding period, when the fish begins to replenish energy reserves in order to spawn. Before the onset of the spawning period, crucian carp shows maximum activity. Despite this, he prefers bait of animal origin as a high-calorie food item. This factor must be taken into account when going fishing.

Somewhere in late May, early June, the spawning process of crucian carp begins, when the water temperature reaches +16°C. During this very important period, it is better to forget about biting crucian carp, especially large ones.

Where do they catch crucian carp in spring using a float rod?

The most promising places are shallows, because here the water warms up much faster. In large lakes and rivers, where the water has not yet warmed up at this point, crucian carp become active a little later. The optimal fishing depth for crucian carp during this period lies at levels from 0.5 to 1.5 meters. As a rule, in such places crucian carp accumulate in schools and their bite can please any angler. It can be found on the border of clear water and thickets of reeds and reeds. This is where he will lay eggs. Therefore, its accumulation in front of the thickets is regarded as preparation for spawning. Moreover, its food supply has practically come to life here.

As a rule, these can be various bugs, spiders, larvae and other underwater inhabitants. When fishing for crucian carp, you should remain quiet. During this period, after the flood, the water is already quite clear and crucian carp can easily see the silhouette of a person. In clear water, a thick fishing line can easily be seen, so it is better to use thin gear with a fishing line with a diameter of no more than 0.2 mm. If you use a 0.15 mm fishing line, then this best option. This is quite enough for fishing average size crucian carp The fact is that large specimens become active somewhat later. It begins to be caught only after spawning, so this type of gear is quite sufficient. Although it is not at all excluded that a larger individual can be caught.

During this period, an oblong-shaped float is used to quickly notice the bite. During this period, all crucian carp are located near the bottom, digging through the silt in search of something edible. Therefore, the bait should be placed on the bottom. Despite this, without bait the result may not be so noticeable. Therefore, for greater results it is better to use bait. It can be very simple: bloodworms are mixed with ordinary coastal soil and thrown manually into the fishing point. To do this, just form balls with the diameter of an orange.

What to catch crucian carp with in the spring - bait

If you choose the right bait, then fishing will definitely take place. At the same time, you need to take into account the fact that after wintering the fish needs food containing a lot of protein. Therefore, food of animal origin seems most preferable. As a rule, during this period, anglers use classic baits for this period:

  • dung worm;
  • bloodworm;
  • maggot.

Despite this, during this period crucian carp may also be interested in other baits of plant origin, such as pearl barley, semolina, dough, etc. This suggests that when going fishing, it is better to play it safe and take a few with you. various types bait

Sometimes having a dung worm is enough. With the right choice of location and fish activity, you can catch a sufficient number of crucian carp using a dung worm.

When do you catch crucian carp in the spring?

In the spring, there are periods of time when you can observe the best bite of crucian carp. During this period, crucian carp feed mainly in the morning and before sunset. During the daytime, when the water begins to warm up, he is busy sunbathing.

He prefers places where straight lines fall Sun rays. At night, when the temperature environment falls to zero and the water begins to cool, the crucian carp tries to go to depth. After sunset, as a rule, the biting stops, in contrast to the summer period, when after sunset crucian carp can be highly active, especially large ones.

Fishing time

Fishing in the spring, especially after rivers, lakes and other bodies of water have flooded, becomes very difficult due to poor access to water bodies. Therefore, spring fishing can turn into a certain type of challenge. Unfortunately, not every fisherman is able to overcome himself, especially if there is no appropriate transport.

Otherwise, of course, spring fishing, in terms of the amount of adrenaline pumped into the blood, differs little from winter or summer fishing. To be correct, spring is a special period not only for nature, but also for humans. After a long winter, I really want to be in nature and watch the process of its revival. This is a unique and very enjoyable period, regardless of the outcome of the fishing.

AND What fisherman hasn’t caught crucian carp with a float rod! It is crucian carp, up to 80 grams, that is an unpretentious fish that lives in many of our reservoirs, even where there is no other fish, and the reservoirs freeze to the very bottom. But catching larger specimens, already crucian carp, is not so simple task, and even in the spring. Almost until the beginning of May, the bite of this fish is unstable, and this is due, first of all, to the warming of the water. Crucian carp loves warm water, about 15 degrees. And then it begins to actively feed before spawning, which occurs from mid-May to early June. During spawning, crucian carp practically does not feed, and begins to actively search for food immediately after it. End of April - beginning of May, i.e. The period before spawning, and immediately after it, is the most successful for catching crucian carp. And the choice of gear for catching crucian carp at this time is not great, and a regular float rod would be the best option.

TO The arus prefers reservoirs with standing water or with a slight current, coming very close to the shore before spawning, where there is a lot of aquatic vegetation and young reeds, which is its main dish at this time of year. And when spawning begins, it is not uncommon to see all this vegetation begin to move over many meters. At this time, crucian carp choose quiet coastal places where the water has already warmed up enough and where there is enough food. It is important not only not to miss the periods before and after the spawning of crucian carp, but also to know when is the best time to catch it, and what bait and groundbait is best to use. Over time, catching crucian carp is not so difficult, as for many fish, best time day in the morning - from dawn until approximately 9:00 o'clock, in the evening - 3 hours before sunset.


TO Which bait is better, store-bought or homemade? To this question, you can hear different answers. Some fishermen prefer to buy bait with the name “Crucian carp” in the store, while others have their own proven recipes. As always, all baits, both store-bought and homemade, have their pros and cons:

  • Pfeed from the store, does not require time to prepare, I went and bought it before fishing. And the composition of such bait is selected to a certain consistency, and the manufacturers carefully select recipes for certain reservoirs and fishing conditions. But, Firstly, these recipes do not always take into account exactly the specific, perhaps very small, body of water on which you are going to fish. It should be noted that bait with an unfamiliar smell may not even attract, but rather scare away the crucian carp. Secondly, the fishing store does not always have the necessary bait, and sometimes there is no store itself, for example, in a small locality. AND, Thirdly, of course, the price, if during the season you buy bait every time, then it won’t be cheap at all.
  • Pfeed, homemade, always prepared from a certain base composition with the addition of various components. This means there is always an opportunity for experimentation, as a last resort, You always have a basic composition, which may be to a lesser extent than with additives, but will attract fish. And by trial and error and advice from local fishermen, you can choose the most optimal and effective bait composition for a particular reservoir. And the price of such a mixture will be significantly less. As a rule, the base composition is prepared from corn flour or millet, and then mixed with various additives.

WITH The amount of bait left should depend on the season, water temperature, and fish activity. We apply a rule that can be applied not only to crucian carp, The lower the water temperature, the smaller and more nutritious the bait should be. And this rule applies primarily to heat-loving fish, which includes crucian carp. IN cold water crucian carp is inactive and prefers bait with the addition of components of animal origin, as they are more nutritious. And if you add flavorings, then add spicy scents, they are most effective for cold spring water.


N bait for crucian carp can be of both plant and animal origin. But crucian carp, although omnivorous, is very capricious when it comes to bait, and if today it was better caught, for example, with dough, this does not mean that it will also be successfully caught with it tomorrow. And yet the most popular baits are, of course, worms, maggots, bloodworms, dough, semolina, pearl barley, and boiled potatoes. If the crucian carp has already begun to actively feed, then the worm, of course, takes first place. Just remember that each bait must match a specific type of hook.


TO Of course, fishing from a boat is in most cases more convenient than from the shore. At this time of year, it is advisable to deliver the bait not to the edge of vegetation or reeds, but rather to a window of water located in aquatic vegetation. And the boat will be simply irreplaceable for this. If the place is promising, but there are no windows, then you can pull out some vegetation yourself; this will not frighten the fish too much. But do not forget that at this time it is very important that the water has already warmed up. If the water is not warm enough, then it is possible that the bite near the shore will be more successful, and a boat will not be needed. And pay attention to the direction of the wind. The wind in the spring pushes up warm surface layers of water, therefore, no matter how convenient it is to fish from the leeward side, in the spring it is more effective the other way around. And of course, you need to cast the bait as quietly as possible.

  • If fishing is done from a boat, then a 4-meter rod will be quite enough. And depending on the expected catch, we also assemble the gear itself. Fishing is carried out from a boat, and in case of a snag, it will not be difficult to free yourself from it. Those. The tackle can and should be assembled as sensitively as possible, using a thin main line and leashes. For the main monofilament, a diameter of no more than 0.17 mm is sufficient; the leashes are correspondingly slightly thinner.
  • If we fish from the shore, then we take into account that the fishing window may be located far from the shore, and, therefore, we select a fishing rod at least 5, or even 6 meters. This length is most common when fishing from the shore, even if the cast is made not into a window of aquatic vegetation, but into clean water. Using modern materials even a 6-meter rod will be quite light, and fishing with it will be quite comfortable. Also equip the tackle with a main line no larger than 0.17 mm and leashes slightly thinner than the main line.

IN There is not so much flooding of water in the windows of aquatic vegetation, even in the wind, and the reservoirs where crucian carp are found have little current, and, therefore, we choose floats for calm water with an elongated shape and high sensitivity. Such floats are also convenient in windy weather in clear water, since crucian carp, even small ones, bite carefully, placing the float more often. And floats elongated shape, they will show the bite in the best possible way!

N Don’t forget that crucian carp, a fish, although not whimsical, is not at all simple. And to catch trophy specimens, especially in early spring, will require considerable ingenuity and skill.

Happy fishing!

Winter is over, the ice has melted and all the fishermen are itching to get out onto the pond as quickly as possible. Finally, you can try out all the new things, soak your gear in the water and open a new open water fishing season. Some people go after roach, some go after crucian carp, but in this article we will look at how to catch crucian carp in the spring.

There are 3 main periods in catching crucian carp in spring:

  1. Pre-spawning zhor;
  2. Spawning period;
  3. Post-spawning zhor;

Pre-spawning meal of crucian carp

The ice has melted... The bite of crucian carp in early spring begins after the water warms up to 6-8 degrees. Typically this water temperature occurs in late March - early April. The most active bite of crucian carp begins 1-2 weeks before spawning.

IN important! Don't get attached to specific numbers, because... They are indicated approximately, it all depends on the current weather and your geographical location.

Spawning habitat

Spawning of crucian carp begins in the second half of April - early May. You should not get attached to specific numbers; the main factor in the start of spawning is the water temperature; it should warm up to a temperature of 13-18 degrees Celsius. Spawning lasts 1-3 days but is repeated 3-4 times with breaks of up to 1 month.

During spawning, the bite of crucian carp drops significantly, the crucian carp itself en masse goes into the reeds and “throws” eggs. The spawning of crucian carp can be observed visually; the fish splashes in the reeds and can be seen from the shore.

Post-spawning zhor

After spawning, the crucian carp begins to feed again to regain strength. The zhor is not as strong as before spawning, but you can also get a lot of pleasure from fishing during this period.

WITH Hello! You shouldn’t go fishing immediately after spawning - it’s better to wait a week. The fish is exhausted after spawning and needs time to recover.

How to choose a place to catch crucian carp in early spring

Spring crucian fishing is different from summer. In the summer you can regularly come to the same place and be with a catch, but in the spring you will have to look for fish. To force a crucian carp to eat, you need to throw bait right under its nose.

After winter, the water has not yet warmed up and crucian carp prefer food of animal origin, which at one time accumulates at shallow depths and in the remains of vegetation. The ideal choice would be depths of up to 1 meter at the border of reeds or cattails. It is necessary to choose fairly overgrown areas.

WITH Hello! REMEMBER!!! In the spring, you need to look for fish, and not sit in the first place and try to lure them. You can determine the location of a school of crucian carp visually, by the movement of the reeds.

What to feed crucian carp in early spring

When catching crucian carp in early spring, it can be easily overfed, so instead of bait, it is better to use crushed live bait, such as chopped dung worms or maggots.

After warming up the water, you can already use conventional bait that meets a number of requirements.

  • The bait should consist of a small fraction;
  • It is better to add chopped bait of animal origin to the bait;

By moistening the bait, achieve the consistency where when it falls and hits the water, the bait will break and sink in a cloud. Larger solid lumps should not form at the bottom so as not to overfeed the fish with bait.

IN important! Add bait in small portions; there is no need to do a large starting feeding in early spring. A well-fed fish will not be interested in your bait.

Bait for “spring” crucian carp

As for the bait, everything is not difficult, much easier than in the summer. When fishing for crucian carp in early spring, when the water is still cold, it is necessary to use animal baits. Here are the most popular:

  • Dung and earthworm (preferably dung);
  • Maggot;
  • Pink;
  • Bloodworm.

When the water warms up, you can start trying plant baits; in this regard, the following are very popular:

  • Chatterbox;
  • Fishing popcorn (aka “cook”);

Catching crucian carp in spring with a float rod

Remember what I wrote about choosing a fishing spot? What can you learn from this when choosing a fishing rod and equipment? I'll explain now.


Since crucian carp fishing in the spring takes place in places overgrown with reeds and last year’s vegetation, it is better to choose a stiffer rod. With a rigid rod it is easier to force the catch of a crucian carp and prevent it from getting the rig into the reeds, but I think you understand how this can end. A plug will perform best among rods, but if funds are limited, a telescope will do (I myself am the owner of the latter).


I don’t want to write a lot about the equipment again, so I dedicated a separate article to it - I advise you to read the article ““, there is also an excellent article on choosing floats from Andrey8099, namely: “Floats for fishing with a fly rod. Tips for loading a float" - I also highly recommend it - it was very useful for me.


Hello!When loading the bait, it is best to place it 5-7 cm from the hook; this will make the equipment more sensitive to the crucian bite on the rise.

Regarding modification of equipment for “spring” crucian carp, I can advise the following:

  • fishing line 0.14-0.16;
  • hook No. 10;

The equipment needs to be made as sensitive as possible to bites, especially to bites on the rise. Also, many fishermen advise abandoning leashes so that the remaining grass does not cling to the knot, but it is worth remembering that this is a stick at two ends, and if it gets caught, you may have to change the entire equipment and not just the leash.


Hello!When attaching the equipment to the rod, I advise you to use a rubber shock absorber; it will be able to dampen the jerks of the fish and compensate for the shortcomings of a rigid rod.

Video about catching crucian carp in spring

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Fishing for crucian carp in the spring, conditionally, is divided by time:

  1. Fishing for crucian carp in March the last ice and in open water;
  2. Fishing for crucian carp in early spring in open water in April;
  3. Spring crucian fishing in May.

With the onset of calendar spring, most reservoirs are still under a thick layer of ice, and only with the arrival of a steady thaw does the ice begin to melt and gradually disappear. As a rule, the last ice season ends in the middle or end of March.

The opening of reservoirs from ice occurs in different time depending on the geography of the reservoir and weather conditions - in the south of the country in March, in the north - in April and later. Flowing water bodies are the first to be cleared of ice, and small ponds and lakes are the last to be cleared of ice.

There is an opinion that crucian carp begins to bite in the spring later than other fish species, but previously it was also believed that crucian carp is not caught in winter. Fishing for crucian carp in early spring begins in March, even if there is still some ice left on the reservoir. Now, other fish are starting to prepare for spawning, and crucian carp is no exception. According to spawning time, crucian carp, .

In March, the water is still very cold, and until it warms up to 5 - 6 degrees, you should use the thinnest gear, and use any bait with caution - the activity of crucian carp and other fish is not at the highest level.

The most popular gear for catching crucian carp in March is a float rod. The feeder should be postponed until warmer times. March fish stick to places near the shore where the water warms up the fastest. Crucian carp are caught on a float using worms, bloodworms, caddis flies and maggots as bait. In early spring, in March and April, crucian carp prefer animal baits.

Crucian carp in mid-spring - April

It may be that in April, not all reservoirs are still open water; some anglers are just closing the ice fishing season. Much depends on the region and the vagaries of the weather. For many anglers, April is the opening month of the open water fishing season, and most will only get their summer gear in May.

Crucian carp spawning will most likely not begin earlier than the start May, at a water temperature of 14 - 15 degrees, and now, he is preparing for spawning and with rising temperatures, his appetite only increases.

Fishing for crucian carp in April is still fishing in early spring. The flood has not yet begun, the water is usually very clear, and the fish are cautious. If the pre-spawning feast has not yet begun, the most delicate gear should be used.

As before, the most appropriate tackle for catching crucian carp is a float rod with a blind rig or a Bologna. And if the water has already entered the meadows, in some places you can also use match gear for long-distance casting. But the time when crucian carp move in the middle zone falls no earlier than the beginning of May and coincides with the time when fish start biting in closed reservoirs.

Spring spawning run. Fishing for crucian carp in May

Fishing in May may coincide with the spring movement of crucian carp to spawn. When the water has warmed up enough, large schools of crucian carp move in search of spawning sites. We can say that in May, crucian carp fishing is just beginning.

Following the spawning grounds, the crucian carp actively feeds and bites along the entire route. Now it can be caught using both float and bottom tackle. In the presence of a current, if the banks allow, you can search for and catch crucian carp using running fishing. Crucian carp begins to respond well to bait, and if the place is marked by fish bites, you can safely use it.

Spring spawning of crucian carp begins later than roach and other fish of the carp family, when the water temperature in the reservoir warms up to 15 - 17 degrees. This time usually falls at the end of May. The first to spawn is the white silver crucian carp, followed by the golden lake carp. Spawning of crucian carp takes place quickly; during spawning, crucian carp hardly bites, but after a week, the nutritional activity of crucian carp resumes.

Bait for catching spring crucian carp

As bait for crucian carp, you can use ready-made mixtures or prepared according to your own recipes. The simplest option is chopped worm mixed in clay.

Bait for catching crucian carp in spring - a simple recipe:

  1. Crumbly boiled millet – 900 g;
  2. Boiled or steamed pearl barley – 100 g;
  3. Ground crackers – 500 g;
  4. Cake and ground sunflower seeds – 300 g;
  5. Wheat bran – 200 gr;
  6. Animal components;
  7. Attractants and flavors.

When fishing for crucian carp in early spring in still very cold water, large fractions in the form of pearl barley and millet are not used. On the contrary, if the crucian carp’s activity is high, more large fractions can be added to the bait in the form of rolled oats flakes, pearl barley, and canned corn.

Mixing bait

You need to mix the boiled and dry ingredients immediately before fishing in the pond. Barley and millet should be quite crumbly, for which they are prepared in large quantities water.

  1. First, mix the millet and dry components of the bait until you obtain a mass that forms into balls and gradually crumbles in the water. If the mixture is too dense, add more breadcrumbs and bran.
  2. Then, boiled pearl barley and animal components are added - chopped worms or maggots - which is also used for bait.

You can add attractants and flavors to the bait, or mix it with ready-made bait from the store that contains these substances. In cold water, fish are wary of odors, so it is important not to overdo it. The smell of cake or seeds should be enough. In addition, you should not use too much bait in the spring. better fish undernourish.

Crucian carp on a float rod in spring

Fishing for crucian carp in the spring can be done with any type of float rod. It is important that the fishing rod rig is as thin as possible. Depending on the location and fishing distance, use:

  • A fly fishing rod with a blind rig or a plug;
  • Bolognese float tackle with a reel;
  • Match float tackle if long casting is required.

If the place has been sufficiently explored, the crucian carp stays at a short distance close to the shore - the most the right choice There will be a light fly rod with a blind rig or a plug rod. These are the fastest fishing methods. In this case, bait works most effectively; it is only important not to overfeed.

When fishing underway, it is wiser to use Bolognese tackle. It is more preferable if you are searching for fish. This is the most versatile float tackle.

On floods, for example in meadows, it may be necessary to cast long distances. Coastal sedge and shallow water often do not allow fishing under the shore - here, match float tackle will help out.

Equipment of a float rod for crucian carp

Fishing for crucian carp in early spring is carried out in rather cold water, when the activity of crucian carp is not at the highest level. Therefore, the equipment of a float rod should be thin and light, as far as fishing conditions allow.

Considering that crucian carp is a heavy fish that actively resists when fished, thinning the equipment has its limits.

Based on this, you can try fishing with equipment mounted on a fishing line with a diameter of 0.14 mm, and put 0.1 - 0.13 mm on a leash. The load capacity of the float is 1 – 2.5 grams. The size of the hook is selected according to the bait - the more compact the bait, the smaller the hook.

Float equipment:

  • Main line 0.12 – 0.18 mm;
  • The leash is 0.01 - 0.04 mm thinner than the main line;
  • Float 0.8 – 3 grams.

The loading of the float is made adjustable with the possibility of redistributing the sinkers along the descent from a slowly falling nozzle to a quick dive to the bottom. In some places, crucian carp only takes on a stationary attachment, therefore, the load is divided into the main one and the “auxiliary one”.

The difference between coarse and fine equipment will be visible in the number of bites and catches - anglers using coarse equipment simply will not see a single bite.

If the crucian carp is located at a great distance from the shore, you can catch it using feeder gear. Fishing for crucian carp on a feeder in the spring differs from the summer in that it is more delicately equipped and has less nutritious bait consisting of small fractions. Before and after the spawning of crucian carp, to catch large fish, you can use type rigs.

In order not to overload the page with text, we will leave here a video for beginners to master feeder fishing. In addition, below you will find practical advice on feeder fishing for crucian carp in the spring from experienced anglers.

The ABCs of feeder fishing:

Video: “Catching crucian carp in spring”

In order to dilute the boring theory of spring crucian fishing, we have compiled a small list of videos about practical fishing for crucian carp in the spring with a feeder and a float rod. Here are videos from amateur fishermen and real professionals.

Fishermen use a different approach to fishing in general, equipment, baits and baits used for catching crucian carp.

Fishing for crucian carp in spring - video:

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